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hello everyone good evening and welcome to another lesson with me and in English here on English like a native this is an unusual time for me to be live it's so that I can hopefully be live with some of you who don't get to join me normally and today this evening we're doing a pronunciation lesson so this is to improve your pronunciation so I'm hoping to see some new faces in the chat room do feel free to say hello and although we are going to be working through some set exercises I do want to hear from you and what you particularly struggle with when you're working in English so what pronunciation do you struggle with any particular sounds that cause you difficulty are there phrases or certain words that you can't pronounce properly or you're unsure of so do feel free to put your comments in the comments box if I don't an see you it's purely because there's a lot of comments normally but I will try my best to go through as many of them as I can now I just want to make sure that you can all hear me and see me okay so if someone can give me a thumbs up and say yes I can hear you and I can see you that'd be wonderful and while you're doing that I'm gonna say a quick hello to my patrons the patrons Skype room is open hello everyone I do hope that my patrons will also take part in a more interactive way patrons if you have got the latest version of Skype you can send voice messages and I would like you to practice some of the pronunciation sentences the exercises I will set I want you to practice recording yourself speaking those sentences send them to the Skype room and we'll all listen to them together and I'll give you some live feedback okay so rather than making the notes that I normally make I'm actually going to be working out of the elocution manual which is one of my ebook s' which is available to buy on my on my shop it's it took me a long time to put this together so this is one of my more expensive ebooks it's normally ten pounds however as I'm working with them like I normally do with my notes during this lesson we won't go through the whole book of course it's 121 pages but if anyone does want to drop a super chap today who does want to donate towards the channel and the growth of these lessons then I will be giving this book away for whatever amount so if you only can afford a pound or one dollar or a rupee whatever it is if if you want to donate then I'm happy to give you this elocution manual okay so any super charts that are dropped and you want the copy of the allocution manual just drop me an email remind me of your username for the super chat so I can check it out and then I will send you the allocution manual alright so I have my patrons in and ready and lots of you saying hello lots of names I haven't seen before fantastic okay so let's jump over to the allocution manual and get started so here we go the English allocution manual and there's lots of things that we cover in the manual lots of tongue twisters articulation exercises I cover all the sounds individually and do lots of practice for those the dipthongs the vowels consonant sounds troublesome sounds so you can see there's lots here and then we go through the top 1000 most use words and then there's some additional reading as well so I think we should start with let's go all the way down to some should we start with some tongue twisters that might be a good idea okay so we're gonna start with this tongue twister jump straight in there most people struggle with their th sound it's it's even a problem with in the UK not just people from outside of England or the UK lots of natives also struggle with this particular sound so it's a good place to start especially if I have any Spanish speakers Spanish me tend to struggle with this sound lots of people actually not just Spanish speakers but do I have any Spanish speakers in if I do then please say Ola and let me know and so let's break it down how do we make this sound lots of you all know if you've been with me for a while we start with the tongue between the tea so the tongue comes out so what you're just practice placing the tongue between the teeth and blow air and we have this word and we have this sound sorry in words like think I I will think about it I will think about it so I want you to repeat that sentence after me I will think about it how does that feel does that feel unusual or is that quite natural for you I'm seeing lots of alas coming through on on the chat rooms I'm seeing lots of you coming coming from a spanish-speaking country that's wonderful so now practice I will think about it I will think about it okay so let's try this very difficult sentence that's got lots of th's in it and patrons this is the sentence I would like you to record yourself saying so patrons on the Skype room please record this sentence and send it to me on the Skype room so we can all have a listen but the sentence is I thought I thought of thinking of thanking you I thought I thought of thinking of thanking you now this is troublesome not just because of the th but also because of the the small herbs now it's spelt Oh F but we pronounce it o V of um however when this word is in a very weak position when it so it's not an important word we're not stressing it it becomes of rather than oh we make a schwa it's very lazy of I thought I thought of thinking of thanking you if you were being very precise then you could pronounce it properly and say I thought I thought of thinking of thanking you but that takes a lot of effort and we just don't speak like that so make it lazy of of I thought I thought of thinking of thanking you I thought I thought of thinking of thanking you you'll also notice this ing sound in in lots of people struggle with the ing particularly what I see is people bringing the front of the tongue up at the end I see in thinking thinking but this is incorrect