IELTS Speaking Band 8 Philippines: with Subtitles and Feedback

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hello and this is an ielts speaking mock test with josh from the philippines whom i would give a band 8 for this test keep watching to listen to my feedback and to find out how he could reach a band 9. also you can hear some tips and advice from josh about how he has learnt english and prepared for ielts i can't wait let's begin right okay um so this is the ielts speaking test um a mock test taking place today online um now my name is keith um can you tell me your full name please equally joshua isaiah cranker okay and what can i call you you can just call me josh josh fantastic great so josh in the first part of this test um i'm going to ask you some questions about yourself let's talk about your home town where is your hometown um well my hometown is located in the biggest island of my country the philippines called busan so it's just a small small town it's not yet a city yeah with um approximately around 100 thousand inhabit them do you like your hometown um i would say yeah i do love my hometown i mean um it's not just because of the place the place of my hometown i mean all the things here are good but also the people here in my hometown like everyone is very hospitable everyone is so friendly i mean everyone is willing to give a hand so that's why i really love my hometown what's the oldest part of your hometown um the oldest part of my hometown would be uh one of the districts here called um i'm not very sure if this is the oldest part of my hometown but i would say it's kind of old uh place because i mean you know the structures the architectures are a little bit old and uh as you know philippines great i'm gonna move on and talk about public transport um do you travel by public transport yes i do travel by public transport especially um in the past few days because um i mean you know it's very convenient if you're gonna ride if you're gonna travel through public transportation like buses trains it's more comfortable and you know uh the fair is not also expensive is there anything that you dislike about public transport um when it comes to the things that i don't like i would say um what i don't like is basically uh the crowded place i mean you know a lot of people are trying to get on the bus they're trying to you know seat so i would say it's very very crowded especially during peak hours so what i want is to have a lot of buses as much as possible okay but they're more comfortable let's move on and talk now about jokes are you good at telling jokes um well to be honest i'm not a serious person i would say like i am a humorous person so i was i always tell some jokes to my friends and they always laugh so i'm going to consider myself as you know i'm good at telling a choice do you like watching funny tv shows yeah i do love to watch um comedy tv shows um because you know if you are working for the whole day it's very very um good way to chill out like you know to watch some comedy shows to watch some um comedy videos probably just like on youtube it's one way to have a good time have you ever watched a live comedy show live comedy show uh yes i have watched some before and it was so good because you know the people who joined those comedy shows was very very um humorous and i would say it's very entertaining and they always you know like uh tell jokes to the people and i really enjoyed it so yeah i've watched a lot before okay so how is josh doing at the end of part one well remember by the end of part one the examiner probably has you between two bands and i'm thinking josh is probably either a seven or an eight right fluency first of all i mean he is speaking without noticeable effort right he's quite fluent um there is some hesitation for words and sometimes i'm not sure if it really is for words or for ideas so i'll be listening for that um and he's using a nice range of connectors you know things like when it comes to the things i don't like so he's fluency for me is you know good seven possibly an eight vocabulary well he uses vocabulary quite flexibly to discuss a range of topics right he's talked about his hometown about hospitable people inhabitants talked about public transport he likes and dislikes jokes says he's a humorous person so he has quite a bit of flexibility at this point probably around a band seven he is also using some less common and idiomatic vocabulary you know give a hand chill out nice and his sense of collocation is also quite good right he talks about the during peak hours or i consider myself as a humorous person right so that's quite good and accuracy is great um there were one or two mistakes for example he talked about architectures which is uncountable so should be singular architecture but by and large at this stage i say he's around a seven with vocabulary what about grammar grammar for me is also very good i mean he's definitely at the band seven possibly higher he's using a good range of um simple and complex structures and for me and a really important thing um is that there are frequent error-free sentences and that is a clear benchmark for band seven and above right there are very few mistakes the range well he's using superlatives one of the biggest present simple present perfect i have done this conditional if you are working all day it's a good way to chill out so there's a you know a wide range of grammar and very very few mistakes so again seven moving up possibly an eight we'll have to listen out what about pronunciation well first impressions were very positive right um for me i'm feeling he's probably around an eight on pronunciation he was easy to understand throughout all the phonemes and sounds were clear sentence stress word stress clear um a lot of connected speech not always but a lot of it um and his intonation felt very natural so for me at the moment he's probably a band-aid so let's jump back into the test and see how josh does on part two great so i'm gonna move on now to give you a topic um i'd like you to talk about it for one to two minutes you've got one minute to prepare and you can make some notes i know you've got pen and paper there if you wish okay so i'm gonna paste and copy this into the uh the chat box how exciting i wonder what it's got here you go can you see that great so i'd like you to describe an indoor game you played as a child and you have