Grown Man Lists TOP 10 Favorite Pokemon! | Gnoggin

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this may be the most important video in my video making career Pokemon sword and shield fit into the alchemic themes of the last few generations have been evoking and if we take a look at the path of the flaming sword in the Sephiroth and overlay its on to the gal or region map it literally fits perfect what did you realize that the next video you post is gonna be the 500th video you should do something like personal man it'd be cool what are my top ten favorite Pokemon hello hello I'm Loxton and this year the show noggin has officially taken the Polka tuber plunge but if we're gonna be polka tubers gosh dang it we're gonna be the very best like no one ever was geez one question that I get asked literally every AMA and every single stream and just occasionally whenever also cuz what are my favorite Pokemon so now right before a new generation which may change the things I'm going to finally listen to them out which let me tell you what's significantly harder than you would think I just love so many of them so in a general but not strict order here are my top 10 favorite Pokemon number 10 skitty it's just a cat and I love cats isn't that right session of the cat she's a cat I love cats Plus at the time of my first pokemon mystery dungeon I needed to be skinny I was way into cats at the time I was reading all those warrior cat books you know the ones about wild cats they realistically should all probably be killed feral cats are no joke it's definitely important for the ecosystem that they die off but I loved cats and skinny is just so new and cute unlike that old and lame cat meows black and as I grew up in my favorite Pokemon changed as I grew up only a few of them stuck around skitty stuck around because I love it its tail is a little cattail grass or just even a little cat toy it's great it's so cute my cat is not one for cat toys she usually doesn't like them that much you were just making a mess number nine karna vine I actually had karna vine is number eight but then nine rhymes with vine so I moved it karna vine does not get enough love I mean I get that it's just a plant what does it even do and really it's just filling the gen4 role of victreebel in the anime it's James's comic relief skull eater and the anime is definitely where a lot of the love for it came from that ain't Pokemon Conquest I think a loved it in Pokemon Conquest plus I mean it's a Venus flytrap carnivorous plants are so wickedly cool and adding googly eyes to him just makes him better he's knocked Snorlax over number eight teddiursa and Ursaring pairing them together because i love them both but for obviously different reasons bears are one of my if not the favoritest animal of mine so it makes sense that a bear pokemon would be up here Ursaring is just that cool big and strong into bear what's not to love and then teddiursa is a cute teddy bear at the time of me playing gen 2 I too had a cute teddy bear not much more to say because I love my teddy bear and thus I love teddiursa to still do number 7 is well just add to all the freaking ghosts here well not all of them haunt or Gengar Banat and Sableye or beignet yet for being a favorite Pokemon I think I've always pronounced it wrong also this is already turning out to be much more than a top 10 list but these four Pokemon are all similar enough that I feel like I can group them together I love them all about evenly anyway and if you asked me a few years ago I'd put Rotom right here too but then in Sun and Moon it just wouldn't shut up but I guess I've always had a fascination with ghostly things moreso in fiction than in real life or death real life and death ghosts are boring Gengar and hunter are like the edge what did ghost because I'm talking Gengar and hunter are like the edgiest ghosts in the pokemon world and I just loved the designs and concepts behind bayonet and Sableye as well back in Emerald they would have easily been in my top three maybe even top one for sure not sure what else to say besides that though so number six my love for ghosts doesn't end there but I figured these two were different enough in design that I could separate them from just the clump of ghosts phantom and trevenant I mean look it's everything that I would want in a little tree ghost spirit it's so cute it's just like the ghost from hunt the house I hope that's not super fun it's just adorable it's an adorable ghost and then trevenant sees my preference for edge rise up again I've always wanted a just a tree pokémon since sudowoodo and finally got to see it as a creepy rotting enter so it's a plus plus number five is Piplup and Empoleon easily my favorite starter set as in you take into account all three of them again the anime probably has a lot to do with that Piplup has so much personality in that Plus in Poland why am I still flinging this around I'm not talking about ghost-type pokémon at all but yeah Piplup has so much personality in the anime Plus Empoleon is just awesome an ice breaker ship trident penguin yes please i over leveled the heck out of my Empoleon it basically carried me entirely through timeand plus its typing is killer and prin plop I do like it but compared to the other two stages at that it has middle stage syndrome for sure it's just the middle stage it's boring and forgettable compare it to the last door it's next stage and it's just an improvement no reason to keep it here number four is pangoro and luxray kind of an odd mix but i gotta fit in all of my favorites into this top 10 list somehow even if means making it a top 20 list haphazardly luxray really just happened at the perfect time for me my edgy but still family-friendly shadow the hedgehog esque emo phase it's not just a phase mom it's Who I am I was a child too but my love cat but my love for luxray hasn't gone away I feel like it just gets me you know on a deep level the cool black edgehog hair the feline attributes I love cats it's just awesome but then pangoro came much later and like Ursaring takes advantage of my love of bears but also it's an anime trope jojo asked delinquent so it too takes a strong hold of my love for edge plus it came out on the tail end of my anime obsession phase so it's just the perfect concoction of perfect for me number three is character this is a Cacnea - Cacnea Cacturne and mer actus I love cactuses as well as just plant people I guess now that I think about it I always liked the plant people race in Starbound so a humanoid cactus plant Pokemon sure yeah that's awesome and again it's the edgy thing again it's always the edgy thing I feel like