so qur'anic correctly pronounced ing you have to bring up the back of the tongue and keep the front of the tongue down thinking but you see I know you notice I release the G and that helps me to get the sound but eventually we lose that G thinking thinking thanking thanking and that's always the sound you have when you have an ING so all together I thought I thought of thinking of thanking you all right so let's have a look at my patrons no voice messages are come through yet come on patrons get on in there record this sentence for me so we can have a listen and give you some feedback obviously as patrons you get a lot more of my attention and I want to be able to help you personally so this is your chance Alexander says this time of lesson is most suitable at least of those who live in Ukraine fantastic I'm glad it's good for you hello hello hello hello can you tell us the movement in the mouth you mean mouth they're not mouth can you tell me the movement in the mouth for the th indeed tail well very simply the th is just there's no movement the tongue is just out but of course sometimes it's voiced so sometimes you hear mmm it's the same position the same thing happens it's just you're adding the voice from your vocal folds move and that would be used in words like this that those them but it's all the same okay so Patricia has sent through a voice notes let me see if I can play this for you now hopefully everyone can hear it I thought I thought of thinking of thanking you very nice really nice Patricia what I heard there was your th's were all great your iron jeez were great and you made of nice and relaxed very good well done fantastic there we go our first patron voice message well done okay Giovanni says I'm just a beginner but I do like your lessons I'm really glad that you do okay so let's move on to another th sentence so the next one we're gonna do a nice easy one he threw three balls he threw three balls I hope that's big enough for you all to see if I make you can I make any bigger for you let's see if I can make it bigger doot-doot-doot if I do that may be bigger than that should we go no let's try can I change it here 300 whoa there we go that's better he threw three balls he threw three balls now here we've got th R and this sometimes is difficult for people now you know that R the letter R in English in British English is not it's not Rohtak it's we don't sound it very often so normally I say to students do not tap or trill you are when your twin is like her we don't make that sound at all and we generally don't tap our are a tap it but a leather other where the are touches the roof of the mouth at a at a right no we don't do this however when there is a th are sometimes we do make a small tap three throw throw throw you can hear the tap on the roof of the mouth this can be quite tricky we have to start with the th so the tongue is out and then it taps back through through he threw three balls but you don't want to overdo it we don't want to make we don't want to make it really obvious he threw three balls it's very gentle he threw three balls he threw three balls okay and notice balls it's a it's a voiced s balls so it sounds more like as ed he threw three balls alright so patrons I want you to record your voices I want to hear you saying he threw three balls and then I'm gonna have a look and see what you guys are saying in the chat room hello perfect British accent says Alan thank you very much could you recommend some authentic sites for reading which a fit for reading not during this session because this is all about pronunciation but if you guys have any advice any answers for that one then please do less who's who is asked for that one um Karim Karim know what you think okay how crazy is English pronunciation just guess how to say the word Colonel there's a colonel is that what you just said colonel sometimes my eyes these these comments are very small sharif has asked how do i become a patron you become a patron by visiting the patreon site and signing up for being a patron patrons usually donate a little money every month to help me to continue to create videos for you so they definitely are deserving of your gratitude because they help me to provide all these lessons for you guys so thank you patrons all right I've got some examples coming through so let's have a listen Patricia again he threw three balls very good perfect Trisha I'm not gonna play that again that was perfect andreas whoo three balls okay andreas that was really good but at the end don't trip on your tongue you didn't give me the fricative sound at the end there's I didn't hear any s or Zed so everything else was very good he threw three balls it can be a little tough because you're doing the L and then you're doing the S as well balls balls these have to remember to add that on fantastic okay so let's move on so let me find a better one oh this one is an interesting one you ready for this challenge this is the six zebra notice how we say zebra in America they say zebra but we do a short F sound this is the sixth zebra snoozing thoroughly now to snooze is to have a sleep you having a sleep you're sleeping if you're snoozing it's normally you snooze it is a light sleep you might snooze in the afternoon or when you wake up in the morning you might go back to sleep and lightly sleep it's called snoozing and obviously we have the word six which lots of people struggle with even natives this is three sounds sick sick so at this at the end of this word you've got a curse sound with the back of the tongue then it comes into an S six and the S is the front of the tongue Cup sir and then th sir sir sir six six six six okay sixth now Daniel has asked can I say thought with an F sound instead of a th and you mean if you can you say fort our fault about it that straight away takes you into a regional accent so there's nothing wrong with having an accent