a minute to prepare okay that's your time so remember you've got one to two minutes for this don't worry if i stop you i'll tell you when the time is up can you start speaking now please all right sorry all right so thank you so much for giving me the chance to talk about the game that i played when i was lethal and i would say that it's quite fun to think about you know the games that i played or i used to play when i was so young so i'm going to tell you about a particular game i used to play when i was very young and i'm going to explain why i really love that game so one of my favorite games for things to play with at least when i was young was hide and seek i mean you know that that game is very very common for a lot of young people a lot of kids do that every time so i really love that game and i played that with my childhood friends and um why you played it um well that game i would say it's like a fascinating game to play as a child because it's very very enjoyable to you know hide and find the other people or the other child who are also on playing with you and how i felt about that game um well it gave me immense pleasure i would say that some of my very fun memories of my family members were rooted in that game because i was not just playing that with my childhood friends i also played that with my family members you know i have five siblings so we played that game a lot and um you know i really missed that game so if i'm gonna have another chance to play that probably in the near future with my future children i'm gonna teach that kind of game for them to enjoy this these days a lot of i'll stop you there all right thank you very much good okay so um we've been talking there about an indoor game you played as a child i'm going to go on now and ask you some more questions related to that um let's talk about indoor games first of all um what kind of indoor games do children like to play in your country um well i've never thought that and i would say that's an interesting question but here in the philippines a lot of uh children usually play some [Music] i would say not just in the philippines but all over the world i'm gonna consider this as an indoor game because you have to play this inside of your house so a lot of people a lot of children love to play electronic games mobile games computer games and um i would say that that is one of the major addiction among today's children and teenagers especially in my country do you think i mean you you've talked about the kind of the the games like the computer games do you think there are any benefits for of children playing computer games um well to be honest i would say yes it has some benefits because if you are playing some some games whatever the kind of game that you're playing it might um help you to you know like to enhance your ability to compete with other people so um you know it has a lot of benefits just like it can help you to um compete with other people and enhance a lot of abilities and skills that you need to have or you might need it when you grow up so those are just the benefits that i can think of right now what do you think of the differences between boys games and girls games um that's an interesting question i would say boys games are really like um they love playing games that involves violence i mean you know a lot of people are in a lot of boys especially are into playing some violence or some games that promotes violence but for female i would say most of the games that they are playing are just games that um can help them to be more like or to learn more to gain more knowledge so mostly females love to play those games that is very very educational let's talk about adults and games um do you think that there are do you think it's a good idea for adults to play games um yes i do think so it's a good idea for adults to play games because um first of all a lot of adults are working hard they're studying hard they're working hard they might be so busy for the whole day so if they're gonna have some time to play games to you know relax themselves to chill out um it will be you know a kind of thing to recharge themselves i mean like recharge their batteries just they might be so exhausted working for the whole day so playing game is one way to um you know like whale of time have a wheel of time right why do some adults prefer not to play games well to my knowledge some adults don't like to play games because they think it's one way or it's uh one factor that um or they consider those people who are playing games as an imagine person or magically mature people so they don't want to be called as an immature person that's why they don't like to play games but the thing is just like as i've mentioned earlier playing games is not something that um or playing games is something that can entertain us and have a blast so there's nothing wrong with playing games in my knowledge do you think our modern lifestyle encourages or discourages adults from playing games um modern lifestyles i would say um they do encourage they do encourage uh people to play games i mean not the games that involve or that promotes violence or you know some games are promoting greed but modern uh developments or modern societies basically encourage all of us to enhance our knowledge to learn more a lot of a lot of people these days i would say they are not into studying so one way to be interested just don't have to stop you there because we're out of time but thank you very much great that is the end of the speaking test so well done josh hey how do you feel um well uh until now i'm still so nervous so well done josh got to the end notice even josh was nervous everybody gets nervous in tests absolutely fine so how did he do at the end of part two and three i think fluency um yeah i felt he was speaking fluently and i'm convinced any hesitation or pause was actually for ideas not for language so for me it pushes his fluency up to the band eight level he develops topics coherently right throughout especially in part three and there is a why he uses a wide range of connectors and sign posts right telling the examiner what he's going to say i'm going to tell you first of all to my knowledge right nice so he's up at the band 8. later i'm going to tell you how he can move up to band 9 in a few moments next vocabulary well again he he pushed up i think he did well he showed that he's got a wide range that