H3 Podcast Makes The News & Bloomberg Tries To Buy Memes - H3 Podcast #175

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hey poppy here it's Papa John and you're listening to the h3 podcast go Ethan go ela well well looks like we've got an official spokesman papa was looking for a job and we scooped him up welcome everybody as Papa said to the h3 podcast today's episode is sponsored by hims PewDiePie was supposed to be on today's episode he couldn't make it so we have no PewDiePie but hopefully we are enough for you all the way but was it really Papa JAMA Tuesday it feels like it was so long ago yeah it was Monday and early too that's why now Papa came in he saw he conquered it was a beautiful moment I mean we have to talk about that I felt I mean people said I ruined the interview there was a lot of harsh criticism for me but I'm used to that I feel like our fans there's the Rotem it's like I'm destined to be hated by my fans it's just part of the game now I've accepted it people saying I interrupted too much actually I got a lot of heat for Sean Evans for interrupting - yeah but I have a theory I have a I have a method you know I'm trying a new interviewing style and although it's not perfect I think that it's um I think it's it's going to be great to hone and get better at and basically it's I'm B I'm definitely being more aggressive you know I use at first I had a real problem with inner with interrupting people like in the beginning of our show and then I learned to not interrupt people and give them their space but then I felt like I was out of control I didn't have control the show and sometimes they just people can have a tendency to go on and on about things that either I've heard them talking about already I know what they're gonna say or they're just doing let PR right and I and for me we have finite time in here and I want to get to the meat to something I want to get to the heart of something and yourself getting bored sometimes wait if it doesn't go in the direction that you want it to go I don't want to say bored not bored but like that but I want to what I want to do is go to a deeper level yeah and so it's kind of a tough balancing at because on one hand you want your guests to be as comfortable as possible because that will that will ultimately help them getting to a deeper level at the same time we have two hours here and I if they go like start talking about stuff like flour Lea language I just I don't really I feel like as an interviewer I want to not have patient not you know I don't want to hear things that I don't consider meat like if they're saying something and I know exactly what they're saying I don't want to I don't necessarily want to hear and I assume that you guys I'm assuming you guys know exactly what they're saying - so let's find out let's find out what what's going on like with um you know but that's fine I'm used to taking the heat now love/hate right mostly hate these days no that's not true no but but I I'm aware so I am being more aggressive I'm trying to take more control and I personally like it I think it's I'm trying to develop a unique style of interviewing instead of just I don't really I'm gonna try being passed from giving people space and it's fine but I feel like we can elevate it and have our own unique style of interviewing and that's what I'm trying to develop it so while it might not be pleasant to watch and at times awkward and uncomfortable and you think to yourself wow Ethan is the worst interview of all time which I saw that comment so many times I would like to see you come in here and try to hold a conversation that's yeah mother well they didn't say they're great interviewers and I'm not saying I'm a great interview all I'm saying is that maybe not being a great interviewer makes you a great interviewer think about it I would like to express that I feel like I know where you are going for and I supported because I think what we kind of shared the same view and we a lot of times we'll have the same experience because we sit here together so after a few guests where we were more passive we kind of feel like it's just not satisfying we didn't go didn't get to the meat of what we wanted no getting there do anything they brought out there was I had like these really weird ones where it's like I had a guest and I felt so out of control I had no control of the dialogue the pacing that kept going on and on about things that I that I thought were repetitive mm-hmm that I I wanted to get to something else and and then the comments are like wow the h3 podcast has really come into its own Ethan was amazing inner joy and I would read those and be like I thought I'd totally [ __ ] cool with that I was totally out of control felt awful so I don't know what to say but I have to ultimately follow my own instincts here yeah so it's I think it's a work in progress that it's tough because everyone get to watch you know everyone's watching you trying stuff so but it's fine like I said I'm used to those comments don't bother me you know ultimately those both those episodes were were well-received despite everyone saying I'm the worst interviewer at least the guests were happy with that's right their appearance and how they were perceived which is to me is really important to the win I want to make sure the guest is happy I don't want to win I want them to leave and feel like I should have never gone on that show so because look at the comments pop up who's a who's a divisive figure controversial figure everyone came out hating me and loving pop I mean that's an incredible feat my own fans no less so I consider that a big winner you know Papa even Papa's like my new Papa bawling ela walks in because is that I was pop Pop's on the phone we've been calling I don't even know you got a Papa figure yeah I have a mother figure I wonder if he could be like a business mentor I feel like I could call and ask business questions for teddy fresh and stuff I wonder if someone like him gets it all the time though and it's annoying you know well I don't have any logic uestions firm but when I do when I have like him you know I need like a seasoned businessman well at any rate it's funny even Papa called me he was like you're he's like everybody loves me he's like you're taking some heat in the comments though like I know Papa my fans don't like that yeah I love that too the great sound way well you know as we were sitting here and talking to him I kept having flashbacks to us in Israel just like our first videos about him and I was like if you told me that in a few years this will be ice I would have never believed it's awesome it's like it's so insane I'm caught on the phone with Papa he called me when YouTube I'll get to that but youtube like removed it from trending and D monetize it because they thought there was a racial slur in it which is so stupid and ironic we'll get to that but Papa calls me he's like how many views do we lose this is outrageous it's a conspiracy I was like I know Papa D but he got he did great and he wanted to help right it was like can my boy yeah he was like oh my people do we do Papa I got this one out of control you got you're dating I got the YouTube don't worry I don't know I isn't it nice to watch an interview where it's a little well immediately I'm not that I'm not great at this style of interviewing that's this more aggressive form of interviewing and controlling the narrative but it's gotta be I mean for me at least I find it more interesting because it kind of reminds me like a lot of times when we made guests outside of the show we'll have a really interesting exciting conversation and then on the show it's like okay now I'm going to give you like the PR and say exactly the stuff that I have to be like guided and or guarded and say it like in a guarded way yeah so I feel like what you're going for with this direction is gonna hopefully rattle some more truth out of them yeah it's more like the real conversation yeah and by the way I mean people like oh I can't they're just so rude to him you you I can't believe you're asking about dating it's like Hello that's [ __ ] interesting [ __ ] like like I can get it like Papa wants to come on here and do the PR and talk about like it's all it's about the main ingredients is people all right it's like dude I don't want this I don't like I want to hear about your dating I want to hear who-who's Papa putting his whose pizza whose pizza whose oven is his pizza going in do you know what I'm saying that's good that was rude Ethan can i interject if just yes what do you think then I I agree I appreciate that you're this new thing that you're trying and to get to the to the meat of people's answers a little bit more the whole thing with asking about his divorce maybe came a little early in the interview well again I'm not I'm not great at it right yeah and I like kind of thing you know once he's settled in a little bit more comfortable you might have even gotten a better answer for that question well that may have been better after the pizza eating right well again i I didn't anticipate that being I didn't realize it was so soon either so I didn't realize it was such an awkward thing but you know [ __ ] it let's make it awkward you're not here just enjoy it man you know what I'm saying just enjoy the ride yeah but we're not rude but it was great now we're best friends he calls me every day how dare you say that we read anyway you know that's happened with a few guests where people people get offended on their behalf but the reality is like they're not offended like they're fine Papa's calling you every day it's like he's he's not upset about it but I think anyway I don't care but I think yeah but I think it's good obviously I'm better like I have a hard time opening interviews cuz it's really hard to pick the right topic words like yeah I want to talk about something relevant I want it to be light-hearted and fun and relax them and I want to be interesting too but yeah I feel like it always gets better later in the interview so it's just because I think the guest is more comfortable yeah but that's just the nature of being here is he like at first he was he was super shut up he was like I was like hey papa he's like hey glad to be here but then at the end you know he opens up he's more comfortable on camera because it's a look you come in here as a guest it's a very intense you got all these cameras you've never been in this you're sitting across from me who you know is gonna give you a hard time in Papa's case you know you know he was expecting some jabs for sure he's never done this before he's sitting there you know so yeah I understand that the nervousness so it's a tough act to is a hard balancing act Bobby but yeah obviously the divorce thing didn't hit perfectly but whatever it's all good - I thought it was funny when you asked him if he's getting any weird ass but he kind of it but is great because I mean it sounded like he is because he didn't say no or add any finger antibiotic he was very romantic yeah he didn't say no and he also well anyway Popat blah chop pop a blast Papa John people how do you disrespect Papa John it's like what anyway here's a comment actually if I can continue to praise myself people who at with 41 votes after 22 I already want so here's a comment in support of me the podcast is getting too much hate I just noticed how much hate you think off for the Sean Evans podcast because interrupting and asking two personal questions it's just me but I think it was one of the most entertaining podcasts yet I feel like Ethan is just finding a very unique hilarious interview style but cutting the usual fake friendly interview BS it's making it awkward he's like the opposite of Jimmy Fallon I like it I like it I agree with you with the exception of him - Scott oh come on I thought the top comment was more agreeable with the disc with the exception of discussing Papa's dating life poor Papa's a wholesome guy for months fresh off divorce hard cringe well okay fine what is he we can discuss it he can say what he wants what about allowed to ask the guy I don't regret asking him he's [ __ ] awesome and it made everyone uncomfortable that's fine nothing wrong with that you know that comment says it's refreshing oh yeah that's the one I wanted to read until this guy snuck his way up to the top I agree the way they interview is refreshing it's a little more raw if you know what I mean oh I know what you mean baby they aren't afraid get raw I like it raw we like it raw here they aren't afraid to ask questions and I think at least a much more interesting interviews oh here here's one so here's