How To FIX Your Laggy Stream! - Fix Dropped Frames, Best Encoder, And Bitrate Settings!

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every time someone tells me they have issues with  their stream quality lagging or stuttering around   i always ask them the same question are  they dropped frames skipped frames or   lagged frames and they always reply the same way  well which is okay because it is confusing when   you start out and today i want to cover some  of the crucial settings you need to understand   in order to fix your stream quality as well as  to tell the difference between and solve your   dropped skipped and lagged frames so you have  crystal clear quality for your stream let's go hey i'm Eljay with i'm also  a variety streamer over at   there's a link in the description to that as  well as the a place with over   700 guides for all things streaming related  seriously if you need anything at all go check   out the website we have guides on everything today  i'm going to be adding to the plethora of videos   that are already out there on youtube about drop  frames skip frames and lag frames as well as how   to fix them these will be the best practices the  steps you should be taking to try and diagnose   and fix these issues but i also want to break down  what certain settings actually do to clear up some   misconceptions and cover some tips that i don't  see you get talked about enough for example one   of those mistakes is actually going to be the fact  that you're losing viewers because you're trying   to increase your stream quality and resolution  so much i'll explain that in a second but first i   want to talk about my sponsor you guys know  about own dot tv already i've talked about them   constantly they're a fantastic resource for all  things streaming whether it's alerts overlays you   name it they have it one of the best things about  them though is they have modular overlays and they   have static ones as well if you're here because  you've got dropped lagged or skipped frames   honestly getting one of their static overlays  might be the go for you because you can't handle   animated overlays yet you can check them out  with the link in the description and if you   want to support us guys go and support them  because it really helps us out they get to   own for supporting the channel as well without  them we couldn't do what we do there are also   time codes in the description so feel free  to skip ahead to any section that helps you   but first let's get into bitrate because you  guys are doing some crazy things with bitrate   and i gotta throw it out there guys bigger number  doesn't always mean a better stream it's how you   use it the easiest way to understand bitrate is  to call it what it actually is your upload speed   to the twitch servers that means the higher  quality stream you're doing the higher upload   speed you'll need for example to stream 1080p  60 frames a second to twitch you'll need about 6   000 bit rate or 6 megabytes a second upload speed  consistently but just because you can stream 1080p   60 frames a second on your stream doesn't mean you  should i'm going to cover exactly why throughout   this video if you're on wi-fi for example or you  just don't have a stable internet connection that   can handle 6000 bit rate a here six megabytes then  you're gonna start dropping frames and it's quite   literally what its name is you're dropping data  on its way to the twitch server so it never makes   it there i'm going to cover solutions more at the  end of the video but the easiest way to fix this   is simply dropping your resolution or your frame  rate for example you can leave your base canvas as   1920 1080 but if you lower your output canvas down  to 720p then you only need to set your bitrate to   around 4500 bits but maybe you want to be able to  produce 1080p content well then you can also try   dropping your frame rate down from 60 frames to  30 frames because 1080p 30 frames only requires   4500 bitrate as well i've included the chart  in the description that covers exactly what   bitrate you'll need for different frame rates and  different things so i recommend checking that out   as well i see so many new streamers bring up their  hardware when discussing bitrate when in reality   bitrate is only your internet connection i think  this is because of the word encoding on one hand   you've got twitch's quality encoding options which  means the ability to change a stream from 1080 to   720 while watching it and on the other you've got  encoding when it comes to x264 hardware encoding   or nvidia and vent encoding i'm going to  cover both of those different things but first   let's talk about why i don't recommend streaming  at 1080p 60 frames per second even if you   can perfectly on your pc the way twitch's  quality options work is based on priority   if you're a twitch partner you get full access to  quality options meaning that while i'm streaming a   viewer can change me from 1080p to 720 all the way  down to a 160. however an affiliate will only get   access to that if there's room on their servers  meaning that if there are a lot of partners   online you're very unlikely as an affiliate  to get encoding options and quality options   if you're not even an affiliate you're probably  never going to get those options on your stream   i've always had quality options on my stream since  i was an affiliate this is because i stream at a   quiet time on twitch so anyone who found me can  just click on that little 1080 thing and lower it   down to 720 or even 