but the the pronunciation is meant to be a th should be tongue out because in some cases if you replace the th with an F if that becomes your habit and then sometimes you might be misunderstood for example the difference between the number three and if something doesn't cost any money it is free or if you get out of prison and you are free the only difference is the th or the F so if I say I am I am free I might mean I am actually three years old so I might mean to say I'm three I'm three but I've just told you I'm free I'm liberated I can't think of a very good example but it's much better to try and go for the correct pronunciation because th it appears a lot and so is it you're going to be better off if you can do the correct pronunciation of the th so let's practice that sentence again this is the sick zebra snoozing thoroughly this is the sixth zebra snoozing thoroughly now one of you has just asked me about the word thorough because it is difficult thorough thorough thorough sir rah rah rah just make it those two syllables thorough thorough notice with the R sound I bring my lip to my top teeth thorough you have to be thorough thorough one of you has said that you have trouble with the numbers of 30 and 40 30 and 40 I hope that helps sir t 4t 30 40 okay so if you say f is sort of th you will sound like you have a cockney accent that's correct yes which is a type of London accent yes that's also correct okay so all have have I got a voice note to listen to I think I have here so first of all let me just listened and read what alexander has said anna could you please say the correct pronunciation of this is interesting actually because I would say debris it might be debris now in the UK we have a huge amount of American influence because of American films and television programs that we watch and so there's a lot of American pronunciations that are regularly used in the UK so I'm going to head over to the Cambridge dictionary because Cambridge and Oxford will give you I see we have we have two we have two pronunciations given in the Cambridge dictionary debris well there we go debris debris debris but we also have debris written in there as well yeah so Cambridge says debris or debris both are used in the UK English is is awkward okay what else do we have but yes sorry you don't pronounce the final s I was told the one teacher pronounce this word day briefs no you don't pronounce final s at all okay so here we go let's have a listen he is Ruthie bones let me have a listen to that again he is Ruthie bones okay so it sounds like you're saying Shh an S sound rather than a th for through so make sure that tongue is coming very firmly between the teeth he take a moment to put the tongue there he threw three balls he threw three balls when you're getting used to that placement for the th you have to slow down you'll feel uncomfortable but you have to slow down so that your tongue gets used to making that movement and then when you become used to it very quickly or become habit but you do have to slow down initially he threw three balls okay so I'm going to show you one last time I want you to just practice saying this with me this more than it's quite difficult I would say actually this tongue twister this is the six zebra snoozing thoroughly this is the sixth zebra snoozing thoroughly alright let's have a listen to Alexander's voice notes you throw 3 balls 3 balls it sounds good th is good I think overall I wonder what I would say to you is to slow down and to stretch out your vowels enjoy the long vowel sounds he threw three balls so the e sounds I want you to make more always enjoy always enjoy long vowels let's have a listen this is the sixth zebra snoozing sorrow okay one more time this is the sixth zebra snoozing sorrow Sara so it's just the word thoroughly suddenly you dropped a little lamb thoroughly so make sure it doesn't become thoroughly but thoroughly thoroughly I noticed that my input is dropping in and out so just bear with me I think it's because there's lots going on on my computer is there anything I can switch off no there isn't it seems to be running at high capacity and I'm not sure why so just bear with me hopefully it's not too bad for you why is it running so slow let's see if I can okay all right hopefully I don't know what to do to try and make my computer calm down okay I'm going to carry on so let's try one incredibly hard tongue twister I might be pushing you too hard with this but we'll give it a go anyway ah yeah let's do this one okay so this one catches everybody out let's see what you can do with it the seething sea ceaseth thus the seething sea suffice a--the us the seething sea ceaseth thus the seething sea suffices us see how what you make of that some of these words are quite old-fashioned English like ceaseth and suffice Earth but don't worry too much about the actual words a meaning is all about the pronunciation and getting your mouth used to making these so the seething sea ceaseth nuts the seething sea surface of us all right I'm going to jump back now into the chat room on YouTube some of you saying how do you pronounce think think there you go I hope that helped if you're asking me to pronounce names I'm not quite sure if if they're not names that I'm not from anywhere they can't help you with those it's used to mean that perfect th is possible only for those who started learning it at school or even at birth says Veronica I would disagree as an allocution teacher I've been teaching allocution for maybe 12 years and I have in many cases taken students who have not been able to make this sound at all to getting to a point where it's habit for them they make it very very easily and these are all grown up students so I would completely disagree with you in that respect because I've seen it you just have to get used to it you have to retrain your body Nazir says or nazar says I always struggle with