one who hates me yeah or maybe not I'm just gonna read it for the sake since we're here already I feel like every hate comment is an attempt at showing Ethan the light that as viewers we think he's craving and we're doing this in the form of bad rude advice I agree though in the end they're my favorite people to view and listen to but he agrees that they're trying to show me the light which item not sure what the light is damn bro juice I just really want you thing to be happy and making moves with the power of his platform we got to stop being so toxic thank well that's the sweet guy yeah but I can't tell what his what the light is he wants me just like um I think what he's saying is that he has some criticism but he doesn't want to hurt your feelings with those toxic comments I am sensitive but that being said I am okay with it everyone is sensitive anyone who's not saying that it's not is lying you every guess that we have on goes to same thing it's like there's no such thing as not being sensitive thank you that being said the episode has a 98% like so could have been that bad but but um going into this you know there's two ways to react to it it's like oh I'm just gonna go back to the way I was because everybody hates this and hates me or I can just buckle down know that I'm gonna get hate because people don't quite maybe I'm not just not good at it or maybe people aren't used to it and just get better at it because ultimately I feel like I'm gonna be delivering a more interesting better product and I'm gonna be more fulfilled and engaged here as an interviewer so inch in summary am I the worst interviewer of all time maybe but does that by itself make me interesting I think so so it's a race to the bottom and I hope you'll join me the balance out there doing his thing no you don't want maybe you do but founds already out there for you but let's talk more about the pop of follow up here's an here's a headline or an album of all the headlines now you know Bobby Jon came on the show and I think he's talked about a lot of interesting things he talked about being extorted blackmailed a conspiracy to out him from the company and yet all the all the freaking headlines are the same Papa John's founder I didn't eat 40 pizzas and third days I had 40 pizzas how was it the headline this is stupid Oh Papa John admits he didn't actually eat 40 pizzas I can believe that that is the headline Papa John founder reveals the truth he didn't really eat 40 pizzas in 30 days and they all chose that and it's shocking there's the best one here right it's uh-oh this is the best one Papa John reveals that he lied to America he didn't actually eat 40 pizzas in 30 days you [ __ ] lied to the whole country I thought this was like no or the interview I I thought that I was losing my mind like how is this the headline and I asked some people downstairs who listened to it like Andrew okay and he listened to the podcast and he said he had the same reaction because it was like there's some meat there right he said you ate 40 pizzas no he was oh that was the right way back another but I called him out on that too right yeah I was like dude that means yeah you had 40 pizzas the article it's just a stupid I mean this is an incredible story by the way yeah he's a designer great guy but to me it seems like one of those sentences that are obviously kind of like you just late you don't mean it literally eat 40 pieces in 30 days it's not humanly possible if I like by the third day of eating Pete's in a row like that I think my skin was started to fall off my body but some of the articles were like yet the host h3 called him out oh and didn't let it slide had meat eating even Klein said hard-hitting journalist good about that take that Newsweek oh and then and then Papa Schnatter after the day after our podcast sold another huge chunk so I was like what I wonder that's Papa just made 63 million that's a good fold 1 million shares at $63 24 cents and made 63 million dollars the day after our podcast so hey not a bad week for Papa a turns me on mmm nice but what did he say that about in context something about a good pizza probably certainly not about data wasn't weird-ass know that turns me on it was it over busy no sir about pizza I can't remember yeah good for Papa he still owns 1.8 million shares man that's a lot of money that kind of riches [ __ ] you know it's crazy Papa is like we can't even comprehend how rich he is yet like Michael Bloomberg who I'm seeing his ads this guy I don't think there's ever been a media buy like this in the history of humankind yet he he's like the 10th richest guy in the world he's got like like 50 billion or something like that guys closer to 16 yeah like 60 billion Papa doesn't have 1 billion it's close but Bloomberg closer to a billion than half and the words of the great papa but Bloomberg 60 billion he has 60 times more wealth but is not just throwing it all away like is there it has no chance does he dude he's point he's starting to pull really well pretty good in some places going up like because you got you may as may have seen that he did all these mean buys he bought it had all these main pages which was just outrageous which we'll talk about that but he's like getting me everywhere he's on TV he's on YouTube he's on the radio he's on the main pages he's every fact I'm surprised he's not like on airplanes outside like trailing behind airplanes that's the last frontier it's the air yeah I just sent you a breakdown of his ad spending he's spent almost three times as much as all of the other candidates combined on advertising including Trump not just the other Democrats including Trump and all the other Democrats he's spent three times as much of this has an unlimited budget that's something like 300 million dollars which is almost which is like which is let's say half of Papa John's worth that is like 100 bucks to Bloomberg that's all just on media Buy yeah in the last quarter we should all go go into that business like that's what I'm saying meeting every every day for years these [ __ ] media companies are just making so much money from this [ __ ] you know like I donated a thousand dollars to Bernie Sanders and endorsed him and I and I was like just gonna go to buying commercials because ultimately is just paying more rich people is that a problem damn go ahead I mean who knows where the dollars your specific dollars are gonna go but I mean there's also campaign staff and Canvassers and there's a lot of things besides advertising but yeah I mean but at least some percentage of it is gonna go to an ad company sure but at least Sanders is actually by funded by people right so it's poor people funneling all their money to rich ass media companies no well it's not like data guys who get like millions from the Koch brothers or whatever the [ __ ] brothers yeah Bloomberg funded by people to just one person people people well at least I don't have to give him money [ __ ] at least he can buy his own ads how much money do people spend I say hating to they say people saying that is like a defense of him is like oh well he's just spending his own money so he's not beholden to anybody and it's like yeah exactly he's not beholding to you like well the money doesn't have to do with that the president I mean I'm assuming most presidents aren't there to I don't mean it in the sense of making money no but but that but because he's rich doesn't mean that he's not beholding to the constituents I mean he's the same duty as any president I mean on paper you're right yeah I see people wondering if he should be allowed to spend this much on on campaigning well you get the best in my in my opinion the best counterpoint and that he said look advertising is only effective to a point yeah and then as a point it just becomes annoying so so you know yeah he's a bit he's a rich guy that's how that's how it works you can buy advertising but look ultimately Bloomberg does have experience so he's gonna do better than a guy like Steuer who's like who the [ __ ] is this guy I mean he was the mayor of New York okay that story is just like I didn't know her like why why are you even on the stage at all I can talk about steyr yeah whatever thumps - whatever [ __ ] that guy what has he done he's just a rich dude I don't know he's night power does so many rich people they're not that are running they all just one billionaire he's like hey I'm running he's on the stage but Bloomberg's ads are actually story stores his that sucked he's because he has no charisma he's like I I think Donald Trump is I'm the only candidate that thinks that climate changes our number-one concern but but Bloomberg actually is smart because he's he's not charismatic guy and he's not really like impressive looking so he's not in his ads he does like hate jobs on Trump he does jobs about he I've seen commercials about gun control he doesn't even show his face he just goes I'm uncle Bloomberg and I in horses he doesn't mean shows face just his voice I mean that's smart that is smart he knows he's got the bet yeah actually he's gonna get on the stage and I think when people see him I don't think I think you're probably gonna be like this is Bloomberg I really do actually I don't know what he looks like even I mean I do look thin him but I don't really know like I haven't seen him you know on the debates so I don't know but Trump calls him low mic cuz he's short oh he's short see I do know that he guess how tall is low five eight it's short for a presidential candidate I mean I mean it's a weird thing but all presidents are generally it's not like they stop to be but the reality is almost all president like just throughout history presidents are on average taller than short presidents in Israel George Bush wasn't tall was he w Yahoo's not that tall Oh same kids that talk about America here like our tall men here well how tall was George Bush w or senior both let's see George W Bush is six feet tall now is six and his dad seniors height is six - but we now we had someone that was 5-7 little [ __ ] Trump I think it's like six - Clinton is six - Anders is six feet Sanders is tall Wow even at his age no he's probably Reagan was six one thing hang on hang on hang on keep going we're gonna punish for president who was Teddy Roosevelt Eddie Roosevelt I don't think he was a tall guy he was alphas [ __ ] though Klobuchar is 5'4 that's true Teddy Roosevelt was only 510 this is an article Amy Klobuchar five feet four inches is a pretty good size for a president okay so we went back to Teddy Rowe that it was 510 but people were shorter back in the day so you know that may have still been a door above average what do you make of that I think it's like a weird primal thing that we look to our leaders to be big people I like a weird outfit yeah weird yeah I don't know lame we're so lame we got a smashed the shortest president was James Madison who was only 5'4 but that was like one of the first yeah Madison was like what back then or Munchkins back then oh you know what's interesting George Washington was like super tall for that he was like six - back then that was like a giant this day let's see George Washington's height whatever I'm gonna let me down it's not coming up with I remember reading that George Washington was of unusually large stature giving me all of these elevations for the city of Washington - inches Oh that's huge back or how much do you know six - six - but back then the story yeah that would be here it's a six four I think you know the six four is like Abraham Lincoln was six four I believe that's true actually he was really tall he's exceptionally tall yeah it's a weird thing I don't know but there have been very few short presents this is the average height of the first 44 presence is 5 foot 11 inches yeah which I think would be above the average America that's how tall I am can I be President he just barely made the cut dude you're in I wonder if you just 2024 wonder if taller dudes have that like when you're like tall like that tall like 6 - maybe you are like more confident or more aggressive I don't know yeah I think it just plays into the psychology and like I think it's how people perceive you but that probably has an effect on them - mm-hmm I would never want to be President what a nightmare but so beat it mayor Pete I'm sure you can never win short yes that's really interesting I feel like he can't win he's a little man same with Mike Bloomberg it's got to be Bernie because it is a 5 foot 8 same as Bloomberg there you go little Pete a little it is not that short is it 5/8 is what I mean maybe slightly below average but slightly because I'm used to meter so