how to get started on twitch 🥺 in 2021 || beginner's guide to streaming || twitch tutorial

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this isn't going to be a one-size-fits-all but my ultimate advice here is twofold don't overthink it don't overdo it even if you have viewers it's not your viewers job to entertain you it's your job to entertain them and i think a lot of small streamers forget that what i really want to show you is look at the thumbnails go for one of these spots that one it's not covering up anything in your gameplay and two it's not going to be covered up by any of the twitch ui you are your own competition nobody else's [Music] hey everybody welcome back to my channel if you're a new viewer welcome in thank you so much for joining i'm hey shady lady if you are a returning subscriber i just want to let you know that i've converted this channel pretty much entirely into only twitch tutorials so if you have anything in specific you'd like to see me talk about please let me know in the comments below or anything in this video that you want to see me go further in detail about let me know and i can make more videos on that [Music] this is going to be a short but hopefully thorough presentation on how you could get started on twitch now and theoretically create a successful platform for yourself i actually collaborated a little bit with my friend duke stamina on writing a script for this because he just recently switched over from being like an irl content creator a musician performer who mostly was on facebook but found that he was struggling with growing a new following or expanding his following and even monetizing it all and so i finally convinced him to come on to twitch because i think twitch is primed for both of those things he was a brand new into the twitch world didn't know much about it at all any of the tools you needed or anything like that so this video is created with him in mind and people who are just getting into twitch now and don't even really know where to start or what to do or anything like that i do have a script that i've prepared so if it seems like i'm reading from a script it's because i am but i just feel like i deliver the information a little bit better when i do that this whole video i'm kind of designed around the meta of twitch right now what's currently working on twitch and what has been for the last year or so a lot of things have changed in the last four to five years on twitch and what's working on the platform what's selling what gets people to click and all of that so i kind of want to cover it as well as i can i'm going to be making follow-up videos where i spend much longer going into gratuitous detail on everything so make sure you subscribe and hit the notifications if you want to keep up with that if you're already a streamer you may find some of this information a little patronizing because i am coming at this from the perspective of you really don't know much about twitch or the platform at all so sorry about that but maybe you can still gain some value from this [Music] you're ready to start streaming but have you sat down and thought to yourself what does it take to be a good streamer and how can i do that what exactly is your job as a streamer what qualities does a successful streamer need you can look some of the bigger content creators and kind of pull some of this information why are people subscribing what is he doing or she doing well what do they offer and the five qualities that i think are the most important your job is to entertain number one number two being consistent in schedule and vibes three being self-aware to honestly reflect on yourself of what your strengths and weaknesses are which is going to lead into you being able to niche well for being innovative wherever you can be and five leadership so just to dive in a little bit as far as your job is to entertain when people are logging into twitch they're usually looking for some kind of distraction from their life whether they're just getting home from a job you're really wanting to give them a space where they can escape and enjoy and they want to find a chill place where they can feel connected to others with a similar passion or interest so oftentimes you don't even need to do this big show with all of these bells and whistles it's really just the idea of being able to go and hang out with someone whose personality they like that attracts an audience or a community of people with similar energy while they're playing league of legends or while they're doing their makeup or whatever your interest happens to be they're just looking for that nice comfy little spot to chill if you're a content consumer you know what i'm talking about you're going to a specific channel consistently because they bring the same type of energy every time this is leading us right into consistent with schedule and vibes you don't want to start streaming one day and be raging out and yelling at overwatch and what the like angry and then the next day you're doing asmr and hello everyone welcome into all this like chill comfortable quiet space because at that point your audience is confused you're probably even confused as a content creator i'm speaking from experience here i'm the queen of bouncing back and forth between so many different content types to the point where it's kind of like shot my own growth in the leg which is why i'm giving this advice if you're just starting out and you're trying to shoot long term pick something and run with it for a while until you start to build a kind of consistent regular fan base at a certain level of growth you would be able to branch out of a schedule or branch out of a specific content style that you've set for yourself but to begin with you're just trying to build momentum so even if you can only commit to one day a week right now and that's all do it at least set yourself some kind of schedule so