7 Genius Ways Games Stopped You From Escaping Them: Commenter Edition

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not so very long ago we celebrated the games that prevented you from going out of bounds not with a boring invisible wall but with something far more creative and authentically we thought that was the end of it we thought we were done but what should happen but you lot piping up with suggestions of even more games that deploy crafty ways of preventing you exploring beyond the map here then are your picks of genius ways games stopped you escaping them are you sir whatever you're doing is worth it in our previous video we mentioned crisis had both an inventive stabby tooth duei of keeping you off the edge of the map and praised the game's underwater environment as quote perhaps the single most beautiful ocean environment ever seen in a game Crysis has perhaps the single most beautiful ocean environment ever seen in a game quite well don't we feel like prize clowns now because there's so many of you pointed out in the comments subnautica has Crysis beat on both counts commenter dilly-doo was just one voice raised in chorus when they said our dude what about the ghost leviathan from subnautica in this lush underwater survival sim you play a space castaway left stranded on a marine world to get by your job is to scavenge the seafloor for vital materials to use in crafting all the while fending off the same dangers that real-life scuba divers face like running out of oxygen or being killed by exploding fish [Applause] eventually you'll craft much more advanced equipment and even bases in these eerie immersive undersea biomes assuming that a you can keep playing subnautica despite frequently guessing that feeling you get when you swim in the sea and realize you've swam too far out to touch the ground and suddenly all you can think about is sea monsters and be that you don't get got by the horrors patrolling the perimeter of the playable area warning entering ecological dead zone adding this barren waste is known as the craters edge there's not much for you to find this far out but there is something bound to find you a ghost Leviathan these gigantic aquatic predators have many fascinating features for instance they're bioluminescent grow to a staggering size and have somehow mastered the art of shrieking underwater a skill you will also acquire if you come across one because these things are nightmare city folks beyond the craters edge these terrifying ghosts leviathans will quickly surround and devour you for having the temerity to stray beyond to the game world not that you'll want to try this more than once because holy crap how is it possible at something this massive and this glowing can sneak up on you turns out all our fears about deep water were entirely grounded this is why we have swimming pools people so we don't have to put up with this sort of rubbish [Music] in the Assassin's Creed series you - around different periods of history except not really because you're actually plugged into a computer in the present day I told you we'd be fine you play through the memories of various Assassin's with the help of the animus a kind of History Channel version of The Matrix this provided a wonderful excuse for not letting you run off and do what you want as Comintern necro Road points out Assassin's Creed your ancestors didn't go there disintegrate the world yes to prevent you from escaping the game boundaries developers could cite the fact that the character you're controlling through the animus did not go there so the data doesn't exist this was especially the case when the world opened up more from assassin's Creed to onward where as soon as Ezio wandered too far he would go into ragdoll mode like a child having a tantrum in the middle of a supermarket regardless of whether you were making a break for it across the field or over a wall if the Animus didn't have the data for the area you were headed to the world was just going to dissolve around you as you plummeted into nothingness [Music] this very visual representation of does not compute would respawn Ezio elsewhere within the map with the game hoping that you've got the message to stay in your lane if you chose to ignore that message and was still determined to find out what lay beyond and try to make an escape by water the animus was still one step ahead later games in the series had more straightforward impossible data walls and slightly more elegant relocation solutions such as the Frey twins being teleported back into London should they try to escape along the Thames but truly nothing is quite as memorable as watching a deadly assassin suddenly forget how his limbs work the goals they keep down the leech population Gordon Freeman hero of the half-life series is a brave fellow unafraid of the many interdimensional dangers he faces on a daily basis such as bullets pitting hunter choppers headcrabs or combine army troopers although to be fair they do more or less take care of themselves and yet there is one interdimensional threat against which Gordon is utterly powerless because it exists to keep you within the bounds of the game as commenter laser ak-47 v2 notes I'm surprised the leeches from half-life 2 didn't make it on here those leeches can be found throughout half-life 2 but are perhaps easiest to encounter in the Lost Coast a bonus level released to demonstrate developer valves use of high dynamic range rendering capabilities as if that's why anyone plays half-life are not because of the way things like this regularly happen in the Lost Coast you are tasked with disabling a combined gun emplacement which sounds kind of hard especially compared to finding out what happens if you just swim for The Horizon to try and escape the level and here's what happens yes you are devoured by a swarm of tiny carnivorous leeches and bloody quickly I might add come on leeches can't we be friends just because we're from different dimensions doesn't mean we have to eat each other [Applause] the leeches are programmed to fatally punish the curiosity of players who want to explore beyond the boundaries of the game they always get you in the end even if you try and be clever and fashion yourself some kind of anti leech raft okay okay seems there's no way to avoid these lychee boys guess we may as well do what this kindly old fisherman wants and rid the town of combine artillery got the key right right here although I mean if you're just gonna leave a harpoon there that looks like it would skewer elite all right you're bloodsuckers get ready for Round four think I send a pretty powerful message that time on the plus side at least you're not the only thing on the leaches menu as the fisherman may divulge if he sees you interacting with a crab pot and leeches ate most of the crabs no way I eat crab too seems we have more in common than we thought leeches see hands across the dimensions [Music] if your game is a horror game you can lock doors with something other than a key however Resident Evil is far from the only game to do this as pointed out in the comments by mr. Fatah go Resident Evil's front door is like the one in alone in the dark but instead of zombie dogs it's a huge dimensional rectum sucking you into the void or something Wow didn't think I'd hear the phrase huge dimensional rectum today but here we are anywho back in 1992 alone in the dark was already pulling this door trick alone in the dark was the first ever 3d survival horror game and in it you set out to investigate the death of one Jeremy heartwood only to find a house so malevolently haunted that even the show ghost hunters wouldn't want to film an episode there as he begin the game