Asmongold BLOWN AWAY By Lost Ark | First Time Playing

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what's up y'all it's me it's your boy asmingle and today we're [ __ ] back we're here to argue with idiots in chat and uh play video games and i banned all the idiots why they have dolphins in the background oh [ __ ] before you play step one protect the community don't bully people play fair don't cheat respect each other don't grief or defraud people or win trade i need to have this for a while all right guys let's play the [ __ ] game the land of frost everything was frozen through the power of sirius okay a prison of ice to bind the accursed flame demons that's cool but cracks had started to form in the ice lord sirius bade us to find the warrior of frost to battle the returning demons oh no not serious again found you i thought i was out of it hero of the arena you proved your worth in that coliseum of pain and death so i'm basically like gladiator only you had the power to save shoeshire from chaos bro shoeshire just sounds so dumb awake it's the worst name i've ever heard of the dead to bolster their forces they had to be stopped i've planned my revenge for a thousand years only to did they take this from shadowhunters you exceeded our every expectation oh [ __ ] okay but our world is facing an even greater peril follow the path of light okay use your strength to drive out the darkness from this world i can do that now uh obviously we have a number of different classes that we're gonna do uh we could have the warrior uh the maid decent enough all right and we also have martial artists female very dangerous extremely dangerous martial artist male 1 that does look pretty cool and then gunner mail this is a character i might play i might even try this out gunner female as well there's that and let's see and also assassin so these are the classes so wait what look at the difficulty level it literally says warriors the easiest class look oh my god customize your character now i want to have this character look as much like me as possible let's do it okay i think that's a pretty good start okay so we can go with uh this guy uh i i don't know about this haircut this guy i mean this is this is way too [ __ ] much so what about this one no bro like i'm i i'm not about that hairstyle at all uh not necessarily this is i mean that one kind of looks good i mean i don't know what do you guys think like in my opinion i think this guy like straight up this guy right here is like this guy with the schlatt face app okay so it's like why would i ever play this guy if i could just play this guy instead you know what i mean so what's the next one oh the red eyes are [ __ ] badass i'm probably gonna do one of these tattoos here the tattoos are [ __ ] badass next one ah this guy's a little bit old i mean i'm not guys i'm not old am i right let me see if i can get the camera to work this time okay and if it turns itself off again i'll complain about it again so this bro he oh he mad god damn what the [ __ ] so uh i think that we should start with this one right here or this one right here i feel like these two guys are the ones that look most like me and by most like me i mean most like what i what i want to look like so this is one this is two this is two this is one gentlemen do you guys want to do a poll in chat and i want to make sure that you guys understand this this is a republic okay there is an electoral college that actually makes the votes and there's only one person in electoral college it's me but uh you know i'm just curious to see what the people have to say two we're gonna go with the absolute giga chad you know what i agree this guy looks way more like me you're totally right so i had my original you guys want to see my original that's my password um uh do you guys want to see my original lost art character i'll show you so this is what i made my guy look like i tried to make him again look as much like me as possible okay yeah so that's that's i think what we're gonna go with basic faces this guy and this guy right here this looks like the the face of a dude that pressures girls to drink at parties am i [ __ ] wrong this looks like my bro i literally had this hair whenever i was 20 years old this was the original zac rawr hair and the reason why i did it is because i brushed it over to cover my hairline that was starting to recede and that's why i did it it worked really well my server is galatar by the way i've said it before but i'll say it again hello i'd like to speak to the manager of hell please we're not doing this looks like he's trying a little bit too hard [ __ ] you guys i think we go with this one and then blending is gonna be like oh that looks kind of good bro is that it oh my god oh my god bro that's it that's it bro change outfit okay oh yes dude yes dude [ __ ] yeah i don't really like a lot of the bigger beards like this one's kind of cool in a way but i don't i i just don't feel like any like what the [ __ ] is this man what the [ __ ] is this that looks badass right this totally looks [ __ ] badass but i feel like we holy bro this is this is he's a straight up juggalo yeah and freckles i'll do it like very lightly so it looks like he's kind of dirty you know from like a battle yeah the red eye yeah we're getting to that okay guys and then eye color is going to be red oh [ __ ] oh bro that looks [ __ ] cool man oh bro it looks [ __ ] bad ass and all right let's look at the voices okay voice type one [Applause] so it's between these two because like these bottom ones are like this is some like [ __ ] like high school anime [ __ ] [ __ ] so it's definitely not gonna be it's either one or two i think we just go with one man i think one sounds good that sounds badass yeah let's go with that now let's look at the different uh different stuff and what about emote actions what are these here [Music] oh my god oh my god okay um so uh okay that's badass that's cool and is this a is this for tick-tock what the [ __ ] is this what the [ __ ] he just breaks out and busts a move like oh my god you gonna play yeah i'm about to start man i just wanted to make my character as uh as good as possible okay all righty gentlemen i think that we have right now the perfect character am i right different outfit okay i mean this is so badass bro this is bro look at that there's no way there's no way we don't go with this there's no shot we don't go with this man we are doing it 100 we are applying the changes we are making this character it is what it is let's [ __ ] go character name all right well i'll just go with aspen gold there's your clip guys there it is all right let's go with asmon you guys all right all right zach mar you guys oh you guys oh oh you guys i could name my character a long dick should i name myself long dick how about just i i'm just i'm just gonna full send it [ __ ] long dick johnson i i feel like i mean amazon wouldn't have a problem with long dick johnson at all would they how about i go with this [ __ ] you man who would steal that why all right okay we we have to we have to figure out the right name the perfect [ __ ] name asthma and god we [ __ ] got it boys we [ __ ] got it we got asthma on god like it's it's like whatever like who gives a [ __ ] i think we're good to go ah there's the four hour intro over is it time for us to actually play the game i believe it is and so it begins greetings hi destiny has led you here yes holy [ __ ] i get to move around i do okay all right here we go now follow the path of the light okay let's follow the path of the light um it doesn't work yeah i can't i can't go anywhere all right so wrong way dude it should be fine okay all right let's do it so we go through this oh [ __ ] is this thor all right here we go boys [Music] the forces of chaos are on the move again well that sucks the arks once saved the world from the demons yeah we need them again okay try opening the tome of prophecy it will show you the path this is where i pick my spec i'm pretty sure okay um interact with object press g got it all right so i click on my prophecy choose your advanced class so we have berserker gun lancer and uh and paladin all right so the gun lancer uh berserkers wield powerful great swords so we want to look and see what this can do um if you look at like i don't know what that is like do i click this video or whatever i'm going to just go with class tester all right i'm going to show you guys what it looks like so look at that so he's got a massive [ __ ] sword he can do all these badass abilities look at that holy [ __ ] okay and what does this do right here you can do a spin wow okay there's f as well hell blade i've never seen that before a and then s oh you can move around while whirlwinding too so this is pretty [ __ ] badass and holding skill all right let's summon a monster where is he at okay okay uh i mean this is bro i think we go with this like as i said before like i think berserker is the obvious pick it's just there's not even a question in my mind that we go with berserker you know what i mean like i'll test gun lancer because it's like i might as well but i think that i should go with this and let's go cancel summon and we'll do try another class and we'll do gun lantern as well now we're obviously not we're not really gonna play a paladin right so we're not even gonna try that uh but we'll go with gun lancer and see what that's like attacking fills the shield meter to protect yourself class tester all right let's do it dude i look [ __ ] beefy holy [ __ ] god damn holy [ __ ] man look at this i'm like this is pretty [ __ ] big this is pretty badass all right let's summon some monsters okay i mean this is cool it definitely is cool but i feel like we should go i still feel like we should go with berserker let's summon a boss okay all right so we'll try and just use some attacks here and oh this is pretty cool man i i think that we go with bro i feel like we go with berserker okay guys i really do i think that we go with berserker press z okay i'll press v okay this is defensive stance increasing your defense makes you immune to debuffs and pushes but decreases your movement speed all right and then x is what the [ __ ] okay all right that is cool now all right all right all right i will do you guys really want me to try out paladin oh do you guys really want me to try out paladin oh god okay all right all right all right oh hey guys hey look at me oh wow look at this can i have the character die look how bad he is he's dying he can't do anything ah this is just so this is dumb dude it's dumb it's so dumb okay yeah look look it's it's not that's it's not it's not that cool it it's really not that cool guys i feel like we go with uh we end the test okay i have decided actually the best one no no all right here we go guys god damn i look [ __ ] good holy [ __ ] i look [ __ ] good all right guys let's do it the bias is off the charts well no here's the thing is like if mcconnell plays like i don't want to steal his class so it's not that paladin isn't cool i was actually cooler than i thought but i have to play berserker so mcconnell can play paladin that's just what makes sense right yeah we have to play berserker i choose i choose this destiny let's do it [Applause] holy [ __ ] look at that god damn look at that big boy right there holy [ __ ] oh my now wow that's bro this is the starting sword this is this is what you this is what you start off with okay this is the first one okay um so let's go ahead and try this real quick talk to the npc all right the path you've chosen no we're on galatar what the [ __ ] do you mean okay the forces of dark grow ever stronger but take heart my child the future has not yet been decided follow your destiny [Music] okay okay so do i go and i follow my destiny here okay let's go follow our destiny so who's this wait oh [ __ ] you will now take your first step in the quest for the ark i'm indiana jones the future of arcasia is in your hands okay the light of the world must not fall to chaos it will not i will say i will save the world i will save the world by myself [Music] his face look at his face who is it the champion has arrived what the [ __ ] is that a pillar of light [Music] we better get moving this is me go where to meet old friends after 500 years of waiting i just couldn't get away from the walla fells the stars of destiny call to us come back you crazy old man okay so i just did i literally get summoned onto this onto arcasia in a giant pillar of light oh man looks like a child yeah i know it's like yoda you know look alive scrubs we're here wait that's that's me look at my help look at my helmet i i gotta make it to where you can't see the helmet man i want to have it where i he actually yeah i get called a scrub man usually that's from other players oh wow it's the title screen the forgotten land wow oh [ __ ] that's cool that is really really [ __ ] cool wow that's not as cool it's not as cool at all okay there we go i'll turn it off again oh god this thing's so dumb okay yeah of all the days for it to not work well i mean i guess that's implying that it doesn't work every day which is not true okay slower than a turtle wow so i just i've been insulted twice and i haven't even been able to play my character pride home is next so please don't get off just yet um inventory character profile okay there we go let's go all right so let's move are these other players or is it just all npcs here i i wonder what what it is okay [Music] so what the [ __ ] wait come back for a second so i think that this little image here means that it's part of the msq rough voyage huh yes i know how you sailers are they aren't exactly the most pleasant type wait this is how i started in final fantasy too i was just thinking about this yeah this is actually how i started in final fantasy holy [ __ ] i started blessing type well it matters the most you arrived here in one piece so it's time for you to start exploring the land huh yeah be wary though the land lovers can stab you in the back anytime you say you're from somewhere cold well that's quite a weapon i bet i can't even lift it here take this they're supplies from the truer expedition okay i don't know how dangerous this mission is supposed to be but i hear the client has invested a quite uh quite amount a large amount of coin on this adventure it contains a special weapon it was initially crafted by the umar blacksmith so check it out okay so let's open up inventory from your inventory um i'm already getting an upgrade i think that's so [ __ ] funny i didn't even get a chance to play my character and i'm already getting an upgrade that's how good i am look at that boys starting with level 60 sword obviously okay so i like you you got the right kind of eyes for this job what are you trying to say you can always tell a quality adventurer from some pretender by the eyes see he liked the red eyes there you go and uh people quality are hard to come by into forgotten lands these days actually the teammates are so bad excuse me uh so the treasure payoff must be huge do you know anything about it what do you mean uh gerka filled me in on this one for the whole ordeal it seems like some praise from the sanctum order has put out a huge reward to help him find the hidden treasure there was a war fought in this place a while back it was deemed unsafe by local authorities but i guess they opened it back up again i always figured anything of value was destroyed in the war okay all these fire attacks we wonder if we're not walking into a wait what was that what happened look at him okay so draw water filling the bottle with fresh water okay so [Music] let's go ahead and do this water sweet water oh wow god so much better thank you so much i had no idea uh seasickness could be this bad thank you very much i had a hunch that you were a kind soul i'm glad i was right man i have your name kind of introvert it's asthma god oh asmond god quite a unique name i definitely won't forget that one i am morpheus a priest of sacria i'm seeking treasure beneath the hidden city ancient city of trua treasure seems like you haven't heard from gurkha allow me to follow you on the details uh archaeological data deciphered by a church has revealed that this land contains treasures and the prophet okay that makes sense obviously it does archaeological data deciphered yeah yeah oh i was reading the same thing again the news resulted in many adventurers joining the hunt but nothing has been found yet more and more people are hearing about a land of gold and opportunity which means the church had to act fast if it wanted to find the treasure wow that's just like real life the church is stealing the treasure from normal people that's amazing this is a mobile game right yes it's a mobile game uh if i pick up my computer and i go somewhere else i can still play the game on the computer so what's next the church decided to hire many skilled adventurers to explore this land on their behalf they also decided to send priests such as myself to oversee things i didn't think i'd be selected for such a dangerous job uh the one over there is gurkha who eats the expedition okay cool let's try it over here let's see what this guy wants pick up the pace get i'm the captain okay expedition call me gerka this is the weird guy with the stupid hair sure whatever true was an ancient city destroyed long ago in the war we have only one mission in this cursed land it's to find the treasure requested by the priest by following clues left behind in the ancient city all of you are expendable if you do anything foolish or cause trouble i will not hesitate to leave you behind so this guy sounds like me whenever i'm raiding all these maps are made by the events party press tab to access your map anytime check the map as often as you can okay tab oh all right let's go oh [ __ ] i've got to do this party that came first said they had finished exploring the area but there was nothing to gain uh how useless uh starting today we're gonna explore the deeper regions of the land i must warn you if if you don't report any treasures or suspicious clues you find you'll be in deep hold on that overwhelming sense some sort of creature is near be on guard okay finally we've got some [ __ ] combat let's do it captain trolls in the camp oh [ __ ] damn it oh [ __ ] okay wake up and grab your weapons alrighty boys why is my weapon bigger than everybody else's like look at this guy he's got just like a normal sized saber and i have this giant [ __ ] a giant [ __ ] sword okay oh [ __ ] okay um this isn't really too bad i'm just hitting random buttons well they're all dead okay and you actually have a roll like dark souls 2. okay let's kill these guys s oh this is the ability right here that i put all my points into got him and okay i [ __ ] that up i'm trying to get like i'm trying to figure out like what my abilities really jesus i need to use that ability all the time the r does so much [ __ ] damage jesus christ okay and these guys are almost all bro like i'm [ __ ] i'm killing them holy [ __ ] what a waste of energy yeah i see that i want to hear the rats and approach the advanced parties and uh investigation we have to hurry find it ourselves only those who are not seriously injured we treated and go together hey priests you can do that can't you okay so we have to go talk to the priest and go with him of course you you're put down the knife what's this little [ __ ] [ __ ] talking about shut the [ __ ] up i came here on the condition that would be not be a burden so i've got to do my job too right but i could use a little help asthma on god would you be able to help me and give me a hand yes he's got that he's got a little stick let someone else tend to the priest we should be searching the surrounding [ __ ] is this all right we got to help these guys out thank you it's not a serious claim the founders pack ah who gives a [ __ ] uh everything will work just fine anyway the tent was burned down during the raid when are we even going to find the treasure oh nice okay um so let's go talk to this guy again i think it's already too late for these people they're not going to be saved by jesus is that what you're telling me are you really you're really going to hit me with that this early on danger is not yet passed don't prepare what comes next we'll just lose our lives like them this is an hp potion use it whenever you're in danger okay uh place on hotkey f1 makes sense i already gave some the potion so i already have that oh i have to f1 drag the potion from inventory express gravity is important but making it out alive is what truly matters make good use of that potion what is this [ __ ] [ __ ] talking about man definitely have potential based on how you took down those trolls without breaking a sweat those are some pretty great combat skills you're using asthma on god oh this is where it teaches me about the combat skills all right let's try this here say very percentage bosons for in-game i'm not going to worry about that [ __ ] man since everyone walks into battle in their own unique style based on a class of virtues keep things fresh by checking what's available as k for combat skills you know how to manage your combat skills right azmin gold yeah yeah i do sounds like you got it all figured out yeah that's that's me man i just got it all figured out that's right god i'm so smart i figure so much stuff out such a smart guy before you start the expedition check your combat skills and figure out which skills are best combat skills and look around okay so um what we're going to do is we want to go with this ability right here this ability is the good ability it's called whirlwind and what we're going to do is we're going to put one point in whirlwind we never know what's going to happen so it's best to prepare for the worst yes we do we played the beta phil exhausted exploration hasn't started yet gerker seems very passionate and full of greed okay well let's go ahead and uh we'll go with him don't know if he actually found treasure worth as much as gurkha's dreams none of the information we have uh mentions its true value it could be something extremely dangerous or it could just be an ordinary rock or maybe it could have something to do with the arks the arks fabled artifacts of great power many people believe that they are a myth uh but the church takes the ark very seriously this is a secret but we're guessing the prophet's treasure that we're looking for may have a clue to the ark oh i think we found something over here okay easy everyone gather up we are going to maybe should take up farming yeah can we set them freely whenever yeah i get it okay so oh they need me to do it yeah yeah i mean they they gotta have i mean look got a really big sword what do you expect okay let's get on the boat cinematic okay it's believed the ruins of trua are protected by the gods yeah between traps and crumbling ceilings we should be careful okay let's be careful i really like the way that the isometric game changes its perspective a lot it makes it feel like it's not isometric these giant statues were built in the industry any truers regulus himself created the ark the ever ever-burning light of creation oh my god okay the ark contains great power i would have never expected that holy [ __ ] i look good if only we could figure out its location oh you're gonna flap your gums all day priest this guy's such an [ __ ] i love him he's right we should be quiet okay come here you're bored you look ill no i'm chilling bro i'm just chilling it's this is totally normal [Music] look we made this is a really nice area you know what like for an isometric game i actually really enjoy the graphics on this i think this is really well done like some of the the character models it doesn't seem normal yeah it's fake it's in a video game man you're on the right track follow me and watch your step okay oh wow i get to climb actually diablo dude if you asked me like back in the day i would have loved to have a diablo game that was a uh it's the trolls again uh there was like an actual legit thing uh an mmo oh [ __ ] it's a boss okay all right big dick on boss big dick on boss here let's go okay for the prologue boss i was oh i get it i get adventurous gloves give me a second let me put those on there's no end of this okay secure the oh he's gonna get killed good then we get all the treasure that's good oh we have to keep killing them see like if i have like watch this watch this watch watch look at that are you really gonna tell me that's not the best [ __ ] ability in the game bro like that is a hundred percent what we go with we always do that one if you destroy the bridge spin the wind what about the others trapped on the other side don't whine at me did you have a death wish it had to be done damn this guy really is a [ __ ] i was just making a rational decision to save everyone you made the right call man [ __ ] the priest the kid's an idiot you made it out alive didn't you uh you're faster than i thought you'd be it'd be useful later on well all's done i'll take your actions in consideration when we divide up the compensation but don't get cocky it ain't over yet okay casualty is none then we should continue all right let's go this seems like the entrance to the city okay and let's open it up there are letters written on it although faint i can't read what's written okay speak friend and enter when in doubt blow it up yeah this guy's my favorite character yep yeah this is this is my favorite character 100 percent uh when in doubt blow it up uh neil bring me the demo equipment give it to asthma on god here listen asthma god set this up with with the crack over there and then run like hell you're