that you can tell your audience when they come in yeah my next stream is going to be this day at this time and we're going to be doing this because then you can at least deliver the message and you might have some returning viewers from one stream to the other and it's all about building your momentum in the beginning and getting those like three viewers five viewers seven viewers bumping you up higher in the category so you can get more visibility self-awareness is one that i wanted to include because it's important you're going to have some trolls come in and say some mean things to you or whatever and if you lose your temper lose your cool and just kind of start raging out at them you want to think of yourself like a comedian on stage and you've got someone in the crowd heckling you think about when you watch comedians and they lose their cool and they're like oh this guy sucks get him out of here i can't believe he's ruining my show as compared to the comedian that can keep their cool and riff off of it make a joke off of it and then the whole audience is laughing instead of the whole audience being like cringed out and embarrassed because this guy the performer just completely lost his cool this is kind of like just being self-aware being able to take a joke being able to understand like yeah i do kind of have a goofy smile yeah i do kind of laugh like that yeah you know that that's a that's funny like lol instead of it's just it's not only going to help you but it's going to help your audience just feel more comfortable it's also important to have the ability to assess what you're doing right or wrong without blaming others for where you are and that's the most important thing it's so easy to be like well you know i'll i would be a popular streamer too if i had five thousand dollars worth of gear i would be a popular streamer too if i had that specific look i'd be a popular streamer too if i was doing this as opposed to just like looking at yourself what can you offer what are you bringing to the table and how can you capitalize on that how can you create an audience and a platform around what you have to offer instead of trying to measure yourself against every other person and then being angry at other people's success you are your own competition nobody else's being a streamer is already a very innovative field to go into in the first place it's still not very mainstream to be able to explain to people what a stream i'm a streamer and then i'll really understand what you're saying but on top of being a streamer you still need to be more innovative you need to be able to take risks and try things that you've never seen people do before just because you're like i have this idea that i kind of want to i want to do a stream from my garden where i'm also drinking a beer and talking about this movie that i just saw and why it's a bad movie like and then boom right there you've got this really interesting content style like you know you've already got like a content style it's like garden boy movie reviews or something you know what i mean it's a really interesting concept but you you might think to yourself like well everyone just streams from their room with these like gamer lights in the background and all of these like hit 17 buttons and i do all these crazy zoom ins on my face and stuff and if i don't do that then i won't be a successful streamer meanwhile doing gamer boy movie reviews with a beer is nothing that's being done right now so you're bringing something new to the table you're innovating in a field you're going against the norms you're standing out so think about what you enjoy doing like or even something that you want to try and put into your life a little bit more the final point that i want to talk about what makes a good streamer is leadership and i think that this is the most important and one that comes with experience and time i think this is the most important quality streamer content creator influencer your job is to lead your community your job is being the leader you have to take responsibility you have to make decisions keep your word when you say what you're gonna do do what you say mean what you say say what you mean and show up when others need you to show up when companies are reaching out to influencers they're doing this because that person is leaning they are a leader of their community and people listen to the leader so they're like hey leader tell them to buy our product basically [Music] i also think it's important to address actually think what does success mean to you does success look like a lot of followers does it look like a lot of chat interaction does it look like getting into the field to be able to do voice acting long term is it about having the ability to express yourself freely are you trying to make money are you looking for opportunities are you trying to build a community what exactly is it that you want out of streaming that way you don't get sidetracked because you don't understand what your goals are and so you're just sitting here looking at the view count and feeling depressed even though your whole goal the whole time was to advertise the fact that you have an album coming out or advertise the fact that you also crochet and you have an etsy shop or something think about what it is that you're actually trying to accomplish from streaming [Music] another thing that i want to mention is to understand why you're streaming in the moment like what are you hoping to get out of that stream i think this is really important because if you go onto your stream and you stream for six hours playing league of legends or something and you're sitting at zero to one viewers maybe no one's really talked to you the whole time and by hour four five six you're starting to get angry and depressed you're feeling like you wasted your time and no one cares about me and this is such a this is such a waste i'm such a loser