7 Jokes We Didn't Get Until Much Later

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Just like when Radio 4 mispronounced Jeremy Hunt’s name live on air...

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Dark-Tricks 📅︎︎ Oct 11 2018 🗫︎ replies
there's no shame in admitting that sometimes a joke goes over your head like when Mike said knock-knock and I said but we have a doorbell really made a hash of that one and it is definitely acceptable to admit you didn't get all the jokes in the games you played as a kid because some in-game humor was and is so targeted at adults that it sails clear over the heads of younger players with its mystifying references and risque double entendre so let's all of us sophisticated adults gathered here today enjoy these sophisticated adult jokes with our clever adult brains beware of rude things and saucy wordplay ahead [Music] don't get me wrong old-school shooter Rises the Triad was definitely not a game for kids which is exactly why I wanted to play it so much obviously that's and everyone more fun hats on national holidays rot as it was known was like doom but somehow even more violent with a spectacular array of deadly weaponry and more blood and guts than the bins around the back of a butcher shop I think I just became vegetarian the irony is that even though Rises the Triad is a game that really only people old enough to vote should be allowed to play it contains a joke that's probably the most childish on this list it conserves the playable character called Ian Paul freely that could definitely be a human persons name surprised though those first two initials are I and P this means of course that whenever he looks at his credit card for instance it will say IP freely thus implying to the cashier that he is a man who does not adhere to traditional bathroom conventions when he urinates either that or he enjoys entirely unrestricted flow I wouldn't like to speculate it may just be because it took us an embarrassing amount of time to get this joke but the whole scenario seems utterly ridiculous what parent would curse a child with that name and consign them to years of playground bullying besides how often does anyone use the phrase IP freely it's not something you tend to loudly announce by be freely honestly it's like Bart prank calling Moe's Tavern in an episode of The Simpsons specifically episode 3 season 1 Homer's Odyssey why can I remember that but not my pin number [Music] between stationarity nerds State one the unsophisticated among you might think that the humor in the Grand Theft Auto series is just a succession of crude puns but that's because you don't appreciate satire like me and my fellow intellectuals that was satire whenever you make that face I'm doing satire the point is GTA jokes are about as highbrow as a frowning caveman so since we were playing the early GTA games it's an age blow the one on the age rating sticker there were bound to be a few blue jokes that flew clean over our heads like an over enthusiastically flung frisbee one such gem was the name of the radio DJ on head radio which was Michael hunt he also however goes by a shorter name you know like how Michael Jones - Mike so like Michael hunt but with Mike this is all I knew rock star with this in-game joke and actually several others it wasn't until years later that we connected the mental dots and felt well a little bit embarrassed on rockstars behalf if we're honest you and who knows how many more word plays like that there are in there that just haven't clicked for us yet like Liberty City it's that thing called speed it sounds rude come back to me ah the banana thief returns to the scene of the crime maybe we should just eat him right now do you have any idea how much cholesterol is in one of these things The Secret of Monkey Island is a hilarious game with jokes that can be enjoyed by people of all ages I mean everyone can enjoy me telling this guy that he fights like a cow except him I guess you fight like a dairy farmer how appropriate you fight like a cow I give up you win devastating he's devastated right now that's it not every joke in monkey island was as easy for me to understand when I was a child later on in the game you find yourself on the eponymous Monkey Island and need to collect a load of bananas to feed to a monkey so that the monkey will open a gate for you so you can stick a big cotton swab into a giant stone monkey heads ear and open a door to a lava cave full of pirate ghosts look this is what I venture games were like in the 1990s just go with it you can only get so many bananas from the islands trees however so to get sufficient bananas to bribe the monkey you also have to steal some from the native Islanders who don't take kindly to you stealing their fruit as guy brush attempts to make off with several Nana's hidden about his person he is asked by the Islanders if those are bananas in his pocket or if he's just glad to see them is that a banana in your pocket or are you just glad to see us now I have to tell you as a kid I spent a while trying to decipher this line would guy brush have been glad to see them because they might have more bananas or because those