maybe it's like I'm not like for example I would say my my dad is probably 5/8 I mean the average Americans Heights and American man's height is 5 foot 10 inches so there you go so both Bloomberg and Buddha ginger below below average lame anyway back to the Papa John we're actually at 30 minutes if you want to go to break all right let's do that down so Papa throw it to break we should have got a break oh this is Papa John and we'll be right back next time get them record them on the next phone call all right we'll be right back 66% of men start losing their hair by age 35 and 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slash h3 that's for hems calm slash h3 prescription wires an online consultation with a physician who will determine if a prescription is appropriate off the belt only prescribed three months minimum subscription additional restriction applied see website for full details and important safety information remember that's for hems kong slash nature you got to love this [ __ ] it says disclaimer must include what am i a lawyer [Music] alright well there you go for hems there's a big just so you know there's a big disclaimer and yellow so take this with a grain of salt I guess welcome back we're talking about Papa John now my favorite moment has definitely got to be this moment here actually I got to pull up the clip because there was an uncut harp shaped pizza and we were like man how do you eat this so I just be smote at it and folded it and threw it and then Papa being the legend went in for his own bite afterwards and I think that that was probably my favorite moment are you able to find a link to that to that particular part of the episode I mean a kindig-it of time Stan Oh approximately where it is and then we've also got so you know this is so weird that the I like 3:00 a.m. the day we posted I'm on YouTube looking at the stats and I go and I noticed that the video was yellow and it's removed from trending so I'm like what what did what happened what do we say you know and somebody sends me this this screenshot and one of the subtitles trying to pull it up here one moment look at this so my rep at YouTube said that it incorrectly heard Papa or not Papa specifically but he said they incorrectly heard a racial slur so when a video here's a racial slur it gets absolutely slammed the views tank removed from trending no ads is awful that has never happened to us and our nearly 200 episodes ever the fact that I happen to Papa John is so so bizarre after everything he's been through similar controversies and then here laundry service no weren't I up to something here well Papa was skeptical but look but like I'm not gonna read it but you it's it has papi here saying the n-word which is by the way vegetables is the auto caption yeah and I think the auto caption because they have Raiders review our two hour-long podcast I don't know how that's possible I think the captions inform the reviewer and then the reviewer goes and listens and they're like oh yeah he said n-word was everything I was like no not even close that would have been newsworthy what am I talking about that not the 40 pizzas I tell you but so they got Papa's saying that and by the way why are the captions displaying the n-word unwrite answered that's like our ASIS of YouTube its algorithm yeah and I I've tried those captions a million times like the auto-generated ones I mean is it ever usable like not forget accurate like even usable in the slightest like it's always nonsense it's just it's gotten a lot better over over the time has it okay I do think so well before it just used to be like word salad right but now like if I'm watching something you know when you're scroll over video and your home page it will auto play without sound and show subtitles so I've watched a considerable amount of of a video with just the subtitles so it has gotten better I just can't believe that that happened on to this guy who lost his company over that word you know what they have to I was like it must have been removed after I reported it and they fixed everything but here it is it still here watch they got to be scrappy and they got a [ __ ] though the food whoa I said they got to take care of the food yeah how would I not fixing it yeah I don't know I mean they got to fix the issue that they're auto-captions are just saying the n-word dude does it really make a really really good piece you see it's good it's super accurate you're going to invest you see any mistakes Papa Joe we always wanted to be not America's independence let's make the best pizza right at Madison and we were public we were a big company but we always tried to act like a family-run business with regards to do and that's what the algorithm is pretty racist dude that's so far and a hundred percent accuracy yeah yeah here have to they got to be scrappy and you got a [ __ ] though the food is you know it's funny it did sound like it though I heard it there obviously you got to take care there the rest of the sentence in his configuration but that but if somebody went and then listened just like oh yeah he said the n-word [ __ ] this video it's like you guys I saw the flag there was an n-word yeah took one look at it and saw it was Papa John they're like oh yeah probably I don't know but I do think somebody went and listened and the racist ones I mean you need more oversight like dude if you're gonna say that my a reputable channel on a two hour podcast and the Edward you better listen to it twice yeah you better we'll see what's the content there's a big consequence huge consequence but I it's funny cuz it almost does sound like it which is funny I do think that's and we were public we were big company but we always tried to act like a family-run business with regards to people and product and that's what the independents do they have to they got to be scrappy and they got a [ __ ] in the I think he slipped the n-word in there no you obviously did it but man I'm just saying you better go double check I sent you that timestamp video and discord by the way thank you so here's my favorite so there's like a whole pizza conspiracy I said shoutout to you too for you know screwing us over but then on the subreddit enormous support the concedes a conspiracy that blew me away twenty thousand points people are rallying around the pop up against pizza conspiracy runs deep I agree they're so quick to remove us from trending oh yeah you know I'm finally there are we our pockets are never there ever finally gets there as a cool we're on trendy three hours later no and any reason not only is it off but our whole videos in the doghouse you know I gotta tell you I have a real I'm having a very a lot of difficulties running the show here we have a two hour long the chances that we don't get [ __ ] for something in a two hour long episode it's just it's caddis it's like zero and it's just it's so tedious you know if I was on television if it was on radio if I was on streaming than any other medium I wouldn't have to contend with this [ __ ] and like they want us to make shows they want a super juice high quality content but they're making us jump through the same hoops as nobody's uploading videos for the first time yeah you got to have a different set of rules for us because I can't be here and produce high quality content for two hours what the conditions I have I need somebody who's actually if if you're gonna say that somebody on my pocket said the N word and remove me from trending and reduce my views you better have someone double-check that [ __ ] before you [ __ ] with me because I'm not I'm I'm on here trying to make high quality [ __ ] for your platform can you call this high quality well it has a quality I mean I there's like people I mean I get what you're saying though because you know I'm the one dealing with it with you most of the time and yeah I mean it's it's it's a surprise when we don't have an issue with it at this point you know and you know like Zak's been making these really funny song parodies like of E and having to pee like Ian's flow by Pearl Jam like even flow and and I'm like these are so great we're putting all this effort into producing this great content yet if I put it on the air we're not only gonna get claimed we might get blocked worldwide we might get DMC aid they're gonna when I get claimed you can dispute the content but they remove all the mid rows can turn the ads off I mean there's so many ways in which I can get [ __ ] the block worldwide they just take your video down and you can't dispute it you can't do anything oh is this gonna say the block is just insane that that shouldn't be an option I don't understand I mean I don't know if the fans understand but it's just it just takes it down for everyone it's just blocked and then it can it will be blocked for a few days I've been rallying on YouTube about that and I think they're working on fixing that but it's extraordinarily broken right now because it's more powerful than a DMCA takedown which is supposed to be the ultimate form of removing content by licence holders because it's a legal document but youtube's given this tool block worldwide there's no legal consequence you don't have to fill out a legal document it takes the video down everywhere and I can't dispute it it takes it stays down for three days so it's more potent there's no ramifications yes it's totally abusable it's just the worst thing for creators right now on the platform also if you're talking about current events it can't just be down for three days by the time we'll be back up it's not real and it's not our option and we have we have sponsors we have a schedule I can I can't go down for three days it's outrageous so you end up cutting it you end up not doing this you end up all the sudden you're cutting all the [ __ ] and all the sudden your show is just not good it's not as good yeah that's without anything to us we have we keep having to cut stuff we have a good idea they were like we can't do that and then we have a segment we removed the whole thing was we'd rather not tell you no it's it's not it's not right it's all right but I mean to look also at the bright side there's no bright side we do get to just work ourselves there's no network to report to or yeah but notes I mean right were quit I guess but they are kind of giving us notes and I do feel like at times are more restrictive than any notes Network and give us mm-hmm it's like it's stupid and there's no feedback you're just kind of like yeah there's no more you're navigating through some [ __ ] algorithm and like at least you're talking to a human being there worse right now it's worse there's no there's no joy yellow how dare you try to be optimistic where's the clip you sent Dan I dropped it in our discord I don't have discord open what oh here it is Zach has gone today by the way he was puking in the office he brought his coronavirus here yeah and he ins gone to skeleton crew Ian's out with spalled card because they're supposed to be fine Wednesday are they doing a Valentine's Day pretty epic that place axe having a beautiful Valentine's Day cubed wife yeah they went home he's a trouper though still came in yeah yeah buzz he'll be like well here's some alka-seltzer let's go Sara's here the lovely Sarah pushed yourself to the camera oh right off thank you Sarah here is my favorite moment from the Papa John we can't rate this we got some replies that's [ __ ] they should cut it like n squares the four ventricles of the heart yeah stupid [ __ ] yeah they know not anatomy at all well I got a cut somebody's got to cut it it's cool but you still gotta cut we can't rate this [Laughter] that's a man of the people right there beyond actually you know what the Papa Diaz came and Ian liked it he's like I'm a fan of the puppet yeah he was well yeah like like fish burrito I don't know he likes all the weird him in burrito salmon burrito the psycho field actually no it's funny we had puppeteers we forgot to bring him out but when we looked at him it's it's actually it's nothing novel it's literally just two slices closed in on each other like it's really it was just man we didn't really forget to bring it out I just felt like it wasn't that didn't tackle worthy I would have liked to get his his in person to I also felt bad because it was a day old yeah I had ordered them didn't really want him to try that that wouldn't be very fair yeah here's the I thought this was interesting because I went to analytics I noticed that our views were like flatlining like the views were just really flatlining when when it went yellow so here you can see it got classified as saying the n-word and