all of these like this downward spiral what did you want to accomplish out of the stream anyway and this is why i think it's important for streamers to be content creators on other platforms because immediately you can counteract this by just going into your stream with the idea of at the end of this stream i want to have three hours of footage that i can edit up into a youtube video that i can use for other purposes and then even if you don't have any viewers or people chatting to you you still have valuable content at the end of it that you can change and transform into something else [Music] so now that you're kind of getting a feeling for what you need to be as far as a content creator goes what you need to bring to the table as a content creator let's look at what's already on the table we're gonna do a little stream theory here and talk about the current twitch meta or the most effective tactics available a year or two ago the recipe for success used to be streaming eight hours a day five days a week 40 hours a week right hyper focusing on one game title or one genre i stream 40 hours of overwatch every week i stream 40 hours of dead by daylight every week times have changed the current meta is all about cross promoting your content across multiple platforms i have seen multiple people blow up because they've had a couple of viral twitter videos they'll post some kind of funny twitter skit or something and then they build an audience on twitter and then the next thing you know they've gone from 20 average viewers on twitter to 90 average viewers to 130 to getting twitch partner just because they've built a little bit of clout on another platform so now we're going to switch over to a screen capture so i can show you guys a little bit of statistics so i'm on a website called twitch tracker over here there's another website called sully gnome which will give you similar information i'm going to click on stats overview and we're going to look at some statistics for the twitch website you can see here this is from 2013 to 2020 and this is concurrent viewers on twitch and you can see very clearly the curve here and specifically april of 2020 this spiked like crazy which coincides with kovid everyone is stuck at home looking for something to do it's a really good time to be a streamer right now as twitch has grown for viewers it's also grown for streamers so there is a lot of competition right now these are average concurrent channels from 2012 2000 concurrent channels in 2012 to 83 000 concurrent channels in 2020 which just means channels live at the same time we've gone from 300 000 broadcasters a month in 2012 to 6 million broadcasters in 2020 twitch partners 3 000 in 2012 to 45 000 in 2020. even just since the start of 2020 in the aftermath of global events you can see the amount of streamers has dramatically spiked competition for viewers is at an all-time high but this is also a time where people have more time than usual to consume media for the viewer account is also spiked in a similar manner in other words this is one of the best times to try your hand at becoming a streamer there has never been more information available or more viewers available for this however because there are so many people streaming the recipe for success has changed instead of streaming 40 hours plus a week in my opinion your time is better served by streaming in smaller intervals while focusing the rest of the time you would have spent streaming on creating off-stream content building authority on another platform gives people more of a reason to care that you're live in the first place and you're also creating scarcity of your own content driving up the need to catch you in the moments you are live we're going to dive into this a little bit deeper when we talk about scheduling later this website has a lot of interesting information but you can come down here and see here it looks like there are the most viewers available on saturdays but there's also the most streamers available the second most viewers available are on sunday but we've got a drop down in streamers so i think sundays in my opinion right now are one of the prime days to stream it looks like sundays and probably like probably like a thursday or a friday later in the week there's more there's there's a little bit more viewers here towards the weekend but there's not as many streamers yet there's the most streamers available on saturday so as a streamer you have the highest competition on saturday and then looking at games just chatting is definitely our most popular category right now this is the last seven days so you can see among us has been a big popping one so i would actually not recommend either of these two categories for a small streamer i would recommend something down here in this little section so like a hearthstone dead by daylight apex music these are categories that have a lot of viewers but they're going to have a little bit less competition i still think there are better choices we'll talk about this a little bit later though i still think there are better choices than picking these really popular game categories okay there's a lot there's a lot of juicy information on twitch tracker so i would recommend peeking at it [Music] so now to talk about how to be entertaining there are strategies to have more fulfilling streams in the beginning even if you don't have an audience i've gone in depth on how to talk to yourself when no one is there in another video which will be linked below but to summarize it you want to fill dead space by narrating your thoughts or your inner monologue out loud learn to talk to yourself whether people are responding to you in chat or not even if you have viewers it's not your viewers job to entertain you it's your job to entertain them and i think a lot of small streamers forget that because you'll hear them like oh chat's so dead is it what are y'all doing is everyone