the fastest one here so you have the best chance of getting clear of the blast all right so they're setting this up to me run as fast as you can okay set it up i'm not gonna run that thing goes off fast i hope nothing goes wrong i'm gonna stand in it i'm gonna stand in it dude oh it seems good to me i did it guys it won't budge oh yeah it actually didn't move at all examine the entrance again even the explosion didn't take it out how about two explosions damn that stone ain't gonna budge is there another way god he's such a [ __ ] [Music] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] the path it's open do you ever stop crying okay so i have to tell you guys it's pretty funny to me i don't think that like this intro you sail in from a ship and then you uh you basically like you come up to an area and you look out at the vast expanse this is just like the new world intro it's the same thing whenever you think about it okay let's go talk to uh morpheus again what is this okay oh what just happened did the entrance to the collapse ruin did you open it up lights appeared and opened the door i didn't see anything nighter than anyone else it seems like asthma and god just opened a door yeah i'm in a different shard than you are and so i'm in a different part of the quest line i'm not sure what happened but something strange is going on here this means that i am a chosen warrior uh of light that is here to save the world faint leather is on the door i couldn't read it precisely but it talked about waiting for a chosen one guys i wonder is anybody wonder who the who the chosen one is yeah i wonder who that is uh i don't know what that's all about but i'm glad you're here yeah it's like i'm i'm trying to to create the light i'm a warrior i'm like you could say i'm almost like a warrior of light or something better get a move on huh yeah let's get a move on now what let's talk to oberko that fool priest i came all the way here and we found nothing well yeah it's about right sure is an old city here no city no treasure it's nothing but dead ends every time are we going to get paid or is that not real like everything else well it's the church so they're probably going to kill them something's in the air no let's see what the [ __ ] wow it was invisible i see okay okay we found it here all along would you do that we're gonna be right pandaria well let's go we gotta kill some more trolls it's the land before time we're here yeah let's go i remember i watched those when i was a kid 2008 graphics no i think the graphics are actually fine yeah i don't think the graphics are as i said before like graphics for me are like a benchmark wait for me do the graphics meet the benchmark if yes then i'm fine with the game they don't have to be perfect why isn't it opening neil get me the explosives what an idiot i'll just open it myself because i'm the chosen warrior of light there must be a secret device that could open the shrine somewhere how to find it together bro like this guy should be wearing cat ears this guy this is what i would imagine a cat boy to be like raise the fallen statue damn i'll move that [ __ ] quick god damn okay check the key of light and resonance uh that comes over there okay good he has found a way yeah thanks a lot bro okay now what i open the gate i got a bad feeling about this really all this stone fro what are we about to fight medusa oh look treasure wait hands off you treasure you they're all going to die stop you greedy fools look outside it's a chimera this is why i got the whirlwind skill this is why i got it let's go get here okay let's go with it dude it's really no big deal look let me tell you something let me tell you something watch it watch this watch this oh man dude dude bro imagine playing a paladin it's almost world one time let's go got him nice okay and i also got a chess piece too [ __ ] yeah okay uh got this come on kill him i'm hanging on buttons i need to re-bind some of these so i'm more familiar with it yeah i beat the game already screw the contract let's grab what we can that wasn't the deal hmm the guy with the sword makes the rules kid damn right brother hell yeah grab the stone it looks valuable this is my favorite character this is my favorite character no don't touch it look at it what's his eyes how does he know what it is no not me too wait it froze me too what the [ __ ] guys it's a trap help me oh my uh i'm going to save them that's my boy yeah i'm saving them please don't let me die get back [Music] his greed would have killed you both wow so we lost so every every cool character is dead and we just have the cryboy here so they killed my favorite character where does this road lead to the they call them emo harry potter true there's just two of us now that's correct i know it sounds crazy but i think i keep thinking we're being watched uh yeah by a lot of people actually right now pretty very insightful of you dangerous traps demon attacks not even human greed i have no idea we're getting ourselves into i'm looking forward to finding out more hopefully we can make it to the end together asthma on god okay sounds good and use the mysterious portal what the [ __ ] though wow which way should we take uh which wait what which piece should we take uh just get all of them okay so we just gotta move around here oh [ __ ] okay are you alright god he's such a [ __ ] man oh my god [Music] let's look for a way up okay it's so dark in here all right let's skip through that and we'll go through here climbing up here cool [ __ ] man yeah i know over here i found it all right let's go wait so he used me as bait to fall down instead of him this is some [ __ ] we found the ark there it is it's right there i've seen this in indiana jones he's like patches yet what's this it's a blue line [Music] [Music] wait oh [ __ ] all right it's on me it's on me okay all right um i'll try and hit him from i think hitting from the back does more damage bro i'm already good at this game z i i i didn't even think of that but i was just playing man i was just playing i'll try it after this when the light of destiny reaches the end of the world oh it's the same girl winged watcher shows the way to the light of creation yeah that's the person that like i talked to at the beginning of the game i i know who this is it's obvious when the chaos of the abyss opens its eyes once again you will follow the pride of lions to the beginning i am a lion destiny calls to you oh chosen one what happened to the priest why did i from that angle look like tai lopez this is not what i made my character to look like i from that i looked like tai lope that ah what's that oh he did no he's not dead he right there were y'all telling me he dead he's not dead are you all right stop crying can't believe you defeated a huge monster i knew you were talented as my god that monster was like nothing i've ever seen so ancient and powerful it must have been like a guardian protecting the prophet's treasure so what was the prophet's treasure was it a story about the ark it was a prophecy about the lion's pride i see the only pride i know is a place called pride home the outskirts of vera mathras uh protected by the sacred order there is a small town called pride home perhaps that's the path that you need to take okay asthma on god thanks to you i've learned a lot but he hasn't learned to not be a [ __ ] prophet treasurer's waiting for you all along okay so it was all about my prophecy is where we part ways but rest assured we will meet again do we have to we really don't have to right i mean we don't really have to do that how about we don't meet again we have for destiny you and i what the [ __ ] is that supposed to mean it's medivh the pride of lions bro there's no was about to say there's no way that's not an evil bird i know an evil bird whenever i see one right home it is that way damn he just evolved into a giga chat what the [ __ ] we can't keep destiny waiting [Laughter] so um basically he's in a seation that's it okay so all right so i i did i did want to go through the whole um uh the the prologue and everything right i know some people are like oh why do that why do that because i wanted to i wanted you guys to be able to see the whole story like as i said i i might not read every single line of dialogue but i want you guys to understand what's going on he's coming here to search for something yeah he just passed by where where is he so he was faking it all along is that really him he looks far too young does he really have healing power does he have healing powers he looks rather frail no i thought bard was a female only class a very famous priest but he is kind of a girly boy welcome to pride home only one holy one oh thank you so much for this warm welcome father the roo and the rest of the village eagerly await your arrival at the cathedral yeah i bet in that case i'd best not keep father varun waiting okay now wait oh [ __ ] [Music] okay so so this game is all about saving girly boy priests watch this watch this watch this watch this watch this watch this ah feels good thank you for saving me are you headed to pride home uh yep i am follow this road and you abide in pride home a ride with me in my village okay so i get in the wagon so this is now the oregon trail warrior exclusive bound to roster on pickup okay let's open that so do i want to use this oh wow oh i bet it's probably like a um like a relic or something like that where the hell did it go oh i have no idea it's a skin oh is that it's just a skin okay who gives a [ __ ] about a skin all right i mean to be fair i do care about skins but depends on which skin so what business do you have in pride home pay to win skins yeah with that helmet five charisma i mean for the ark that's all it's gonna take you know most people believe the ark is a myth truth be told i'm also looking for the ark so when does he die in this video [ __ ] boy there what's a coincidence oh boy perhaps we could travel together and see oh wow bro like god damn he gonna die you're finally awake yeah hang on jesus oh my god dude this horse is out of control what the [ __ ] no what happened to the bro that horse just did all those jumps and he just that's so sad nobody even gave it like they don't even give a [ __ ] it just went off there despawned is done okay they followed me all the way here wait who did let me guess it's the ass ass ends yup easy easy easy easy all right we're the rest of them at where the rest of these little [ __ ] [ __ ] at dude get the [ __ ] out of here all right now what dude i'm actually i was the last of them i feel like i'm pretty good at this my goodness are you not hurt no that's really i've never seen such suspicious people around pride home before my word where did the time go the my the people must be waiting for me the ark's relics in the cathedral please find me once you arrive at the cathedral okay let's go over to the cathedral and it's right over there oh this is a nice looking area damn damn two of ten difficulty everyone yeah and that's the thing is like a two of ten difficulty on a five of ten skill player like myself so what's he doing oh he's healing people holy [ __ ] the pain is gone wow thank you so much wow wow oh it's you again you're here i'm here father varude this adventurer saved my life oh so that was you i sense goodness in them well you're wrong also seeks the ark oh is that so then we have much to discuss okay is this the tablet indeed this tablet contains all we know of the ark passed down for generations oh it's like the one that i saw in the in the prologue as you can see part of it is missing the horse and they're deserved to be turned into a birch portion i wonder what happened to it mcdonald's burgers don't deserve to be called made out of horses when it arrives it's unfair to horses i think it went missing during the transport our attempts to recover it have failed i've never had a big mac in my entire life i need to do a stream where i eat a big mac just just once no one really knows how the portion of the stone tablet disappeared we should have had a security camera even the people of the old chapel at the time don't remember exactly what happened was missing something why don't you visit the tavern and talk to the locals there okay uh thanks so much for protecting father armin how is he a father the kid's like he's like 19 years old he's 19 years old man yeah i got to get i got to get mcdonald's to pay they have to pay me a hundred thousand dollars to eat a big mac okay so this is all the stuff that i've got to do uh i guess just throughout time oh oh wait a second i was supposed to claim a reward okay claim reward i get a thousand dollars hey guys by the way um you know hello adventurer father of roots said to expect you he wants to take you to one of those horses you can get to your destination faster riding a horse just remember you