ENGLISH TEXT ACRONYMS & PHRASES / Learn English / LIVE British English Lesson with Anna English

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hello everyone and welcome to another lesson with me Anna English here on English like a nickname broadcasting to you live from London today we're looking at text chat text acronyms and text phrases so funny little words and letters that you see which sometimes confuse me even so we're looking at these little acronyms the most popular ones at least to see if we can make sense of them so if you're here say hello I've been speaking to some of you already in the chat room I do of course have my skype group open for my patrons and of course there is the live chat room here on YouTube so feel free to leave a message and say hello to me I will try and respond to as many of you as I can but I'm going to do that at the end of the lesson so that if you're watching this as a pre-recorded video you don't get bored because you weren't here at the live broadcasting time so let's get straight into it shall we acronyms so when you are texting when you are texting either sending an email when you're texting on your phone maybe you're sending an M an MSN an actual message maybe you're sending a whatsapp message or if you're tweeting then you might use acronyms in fact I would be interested to know where do you do most of your chitchat chitchat is kind of like informal idle talk chitchat where do you chitchat most I use whatsapp every single day I mean I have a work what's that group I have an English whatsapp group so we talk every day I also talk with my family and my friends via whatsapp more than anything else I sometimes use facebook Messenger I occasionally use Skype but most of my texting most of my text chat goes through whatsapp and Facebook message so I'm interested to know what kind of chat do you use on a regular basis does anyone send actual text messages anymore from their phone I do but very very rarely so let's have a look at some of these popular acronyms I will then also point out which ones are suitable for formal occasions and which ones are only suitable for informal occasions so I'll do this by putting an F for formal in fact let me put a little key up here for you so F equals comma and I F if equals informal alright so the first one you might see is just the number four this is informal just the number four to mean the word for so I might say thank you for helping thank you for watching there we go thank you for watching my video thank you for watching my video oh there's another good point actually so I might also shorten the word you to simply the letter U so let's say this one again I could say thank you for watching my video so make it super short and this again is informal so thank you for thank you for watching my video both of these informal absolutely fine to use with your friends with your family in text messages and whatsapp in WeChat whichever one you use you can use these little versions of the words we also use the number two to mean to oh by the way do feel free to put your own example sentences using these words I'll scroll back and have a look later but it's good practice so feel free to put your own example sentences while I'm writing up mine so I might say I have to go to the shop I have to go to the shop and there I've exchanged the word two for the number two this is informal you should not use this in a business email or a business message or text or anything informal so the next one is BFF meaning best friends forever this one really confuse me the first time I saw is that what's a BFF I saw people talking about BFF we're BFFs we're BFFs I would hear on the television if I heard interviews perhaps with like pop stars they say oh yes we're BFFs what are BFFs well BFFs are best friends forever apparently so I might say she is my BFF she is my best friend forever this of course I should probably would have guessed is informal it's very informal BFF do you have a BFF so then we have this one and this is another one that I only learnt recently this one confused me for a long time it's also informal and it's BAE we pronounce it BAE so you'll notice some of them we say just the letters BFF we don't we don't say buff buff we say BFF and but with some of them we do say a little word rather than saying the letters and with this one we say BAE hey BAE you're my BAE and to be someone's BAE is to mean that you're very important to them like you're their number 1 you're the person that they put before anyone else before anyone else and that's what it actually stands for you are my top priority so your BAE your BAE is normally like your husband or your wife your boyfriend or girlfriend somebody that you love your BAE I actually have to admit that I thought BAE who is short for baby I thought oh that's a weird shortening of the word baby or babe but it's it means before anyone else so let us carry on we have a very popular one now yes I would say that it this is informal this is definitely informal but there is a version that is formal I'll give you in a minute and it's by the way by the way and if you don't want the phrase by the way means it's kind of like just to let you know that's what it means just to let you know so I'm going to give you some extra information for your information so that you know you might need to know just so you know there has been an accident on the m25 which might slow you down when you're driving home so just some additional information just so you know the boss at work has had a very bad day so he might be in a bad mood he might not