7 Awkward Items in Special Editions You’re Going to Have to Explain to Your Roommate

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collectors and special editions allow you to show your love for a videogame by buying a version that costs twice as much but that comes bundled with a priceless heirloom quality keepsake that you'll treasure forever laptops on the desk anymore god no bin it not all special editions come with extras that are just in conveniently sized for human houses however some come bundled with things that are so weird awkward or unpleasant but you're going to have a hard time explaining them to anyone who comes across them unexpectedly in your living room here are seven of our favorite examples enjoy and beware spoilers ahead for the following games and also maybe your wallet if you disagree and decide to head to ebay looking for any of them [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's not every day we get to meet a new member of the family the year was 2011 the Angry Birds were at the height of their power pranking was still a thing that people did and Kung Fu Panda 2 was blowing up the box office and then one night you brought a date back to your room and when you dimmed the lights oh you and your date could share a cozy moment something in the very corner of their vision drew their eye they turned looked and there on your shelf they saw the small ghostly figure of a naked emaciated woman clutching her pregnant belly which was glowing in the dark this is what you would call a mood killer but also a deal breaker and furthermore a red flag that's just one scenario made possible by the nightmarish collectible statue which was the centerpiece of the special collector's edition for the 2011 horror shooter sequel Fear 3 the Edition also contained a mini comic and a steelbook and a code for an exclusive in-game weapon you shouted after your date but it was too late the figurine with the glow-in-the-dark fetus was a fear 3 poster girl Alma weighed the tortured and terrifying psychic who is very pregnant as the games key messaging would insist on reminding you I'm definitely voting for a girl because you know almost already had two boys and they're you know basically the protagonists of the game so central was the theme of Alma Wade's imminent labor the game had a wave based co-op mode called contractions where you had to fight monsters summoned by Alma's Contracting uterus they must fend off the horrors unleashed upon them with each contraction all my hands I want to say someone had a phobia of childbirth and now I think I've caught it so thanks game with Alma Wade's pregnancy being this horrific you can see how the publisher had no choice but to turn her into a resin statuette to market their game except according to this disappointed 2 star review on Amazon though the concept was good and sound the execution was not unfortunately it's really cheap like plastic with some glow paint dabbed on her belly button cheap cheap oh yeah that's definitely what put your date off the shoddy paint job [Applause] do you remember bigmouth Billy bass he was the humorous animatronic fish that would talk move and sing camptown races whenever you walked past and was basically what people in the past had instead of a lexer they were better times still it was an immensely popular toy which is why Bethesda decided to make its own version to bundle in with the collector's edition of frantic hyper colored shooter rage too however instead of a fish they went with the slightly more left-field choice of the severed head of a half-dead mutant voiced by nosebleed afflicted rocker Andrew W K still sings camptown races though those justifiably wondering what the hell this is about may have missed the character of ruckus the crusher enrage - on account of how he appears only once in the entire game in an optional side event that takes approximately three minutes to complete at the end of which he dies because you kill him still don't worry friends this singing ruckus the crush ahead is wall mountable so you can make sure it takes pride of place in your home if you want every visitor to your home's first question to be what the hell is that thing why the party with Rogers no thank you do kind of want to leave whoever's house this is in now though so that's something [Applause] here's Wade dumps it on and the basket by Chalmers NBA 2k10 was the tenth anniversary of the NBA 2k series and it celebrated its tenth birthday in slightly more dignified fashion than I did I drank fizzy drinks Nate Haribo until I was sick on myself NBA 2k tens way of marking the occasion was with an extravagant collector's edition for die-hard fans of the series something that would really encapsulate what ten years of NBA competition was all about something that captures the drama and pageantry of the game Locker what no pause but not just any Locker friends hodo this was a weird small locker just big enough to squeeze twenty xbox 360 games in or one of Shaq's sneakers this $100 NBA 2k10 locker was simultaneously big enough to be inconvenient on a shelf but small enough to be basically useless schrödinger's sports locker if you will yes there were a couple of extra bits in there but really what you were paying for was 10 inches by 19 inches