What if Smash Bros. Added a Second Pokemon Trainer? | Gnoggin

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well we're back with yet another let's make up a move set for a Smash Bros character video an original concept I'm sure completely original and after doing crash bandicoot Steve Goku Master Chief and Spyro this channels main focus is Pokemon so it seems fitting that we do a Pokemon character for a new Smasher and ever since brawl I thought it'd be really neat to add more Pokemon trainers from other generations after all there are so many Pokemon characters that it seems fitting to have a load of them in smash makes a lot more sense than Fire Emblem anyway also besides the 30-plus anime swordsman there is another tragedy that plagues smash of all the pokemon that they do have they are extremely out of balance generation wide I mean there are no Pokemon from gen 3 or 5 and with the recent Pichu nerf is there really even a gem to rip peach who's dead and well sceptile is a really requested and I mean a really requested Pokemon for smash I feel like him being in pokken is almost a guaranteed deterrent for him being in smashed but if you people really want we may do another pokemon trainer in smash video gen 3 trainer but only if this one does well so let me know down below anyhoo our editor scoop of 92 came up with some moves and ideas for each n 2 trainer so let's get into it first up the trainer of course we chose Chris the female trainer from crystal as the default and of course the male trainer as the secondary option I mean why not switch it up for the second trainer it's only fair plus Chris was the first playable female trainer so he's special but how in aiming work would they make the names of the trainers act like Bowser jr. and the Koopa Kids we have red and leaf and then there's Chris and Ethan or always just imagine the announcer saying okay Mahlon trainer - kind of like Bowser jr. same inflection pokemon trainer - Penn know for Pokemon we got to go with Chikorita everybody's favorite koala and finally Feraligatr and obviously they all will have moves from their games the ones that they can learn however for the sake of style and being interesting some will have moves that they are technically unable to learn but that just makes sense because the Lee revolution can learn it or it just fits their overall character but you know only a few of them are doing that it'll mostly be since Meaghan and also because there are three move sets for a player to learn each one will be pretty basic that's not to say none unique just not super complex so that's a lot to cover let's get going already starting with everyone's favorite starter the banana company starting with specials / neutral special is Giga Drain acting similarly to Robins not karate thing hurting the opponent while healing herself however missing this attack is rather dangerous as it has a lot of end leg leaving you open to counter-attacks side special is magical leaf to differentiate it from IV source Razor Leaf this leaf is slower and it homes kind of similar to samus's homing missile as for up special let's get kind of unique we have solar beam as it needs to look up to the Sun to absorb the light so up special it's an extremely strong move for such a small pokemon and just like the move in Pokemon it needs to charge similarly to Mario's flood charts time however it's much more important and useful than the flood just like most other moves and that's because it's also chikorita recovery if used in the air the powerful blast of energy moves diagonally downwards and propels the Chikorita upwards so if you get caught off the edge without it charged he's much more dangerous and difficult for you to recover though perhaps for balancing sake it could work similarly to Diddy Kong's charging jetpack oh right and if you use it on the ground you'll just fire it upwards in a diagonal direction finally we have down special pokémon change exactly like the other pokemon trainer however perhaps the balls would be great balls to help spice things up her job would be to quick vine slaps followed by a stronger leaf smack forward tilt would be a simple leaf swing in front of her up tilt is an upward swing of the leaf above her and down tilt whether you guessed it it's a downward swing of the leaf on the ground now forward smash is body slam body slam makes chikorita throw herself upwards and forward landing on the ground in front of where she was originally similar to Kay rules down smash but it moves forward and it's tiny up smash is seed bomb a multi hit explosion that hits slightly above her similar to villagers up smash though with much less hits next is down smash grass not a move that will launch fighters further depending on their weight the heavier they are the farther they go and it's visually similar to Isabelle's downs tilt mayor would be poison powder a weak poison aura surrounds chikorita and it does very little damage and knock-back but it inflicts poison damage similar to Joker's death or ability and then forward air would be another leaf swing a leaf swing I know chikorita doesn't really have much in terms of fighting prowess I guess that's what you get for being a quadruped head you stupid bean pear tree seed I mean it could possibly spin forward while it swings anything to change it up up air again would be another leaf swiping down hair would be a strong vine