be but just so you know he's had a bad day so be aware so be TWU by the way by the way I use quite a lot by the way now if you're going to use it in a formal situation it's better to use the phrase fYI I have written FYI in formal emails to my colleagues fYI this is for your information fYI there will be no public transport to the venue tomorrow fYI the client wants to speak to you tomorrow let me just put an example centers here for you and in fact let's take this whole thing down here so I got we are we are leaving we are leaving at 9:00 a.m. and by the way I am bringing my dog by the way I'm bringing my dog and here you might say the meeting starts at 9:30 a.m. and FYI the client is what we say the client is very impressed so far ok so the next one are we all okay I realize I'm not speaking to you very much here are we all okay are we happy is this helping and if you are finding this helpful then please do show me your thumb it's always good to gauge what works for you and what doesn't work so well so if you're finding this helpful please show me your thumb let me know in the comments that this is helpful for you so I know what kinds of lessons I should do in the future and what it's just completely rubbish so do let me know ok so let's move on to tomorrow a couple of you are saying that you do a different acronym for this one so some of you just write what are you writing TM are for tomorrow okay so let's put these in so some of you just write this tomorrow I feel like it would need this on hmm I don't know maybe I shouldn't include it how many people do use a different acronym for tomorrow how many people use a different acronym for tomorrow I'll be interested to see that so I can see one of you mentioning it so far and yes one of you has mentioned the bit the word bf4 boyfriend will add that something at the end remind me at the end on that that on so some of you do do this so what I've been so tomorrow tomorrow this is informal don't use this in a formal situation ever so I can't wait until tomorrow car wait till tomorrow or tomorrow I can't wait till two until tomorrow this means I'm very excited if you say I can't wait generally means you're excited perhaps if I was going to a concert of my favorite pop star tomorrow I'd be like I can't wait until tomorrow it's so exciting I can't wait also you could use the phrase I can't wait to me and you're impatient well I'm sorry I can't wait any longer I'm going I've waited for you for five minutes and you're not here so I'm going I can't wait so you'll have to listen to the context to know whether it's impatience or whether it's an excitement and anticipation already so we have the acronym oh not the acronym sorry the shortening of the word tonight to night it's literally spelt how it sounds and this is informal as I'm sure you've probably guessed informal I am I'm very busy tonight sorry I'm very busy tonight sorry in fact let's change this there's a phrase that I'm constantly having to explain to my students I have done a video on this and that's the phrase I'm afraid which means I'm sorry I'm afraid I'm very busy tonight I'm afraid I'm very busy tonight this just means I'm sorry I'm very busy tonight it doesn't mean I'm actually scared it means I'm sorry okay some of you are using different acronyms for this not acronyms so I keep saying the word acronyms that's not correct different ways to shorten it tonight some of you write it like this of course these are not official words so whichever one you use it it's it's fine as long as it's for an informal message and as long as it's understood if the person reading your message has no idea what it means then it's no it's no good okay so the next one I am H oh this means in my honest or humble opinion so you were saying in my opinion I have also seen IMO in my opinion but this just emphasizes it look in my humble opinion in my honest opinion so you might say I like I like you but in my honest opinion I think I don't think you are funny I like you but in my honest opinion I don't think you're funny okay so nice my patrons here are giving me a couple of different acronyms you spelt you do tomorrow like that it's a murderer temir be right back that one's on the list it's coming up I've never seen this one before never seen that one before okay so we then have is oh this I have seen used in kind of classified ads or in when people are wrong on when people are searching for a date perhaps on a dating website what are you looking for I'm in search of I'm in search of so if it's a dating app perhaps if you are on tinder or something you might have a profile where you say I am I'm a fun-loving I'm a fun-loving girl is oh a what am I looking for I'm a fun-loving girl in search of a in search of a life partner there we go very serious in search of a life partner so that's what you might write in search of I would say I'm not sure whether uh-huh Berman's these either in my honest opinion is informal is oh I think I would say this is informal as well I've never seen it in a business sense j/k just kidding this is informal j/k just kidding today I am NOT coming to the party I'm too sick just kidding oh no just kidding hahaha of course informal just kidding just telling somebody that you're having a joke telling somebody that you are having a joke okay so how are we all doing are we good lots of you throwing up more suggestions let me get down to the end of the list then we'll take some extra suggestions if I've missed anything okay so some of you are asking about the notes are as always the notes are available to anybody who donates