masks are really fun or because they're going to help him defeat ghost pirates not sure how the pocket banana factors into any of those but maybe the high levels of potassium in those yellow fruits would give guy brush the low blood pressure and reduced risk of stroke he needed to vanquish his arch-nemesis lechuck who dares to enter the cabin of the ghost pirate lechuck strange places strange noises anyway I later learned this line is a classic gag of a raunchy trouser bass nature and to be honest even with this information I still don't entirely get it like did he put the banana down the front of his trousers is that what the pocket is on pirate pants why you making me think about this monkey island and don't even get me started on the bit in monkey island to where you find the belongings of a gorilla arrested for grinding his organ in public this is supposed to be an ESR be2 these confusing letters mean nothing anymore okay I'm ready energized space quest 6 was a nineties adventure game that starred space janitor Roger Wilco and spoofed science fiction with a blatant disregard for the solemn dignity of the thinking persons genre this guy looks like a vertically challenged Darth Vader what does a thing like that do for fun um it parodied classic sci-fi works such as alien and Blade Runner which we were too young to have seen at the time buddy maybe you can help me out and track down the sender droid I'm an Android runner I know it they look so hot but I'm in disguise you know as a result when we met the comedies in a morph in a grimy space arcade the reference was basically not to us so this is stooge fighter three doesn't look so tough to me also the arcade had a knockoff version of Street Fighter starring old timey comedy act The Three Stooges guess which part of that parody mashup we didn't recognize at any rate even though we hadn't seen terrifying space horror alien space quest 6 looked enough like a Saturday morning cartoon that we were permitted to play it little did we or our parents know the game was packed with more adults humor than the erotic charades I once accidentally bought instead of the normal ones that Christmas was ruined let me tell you if we had to pick one particularly bawdy visual gag from Space Quest 6 and we do we'd say the inflatable alien love doll parked in the corner of this room was particularly confusing to underage players this alien woman looks to be in very bad shape her pupils are fixed and dilated her body is stiff almost as if she's dead and her skin looks tight and puffy as if bodily gases are building up inside her the mannequin looking thing owned by the thugs who kidnapped you early in the game is looking back now clearly an artificial companion bandages and patches appear in profusion all over her and some of her seams look like they're about to give way however between the low detail mid-90s graphics and unhelpfully sarcastic narrator we were more or less mystified by this robber roommate which also looking back now was a reference to a lady character from Total Recall another film we had not seen at the time thank goodness you make a metal dot to come back and rescue this poor woman this was but one of the many wry bold references in Space Quest 6 that went over our naive heads but hey at least we could enjoy the myriad good clean jokes like the amusing shape of this spaceship see definitely ever Underpants looks like a Underpants yeah [Music] for those unfamiliar with the series the Ace Attorney games tell the story of plucky lawyers who win justice for their clients by presenting evidence banging the desk or just shouting objection as loudly as they can until the judge rules in their favor yeah good point not guilty in the third case of Phoenix right justice for all turn about Big Top lawyer Phoenix finds himself doing the shouting on the behalf of stage magician an amazing name haver Maximilian Galactica who has been accused of murdering the circuses ringmaster [Music] naturally this means Phoenix has to interview people close to the case which is why you end up talking to Moe a nightmare clown wearing an outfit covered in pictures of his own mouth [Music] honestly clowns you are not helping yourself at this point Moe isn't a very successful clown but that's just because he's terrifying and all his jokes are terrible still I do feel a bit sorry for him after Phoenix's assistant Maya hits him with a hair the second most devastating text responds to a joke it's possible to receive right behind hair if you were wondering anyway one of the key pieces of evidence in the case is a stone bust of Max galactica and it isn't long before the comedy double act of Moe and Phoenix Wright have steered this whole conversation into decidedly pg-13 territory Phoenix keep your mind on the case please that man is on trial for murder anyway pretty sure I was wholly oblivious to the booby overtones of this whole exchange the first time I played it and that I probably ascribed it to just Phoenix Wright being weird which to be fair happens a lot Here I am for example interrogating a ventriloquist's dummy [Music] try as I might I couldn't get him to talk because my lips kept moving you all know ken