7 Games With Sequels That Flipped the Script So Hard It Broke

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ah sequel's you know where you are with the sequel it's like the first game only there are new weapons and baddies and there's a number at the end of it except sometimes a sequel isn't like that at all sometimes the next game takes a screeching handbrake turn into a whole other genre to produce a sequel so radically different from the original you have to squint to see the family resemblance just look at these following video game sequels for instance which went in a completely different direction flipping the script so hard it broke enjoy it's easy to assume that the trailblazing first-person shooter Wolfenstein 3d burst forth fully formed from the minds of its creators at its software after all when it arrived on PCs in 1992 its combination of fast paced shooting gory deaths and a schlocky World War 2 setting was unlike anything else that had been seen before as a result Wolfenstein 3d was wildly popular among PC gamers and went on to inspire one of the most popular genres in gaming even now what many people don't realize is that Wolfenstein 3d isn't the first Wolfenstein game but actually the third the first Wolfenstein game was released way back in 1981 by Muse software developed by the brilliantly named Silas s Warner Castle Wolfenstein was a graphically simplistic top-down stealth suit in which you had to scavenge for items to aid your escape guards could be frisked for ammo keys and grenades and chests might contain wine snaps or delicious brat versed after that I'd say the dog food in Wolfenstein 3d was something of a downgrade at least it keeps Vijay's coat nice and glossy just to further complicate matters there was also going to be a Wolfenstein 3d - which according to maths would have actually been Wolfenstein 4 but then that game became rise of the Triad which was followed in 2013 by another game also called rise of the Triad also you should know battlefield 1 isn't even the first battlefield game the first battlefield game is battlefield 1942 I know so confusing Super Mario Brothers on the nez is one of the most iconic video games of all time and we bet you think you know where this is going straight on to Super Mario Brothers 2 with its weird turn it pulling he's a plumber not an arable farmer but plot twist we're not talking about that game because Super Mario Brothers is the sequel we're talking about [Music] yes Super Mario Brothers is technically the sequel to the far less exciting arcade game Mario Brothers which is distinctly on Super instead of having the big scrolling levels of the Mushroom Kingdom Mario was confined to a single dingy screen now we understand why he's a plumber because that is exactly how it looks under a sink including the turtles it's strange to think that Super Mario Brothers the game that would go on to set the template for platforming games and cement Mario is arguably the most popular video game character of all time was the sequel to this weird arcade game [Music] it's not even like they had the classic slightly slidy platforming controls locked down either because at this point Mario still moves like someone had sneakily buttered his shoes battles had tried that one he should fortunately in this sequel Super Mario Brothers Mario and Luigi found their true calling saving the Mushroom Kingdom from Bowser which was a far more heroic if less profitable vocation because have you seen how much a plumber charges for an emergency call-out it is daylight robbery fixing myself no that's why we're four inches underwater here the first three ex-con games are about running a global extraterrestrial Defense Force turn-based combat and being disproportionately terrified by the message hidden movement those aliens could be up to literally anything when you weren't out in the field taking snapshots at sectoid you spent your time back at base trying to balance the books as the costs of defending the planet spiraled out of control eventually ending with X calms bankruptcy after which the aliens took over the world and turned all humanity into gross mutant slaves at least that's the ending I got every time I played ex-con also can someone help me fill in my tax return what even is a spreadsheet however for the fourth ex-con game XCOM interceptor they retained the business II accounting and Bend the main bit of the game the turn-based combat instead XCOM interceptor was a space combat simulator that saw you taking the fight to the aliens and hopefully giving the people of Earth a bit of a rest break ours and return to base if you were successful you ended up launching a missile into a star inside a black hole which causes it to go supernova and prevented the aliens from destroying earth after which you returned to a hero's welcome on your carrier the USG McArthur [Music] or if you fly like I do the McArthur and your interceptor ships both got destroyed and your pilot ended up floating through space forever along with a billion dollars worth of spaceship wreckage today we gather to honor our pilots who have fallen in the line of duty yeah I'm I also need to hand in my car insurance with pac-man being one of the most instantly successful characters in video game history when he debuted in 1980 you think they'd have rustled up pac-man - in no time instead we got MS pac-man pac-man + super PAC man baby pac-man professor pac-man pack and POW and junior pac-man all before the end of 1983 that's an entire pack family tree in under three years and yet it would take a further 11 years for the actual pac-man to to appear in 1994 on the Super Nintendo and instead of being ghosts avoiding and pill-popping business as usual it was a deeply strange point-and-click style adventure [Music] I mean at least he finally escaped that maze should be happy for him if you're in any doubt how much pacman to was a departure from the time-honored pac-man formula you don't actually control our yellow hero in it instead you can encourage him to look in a particular direction and fire a slingshot at elements of the scene to interact with them you also have to manage pac-man's mood upset him too much and he'll become enraged but make him too happy by feeding him apples and he'll become smug which let's be honest is probably worse who knew the sequel to arcade classic pac-man would be a therapy em