Dr. Eric Berg - 'Practical Keto'

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Isnโ€™t this guy a chiropractor?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/StevieInternets ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 23 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Canโ€™t stand this guy

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 10 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/BlueRipley ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 23 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

this guy contradicts himself all the time based on what he's selling

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 17 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Carrackman ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 23 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

About halfway through he recommends deliberately misleading his patients about their health (to get rid of passive aggressive patients he does not like).

If he does that to a patient, how honest is he in general?

Here is a time stamp if you think I am exaggerating.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 8 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/gerhardpratt ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 23 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

When did he get his M.D. or PhD? Last I saw was he was under suspicion of fraud or some such.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Crustycodger ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 24 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I liked it live in the audience and I liked it again now. Smart no bullshit stuff.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/dem0n0cracy ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 24 2020 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Music] [Music] so this morning i released a video had the most views i've ever had is 25 000 views an hour and take take a while to guess what the topic is corona virus yeah it's a very hot topic right now you know about uh i would say 15 years ago i was doing talks around the governmental agencies in washington d.c and also exxon mobil and they kicked me out they actually said you can't talk anymore i called them up and said why they said well because you're recommending 45 eggs a day and that's very bad for the heart i said no i didn't say 45 i said 4-2-5. they said oh okay you can come back so sometimes you have to clarify things so uh disclosures no financial ties to pharmaceutical diagnostic or medical devices or food industry owner of dr berg.com dr berg supplements authored the healthy keto plan i organized a summit called the healthy keto summit every year and my bias is low carb so today i want to talk about some unique problems that happen in the keto uh world i have a large uh following on social media i have a facebook close private group of 300 thousand people and i'm it's called my keto lab i'm able to test different things to see what works see what problems that people are running into and uh gain a tremendous amount of understanding about what people are running into and what the solutions are so i want to share today some common problems and solutions one of the biggest ones being plateau it's keto stall so i want to talk about that first so a couple couple things one is that you have people who say well it's not working i only lost two pounds the first week i lost six and now i just lost two pounds i'm like well you have to understand that is normal so it takes a little bit of education at first to set people up but there's there's different levels of awareness that you have to understand you have awareness of the problem awareness of the cause of the problem awareness of the solution and also of the correct solution so like i would take like men for example they might have this huge belly but they're not very aware that that is a fatty liver they're they're just like oh yeah it's fine i can deal with it so i wouldn't necessarily go right into teaching them about what to eat because that's too high level so i really address people where they're at and then build them up and one of the things i found is that you have to teach them the basics of certain things uh especially like one guy came in he goes um yeah your program's not working i tried it for two weeks and it didn't work well it did work but then it stopped working well what did you do well i stopped stop the diet i said did you think it was going to keep working if you stop so you really have to um educate people from the very beginning and so there's a really important very vital principle that i talk about and that is about it's not lose weight to get healthy it's get healthy to lose the weight and this is so basic because looking at diabetes as a disease doesn't work as this being this is like this cause of cause situation it's the effect of course of high insulin if someone does not understand this concept they're very susceptible to doing the wrong solution very unhealthy programs diet appetite suppressants low quality products they try to get they try to actually diet to lose weight how many of you agree that dieting actually destroys your metabolism you take someone who's menopause and you ask them how many diets have you been on it's probably been 10 or 12 and every time they do it of course they're doing it wrong it slows down the metabolism so just because someone's losing weight doesn't mean they're getting healthy it really depends on how they're losing weight so there's some products that people think are healthy you have you know of course the slim fast hidden sugars if you take a look at the ingredients high levels of soy protein isolates which are exposed to hexane which in pubmed is a neurotoxin and there's no fda has no sealing of how much hexane is in there had a lot of clients come in that have done like programs like ideal protein that really high in soy protein isolates and end up with liver and gallbladder issues so and they're hidden sugars as well so is a really important question that i always always ask people to figure things out and i think it's just it's not emphasized and that is okay when did this problem start and what happened just before that and you can get so much data i had one lady came in with a heart attack a heart attack symptoms