can use your mounts special unique skill if you press space bar while riding choose whichever you like oh i get to choose a horse so i get a brown horse a white horse or a black horse um in my opinion yeah i would normally go on a white horse right because gandalf with shadow facts show them the meaning of haste however this character i think rides that i think they ride a black horse i think he rides a black horse what do you guys think am i right about this okay let's go with it [Music] oh [ __ ] damn dude damn all right we got ourselves a mount already that was fast okay i remember whenever i did the beta i didn't get the amount to like way later okay let's go inside here all right boys we gotta put on our best behavior the other half of the stone tablet in the cathedral i didn't even know it was half a tablet to begin with yeah of course you didn't uh i don't know maybe elira does she's more involved than village affairs in my why don't you go see her by the way you don't seem to have an adventurous tome every venturer werther salt has one did you lose yours i'll give you one you can check it often while traveling okay can i talk to her again all right rapport how do you do this do you cannot talk report because that's a heart how do you how do uh prerequisite complete the quest okay so we're we're not ready for that one quite yet but we will be okay so let's look over into the other house and we're going inside here okay the stone tablet in the cathedral oh the slab engraved with something about the artist i am kind of naive to believe a made up story oh my god um shop uh okay may have story like that you can ask rudin the adventure association he was there when the stone tablet got moved he was just interested in this legends as you are pasted about the tablet near the plaza fountain okay let's go over there so we've got to go find the right guy yeah the game is actually not called lost ark it's called i lost ark all right where is this guy oh you're an adventurer looking for the yard how could you have guessed that thing how could you have possibly guessed that wow sun table sometimes everyone that moved i don't remember exactly what happened yeah you do you lying wait uh nal was wish me that day oh we gotta go talk to him he haven't really recorded anything well i'll teach you how to use it click the vista next to the cathedral and record it in your adventurer's home the memory will last a lifetime it's at the top of the stairs in the back check the vista by the cathedral how do you like pride home adventure that's not a vista this is a treat that's a [ __ ] tree dude oh oh wow wow lovely weather we're having today okay yeah it's nice okay good job every time you fill out the tome the association will reward you okay cool why to thank you for providing an essential guide to future generations of adventurers of course so if you find any information about the arc recorded in the adventures term do you still have any business with me oh that's right you like to wear n always all right let's go talk to nall so how many of you how many of you guys are actually watching the stream give me a second come over here if you're watching the stream okay this one definitely is okay there's a pretty good amount of them all right cool holy [ __ ] wait hey uh the one that has like the fist weapons can you dance yeah can your character dance i'm not sure i'm not sure if it can happen hey hey hey hey goggles guy get out of the way get out of the way hey hey horse boy god i'm getting [ __ ] yeah get out move okay guys i don't want to join a guild right now i just kind of want to chill and play through the game okay uh i might join a guild uh whenever my camera starts working so i'm never going to join a guild that's what i'm saying where's mcconnell he'll probably play on the server if he plays okay let's talk to nal the piece of tablet what are you seeking the ark you're like rudin what is this the ark is just some legend nothing but a myth actually this tri part is believed to be made of the stuff that god's used to made the ark beautiful isn't it look at that wonderful aura the perfect lines oops talking too much again won't you take a look you might uncover something interesting okay aren't these like teleport shrines yeah yeah okay did you find anything special no you think if there was a clue to the ark there someone would have found it already no because i'm the chosen one and you're not uh the tripod tomato transportation corrects different places two words magical teleportation oh really oh i thought it was non-magical teleportation thank you so much for the clarification guys i thought it was i thought it was normal [ __ ] teleportation guys but resting m you can instantly move a tripod to different place though it has to be in the same continent you can't use the triport to cross the sea yeah you got to use the uh the ship to cross the sea i could assume that okay using a tripod costs a small amount of money so if you don't want to ruin yourself silly always carry some coin with you don't look at me i don't make the rules the money's not going into my pocket it goes towards upkeep on the triports the triports you see in high traffic areas like pride home are wonders to behold suica shiny is so let's go ahead and let's decipher the language they used the triports are used to combat gold inflation sounds good let's go talk to sierra oh my god look at this guy holy [ __ ] we got thrandel over here what the [ __ ] is this thing god damn look at that [ __ ] antler okay so how's this [Music] hello adventurer how can i help you okay yep hi there what can i do for you the tablet about the ark something else actually i didn't know such a thing existed but the song i just played is related to the arc as a matter of fact it's called the song of the escape and has the ability to help its performer escape from danger amazing right many people dismiss the arks's fairy tales but we bards keep their legends alive through song song of escape sheet music in your inventory okay and song of escape got it f2 oh oh i see now used to quickly uh leave dungeons and islands well that's very convenient yeah i'm actually you guys are giving me really good advice most of the time whenever i asked a keybind what oh you wanna know what the keybind is cause you a noob it's alt f4 idiot i wonder if he's gonna do it i wonder if he's gonna do it the stone masons of loghill might be able to help okay well then let's go over there the tablet something ours all manages to write right to the uh tablet may the light of the arc be with you adventurer okay i got a swiftness robe ruining everything until 50 or the in-game starts i feel like the difference in like me reading it and me not reading it there's like 20 seconds many progress it's not that big of a thing if things become very tedious we might skip some of it absolutely but we're not really there yet so here's what i think that we should do guys okay i think that we should put all of our points into whirlwind and then also we're gonna put another point into whirlwind oh they don't let me oh why not it costs more points i'll keep going about the missing piece of the tablet in the cathedral i don't know where it is either why do you need it uh you know i don't know this is what it is right okay the ark's made up by bards check out the useless rock it's only good for taking up space okay talk to the guard sounds good let's do that wait what the bro this guy's riding cerberus this is 100 of store mount there's no way they put cerberus in the game holy [ __ ] that's cool you have it no i don't open your pack how do i open my pack top left uh welcome challenge left okay okay yeah real funny guys all right let's claim the platinum founders pack oh oh my god look at all this [ __ ] holy [ __ ] oh there it is how do i activate my mount you can only pick one no way no no way bro no way okay wait okay this did not just happen right there's no way this actually just happened there no i you could have a red i know i could have a red one oh my god man okay all right all right all right it looks like i'm [ __ ] sounds good enough let's go i i i'm not gonna use him all right i'm using my the horde of demons okay thus began what is known as the chain war a fitting name for an unending eternal war oh [ __ ] buy another platinum pack oh the duh i mean yeah i might as well do that yeah it's a great idea man why didn't i think of that just buy another [ __ ] pack all right let's go click on this one the war was so terrible even the gods wanted no part of it leaving the people to suffer alone that's terrible absolutely horrible races of the mortal world began a search [Music] uh i didn't read amazon and i wanted the red one but i got the white amazon k i get the can i get the red one i need to win one it's so much better episode please is that what we gotta do that guy is bad at look at that is that regulus the guy with the ark a small band of heroes adventure okay [Music] these seven heroes are the sidereals the races of the mortal realm rallied alongside the sidereals okay to defeat the demons and good for them i mean that kind of i mean that kind of settles it though in that case right it's just pretty much done easy blockchain war yo chill dude okay here we go the arc demon kazaros wait oh wait i didn't just summon him that would be very investigating ruins yes that's what i'm doing long ago the sidereals used the great power of the ark to defeat the demons i would have never guessed that now that same darkness has come to the mortal world yet again well why are they what happened to the art but they lose it this is why i have been traveling the world in search of the ark i feel like that's like a really important thing everyone tells me the ark is just a legend it's lost art but that's don't have all right it's the key to finding it of course of course yes i'm glad to finally because it says yes now if you'll excuse me i must continue my search yeah do whatever the [ __ ] you want please let me know if you find something do whatever the [ __ ] you want to do i want i want a new sword yeah use transmog no i want to get normal gear and i want to level up my character with the normal gear i don't want to use any transmog i want people to see the progression of my character as i get better and more powerful throughout time because i think that's more interesting and it's it's more engaging i don't give a [ __ ] about the rest of that [ __ ] dude i'm gonna have all the best gear in the game it doesn't matter to me the stone tablet of the key you mean the slab moved out of east oratory uh uh yeah i don't know since it was murdered the oratory find some clues here okay sounds good let's find some clues okay look at that look at this guy dude bro dude imagine bro imagine imagine not playing berserker like a magic like that that guy is life right now he's territory oh i'm entering a dungeon okay let's enter the dungeon uh defeat grave robbers kill them okay let's go so all right this is my strategy i'm gonna run in and i'm gonna whirlwind okay and now i'm gonna use the big attack bro imagine being a gun breaker whatever the [ __ ] it was watch this watch this watch this oh look at that dude oh thank you for your help please tell alln what happened ah that was close to a shortcut over there okay that's fine it's not a dungeon you beat the game i wait i uh wait are you telling me that i already beat the game and i'm only level 11. wait what dude oh my god that's crazy am i a god gamer wow go back and slide okay oh thank god for that yeah thank god for that we've got it all right so this is my role that i have i really like the role i enjoyed the role toxic claw robbers ganged up on the guards damn tabby looking for must be very valuable okay talk to guard mizo he's watching them i saw you wipe the floor at those toxic skills okay please kill all of them on the way over i'll turn it back on in a second god this camera is such a piece of [ __ ] okay no i do not want i do not want to hear about my cerberus mount okay i don't want to hear about it it's going to upset me the camera's lost dark too yeah apparently you know what's so crazy to me is that i do so much more damage than everybody else in the area like it really feels like it feels like there's like everybody else in me and that's just the difference you know what i mean like i mean i'm like level 11 and i'm already owning this game watch this dude look at that look at that [ __ ] okay gathering information about the recent movements of the grave robbers was doing the same thing on paladin no no that's not true uh i pick up some supplies okay i have to collect boxes that's just what i wanted you're really quick did you really do that did you really kill all the mobs yes i killed four of them okay um teleport over there i don't really give a [ __ ] about that i'm just gonna pick