IELTS Speaking Band 7.5 India: with Subtitles and Feedback

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this is the ielts speaking test with shakun from india who i would give a 7.5 for this test keep watching right to listen to the feedback and find out why she just missed out on a band 8. also you can hear some tips and advice and a little bit from shakun about her journey with ielts let's get into it okay so this is an ielts speaking test taking place online today my name is keith um and hello what uh can you tell me your full name my full name is chapon sharma and you can call me shakun great shank great so um in the first part of this test right i'm going to ask you some questions about yourself let's talk first of all about your accommodation what kind of housing do you live in well i'm living in an apartment and my apartment is slap bang in the center of the city and it's like a top floor on the building has total of 15th floor and i live on the top floor and it is basically a housing society you know with all kinds of amenities like parks and shops all nearby okay and do you and do you prefer living in a in a flat or in a house well you know if i talk about myself i love living in a house since i think they are more convenient than apartment because now my apartment is not too big not too small but i don't find it much spacious you know since i from since from my childhood i live in a house so i will preferably love living in a house rather than an apartment right let's talk now about tidiness would you say that you are a tidy person i think yes i am a really tidy person because my tiredness starts you know start from the morning when i wake up i just make my bed there and then you know i don't leave it for the mid uh or or for the afternoon and sometime my husband say that you know i am a signing uh you know i just freak out when everything is not in the place you know the utensils in the sink or there are pillows or towels on the bed i just don't like it so yeah i'm at and is your home always very tidy yes my home is always tidy you know i don't like the the blisters on the floor or anything some chunks here then and they're i'm i can say i'm a tidy person are you tidy at work or at home i think i'm more tidier at my home because you know that is the place where i spend most of my time and yes of course when i was working i was a tidy person there but since i'm stay-at-home mother so i prefer that my home is clean crystal clear or especially for my baby you know she always crawl on the ground so i make sure that my floor is always clean so that she don't catch any um disease or like you know like paris or anything let's talk now about famous people um have you ever met a famous person um well i can't say i met a famous person but i would love to meet a famous person you know and what kind of famous people are you interested in i'm really interested to meet some famous teachers you know uh and i have an ideal actually um her name is sarita singh and you know she is a retired teacher and um she's 80 years old and she still teaches peer persons uh you know age doesn't matter for her she even teaches some old persons from childs to old people she teaches everybody would you like to be a celebrity i mean why not everyone loves to be a celebrity so of course it's not a bad thing i think if it's in a good way okay so let's have a quick look how shakun is doing right at the end of part one let's take fluency first of all she speaks without noticeable effort right she seems to be able to keep going she has some hesitation for words she has got a range of connectors things like let me talk about myself so a fluency is probably you know between a seven and an eight i think looking at vocabulary well she does do very well on vocabulary she's got a wide range she's using it quite precisely she's using some less common in idiomatic language things like i just freak out slap bang in the center and some nice use of collocation and natural english right all kinds of amenities i make my bed there and then this lovely language right that makes me think you know she could be a seven potentially an eight the slight hesitation is there are some mistakes that are noticeable talking about the house being crystal clear um water yes a house no much spacious instead of more spacious and child instead of children so there are a few doubts whether she is actually an eight or not but let's see grammar well a good range not a wide range but that's normal at the end of part one you can't show off so much grammar in part one so she's on the right track um but again a couple of mistakes that stand out um i'm more tidier at home instead of i'm much tidier from my childhood i live in a house instead of i have lived in a house so while the grammar is good um i will be listening uh in the next part to see if she can up it to a band eight pronunciation i think she's on track for an eight she's easy to understand all the way through phonemes are clear sentence stress is good there is use of connected speech and weak forms so it sounds good there is a local accent but that is not evaluated so long as the pronunciation features are controlled and i think they are so at the moment we're probably in in the balance between a seven and an eight let's go on and see how she does in part two and part three great i'm gonna move on now we're gonna move into part two i'm gonna give you a topic um i'd like you to talk about it for one to two minutes you have one minute to prepare right and you can make notes if you wish if you have pen and paper okay so i'm going to copy this into the chat box can you see that okay so i'd like you to describe something or someone that made a lot of noise okay so you have a minute to prepare rise okay that's it that's the minute so um remember you've got one to two minutes to talk about this