7 Totally Trustworthy Characters Who Definitely Won't Betray Us

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Trust is great if the belief that someone has your best interests at heart and will 100% catch you if you fall backwards into their arms and we gladly fall into the waiting trustworthy arms of these super trustworthy characters you can definitely trust or watch out for spoilers ahead for the following games you can trust us I'll investigate this area a little further Albert Wesker of Resident Evil now there's a Starz member you can trust with your life you can tell how open and honest he is by the way he looks like he just came third place in a Val Kilmer look-alike contest Albert Wesker and how he never ever takes off his sunglasses the sure sign of an honest dude it's magnificent and nothing generates team building trust better than how captain Wesker talks like a murderer whispering in your ear as they plant a knife between your ribs well you shouldn't worry too much dear you'll be free of all this anyway except for maybe the way he wears a sinister all-black uniform of his own choosing like a Sith Lord or a member of a secret police force or a matrix cosplayer so imagine my surprise when later in the game it turns out the West is actually an evil double agent working for the bad guys are you imagining a small amount of surprise you killed them with your own dirty hands you son of a [ __ ] oh yes dear just like this I hold here a list nine names adorn it nine men who need to die they are plague bring us or make us their power and influence corrupts the land and ensures the Crusades continue you will find them kill them al mualim is ulta years mentor in Assassin's Creed 1 he's the guy who tasks alt a year with assassinating 90 radical Templars to bring peace to the region and himself off the bat I'm going to say what a nice trustworthy mentor dude with that beard and all he's like a stabia Dumbledore do you know why it is you're successful you listened worried that you'd listened in Solomon's Temple Alta here only when you stop actually murdering the people he asks you to a lot of them seem to be not as evil as al mualim would have you believe you think me some petty death-dealer suckling at the breast of war estranged target don't you think but asking honest al about it just gets you the brush-off then is there more I need to know I'll tell you your greatest failure was born of knowing too much I mean I'm sure he's a busy man what with running the assassin order don't worry about it I'll just get on with the stabbing finally you piece together how the nine people you killed are the nine other people who know the secret of the Peace of Eden along with Al malam himself it is your master armed Wellum but he is not a Templar did you never wonder how it is he knew so much well to find us how many we numbered what we aspire to attain he is the master of the assassins we master of lies okay so it turned out al mualim fancy going freelance and taking the piece of Eden for himself and we helped him do it because we're a trusting idiot you've made the assassins an enemy in common and ensure the annihilation of your entire order well done you in then what the hell and what could possibly go wrong okay I'm feeling pretty confident about this Harry Flynn from uncharted 2 he and Drakkar old-time Bros doing typical bro stuff like drinking together buy me a drink sailor breaking into museums together it's time to tip the odds back in our favor oh that's brilliant guns what are you thinking challenging each other on their knowledge of dead languages how's your 13th century Latin mate lads lads lads sure Harry has a British accent but so do I and I'm trustworthy you could trust me with anything like say your bank details in the comments below this video fine anyway that Harry Flynn seems like a real straight shooter so you should have seen the face I made when it turned out he's a treacherous jerk face it genius you've been played it was like this no hard feelings yeah several several hard feelings in the wake of the KVA attacks Atlas has become the world's biggest corporation and you now preside over the world's largest standing military so what's next for Jonathan ions your first impression is the private military contractor magnate Jonathan irons is a solid guy with his swanky business card and Kevin Spacey face always giving out free robot arms to wounded veterans and taking them on exciting studio backlot tours of his cool PMC what you're seeing is advanced warfare could have bought his own booze when he came around though come on man you're a gazillionaire well a glass would be a start I mean guys do a lot of sinister monologuing in front of windows but who doesn't right that's no reason to be suspicious and that's where I come it does by pure coincidence turn out that irons knew about those global terrorist attacks in advance and let them happen so his company could step in and clean things up it's that kind of double-dealing that pushes him firmly over into the untrustworthy camp that in his race form unfortunately my appearance today has been clouded by a flurry of speculation that my company is developing a weapon of mass destruction which would be capable of targeting specific ethnic groups I want to address these allegations head-on are we developing such a weapon no we are not because we've already developed it from that point on with everything out in the open it's pretty much him trying to kill you with his advanced soldiers robot drones and socket wrench dammit John I trusted you you can have your arm back hey you