up the quest i'm not gonna worry about it right now though follow the traces of the tablet register oh i have to get this thing here got it click the activated triport to get there okay teleport and [Music] please tell us if there's a problem okay there's a problem uh i haven't done a dungeon yet i want to do a dungeon i want to fight a boss i want to fight a boss in the hardest difficulty and beat his dick off okay what does this guy want i heard the guards there got their hands full is that why you came to pick up the supplies no it's because it gives me experience i can teleport back over there myself right uh oh oh wow um oh wow holy [ __ ] this is the whole map damn if i click on this tree dude this is gonna there's a lot of there's a lot of [ __ ] to do here oh my god the [ __ ] this isn't react content yes it is i'm reacting to a video game what's wrong with that it's the same thing as reacting to uh to a movie or something like that is this stream live i've seen this shirt before well listen i i'm the reason i'm wearing the same shirt is because uh he's supplies oh i thought about the [ __ ] dc i just finished studying the grave robbers it's obviously i'm gonna do that okay so a man named kugo searching for something around there i think you might be searching for the tablet that you're looking for okay have you tried the specialty skill yet yes of course i have you're amazing as i thought this special c-seal can help you beat kugo guys um what's the specialty skill okay i'll use it on kugo oh there he is yep find the tablet i didn't need i didn't even need to use it man god damn what an easy game according to this note the ones who are looking for the tablet will have a meeting at their hideout okay so mason collins from with the area all right let's go talk to him then cat okay all right cat pet selection chest contains a pet cat of your choice okay here we go uh we got janice naran and lizette i i'm liking i'm liking jamis because it's almost like jambo because all right here's the thing right he's like this one reminds me of minx's cats and minx's cats are like they're the reason why they look i'm just gonna say it they would not survive natural selection like these are the most pathetic cats you've ever seen in your entire life she has the lazy one that doesn't do anything and then she has one that's even lazier than that and he just lays on a pillow and she hand feeds him and so no the cat's supposed to be feeding me items i'm not feeding the cat items we're gonna go with jambo instead let's go with him oh pets wow the leader of all cats in vern brave and fair james is the true king wait i thought was janice boy it's james now okay so is he summoned it is holy [ __ ] look at him that one's so stupid yeah mine's so much better wow i really did get the best one everybody didn't pick my cat is wrong true okay you can change the name okay uh all right we've got jambo here there we go let's do it oh bro i could call mcconnell oh that's a bull so let me get this straight guys basically every single version of cerberus is cooler than the one that i got is that right i i just i want to make sure that i i fully understand yes okay so all right and it's even got a crown yeah it's true this is where owen saw the grave robbers that's crazy follow the path through the thicket to the north it can be dangerous so be prepared you're not planning on traveling on foot are you quite far away so you better ride a horse ooh i get a new weapon for this one too all right toxico riders uh robbers hideout okay here we go my old one was [ __ ] up i better not i want that reward i'm gonna use it as soon as i can what's there looks like we've got an eavesdropping rat what okay now i actually get to fight a boss here we go okay all right oh my god what the f holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] finally he found the ruins oh my god and there's my sword and my helmet i ordered my people to pull out the tablet god damn you keep an eye out for the guards from the hideout what's this i went berserk's mode when he buying a new camera i don't know like if it's really annoying and it keeps happening it happened to me yesterday too i could just buy a new one like i'm not gonna the thing is like it's too grand to buy a new camera like i don't want to spend that money because it's like why why why spend the money but if it becomes annoying which it clearly is um it's been doing it so it didn't do it on the first day that i bought it but it did it on the second day so i'm not really sure exactly what it is i wish i knew more about the camera myself you know reckful actually recommended me to get this camera located the object in colsh valley valley okay let's go over there can you can can this object be okay shoe deal okay i got hp potions and what's this going did you toss the claw i guess i'm just gonna pick this up might as well yeah reckful recommended me to get this camera like the way i look at is like i mean reckful was like the og he's he like he he made so many like reckful was probably the reason is i remember right like reckless the reason why we have donations on twitch it's such a big deal oh vista yeah it's a very very big deal so i figured i i'd just you know do whatever he does right and so that's what it is that's why i have the camera okay here's what i'm thinking that we do i put all my points into whirlwind and so we turn whirlwind we remove the d whirlwind that's the goal right there are you saying the grave robbers are looking for a piece of the tablet in pride home cathedral yes maybe you'll find what you're looking for talk to uh talk to may doc the shelter keeper okay do we have to kill who dash okay um i have to get honey oh i did this quest on the beta i remember this and this guy keeps killing my mobs man he's trying to flex on me okay and pick that up got him what the [ __ ] asmun is back yeah i kind of just randomly came back today i didn't really know like because i was like as i said man like i was getting in my head about it it's like ah dude like i don't know if i'm gonna come back man like i don't know what's gonna happen so like yeah i'm just glad that i am i'm glad that i'm back i'm glad that i have the friends that i do to motivate me to do it and not you know i'm just glad you guys are here to support man i really appreciate it thanks a lot guys in the course forest are overrun with toxic rights i would have never guessed that there are bosses in the area wow uh i've heard stories of being stones being crushed for a while now those you heard it work destroying the site okay so we've got to go stop them from destroying the tablet and i might as well pick this one up too dawn tree sprouts there we go we've got another dungeon let's go yeah i mean i've been enjoying playing the game it's nice it's just like it's a very calm relaxing game and i'm sure it'll get harder a little bit more in the future but right now i'm just i'm just [ __ ] popping off you know probably like a mob that's gonna spawn behind me or some [ __ ] well well looks like we got some competition okay you want to play that [ __ ] let's go see if i can hit him from behind nice got him [ __ ] [ __ ] ass are you okay we got him robbers are after the tablet piece what do they want it for let's sell it probably that's one popular hunk of rock you're too late i already gave it to the boss you'll never get it from our demons so we gotta kill a demon i fear this much we got a deep dick of demons is far too powerful to be human in origin how do you get early access you buy one of the founders packs maybe they can point us in the right direction we do a review like new world yeah after i finish all the content founders facts worth it it depends on what your finances are men and it depends on how you view things as being worth it or not but uh on the 11th you can play for free and also we get new drops on the 11th too so we have other things on that day as well for other people robbers have their head out set up in some isolated place along the path yeah teach us graze rappers a lesson okay all right we got to go beat their dicks off oh i just looked at my health i'm at half health oh okay um required item level expected rewards so should we do normal or hard guys i think we get let you guys ready to get hard who wants to get hard together let's let's get hard okay let's do it you want to move talks o'clock cavern hard yes i do let's do it boys [Music] you'll get one hit well let's find out and jump over there okay did we put it on hard or not i i don't know if it didn't oh it might not have loaded in it's is it yeah this is this is hard mode um to be fair though these are like just like the first mob so it could very much very easily be harder later on see the damage the damage i'm doing is actually really good uh it's just the problem is like i just i take a lot of unnecessary damage because i'm not good at like comboing the mobs that's one thing i need to get a lot better at and like figuring out like how to do it the right way these guys are actually pretty hard to kill look at that it's an elite archer do i get as soon as i get a lifesteal ability it shouldn't really [ __ ] matter right oh it's the guy from the cinematic or the prologue for your sake yes the tablet piece there's no life steal [ __ ] okay so this is the key to discovering the secret of the ark yes the rest is in that cathedral oh [ __ ] perhaps it's time i go so we gotta fight we gotta fight the hardcore balls all righty boys let's do it where he be at okay oh he charged oh [ __ ] i messed up oh wow holy [ __ ] okay i did not expect them to do that much damage holy [ __ ] okay w and we'll finish him off right here get [ __ ] got him i [ __ ] up a little bit okay i oh i forgot to use z you're right so many tablet hunters these days [ __ ] yeah i guess what we should go with now is like double slash maybe i'll hold on to my points for now wow that's a huge [ __ ] upgrade that's 30 eye level oh my god you can respect at any time use me freely i'll think oh oh my god oh wow that this is not good boys well i guess i should probably like uh save the city and uh kill all the demons or like something right i mean like i feel like that's probably like what i should do yeah i gotta figure out a way to like to know what where i need to be and where i don't need to be we'll go up to the top and see oh look who it is look who it is boys i know you'd come yeah all right let's go let's go big dick time big dick damage huge get the [ __ ] out of here wow i hope there's not another boss up here but we'll see didn't i hit it oh i hit it twice okay i'll do that oh wow what does the tablet siri do not make me ask again i have nothing to say to a demon troll you'll say plenty old man this guy's edgy as [ __ ] watch oh [ __ ] it's harry potter and voldemort a priest with a little fight in them it's actually harry potter and voldemort holy [ __ ] you'll pay for what you've done to these people harry potter no believe in oh [ __ ] this guy's been smurfing damn such power that that's the power yeah that's the power of friendship delay interesting sadly i think it's time to leave but don't worry we'll meet again oh [ __ ] okay okay okay for it almond you use that power again i know but i had no choice yeah he was going to get his ass beat the further you will be consumed by its darkness what the hell is that supposed to be about what you saw [Music] back there i am a delaney born of a human and a demon but that's not like a nephilim the tablet oh [ __ ] it is safe so he can't use his demon powers thanks to you mom was a succubus that's what he's saying this tablet now complete described okay stay in this village for a couple of days i'll share what i learned from the tablet when the situation here becomes more stable okay yeah sounds good to me you need to get some rest and tend to your wounds anyway what oh what have i done oh gods shut up varu okay are you all right and all right sorry if i surprised you not really oh [ __ ] we got another one all right here we go wait i've been laying in bed when i fall asleep when i [ __ ] fall asleep dude good morning i hope you slept well you wanted to oh wow give me a second himself oh this piece of [ __ ] keeps turning off again i wish i knew why i did this i have no idea why it does that okay rapport uh i have to cook right now could you come back later to unlock oh wow wow she has to cook right now okay so let's go back into the cathedral and talk to the guy that in order to find the ark of king lutera you need the sword seal and the eagle seal okay the sword seal lies beneath the salt desert of judea in the kingdom of moriah however in order to get to utea you will have to cross the rugged mountains of ankumo i will pray for your safe passage in this arduous oh [ __ ] may regulus the lord of all gods watch over you wait you as well father why