she's been to the hospital spent forty thousand dollars worth of testing and nothing showed up and then we find out i said when did you start well two weeks ago what day tuesday what did you eat she goes oh a big banana split i said okay laid it on my table started doing some work on her and it was basically just a congested gallbladder backed up in the liver causing heart pain all the all the heart symptoms went away so it's really really important to find out what occurred just before you started having that problem i asked that question a lot maltodextrin glycemic index way higher than glucose and sugar so obesity is a symptom it's not if you focus on obesity you're going to basically you're not going to be as successful it's coming from too much insulin so i have people focus on other indicators of health i try to get them off the weight loss at first because they may not lose weight initially especially if they have a slow metabolism so i always ask them how is your energy is your hunger going away that's a good indication that the insulin is coming back in a good range carb cravings if you still have carb cravings there's still there's a problem with your blood sugars is your belly shrinking um there are people women that are actually menopausal that have a lot of atrophy and it looks just like fat identical because what happens after menopause is sometimes you have a spike in cortisol cortisol tends to turn muscle protein into glucose and then it raises insulin so you have this loss of muscle looks like cellulite and fat and they're really adamantly want to lose weight but this takes some time to heal this process so in the process they're building up their proteins you know it takes months and months maybe even a year or two to build up this protein back there where actually they're per volume the muscle is heavier than the fat so everything is shrinking they're not losing weight you just have to teach them that this is normal they have to know that so they're not setting themselves up for a loss so the most important thing that a person could do to increase their health is to use their own fat as fuel so there's several advantages of doing this number one now you start running on ketones and there's a lot of advantage it's a superior fuel more energy output appetite suppressant more efficient better lipid profiles tumors can't consume ketones reduce oxidative stress and more o2 less co2 and then you have the benefits of reduction of insulin which is the common denominator of so many health problems i mean inflammatory conditions heart of course diabetes the fatty liver high cholesterol aneurysms stroke dementia other than that it doesn't have any effects but it's actually pretty connected to everything so you get to do these two things there's a you know about the glycemic index there's actually an insulin index too how many of you have not familiar with the insulin index okay those are that's a scale that um it's all the non-carbohydrate triggers or the non-carbohydrate influences on insulin and of course fat is the lowest effect on insulin but lean low low-fat protein like whey protein is very high on the scale of the insulin index and this is why the keto works really good because you have higher fat higher fat if you have a whole egg for example versus the egg whites you have a much less insulin spike and this is important just understanding um what we're trying to do we're trying to create as much health benefit by the reduction of insulin and so you have the lowering of carb we don't want to be afraid of fat and we need to understand that scale but we also want to look at other ways of decreasing insulin and one of the biggest ways is fasting intermittent fasting um fasting is not low carb it's no carb and uh what happens there's a little hormone called the gip hormone in the small intestine that gets activated every time you eat no matter what you eat so if you don't understand that you may not put emphasis on fasting and realize that that's really important especially in the helping people with really resistant weight problems and that's very beneficial so the combination of both of these are vitally important insulin is a dominating hormone in the presence of too much insulin a lot of the other hormones are suppressed especially growth hormone insulin-like growth factor and then you get uh when you consult people you get this thing where um uh you find out they're on sorta keto uh how many of you ever had clients that are in sort of keto yeah i'm not losing weight well what are you doing well i'm on sort of keto well keto is like you can't be in sorta keto i mean it just doesn't work it's like a switch there's gonna be a point where you're you're not gonna get into ketosis there's a certain amount of carbohydrates that you need to go below and if your metabolism is low it has to be even lower so i know this might be hard to believe but some of your your patients or clients do cheat occasionally and they don't tell you that they cheat they keep it a little secret how many have you ever had that happen once once before so what happens is they keep a little secret and they do it again and again you're coaching them and you go they're not getting results what's interesting about this is they tend to be a bit um critical to kind of justify it and so i have learned in practice i have an advantage of being a practice for 29 years i work with so many people that um i see this common scenario that happens if a client comes in that's not progressing and they're critical like they'll say well you know i really don't like the color of your walls and and your secretary is just so rude and i'm not losing weight and i go thank you very much i have a question is there anything that you're eating that you shouldn't be eating i look them right in the eye and they'll look they'll do this like no they look down you know right there they're not telling the truth so i don't make them feel guilty says well what do you think about when they ask you that question they go well i did have a little ice cream but it was organic you know i said okay good anything else uh potato chips but i didn't have that many i guess okay how many do you have well i did have a bag okay and i just keep going anything else and you will be shocked to find out these guys are consuming massive amounts of junk food on the side found out this