of sheet aluminium still at least they were strictly limited edition numbered items yeah they only made 30,000 of these bad boys the anniversary edition even came with a combination padlock with which to secure your locker just in case someone came into your room and attempted to steal your precious copy of 2k 10 and wasn't prepared to just pick the entire thing up and carry it away but look at it this way you could use it to hide the 20 most embarrassing games of your collection under lock and key like that copy of Rumble roses xx you bought because really actually it's quite a good wrestling game [Music] it's a good job that lockers too small for you to be shoved into it oh who are you people where's Mia I don't know about you but the Baker house from Resident Evil 7 biohazard is the sort of place I would actively avoid picking anything up especially if it was shaped like a human body part unfortunately for Ethan the luckless protagonists of Resident Evil 7 he's going to have to pick up a lot of stuff if he wants to get out of here alive and wade through a lot of stuff and get his face really close to a lot of stuff it's a bad time is what I'm saying one of the many horrible things that you need to pick up in Resident Evil 7 is a disembodied dummy finger in the main game it's used to solve a puzzle in the world's most unpleasant escape room but in the mysterious demo that achieved huge popularity prior to the main games released you use it to solve murders by pointing at things yeah I don't know either either way the dummy finger is a significant item in Resident Evil 7 so it makes sense that when it came time to put together a collector's edition of the game Capcom decided that they wanted to include a nod to this dilapidated gold digit however you feel like at some point during the design process someone should have noticed that this thing looks less like a dummy finger and more like for want of a better way of describing it someone had an accident and set fire to a sensitive portion of their Anatomy the dummy finger in the Resident Evil 7 collector's edition doubles as a USB flash drive and Capcom actually expects you to be working away maybe in a coffee shop or important business meeting pull this thing out of your bag and plug it into your laptop right there where everyone can see it at least it was articulated so you could bend it and make it look a bit more like a finger maybe or significantly worse depends which way you bent it the version we got in the UK collector's edition wasn't even a dummy finger but rather a replica severed human finger with a lifelike pink skin tone and fake blood on the end which had nothing to indicate that it was even a finger once he took the tip off to put it into your laptop it was just a bloody flesh cylinder sticking out of your USB port and personally the amount of effort required to explain that to rightly inquiring minds when you break it out at the next quarterly beating outweighs my need to stand the Resident Evil series with my computer accessories plus that dummy was a jerk the only think he's getting is the middle one your return has been foretold avatar a reliquary is a precious container for holding bits of a dead saint most of the time sometimes though a reliquary is a limited-edition collectible that comes with a video game and contains the blood of a still alive game director in this extremely rare case the video game in question was 20 18 s fantasy role-playing game shroud of the avatar forsaken virtues and the game director in question was the illustrious Richard Garriott famous for creating the Ultima series and being also known as Lord British for a very special edition of shroud of the avatar forsaken virtues artist II Britney AK was commissioned to create reliquaries of copper and glass and then Richard Garriott gave them his actual blood to put inside it he had the blood drawn live on camera so you know it's the real deal in case you wanted to clone yourself a backup version of Lord British or whatever hey no judgment what you do with your game developer blood is up to you I use mine too thick and chilly this curious item then became part of the so called Lord British Blood reliquary bundle edition of the game ready for your cloning experiments or blood rituals or like I said it's none of my business along with some in-game items and emotes and why are we even talking about anything except how you might one day have to explain how there is a framed smear of blood hanging on your wall but you're not a serial killer right the word you're the reliquaries are in process when I hand me that vial of blood they're going literally warm and everything at least when you do explaining presence of this unholy artifact you can tell your roommate that 10% of the sales proceeds went to a not-for-profit blood bank though that still won't account for how you can afford a six thousand dollar video game bundle but you can't pick up your half of this month's rent wait no actually it would only six of these bundles were made because although Garriott is a legendary and eccentric game creator even legendary eccentrics can only give so much blood which is a shame because this chili is really missing something I'm telling you it's like a game just select Hideo Kojima's