up anyway by the time pac-man 3 rolls around we're expecting it to be a virtual-reality gerbil farming simulator with a battle royale mode [Music] the key pillars of the cyberpunk genre are advanced technology dystopian society and trench coats have you tried hunting a replicant while not wearing a trench coat it can't be done according to these strict criteria both the 1993 ms-dos game syndicate and the 2012 reboot syndicate are as cyberpunk as it gets this is where we split up both games are set in a future where powerful mega corporations run the world with a blend of corporate espionage mind-control and shooting [Music] after that though the similarity between the two games shall we say tails off the original syndicate was a Peter Molyneux joint in which he project manage a team of four identical trench-coated agents in real-time tactical action in which they scurry around an isometric dystopia pursuing the nefarious goals of you their corporate boss it had a legit sequel syndicate wars that was set nearly a hundred years later but did resemble its predecessor the more recent syndicate on the other hand was a first-person action shooter in which he stomp around in the trendy jackboot and one agent miles kilo agent Kino makes a living here in the Year 2060 9 by murdering the staff at rival companies to the tunes of early 21st century classical composer Skrillex [Music] me I personally prefer his earlier concertos from the bangerang suite in B minor but where is the drop yes both games were keen on mine control but in the 2012 game it was all about hacking your enemy's neural implant so they'd shoot themselves in the original game on the other hand you had the persuader Tron a whimsical little gadget you could use to persuade civilians into following your agents around forming a brainwashed meat shield it's hard to say which is the sketchier form of mind control but no one's winning any prizes for ethical business practices here I don't care how Fairtrade the coffee in your kitchen is the planet Arrakis known as do [Applause] [Music] [Music] 1992 PC game Doom was both an adventure based on Frank Herbert's sci-fi novel and the game your parents bought you when they misheard you say dude Christmas ruined but do although it was disappointingly short on shotguns and demons was still an atmospheric adventure and strategy game and it's French developer creo did an excellent job of recreating the characters in the universe of the novel the Duke has sent gurney Halleck to Karthik to ik go outside take an Ordnung and fly there hurry up my son I sense danger and by excellent job I mean there wasn't a single pair of metal Underpants insights stink what are you Barry then for the sequel doom 2 battled for a raucous development duties were handed to Westwood Studios and they created a hugely influential realtime strategy game that would set the template for the massively successful command & Conquer series warning enemy unit approaching from the West our base is under attack there was still no metal underwear in the sequel for those keeping track what someone will be do to tasks you with building bases harvesting spice and deploying troops across the arid landscape of the planet Arrakis the connection to command & Conquer is so clear units even share some of the same audio samples so yes somehow due to has more in common with command & Conquer a completely different franchise than the game it's actually a sequel to makes about as much sense of metal underpants just give the chafing [Music] terminal is a roguelike co-op game in which he players the title characters toejam and earl two alien rappers who were extremely cool by 1991 standards if you were seven years old so geminal was stranded on earth after a crash landing and had to traverse randomly generated levels trying to find these scattered pieces of their wrecked spaceship this was made tougher by the addition of a collection of bizarre enemies including an evil dentist now there's a man who loves his work as you explore the levels you found gifts which could contain either beneficial power-ups such as a slingshot to defend yourself or Icarus wings to get you across gaps or detrimental power downs such as spoiled food or being electrocuted to death [Music] and the only way to tell was to open them or to pay a man at a keiretsu to tell you yeah it was a weird game it was fun though which is why fans were so confused when the sequel ditched the unique gameplay of the original in favor of a side-scrolling platformer game in the story of toe geminal to panic on funkotron Earthlings have invaded toe jam anoles home planet where they are annoying the locals with things like camera flashes and nude opera singing maybe save it for sometime other than first contact with a sentient alien species guy so it's up to our alien bros to stop them using the previously unmentioned trap o matic jars a new funk meter system and a new mechanic where you had to shake every goddamn tree and bushi walk past also presents now just give you points so honestly why even bother don't even get me started on the hyper funk so I guess maybe they were just trying to fill a gap in the market because man in terms of platform games the Sega Megadrive only had earthworm jim castle of illusion world of illusion The Addams Family James pond quack shots Joan Mack lion king prince of persia and robocop vs terminators so you know definitely a shortage Oh Sonic the Hedgehog right thank you so much for watching like and subscribe if you enjoyed this and if you'd like a sequel to this video that is both comfortingly familiar but also slightly different we've got 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Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 1,615,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, outside xbox, list, countdown, top 10, top 7, 7 things, best, worst, best sequels, worst sequels, sequels, syndicate, pac-man sequel, syndicate sequel, dune 2, dune, castle wolfenstein, wolfenstein 3d, toejam and earl, toejam and earl 2, funny, funny moments, x-com, x-com interceptor, super mario bros, mario bros, super mario bros sequel, weird sequels, weirdest, funniest, sequels better than the original, sequels worse than the original, sequels you didn't know
Id: L47eOgJM9mY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2018
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