one lady she's doing literally i think a whole bag of oreo cookies every single day so it's very important if you're coaching someone to know that because if you don't know that you're going to be uh trying something else and they're going to eventually leave and you're going to be chop living so it's i spend a lot of time just keeping that communication line open so there's no secrets i don't care if they cheat just tell me i want that communication line open so for those people that have a very slow metabolism and i know you have some clients that no matter what you do they just can't nothing works okay let's put you in a 500 calorie diet still doesn't work have you exercised more it doesn't work um strict keto it doesn't work you ever have a client like that yeah they're usually menopausal they usually have the thyroid removed the gallbladder removed they're pre-diabetic and they have a history of many different diets and now they end up in your office and you're like okay what do i got to do with this so what i will do is i'll i'll do all the things i told you then i'll start to go down the list and start to really beef up no pun intended the intermittent fasting so i will decrease the frequency of eating and i'll have them fast longer there's a really important rule that i tell my clients and also even the videos right now is that don't eat if you're not hungry do not eat if you're not hungry because then you're going to be hungry when you eat because it stimulates insulin so then the blood sugar comes down so it's so simple and so these individuals what happens is they're they're going a long period of time and i told them they have two meals a day i said are you hungry now i just eat them because you told me i said okay let's go to one meal a day all right and i'll do that are they progressing sometimes they're not they're not really seeing the um the changes that they really need and they have maybe a huge belly and you just have to come up with something that's a little more powerful so i will um i'll do this kind of a stair step method the first thing is i'll take their uh their um breakfast and i'll say listen if you're in the morning if you're not hungry just don't skip it and start pushing it forward to lunch and so pretty pretty much there the lunch the breakfast is gone and so they have lunch and dinner and then what i'll do is i'll take the lunch and the dinner and i'll start squeezing them together and until the point where it's like a four-hour window most people do very very well with this and i do have quite a few people doing this on my lab with tremendous amounts of success some people need to do one meal a day the key is making sure they have enough nutrients in that meal you know to prevent things like hair loss which i will cover now some some people need to go even a little bit longer uh not everyone but i have put people that fast to the point where they're eating once every other day now as long as your energy is good they're taking the nutrients and you'll see that they'll finally start to change and i have had a handful of people who were consuming one meal every other day make sure they do the sea salts and electrolytes and they finally after all this time start losing weight so their metabolism is so efficient that this is what they need and it's not that they're starving when they're not eating they're just they're basically eating their own fat when they're not eating and that's the concept that you have to get across is that you are eating when you're not eating you're just eating your fat so sleeping interesting had a lady who um she lifted three and a half million pounds at the gym over course of a year and lost one single pound and she came in very depressed and i found out she was not sleeping she was actually on the right she was eating pretty good but she was she wasn't sleeping so um i i actually worked with with sleeping i actually told her to stop watching the news right before bed that was the big problem um i told her to start taking calcium magnesium i did some work on her and she started sleeping like a baby and that was the only time that things started to kick in she lost a lot of weight great before and after i mean don't underwrite sleep like my wife and i went on a trip uh recently because we were like completely pale and white in january so we went to the bahamas to this little remote little island where they have like no internet no reception and it got dark around 6 30. there's nothing to do so we went to bed at seven o'clock and i said well let's just go to bed we go to bed i s we think we slept for 13 or 14 hours i've never felt that better in my life it was amazing so i mean i've been running on maybe six hours if that just getting more sleep can create huge changes in your in your blood sugars in your body so i need to do more of that okay stress yes that can affect you i think out of all the stress people have a lot of the stress comes from other people how many realize that people can stress people out certain personality types you got the slow drivers that just really jack up my adrenals they're just driving and then you have the antagonistic people but really the worst case is the is the passive aggressive the underminers they're the person they told you they stood up for you but they actually ruin your reputation they'll say comments like well you've done quite well for your educational level what had this attorney come in to see me he said i said hey how did you find out about me he says well out of all the quacks you seem to be the less weird it was kind of a hint of a compliment but it's really kind of just taking my wind out so as a as a practitioner you're always going to get a percentage of those people that come in that are just you don't feel good when they're around them i i screen those out right now i scream those guys out and they constantly are nullifying your results if they get results there will be someone else that worked on them wasn't you or they'll say comments like hey that's a nice sweater was that on sale like oh you got a haircut was that cheap cuts and like so it's just something about them you don't really like but i do have a way of i finally figured out a way of getting back at these people revenge you want to know how i do it you can do but how many of you have clients like this yeah this is what you do it's it's