didn't we play on regulus that sounds way cooler what the [ __ ] man pride home is safe thanks to your help i can't thank you enough okay well this is good enough fruit enugo all right um great oh [ __ ] i leveled up and everything great and let's see what arm is the nation is judea it will be a long journey across the board gala turds shut up talk to emergent travelers nook to arrange the trade i'll give you directions uh as for me i'm missing princess corona adding anakuma mountain what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] brah what the [ __ ] loot g it gives off a gentle and pleasant aroma oh those are the special seeds wow okay uh sure about crossing the border go to anakuma mountains arrive wide salt plains oh oh so now you're not gonna finish sorry all right terrifying monsters near the border okay not that you'll need it i suggest you get a horse really i would have never expected that i would need a horse to to cross a long distance thank you so much edma i really appreciate your insight into the world you're the adventurer father armand told me about yeah uh it was predicted by the altar of blessings until the power disappeared one day it's probably because of the demons that appeared along with the plague wow the demons disabled the [ __ ] altar of protection i would have never guessed that how could we ever have have guessed such a horrible thing okay so let's go back over here and talk to this guy did you say the altar is overrun with red ghost spiders that's not good first it was moss wolves and now it's red ghost spiders charms will keep us safe right what a [ __ ] [ __ ] a charm the [ __ ] is this if ever anybody reminds me of the white cerberus you might have to just time them out for like six years oh we got three quests here okay uh let's pick all these up okay so got this right here got that right there there it is streams like feel like a day with the boys yeah i agree man i definitely do okay i thought the springs in the area are contaminated really i thought the water was green naturally yeah yeah yeah poe dude i love poe i was playing uh the league whenever it came out oh [ __ ] further than anyone this guy is black from burning all the bodies we have to purge this entire city i'm trying to save as many as i can but we're sorely undermanned at the guard posts we have to purge the whole city this place needs someone like you was sick yeah it was lit man like i'm probably gonna go and uh and use i'm probably gonna play poe again after i defend the outpost against these infected attackers okay all right so be careful not to catch the plague thanks a lot for telling me that father armin i really appreciate that uh thank god we have you here to save me from myself i like playing berserker a lot i'm very glad with my uh my choice you've met my captain uh yeah i did uh trap the demons were controlling the bolt guys thank you for the help weren't for you and father armin this command pose would be lost yeah i did what i needed to do man it's not that hard okay i think the demons were in the bolton spring to play what's their plan there must be a plague source somewhere we should hurry up oh i bet i know where the flag source is it's probably the [ __ ] dungeon i've got a bad feeling wait oh i thought it was oh [ __ ] they fought the demons until the end i got the proud border guards they were oh man [ __ ] dude come on man all right by the way bruce is grono after the record farmer armin okay so we've got to go talk to uh father armin and give him the record that the priestess left there these are records left by a pilgrim who was looking for the ark a long time ago yes under priest of white this is my duty go now i'll catch up to you alrighty and leave the border thanks to father armin okay so we have to go to the monastery well great awesome 1.1 million watching lost ark there's a lot of people watching the game man and a lot of people want to see what it is like i i'm quite surprised to be honest with you that there's so many people that are excited about it help me find the medicine kit okay sure uh yeah all right um wait how stupid are you it's right there mmo quest in a nutshell yeah girl's dumb she's dumb as hell best fetch quest i've ever seen well i prefer that you know like rather than run all the way around what a lazy chick i know man she's hot so she's used to guys simping for and i guess i'm just another one you know what i mean yeah i'm just another one okay now what this place is in grave danger second dodge doesn't like our medicines are useless and anyone who tries to help just gets sick this city must be perfect situation is growing dire i know what to do and now the dead have risen glad penny the plague has spared please help us okay uh let's kill the villagers the last time the demons placed some strange orbs in monastery orchards i will i i bet those are probably gonna be part of why people are getting plagued okay let's go get these two quests and then we're gonna fly uh we're gonna ride over there i don't know what to do uh we i've never seen diseases like this i don't know what to do disease is similar to a snake bite it's progressing so fastly mystical stone with healing properties kept hidden here maybe it can alleviate their sickness ask him about the stone okay so we have to find a magic crystal we have to go talk to the crystal mom and get the shungite and then we're going to bring it back to father i don't know about them brother dylan may be able to all right let's go talk to dylan let's go over there he's going to help the guards wait what what what's this health bar oh [ __ ] okay nice [Music] holy [ __ ] wow oh look at this helmet look at this [ __ ] dude like it automatically gives you items according to your spec rather than having to farm the item over and over and over from the boss yeah i i know what it is it makes sense saw the spiders fall the stone you mentioned i think it's the serpentine jade it has superb detoxifying properties okay i'll have to use it on chat cave called aqualoc's tail not far away from here right now it's swarming with demons it'll be too dangerous to get in there oh that's the oh [ __ ] here's the dungeon okay guys should i really do this on on hard i mean this is [ __ ] it dude let's go let's do a second dungeon here we go it's easy guys we just beat the boss and then it's done all right got him okay gotcha okay now this is a real boss okay that dude that was really good guys yo i'm good at this game right okay now it's time jesus we got ourselves a purple boy okay sermon try and draid okay so now we have the jade that helps him heal all the people let's see how it works damn okay great my friend and i are on our way to judea in search of the ark father varoot said hearts we must look for the mo ryan yes we were wondering if you've ever heard of it more i um yes i think so okay according to legend it was the capital of in cavia right up until it i believe the nomads of the salt desert would know more let's get the [ __ ] over sisters came from engaging which doggo did you pick before you set out get the tomb of the pilgrim from brother already i'm sure it will prove you gonna bring that up this game is [ __ ] predatory yeah i know i've actually already spent six hundred dollars on this game uh i don't i didn't even open up the store page i just had to check my uh my bank account and said i spent six hundred dollars on lost ark and and uh the charge said for pay to win items and look for a way to get to morai room i already spent 4k why 600 guys i'm joking i i don't really mean that uh follow you and i'm done purging the plague okay i heard abbott lewin regained consciousness crazy did you how did you escape aqualog's tail by rolling i actually like that thing where he did like the triple i that almost killed me like i i just walked out of it i used i played song escape good job song escape disgust purpose use triport to teleport the place you want it once whichever is better depending on the situation take this information about yudea i hope it will help okay so now i guess it's time that we go over there i spent 5k and i haven't logged into the game man oh what's up rich how you doing the wagon can't go any further you've been killing it with the two infested bandits see like this is about where i stopped in the beta so like all this is uh is new to me i remember i killed that boss and to be completely honest with you guys it was way harder on the beta like whenever i killed it it was a [ __ ] [ __ ] and a half man oh jesus we've got the edgy boy [Laughter] okay we have to kill mr bird so um brings you guys like didn't you see the cinematic the bird they don't even know uh dustman sent you when just uh come back he always makes excuses one day his stupid excuses is going to give me an aneurysm oh sorry i yelled just a messenger thanks for letting me know okay sounds good we got that done i think you can focus on more i ruins right now we can leave them in danger like this would you help me help them uh yeah sure why do you claim to help us why would an outsider aid us because i'm a good samaritan and you have a quest that gives me experience there's nothing you can do to help uh you at the priest over there well true he's been helping us you want to help us too i'm sorry i yelled i've been on since abandoned attack hope everyone's okay help the people that are missing talk to balgan and he'll help tell you more all right sounds good to me let's go over there recover our bags lying scattered outside the village and give them balgan all right let's do both of those no problem okay i'm not a thief well great wait no wonder these guys get their [ __ ] stolen i just walked up to him and told him i wasn't a thief and he told me everything i needed to know these guys are dumb world boss in this zone too you drove the bandits away okay whenever i get closer uh what were y'all just [ __ ] saying what were you guys literally just [ __ ] saying damn that's a big fat thick ribbed dick welcome that's what we were looking for boys nomads here told me how helpful you've been to them ask some more about more why ruins all right so we've got to go ask around for the ruins and we have to talk to let's talk to baldi you want me to tell you about the more i ruined no i actually don't that was a myth grandma thunder or a story like that uh desert monuments old stories engraved in them perhaps one is that place there's a monument at the saltern where the bandits are camped out old man tried to warn us the bandits move out when you go talk to him all right we have to go talk to a crazy old man let's go do that run with bandits that ain't gonna be careful okay perhaps this old monument could whisper secrets about ancavia to us okay um let's see here monument uh related to mori ventura could you take a look at it okay so uh cycuno wants us to go look at the monument so let's go do that outsider wait are you the hero who drove away the bandits thank you so much yeah yeah okay all right we're going to talk to the monument kind to do this okay please destroy them so now i feel like i'm playing final fantasy so we come over with an objective and we talk to the quest giver that's supposed to help us and he tells us to do something else for him instead and then he'll help us that's great is quick to move annoying bro i played poe i put collectively between poe and diablo 3 i probably could close to 10 000 hours so quick to move is not even a thing to me yeah it's like i don't even notice that it happens did you find what you were looking for all right let's talk to baldi the monument oh that's good to hear i sure did it's cursor-based really i didn't know that he said uh he would look for more monuments were forever indebted to him message from zarka who's been keeping an eye on abandoned sten despicable bastards they're going to ransom the captives they took whenever they raided us okay um well let's go [ __ ] deal with that if they lose their leader archer please get rid of archer and rescue our people from them okay so i've got to kill this guy i'm counting on you [ __ ] yeah all right uh that's cool i'm down for that is this game good yes it is rich it's very good at least i've been enjoying it so far it's fine with me i mean leveling is just like leveling in like many other games uh it's not really too crazy the monuments are dedicated to the morai ruins okay sculpt a lot more i ruined reality so harsh no i believe the glorious past there are to talk about remember the shaman thunder baldy mentioned the shamans possessed mystical powers that were inherited by their ancestors she might know something about [ __ ] okay so we literally have to go talk to with shaman's name thunder something's written on the old monument kaiser the king of ancavia meddled with dark sorcery to acquire great power like that of the hero luterra wow however the dark sorcery the