the views are basically about to taper off to nothing then here they fix it and it takes off again so it was really about to flatline to nothing I feel like this graph is not looking that bad dude this it doesn't look bad cuz they fixed it fast but if they didn't they sort of flatline to nothing but there's no explanation for why this dip this like heavy curve here I mean to me that's like it doesn't look that bad but I'm just saying if this one for another day it would be like flat we would have missed our opportunity to get views but it was able to recover because they responded quickly so at least that I am grateful that YouTube was able to fix it quick enough um here's a great little video edit you guys might enjoy a fan-made this I heard I heard rumors that the phones made by status array on YouTube deep cutting power is we don't call for example you got a copy of that is that true yes does it exonerate you yeah so yeah can we hear it I don't know if you can hear it uh the company of our myself didn't have the tape volunteer service had the tape the company got the tape within 10 days but they wouldn't let me hear the call the tape until the next year here's the beautiful thing is the there's a tape for Medicine College on that speech which is you can get that tape if you want to see it I'll send ela the transcript 2017 thank God they got a tape because I knew what I said was not that was a good tape for me I mean you have the tape I don't have the tape [Laughter] consistency they're Papa's story that's a lot I saw some comments on but I see I was wondering cuz he said I do have the tape I've heard the tape and then later he says I don't have the table I haven't heard the tape I wonder if there was some legal I think so yeah he was like oh I can't say that yeah I think I have to assume that that's what it is yeah he's like oh wait no I haven't heard anything about the tape anyway great stuff so we are moving on from Papa no no it was a great time it was a great moment we all have it will cherish it forever and we got this beautiful intro thank you Dan let me get my thoughts together here yeah [ __ ] you Dan so let's move on now Ella I've got I've been surfing Instagram and first it was the food people have captured my heart the beauty people on Instagram have now captured my curiosity I mean this is one of the weirdest videos I've ever seen in my life look at the amount of attention that goes to an eyelash and ultimately for what oh yeah you got this music thank you for I don't understand the benefit of this like okay so this is before after that's the after oh I don't know that's big I don't know because it never it doesn't look any different but look how much effort goes into so they put like a guard below his eye and on his eyelid like silicon and now they're brushing glue on silicon and brushing the eyelashes up onto the glue more brushing like it's all gonna just come out so now she's brushing she's putting some kind of like looks like bleach on his eyelashes this is just eyelashes this is just eye lashes remember now she's brushing it doesn't have a lot of eyelashes too so if he's like right no matter what you do it you won't really see much if I cancel it again I cannot tell the difference between the beginning and the end but the amount of grooming that goes into these eyelashes I mean it just keeps going I know I like it just glue and substance and now they're dying it Wow already black was dying it black no mascara right now she's wiping off the dye I mean it makes me feel he's got to be getting that in it's uncomfortable yeah it'll have that yes it's very I was just in shock watching this for the first time I just feel like all of these eyelashes are gonna fall out at the end after all this well I don't know what kinda she's scraping all this black [ __ ] off the hits shampoo I think she's shampooing out wash it out and the conditioner they condition is eyelashes yeah you see those are stuck on the right so I thought that you had this in here and I watched it and I agree this this video is insane so I just I don't know I have the clip of the girl who's like ironing her hair and then now she's the big reveal after this like 30 layers step and I mean so he it's a guy who by the way I thought it was a girl at first so get a look I mean it looks it looks it looks exactly the same Rabi they're all that clumped yeah I can't see any difference they should have got someone with more I can't see anything anyway that is mind-blowing I've never been that taking grooming to that level there like we did the hair we did the eyebrows we did the pubes the ass hair what's left my lashes it's the final frontier baby push it all the way there you have it from boys do it to which I'm assuming is a gay beauty vlog it's for gay men to learn Beauty chips you know why do you say like no this says boys do it too what are you inferring from that could be straight boys that wear makeup yeah do their eyelashes you think a straight guy would do that to his eyelashes and you've just kidding me no if you're straight and you do that you're gay now I'm telling you there's not a no straight no matter how feminine we'll go through that I'm just I'm being honest tell me you disagree and I'll call you a lot just cuz you're burnt to do it that's what I was thinking is that we should actually can you imagine how out of groomed my whole everything is and then I'm just so focused on my eyelashes like that much effort I mean sure I'll do it but it doesn't make me gay because I'm doing it for the show you just you just said Wow that's what happens when you're gay we're gonna you get yukata help Wow anything else you want to add take a pill and an amount at the same time is yesterday No Thank You Allah you have the Reaver I need to turn I know we're good I feel like that video was in that game you know I think there could be gay alright see these are but fun buttons they are you guys want to review my bit my double bit go ahead damn what do you think apology but I think was a little long they dragged to use less iterations you sound like a youtube comment what less it only there like three times well you did the sucking dick and then it was two dicks and then I was three Dixon but no that's not true I said sucking dick getting [ __ ] in the ass [ __ ] those are all three different sex acts there was a there was a dick in the mouth and the ass at the same time yeah that's a different sex act right that was the two and then you said the [ __ ] thing and then you said three as well yeah I'm just saying in the Atlas iteration three ends are ass right I get it I get it okay how about this how about this that's the first one I agree with about here let me think of another game one that is really good about the that's the case of dancing yeah we thought we peaked there there's another one you know there's there was more beauty ones put that out to me was was the best but I'll keep my eyes out but this is the kind of content that I go on Instagram for this guy setting a he's just cruising on bouncing on like medicine balls weights he seemed passed by he's not touching the ground he's like bouncing from one medicine ball rolling from one but medicine ball to the other there's like big deal or I thought he was gonna fall in his face at some point look like maybe right at the end there that guy has practiced a lot that's probably really hard to do I think so yeah so there you have it it's got a whole groupie of fans who probably put this together for him your trainer got you doing that either no riding the balls just slamming into my face okay I'm trying to think of something that's gayer than going salsa dancing with the platonic friends huh but I can't think of anything there's nothing that might be peak oh you want to review memes you want to talk about the Sonic the Hedgehog guess let's do it all memes America China coronavirus this is what we wash of the town hall the Costanza vapenation the mandalorian no it's prevalence Hypertime 2077 that game that's coming out but how am I supposed to know that because it says 2077 on it okay it was blah I was actually boy the microphone decide nation cringe Buster's just a Photoshop Oh somebody's phone cases what that was but well oh wow pretty elaborate quite some kisses you the way Joe Biden kisses his granddaughter man huh what do you make of that either a little weird you can't kiss your granddaughter on the lips from here I mean that's gotta stop it's gotta stop that hurt oh this this I've lost I love up where you stores forget in it you know that's real come on even if you like Trump you got to admit that [ __ ] so good this I don't think this is a Photoshop you want on Twitter so there's a Photoshop your boy Trump has got a [ __ ] no there's a million photos of him like that no but he's literally--he's he tweeted this photo and said fake fake media is is a photoshopping my face that's definitely not a Photoshop is that makeup or spray tan I mean this photo is incredible it's got to be makeup because that how can you achieve that the only photo like that is why I know it's not photoshopped bro this is amateur hour you got a complete I guess he is hair you should cover exactly oh it's makeup it's definitely makeup I wonder what it looks like without makeup probably not good pale well old to just right that's your boy right there the main thing did I saw a picture of him today he's [ __ ] enormous he is like we're fat he's like a beast I think he's morbidly obese I saw him in like a really long suit today I wish I could had the picture he's like a house man Trump Trump is is fat and see what kind of images we got here yeah you got a problem he's that he's a size my house dude and don't think so no okay oh wait I just saw the photo I just was talking about here wait no this is the one with the face I am over it when I talk get out get off it Ethan slimmin interesting Jay station arrested for assault after faking girlfriend's death ladies and generally got him okay whatever coronavirus outfit whatever this I don't know why this is here I've seen it a million times over that Papa John last supper whatever-whatever tell you not look at these before you come on the show I did but what do you want me to do they're not that good I mean let's just stop doing this then you're always like you suck you suck you suck well well sometimes they're good but sometimes they suck is that not part of the joy Last Supper I mean it's okay it's not that good you know this one I don't even know why it's here watching Papa go pound for pound with Ethan confirms he can eat 40 pieces in 30 days by the way he didn't go pound for pound he was taken by putting it down I definitely outclassed him it's not even let's be honest 10-point pizza Papa give me the rise Papa derives this I did like this one thanks Dan Bobby Lee [ __ ] you Dan Trisha Paytas and Dan let me get my thoughts together let me get my thoughts together here yeah Zak on the soundboard I finally have them all and this guy's Costanza should we stop doing the memes I mean I don't know I could be down to stop doing the memes Philly do you embrace the me we were recently talking about how I'm the fourth most clickbait youtuber affiliate e of all time and he recently clicked baited me really good he said why people are freaking out about h2 h3 and he briefly mentioned me talking about what was it Bloomberg or something I don't know or Sanders that I endorsed Bernie Sanders I was a and he goes he showed a picture mean he said thanks for the thumbnail bro so there you have it and I said I said Phil thank you for keeping me I need to stay in that top five because my ego will be even get into the top five and you stay in the top five we get into the stay up number four get in to the dish you know I'm number four I don't know why you got to try to take that for me have you even if you want to take it from me so desk really bad why don't you get the true count right here you were in the top five for youtubers she checked the top count if you want to take this from me until you can empirically prove then that these are other people like Lawrence okay I will I will what's her name Laurent what's her name Jeff Jennifer Lawrence does not have more because that's what the person who did the crunching excited there's no way Jennifer Lawrence has been more click baited than me it doesn't make sense so unless you want to get in the trenches and do the work said she's a giant celebrity but how often is she in headlines she was in the news a bunch because she was involved with the the fappening thing I didn't look at those that would be really that would be really really inconsiderate to look