okay like they're constantly trying to get chat to talk to them which is good you want chad engaged but you really just need to be able to sit back and vibe and let chat enjoy what you're making here are a few quick tips to add entertainment value to your streams improving your improv skills which is can boil down to stay in the moment learn to say yes and just a quick google on improv skills will help making the audience part of the show bringing them in work on your storytelling skills have strong listening skills whether that's to chat a guest you might have on the episode or scenes in the game add more enthusiasm from a place of authenticity don't fake being funny or try to be sarcastic if it's not what you're naturally gifted with and i have a recommended video here by bryant chambers legacy that talks a lot about this get a little more physical talk with your hands dance on stream to celebrate a raid here's a really good example of a fantastic entertainer mr chan chan dancing doing a little helicopter dance whenever people raid him and even ninja is kind of well known for the pon pond dance so you can even exaggerate you don't have to get up and show your full body if you aren't comfortable with that but exaggerate your body movements to tell a story or react only go as far as you're comfortable to add additional camera angles or zoomed in scenes for comedic effect or more dynamic video content don't take yourself too seriously learn to laugh at yourself [Music] now we're going to talk about actually gaining followers on your platform the simple answer to gaining followers is make good content and stay consistent there's really not a formula or a secret recipe it's literally just make good content stay consistent put new content out every week that's good people will naturally follow that good content is an extremely subjective statement but you should be fine-tuning your craft constantly every day there's something you can improve upon whether it's upgrading your graphics tweaking your mic settings researching your niche for a deeper understanding or setting up a nicer backdrop there's a lot about understanding your identity that will result in people following you and sticking around for longer term which we'll discuss a little bit later when we get into niches here are my five tips for gaining a following mean what you say and say what you mean aka be trustworthy two don't be afraid to open up and share your story with your community be raw be real be authentic three celebrate your milestones with your community this could be 200 followers 500 followers first 30 subscribers we got a new emote just hit affiliate have fun celebrations but don't go overboard please with the 12 and 24 hour streams not necessary you can do you can do something simple like we wear a mario hat and play super mario or something you can do something cute and simple share your favorite stream moments on other platforms this goes two-fold because it's going to be earning you clout on other platforms like twitter or whatever but encourage your audience to clip your stream moments or go back at the end of the stream and pull out a spot where you remember oh this is really funny and then share it i forgot to mention that this also creates fear of missing out or fomo by your followers who weren't present during the stream when they see these moments it encourages them to be there for your next streams because they're like wow look how much fun i missed out on incorporate networking into your streaming practice to help get your name out there raiding is what i would recommend most if you do nothing else you don't have to go and spend hours in other people's streams every day but just raiding at the end of your streams will do miles and i can do a whole video on rating rating etiquette picking a good raid target etc let me know if that's something you're interested in [Music] finally we're going to be talking about finding your niche this subject deserves its own hour-long presentation and there's a ton of videos available on it but to put it simply you're trying to create content where you have a natural passion and you can provide a skill set to help you stand out to an audience that wants said content this sounds complicated but it could be as simple as i've always loved horror movies and i'm very good at storytelling and people want to be spooked and so you have your niche telling spooky stories in the just cat chatting category you look for stuff you love stuff you're good at and stuff people want and you want a combination of the three and just to talk more anecdotally for a second i didn't discover my niche until i've been experimenting with several different stream styles and started noticing trends and viewer count spiking with specific content so really you just want to buckle up for a lot of hit and miss style experimentation in the beginning it's best to start with your passion and just hold steady over a few weeks or even months until you can really start to analyze and notice trends and start to fine-tune your content down into a niche i think it probably took me a solid two years before i understood what my niche was and then another year or two on top of that before i finally yielded to becoming that type of content creator twitch tutorials [Music] now we're going to talk about scheduling your streams this isn't going to be a one size fits all but my ultimate advice here is twofold don't overthink it don't overdo it yes it's better practice to have a set schedule where you're live at the same time every week and that's the ultimate goal but to begin with you're really just trying to get yourself into the habit and rhythm of streaming there's no sense pushing for eight to twelve hour stream marathons in the beginning you're gonna demoralize yourself and burn yourself out in my opinion a great beginner schedule is two to three times a week two to four hours per stream