death stranding isn't an easy game to sum up okay so Norman Reedus is a delivery guy who drinks a lot of monster energy he's got an extendable ladder it's like a sort of Icelandic walking holiday only you don't have to buy any of the really expensive or weather gear you have to run to a baby there's a baby and it lives in Norman Reedus is tummy it's a package delivery simulator but there are ghosts and Troy Baker has a gold mask and there's like hands that come from another world and there's a beach when Norman Reedus and Hideo Kojima love each other very much or away from a baby you can't drop all of the baby's food see and such it was always going to be tricky to decide what goes into a collector's edition of the game USB necklace eyes shadow palette glossy eight-by-ten of Kojima and Mads Mikkelsen wearing robes at sea all great ideas especially that last one but what collectors ended up with instead was a one to one scale replica of BBV weird baby in a jar that Norman Reedus keeps strapped to his chest throughout the game and who spends I estimate 95% of the time wailing at you through the speaker in your dual shock while it is undoubtedly a strange thing to want to own it's definitely something that you can put on your coffee table to have admiring visitors ask what's with the weird baby on your coffee table ah you reply moving between them and the door that's my replica BB or bridge baby and unborn fetus taken from a still mother that forms a connection with the world of the Dead at which point you will presumably be the hit of the party maybe if the parties are hideo kojima's house still if this deeply odd collectible has one use it's in determining which of your acquaintances are your real friends and which of them are just casuals who can't deal with you banging on about supernatural ghost babies for 45 minutes anyone keen on finding out for themselves you're in luck the death stranding collector's edition is still available for the low low price of three hundred and sixty pounds I'm good I can be off-putting at parties for free thanks Mortal Kombat 9 was the brilliant reboot of the series after it had fizzled out owing to the lackluster Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe and publisher Midway's bankruptcy fortunately MK 9 was a return to form restoring beloved original characters and wrapping the whole thing up in a schlocky kung fu movie plot the entire game was an extended love letter to longtime fans of the series and it's only fitting that those diehard fans also had an opportunity to spend a large amount of money on an elaborate collector's edition rather than the more conventional statuette we've got in the European version of the US collector's edition with a K because Mortal Kombat's had added functionality in it you received a pair of Mortal Kombat Theme bookends to help store books on your shelf you know books they're like videogames but the graphics suck the only problem is this being mortal combat these bookends depicted the sort of violent murder that would make Hannibal Lecter wins yeah my Harry Potter collection is going to look great in there the problem with literature publisher Warner Brothers probably thought is that you have to imagine all the brutal slayings and so they decided to help out the readers of the world with this horribly graphic shelf accessory in which to enclose the complete works of Jane Austen for instance two fans of Mortal Kombat it's a neat collectible in which it looks like scorpion spear is travelling through the books to staple sub-zero on the other side so anyone not familiar with the series say a visiting grandparent is just a really unpleasant tableau of death and eBooks still at least they toned it down for the more recent Mortal Kombat 11 with this tasteful scorpion bust unless it's supposed to be a severed head Oh No this is your retribution scorpion kill I I will not he has been beaten hey thanks for watching this video hope none of those collectible items put you off too much there were other we could have included work that we didn't put that Dead Island statue in did we that feels horrible probably get demonetised don't Google it's horrible anyway if you wanna watch more videos from us how about this it's sure the week live which is a live show it's good you should watch it it's it's quite long but I mean that's good right watch minutes and down here is show P weekend which is another great show from outside extra it's no it's short shorter than show the week live so I mean you've got two options there depending on how much time you've got so you're welcome
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 1,051,805
Rating: 4.8919249 out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, awkward, funny, funny moments, awkward items, awkward special editions, awkward collector's editions, special editions, collector's edition, fear 3, shroud of the avatar, forsaken virtues, blood reliquary, lord british blood reliquary, nba 2k10, locker, 10th anniversary edition, rage 2, ruckus the crusher, resident evil 7, biohazard collector's edition, mannequin finger, finger USB, mortal kombat 9, kollector's edition
Id: NsV8P4f7kLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 26 2020
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