at happening no there's no way that she's can more thumbnails mean if you want to say that I didn't get it okay until then Dan you better [ __ ] give it up because I'm number I get you can I get you on tape like Papa right now saying that this you're saying top five of everybody your youtubers of everybody everybody of all time okay we'll see what happens of all time you want talk [ __ ] you better back it up sunk the Hedgehog reviews are out we've been telling our scores when we front when we watch the original trailer we're like oh man this is gonna be like so there's anyone worst movies of all time and we originally guessed on rotten tomato this I guess 12 L I guess 20 and guessed 14 dangus zero balls II guess and Zack 35 well since they redid the sonic and re-released a trailer we reissued guesses I guess 50 ela kept her guess at 20 in 36 dan went from 0 to 40 that's a quite an about-face quite a flip-flop and Zack went from 35 to 55 well the sonic movie is out and we have the results so do I have a drumroll still Dan are you going to see sonic tonight uh-huh Ian's gonna see it Zack said he was gonna soar known samples excellent doing Hank that's in quarantine yeah mm-hmm the results are are you ready to uh yeah are you ready as I predicted they did go down from what it was last night everybody there it is 63% so in the end not that interesting you know I guess 50 I feel like I should've won because that guest last and he gets 55 that's like guessing $1.00 in prices right but Zack wins but he's not here so [ __ ] no reason I win but the audience score is 94% what yeah I mean I think it's just a mean midnight showing dude you know people around the block I got tell you I bought my tickets in advance like a last week and when I went to go buy it there was literally no seats sold in the theater I was the first person to buy and it was like it's like a 7:00 p.m. showing tonight Wow oh well that was a week ago actually you know what I'm gonna do let's see how many seats are at like a a p.m. show right now yeah Sonic the Hedgehog this is going to be interesting let's see let's look at the ArcLight that's kind of funny because I don't think anyone will see it at the ArcLight that's what I'm saying 8:15 8:15 Friday night it's time to see go to the movies right yep so let's say two adults big debut Jim Carrey you know you've got to see this it's totally available the blue is available to play stakeout that is like fully available yeah that's the 8 o'clock show sonic is not good there not even a Jim Carrey I'm gonna cover it cover his acting costs let's check the let's check your show Arclight seven that's what all people are gonna know oh no this this hat will happen after you've already been there right yeah like I want someone to go murder my producer I need him yeah I mean looking a little bit more full but still not that impressed I mean this is opening night yeah I guess I mean the ArcLight though you wanna check it yeah I mean like maybe the AMC is sold out you know let's see let's be fair let's check a different theater Regency Van Nuys plant let's check seven people like seven apparently this interesting I think so I know you're coming from but I do think so Fandango you [ __ ] they're making me like enter my credit or even get to select the seed really so Ian is a hyped for this movie let that on the show but he's a sonic boy at heart Ian's a fan of everything man just like Zach those two guys love everything it's like ian loves Kanye in loves ariana grande apparently he loved me enough to reach out you know love Sam in burrito Taylor Swift Taylor's Ian loved me and you enough to reach out cold and beg for a job what I've always wondered is if he still has that reverence and love and I can always try to get it from him but he never quite answers used to be found I wonder if he wouldn't work for Kanye Fourier you must he would probably hate his guts so I think I'm doing all right woody hate Kanye yes yep that seems hard to believe I just wish that he would look at me with the same reverence like what do I have to do to win his heart back Jim Carrey did an interview that he's getting called me to Don now here let's judge for ourselves he was trending people are trying to cancel Jim Perry for this comment in this interview you tell me what you think about this Ilan I already have my opinion what's your opinion that's [ __ ] you have a prejudice situation oh okay well sure is there anything still left on your bucket list just you it's all done now [ __ ] list moment in your life when you look back something you always want what a dumb question sorry yes sir it's not I you know I'm not gonna judge it these circuit interviews are done nightmare right I've been invited to do this [ __ ] and I was like never it's so awkward you're just one of a million you're trying to like be unique and stand out and you take a photo and you're like why would you carry it's like you're just like another face that they have to also you're forced to sit in front yeah it's just a chore for him it's not oh yeah he does dude he's there to see you know exactly they also always liquor everybody up for these so like to like loosen them up or whatever so chances although Jim Carrey is like I hope you have to be a drink of this these are the professionals you'd have to be a real dum-dum to actually go there and get drunk well also it's like they're they're extremely wealthy it's like open bar look oh I better drink it's free booze I think it's bad just make it tolerable cuz it's a miserable thing you just sit there and do interviews over and over again for 10 hours yeah the same things drunk but I refuse to go there and be like I'm so special with Jim Carrey it's not like that he hates you you understand he hates you and he will not remember you anyway Wow there's so many things honest to god they just keep so anyway did you people were saying that that was a me-too moment I feel like he goes on to give us every line so now so it kind of was just like making a joke so I didn't really have a problem with this one you know I heard an alternate explanation that he was saying to be interviewed by you that's how I perceived it yeah but even how it's done it was a failures it was just like a joke right like well obviously he was joking no I mean like even if it's in what you just said kind of explains what he was thinking as a joke but even if he meant I want to be with you I don't think you yeah I don't think you wouldn't say it like that if that's what he meant even if he did mean that I still not offended I think that it takes like a few instances or something because we keep going we've seen spindle rows at VIN diesel oh yeah I think Ben Affleck like sexually assaulted someone during one of these things those awesome sort of like grabbing her tits or something cameraman or what's that the Red Hot Chili Peppers there have been so many great ones we've seen somewhere it's clear that it's not cool when I watch this I was like clearly it just made a joke some fun come on I mean come on are you kidding why are we even discussing this I mean the way that he phrased it it's pretty clear the joke yeah like the bucket list was that being interviewed by you not sleeping with her but even if it was sleeping with her I mean I'm still not offended he's just goofing around yeah he didn't proceed I think the main point is that you can see that he's just goofing around and then he goes on to like whatever back to the answer you know it's not like he keeps actually being creepy about it yeah like Vin Diesel was like oh my god you're the most beautiful girl in the world I mean I feel like I'm in beautiful world didn't say yeah okay look I just have a beautiful world would you just send me then other Vin Diesel one you want to go back for a little for a little I'm in let's watch it again [ __ ] it this one did his boys make the sauce well yeah this is where did this outfit is so off the chain do you have any comments on this outfit it's up there with Ben Affleck statu lad I think that is the worst outfit ever plaid v-neck super high cutoff like oh my god there's no sleep at all with aviators shirt for a guy is just on four gave a ball unless it's a tank top and they're athletic or that's it different fine yeah but the only thing would make this shirt worse if there was a hoodie on it it's it's already at that level of bed for me because it's got buttons and it's like plaid the Aviator aviator glasses it's like a serious shirt but also because he has no hair there's so much flesh it feels like he's naked there's just so much flesh there it is so much skin what about his voice did listen there look at this woman she's so beautiful he's don't tell me they got him down let's go let's see yeah that's unappropriate my god definitely not your PR person he's not gonna spear a person you cut if you look off this green don't know I love his voice man and he thinks that guys just think she's not beautiful so he keeps arguing when I was like look at her yeah she's like no no no no she's fine yeah she's not beautiful when you get that drunk you think you're being charming and they're laughing cuz it's awkward but you you're drunk so you like get a little like you get like a drunk lobotomy you just you're like but you know you're some you know it wasn't drunk when you put on the outfit well it was it but we don't know that but it was in his it was in his suitcase or wherever you know he bought it sober presumably we got a sound byte something from that I love this interview [Music] do you think she's flattered over it she's over it you don't think she wants to do her job she's trying to ask good questions like tell me you're not even taking her seriously yes not good content but do you think that she she might go with him yeah but still let's get the interview at least guys really guys there's a joke how am I supposed to sit up here when I'm just looking at such beauty he's pretty but it's not like it's not like you know what I mean it's not like his type or something he's just drunk she's like she's like she's like you know attractive and he's drunk and he's like how's this guy movie star he's like a insel I'm getting in selvage from Vin Diesel it sounds like somebody pitch shift his voice in his throat goes off he doesn't have to like when he's going down on girls he probably doesn't have to like do you know cunnilingus he just goes and the vibrations are so deep and like it's so vibrating I probably just gets them off just his voice spread and right in there you just he doesn't have to do anything he just goes you're so beautiful and it's like so bassy you know when you like turn the bass up and [ __ ] like vibrates like crazy that's probably how he gets one at all [Laughter] beautiful world it's got to be the worst line he thinks he's so charming right now - it's the worst boy that turns me on our Vin Diesel was 52 he's still doing too fast too furious hell yeah baby that's all she got I think someone was like our time is up because she was like she nodded because you only get two minutes with them she's like thought about this she's planned she's prepared should she may have even flown in from Brazil for this interview and then what sits down in front of her drunk Vin Diesel she had this for two minutes so tell me about yourself she's gonna take that back to Brazil never work again so what do you get we sent you out to LA that was a huge expense for us you know here's what I got and I thought that my throat for a week doing that all right Bloomberg here we go let's get into the Bloomberg hole we've talked about [ __ ] Jerry here we've talked about [ __ ] Jerry on our on our Channel they're behind this I knew it from the minute I saw this because he posted on [ __ ] Jerry but he also posts on all the top meme accounts sir let me show you what went down let me show you the one I [ __ ] Jerry specifically here why can't their name be [ __ ] Jerry and I can't even say their name without my video being [ __ ] Jarrod yeah actually I probably get yellowed on this highlight because you just said [ __ ] but why is why can their Navy [ __ ] Jerry well Instagram what am I doing wrong you should turn this into Instagram TV the one thing I have thought about though with what I don't know I don't want to do it and I'm far from it but like what can you do a subscription-based thing where it's behind a paywall I mean that's so lame it feels so lame I don't know it's not anything I'm really seriously considering but it's just like at a certain point you want to make a high-quality show you can't do it here that's why our show sucks oh my fault he goes hello Jerry my granddaughter showed