smack downwards possibly having a spike and finally back air and well chikorita is a Quadra pen why not a strong donkey kick like a horse and the strangest horse I've ever seen oh and dash attack is simply a tackle I mean a starter Pokemon without a tackle is practically not a Pokemon doll as for grabs its vines really do serve their purpose here and it's pummels could be based off of leech seed every pummel healing Chikorita a little tiny bit and as for throws why not just a generic vine toss in every direction easy now for final smashes we wanted to change it up a bit by not just doing another triple finish I mean why not have three separate smashers for all three pokemon that's so much cooler however for fairness is sake they all do the same knock back end damage it's just visual changes and for Chikorita we have plant frenzy where a short cutscene plays of large roots coming up and beating the opponents up as for taunts we could use cute charm or one where it gets all mad and flustered because it's cute and nobody likes it because it's not actually cute same goes for the victory screen it could try to be cute and playful with the trainer but I mean we have two more Pokemon to cover so I think I'll just leave the taunts and victory poses up to you use your imagination next up is khulafa a favorite Pokemon of mine and another Quadra pet at least dominantly it's neutral special could be swift which is chargeable the longer the charge the more stars come out upon release and they home just a bit the flinch and charging would be like cheeks needles - the being able to hold it you have to spit it out after you charge it and if you really hate the move Swift you could always just take flamethrower from Charizard and Bowser and put it on this tiny cute stoat because we need barb the same move in the game side special would be flame wheel I'm actually surprised this isn't in the game already it's a staple of all fire types we'll OVA rushes forward in a blazing wheel like Sonic and when it connects with something most likely an opponent colaba jumps back ready to follow up into some sweet combos for up special we have another fun one an odd move you wouldn't expect to be a recovery smokescreen just tapping the button will get you a smoke screen about the size of piranha plants I'd special or the smoke bomb item and it gets put where you are standing but holding up special for just a bit will cause quelala to fire the smoke screen but Neath it and it uses the air pressure to move it upwards like a third jump it's not the best or the highest and you can use that smoke the same way the smoke bomb item uses it it's to hide what you're doing for a while you have no idea what Koloff is doing in there could be charged in a smash could be spam and a tilt who knows and down special would again be pokemons as Hertz jab combo two swipes followed by an ember very similar to a teeny tiny version of Ridley's F smash just way cuter I know it might be impossible to be cuter than Ridley but him F tilt could be headbutt but with the fire on its head bursting out to hurt the foe similarly up tilts would be the same but upwards and down tilt is an ember spit in front of it like Samus is down tilt smashes if smash would be quick attack where kalafat dashes forward a good amount really quickly only to hop back to its original position it has a sweet spot at the very end of the dash that has a good amount of knock back for up smash it flares both its tail and main engulfing any foe above it for down smash it uses lava plume where it causes the ground around it to erupt lava I mean it's got lava in the name you'd have to have some lava move right there is an in-place flame wheel spin forward air we have an explosion out of its hair in front of it up air sends out an ember similar to Zelda's up air down air is the same but beneath it and back air is similar to forward air but with its rump and it possibly spins before the attack to add pizzazz - attack would be flame tackle similar to Kirby's - attack however if you land the hit it could increase quill ava's speed for just a few moments as that's what it does in the game as for grabs don't really have many options as cava is practically a Quadra pet however using its fire ability it can grapple opponents with its fire it's like the move fire spin it holds them in a wheel of flames making pummels just furthering the spinning of the wheel and each throw could incorporate flamethrower as if it were blasting it off in that direction and as for a final smash blast burn could be a good finisher huge pillars of fire surround a scared target as they slowly encroach and explode as for Tots anything that was cool in the 90s our early 2000s really as koala V was one of the edgier mid evolutions in Pokemon you could even try and imitate Ridley's just standing up time to look bigger because it's like a noodle just stands and finally we get to for alligator now this Feraligatr instead of just being another Pokemon from the game is going to incorporate some of the things from the anime I remember some soccer I quote about how the anime is how he chooses Pokemon anyway so it works out and in the anime there is an especially cool for alligator because it's a sumo wrestler for alligator so keep that in mind for neutral special we have water pulse an almost copy of corenz water blast it could be charged and launch and it stuns just like