want to come with me tomorrow could use the help can't Drake's got me on a job says I've been slacking look I've got to go it's fine someone's bound to start shooting at me soon Phyllis Wilson is the best buddy of mirrors edge protagonist faith on account of how she's one of the like six characters in the whole game she runs you through the game's tutorial and when you're first given a gun the game tells you not to shoot her so they must be best friends although their friendship is a bit one-sided what faith is all smiles and chat Celeste contribution is mainly cheekbones hair light Brigitte Nielsen in Beverly Hills Cop and side I declined a loser nah does blues camera for [ __ ] still when a mysterious masked female assassin shows up with flawless parkour skills you don't want to jump to conclusions it couldn't be Celeste could it yeah she keeps talking about how she wants more out of life and giving me evil looks but we're best friends she wouldn't do that to me oh what a ponytail self I tried to warn you off I'm sorry you've gotta learn let go fate you remember how she did with your family I'm shooting these exploding barrels to cover the sound of my heart breaking Celeste Oh Mr Marston your wife and son er are doing well let's both try to ensure they stay that way hey after you sir Edgar Ross from Red Dead Redemption is the federal agent who takes John Martins family away and says that he can have them back if he kills his old gang mate Xavier escuela where is Xavier a squid oh and Bill Williamson Bill Williams [ __ ] come on here right now and Dutch van der Linde Oh trust me it looks better in the report that way so after constantly moving the goalposts putting John through the ringer holding his family to ransom and just straight up threatening him a bunch of times no one's playing games with you Mr Marston but if we were to play some games there'd be some interesting ones we could play thank you sir like hanging you for murder Edgar Ross then gives John his family back and lets him live out the rest of his days on his ranch of beaches hope just like he promised as a man of the law and only occasional kidnapper where's my family your wife was killed in a prison riot last week so I won't they joking dear boy they were sent back to that Scrabble ranch of yours and Beecher's hope they're quite safe and sound seems legit yeah Oh dick move Ross I know where I'm aiming when I come back as Jack Marston three years from now I am Kriya and I am your rescuer as you are mine tell me do you recall what happened Kriya is the first companion character you meet right at the start of Knights of the Old Republic - she's elderly blind and full of good advice to stop them you will need weapons allies and a teacher this oldie one Kenobi is wise in the ways of the force yes and she's not a Jedi no but her robes are brown which is to say the good colour and she can handle herself she's the perfect mentor he cannot kill what he cannot see and power has blinded him long ago run I shall be along shortly frankly I don't know what everyone else's problem is with the mysterious mind-reading Hood lady with a dark secret past forget the Jedi keep your eyes on her I said what's this now she used to be a safe Lord I know her as an apprentice knows their master I as a master knows an apprentice no I don't believe it I won't believe it until I see up yeah there they are black robes and of course you must be willing to die to kill us all and your friends not only his Cray have been manipulating you from the start because revenge and I used you to make those who wounded me reveal themselves so they could be killed by the Republic but she wants to use you to kill the actual force which is some next level if I'm honest I see the potential to see the force die to turn away from its will I would never guessed it if you cry a real name death try a Sith Lord of betrayal are what and there must always be a Darth TRAI the Galaxy needs its betrayers especially in the times to come those were the video game characters we were a hundred percent sure wouldn't betray us right up until they did thanks for watching like and subscribe if you enjoyed this and we'll see you next time on outside export ready Andy sorry I was making tea let me know we need to start filming you guys aren't gonna betray us by switching away to another YouTube channel ie when you've got these wonderful videos that you can watch right now down here got show the week over here and then over there more features like this one which has sort of listy things about weird connections in video games that that we've discovered over on many many years trudging the vast wastes of the video game culture well I mean just try clicking on them that's a good start you'll find out immediately whether I've lied to you is it my is it the accent oh god alright now I'm worried about my face oh my god if I cover my face please watch our video
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 2,542,221
Rating: 4.9471235 out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, outside xbox, 7 things, top 7, top 10, 10 things, top 5, 5 things, 6 things, top 6, assassin's creed, knights of the old republic 2, kotor 2, al mualim, kreia, darth traya, call of duty, advanced warfare, cod advanced warfare, cod aw, jonathan irons, kevin spacey, harry flynn, uncharted 2, resident evil, mirror's edge, celeste, wesker, gameplay, funny, list, outside xbox list, outsidexbox list, red dead redemption, edgar ross
Id: q3-WoGI4pWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2016
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