9 Underrated Spells that are Actually Overpowered in Baldur's Gate 3

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first up is witch bolt witch bolt is a level one evocation spell that deals 1 D12 lightning damage what makes this spell underrated is that it actually uses an attack roll which means it benefits from things like bless High ground and so on not only that but because it uses an attack roll it can crit unlike many other lightning spells and while it might not seem strong in the beginning of the game it scales incredibly well reaching 6d2 damage at level six and is arguably the best single Target damage spell in the game when a Target is wet and vulnerable to lightning damage which doubles the total damage taken pair this with destructive wrath which will cause a lightning or thunder spell to deal its maximum damage and it's a guaranteed 144 lightning damage to a wet Target 288 if it crits witch bolt isn't all good though it does require concentration so it's a good idea to use this before you use any other concentration spells and activating witch bolt only does 1 D12 damage no matter what so it's not really worth an action after the initial cast later on but you might not think a level one spell would be the highest single Target damage spell in the game number two is Rally rally is a Battle Master fighter bonus action learned at level three at the cost of a superiority die in a bonus action you can grant an ally eight temporary hit points while this might not look very impressive at first glance rally can be used to help up a downed teammate of course you could also throw a potion but throwing a potion costs an action so being able to help a downed teammate for just a bonus action is actually pretty amazing not only that but rally has a massive 18 M range so you can help a down teammate who is quite far away and as a bonus when you help a teammate up with rally they get healed at 1 HP in addition to the eight temporary hit points if you like that tip don't forget to smash that like button and subscribe for more balers Gate 3 content number three is featherfall feather fall is a level one transmutation spell which is also a ritual spell it allows you to make your party immune to Falling damage which allows them to jump from Great Heights without fear of death and while it's amazing for its utility for getting around it can also be used to deal massive damage to enemies if you jump onto an enemy from a high up place you can deal an incredible amount of damage to them and maybe even defeat them in one hit number four is speak with animals speak with animals is a level one divination spell this spell allows spellcasters to understand and talk to beasts until the next long rest it's also a ritual spell so it won't consume a spell slot there are a ton of animals in the game and lots of intriguing dialogue to be had with them but what is actually beneficial to the player is that there are certain animals that when you interact with them you'll actually get certain items for example talking with the strange Ox can eventually lead you to getting shape shifter's Boon ring in the Hat of fire Acuity not only that but you can also speak with animals that can trade with you like Skittle the rat Merchant found inside a cell in the Heap side prison during act 3 he'll offer items like elixir of universal resistance so speak with animals I think is a Hidden Gem in balers Gate 3 number five is Tasha's hideous laughter Tasha's hideous laughter is a level one enchantment spell that leaves a creature prone with laughter it's a great way for removing an enemy from combat and unlike spells like command charm person and sleep it works on nonh humanoids like Undead and zombies and while the enemy is prone you'll have advantage against them and dealing damage to a Target affected by Tasha's hideous laughter won't always end the effect there's only a chance to overall it's a very underrated control spell especially in act two with all of the undead and zombie enemies that you'll be running into number six is Guardian of Faith this level four Conjuration Spell calls forth a Divine Guardian that attacks nearby enemies but every time it deals damage the guardian loses an equal amount of hit points now because of this hit point loss guardian of Faith usually doesn't last very long and doesn't provide a lot of value for a level four spell slot but when combined with globe of invulnerability the guardian of faith is allowed to get an infinite number of attacks off for the three turns that the globe is around the guardian of faith not only attacks when an enemy comes nearby but also when they attack the guardian so your guardian can get a ton of attacks in if you position it near a choke point or a door and the globe of invulnerability is just barely overlapping to make it invulnerable and the enemies are not in that Globe also as a added bonus since the globe of invulnerability lasts three turns your whole party could chug a potion of angelic Slumber and get a long rest while your guardian of faith is fighting for you and since the potion lasts two turns and the globe lasts three you won't be interrupted number seven is conjure Elemental conjure Elemental is a level five Conjuration Spell that summons an elemental Ally to follow and fight for you options for this spell include air Earth Fire and Water Elementals but what's really interesting about this spell is that it can be up upcast and you can summon four entirely different Elementals with the same spell the four upcast Elementals are the air Earth fire and water meridon all the mmons are incredibly useful but one that is particularly amazing is the air madon because of raging Vortex raging Vortex creates a choking Maelstrom that deals bludgeoning damage each turn but also silences everyone within and what's amazing about it is that it doesn't require concentration while the level two illusion spell silence does actually require concentration so you've got a silence spell which is a huge AOE that doesn't even require concentration and silence is powerful of course because enemies within can't cast spells while silenced which is very powerful especially when you combine it with movement speed impairing things like grease or hunger of Hadar Number Eight Is Blindness blindness is a level to necromancy spell that blinds a creature causing attack roles against it to have Advantage the blinded creature attacks with disadvantage and their attack range is reduced to 3 m this is absolutely amazing it lasts 10 rounds and probably most incredible of all it doesn't require concentration now most powerful control spells in balers Gate 3 typically require concentration even Tasha's hideous laughter but not blindness also each level that you upcast blindness allows you to Target yet another enemy and if you've ever had a blind character in your party you know that they are so much less useful while blind they're constantly missing they're pretty useless and that's especially the case if they're a ranged character because you know if you're typically shooting you'd have to go into melee range to do that and then you're just not going to hit a lot of the time and finally number nine is Glyph of warding Glyph of warding is a level three abjuration spell this spell places a ward that triggers various effects in an AOE when Stepped On by an enemy from different types of damage to pushing enemies and even putting all enemies enemies within it to sleep these utility uses are what make this spell in my opinion underrated placing this where it can push enemies off cliffs or mass sleep multiple full health enemies is something that no other spell can do instead of a normal sleep which is a 100% chance based off of HP remaining HP Glyph of warding requires the target to pass a dexterity saving throw and best of all if you place the glyph where creatures are already present it triggers immediately so essentially you could think of Glyph of warding as an AOE sleep spell or a spell similar to shatter just AOE pushing enemies away from a Target location so glyph ofing yet another spell that I believe is underrated and those are the nine spells that I think are underrated in Boulders Gate 3 thanks so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video take [Music] care [Music]
Channel: Toyhouze
Views: 16,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: toyhouze, witch bolt, rally, feather fall, speak with animals, baldurs gate 3, bg3, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate iii, tasha's hideous laughter, guardian of faith, conjure elemental, air myrmidon, blindness, glyph of warding, water myrmidon, earth myrmidon, glyph of warding: sleep, sleep, abjuration, necromancy, earth elemental, water elemental, fire elemental, raging vortex, silence, potion of angelic slumber, underrated spells, overpowered, OP, OP spells, underrated, under rated
Id: 9KhQvz9lejw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 20 2023
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