it really understands me all I really want is love but all I wind up doing is hurting anybody that gets close also MARAC does does not get enough love cute as heck such a fun Pokemon number 2.5 these are getting hard so I'm adding in fractions Treecko again it's the cool attitude that it gives off it's great plus it's it's a neat gecko not much else to say I pretty sure this plush which I've had since I was a kid I'm pretty sure is their main reason I like Treecko so much because I this is like my favorite plush of any Pokemon really it's so like flop and down I don't know it's it's great goes good on everything it goes great on this Totodile I'm not as big of a fan of its later evolutions so it's definitely a favorite starter of mine but I leave it at that and in that case I think I'd have to tie it up with score bunny I just don't know what it evolves into yet but as of now I absolutely it possibly for the same reasons I left Rico I love you too don't you worry Sasha please don't jump on the shelf number two uh you know King you know I don't know I don't know if I'd still put Neto King here anymore or if it's just a nostalgia thing but back in June 1 and 2 kid me loved me no King it's the big monster thingy what's not to love it's so strong and cool but I think that's where I'd leave it because I actually I forgot about Neto King until just a moment ago so I guess it's deserving of a spot because it was my favorite for quite some time but it's like about on par with squirtle and Charizard these days I'm not as big of a fan of them but back in Gen 1 into early Gen 2 they were the best alright the coolest mother flippin Pokemon out there so squirtle and Charizard good honorable mentions probably neato King - let's downgrade it to an honorable mention my real number 2 then is the krookodile line and also Totodile if Bears are my favorite wild animal then crocodiles are my second favorite wild animal but when it comes to them in cartoon form I think I prefer croc aesthetics over bear aesthetics which is where this love comes from crocodile just pushes all the right buttons in my brain again because it's edgy - why do I like edgy things still God why am I so predictable and easy to please it's nice it's really nice being easy to please it means I'm happy all the time Totodile just like a crooked island all them it's just it's just cute again and again it's probably the personality in the anime that sold this to me and I do love for alligator but I didn't actually use them as my starters in gen - I picked cyndaquil instead and for the longest time coleauxv Oh was my favorite Pokemon ever but as I've grown up I have adapted my opinions Totodile has overtaken that love and well I still like for alligator I'll leave Feraligatr has another honorable the Piplup line is still my favorite starter line overall because I adore both the first and final evolution instead of just adore one of them also speaking of Piplup I am so mad that there isn't a good Piplup plush yet the heck it even sounds good Piplup plush and by good I mean like there's tons of them tons of them exist but none of them get the head right Piplup head is supposed to be spherical they're also oval and oblong and egg-shaped why it's supposed to be a sphere and before I say number one honorable mentions Lytton turkette and in-center are so much personality and smash bros and again i freakin love cats Sasha where are you / up maybe kitty Hong Barbra cater huh we're gonna get you a friend soon yeah kitty number two and again it's the anime personality and again it's the edge but my number number one at least at the moment because all of these Pokemon I've mentioned to move around in my top 10 based on mood realistically number one right now though is easily Rosa raid I mean Rose for hair awesome the symbolism of the Rose and masquerading and stuff awesome the edge I feel like it really understands me all I really want is love but all I wind up doing is hurting anybody that gets close it's mild but it's still there I think grass is my favorite type all things considered dark and ghosts to come close but yeah Rosa raid also was my best Pokemon in X&Y like when it came out I liked it but I wasn't in love or anything but X&Y changed that while a lot of Pokemon didn't look as good in 3d I feel like Rosa ray really improved quite a bit and again I can't get over the Rose hair that is so cool a plus Pokemon design right there and I am so sorry if I suck at describing my own thoughts of feelings about these things or if I sound like a broken record or anything but that's because I'm really bad at interpersonal communication I don't understand my own feelings well enough to put them in a way that I can describe something I've been dealing with and working on for 20 years but well there you have it my completely undefeated top ten list with like nearly two dozen Pokemon in it I didn't actually count what's your favorite Pokemon and why what's your favorite of my favorites you let me know down below and thank you all so much for your views and your support they are what get us through through all of this into this point the point of 500 videos oh my word this channel has grown and changed a lot over the many years and I do you have to and I hope that throughout all this you have to continue continuing we should all be continuing to grow and attempt [Music] 500 videos gosh-dang plus I've deleted some in the past so who knows what the real number is this channel has grown and changed a lot over there many years and I hope I have to I think you should always be growing and improving you should always be growing and improving to grow and adapt because that's how you'll be good inspiration of speech never stop using your noggin and never stop improving and never ever stop buying our merch at knocking dotnet link in the description woo it's how we afford Sasha food you need a diet Kitty diet
Channel: Lockstin & Gnoggin
Views: 399,324
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: top 10 pokemon, pokemon, top 10 pokemon games, top 10 pokemon battles, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon mystery dungeon, roserade, krookodile, carnivine, carnivine james, skitty, nidoking vs nidoqueen, teddiursa, best pokemon, top pokemon, top 10 best pokemon, top 10, top 20, top 20 best pokemon, banette pokemon, pokemon plush, top 10 pokemon plush, lockstin, lockstin pokemon, lockstin favorite pokemon, piplup, pokemon piplup, empoleon, gnoggin favorite pokemon
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 30sec (870 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2019
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