don't worry if i stop you i'll tell you when the time is up can you start speaking now please well i would love to describe about a time when i attended a wedding with my husband it was my cousin's wedding in punjab india and i remember that actually i didn't remember the name of the place where i attended the wedding but it was a large palace and and when we entered the wedding there was loud music playing you know we call it dj so as i entered the wedding um as um as i entered uh the wedding i saw that there were lots of people uh there they were surrounding around the stage and the music was very loud and it was so loud that we can't that we were not able to talk with one another you know it was like um it was like my ears were bleeding it was so loud so uh literally when i just um i just went to the gtj and i requested him to slow down the music a little bit because uh firstly it was not at all allowed to play such loud music uh in the center of the city and uh secondly it was um late at night and you know in india there's a rule that after 11 pm you cannot play loud music so i just made him remember the rule so he finally he agreed but you know i still remember the type of music he was playing it was no i don't know it was not at all western and neither it was the cultural music it was someone uh it was something like a mixture of both so it was loud as well as tacky at the same time so uh yes that was the time uh the dj made a lot of noise and i didn't like it at all okay that's great i'll stop you there great okay so um we've been talking here about a time somebody made a lot of noise i'm going to go on now and ask you some more questions related to that so let's talk first of all about loud noises where can people hear loud noises well um we can hear loud noises at various places and i guess some of them could be the construction sites where the construction is going on you know i can say that because i live in a society and you know on regular basis there is something going on in society uh some buildings are being made new and some construction work is being done uh in the parks and everything i think uh and some other cases could be the traffic noises you know uh because uh there are there is always some hustle button in the city so there are many places where we can encounters but noises right um so would you say that noise pollution is a problem where you live oh yes i can say that it's a huge problem because as i said i live in the center of the city and along with traffic noises there are many other noises like you know this is a wedding season going on so the most intense problem these days is a loud music played at the wedding parties uh which is very annoying for me because personally i don't like noise pollution you know i love serenity why do you think some po some people are noisier than others well uh they can be several reasons for this you know maybe uh they love being noisier you know some people naturally they have a crankier voice or maybe their pitch is loud you know their pitch is high and they love speaking loudly and maybe uh you know some people are ignoring they don't know that sometimes it's better to speak softly or not to make noise not to disturb your neighbors it totally depends on person now you talked about the noise pollution in kind of weddings for example there's a lot of noise there do you think there should be some kind of regulation on the noise at weddings absolutely there should be some regulations and i think there are some regulations actually people are not following them properly uh as i said you know in india after 11 pm you cannot make noise or especially at the parties loud music is totally banned after 11 pm but there are many people who don't follow these regulations no maybe they find it funny or maybe uh they love uh to break certain rules so yes there are these regulations are necessary and we should follow them um talking a bit about traffic noise um that you've mentioned as well um what can be done to reduce traffic noise uh actually this is really a major problem especially here in india you know a lot traffic is a huge cause of noise as well as of air pollution but according to me uh the the vehicles you know that operate on battery or electricity they can play a major role in reducing these types of noises and yes government is taking certain measures to do these things but uh there is a lot to be done more than that and what are the consequences of too much noise right yes there are certain consider consequences and some of them could be uh you know they're not what can i say they are not good uh for you know the mental as well as the physical health and uh yes they can give you a certain kind of tensions and they're not good for the mental well-being and yes of course they can affect the hearing uh you know there is a certain decibel limit that is not good for the years and well actually i don't remember what is the range but yes i think uh i think 10 decibel is the range i'm not sure about it and do you think that the world will be noisier in future um honestly speaking i think the opposite is true you know as i said the government is doing a lot to reduce these noises and certainly in uh future there are chances that these noises will reduce and i think they should be reduced to a certain limit right great we're gonna stop there that's the end of the uh the speaking test well done thank you so let's talk about how shakun has done them at the end of the test has she moved from a seven to an eight or from an eight to a seven let's find out a fluency then well for me she has moved up definitely to a level eight band eight right there is only occasional self correction and you are allowed a band-aid some self-correction so long as you're not doing it all the time so she does correct herself a couple of times that's fine she's