you want to give your audience enough time to miss you allow time to pass so that you have stories about your life to tell them when you come back this also creates a scarcity around the service or content that you're providing so people are more likely to show up in the windows that you do provide where you're live this will help boost your average viewer count if you're live every day for eight hours a day your audience may think to themselves oh they're always online i can miss them today and i'll catch them tomorrow i also encourage you to feel out your audience if you're used to streaming two hours but you have a crazy active community that's really hyped up it wouldn't hurt to add another 30 minutes or another hour onto the end of your stream alternatively if you normally stream two hours and you see your chats kind of dying about an hour and a half in and you're starting to kind of like okay i'm done streaming you can just go ahead and end it an hour and a half you don't have to hit two hours every day or whatever the best advice i can give you for stream length is to go into your stream with some kind of goal for post stream content this will make a stream with a dead chat not hurt as much because you will still hopefully have hit your content goal and have enough footage to convert that stream into a twitter video or a youtube video and use that time you spent to your advantage by converting it to content on other platforms that could lead to more viewers on your next stream a final piece for advice for deciding when you should stream is to use a handy site like twitch tracker like we talked about earlier and get a feel for when the optimum time to stream is i can do an entire video analyzing the data on the site let me know if you're interested in that and it's worth checking twitch tracker every month or so because trends change rapidly okay now we're gonna talk about avoiding burnout i am the queen of burnout so all i can really tell you are signs to look out for that might signify burnout is approaching a growing cynicism or anger regarding streaming in general so feeling resentful of the success of others focusing more on your failures second where once you could laugh at a troll it's now angering you to the point of long-winded rants and sweaty palms three well-meaning community members making jokes at your expense suddenly irritates you or hurts your feelings four you dread the thought of going live five you keep making excuses for postponing your streams like i have a headache or i have to clean up or i'm just not feeling it tonight being a few prime examples and some of my personal favorites physical symptoms could be closely related to stress symptoms headaches stomach issues appetite changes anxiety heart rate up tense body general fatigue etc i'm not a doctor though google it yourself talk to your own doctor what number are we on seven seven lower performance and compensating by pulling longer hours or forcing yourself to stream more so your streams aren't as good and you feel like you need to hang in there even longer and force let me wait for that next raid my viewer count isn't high enough i need to do something else and just like really wearing yourself and dragging yourself out eight feeling lonely even when you're surrounded by people and this can be a virtual thing too pulling up your twitter and just feeling complete disconnect from everybody feeling like you are looking in from the outside and you are no longer part of the group nine having a hard time deciding what to stream and you just kind of fall back on whatever as long as i'm live or sometimes trying to do bigger and better streams than ever 12 hour streams or fan demanded content that you're not really interested in doing even if you don't have the energy just for a regular stream i see people do this all the time when they're like oh stream's not working for me i just don't really know what i'm doing wrong you know what i'm just going to do a 12-hour stream tomorrow i'm just going to grind it out we're just going to go for it you're already disconnected and burnt out and unsure what you're doing in the first place why would you put yourself through that torment the other thing i want to say is burnout is going to look different for everybody so just learn yourself and understand what it looks like for you when you're no longer happy in what you're doing the big thing about burnout is that you're putting more energy into something than you are receiving in return so it's looking for a balance the best way to avoid burnout is to learn to recognize it and have the strength to back off and take it slower possibly even take a mini break and spend some time outdoors refresh your mind get grounded get back and you know take it take care of the laundry you've been ignoring [Music] now we're going to talk about networking basics networking is a mixture of making friends and making smart business moves the advice i give my friends who are just getting started is to spend some time in categories they plan to stream in and just be a viewer of that content surf around and find streamers that you like hanging out with follow them chat with them without mentioning your stream and potentially follow them on other platforms if you enjoy their content enough become part of their community and support them with no expectations i think that it's a good thing to shoot for making about one to two solid networking friends a week another major thing for networking is rating at the very end of every stream it doesn't matter if you have 10 viewers or two viewers you're adding your viewer account onto another streamers and sharing communities i think of this as cross-pollinating communities it's extremely rare someone is upset by receiving a raid although it does happen and i recommend that you vet streamers beforehand just to avoid dealing with an ungrateful streamer also remember that your