towards this channel so if you are interested in getting the notes then all you have to do is click the little dollar sign which is by the emoji sign in the comment section of the live chat room comment box I don't know what you call it chat box click the dollar sign that will give you an option to drop a super chat which is a small donation to this channel and every donation towards this channel goes towards improving the channel and goes towards buying I want to buy better equipment so at the moment I'm looking to buy better sound equipment and I'm also trying to get fiber-optic broadband so I can make the quality of these streams higher and go live more often is the is the plan but I'm saving up for that so if you want to drop a super chat or you would like to donate which you can do once this is no longer live you won't be able to drop a super chat but you can send the donation via the link in the description box below and then just send me your email address and I will send you the notes to this lesson as a way of saying thank you very much ok if you are here and you haven't already please do press that thumb button and if you're not yet a subscriber but you are interested in improving your English then not simply click on that subscribe button and the Bell notification button so that you don't miss any future uploads or live lessons I do try not load as many lessons in a week as I possibly can and on a normal week I go live five times at least at the moment I'm in the middle of moving house and so things are a bit chaotic so I'm not live at the moment that often but I do come live at least once a week at the moment and it will improve in a few weeks yes I had my nails done because I'm making a children's Channel and so I did my nails for the children for the children okay let's have a look back at our list where are we up to so see ya this of course is an informal acronym see ya and you might say it was nice to catch up if you catch up with someone it means you speak to someone and find out what is how coming in their life when you haven't spoken to them for a very long time you have a catch up it was nice to catch up with you see you soon this is informal to only with your friends or your family see ya this one I've seen regularly on live chats and if you're having a text conversation with someone or you're in a chat room then I've seen this quite a lot it means they're just going to nip away from the room for a minute and they'll be back be right back of course this is informal so you might say there is someone at the door be right back and that's all you'd say know someone at the door I'll be right back and then we have this one I haven't seen myself so apparently it's very popular bye for now bye for now so you might say I have to go to sleep bye for now bye for now has anyone else seen this one anyone Oh less Aras has dropped a super chat thank you so much our ass that money will be going straight in the penny pot towards the new microphone setup so thank you that's very kind of you you do know when you send a super chat you can leave a message with it as well I think you sent a super chat before correct me if I'm wrong but that's very much appreciated and I'm sure everyone who's watching appreciates it too because it's everybody else who benefits from the contributions that people like you make and as well that my patrons make on a regular basis thank you it's very very kind of you so let's go back to the notes that we have this I've seen a lot later so you might say this is informal so you know in formal so you might say [Music] I will he will call me later state capitals so it's clear he will call me later I hope he will call me later I hope so here we go you'll call me later I hope that's pretty easy then we also have the work great great and this of course is informal the concert was great thank you concert was great thank you that capital so you can see it clearly then we have F WIW I haven't seen this much myself has anybody else anyone else seen F wiw for what it's worth for what it's worth and you would use you would use for what it's worth as a phrase when you are about to give a piece of advice or an opinion and you don't know whether the person listening is interested you don't know how much they value your opinion for example if if I'm sat with a stranger and the stranger is upset because somebody has just said their dress looks ugly and that person is upset and they don't know me I might turn to them and say for what it's worth I actually really liked your dress so I'm saying to them I don't know if my opinion is important to you but for whatever it's worth for what it's worth I think this so f wi w is the acronym for fort it's worth so you might say for what it's worth I think you can do better for what it's worth let's say that someone been dumped I am so sorry I'm so sorry that he dumped you babe mm-hmm but for what it's worth I think you can do better okay let's have a quick look at what my patrons are saying here Eric and I have never seen this if you put this in a message to me I wouldn't understand what you mean because obviously hand is a word that's what as well hand is Moses and so if you wrote hand in a message I would completely misunderstand you so be careful with that one hi Anna UK have summer hour now and we are on British summer time and you'd say does the UK or is this is the UK on summertime what to call it is the UK on summer time now or is it summer in the UK it's supposed to be but it doesn't look like it does it it's quite grey outside it's very cold at the moment as well for