a great great thing you when they start doing that all you do is you just look them right in the on the face look them really close and just say what what's that has that been growing has that been growing you should probably get that checked out yeah get your liver checked out because that's what they're doing to you they're introverting you you just flip it they'll be in the bathroom for hours looking at that little back there and like oh my gosh is that the coronavirus and then just get them out of your space and but with this attorney that came in uh what i did is i said um i knew i did not want to take him on so i said i tell you what this is what i want to do go up to the front and i have a bottle of calcium it's four dollars i want you to buy that go ahead and try that if it doesn't work i can't help you never saw him again so nice way of getting rid of those guys but stress is a really really key thing to oh my gosh exercise either over exercising over training or not exercising at all so regular consistent exercise um creates some really nice effects with a lot of things autophagy the cleaning up of old damaged tissue protects your immune system keeps your body full of oxygen but i had one lady who came in she was uh exercising i'm not kidding six hours a day and no weight loss six hours a day at the gym so she was over training so i had her which took a long time to do this but i got her to exercise um like for an hour twice a week and she started to lose the weight and it was really a weird brain strain because she didn't realize that overture i mean the benefit of exercise occurs when you're sleeping 48 hours later not during the exercise exercise is a stress the benefits are delayed she didn't understand that um okay bloating so you you i do recommend vegetables for most people but if they start bloating i take them off of it because they might have sibo small intestinal bacterial overgrowth they might not deal with them and so there's been a handful of people not the majority that would just can't do well on vegetables so i will adjust what i do but i do i'll tell you why i recommend more vegetables in a bit but if they're bloating that can cut down on the weight loss because they're they're fluid retained they're just holding the stress in the gut and that's happened a handful of times so you want to you know just kind of look at that as well okay next thing is the transitional phase when you're getting into ketosis there's a thing called keto fatigue has anyone ever experienced that so i had a chance to just work with a lot of people and find out this is mostly potassium deficiency and when you do keto you're no longer running in carbs so you're going to dump a lot of fluid because carbs retain fluid with that fluid becomes electrolytes not just potassium but sodium now our bodies tend to retain sodium more than potassium we don't have um any mechanism to retain potassium hardly at all so there's this false information being spread that spread out there that potassium is dangerous on our body if you have well of course if you have staged kidney disease yes but if you have healthy kidneys it's not dangerous in fact potassium is protective of the kidney if you want data on that i have amazing research on that you can you can ask me later but but the thing about potassium is out of all the nutrients we need potassium in large amount it's 4 700 milligrams a day if you take a look at what you have to eat to consume that you're going to find out the majority of people are just not consuming enough potassium so um potassium is involved with a lot of things fluid exchange energy it buffers uric acid it's really an effective thing for blood pressure wow it just brings blood pressure down there's a lot of data on this also heart rhythm rhythm um really helps with arrhythmias because it's involved in the pacemaker nerve and energy muscle making hcl but the main purpose of potassium is involved in the sodium potassium pump in the cells so you have these little pumps on the cell surface that you have a billion of them let me just go right to that first yeah this is what they look like they have one purpose to keep the potassium inside the cell and the sodium outside the cell to keep this electrical gradient to keep these two minerals separate that forms through the help of the insulated wall of that cell it helps to form develop a battery the body allocates 30 percent of all of its energy to these pumps and what the what what this energy this electrical energy does is it activates the nerve and the muscle tissue so if you're deficient and this pump doesn't have enough raw material you're going to get weakness and uh in the muscle and things like that and so this is one wikipedia so you know it's true they said it's uh the causes of hypokalemia low potassium is uh look at you the cause one of the causes is going a ketogenic diet i don't know if i believe that but i do know that you'd lose fluid um with this and so that could be the reason why also one of the big symptoms of hypokalemia the first one is feeling tired so if you if you're into exercise and you're doing endurance exercise if you take a little more potassium you're going to find you can go a lot longer too because your your cellular pumps have are are recharged so um to prevent that i i recommend foods that are high in um potassium on the ketogenic diet i don't want to get too much into this but the potassium and the the insulated phospholipid layer on the cell acts as a capacitor which basically stores electrical charge your cells are batteries and if you divide the amount of voltage which is uh 150 microvolts inside the cell by the thickness of the wall which is very small it can yield electrical fields in excess of 200 kilovolts that's 200 000 volts so certainly enough to break down any most insulators so if you compare that to anything like underground cables it smokes anything else so your cells are just amazing how it can generate this incredible amount of voltage and activate muscles and if you make sure that you give it the right nutrients beet tops have the most potassium per cup 1300 so i mean i don't consume beet tops so it's uh spinach the problem with spinach that i have on the keto is it's high in oxalates if you're prone to kidney stones i have them avoid spinach brussels sprouts 600 something cabbage 300 tomatoes 400 swiss