using a wider range of connectors finally i can't remember you know nice connectors and fillers um and she's for me she's speaking fluently um not thinking about the language she's just going through any pauses are about the ideas and the content so great for her fluency what about vocabulary again i also think she's stepped up to the band-aid level on vocabulary she's using it flexibly to give precise meaning and she's expanding her use of idiomatic language right tacky music the hustle and bustle in the city a crankier voice her use of collocation right the pitch is high so she's able to speak across a wide range of topics quite precisely there are some mistakes there um you know she talks about in her local society rather than the local community but overall for me you're still allowed a handful of mistakes at a band 8 i think she's up at that level grammar right grammar is okay and she demonstrates you know a use a range of structures both simple and complex particularly the passives but she's not quite showing a wide range of different tenses right i didn't feel the or noticed the past perfect present perfect any different future tenses um there was a some repetition of the for example the form going on um the noise is going on the wedding season is going on a bit of repetition there that made me feel her grammar was maybe more of a band seven at the moment right pronunciation continued to shine up at band eight um you know intonation was great and she sustained it over longer turns so her fluency and intonation went hand in hand right up at the band-aid level so overall um it would have to be a 7.5 i think the advice would be to develop the answers a little bit more in part three in order to show off and use a wider range of grammatical structures and just to pay attention to some of the vocabulary use um to just be on the ball make sure simple mistakes are avoided as much as possible but great store great score and a really good performance by shakun full of confidence great when it comes to preparing what advice or tips would you give to people who are beginning on their ielts journey actually you know i think if i talk about myself i love english you know i don't have to uh stress too much on learning because i just love this language you know everything comes naturally i just watch english movies i listen to podcasts i watch your videos and i just do these things because i honestly speaking i don't get much time you know with my daughter so yeah i just it just comes naturally to me that's great i mean it's difficult balancing you know being a mother with with studying if and i know quite a few people are in that similar situation um how do you do that how do you find time to practice english as i said i don't get time but yes whenever i get time like today you know i just hand over my daughter to my husband and i told him just don't disturb me for at least three hours and i just kept on watching your videos as well as i watch a movie uh just to keep myself relaxed and i think this is the only way to learn a language just don't stress too much and keep it easy and keep going yeah fantastic great and uh any other advice you would give people about ielts speaking in particular um actually i don't have any advice this is the only advice i can give that don't stress too much and don't uh you know go before too much resources just go for one and just spend your time with that yeah that's nice that's very good advice yeah great i think the maybe the one area to focus on is the vocabulary getting that especially at the start it's difficult because that everybody suffers from nerves so when you're nervous that's when you make a few mistakes at the start um i would just maybe recommend then at the start keep your answers shorter rather than longer because if you're nervous you want to give short answers to reduce the chance of a mistake and then as you as you warm up and you get better you can start to lengthen your answers about you know when we talk about famous people and then in your kind of the longer topics of part one you can speak give longer answers i mean you you do need to develop your answers a little bit but um for example at the very first question about home or accommodation or work keep it really short just really short to give you a chance to relax and get used to the the situation great so thank you shakun for doing that and i hope that you've enjoyed this and i hope you can also see now much better the difference between a band 7 and a band 8 and what you need to do to move up and to to level up your skills for ielts speaking if you don't know me by the way my name is keith and i run the website the links below there are lots of free resources for you to help study and prepare for the ielts speaking test as well as two online courses i have on udemy all the information's on the website go and check it out there if you've liked this video do give it a thumbs up remember to subscribe and turn on notifications and if you've liked it leave a comment below let me know more about the kind of things you would like to see on my youtube videos in the meantime keep studying keep practicing and enjoy your ielts journey all the best now bye-bye you
Channel: English Speaking Success
Views: 759,305
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts speaking, ielts speaking success, ielts keith, ielts speaking 2020, ielts speaking test tips, ielts speaking test samples, ielts speaking test samples band 7, ielts speaking test practice, ielts speaking india, ielts speaking interview, ielts speaking indian students, examples ielts speaking section, ielts speaking band, ielts speaking band 7.5
Id: 0olWku3Kp44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 17sec (1337 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2020
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