Carens or perhaps who get swapped that for a different effects like repulsing controls for just one second or turning the fighter around like Mario's cape and tech after it launches the ball it could bite but with its mouth instead of a dragon army speaking of arms his side special is super power and extremely strong arm thrust forward although it's quite slow and also once it hits it lowers for alligators defense and attack for some time and it stacks each time you use it it's similar to Charizard flare blitz in that it's rather risky but it's over so strong or up special we had aqua tail it spins around to attack with a water charged tail all that water gives it super armor even when used in the air the attack is much weaker but it has some upwards mobility and a lot of horizontal mobility similar to Donkey Kong's copter recovery or height perhaps and lastly down special again is Pokemon change completing the chain as for Jets keeping with the same pattern we have two arm throws followed by a bite he's got big old chompers for a reason in fact forward tilt could be crunch basically a stronger bite up tilt is still using his noggin but with a headbutt and down tilt would be a low kick it'd be similar to Ryu and Ken's low kick sweeping the legs possibly even acting similar to Chikorita down tilt and damaging heavier opponents more for forward smash we have died Feraligatr dives into water only to spring up an attack flows near the water silly up smash we have ice Fang a big ol chomp upwards but with an attribute meaning an X like every other ice attack in Smash Bros it freezes the opponent's for a moment down smash these aqua tail again but it's just one big sweep of the ground with a water covered tail granting it super armor for neutral layer we're gonna go with flame I know weird but hey why not it's similar to Bowser's neutral air for alligator just kind of spins around but awkwardly forward air is crunch but in the air just a little nibble hard to pull off due to its speed but very rewarding with knock back up air we got slash and overhead sweep similar to Bowser's up tilt and down air is the same but down back air is slam a hard swing of the tail downwards and behind itself of course with a sweet spot that spikes as four dash attack we have aqua jet for elliegator surrounds itself in water and dashes forward crashing through its opponents with more super armor as for its grabs we're thinking sumo style like we talked about earlier for sure pummel being chomps or bites and maybe slaps you know sumo stuff and all those throws could be sumo tosses it kind of like this animation throw question marks on the screen here we go ending Feraligatr off we have his final smash a hydro cannon firing a huge blast of water at the target as for tots they could be sumo based or chomp based so basically key rules tons people I mean who doesn't want more chumps that's a top tier taunt right here now for alternate colors we do have the two trainers and they would just change color to a reference other trainers from the other gens and just a safe time not gonna go over all of them and all their Pokemon but at least one of the trainers would need to have the shiny versions of the Pokemon I think it would also be way cool if Feraligatr got a krookodile coloring and probably also just you know different colors it's such a blue color you can just swap that for red salt pepper green it's a lot different round you know you can also take pallava and invert it to make it closer to actual honeybadger colors honeybadger you don't care so all in all pokemon trainer 2 is fairly simple but with a few recovery related quirks each of the Pokemon fall into the weight class you would expect white I'm leaning towards light and heavy like super heavy not Bowser heavy but close to Bowser heavy like Charizard heavy yeah no no I'm staying on this too long though despite the weight distribution I feel like the speed distribution should be changed a little bit well lava should be faster than Chikorita it's got the sonic vibe for some reason you know or is that just me plus Chikorita has a few percentage recovery moves to make up for it being a bit slower than the other tiny characters but those were just our thoughts so what do you think let me know your ideas down below and stay tuned because next month is going to be so big so many videos posted next month because first of all III there's likely gonna be Pokemon news and also we're doing a ton of dragon-type themed videos hence why the next Smash Bros moves making up a new character kind of thing that we're gonna do is gonna be spire up cuz dragon what are we gonna do for Fairy month don't know yet I swear if it's tingle [Music]
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 214,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon trainer, smash, smash bros, smash bros ultimate, super smash bros, super smash bros ultimate, super smash bros ultimate pokemon trainer, pokemon trainer combos, pokemon trainer is op, pokemon trainer 2, johto pokemon trainer, smash johto, johto trainer, smash gen 2 trainer, gen 2 trainer, feraligatr, feraligatr smash, smash feraligatr, quilava, chikorita, for smash, smash ultimate, smash ultimate moveset ideas, smash ultimate moveset, smash ultimate 3.2, Pokemon
Id: DuaB44FaUb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2019
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