creature was the pay to win from the outer realm was beyond yeah in case anybody was wondering after the giant wave that shook the earth the capital of mori fell into darkness okay that's crazy enter secret yeah you'll enter the lone insects demonic cave shortly okay here we go let's do it look at this [ __ ] ass [ __ ] you're gonna get destroyed look at that dude what a easy easy mob to kill man you're looking for thunder thunder was kidnapped by the bandits well that's that that's really that's very inconvenient for us i used to be a bandit now i'm suspecting other people wow what a good guy i may not be a good guy oh he says he's not a good guy never mind but i received to ransom innocent people okay is there a shaman among the captives an old woman she keeps calling down curses on the boss and testing his patients okay so he's pissed off about it and we basically got to go deal with that get some food and white herbs and bring them to bear end is this wow too looks so different uh no it's not wow two it's diablo um diablo three two all right diablo no it's diablo three two not thirty two okay uh what bandit look at you is this all from locon do you have to worry about me okay great i'm the formal enforcer of the thorn grip bandits well why are we talking to you are you busy let me tell you about the times bandit's critical weakness i want you to retrieve something of mine in exchange okay retrieve a wooden box bury just over there okay let's go do that already done uh already [ __ ] done whoa you're more incredible than i had imagined you took care of the situation so fast true very very true what server are you on i'm on galatar uh what uh youtube improvement please give me a moment let me reorganize my belongings okay good and weakness is iron cages they keep in their captives i was enforcer of the bandits but i also helped them construct the cages whenever they were gonna imprison nomads i purposefully loosened the bolts wow okay what a nice guy can you show me the platinum founder mount no no burn our food okay no i will not uh i i can't show it to you it's uh uh i it there's a a bug the problem with the uh it's uh it's messed up so yeah um uh yeah okay here's thunder no there we go heavens have safety wow seem like a smooth launching like diablo 3. yeah there was some goofing around at the beginning and it was hard for me to log in but like what was it like maybe a half hour or something like that that's fine captain's on my way to the gathering oh this is the gathering of the juggalos yes i've heard about this this game is new final fantasy 14 i don't know about that i think it just depends final fantasy has in my opinion it has a great community it has great single player content and it also has what's one uh thorn grip bandits capture nomads i'm not going to do that um it's like a world quest it seems like uh it's got the the good storyline and it also has the yeah it's the raids right raid storyline community those are the main things we'll get the fresh meat here might as well complete this one at the same time and it also has cat girls i don't know if this game has any cat girls but my understanding is that it might not dead game wall true true so dead so dead this is the most dead game ever yeah there's only 500 000 people online now i think that the game will probably like this is what happens with a lot of these kinds of games is that they get very popular at the beginning and then people lose interest will that happen with lost art we will have to see that's how i see it i'm not going to worry about it or try to invest myself in it or anything like that i'm just going to let the game play itself out i'm going to enjoy it in order to find the forgotten kingdom that fell into darkness i wandered through the desert for what seemed like an eternity however i eventually found traces of it and will be heading there soon i note this here and cause i fail to any seeker of in cavia's remains remember this what the entrance to the right is opened by the water that holds the light of creation okay so we have to find the light of creation gates of morai are opened by water the answer must be hidden in the shaman's ancestral knowledge passed down through generations true uh hard to find by but thunder might know something about this i would have never guessed that the shaman would know anything about water yes i remember that i thought it had to do with the ritual for rain wait i can rapport her what the [ __ ] it's ancient right to call rayne and yudia okay so uh you have to go check the condition of the drum in the meeting place check the harmony of it okay the sound should be able to reach far oh i leveled up [ __ ] yeah more collectibles their goal with the picture in the corner yeah i'll figure it out damn she going wild please watch over the descendants of enchavia okay broken fresh king thanks man appreciate it what is this is this a boss [Music] oh my god okay uh i guess we gotta kill these guys got em easy no problem boys we just go over there and get the ass oh this should be the last one defeat a the giant worm you know mats don't know who you're messing with okay no escape if if this guy has a lot of health i will pop z on him okay and if i i hit z again it does more damage right destroy them okay you can negotiate with a trimmer it's not gonna happen save or ignore [Music] you gonna live like a [ __ ] you're gonna die like a [ __ ] [Music] there we go oh that's this karma dude yeah it's [ __ ] karma okay all right let's go okay z again that's right [Music] oh my god goodness this creature is tainted with evil i'll take care of it saikuno is really going to come in here and steal the kill this is such [ __ ] okay yeah yeah yeah okay yeah yeah yeah wow the [ __ ] that what a disgrace is minimal this must have broken their spirits too yeah same really surprised he was seeing myth who who thought i'd see the mythical giant woman in real life this is the second one i've seen today okay so i have whatever's ruined the kingdom it's been wandering the salt desert ever since okay that's cool let me type in general chat area uh does there any bosses up or no they say no there's not thanks to you unfortunately the meeting ended without a hitch wow how nice you broke those bandits spirit too this stragglers still need to be rounded up but we can do that on our own thank you you did very well i'll never forget this you're no longer outsiders to us you're friends to us nomads okay so she's going to prove uh solar salt okay so we've got to go worm tunnels for glittering salt the salty giant boss is up just checking on the channel man get out of channel eight that's the one that's bro oh my god they said it's in channel 8 but i can't get in the channel they won't it's here it's in channel 8 i know guys i i i know i know guys i know it's in channel 8. it uh looks usable but this isn't enough okay that took me five seconds i can get another one rain making requires a lot of materials ground carapaces assault turtles okay um talk to thunder salt no i'm trying to see whenever it'll be up we may begin the spell please place the salt on the altar okay i've actually never done this before i hope it goes well ah that's good thank you very much for telling us that now okay let's do it make a wish and put the offering on the altar oh it's gonna raise the ruins up oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [Music] look it's glowing does that mean i have to click on it oh it's going down what is it wait so more more i the old forgotten city of our people it wasn't a myth cool maurice roy here it's already been here thank the gods i knew my mother wasn't lying to me because you aren't seeing more i like this because of you so are you going to enter more now when the ankevia disappeared it happened very suddenly you know what happens oh [ __ ] it might be a dungeon wow okay let's go talk to cycuno the morai ruins have appeared okay this is what the monument meant i feel now that we're one step closer to the ark uh i want to set that set out right away but there's something thunder has asked me to do i'll have to take care of it first why don't you go first i'll follow shortly okay so he wants me to clear the dungeon up to the last boss and then he'll come in and one hit it again yeah i've seen this before okay let's go check for the boss let's check for the boss one last time oh the red circle must be the boss arena okay all right let's go got him getting it bro i was out of that bro this game's broken the other boss is a real cop this guy is not a real [ __ ] nice holy [ __ ] i got a lot of items okay all right all right oh we'll get a helmet we'll get a helmet look at that one okay well i got the same helmet i already had let's go ahead everybody look at my gear damn bro i look [ __ ] good oh this is it are these the ruins of the ancient city it's mr bird which is obviously an evil it's obviously an evil bird let's see if anyone's home fallen kingdom okay let's do it hello why is the a1 steak sauce at the basin station a fur lube obviously all right we did it hey this is texas this is what we do down here okay do i go solo i i i solo the [ __ ] dungeon right i say [ __ ] it let's do it yeah i'm gonna sew i'm gonna go solo hard dungeon let's [ __ ] do it gigga dick easiest easiest [ __ ] of my life man let's talk to armin oh no i can't even see an inch in front of me it's too dangerous to go any farther please wait let me light a torch all right let's go lord of all gods [ __ ] this should help us see the path oh yeah all right let's start a little bit i'm out of juice troop what the [ __ ] is this it's a jade whoa that's what you call a bad omen yeah that's not good bro what's this only the light of genesis can extinguish the darkness what could this mean we have to get a tuning orb you're solving heating issues i'm not sure there must be a way forward that breeze it's coming from those rocks the ruins must be through there just look at them i can make a path jesus christ wow holy [ __ ] man oh my god [Music] he did something i mean he does do a lot oh okay all right boys let's do it all right let's beat him what did this to them [Music] uh i don't know how did you get 20 so quickly by playing the game it's crazy how that works huh psycho no no there's too many of them shouldn't he use up all your juice on that stupid find another way go on okay he's he's running away okay let's keep moving okay let's click on it i mean mike my stuff's probably completely garbage but it's not a big deal upgrade to give your charge a shield on hit really i should probably do that then i'll have to look at that in a minute okay let's go try this okay is it gonna raise up out of the earth no oh i gotta go to the other one yeah i think that the more i get used to like kind of grouping the mobs the better i'll be this dungeon's huge go wall-to-wall always well i don't know about that because i don't have the good potions yet and i'm not really sure how to do that yet but what can i do there okay that was almost bad that was almost [ __ ] bad i just have to get more used to uh paying attention to [ __ ] you know what i mean you bought out the cash shop rich damn it took you that long oh oh okay is the movement good yeah yeah it's it's all right jesus how many of these [ __ ] guys are there holy [ __ ] maybe your health bar above your head um i might do that yeah that's probably a good idea uh settings i'll look at that later oh [ __ ] i was playing poe and i thought i could get away from the labyrinth and apparently [ __ ] not kind of nervous should i just go okay all right can i can't can i just close this yeah can i turn that off or something is there a lever oh these guys are friendly that's good oh [ __ ] okay holy [ __ ] gotcha god damn i actually got hit by one of his attacks [ __ ] yeah we beat his dick off z again i'm just not used to like i'm not used to hitting that button on my uh on my controller you know or on my keyboard so it's just it doesn't it doesn't come natural to me that's why i don't do it i'm going to re-bind a lot of my stuff so it'll be easier for me oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] okay okay it's two at a time all right we made it okay [ __ ] okay are they gonna chase me or something it looks like they're not oh we gotta break it down that's cool okay now what oh double moco seeds oh wow look at that let's go back over here okay so this is probably gonna be the last boss pretty [Music] surface [Music] here we go let's [ __ ] do it wait what's happening here okay my knife let's go wait oh i was not looking at the hole okay you're dead okay i wasn't too bad okay all right let's do it i am very nervous right now [Music] you guys think i'm sure i should have done this on hard mode sure about that like i mean i don't know okay okay [Applause] uh that demon is cloaked in darkness why couldn't oh i