masters from Street Fighter he's the Ryu palette swap in a blonde wig come at me Ken mains Ken's story throughout the Street Fighter series is pretty romantic considering this is a game about beating people up take the ending of Street Fighter 2 when Ken is finally reunited with his beloved Eliza Wow they really spent a whole three minutes on that Eliza character art huh and about half of that was coloring in Ken and Eliza's relationship is maintained over the course of the street fighter series so they get married at the end of Street Fighter 2 and have their first child at the end of super street fighter 4 with Ken showing up to the birth in his full street fighting gear he's so small [Music] congratulations mom what was he preparing for was there a chance the baby might come out doing a hurricane kick the Street Fighter Alpha prequel series established the origins of that relationship and in Street Fighter Alpha 3 there was a cheeky joke in Ken's wind quotes after beating his opponent with apparent ease Ken says he needs a better workout and asks where Eliza is this is supposedly in reference to them having energetic relations with each other I am shocked and also quite relieved that they're not beating each other up however we reckon it's still possible people might be reading too much into this line it could be totally innocent there's lots of ways Ken and Eliza could be working out together that aren't sexy times what they can be doing couples yoga you lot just have filthy minds no are nefarious souls follow that plundering Punchinello the Joker once again the dynamic duo spring into action to protect the good and true citizens of Gotham yourself Boy Wonder those are military-grade poles not for fun or recreation to the Batmobile Robin we need to put a stop to that grinning devil there have been many great interpretations of the character Batman from Christian Bale's gruff intensity to Michael Keaton's swivel-eyed energy to Ben Affleck's chin was pretty good so he's got that going for him that said many bat aficionados hold a special place in their heart for the Batman portrayed by Adam West in the 1960s TV series this was a bat man who wore grey spandex and was significantly less ripped than Bale also West delivered every line like he was seconds away from cracking up and admitting the whole thing was a prank and that there are cameras filming you right now still not entirely sure that isn't the case to be honest so when the grown-up developers at Studio travelers tales were developing the third Lego Batman title in 2014 it made sense for them to include the venerable mr. Adam West who was still going strong as a voice actor and fast approaching national treasure status thanks to an adorable and self-aware social media presence [Music] [Applause] god that pot roast looks amazing with this in mind the developers added Adam West as the character in peril for players to rescue in various levels packs on rescuing work one day you might even become as this was the role fulfilled by fellow comic book legend Stan Lee in the Lego Marvel superheroes games I have no idea how that happened thanks true believer which is great but then you remember all the children who enjoy the Lego games and that the Adam West's Batman series finished his run in 1968 nearly 50 years before the release of Lego Batman 3 you have to think that as a result in the future there's going to be a whole generation of kids making videos like this about how they have no idea why this Lego Batman game made them rescue the guy who plays the mayor on Family Guy still maybe it'll encourage that generation to seek out the 1960s Batman TV show to see what Batman used to be like before he became a grumpy CrossFit obsessed murderer you can definitely see where they got the idea for the combat system in the Arkham games good thinking Robin there we go those were some of the jokes that sailed right over our heads when we were younger and then later in life we went oh yeah that's quite rude wasn't it I realize now everything was rude anyway thanks for watching this video and if you want to watch more videos from us up here we've got one bit of an older video this is about gimmicks that were too beautiful for this world they were too far ahead of their time haven't seen their like since and down here is a video from outside extra in which we talk about the horrible decisions we made in video games and how much we regret them so sounds like fun doesn't it click on that
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 1,675,593
Rating: 4.7467351 out of 5
Keywords: funny, funny moments, game jokes, video game jokes, gta 3, grand theft auto 3, gta 3 michael hunt, lego batman 3, lego batman adam west, lego batman 3 adam west, street fighter alpha 3, ken masters, ken and eliza, phoenix wright justice for all, max galactica, list, top 10, top 5, best, worst, 7 things, space quest 6, roger wilco, secret of monkey island, ride of the triad, ian paul freeley, rude, rude jokes
Id: 8fLGdaUNBqc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 0sec (1020 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 11 2018
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