he can use flexibly to give precise meaning most of the time i mean we talked about games right um games and addiction to games adults playing games some tough topics and he was able mostly to give precise meaning there was some nice use of less common and idiomatic vocabulary um things like recharge their batteries have a whale of a time have a blast and what was good was that he used them naturally they really did fit exactly where they should in his in his narrative and his talk so that was great overall his sense of collocation continued to shine gave me immense pleasure enhance skills promote violence and his accuracy again was great there were very very few mistakes um so i think i would just give him a band 8 for vocabulary i don't think he was strong 8 for vocabulary i think there's room for improvement and i'll tell you more about that in a moment grammar well grammar i thought was great really what a great range of um simple and complex structures the past tense the future the passives this ability to build multiple clause sentences with embedded clauses right i mean things like if you are playing some computer games whatever the game you are playing it might help you to enhance your ability to compete with other people wow great complex structures nice and here's the thing right and this is your benchmark for a band 8 he produces a majority of error-free sentences i mean you could count on the fingers of one hand how many grammar mistakes he makes um so that was great i thought that really is the benchmark for a band-aid which i would give him yes there were some things right he sometimes drops the final s or he adds the final s so he dropped it one of the major addiction of young children should be addictions love playing games that involves violence should be loves playing games that involve violence so that confusion of the s um which you'll notice if you saw um the mock test with nesta who was also a band-aid that s even at the high level is causing problems for advanced students i'm going to tell you how to sort that out in a moment but let's have a look at pronunciation right again for me all the way through band-aid easy to understand um there were short turns but he could also maintain intonation over longer turns there was only one word in the whole test that caused me confusion and he said i think he pronounced it instead of immature right do you remember when i asked about adults why adults prefer not to play games because people may think that they are immature not mature his pronunciation was confused me there but that was the only example um so wouldn't give him a nine but i would give him an eight so overall i would give josh a band eight lovely now you may be thinking who is this man who does he think he is doing mock ielts tests on youtube giving feedback and advice who are you well it's a very good question and miner and i will answer that question my name is keith if you don't know me i run the keith speaking academy which is a website helping students prepare for ielts speaking i've been into international education for over 20 years as a teacher a teacher trainer as an ielts teacher online for the last three years and i've got also this online course which has helped thousands of students across the world helping them get the score they need in ielts speaking be it band seven band eight and even some band nines the link is down below if you want to check it out that's enough about me let's look at some more tips and tricks and advice for you and for josh so how do you get a band 9 in ielts speaking let's look at my advice then to josh okay talking about fluency first of all right i think he speaks fluently with only occasional repetition um there any hesitation i think is content related and he developed topics coherently but i think he could develop them more fully and if you look at the band descriptors to get up to a band nine you develop topics fully and appropriately and particularly in part three this is where you show your ability to develop topics i think he could do that more to push up to a band nine other tips were in part two don't read the bullet points right he after he began speaking he started to say oh who you played it with da da da da he just read the bullet point rephrase it make it into a natural connector or signpost for example so when it comes to who i played with well i used to play with that right um other thing i think he he does have a nice technique actually which is he uses a pause before he answers and even uses kind of time gainers you know oh that's a good question i haven't thought about that to give him time to think and be confident to pause take a second or two before you answer great technique one that he should carry on using in the test what about vocabulary how did you get a band 9 in vocabulary well i think again looking at the band descriptors josh was able to use a wide vocabulary resource readily and flexibly to give precise meaning he gives precision in some topics but not all of them right if you want a band 9 you have to use vocabulary with full flexibility and precision in all topics and i think he needs to build his vocabulary for more and more topics because it wasn't all there i think he would need to research and practice deeper conversations on a wide range of topics to make sure whatever comes up in the test he has that ability to have a deep conversation and use vocabulary precisely in all topics i did notice when he was talking there was there was some repetition of some lexical sets or chunks right things like to my knowledge um i consider this he was using those quite a few times and it just showed a it was good but it showed a little bit a lack of flexibility so i think for josh i would suggest expanding his vocabulary particularly taking the passive vocabulary that he can probably recognize and activating it and i think one of the great ways to do this right is to watch television or video documentaries and chat shows to watch them to listen to them to make notes and then to go and have the same conversation with a friend or a speaking partner or a teacher and as you're having the conversation you've got your notes in front of you collocations vocabulary expressions and you're trying to use them and integrate them into your conversation and that really is the way forward i think documentaries and chat shows because that's the kind of language that you're