this time of year and it's been a bit rainy in a bit blustery so it doesn't feel like summer at the moment but hopefully it will again soon so then we have NP again informal no problem so if someone says can you can you can you do the washing up when they say I'm really sorry I'm not able to do the washing up because I've hurt my back oh yeah you can't oh you can't wash up question mark question mark question mark okay no problem I will do it I could get home okay so then you have this one which I hear a lot and see a lot now some people when I've said this on the channel have been up very offended and upset but you must understand then this particular phrase is widely acceptable in the UK and in America and it has nothing to do with religion nothing to do with religion at all it's just something that's become a part of our culture to mean shock or to express being excited or just to have an extreme reaction to something that kind of reaction OMG meaning oh my god or oh my gosh is earth / lighter way of saying it but lots of young people these days say oh my god oh my god or OMG OMG and it's got nothing to do with religion so you can't get offended at this expression if you are with British or American English speakers it's just part of our culture and has it's by no way trying to undermine religion in any respect so as long as you all understand that we call and this is of course informal do not write OMG in a business message or in a business email one of you is asking is om FG rude yes oMFG well it depends cuz you would only ever use this with your friends anyway so I wouldn't so in front of my mum for example in front of my mum I might I mean I probably wouldn't but I might say oh my god mum did you hear what happened I might but I would never say oh my effing god because the F in oMFG stands for the F word the swear word King I'm not gonna say yes it stands for a very bad swear word and my mom doesn't like me swearing of course I don't think any mom likes their children's wearing so I would never say to my mom oh my effing God mom did you hear about what happened on the news so I would say oMFG in some circumstances can be a bit rude or some people might not like you saying it but you know it depends some people find cursing completely acceptable and not a problem so you might say I met I met a cute oh no that's not your cute cute is a bad word bad bad what cute should be reserved for children and animals I met a gorgeous no I met I met my new work colleague and OMG he is drop-dead gorgeous to be drop-dead something again that's an informal phrase if someone's drop-dead gorgeous it means they're so gorgeous you drop dead you know they're so amazing like I've had a heart attack because you're so gorgeous you're drop-dead gorgeous but that is completely informal alright okay so am L saying oMFG is something I know who says they hear it from okay eros you meet a lot of people in the UK who use oMFG you have to understand that there are a lot of people in the UK who are okay with swearing who use curse words on a regular basis and it depends on the circumstance you're in and who you're with sometimes I say swear words it depends who I'm with though I would never swear in front of children I would never swear in front of people I respect I would never swear in front of my students or in a work situation I would never swear in front of my mum or my grandma and so it really depends on the situation if I'm just talking with my close friends and I'm getting passionate about something I'm speaking about if I get angry perhaps then I might use a swear word yeah as a way to just heighten my expression but some natives use more swearing than others and that doesn't really answer your question it's just explaining explaining how things are over here okay where are we up to Oh tee off topic so you might be talking about something and then say and then change the topic so you might say I finished I finished that work I finished I finished the housework finished the housework yay oh no that doesn't work and what would we say you might maybe you're talking about you maybe you're talking about whether your friend should get a haircut I think you should go for it a perm will a perm is curly hair a perm will really suit you and then all we might say by the way off topic by the way off topic I met or how about I bumped into your brother last night so by the way remember we covered that a minute ago off topic oh no don't chase around what's happened oh no back away off topic I bumped into to bump into somebody is to meet someone unexpectedly so I I'm walking down the street and then I I don't literally bump into them but I come face to face with my friends Oh fancy meeting you here I can't believe we just bumped into each other on the street so it's meeting someone unexpectedly so by the way off topic I bumped into your brother last night and just to reiterate a perm is a curly hairstyle so if I have straight hair which I do and I go and ask the hairdresser to make it permanently curly permanently curly so I always have curly hair that means I have a perm perms are not very popular at the moment but they were very popular in the 80s in the nineteen eighteen hundreds in the nineteen eighty hundreds in the nineteen eighties I need I need more sleep I think I'm very tired today okay so where are we up to POV did I this is informal POV formal POV can be used is an industry term in filming a POV shot is a shot from somebody's point of view a POV but we also use it just to talk about thinking about someone from something from another person's