reputation is currency when it comes to being a content creator every reaction you have is public and tells everyone what type of person and creator you are so be kind and mindful when interacting with others there is an unspoken twitch etiquette that i'd like to touch on uh and i'd like to touch on a few parts of it there's no official streamer etiquette anywhere it's just kind of an unspoken culture one don't mention you're a streamer in another streamer's chat unless they specifically ask this is seen a self-promotion most of the time it's polite to just not mention other streamers in someone else's channel unless it's brought up specifically two and a lot of new streamers do this don't call lurkers out a lurker is someone who shows up on your viewer list but hasn't talked in chat yet i know it can be tempting to have that viewer list open and say oh hey cooldoritoman22 when you see their name show up in the list but unless they've actively joined the conversation by saying something in your chat or setting an alert off by following etc don't force them into conversation it's called calling out lurkers and it can potentially just make them leave the channel and i know that when i get called out of lurk i'm like bro i'm just trying to chill i don't really want to talk to anybody i just wanted to watch some content in regards to collaborations if you're going live with other people on your channel if you go live with someone else who is either playing a game with you in a discord voice chat call with you or is also live streaming themselves tell them you're streaming this is just common courtesy so they can be aware they're being broadcasted consent is important i hope this one goes without saying but don't pressure people into following you or subscribing to you or donating to you it's just not a good look next be grateful for hosts donations follows subscriptions etc nobody wants to hear wow it took you long enough when they follow you or support you in another way and i've heard that before i've been in so much channel chatting with them we maybe have been networking on twitter or something and i hit follow and the follow alert goes off and they look like confused and they're like you're just now wow that took you long enough and it's like taking back my follow [Music] now we're going to talk a little bit about twitch chat and culture if you've not spent a lot of time on twitch it's important to know that twitch has a culture all of its own similar to how there are different emojis on apple phones compared to android phones twitch has its own special set of emotes you might want to spend some time familiarizing yourself with twitch global emotes such as kappa and pogchamp poggers to understand what they mean when they're used in your chat kappa is typically used to signify a sentence with sarcastic or set in a bantering type of way and this could lead to misunderstandings unless you're familiar with the emotes meanings already there's a lot of twitch terminology to get used to as well such as terms we've already used like lurking rating affiliates versus partners etc keep your eyes out for my abcs of twitch video that i'm hoping to release with this series this next section we're going to switch back over to a screen cap and we're going to do a really quick run through of setting up your profile just kind of the most important parts of this we're looking at a brand new twitch profile here we've gone into creator dashboard in the top right corner you click on your profile creator dashboard and then on the left hand side we come down to preferences channel this is where you find your stream key this is extremely important do not share it with other people anyone who has your stream key can broadcast to your channel another thing that i want to tell new streamers about is this option here storing your past broadcasts make sure this is turned on it automatically saves broadcast for up to 14 days if you have that turned off then when you go live and you turn the stream off the video is gone it doesn't save anywhere unless you're saving it to your hard drive so make sure this is turned on the next thing that i think is important is on your actual bio page under the about section you want to upload some panels here you can add some widgets but the most important ones that i think that you should have is a profile picture of some kind an about section so thank you links to your other social media and a link to your paypal or donate if you want to add that and i'm going to show you an example of my friend duke stamina who just got started he's created these graphics himself but you can see he's got like a little profile picture it doesn't have to be an actual picture of you a little drawn picture or your branding an about me section where he's got his little about me a link to his youtube a link to his spotify a link to his donate a link to his discord and then a couple a link to his twitter and a couple of widgets or a widget um and this is he's also got his social media updated and then i'll show you mine as well mine i focus a little bit more on aesthetics honestly um i've got like my profile picture up top with my name links to my social media to a paypal link a link to my streamer community that i manage what my sub badges look like a link to my stream gifts and a couple of widgets links to my instagram and credits for my graphics okay so that's as much as i want to talk about for the actual twitch dashboard [Music] this is toasty she's gonna chill for a second i guess before we get into setting up your obs i guess i want to talk a little bit about hardware and equipment requirements i'm not a tech guru but i will say there's some you don't have to go out and buy like a thousand dollar setup you could technically just stream straight from your cell phone you would have to be in the just chatting category but you could technically just stream with a cell phone