going to be using in the ielts speaking test right great sources for these are netflix lots of documentaries ted talks great source of language across a whole spectrum of topics and chat shows things like good morning britain for example or the american equivalent canadian equivalent there are lots of them out there get onto youtube and find some now when it comes to grammar how do you get a band 9 in grammar well let's go to the band descriptors band 9 produces consistently accurate structures apart from slips characteristic of native speaker speech so the only thing that um josh has is he made a few mistakes with the s right the uh the final s on plurals or on third person so i think the secret is automation is to identify the mistakes you have and automate it so you take a sentence for example one of the major addiction addictions of young children and you repeat it and you substitute one of the major problems of young children one of the major challenges of young children one of the major habits of young children and you're emphasizing this and you're repeating and repeating and repeating and you're doing that 10 minutes every day for a week and you're getting it automatic and that i think is a great way to really nail the grammar to make sure you haven't got the mistakes and you can move up to the band 9 level great that's it so those are my tips um to get about nine and for josh who's looking to move up to that that level um great we're gonna move on now and have a listen to josh he's got some interesting ideas about how he has learned english and how you can prepare for ielts let's have a listen to what he says how have you studied english and what tips or advice would you give to other students studying english and preparing for ielts um well you know you're in the philippines as i said before english is part of our curriculum and we study from kindergarten until primary school high school so we really need to study english but the thing is we just don't have the environment to talk to someone in english we've we've been hearing a lot of english advertisements like on tv but uh the thing is we just don't have the environment or atmosphere to speak english so what i did was like um i just kept on speaking yeah like i i basically immersed myself in english language i guess that that is very important and um if it's possible to have a speaking partner that would be better but if you don't have a speaking partner just simply talk to yourself like i mean when you're just doing some simple things in life like your daily routine so proudly like when you are doing some household chores when you are cooking for example to try to talk yourself explain the step-by-step procedure on what you are doing so it's one way to improve someone's fluency i would say and um for pronunciation i always want to you know to improve my pronunciation so i kept on trying to work on with my pronunciation and one thing that i also did was um i tried to talk to an ai like siri yeah i mean you know the thing is you can ask siri anything or everything any questions and um you can ask what is the nearest restaurant hey siri what is the nearest restaurant hey siri what's the weather today the thing is when siri won't understand what you are saying it seems like there's something wrong with your pronunciation so you have to change it so you need to um listen on how native english speak or usually you know pronounce or enunciate each word so that is just you know one thing that i did to make my english better fantastic that's fantastic what about vocabulary are you the kind of person who makes lots of notes of vocabulary or do you just immerse yourself in vocabulary how do you learn focus um when it comes to vocabulary you know uh i always or here in the philippines it's very common for us to uh use or change the language net change i mean um in our cell phone we usually use english language in our cell phone and we always use cell phone in our daily life like every day every time so that is why improve someone's vocabulary i guess because um whenever you turn on or you use your cell phone there's always one vocabulary that you can remember and it can also help you to improve your grammar because you can see the settings on your cell phone you can see the grammar the sentences so it's also one way to improve someone's vocabulary and i'd say even grammar right fantastic so yeah so making use of me you're a digital native right you grow up with kind of phones and tablets but using that to learn english as well yeah brilliant fantastic and just a final word i mean i would love to do a mock test with all of you but obviously i can't um time is limited there's only one of me and there's thousands of you what can i do but if you are interested in a mock test um i can recommend um take the link is down below and they do mock tests for speaking listening reading and writing so if you want the whole ielts mock test they're really good they're professional they give not only the result but feedback and suggestions on how to improve i think it's really valuable at a very reasonable price and if you use the code keith 10 keith 10 you get a 10 discount hence the 10 so you get 10 discount on any of their packages go and check them out down below the the link is down there in the meantime thank you again very much if you've liked this video please do leave a like um leave a comment down below tell me what you thought about it remember to subscribe turn on that little notification button to find out about my upcoming videos here on youtube great can't wait to see you again i will speak to you very very soon take care my friends bye bye
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 301,265
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking success, ielts keith, ielts speaking band 8, ielts speaking, ielts speaking 2020, ielts speaking test samples band 8, ielts speaking interview, ielts speaking test, ielts practice test, band 8 ielts speaking, band 8 speaking, ielts band 8 speaking, ielts speaking test samples band 8 with subtitles, ielts speaking subtitles, ielts speaking interview band 8, Ielts speaking test feedback, ielts philippines speaking test, ielts philippines sample test
Id: 7hEB7375jqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 16sec (2116 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 09 2021
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