don't want to spoil it but why couldn't he do that in [ __ ] heaven's ward a little more why why couldn't he do that in heaven's ward man almost got it [ __ ] kill stealing me again this is disgusting okay all right here we go shamelessness okay let's go okay cue all right we're deleting him nice oh we killed him [Applause] [ __ ] yeah damn man those blue the first key those blue mechanics are hard to deal with the sword seal [ __ ] so i didn't know if he was gonna like turn to some other phase at the end there and it was gonna be like some kind of [ __ ] you know uh like really hard fight or some kind of [ __ ] that's why good job you know he's like six bars yeah but he's had like three different phases so i didn't like how am i supposed to know there's only three and not four i have no idea using your own body as a shield not bad for a half breed tonight but this is as far as you go oh [ __ ] sword seal you got the edgy boy one last time you pretend to be human but this is the real you oh he's trying to convert him over that seal is mine trying to get him on the other side damn bro they're gonna do some [ __ ] harry potter [ __ ] again so they disenchanted each other great where's the loot yeah it's not my problem anymore saikuno no oh no are y'all ready that's a big [ __ ] chest boys we have a hundred percent we are 110 here we're not gonna get artifact power in the chest okay this is gonna be a [ __ ] brand new legendary sword it's gonna upgrade here we go open the lovely chest excluding magic energy wow so i got the new chess piece and i got a new necklace [ __ ] yeah so the sword i got was unfortunately a side grade i already have this one let's see what it looks like oh i feel like this one looks way better like this one definitely like no man like i think maybe we should use that epic one because it's purple okay so now let's go ahead we're gonna use the song of songing [Music] wow okay so what else do we have here uh we have to i guess talk to thunder all right let's head up and uh we'll do that that was a good fight i i actually i enjoyed that fight that was actually fun okay bosses and loot doing juiced maps i can see that you don't look hurt that's because i'm not glad you came back safely i can't call the light shoot from memorial ruins uh has me worried pleased to disappear with you the demon is fighting oh no let me read his fortune now give me a moment oh she's gonna read the fortune of uh of cycuno okay what is he gonna say north redland it's ozoron hill there's another shaman named foxfire there you should go ask her for help okay let's go do that oh demons and ghosts what am i supposed to do who are you it's your boy yeah famous outsider right i've never heard uh i've heard he'd be very helpful to people i can't say i walk in a situation because this place isn't very good not long ago demons started coming out of separate cave without warning they destroyed all the nearby campsites okay uh foxfire sent me here to appease oh that's the girl all right let's go talk to her and we might as well get this one done too there we go uh meredith asks you for help is she safe no that's good really good yeah it definitely is adventure please don't even need your help his middle transplants archaeologists broken my carriage attacked by the waifu cacti all hell broke loose during the scuffle my horses got up and got away all right let's go get that okay picked up myself thank you okay and that's great and we'll talk to this guy and i get my payment and a secret map okay let's go ahead and look at the secret map here okay guys secret okay uh oz or hill excuse me uh so it's right there it's right there and there's one right here okay welcome wait it's did they just use the same model twice let me place the light okay light fell on this place a short while ago vestiges of an ancient kingdom depths of ruin castle that's where you can find the person you're looking for now hurry he seems very exhausted and dire needed your help okay so we gotta go over that way you can play with controller that's actually pretty cool i'm glad that you can have that yeah absolutely you know play elden ring on pc or ps5 always pc i play everything on pc unless i absolutely have to not play it on pc yeah i i don't like playing anything that's not on pc uh if i could play on everything shaman woman assembly area tell you more about them okay we've got to go talk to sally and what this guy here poisonous locust easy game easy life i'm sorry okay let's find a demon next time go to nomads assembly area tell them a powerful demon is nearby oh oh [ __ ] it's armin i didn't even realize people here we saved saikuno it's fine sherlock's comfy as [ __ ] i just bought this chair it's like a three or four hundred dollar like executive office chair that i bought from officemax i got it like maybe four years ago it's okay but i actually cut out the side of it and i pulled out a lot of the uh the [ __ ] the padding because it was pushing my neck forward and it was giving me headaches so it's like i this is a modded chair basically a good chair i shouldn't notice a good chair to be honest like my best chair that i've ever had is my old chair i bought at sam's club my mom got for me when i was like 14 man and that was probably the best chair that i've ever [ __ ] had okay here's the payment got it how heavy is that sword oh it's uh it's very well seen you before who are you okay a powerful humanoid demon has appeared this is the first time i'm hearing about it well surprise okay i'm thinking about it demons have been acting strangely because powerful demon talking about uh steven can now safely at sapra cave okay so let's go over there see what that is because you mean the same chair 16 years now yeah i mean to me uh yeah i've used the same chair for a while too actually yeah i have uh absolutely game looks amazing it's a good game um i i would say a lot of people say the the questing stuff and like the leveling stuff is not really the main draw to the game the same way that it is for something like final fantasy so i wouldn't look at this and say like this is kind of this is the most the game has to offer but you'd have to just look at the rest of the content yourself and decide our research journals okay something is written on it what could it be wow it's a research journal who could have ever expected that let's go turn these in adventure i've got a favor to ask you go to sapr cave okay so like everything's taking me over to this cave area han asked you to come help me okay thank goodness uh we've got to eliminate all that oh i have to send a bird out what the [ __ ] wait where'd the message there's no pigeon in there there's that's not a messenger pigeon that's just a cage yeah where's the bird okay here we go we fended off the demons attack you're welcome okay still some dudes return okay we got to go to caravan helping our people we don't forget you we hope the best for you wow how nice so should i go down to the dungeon or should i go food sacks to playa should i go up yeah where should i go guys dungeon okay before i do dungeon though i want to do the two treasure maps because they're in this area ten steps is southwest okay oh enter secret dungeon here we go boys let's get it let's do it and i've got one more after this too secret these nuts yeah it's not you not even try oh [ __ ] and this should kill it got it all right did i get anything good all right that's one upgrade right there [ __ ] yes and [ __ ] yes so we've already upgraded two pieces and now we'll go look at the other one too is the game syllable uh leveling yeah yeah it's soloable pretty much wait what's this oh okay all right let's go this way here we go easy boss easy game easy boss is game too easy uh no i don't really think so i mean i i really don't i've done a lot of like types of games like this before so i'm a little bit more experienced get the [ __ ] out of here get the [ __ ] out of here there we go and i got literally nothing out of that so that was a massive l huge waste of time nobody wanted to do that and i just [ __ ] myself over that's great okay i'd really like to get a new weapon man what do you think about the game being region locked in a lot of places i don't really know why it's region lock so i i mean i think it sounds stupid to me like why is something regional it seems like a bad idea like what's what is the what is the way here but i couldn't find the demon based on the direction it was heading i think it's traveling toward luterra it's like what's the value of that i see only and find let's go to luterra i was waiting for you i want to go with you uh mount sagoras border lotera many soldiers getting wounded every day do you mind if i go first to help tend them uh well i mean you just did it okay worried might not be able to eat okay we've got the food there [ __ ] yeah i think that more companies are sorry more countries should have gambling restrictions than video games uh and if enough companies uh countries have been sure the priesthood it will just force the video games to change your seat and so yeah i think that's a good thing absolutely are you ready to come to the game and i'm taking it to oh [ __ ] okay [ __ ] yeah so now what do we do should i do this now fine i'll just do it let's go sapr cave hard let's do it it's time i'm ready let's pop the [ __ ] off [Applause] okay damn well this area is a lot harder though i gotta say yeah i'm trying to get more used to my my bro these keybinds i've really got to practice these keybinds man i'm gonna double check make sure i look around is there anything else here maybe a special seed is there a special bro i told you i told you i knew oh come on really really you're gonna do that to me okay you might have to refresh stream or something it's nergal that's right run [ __ ] oh okay let's do it we're gonna kill him with the f right here got him got him boys bro the boss was afk though that made it a lot [ __ ] easier all right boys it's boss time big dick big dick on boss got him all right almost [ __ ] it up yeah i thought i could face wrong because i was killing him so fast and then i just messed myself up oh they're gonna eat them wait wait what i beg you master carmine just give me one more chance disenchanted i completely understand but you should rest up maybe disenchantment a long permanent what the hell did they do not enough he got sucked off yeah at this rate i'll need a much more powerful soul so i guess we need to do every single dungeon because a lot of the dungeons have like the extra war content oh well that was convenient that i just happened to walk away at that exact right time okay i think this is a very good place for us to stop gentlemen we have gotten very far we have done very much progress today but i think we can pause here and say that we've actually done a lot of work we've gotten a lot of [ __ ] done and we are going to continue doing even more [ __ ] [ __ ] tomorrow one thing i'm looking forward to this is going to be kind of funny is that i'm looking forward to playing the msq on final fantasy because i don't have to talk the entire time i just sit there and watch the cutscene and i'm not supposed to talk i just i'm like this and people are like wow good job you did it wow you're such a good boy uh we got a lot of viewers we had a lot of people that watched today i really appreciate it thank you guys so much it was actually kind of humbling i didn't expect to see nearly that many people thank you guys all so much for watching today i really [ __ ] appreciate it i still cannot even believe that i just went live today and i'm going to probably go lay down and think about this it's kind of crazy i look forward to be being back online tomorrow and we're going to keep streaming we're going to keep playing the same game and we're going to go through the rest of it we'll do a few reacts at the beginning of the stream as we always do for the intro but then other than that i want to keep playing the game and start moving towards the end game so uh yeah thanks a lot for watching today guys uh it's been a great comeback stream i can't even really as i said i can't really believe it so thank you guys all so much for the support and i uh i'll see you all tomorrow thanks a lot peace [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 1,439,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr, asmongold lost ark, asmongold lost ark launch, asmongold lost ark gameplay, asmongold lost ark release, asmongold lost ark trailer, asmongold lost ark cinematic, lost ark gameplay, lost ark first time, lost ark launch gameplay, asmongold playing lost ark, asmongold plays lost ark, lost ark mmo, mmo lost ark, mmorpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 147min 33sec (8853 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 08 2022
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