the word both when it's in the middle of a sentence so let's try saying it was given to the both of us it was given to the both of us both of both of us it was given to the both of us it was given to the both of us there you go I hope that helps you what else do we have doo doo doo doo sorry I'm late so Stella don't you worry I finally I got a job finally congratulations that's amazing well done I'm really really pleased for you that's fantastic and one of you is asking me about the word nor a rat or a row might nor on something it's when you chew on something or you nor on it you might nor on your own nails if you're nervous okay Lucien says can you please pronounce um how to link nd T sounds with the th please be easier if you give me examples example was rather than we trying to figure it out off the top of my head it's much easy if you give me some examples and I can work them out for you yeah otherwise I just sit here on the camera guy which is not fun for anybody okay let's have a look or just one more how can you pronounce the word thriller thriller the title of a very famous Michael Jackson song if we have any Michael Jackson fans in through through so you've got that thr through three three thriller thriller thriller thriller okay so let's have a listen to the patrons so Alexandra I've heard both of yours that's listen to patricians this is the sixth zebra snoozing thoroughly okay I think you said zebra so make sure it's obviously you can choose whether you want to do American or British English but just be aware British English is zebra and I'm not sure about the very first th let's have a listen again this is the C it sounded like dis this is someone more listen this is yeah so just be careful so the reason sometimes it sounds like a D a plosive is because we're not allowing the friction the vibration that's what makes this sound a fricative if you just explode it it becomes a plosive the the the and it sounds pretty much like the so this is this is can you hear there's a slight vibration this enjoy it enjoy that massage the massage of the tongue with the vibrations of the th okay and just those last few messages Adrienne says hello I see the new Skype feature for the first time it's great and hello Ella fantastic okay so and we all get integrates to the th are we still struggling do we need a bit more practice on that one let me know I've got lots of messages Shane says my mom is a Michael Jackson fan boohoo I think most people are Michael Jackson was amazing and his music is timeless I'm having requests to make a video on the phonetic alphabet do you mean the on phonetics because I've done a video recently on the phonetic alphabet the IPA the IPA international phonetic alphabet or do you mean a for Alfa beef a Bravo C for Charly D for delta do you mean that alphabet okay pronounce three three three three is difficult for a lot of people I understand that what would you suggest for me to be able to be a better lip reader I guess just make a conscious effort to watch people's lips when they're talking I guess I'm not a laquida myself so I couldn't tell you so I've got I'm a Spanish woman I listen to you all night round working I live in Scotland I hope I hope to speak English fantastic it's very cold in Scotland at the moment I think I believe they have a lot of snow so I hope you'll keep him warm flamo david says could you please pronounce the word advertisement advertisement there is a difference that's always confused between a British and American English and I'm not 100% sure on the top of my head off the top of my head what it is advertisement and advertisement oh that's another one for Cambridge dictionary Cambridge dictionary Oxford Dictionary is also very good if you're not sure and you would like a soundbite advertisement did you guys all see the video I did on the difference between American English British English and Australian English because there were some really really interesting differences there advertisement advertisement advertisement so that's the British English version advertisement I think that's what I said the first time hopefully it was okay so Shane says my brush accent is getting better every day and the letter that gets me stark is the are in the middle of words okay the are in the middle of words you have to give me some examples to be more precise because it's depends on if it's following a plosive or if it's following if it's in between two vowel sounds it's very different so you'll have to let me know a bit be a bit more specific could you pronounce the word vegetable vegetable vegetable some people over pronounce this word say vegetable vegetable vegetable but most natives just make it simple as a vegetable vegetable vegetable you can do vegetable vegetable but it always sounds unusual wait if you're not a native and you do four syllables it sounds a little strange so it sounds a little like you're trained a little too hard so I would say let me just have a little quick look on this on Cambridge vegetable I would say and that's what's on Cambridge actually yes so don't over pronounce this like most people do read vegetable vegetable vegetable here's what you want okay okay can I pronounce the word naughty naughty naughty has a very difficult vowel sound which probably we should move on to which is the OO vowel sound everyone struggles with this or or notice my lips are very around the sound sits quite far back or it's a big space inside the mouth or nor naughty-naughty okay but Baba do you know if there are any regular patterns one can follow to use the glottal stops yeah where do you want to use a glottal stop a lot of people talk about like glottal izing teas and things like that so like water and better but that's not how I would teach someone to speak English this is a regional accent this is a feature of a lot of regional accents but it's not standard British English and it's not you