chard so you can see avocados 830 milligrams asparagus 400. so typically speaking you're going to get a little more potassium with greens um but you can also get them from lamb you can get potassium from lamb 2 268 for 3 ounces can of tuna is 280 brown steak 3 ounces of 300 so you really just have to you should probably uh yourself or with a client just start calculating how much potassium is a person really eating and you may find that it's not even close so you may want to substitute with calcium citrate or another type of calcium i'm sorry potassium okay keto flu is purely a salt deficiency sodium or chloride no one's really talking about chloride salt is composed of 40 sodium 60 chlorides chlorides are really necessary to make the hydrochloric acid so it's a very important mineral just as sodium so when you do keto you do need more sea salt and so that will take care of the flu flu-like symptoms very quickly and also weak muscles here's another gem if you don't know this this is a no-brainer you're going to have clients come to you that have peripheral neuropathy and there's a really good remedy that seems to work the majority of the time because hyperglycemia depletes vitamin b1 and b1 is involved in making myelin sheath it's it protects the cells against the complications of high sugar it's considered a nerve vitamin when you're low in b1 you get neuritis you get that excessive thinking thinking and like nervous anxiety i like the best source of b1 being nutritional yeast it's more of a natural type it rids lactic acid so if you put someone on metformin one of the side effects it's rare is lactic acidosis b1 reduces that complication so if you have someone on metformin if you have on b12 and b1 that would be very smart it's involved in four different steps in the krebs cycle in the mitochondria the generation of atp so it's like the spark plug that occurs when you have fuel and oxygen coming into that krebs cycle and so if you're not if you've been on a high carb diet you'll deplete b1 and that's when you start getting the complications of diabetes and mainly it's the destruction of the vascular the capillary function the blood flow to the nerve and the eye and the nerve and the also the epithelial cells in the heart and the kidney as well as in the um the peripheral nerves not to mention the brain um so ben thought to me if you've never heard of this it's a fat style will be one it's a no-brainer it uh it's quite miraculous and they made it fat-sizable to penetrate the myelin sheath in the brain and it can be absorbed i think it's seven to nine times more than waterside will be one but it's a really um you start like you just get a bottle of it and have them take uh you know four four times a day whatever the recommended dosage is and uh it seems to work for peripheral neuropathies i will say that some people if it's really bad it does take months to kick in alpha lipoic acid also is good as well but it reduces the oxidative stress and the complications of diabetes i have a lot of references if you want it hair loss okay so you have sometimes people say well keto is very healthy because you're going to lose all your hair well that's probably um if you're doing it incorrectly if you the the main thing with the hair loss is you need certain trace minerals not just for the thyroid um but for the hair directly so the two trace minerals that seem to work the majority of time are zinc and selenium and they both are actually involved in the thyroid um there's biotin is another really good one as well if someone has gut issues it could be the reason why they're not your body makes biotin so it could be either that you have you don't have the friendly bacteria to make biotin or you have gut damage that you're not able to absorb that biotin so sometimes i'll give people biotin in higher amounts to kick in the hair but zinc is a really important thing so what i do is i make sure that they do what's called a healthy version of keto which is high density nutrient foods especially the trace minerals and that would be the shellfish these are high zinc foods tuna eggs pumpkin seeds lamb fish as well as selenium is another important one selenium is probably one of the most important trace mineral antioxidants really important in the thyroid especially hashimoto's because you have all this inflammatory reactions and to counter all that free radical damage that's happening with hydrogen peroxide and so selenium is really important and where do you get it you get it actually in fish and seafood so this is just a chart to show you the the mercury some people are concerned about mercury as long as you have enough selenium it'll counter the mercury so like the three types of fish that you wouldn't want to consume would be pilot whale which i know i i really love that uh mako shark or swordfish but everything else is pretty good so you don't necessarily have to work worry about that selenium tuna brazil nuts eggs sardines halibut sunflower seeds spinach and beef shellfish you can see that different different uh nutrients contain a lot of different trace minerals uh so a well rounded meal would be fine shellfish i think is is great for aikido as long as it's a you know a healthy version key additional because i'm trying to go fast because i can see the times running out here key foods i do recommend a small amount of dairy for certain people but if they start getting acne if they have problems with fibroids if they have a prostate problem i'm going to take them off dairy um but because i'm from wisconsin um i like high quality dairy and of course i do the grass-fed uh organic um at halloween we gave out um these little mini packs and you know these kids just don't come back anymore i don't know why i want to thank you for coming and listening and have a wonderful afternoon thank you very much [Music]
Channel: Low Carb Down Under
Views: 4,132,333
Rating: 4.8747301 out of 5
Keywords: Low Carb Down Under, LCDU, www.lowcarbdownunder.com.au, Low Carb Denver 2020, #LowCarbDenver, #LCD2020, Eric Berg, LCHF, Low Carb Healthy Fat, Ketogenic Diet, Carbohydrate Restriction, Insulin, Weight Loss Stall, hypokalemia, trace minerals, Magnesium, potassium, zinc deficiency
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 57sec (2097 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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