me this account your memes are very humorous can you post a meme that lets everyone know I'm the cool candidate what did you have in mind when you're the cool candidate goof that will cost like a billion dollars what's your venmo and then they says he does look pretty cool and yes this really is sponsored by Mike Bloomberg I can do that it was real until I saw that they said then it's real well then you realize yeah so what do you think happened he has like a media kind of like the laundry company maybe he's hired everybody in the industry yeah so then they're like except me we should approach meme pages everybody in that media I mean it's insane the amount it's almost like Sheamus it's like 300 million dollars in a quarter everybody media is now work just working for him I wonder what ungodly amount of money he got for this too it's like Oh Mike Bloomberg yeah the the price why has it Mike approached me I want some of that Bloomberg money you know what I'm saying where is your main page this is way better than me page would you do a sponsor for Mike Bloomberg I don't know half a million bucks Bloomberg money he's like here's a half a million dollars here's what I would do I would say yes Mike Bloomberg I'll take your money I'll do all say I'll say your name say I've been paid to say that Mike Bloomberg is this I've been paid to say Mike Bloomberg is that mm-hmm these are not my I'm not endorsing Mike Bloomberg I've simply been paid to tell you exist what they did here yeah but I feel like this is uh they're saying he's cool bother saying it does look pretty yeah but they're they're meta it's like a meta endorsement it's like that they knew that not but they're not really like endorsing and it's a cosign it is kind of a cosign so what you described the you with it would also be a cosigner yeah it would be it would be ultimately so you just hold out virtually yes for half a million bucks I'd yeah you wouldn't do it for half a million bucks what would be hanging things out and burn I'm feeling the Bern yeah I'm feeling I'm firing the bent the Bern of $500,000 it should be in my pocket that's not it's burning a hole right there anyway pretty shocking stuff here yeah but you know I'm just it's like what am i what am i clearly he had nothing to do with this he's an old guy he doesn't understand Instagram he has nothing to do so what is it that granddaughter story made up yes well each one you see you got here's one on whatever trashcan Paul I don't know what all this [ __ ] is a lot of them are owned by [ __ ] Jerry hello Paul congratulations on your followers I actually have my own meme page just starting out don't judge trying to get my numbers up would you be interested in joining a like-for-like group with me and some other candidates okay boomer and yes this really is sponsored see but they're all being kind of like fine because you have sponsored they're not you have to be meta otherwise it would be a disaster but you have to understand that I just can't believe that we've come to this I guess that's what's really shocking but [ __ ] I mean [ __ ] Jerry's like presidential candidates sponsoring means he's reaching people where they are that's what they said he's not wrong but [ __ ] the fact that [ __ ] Jerry is doing their media is just makes me sick that these guys are still doing there's just these guys are just unscrupulous they suck they just suck it's the fire festival yeah they did the fire festival they've been stealing memes before that I mean they're just they suck like imagine being the Bloomberg deciding yeah I well the fire festival guys they produced the document they they produced the documentary the documentary on the fire festival and then when it turned out to be a scam which they knew it was they sold it to Netflix and produced a exposing fire festival well they did more than just the documentary they were doing the marketing right right right now and they were enrolled it's like somehow they twisted that to her advantage and and ended up I don't know man was associated that they made that documentary mm-hmm no I could no no we didn't know anything they minimize their involvement cuz because they were deleting comments on on Instagram yeah [ __ ] anyway Mike Bloomberg I was on the fence I'm gonna be honest I was on the fence about Mike because I'm like he does have experience yeah yeah but I'm out Mike's out for me after this show any association with [ __ ] Jerry's a dead in the water anyway I've endorsed Bernie Sanders officially yeah come on I am endorsing Bernie Sanders for president its de Larry David of version over president we must get the 1% Mike Bloomberg is in the top 1% of 1% we must get 50% of that 1% and give it to the bottom 99% and then 32% of all young people on student debt we're gonna take that 23% and turn it into 0% and then 50% of the nation will be rise out of poverty and the top 1% will be forced to pay for the health care I endorsed Bernie Sanders for president I do I donated a thousand dollars and announced it on Twitter whose big news it was that Wow ethan klein you made it into philip defranco video right that's big news today you had her in the thumbnail I was in the thumbnail baby his title was people are freaking out but it's like wow that's nobody's freaking out mm-hmm I'm always surprised by his thought his titles like nobody's freaking out you used that so much it's like come on it's not that doesn't work you can't keep saying people are freaking out I don't think you can really criticize titles anymore yeah after the approach that we've taken jacksFilms announced study is having a baby yeah I mean I I see what you mean I mean obviously it's like a little cheeky I hope that comes across to people that titles like we're trying to be funny I mean it's just I mean obvious whole thing of saying like on ironically people are freaking out like what are people actually freaking out like one can you warrant saying that people freak out over shed all the time there's just people whose people I think Brando is on doing I think of freaking out I mean that's that's so extreme that's like what people do when there's like a shooting like I'm freaking out like you're running and screaming that's freaking out right okay like nobody-nobody freaked out about me endorsing Bernie Sanders and he does freakin and all caps who when do people ever freak in all caps out Pearl Harbor 9/11 but people don't freak out in all caps they may freak out about your gay jokes today I doubt it we'll see those those Billy Dee I know exactly let's say I'm working on the inside those numbers a wildly irrational reaction or spell of behavior as the dictionary does wildly irrational wildly irrational so just the fact that it's wildly that does extreme behavior like freaking out is like punching a hole in the wall it's not just being like oh but I doubt people even did that anyway what do you think about Mike Bloomberg and buying out media on main pages Dan it we live in hell it's awful I mean [ __ ] all these mean pages anyways it's Smallville content we've for reasons we've litigated on the show in the past but yeah I mean you know it's just this is this this is just dystopia like it's just it makes me feel so bad so many people are following these pages of [ __ ] so soup like all the famous people follow all this stuff yeah one of the here's here's all the meemers involved it's called meme 2020 they started a new company so stupid right which we found out yeah meme 2020 is most of the executives from Jerry media apparently the main dude the Elliot whatever his name is is is technically not part of this yeah whatever yeah I'm sure yeah well cares there's all these guys are in on it together all right don't you feel like you're being pander to it though like these guys are not funny if you watch them in a documentary they're not funny at all like don't you just feel so pander to meme 2020 it's like when you are you can't monetize memes otherwise it's just not funny anymore meme 2020 these guys trying to be businessmen anyway one of them that they used was white people humor so Mike Bloomberg bought a media Buy on white people humor so congratulations to him and do you even lift so there you have it congratulations Mike Bloomberg he's gonna spend like a billion dollars and not for like nothing yeah it's crazy crazy and all these people it's just so much money to be made so there you have it Mike Bloomberg said here's their statement on the matter you can tell me what you think about this Hildago Mike Bloomberg 20/20 has teamed up with social creators to collaborate with the campaign including the meme world sabrina sink a senior national spokesman for the bloomberg campaign said in a statement while a meme strategy may be new to presidential politics we're betting it will be an effective component to reach people where they are and compete with president Trump's powerful digital operation see it's so it's so cynical it's because some focus group they they realized that in 2016 Trump like won the meme war so to speak like his supporters like all the 4chan people and everything like had that kind of organic internet support happening for him and just like everything in life he thinks he just by that and what does he do he goes and hires the [ __ ] fire fest guys just like the most incompetent lowest-common-denominator [ __ ] meemers out there to be like to just kind of like artificially give him what he perceives Trump to have it's like it's not gonna [ __ ] work it's just gonna make people think that you're loser like well and I've already seen like the backlash to it is bad like all of the other like all the meme pages on Instagram that aren't a part of this are just dogging on all these pages now so I mean I who is this even for like who's gonna support Bloomberg well I think you're actually wrong because the initial posts like on [ __ ] Jerry I saw everybody thought at first before people started making fun of it I saw everyone thought it was hilarious and a lot of people in my friend Network were liking it commenting and doing laughing emojis your friend like I saw people were like oh that your friends liked it do you think that they thought it was fake though no I think they thought it was real and that it was funny but the big difference between the Trump is that it was a grassroots meme camp exactly and so and it's so awesome trumpet-like that [ __ ] was that [ __ ] was funny like because it also Trump is just on Twitter all day and he's good at it right and hit the shitty tweets just saw outrageous it is so funny it's just so ridiculous but Mike Bloomberg I know had no involvement doesn't understand social media right now and and and he's not this isn't something he cares about while Trump is on social media he's a he actually memes hard yeah and and it's a grassroots campaign so it's the difference but but that being said it does it did seem to work because before like go go to one the hero let me let me just pull the [ __ ] Jerry and like give him for example they were Anders their back that was the other aspect we didn't mention is that all most of these pages are private normally but I think as part of this they were paid to become public to get as many eyes on it as possible follow them to see I think they went private like that only after world about class yeah yeah I wasn't always like that it wasn't always like so so the post has four hundred and fourteen thousand likes it's a lot and like clapping and like smiling laughing emojis Wow the choice is clear oh boy tomboy or pink a - not like this you know what they're doing they're flooding the top with their own meme pages clearing out the criticism right because they can remove that they always take on big accounts well we know that they've remove comments before yeah but just for example let me look at how is normal posts do actually the only post videos now for some reason because oh I see yeah so here's a normal post from the next day afterward and it has 360 thousand likes do you know what's so embarrassing it's just a stolen tweet from this person they barely keep the name it just so that they can say they get it yeah they like cut her face out and barely left the Twitter name in and cut it off kind of Katy Perry comments on it goals that's what I mean that is so weird to me it's not even theirs it's not even their content goals Katy Perry said I mean what is wrong with you why would you would all crushing what the [ __ ] you know here's a picture from a week earlier it has two hundred and thirty thousand views I mean likes so yeah so that one was alright really high performing crazy these guys are really like bottom tier [ __ ] tier