have to be careful with glottal izing because if you do it too firmly you can hurt your vocal folds so I would be careful with that bah bah bah can you pronounce a focus focus focus focus okay all right let's move on oh I'll just quickly pay attention to my patrons for a moment would it be correct to say I had the Sun set in my eyes I've never heard anyone say that you could say I have the Sun in my eyes unless you're talking metaphorically give me a bit more explanation there Alexander Patricia I tried to pronounce zebra in British English but I slipped a few times and you heard my last try I see yeah it's hard if you're used to doing it one way and then you have to change and how do I pronounce the word severe sir aveer severe severe a lot of people start with this V sound make sure it's voiced and vibrating top teeth bottom lip mmm severe severe okay I can you pronounce the words clothes that's a tough one clothes you've got the th clothes clothes yeah thank you for bringing that one up what about month month month you just have to get used to putting that th between the teeth it takes a little while to get used to excuse me Lucien please don't forget my comments thank you very much here are some examples okay so you struggle with saying things like in the kitchen ah okay I understand so when you're saying in the in the do you notice what I'm doing I'm going in the car I'm standing in the kitchen I'm doing a cheat and on the roof of my mouth mmm I'm putting the end between the teeth in in the in the in the okay so I'm standing in the kitchen in the kitchen and then you've said he blended those materials he blended those he blended those you just have to move fast he blended those materials he blended those you slide the tongue from the D to the th and they are at the at the so I tend to there cheat the T in to the th like I did with the n ah ah the I kind of blend it together at the at the cinema they are at the cinema at the cinema okay okay lots of comments I'm sorry if I've missed you it's just so many coming down what what is the right accent yours or English with Lucy's accent our accents aren't that dissimilar we both speak with a standard British English sound if you're a phone to my native accent which is northern English the thing is there's no right there's no right accent there's just accents and so what I'm teaching and what most people teach and what I think you should learn is standard British English because if you try to learn a regional accent you might upset people if you try to learn Geordie you try to learn Scouts you try to learn cockney unless you're doing it because you're an actor if you're trying to learn it because you just want to speak it generally people might think you're making fun of them people get very sensitive about their accents so my suggestion is always just just learn to speak Standard English so that everyone can understand you and you don't offend anyone is is what I think but of course you're free to learn whatever you like oh gosh okay lovely yeah I've just had a ten dollar super chat coming through you say good work you are our leader all the best thank you so much you're very sweet and obviously like I said anyone who drops a super chat will get a copy of this ebook the elocution manual that I'm working from so just drop me an email and remind me that you drop me a super chat and I will send you this ebook thank you so much for your support that's very kind okay I'm gonna go through a fun one with you now some of you may have heard this before if you've been with me for a long time you definitely would have I've done this before and I love this one this is for in the shower this is going to help you to learn to get this th into a habit to make it a habit and it has a rhythm to it it goes whether the weather be fine or whether the weather be not whether the weather be cold or whether the weather be hot will weather the weather whatever the weather whether we like it or not dump them okay here we go again whether the weather be fine or whether the weather be not whether the weather be cold or whether the weather be hot will weather the weather whatever the weather whether we like it or not pom pom okay so I want you to try and remember that one gets into your brain treat it like a little poem or a little song and practice it in the shower with lots of the th's in the middle of those words weather weather weather weather and is there a th s era with weather the weather not in this version okay so yeah just those weathers make sure that th comes out and bless Patricia's also sent a super chat over and says thanks for your lessons hugs and kisses thank you so much that's very very kind so again thank you for your super chat and you also will get a copy of this ebook just drop me an email my email is at the bottom of the description please don't send me emails if you haven't dropped a super chat I do get a lot of emails and it's very difficult for me to focus on my work when I have say 40 emails people just saying how much they like the lessons it's very sweet and I do appreciate it but please don't please don't block up my business email with those kind of messages keep them on the on the chats and on the on YouTube that's much easier for me to manage thank you but if you have to have two super chat do email me and I'll send you what I promised okay so let's go over to the patron room and have a listen over here what we gots doo doo doo so high and a good time to do a lesson says Carlo I'm glad you appreciate it I'm quite tired you might notice three words that make anyone sound super sophisticated ah three words to me desiccated I think it's just how you deliver them rather than particular words yes it was funny to watch lots of differences I'm Alexander I'm reading HD wells in the original and he writes the lid of the cylinder fell upon the gravel with a ringing concussion I stuck my elbow