point of view so I might say I would like to get his POV on the new brand design participating on the new brand brand design point of view point of view now to be honest with you in business messaging of formal messaging I would in most cases especially if it's work I would avoid acronyms as much as possible there are one or two which you possibly could use and that is fYI fYI is quite acceptable and ASAP is the other one I left at the end ASAP otherwise I would avoid acronyms as much as possible when when we're discussing business messages but POV is very formal and a term that's used in industries so you can use it if you want to Pete of the TT why L talk to you later so it's very straightforward I about to jump into the bath TT while I'm about to jump into the bath ttyl to jump into the bath means or I'm about to means it's going to happen any moment now I'm about to it's just about to happen to jump into the bath is to get into the bath quickly I'm just about to or just to get in the bath point of view means opinion yes someone's opinion is their point of view how they see things so for example how I see things how I see a situation might be completely different how you see a situation how someone views this lesson might be different how the next person views lesson I get lots of nasty comments you don't see them because I have them marked as abusive messages so that my my viewers don't see them but I have a list of abusive messages which I get to look through and make sure that no nice messages have slipped in and so I know that a lot of people find my lessons unhelpful some people think that they're terrible lessons and that is their point of view other people think these lessons are very helpful and really really like them and find them fun and entertaining so there are lots of people who watch these videos who have very different POVs very different points of view okay so let's carry on and then it's have a quick look at my patrons how are you doing there guys and hi Anna yes we were to talked about that AKA AKO we should add that one at the end and let me remember to do that one at the end that's a good one hi Anna sorry arrived late that's okay J hi everyone lovely okay so we have that was informal I thought this was going to be a quick lesson but it's turning into a quite a long lesson I'm trying to go as quick as I can do you know what actually I think you can use this formally because I see this as a shortened version on on advertising so I think you can use that formally so you might say that please son detect with your full address please send a text with your full address all right let's carry on lol definitely informal and this is something that's only been around for a short period of time now most of the time it means laugh out loud but until a five if something is lol hahaha it just means I'm laughing at that that's funny lol but with the older generations like my grandparents for example they think that lol means lots of love so you'll have to read the context depending on who it's come from mostly it will mean laughing but in some cases it'll mean lots of love I'm sending you lots of love ah let's go back to the nose we have a whisper there I fell over and everyone saw my knickers lol so and Barriss so very wrong so embarrassed and then you have LM a Oh laugh laugh my ass off laugh my ass off Ln and that's just even funnier so lol hahaha LOL m8 oh it's just bigger it's just a bigger one and then you also have our Oh T f lmao which is roll on the floor laughing my ass off so that means it's super funny it's so funny you're rolling around on the floor hahahaha okay what is knickers you know our knickers is lots of other questions in the chat room knickers are ladies pants Underpants underwear so yeah then we have these abbreviations of the word thanks different people use different ones but I think they're pretty straightforward now this one I see a lot this is rude oh let me just put the F and I have somnus oh well then it's copy it it's quick paste paste and paste yes these are informal don't use these in a formal situation it doesn't take much to actually just write the word thanks properly so so here we are WTF what the when you're when you're surprised at something in about if something shocks you what is basically that what did you say really well you can't believe something it's so shocking what the but it is a swear word so definitely is informal and I will also in an informal situation be careful who you use it with now if you ever see this this is something that's come about recently X 0 X 0 these mean hugs and kisses hugs and kisses of course just X's is kisses but xoxo is hugs and kisses that's quite sweet isn't it alright we got into and here now so I'm gonna start adding some in that I've seen from you guys RT on Twitter means retweet so please retweet this you might sometimes I saw has written you a hand written letter C swauk written on the back and it means this letter was sealed with a loving kiss sealed with a loving kiss just like you've written a letter put it in the envelope licked it sealed it and on mom and then you send it out sealed with a loving kiss I used to write that on the back of mine - to write letters if it's to a loved one of course you might also hear the phrase or see it written tender loving care tender loving care so you might say I need lots of TLC so Anna what's the matter oh I'm feeling sorry for myself I need lots of TLC please so like this video probably needs some TLC so you can give me some TLC now by giving me a thumbs up let's have a look do I dare look