you know all the hoops we have to jump through here and these guys just push sort of the [ __ ] they want there's no rules even as [ __ ] in his name like all the [ __ ] I have to go through fate it's Facebook I mean man they I mean Facebook is the enemy of the people as far as I'm concerned what their moderation is just not not moderation they don't care I mean they like so what's with all these brands on YouTube like oh well we gotta take the brands meanwhile on Facebook they're CPMs are insane and they don't give a [ __ ] about anything that's on their platform I mean they theoretically do remove stuff theoretically but yeah it doesn't seem like it's a lot oh we have to protect our brands meanwhile Facebook's like livestream of a live shoot us live streaming a person going on a mosque and murdering people yeah like no one cares like yeah keep the ads going keep the ads going public John said the n-word we're gonna remove your video from trending oh he didn't woops live streaming of school shooting Oh keypads well I'm sure that did get taken down I would hope that got taken in yeah but I had the platforms fine you happen that happens on YouTube the platform gets taken down everybody dies Facebook huh [Music] there was a Facebook feed were they kidnapped some dudes kidnapped a trump supporter who's like low IQ and they held him as a hostage and beat the [ __ ] out of him and tortured him on Facebook live oh yeah that's fine the platforms fine there's no problem there let's keep the ads running this is why we needed yang cuz I feel like someone like him might actually enforce something well I'm hoping that Bernie will have a cabinet position for yang I'm the technology sector I'll be doped oh we got to keep up we got to keep a low IQ individual captive torture them live what's your CPM bro should we say that yang dropped out in case that anyone Oh yang dropped out sad day and was pretty sad yeah you didn't just he had his moment but people just I don't know for some reason I mean he was on the stage he had a really good performance and I don't know he just he had his moment but I think people never took him seriously yeah I hear a lot of people say maybe next time he fear ons again yeah I mean he cut it he came out of nowhere ya know he had a much bigger mountain to climb than a lot of the other candidates that are you know public and well-known and vetted and everything I mean he literally came out of nowhere and did really well for himself considering that I mean polling above I mean he outlasted US senators in like beta Rourke and Camilla Harris and like all yea major political figures I mean it's it bado about is it is it named beta or or beta O'Rourke that was funny I agree and there's a world of opportunity now for Angie Inc so so he's gonna be good he's gonna be just fine this quarter he's spent this quarter alone he spent two hundred million dollars in total he spent three hundred and ten million on ad buys you talking about Bloomberg ya know what everyone else included including Trump was 115 that's what blows my mind is that when you you're even including the other side and he's still outpaces by so much he has accepted no donations he is the ninth richest person in the world well [ __ ] me to that level of wealth is just ungodly he's right behind the suck actually fifty four seventy seven can we get all these old Fox out of here god I'm a young guy to be President man it would be nice Jeff Bezos is far and away number one the younger guys are like someone like zotkin Bezos they're thinking to themselves we already around the country we don't need your presence just liability yeah yeah the gloom Brooks just bored he's like I'm retired I got nothing better let's look at this Jeff Bezos number one with 131 billion it's pretty divorce or this is from 2009 2000 1990 my that net worth might be pre divorced okay so I think that's probably still all being litigated I mean it probably will be yeah that's gonna be a long process I think he's gonna be right back on the top even if he can be okay even if he loses 30 billion and the divorce he's still number one even if he loses how much 30 billion he's still 30 cuz I remember hearing that she got thirty billion dollars yes see these rankings are from 2019 but I think they're from earlier in the year I just pulled up a thing because I thought I remembered and yeah sure enough I think because of the divorce and everything Bill Gates has top Bezos Bill Gates is now the richest person in the world again not for long yeah loser Bill Gates has a cool ninety six point five billion Warren Buffett eighty two point five billion Bernard Amal I don't know who that loser is always French well I think that's the guy who owns Louie Vuitton yeah fashion isn't that crazy Jesus that's the case for they all it's Spanish guy on there too is they don't just own louis vuitton by the way this company owns like every love your brand reducer pretty shocking corporate LLC subset some cities this is gonna blow your mind Fendi Marc Jacobs Louie Vuitton Kenzo Vinci Fenty they are fancy and finding yeah fancy or those are all huge brands Tiffany and Co they own huh Bulgari do their portfolios crazy they own Hennessy alcohol uh-huh they I mean there's like there's like actually like 50 companies here Christian Dior and Melia Pucci there everything is all really big friends in Mexico Carlos sim coming out of course 64 billion was this [ __ ] do Mexican business tycoon investor philanthropist I love other a philanthropist is like yeah I would be too if I had 60 billion you know what I mean oh he's a philanthropist yeah [ __ ] off you [ __ ] all over the earth I make 60 billion you know you really have to be to make 60 billion dollars just by the very nature of it like the shittiest billionaire Jeff Bezos is by far the shitty spinner I don't anything about this guy and you know I bet we've had discussions about good Bill Gates I like Bill Gates he's donating all of his wealth when he dies Jeff Bezos is a [ __ ] sleazeball at least give your employees like a proper bathroom break you know it just sounds like you're worth 131 billion just spread just take ten of that and spread it out let your employees a little more your margins can be a little tighter you can afford it dude he just bought the most expensive house in Los Angeles it's like all over the news 165 million dollars for him and his girlfriend it's so lavish it's like broking him not flex just buy the second most expensive I think it's more I think it was the biggest residential real estate purchase ever in the country engine 65 and by the way do uh do crunch this what is a hundred sixty five million dollars as a percentage of 131 billion if you would thirty-five million hundred sixty-five million that's what the house cost what percentage is that of 131 billion some big numbers yes big numbers don't forget a digit how many billions is he have 131 billion she jesus [ __ ] christ uh god I mean it's the 0.12% it looks like at 0.1% seems high so it's like a tenth of one percent yeah right you think that sounds high of you so you have a hundred so you said you says it's point one percent so 0.1% of a hundred thousand dollars to put it in context if you have a hundred thousand dollars that's like spending a hundred dollars he bought the most expensive house ever sold in this country at least there's place of castles in Europe or some [ __ ] so four hundred dollars of a hundred thousand goddamn that's disgusting Jeff Bezos is and meanwhile it's like nice bit that's all right I like it and I get like I don't like it Bloomberg Ganga's out endorsed Bernie Sanders Amber Rose got a tattoo on her face that may rival Ben Affleck you look tell me what you think check it out it says does not it doesn't it's a [ __ ] huge tattoo under for this is bat it says bash / I don't like it go ahead and explain that why that's not worse I don't like it I don't like it she says she's been making comments about she says beauty is not what's on the outside it's what's on the inside that counts inside my [ __ ] and inside my heart she said that's funny words wisdom she says she goes on for the people that are telling me I'm too pretty for a face tat I didn't say that are you think she's not pretty well she's a little beat she's seen better days what's pretty it's got so much plastic surgery yeah I mean know that I mean well that's like a highly uh that's a highly photoshopped image of her like here let me show you what's up what's really going on with her Daily Mail oh my god she's dating the Joker I mean she's kind of a mess I'm being honest yours yeah it went well I'm not really okay maybe I'm being too harsh I mean it looks to me like she's wearing a I think she looks insane and she's wearing like a leopard skin trash bag she looks like she looks like when you pull the me undies all the way up to your chest right by the way I always wondered as the arms attached to the body as a separate attached house attention what do you make of this outfit I think Ethan gotta tell you I gotta break it to you go ahead gotta break you're heavy here talked invite wrong amber yeah I didn't call her fat I'm just saying that you know sometimes people get all this plastic surgery and it makes it and they don't age gracefully she's a pretty girl okay would you [ __ ] her I'm not into girls no let's go ahead yo you making a point I'm just saying you know sometimes he just got out 36 just same age as me two years older what what say it che say literally what you trying to say just just gotta look at yourself and that's it well I didn't call her fat and by the way Trump she's not fat in color fat Trump has made fun of people for being fat he calls people fat all the time and I do think it's slightly ironic and funny that he is a big fatso and that is true that being said I mean yeah I'm fat I acknowledge that too I'm a monster what what do you want me to say what do you want me to say but but I the fact that Trump is actually a like enormous is funny because he makes fun of the fact he makes fun of people's appearance he's like a bully uni tries to hide it by wearing these ridiculous long suits but he's huge but I feel like in her case she's making a good effort to look good you know it's not really like what did I even say again I I don't remember I was just making fun of her face that I guess he said she's she looks beat something yeah I said she looks beat it's my take you could say the same thing about me but that's my point but I guess I'm not I'm not getting fitnah let's talk about the face time you think I'm being do you think I'm being sexist No okay not sexist judgmental yeah overly judgmental yeah she looked be I'm just trying going over the comment her tattoo looks ridiculous but I mean you know without the tattoo I don't think there's anything wrong with her she's pretty lady okay she's ruining it with the tattoo I agree yeah I agree I you know I just but even that is subjective yeah I suppose I don't think so well then she goes on to explain she says for people tell me that I'm too far too pretty well don't you think that's just a little arrogant I'm far too pretty for a face that I don't see people saying that okay focus he then okay she's way too pretty for a face that anybody's way too pretty for a face time that's the point we're all beautiful snowflakes that we should nobody should have faced as we're all too beautiful I'm way too pretty for face that are the same people that are telling me I'm too pretty even if they thought I was ugly and lie to me old no grammar letting me low or they would just tell me I'm ugly ha ha so either what you're gonna do the mole the story is do whatever the [ __ ] you want in life move ah mwah mwah so it says bash slash its heart kids needs oh I didn't know that bash is short for Sebastian and then her other kid is just named slash which is a little odd I mean I don't like the tattoo but I don't like a lot of tutors lately I do think I think it's just a matter of taste I don't think necessarily this one is that bad we've seen way worse in my opinion okay well I have another one that you can judge Chris Brown and and Chris Brown recently got a face tattoo this is a trend this is a fad this face that things that I think people are getting we know who started it our friends yeah definitely popularized the base fast and in his case I've gotten used to seeing them I mean I guess he then started he popularized I would say but like now you got people like Chris Brown putting sneakers why shoe did I hate Chris Brown I hear them on guys shoenice it's Jordan when I hear um well you got a shoe on your face whenever I hear Chris Brown on the radio