into the person behind me and turned my head towards the thing again for a moment that circular cavity seemed perfectly black I had the Sun set in my eyes I see okay so yes he's got what he's saying there in that particular piece of literature is the Sun was setting therefore it was low in the sky and it was blinding him and making it hard to see what was in front of him I had the Sun set in my eyes okay so we now have a voice memos have a listen they did they okay missing there is the veg ver but sound for a lot of people it's like judge and joke and just Juliet I'm joking Jojo and it's difficult because it's a mix between a plosive der and a fricative so it's a mix of the two you have to go in firm make pressure with the tongue against the roof of the mouth jaw and then release it yeah okay so veg veg vegetable vegetable you can practice just saying veg veg veg okay we use that a lot so that's shortened for vegetable I like some fruit and veg I like to eat fruit and veg it's healthy a couple of you on I can see they'll the chat room I know my video is dropping in and out so please do bear with me a couple of you're asking for pronunciations I've got exaggeration to rate and I've got extraterrestrials extraterrestrials and I've got the place it's a wonderful if you're ever in London and it is Greenwich Greenwich Greenwich now I I know my signal is dropping in and out and I wonder if it's because it's late at night here it's a Sunday evening so most people will be using the internet in my area to watch their films and TV programmes before they go to bed and so I do apologize and this is another reason why I don't often come live this time of night I have very fast internet but this is probably because a lot of people are using it okay so let's go back to my patreon room could you please pronounce there are three of us there are there are there are three of us there are there are so what you do here because you've got a diphthong sound followed by a vowel sound as you put a little R a letter R in the middle there are there are there are three of us there are three of us I hope that helps and Anna could you recommend some books for two year old children some popular books in the UK that everyone reads to their children at this age fairy tales poems well you've got and there's books like the caterpillar there's books like when the poo we neither all Beatrix Potter books are wonderful books for two-year-olds funny bones is fun it's skeletons and they connect all the bones together so you learn about the bones maybe that's not right for a two-year-old there's lots of wonderful you just have to google popular children's books and you'll find there's so many so many generalisation there's a another pronunciation request and generalization don't generalize lynn has asked for the pronunciation of literally lit lit literally literally okay could you please say nevertheless nevertheless nevertheless ashen has said how difficult is it for English native speakers to understand someone who speaks with a strong foreign accent not it's not easy I have to say I find it easier than most people but that's because I work with non natives on a regular basis I'm used to listening to accents but a lot of people do struggle and many of my students who come over to the UK and spend time in the UK say that they are often asked to repeat themselves so yeah I it is important to try and speak English with a clear accent so that people can understand you because there's nothing more frustrating than trying to speak and everyone just saying well can you say that again I don't understand it's quite annoying chillon says could you say trousers trousers trousers trousers what's the difference between the pronunciation of the number one and when you win a race I have one one one one one very little very little is the answer number one I won wah wah it's it's I wouldn't worry too much about the difference just imagine them as being the same most natives will not hear or sound a difference so just both do them as one I won I'm number one I won just have them as the same okay let's have a listen to Alexander what are you saying this is difficult whether the weather be fine or whether the weather be not whether the weather be cold or whether the weather be hot will weather the weather whatever the weather whether we like it or not good now what you did do there Alexander was weather with whether we like it whether we like it and this shows people to be non-natives quite a lot the shortening of this e in we me he she I hear this often make it long not many natives do this so make it long do it like the natives do it we he/she me whether we like it whether we like it rather than whether with whether we like it keep it long you also I heard on when you said 'we'll weather the weather like we will but the contraction we will real real real weather the weather what sometimes happens is people say will as in I will rather than real real can you hear the difference I will will do it I will will I will wheel will wheel it sounds exactly the same as the wheel of a car so wheel sounds like wheel but will is completely different okay so don't make them sound the same all right so let's move on from the th let's I said we would go on to a vowel sound that everyone's finds very difficult and it's the OO sound so let me just scroll through and see if I can find the or sound so I'm going to move away from the tongue twisters in the notes I can scroll through quite a lot here more tongue twisters tongue twisters what you will do is it is it daytime where you are is it nine times here is literally I would be in bed in the next half an hour normally because I normally go to bed at 10:00 p.m. and I wake up at 6:00 and I start my day at 7:00 so I have a nice breakfast and a shower and everything at 6 o'clock so but tonight I think I probably go to bed a bit later while I'm sorting all this out okay