if you already have a pc i see mostly recommended like computers with i5 processors even if you can't stream like really high def games like the new god of war or whatever you could still stream lower end graphic games like pixel graphic games or like retro game you don't have to be set up to stream like these super brand new games that are coming out otherwise you're looking at spending bare minimum 800 and closer to 2000 honestly for some of these like nice high-tech setups if you're going the pc route i recommend a webcam and a microphone literally just go on amazon and type in streamer microphone but i've been using a blue yeti for five years now and it it's had a an issue here there mostly with the usb cord but it's a mid-tier microphone you're gonna pay around 100 to 120 for it but i think it's a pretty good like intro microphone but you can find cheaper ones for like thirty to forty dollars webcam wise i'm using a c920 logitech c920 which is about an eighty dollar camera last time i looked and again you can probably find cheaper options that are closer to the 20 to 30 dollar range uh i recommend a microphone a webcam and then some kind of computer setup even if it's like a laptop or whatever finally you could also stream straight from your xbox or straight from your playstation 4. they're streaming software's built into those gaming systems and i think you can add webcam capture to them so you don't have to go and spend a million dollars to get started you can just use what you have lying around and see if you're even interested in doing it long term and then start to slowly build up and use the streaming itself to fundraise your growth and your hardware upgrades [Music] the final section that we're going to do is just a quick rundown of obs i'm using my streamlabs obs to record through so i've actually downloaded the original obs okay so we're looking at obs here this is a little bit of an older version but everything should still be the same when you get into obs the first thing you want to do is come into the settings down here in the bottom right you want to go through every individual setting and make sure it's fine tuned to your liking there's plenty of tutorials to go into depth on obs but for the sake of this i just want to show you where to put your stream key which is right under here on the left hand side stream this is where you put that stream key that we found in your twitch profile and save that if you're finding that you're struggling with dropped frames while you're live streaming you may want to come in here and mess with the video bitrate dropping it down lower the current bit rate that i stream on my bitrate is 2500 here that's where you enter your stream key now we just want to set up a really quick overlay for you i think that bare minimum most people have a starting soon screen not required there's a big debate about it do you do that by right clicking add or you just press the plus button down here we're gonna rename this original scene that was up here and we're gonna call this chatting slash community scene where you're like hanging out and chatting with your community again not a required one but these are like i feel like some of the most common ones we've got a gaming screen and maybe like an afk brb screen and maybe ending scene the goodbye ending scene i don't really even use one myself because i typically just rage straight from my streams but that's an option and i think these here are probably like the main ones you want to get started and then add and pepper in more i'm not going to go through and set up every single one of these here we're just going to build a gaming scene together so you've added your scene down here in the bottom left we're going to come over into the sources we're going to add a new source over here the first thing we want is the actual game capture so you just right click add or again press that plus button down here you want a game capture create new we're going to call it game capture you could create specific ones for specific games so for the sake of this i'm going to call this stardew valley and we're going to click ok now it's going to have a drop down here at the top capture any full screen specific window or foreground some games are finicky and different you might have to do you might have to play around with specific ones because some games won't let you just pull the actual game i've had it happen especially with like ubisoft games we are going to capture a specific window and i'm going to come down to my stardew valley choice and we're going to click ok and then we're going to click and drag and just stretch this out to fit okay so now we have our full game capture here a lot of times people will add their webcam okay so we're going to click and add a video capture device when you're looking at a webcam it is one of the bottom options called a video capture device this is also how you add a capture card like an elgato we're going to call this webcam click okay and we're going to pick our webcam i'm going to use my 615 my c615 for this example click ok and now we want to put this wherever we want it to and resize it one little pro tip here or like hack that i'll show you really quick is thinking about the thumbnail of your video and how it's going to look so let's just really quickly come over here to we're going to look at the stardew valley category and take a look here what i really want to show you is look at the thumbnails you can see in the top left it has a red button that says live in the top right it has a time stamp of how long they've been live in the bottom left it tells you how many viewers are watching so you can see in this second example here she's got her webcam set right there on the left hand side so that it's not covered by any of those stamps the bottom right corner is a good spot to put your camera because the twitch doesn't add any kind of stamp on top of it