searching the attic for clues stuff immediately starts to go down or more accurately comes up through a trapdoor looking to murder you suddenly you find yourself scrabbling for weapons to save yourself and high-kicking zombies into thunderous clouds of dust understandably your first thought would probably be how do I get out of this nightmare bit of real estate then you decide to get to the front door as fast as you can which isn't very fast because you have to fight demon dog things avoid demonic paths jellyfish and kill purple hell creatures with mirrors [Music] but when you finally reach the front door your only reward is more Horrors as the aforementioned mega sphincter comes to ruin your day let's not think too hard about where that ends up this man does not love men [Music] are marked you cannot cross the ghost fence wearing that it might have been kinder to leave you on the cross conan x isles is a brutal survival sim that begins with you getting crucified and only gets tougher from there once freed from the cross it's up to you to make your way in the decidedly unfriendly exiled lands which to begin with means scraping together whatever tools and food you can muster from the rocks sticks and bits of foliage that surround you oh and eating an awful lot of bugs mmm refreshing we're not chowing down on insects your first hours will be spent doing fun activities such as spotting structures made by more experienced players and hoping to god they're not at home or using your homemade axe to fatally bludgeon the nearby wildlife and if you're feeling perky perhaps a fellow human or two after all you'll need their stuff if you're going to eventually craft up some superior weapons and better clothing criminal though it may be to hide abs this glorious away in what looks like a potato sack that got left out in the Sun good news though there is one garment you start the game with that is fancy enough to match your glistening pectorals and that's a bejeweled bracelet bad news this magical ornament is actually a lethal in universe explanation for why you can't break free of the map as commenter I'm only here to leave comments recalls I'm surprised nobody's mentioned Conan excells yet the ghost wall on the maps border is actually part of the game setting that ghost wall is a translucent green barrier that surrounds the exiled lands and you'll find it should you decide that there must be a better world out there than the one way you eat fistfuls of bugs to survive and strike out for the very limits of the map [Music] you may not know why you've got that mystical bauble around your wrist but try to get past this barrier and you'll certainly find out what it's for [Music] seems like developer fun calm delved further into the Arnold Schwarzenegger back catalogue from Conan to the running man and bordered the exiled lands not with a mountain range or invisible wall but with an item that kills you if you try to leave actually removing the bracelet so your character can get free is the endpoint of Conan xl's something that will take many many hours of questing although we're not sure why he looks like the option to take it off straight away is right there in the pause menu ah my head pops off well that's gonna make the rest of the game harder did you see the size of the fight that lucky shot took out of the fisherman's boat we best stay wide clear of them I don't think we can tackle a creature that get nasty any marine biologist will tell you that sharks are horrible and can absolutely do one and they will use those exact words few creatures inspire such a sense of helplessness and dread and it was presumably these emotions that developer Naughty Dog hope to bring to its colorful platform game when it programmed the lurker shark in jak and daxter the lurker shark does exactly what you'd expect of a shark on a list about games that stop you escaping it stops you escaping the game and it does this by eating you but what's memorable about the lurker shark isn't what it does but the sound that accompanies it as Diogo Perez clearly remembers the lurker shot from jak and daxter that sound still haunts me to this day swim too far from the center of the game in jak and daxter and you'll hear the game's chill peppy soundtrack replaced by an anxious heartbeat your audio cue turn around ASAP because things are gonna go bad the nerve jangling sound of the lurker sharks approach is burned permanently into the brains of anyone who tried to break free of jak and daxters hub worlds so if you're now watching this video and hearing it for the first time in years we can only apologize although while we're facing old videogame horrors how about an experiment to see what happens if we also add in the music that plays when Sonic the Hedgehog drowns oh my heart explodes good dater in The Saboteur you play sean devlin a mechanic and racecar driver who finds himself swept up in the French Resistance during World War two help me Irishmen now don't just on the alarm this open-world game takes place in a black and white version of Paris that you gradually transform into glorious Technicolor as the story unfolds like The Wizard of Oz only instead of opening the door into munchkin land you're blowing up Nazi infrastructure and instead of a tin man there's a tin ear for accents I better do start by clamming that building was your under roof keep your head down and wait until the truck explodes yeesh as The Saboteur of the title your job is to who knit round Paris working to liberate the city from the occupying Nazis or at least to do enough good to make up for all the innocent per se ends you'll end up piling into on your way sorry these old cars handle a bit funny turns out along the way you might understandably wonder what would happen if you put pedal to the metal and try to drive clear out of Paris and the answer is something pretty unusual as common to nos for our two 7:55 notes The Saboteur go too far outside the bounds walk straight into a full-fledged World War two battle should you make it past the Nazi patrols that keep Paris locked down you'll eventually hit the city limits keep heading outwards and you'll find the edge of a battlefield complete with barricades and barbed wire still seems pretty quiet yikes yes turns out there's a motion sensor on this limit of the map that summons an entire squadron of Luftwaffe who'll strafe you silly the quiet Paris countryside is turned in approximately one second into a firestorm of bullets and explosions if you're bold you can keep Shawn alive and try to press further into the war zone but predictably not for long savage but a pretty interesting way to punish players straying out of bounds the only downside is that this full blown land war doesn't quite border the whole playable area try and escape past a bit of the map near a river and you'll find nothing more exciting than a classic invisible ball boo which is annoying yes but that's no reason to take it out on the locals dad laughs I won't even break a sweat we're gonna have to blow up a lot more fuel depots to make up for this so those with some more genius ways that game stopped you from escaping them your suggestions can you think of any more suggestions pop them down in the comments below and give this video a thumbs up if you liked it maybe click that my fun great and why not 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Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 2,218,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, 7 things, funny, list, video games
Id: C3AoT-KJqrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 30sec (1110 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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