how many thumbs do we have Dada Dada oh we already have 102 amazing oh thank you guys that's awesome great well I don't need any TLC then I've got lots of love from you guys thank you for hearing much I'll just reiterate if you're new here welcome great to see you if you're not a subscriber please press subscribe and that notification button so you don't miss any future lessons so now's the time to start adding some additional acronyms that I haven't yet used so start firing away guys okay what have I got I see D o B and it's usually spelt with a little dots in between do B that equals date of birth so you'll see that on forms what is your DOB or just DOB we have RSVP is French it means reserved a civil play or as Elvis zebu play so it's French and just means Reserve to reserve if you've been invited you'll be asked if you were invited to a party you last you'll be asked to RSVP so to let them know that you're going to go so you'll have to phone up and say yes I'm going to come to the party I'm going to RSVP I'd like to RSVP I'd like to reserve reserve vase to view click okay and then we have oh yes we have just the letter R used for our we have what else do we have come on oh come on meaning come on what else let me put some notes on these as well this is I mean this I'd say formal because it's on a on a formal website this is informal this is I would say formal because you could say you could say the Oh Siri series come up you could say and the project needs some TLC this one is definitely formal this one is definitely formal this one is definitely informal and this one is in formal also what else do we have shaking my head Jana is that I mean is that something that I've never seen that has anyone else seen this one shaking my head has anyone else seen this let me know because I haven't seen it so I'm not sure whether I should leave it on the list but if anyone else has seen this I'll use this then I'll leave it up so let me know in the comments now here is one that is definitely formal and that is oh how do I spell is now correct cue long curriculum Vita like that oh I spot it right there we go now shall see thee your curriculum vitae or your resume okay so anybody else anyone else seen this one I'm really not sure about it so let me know if anyone else uses it I am gonna add though e G means example and that along with this is formal eg for example CMR what does cm ourself or what does CMR stand for Allison says I use shake shake my head shaking my head but rarely okay well if someone else has heard of it then we'll keep it up Umbreon uses shake my head alright then it stays up and I'm guessing is informal so I just popped that note hello Andreas joining us here in the patron chatroom hi how are you you are very late we've nearly finished but that's okay you can always scroll back and re-watch the lesson okay so shake my hair shaking my head it means that you can't believe what someone just shared said you like I can't believe you just said that you're shaking your head sky has made a very good point sometimes we shorten the words I don't know - so no well let me capitalize that don't know you meaning I don't know you're not saying okay anymore anymore for anymore or sometimes you might see and this is informal again enough meaning enough oh well let's capitalize that I do like my capital letters enough oh yes and I don't know could also be I have seen this actually idk oh here's a good one we mentioned it earlier and I didn't put up a KA which is formal also also known as ah yeah that's right also known as so I might say hello my name is my name is Anna forgot my name my name is Anna aka Anna English so that means I'm also known as Anna English or my name is Anna Tyree aka Anna English because English is my middle name but I don't use my middle name often but on this channel I do because it makes sense because this is an English Channel I'm a middle name is English so hello my name is Anna Tyree aka Anna English and on my new channel it'll be aka Bella because Bella is the name of my character on my new channel Oh Nev you've put a really great one we have forward which you'll see in emails to forward an email but I would never write that I don't think but you'll see it so now you know what it stands for yes you might have informally you might have seen equalling see I bruh do you have a new channel yes so now I have five check four channels four channels it's a bit crazy isn't it it's a children's channel which I'm going to be uploading some new videos to soon maybe maybe in a month but the content is going to be amazing it's for very little children to learn English to learn speaking to learn singing to help mums and dads with the children's routines okay do we have any more Oh PS P I know what PS means but what does it stand for please see it please see can someone just google PS and double check the actual meaning of PS before I put it down on the notes that's an important one actually it's funny sometimes you use things over and over again you know the meaning but you don't know the actual meaning you know the context of it PostScript it means PostScript is that right okay great like an additional note so I'm gonna write it like this PostScript so it's an additional information additional information and we also have or lots coming through [Music] message this is informal which means a message and the thing that Oh TTFN that's a good one that's what Tigger uses in the cartoon we need a poo TT and which means tapped ah for now which means goodbye goodbye okay I'm gonna start wrapping up now guys because we are