I'm on them on the I'm on the vowel sounds no short vowels there's so many sounds and the English in the English language in now okay so I'm just trying to find this I'm gonna bring you on you can we can scroll through this with me E ooh oh here we go fantastic or so will not do all of these will do some of these so what you want to do with this sound is imagine you have imagine you have some juggling balls or you have an apple or on Apple apps too big an orange imagine that oranges inside your mouth it's making a big space inside the mouth or or and the lip space the jaw is low or or not ooh-ee or see how much space there is so I want you to make this space round off the lips and make the sound sit further back or or what a lot of people do is do oh oh oh which is forward and it's moving it shouldn't move or or okay so let's try some words we have the word law law now if you make this sound incorrectly then it will sound like this will sound like low so low vs. law low law low law low law low low low law alright so do do try and get that a difference because you don't want to be breaking the low because that means low down on the floor you want to be breaking well you don't want to break the law but you want to say law is sort of low and here lots of people saying I would never break the low we should say it I would never break the law okay you also heard me use the word floor their floor floor if you mispronounce this then you would be saying flow the river flows but we sit on the floor the river flows but we sit on the floor okay flow the floor flow floor and then we'll try another word which is awful it starts with the sound or awful awful I feel awful it would be awful if there was no ice cream left in the freezer awful it's not awful because there is ice cream in the freezer and you know exactly what I'm doing after this lesson now I've just reminded myself I'm good to eat ice cream okay and then the last one will do is the word boring boring someone accused me in my last live lesson of being boring how dare they that was an awful thing to say to me to say that my lessons were boring of course it doesn't matter everyone has their own opinion they weren't breaking any laws but I did almost fall down on the floor in shock okay so oh gosh I'm getting lots of messages everyone wishing me good night so um right guys I I'm gonna repeat those four words I want you to repeat them after me law floor awful boring how was it for you easy okay lots of people dropping off so can you do me one favor if you're here and you have found this helpful up to now I will finish up soon because people are slowly leaving but if you have found this helpful please do help me out by giving it a thumb that's how you can support these lessons if you are unable to do anything else give it a thumb maybe press the share button and and then make sure at some point you come back and hop on one of the older lessons and just help me to help me to grow this channel to reach more people and the way you can do that is just by interacting with my videos you interact then YouTube goes oh these videos are helpful we will share them with more people and so it you helped me to rank my videos so if you can do that then that would be fantastic thank you okay so let's do a sentence with these sounds let's do this sentence are you sure my daughter has been caught up in the war are you sure or my daughter has been caught up in the war so we have this or sound quite a few times sure daughter and court war are you sure my daughter has been caught up in the war are you sure my daughter has been caught up in the war are you sure you notice with the are how wide my mouth is are you okay are you coming to the party are you eating my ice cream I hope that you aren't I'm more sesang with ice cream now obsessed okay patrons you have a chance to record that and I'll have a listen okay happiness for all I'm from Brazil talked to me hello hi Brazil I've noticed actually that should we have a look my top five watching countries my top five watching countries Brazil is normally quite high but shall we have a look who who which countries watch my channel the most I know the top two can you guess the top two top two are normally the United States and the UK how bizarre I teach English and it's mostly people in England who watch my channel isn't that weird so we have UK and USA so shout-out to anyone who's watching from the USA please say hi USA here Oh actually today it's UK first so UK is winning they're watching the watching charts second is the United States can you imagine who's third India so India is third then fourth we have it Delhi so anyone from Italy ciao I hope that you're all well so Italy you tend to rank quite highly on my top countries that watch this channel so Italy and their number five is Brazil so I have a lot of Brazilians watching and that's fantastic so people all over the world and then and there's loads of countries that are on this list but those are just the top five I also then have Poland Russia Spain Vietnam and Japan and then loads of other countries further down the list as well so that's really exciting nice to have you guys on board okay so I'm gonna do a little bit of feedback now and then I will wrap up so if you have anything you're desperate for me to pronounce for you now is your time to write it because I am getting quite tired and I don't want to bore you terribly so Alexander what are you saying my dear you said Anna could you please say out loud these words from HD wells the War of the Worlds the good book it's also a good film you said scramble out narrowly miss narrowly narrowly miss blunder against gravel ringing concussion stick an elbow into somebody terrestrial men stir coil up rise and wriggle bulge up billowing movements luminous disks writhing middle shriek give place to in a inarticulate exclamations run off uncover noble terror grayish