160 if they want to continue  watching but if you're gonna be streaming at a   peak time when there's lots of other competition  and you don't get access to those quality options   and someone were to join your stream who can't  watch a full 1080p source stream they're gonna   leave because they can't watch it without it  lagging live streaming 1080p can be brutal   for anyone who doesn't have a consistent internet  connection maybe they live rural or maybe they're   just an australian because we have terrible  internet down here and so by forcing people   to only be able to watch at 1080 you're really  narrowing down who's actually able to engage and   watch your stream without it stuttering or causing  issues but just dropping your quality down to 720p   will not only open up headroom on your computer  which i'll cover more in a second but it'll also   open up the ability for people who don't have  great internet to be able to watch you easier   okay let's quickly talk about encoders x264  versus nvent nvidia because this is another   one people get confused about all the time the  major difference is that x264 is done on your   cpu and is quite taxing because you're doing a  lot of other stuff in your cpu at the same time   whereas nvidia and vanc is done on a special chip  on your graphics card that is completely different   to your gameplay and everything else meaning they  don't damage their quality or overlap whatsoever   the problem is though that not everyone's graphics  cards can handle nvidia envy so i see a lot of   people saying just switch to end bank but some  people don't even have nvidia cards or don't   have nvent capable nvidia cards elgato has a great  list and a set of tools in order to figure out if   yours works it's a link to the description so if  you want to know if your card works go use that   as i said i also linked down there that page  that i was telling about that has every single   bit rate matched to every single resolution  and frame rate go check it out twitch made it   themselves it's a fantastic resource if you just  want a quick easy setup oh and speaking of the   description i've also linked down there a video  where i have six different twitch partners talk   about how they started their stream and grew their  first initial audience from 0 to about 15 to 25   it's a really really interesting video and i  recommend you check it out and this is where i   would normally pitch out animated overlays but if  you're struggling with choppy frames and all these   issues you probably aren't gonna be able to handle  an animated overlay even if it is fully modular   like nerd or die owned so don't worry about that  okay let's break down and figure out if you've got   lagged skipped or dropped frames and then  talk about some solutions to each of them   first off let's cover where you need to go in each  of your softwares in order to find the information   if you're in streamlabs obs to check your  performance head down to the bottom left and click   on this little graph if you turn on quick view for  any of these things they will show your cpu usage   your frame rate your bit rate and most importantly  your dropped frames but sadly this is all it will   show you on quick view however because slobs lacks  information i recommend going into your settings   and going to notifications and then you'll be  able to turn on these settings here this means   if something goes wrong you'll be able to head  down to this little notification tab and click it   when it lights up and you'll be able to see what  is causing issues and i'll tell you exactly what   you need to fix which is why obs has got slobs  absolutely decimated in this particular situation   you can go to obs and click on view statistics  and you'll get a full hard breakdown of every   single thing and it's very fast to be able to tell  which is causing issues for example frames missed   due to rendering lag means your graphics card  is lagging skipped frames or encoding lag means   your cpu usage is too high or if you're using  nvenk the graphics card's chip is overloaded   dropping frames is included here and this means  your network or bitrate is wrong as we talked   about okay so you've got notifications turned on  or you've got your obs window for statistics open   now you need to make a brand new twitch account  and do a test stream to that this is so you don't   alert your followers or drop your average viewers  by streaming to zero people the reason you should   do a test stream on a new account rather than  adding stuff to your stream key so it just doesn't   go live is because i like the idea of being able  to go and watch your vodback after the test stream   to see if the quality improved to see how you  sound and go from there let's talk about lagged   frames for lagged frames it's very easy in  obs to be able to see if those are happening   in streamlabs obs it's a little bit more difficult  as we talked about however there's a few more ways   you can tell before you even go live if you open  up obs or streamlabs and you see your frame rate   start tanking then that is lagged frames you  can also check your gpu usage in task manager   since you can't tell them inside slobs or obs how  much your gpu is being used up if it's extremely   high it is another sign of lagged frames if you  have figured out it's lagged frames then your game   settings need to be dropped down and your frame  rate needs to be capped at 120 frames or even 60   frames obviously not every game is as intensive as  others when i played detroit become