but let me show you an example of someone who's being covered right here you can see this person right here their webcam is right here but it's covered up by that viewer mark and same here with this example their webcam is in the top left and it's being covered by that bright red live so you want to try and go for one of these spots that one it's not covering up anything in your gameplay and two it's not going to be covered up by any of the twitch ui so we're going to move our webcam down here in the bottom right and we're going to nestle it right in between the toolbar and stardoo and the energy bar and now we're not being covered by anything on twitch and we're not covering up anything important on our video game capture so another thing here that i'll show you that's just like kind of a little trick is to make our webcam look a little bit nicer we're going to right click on the camera and we're going to go into filters and we're going to add a an effect filter an image mask blend an image mask and that's fine we don't even have to worry about the title for this we're going to find an image mask and let me show you what some of them look like i also have a blog i'll link below of a bunch of masks that i have available for free download so masks are just solid things that tell you can say i'm using a mask right here it's rounded it's just kind of telling the telling it where to crop out i don't really know how to explain technically why it works i just know that it works so we're going to use let's use this weird one that i have here so you can really see how it works uh you can see that it's like not working that's because you want to drop this down to alpha mask alpha channel instead and now you can see it's kind of got this cool gradient effect and we're gonna close that you can see me down in the bottom right corner now i'm not um it's not a solid circle i just think it adds like a little something something it makes it look just a little bit more interesting up to you you don't have to add them but it's just a little a little hack as it were so now we have our game capture really there's not really much else that you need to add like need to add besides this but a lot of people will add their widgets like someone just followed you or whatever i'll show you here like in order to add an alert when someone just follows you click on the plus sign here for a source and you want an alert box add source and that's it just click add source and we're just going to go ahead and click done we're not going to customize this at all and let's test to follow you can see that's my little alert that i've popped up you can spend all day going in and customizing those but that's how you get your little alerts that's really all you need you can also create overlays you can see here on the game itself like how you would kind of want to design that i'll make a video on how i design my overlays if that's something you're interested in then you just click start streaming down here in the bottom right corner and it should connect you right to your channel you can flip between these different scenes you just made and you're set [Music] there's a couple of other basic tools i would recommend i would definitely recommend like a stream labs chat bots or some kind of chat bot moobot nightbot there's a lot of different options there that's your set other than that that's how you get you get rolling i think that's going to wrap this up i really hope i can edit this down to like 30 minutes i hope this was helpful i hope it was like quick to the point and you got some value out of this please let me know if there's anything in specific you are most interested in me going into more detail on or elaborating on or creating special tutorials for and also i guess if there's anything that you think a new streamer needs to know in 2020 on how to get started with their journey uh that i might have missed uh leave that as a comment below and i guess that's gonna wrap it up for this video thank you all so much for watching if you enjoyed this please give me a like you know it helps me in the algorithm you can also make videos on the algorithm i love hacking the algorithm dude but yeah you could if you could leave me a like if you enjoy this content you want more twitch tutorials subscribe you can turn on the bell notification if you want to but you don't miss when i upload a new video i don't have an upload schedule going against my own advice i don't have a specific upload schedule right now but i do have i am trying to get the ball rolling and get back into the rhythm of uploading youtube videos i also have several other youtube channels that i'm trying to figure out right now so i'm uploading one on my vlog channel about my weight loss journey and i'm uploading one on my shady lady let's play channel on my reaction of the first three episodes of the inuyasha series so those will be linked in the description box below if you're interested but that's gonna wrap it up for me thank you all so much for watching this video and for subscribing thank you for 9 000 subscribers on this channel uh that's really awesome and uh yeah i'll see y'all in the next video bye [Music] you
Channel: HeyShadyLady
Views: 424,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch tutorial, twitch tips, how to start streaming, how to stream on twitch, how to start on twitch, how to start on twitch 2020, how to stream on twitch 2020, starting on twitch, tips for starting on twitch, beginner streamer tips, beginner streamer guide, guide to twitch streaming, twitch, streaming, streamer tutorial, stream tutorial, beginner streamer, how to get started on twitch, start streaming on twitch, how to grow on twitch, how to make a twitch channel
Id: HO9qkkxHMaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 44sec (2444 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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