rounded bulk catch the light glisten like wet leather regard mm I don't know what SMB is steadfastly lipless brim quivered and panted drop saliva heave and pulsate convulsively lank tentacle um tentacle yeses and no tentacle tentacle oh oh oh I don't know that word tentacle er appendage oh yes I'm not for many of that word I guess it's to do with having a tentacle of some of some sort brow ridges wedge-like incessant quivering that's a great word I love the word incessant tumultuous fun boiled or fun coil oh I'm not familiar with that word you'll have to check that one in the dictionary oily brown skin clumsy clumsy deliberation tedious tedious great word unspeakably nasty encounter disgust dread topple over thud and forthwith forthwith oh gosh that was a big list okay Wow yes that was a big list hmm right I'm gonna have a quick look now I see what you guys are saying in the chat room and then I will have to say goodnight Shirley says if China didn't block YouTube you definitely would have a bunch of Chinese fans I would love to have more Chinese fans I understand the difficulty with YouTube being blocked and lots of other social platforms being blocked in China and hopefully at some point in the next few years that will that will change I'd that's my hope because there are lots of very keen English learners in China and I would love to be able to help them but it's very very difficult with with everything the Chinese government puts in place at the moment please pronounce actually AK actually actually actually Anna how do you pronounce male as in an email or the post male and then mail is in a man they're both the same there's mail for the male of the house there's some mail for the male of the house they don't sound any different and oh gosh last lossless lots of messages I recently discovered your channel I'd like to say I'm so happy for your video with your videos I'm a Brazilian living in London fantastic well I hope you're staying warm London's weather is terrible at the moment and I hope you're making the most and enjoying living in an english-speaking country making the most of that practice that you're getting and I have a suggestion maybe we should read some books in the in the original I class I don't know I'm not quite sure what you mean my darling I'm sorry Oh lots of messages I'm sorry if I haven't read your message out I will try and scroll back and catch up with some messages [Music] Shane is from Northern Ireland are fantastic but it's really cold over there at the moment in fact later this week I'm going to angle C which is not Island is in Wales but um I can wave to Island from angle C it's very close there's always some more Brazilians watching in London fantastic tar book says can you say familiar familiar familiar ization familiarization familiarization my eyes are getting very dry last but not least the pronunciation of the word deteriorating deteriorating deteriorates deteriorating that's a mouthful okay guys I fear that I'm becoming more and more boring from the tired arrived yet so I'm going to wrap up I'm just gonna finish off with my patrons I say thank you yes Alexander is a difficult book but it's it's perfect perfect for your level it's perfect which country is the last on your list I'm not going to read out the last one on the list that wouldn't be fair that wouldn't be fair at all I'll make someone feel like they're they're not very very important um besides the list is so long I'd have to scroll down a long way to get to get to the bottom but anyway maybe maybe in the next couple of live lessons I'll read out the top five and see if we can like change it around and the only way you're going to do that is by sharing if you share the videos not necessarily this video but share a video you think is effective and you think people will like share it with your friends and then you get more views from your country and then your country gets in the top five boom alright my darlings I will probably I definitely will be live again tomorrow tomorrow once I've had a good night's sleep and done all the work I need to do I'll be doing a live lesson at 4 o'clock so it may not be suitable for all of you but 4 o'clock tomorrow UK time I'll be live doing phrasal verbs so if you'd like to join me tomorrow I would be very happy to have you thank you so much for joining me it is I'm on my own tonight so it's very nice to spend my Sunday evening with you I hope that if you're new you have press subscribe and that you've pressed the bell notification button it's very important that you press the bell notification button because that's the best way to know when I'm live you get a notification an email to say and as live or if you're on the YouTube app it will tell you Ana's live and then you can join me okay otherwise I will see you tomorrow four o'clock patrons thank you for all your support it's honestly it really does make a difference you may not feel it you may you may miss me when I don't speak to you for a few days but I promise you you're always on my mind I'm always thinking how can I better serve you and there will be more and more awards for patron so thank you stick with me and hopefully I am giving you some benefits as well and those of you who drop soup chats thank you so much please do email me I'll send you a copy of the notes alright guys until next time lots of love from London take care you
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 40,164
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, English speaking, british accent, Anna English, british english, english lesson, learn english, Live english lesson, Improve english, improve english pronunciation, english pronunciation, Pronounce english, pronunciation
Id: 5GP64-hZM4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 0sec (4080 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 21 2018
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