getting is getting quite late can someone check what this means NB I know it's like PS at the end of and at the end of a piece of text it's actually Latin is it is Latin notre nota bene I would say it means something like please note great okay and this is formal wonderful fabulous okay I'll very last one very last one I T spell like this means information technology information technology which is like basically computers and stuff computers okay Neve no one ever says your name right and that's because it doesn't it's not spelt the way it sounds but I've known a few people with your name and I've so I'm glad I've got it right oh did I do ASAP I think I did do ASAP where is it is they a Skippy on here no it's not okay I must add ASAP I'm sure I did obviously not okay last one ASAP this isn't formal and you can I do I think I spoke about it but I didn't write it down you can use this in the business email ASAP as soon as possible I am running late but we'll be with you ASAP okay there we go all right there we could be here forever because there are so many that we could be here all night and as much as I'd love to be here with you all night I need to eat some dinner and then later I have some private lessons so I must eat before I teach otherwise I end up getting to midnight and having had no food I I faint I wither away and so I have to be good and eat it's an appropriate time I really thoroughly hope you enjoyed it and that you found it helpful I'm just going to give you my last little paragraph here which is obviously using a lot of what we covered thanks for watching this english lesson by the way don't forget that I am oh dear don't forget so that's me thinking too much while I'm writing don't forget that I am live again tomorrow at 4 p.m. if you thought this lesson was great then be my best friend forever and like and share it with your mates Oh what could change this could make do this with your mates and even your be a e which is even your BAE your before anyone else your your love of your life thought oh what did that mean again turn let's talk about what did that will mean T can anyone remember I shared how often I use acronyms TT TT TT dude where is it talk to you later talk is talk to you later there we go talk to you later bye for now talk to you later bye for now might even do take care and then hugs and kisses hugs and kisses wonderful so don't forget guys if you're not a subscriber please do press subscribe Annabelle notification so you don't miss my future lessons as I said I'm trying to go live as often as I can and upload lots of great videos for you I have uploaded a couple of pre-recorded videos this week that I'm very proud of particularly my fitness video so please go and have a quick look at that and another business English bite-size video which I've released on Monday very short and the business English bite-sized lessons are helpful if you're learning business they're very short so they're like two minutes long each if you know anyone who would find these lessons helpful then please help me by sharing these less with your social networks and if you feel that you can contribute a little bit more then I'm looking for people's time I'm looking for people to translate my videos I would like my videos all my lessons to be available in your language and that's every single language that is out there I would like my videos available in those languages so that people from your country can understand these lessons and it will help everybody to improve their English so if you feel confident with your English you feel you could translate accurately any of my videos whether it's the longer videos the short videos the live videos then feel free to click on the link in the description box below and choose a video and translate it for me either just the title and the the description or you can do all the subtitles Devere thank you so much that is very very kind you've just dropped me a 5 euro super chat of course those of you who have sent me super chats today that is Eris and Xavier I hope I'm pressing that correctly she'll be ere you of course as a thank you will receive the notes that I wrote today so drop me an email my email is in the description box below and I'll gladly send those to you thank you very much to my patrons for all your support and if you feel like you would like to be a patron to join in the Skype chat room and to benefit from all the additional rewards that my skype that my patrons get then you can check out the patreon page via the link in the description box below and there are lots of other things that you might find interesting in the description so do take time to look at those all right well I'm gonna let you get back to your families and to your fun evenings whatever it is you're doing go and relax have a lovely time lots of love from London and I will see you tomorrow at 4 p.m. UK time so tomorrow 4 p.m. UK time until then take care and
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 12,582
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, vocabulary, esl, english, English speaking, speak english, pronunciation, british accent, british pronunciation, learn english speaking, anna tyrie, Grammar, british, anna english, esl crime, english listening practice, english lesson, english vocabulary, intermediate, learning english, Acronyms, text, text acronyms, text chat, learn text acronyms
Id: IAkPBg3yhcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 21sec (3561 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2017
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