I skip it off so hard got you douche he's criminal those lines bad worse than bash slash yeah I just hate how it's part of his facial hair I mean Tim this is port but I also hate that it's just a shoe you just like have to do with Kobe I mean Jordan actually hurt the to had to do it Kobe she did it after what happened to him and his daughter she was inspired yeah two-faced at mm-hmm I had some other in that dock that were inspired by Kobe but oh yeah yeah yeah you scroll down I mean in crazy brown this case I don't know I really don't like it it's like literally just a shoe on your face God Aaron Carter is such a this one's awful think we've seen this one no just it's like why don't we looked at it on the show life is a mess dude no matter what kind of turmeric and like sophisticated classes and slick yeah your life is always a mess bro forever good time in this case it also looks like it's just a bad like drawing I don't know what is going on there it's just a fad I hate to say it but this whole face that thing people are gonna be make it having a lot of regrets and ten years from now I think bastions slashing back mom what the [ __ ] is wrong with you hmm thank you for this no Dan he wrote Amber Rose as a model and actress so thing where that at the end of this there's a bullet point it's just Amber Rose is a model and actress a lot of times we're talking about these people I would look it up before putting using the store okay speaking of Trump tell me if this is peak insanity or not just watch this press statement of Trump by the way means and tell me if it concerns Jennifer drugs by the way means that's serious they're getting a maximum penalty and you know what the maximum penalty is in China for that and it goes very quickly it's interesting we have Singapore they have very little drug problem where you have China they have very little drug problem states with a very powerful death penalty on drug dealers don't have a drug problem I don't know that our country is ready for that but if you look throughout the world the countries with a powerful death penalty death penalty with a fair but quick trial they have very little if any drug problem that includes China same criminal in China for drugs by the way means that's their getting a maximum penalty and you know what them thousand right is that max insanity he's admiring countries who execute drug dealers quickly well doesn't shock you can you do I don't know he did so much that shocked me already that I'm just like we love executing drug dealers that's a peak insanity though I sold drugs should mean you'd be executed right it's good point good point now we're now we're god-fearing citizens who pay our taxes God fare well it's just what you say good citizens fear God and pay taxes huh I earn IRS ladies and gentlemen this is calling always on scam likely that I don't answer the IRS from India line this is the IRS oh you also $10,000 oh you everybody's getting these calls yeah you call you are going to prison so kill you go to prison or you pay a thousand dollars have you seen that guy twitch streamer I think his name's like boom yeah yeah he's awesome oh my god it's unbelievable I wanted to get him on the show yeah pranks them he creates like sterile environments on his computer and lets them hack him and he puts like nude pics to the extent that he's able to get into their computer and like delete their files no way yeah some are just unbelievably satisfying to watch excuse me mr. Klein hi this is mr. Smith from the IRS [ __ ] you guy you owe us 10,000 and it's like that people like uh uh like old people mm-hm they're like why and the only way to pay us is to go [Laughter] Starbucks gift cards you must go to Western what is it called the like the money Grand Place Western Union you must go to Western know your net 12 p.m. and pay us by Western units when nonnamous check cashers check it's so absurd cuz it's so crazy that it's like who would ever fall for this but then you realize there wouldn't be thousands of people doing well people weren't falling for it all the times well it's just old people I know it's sad they got my grandma if they go really they go someone like I guess who got my info and knew my grandma's name in my name they go hey grandma this is Ethan they don't sound anything like me saw me I'm trapped in Mexico I got busted in Mexico and I need you to send me three thousand dollars to bail me out well it's like but you know the premise doesn't make any sense why didn't I call my parents well didn't call my siblings why am i calling my grandma why am i in Mexico and but she was ready to do it but my brother was living with her at the time and he intervened nice mm-hm but that's a classic scam where they write just preying on old people so you suck to be that hold be so [ __ ] hold that you can't even like make sense like [ __ ] you you're like oh it's like I can't imagine being in that state of mind be so gullible it's like you really slipped mentally if you fall for that [ __ ] I guess I'm just so fragile everything is like you're just kind of like in survival sucks you know [ __ ] sucks science you got like how am I I'm 34 I figure out my I'll probably lose start losing mental capacity around 80 you got like 45 years to figure this [ __ ] out the senses are like Ethan just exercise I'm like [ __ ] you are you like toying with your microphone or something yes oh sorry I was born here well we've done it all there's a lot of others like small [ __ ] I see if there's anything good er no yeah alright two hours you know that's it we cam we've seen we've talked we've laughed we've cried and we haven't cried gets home about our guest next week PewDiePie right yes people will be joining us now I'm just gonna tell you guys Felix we had two podcasts in row that we had to cancel so I'm just gonna start saying that PewDiePie cancelled at the top of every episode as a gag so you guys have made it to this far know what that gag is about and everyone else will be confused so I'm just gonna start saying sorry - PewDiePie we we had to reschedule at the top of every episode from now on because it's confusing I've announced it so many times that let's just make it a gag so next week is it all back to a normal schedule to have any guests and yeah we have PewDiePie coming on oh well okay but for real no no guests on the books next week okay we just have a slew of them and we're going back into normal mode not a couple weeks we have all of our tree coming up I don't know when that is should I reach out to I was trying to get Gary Spivey that would be really cool and we even have a Gary Spivey costume - we right brought so would be the best he just stares at me the whole time if you guys have suggestions I'm looking for interesting X Factor a little off the beaten path it's gotta be someone who is like approachable you know cuz open not famous we don't have agencies to reach out I mean we've been having a lot of luck dial yeah you know we did Russell Brand respondent he's got come on all right no we I feel like I didn't we can pull we can pull pretty high but if it like someone like Gary spire is a good idea that's why we saw that big kind of thing there is like unapproachable I won't carry Spivey I agree but we can pull high I bear you a few pockets and as I see people suggest of that like we don't really we would love to have them but oh well some people we've tried like Eric Andre I've tried yeah we always suggest the same wine I mean I want Eric Andre house as much as you guys do but just know that to where account that keeps saying a little nice I invited little [ __ ] he followed me on Twitter I was like cool and I I asked him if you want to come on he didn't answer so I'm just gonna I'm not gonna obviously keep pushing it that guy dedicated man he's on every post with a customized icon that says get a little nozzle on the podcast if we ever do get him on I'm gonna credit him we'd have to I like little knows though all right he's a character man he seems like more than anyone he's enjoying his success you know Billy Irish would be awesome mm-hmm she has Tourette's we have so much in like that's such a thing to have in common I've never had a conversation with anybody about that come on that's a lot to you guys make fun of my textile no [Laughter] but Billy Eilish would be great you know they just come up sometimes and sometimes it makes sense and I asked all right let's ship we got we have to go to Teddy fresh and do work now it's never-ending okay how long are we gonna be there today I'm just gonna have a meeting or is immortal hours probably a few hours a few wait it's already two o'clock how are we gonna be there for a few hours what's a few tomorrow Donna he was like three or more we have to leave by 4:30 don't worry your mom is with dinner I can't be there so far I can't I wish we took the crisis no it's not good don't end it I'm a bi well cuz I'm just so beer maybe you can / it's my car it is your cart we should take it to start overthinking a few hours and souls off I could really talk we're doing that Vin Diesel my throat is holy throne like it writ legitimately heard you need to exercise why are you so tired I just performed for to over two hours didn't mean did you see Shakira on the Super Bowl I'm sure she was tired as well fine but did you see the performance this that I saw it so what I'm not impressed try hosting a podcast for two hours twice a week I'm super impressive what do you want I'm not I'm not doing a song and dance I'm mentally exalt I was prepping why late into the night last night I've been doing Vin Diesel impressions all day let's stop all right well let's go see what we can do and then hopefully it won't be that 3:30 no because we have the meeting what and you have to do design or you have to do the design stuff we have a top-secret something going on that I can't mention but it's super super super super exciting excitement levels on this thing I can't talk about one to ten ten yeah it's a ten it's [ __ ] epic nothing you guys will see for a long time but the one that they're gonna see soon is pretty awesome oh we can say what it is now spongebob Club super cool I was happening and it's coming out in two weeks yeah I guess two weeks it's coming out on the 27th right yeah if that thing is gonna sell so fast because it came out really good and we didn't get as much quantity as we should have for some reason but it came out great like it's a really good collab really exciting no I think that's why we're all so tired it was really hard working on that one cuz it's like the new one or the old one spongebob yeah there's so much in preparation and like working with this big corporations have to approve like every little thing yeah oh my god by anyway it's been worth it once we're used to the process it won't be so bad and we have we're getting more people and more processes in place so it'll be easier in the future the first one's always the most tedious but this one this new one I mean spongebob is is a licensing deal this one is a straight-up collab with what do you say the difference well so a licensing deal is that we're paying a royalty to spongebob mmm-hmm for using their intellectual property in our designs okay but this one is a collab in that it's like working together on designs and production I mean it's a it's a full through through collab cut yeah with one of the I I don't want say that and but we're burning the candles on both sides helos up very late working hard on Teddy fresh daddy fresh daddy fresh and Theodore was in there with markers he wants to touch all my stuff and draw with me I cannot wait get your act together Mitsy was saying that there's um you can get like baby markers that are toys yeah do that yeah that sounds really cool I cannot wait to draw with him cuz it's gonna be so fun he's gonna love it he's gonna be awesome little artists and they come up with all this crazy stuff cuz their house can't wait all right onto our on to our second job for a few hours apparently so work Bethan [Music] it's two o'clock right now you keep explaining our workday starting the outro music for the second time trying this again oh ok bye everybody Paul Newman [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 918,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, the h3 podcast, the h3h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3, h3, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan & hila, ethan and hila
Id: foGb5VTxyrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 138min 40sec (8320 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 15 2020
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