human i had to   drop the settings right down even though i have a  fantastic computer but stardew valley doesn't have   any issues whatsoever and the reason i recommend  capping your 120 or 60 frames is because it then   divides down into a 30 or 60 frame stream easily  and nicely without all that choppy frame rate   early on i was struggling a lot with lagged frames  and i didn't like having to drop the game settings   down so there were a few other ways that i found  that i could fix up and make it less intensive   the first was i got rid of my old webcam got  a brand new c922 and rather than stream 1080p   webcam i streamed at 720p scaled down because  i use nvenk i took it off max quality and set   it down to quality and then that started fixing  it for me but if you need to go even further you   can change your base canvas to 720p and turn off  your look ahead as well as psycho visual tuning to   open up a bit more headroom in your gpu with all  this you should be able to solve lagged frames   let's talk about skipped frames now skip frames  means your hardware is struggling again in obs   very easy to diagnose however you can check  your cpu usage by going to task manager i   also recommend in task manager closing down any  crap you don't need don't close things you don't   recognize but if there's something using a crap  load of resources google what it is and figure   out what is causing it for me before every single  stream i have to close down after effects because   sometimes it just sits in the background using  up resources and getting rid of that opens up   a lot of headroom if you're suffering from skip  frames you can also lower your output resolution   for example like i said earlier 1080 down to  720p on your output resolution and you'll get   a lot more of your cpu usage back you can  also lower your frame rate down from 60 to   30 but i wouldn't recommend going  lower than 30 for a twitch stream   and finally you can change your preset as well the  faster the preset the worst quality your stream is   but the easier it is on your cpu the slower the  preset means better quality but more cpu load   if you have checked elgato's list i linked  and saw your graphics card can handle end bank   and you can also switch over there the performance  will be much better with a minuscule quality drop   don't forget to remove sources that you don't use  a lot of you guys might not have a pc that can   handle animated overlays for example our overlays  for example are completely modular the same with   node or die or owned and these overlays are meant  to come with everything installed so that you can   get rid of the stuff you don't need don't leave  it just sitting inside there eating up resources   so lower your settings in this order resolution  frame rate if you can switch to hardware encoding   and then play with your presets and finally drop  frames which if you understand bit rate from the   start of this video you probably know how it all  works now but essentially if you're struggling you   just need to lower your resolution and your frame  rate and then adjust your bit rate accordingly a   quick side note here is though is that twitch caps  you at 6 000 bit rate i saw a guy in the stream   scheme discord using 10 000 bit rate and that was  incredible because it just didn't work whatsoever   and it was a very easy fix to diagnose but i don't  know why i guess he thought bigger number better   person if you want more stable internet connection  i'm not going to run through all the different   ways to fix your internet you can just google that  but i recommend the normal things ethernet cables   talk to your isp go through all those steps it's  fine the final step is actually thanks to nutty   he helped me with this about two years ago or  a year ago when i first started streaming and   that is don't go to to check your  upload speed yeah sure that'll work but that's   not testing your upload speed to twitch that's  just to their servers the trick nutty showed me   that i didn't see anywhere else back when i first  started a year ago is to use twitch test which is   linked in the description essentially you're gonna  go there you'll download it you'll put your stream   key in for your test twitch account and then  you're going to run the test for the servers   you want to check what you're looking for is the  best speed the lowest rtt or round trip time and   the highest quality once you have the server  you're going to connect to that one directly   because it'll be better for your stream so i  hope that has helped you understand some of   your settings and increase your quality a bit  more seriously check out the description i've   included so many resources down there as well as  link to nutty elgato's list and all those things   because i think they're all valuable things you  need to check out i'll see you guys next week
Channel: Stream Scheme
Views: 123,177
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To FIX a Laggy Stream, How to fix dropped frames, How to fix lagged frames, How to fix skipped frames, How to fix your laggy stream, Fix Twitch Dropped Frames, OBS Bitrate Issues, Troubleshooting Bitrate, Dropped Frames, Twitch Stream Lagging, Twitch Bitrate, OBS Dropped Frames, Twitch Dropped Frames, Fix Twitch Lag, How to fix Twitch Stream, Fix Twitch Stream, Twitch Buffering, Fix OBS Twitch Stream, best encoder settings for twitch, best bitrate settings for Twitch
Id: FFxPe5EjWwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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