8 Amazing Tips that will Improve Your IELTS Speaking Answers

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hello today this is your chance to do an ielts speaking practice test and i'm going to guide you through each and every step to make sure that you succeed right let's see how you do [Music] hello my name is keith and i run the website keithspeakingacademy.com i'm here to help you speak better english give better answers and get a higher score on the ielts speaking test right now you lot today i'm gonna give you the chance to do a full ielts speaking practice test write a kind of mock test if you like and this is your chance to answer some common questions in ielts speaking but relax right i will also give you tips techniques and guidance at every stage of the test to make sure you do really really well how about that sound good let's get into it hello you must be here for the ielts speaking test is that right great please come in come in come and have a seat it's great to see you how are you all right a little bit nervous right well listen don't worry just relax i'm gonna help you get through this so tip number one before the test before you go into the speaking test try and spend five or ten minutes listening to some english whether it's a podcast on your phone or the radio but just to get into the english mood it's a great idea the other thing is if you're nervous get mentally prepared a few minutes before you go in and what i like to do is think about the ielts test as something exciting you are looking forward to i know you're not but the more you're nervous the worse it gets if you can just change that mindset to let's imagine if i had the choice this is what i would choose to do right now like a birthday party i really want to go i really want to do this i'm excited about it and that energy will come into the test and help you so try and look forward to it so this is the ielts speaking test conducted today my name is keith and um can you tell me your full name please okay and what can i call you okay great tip number two at the very beginning just relax take a deep breath and smile it really helps you and it helps the examiner also with the first question coming up on work or study your hometown keep it simple right don't give long complicated answers and make lots of mistakes keep it simple good first impression so listen in the first part of this test i'm going to ask you some questions about yourself let's talk first of all about your home town tell me about the town where you live and what do you like about your hometown tip number three you're coming up to your first topic of part one right so here keep your answers quite short i would say between 10 and 20 seconds usually um keep talking don't worry if the examiner cuts you off that's very common very normal but 10 to 20 seconds maybe three to four sentences is enough i think one of the most important things is to try and speak as naturally as you can only use complex vocabulary or idioms if you are comfortable with them otherwise you'll make lots of mistakes you don't want mistakes at the early start of the test right so keep your answers quite short and just speak naturally okay so now i'm going to go on and ask you some questions about sports okay what kind of sports do you like and how often do you play sports do you watch sports matches on tv are you an are you a fan of any sports teams okay tip number four hey well done you've just answered the first part one topic you're coming up to the second part one topic um one common question here is can i use contractions like gonna wanna uh have to and the answer is yes not only can you but you should use contractions right um ghana and wanna and kinder these are all very natural ways of speaking english so do use contractions you don't have to but that is the natural way we speak so it's a great idea just be careful of the very very common mistake some people say i'm gonna to go i'm gonna to go no because gonna is going to so that's like saying i'm going to to go you only need one too so i'm gonna go i'm gonna go i wanna go i want to i wanna go excellent good luck now let's move on and let's talk about staying up late do you often stay up late and what do you do when you stay up late how do you feel the next day if you have stayed up late okay so now i'm gonna move on to part two i'm gonna give you a topic and i'd like you to talk about it for one to two minutes um you have one minute to prepare and you can make some notes if you wish do you understand okay so listen here's a piece of paper and here is your pencil and here is the topic okay um i'd like you to describe a time when you forgot something important so you have a minute to prepare tip number five hey you're doing a really good job right let's keep going now you've got one minute to prepare part two i think in that one minute do the following get your idea quite quickly the one you want to talk about and then think about the structure you can follow the bullet points you don't have to but you can if you want to and i would just write two or three words on the paper for each bullet point or each section of your talk just to help guide you and a final word before you start get your first sentence ready so that you begin confidently and with a bang [Music] okay good luck okay so remember you've got one to two minutes for this don't worry if i stop you i'll tell you when the time is up can you start speaking now please um huh [Music] and do you still think about this thing now okay can i take back the task card thank you very much pencil and paper okay so we've been talking about a time when you forgot something important um i'd like to go on now and ask you some questions related to that okay tip number six hey well done that was great you're doing a really good job now the important thing at the end of part two is to stay focused this is where a lot of people lose their concentration right you think ah part two is over hooray no this is a marathon keep focused you've got the biggest part coming up now part three so stay focused on that in fact my tip for you here is before the test is about your practice try and do as many practice tests or mock tests like this as you can it'll really help you build up your stamina like for this marathon right and get you used to speaking over long periods of time and reacting to questions how can you do that if you have a teacher fantastic if you don't go to my website i've got now lots of these practice tests even just for part one or part two it's fine but where you sit with me watch the video and i will ask you the questions and you just practice go and check them out down in the links below but for now let's get back to that part three are you ready let's do it let's talk first of all about people forgetting why do people forget things mm-hmm tip number seven so listen that was not bad as a first answer do remember in part three to develop your answers as much as you can you may be speaking from 30 seconds to 60 seconds depending on the examiner and the question so you know give your opinion give the reason why give examples remember your examples right okay and before you answer it's fine to pause for a couple of seconds and just think and then give your answer absolutely fine okay let's get back in there okay and um how how can we avoid forgetting things hmm tip number eight you're doing fantastic a really good job keep going keep focused and remember now part three this really is the part as you develop your answers where you can show off your vocabulary so if any idioms come to mind or interesting collocations now is the time to bring them out but keep going naturally remember you really want to try and get into the flow that's the key to part three just get into that flow of language coming out in your answer you're nearly there see you on the other [Music] side and so do you think that adults are more forgetful than children let's talk a bit about technology now um do you agree that technology actually helps us remember things better and anything else okay that's great that's the end of the speaking test thank you very much hooray you got there in the end well done what a good job that's fantastic now great i'm sure you're thinking well there are some things i could improve that is good you can always go back watch the video again and practice more and more if you want to do more practice on different topics look at the links below the video and you can go to my website there there are some of the live lessons there different topics have similar videos to this where you can practice with me asking you the questions and you just do lots of practice it's so good it will help you build your flexibility um you know to get that high score that you want just remember i think be as natural as you can get into the flow smile and really enjoy yourself when you're doing the ielts speaking test that's it from me i'm checking out as always it's been a pleasure it's been great fun being your examiner for the day thank you very much for watching if you've liked the video please do like it leave a comment down below let me know what you think subscribe to the channel and do turn on that notification button i'm really looking forward to seeing you soon take care my friend bye bye [Music]
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 90,381
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: IELTS Speaking Practice test, ielts speaking, ielts speaking success, ielts keith, ielts speaking 2020, Ielts speaking test practice, ielts speaking tips, ielts speaking simulation, real speaking test, ielts speaking mock test 2020, ielts speaking test tips, ielts speaking part 1 sport questions, ielts speaking part 1 staying up late, memory ielts speaking, ielts mock test, ielts speaking mock test online free, Ielts speaking mock test practice
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 19 2020
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