7 Games That Think Deleting Your Save is Hilarious

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nothing is more precious than your save game which is why we have them backed up on cloud storage duplicated on hard drives and while we'll never throw away that gamecube memory card just in case we ever need to play wave race again after all your save is the record of all your progress in a game digital proof of the effort and hours you've invested so we think it's pretty outrageous that there are some games that think it's funny yes funny to make jokes about actually deleting your save and would you believe some even actually do it i know it's disgusting fix your forehead in a disapproving frown as we show you these games that think deleting your save is hilarious but we're mild spoilers and serious frowning for the following [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] eternal darkness released on the gamecube in 2002 is a game with a lot of good ideas for instance it has a sprawling plot that tells a story set across 2000 years featuring a huge roster of playable characters and has undead enemies who if you cut their heads off keep attacking the spot where they last saw you okay that makes a weird amount of sense but eternal darkness's most famous good idea was its use of what the game calls sanity effects these effects were activated by a drop in your character's mental well-being represented by a green bar on screen that understandably took a hit any time your character encountered one of the many eldritch unknowable ancient horrors in the game when the meter gets low things get weird sometimes the effect of a depleted meter would be subtle for instance the camera getting all shaky and a notable increase in spooky ambient noise [Music] and sometimes less subtle like a fake out windows os crash a scenario terrifying even to elia a court dancer exploring a trap-filled temple in 1150 a.d similarly disconcerting sometimes your head would pop off and when you picked it up you'd get a passage from hamlet to be or not to me that is the question whether it is and arrows of outrageous fortune or to take arms against the sea of troubles and by opposing them to die to sleep grim do you know any midsummer night's dream i like the bit where a man is a donkey the so-called sanity effects were outrageously entertaining occasionally fourth wall breaking and ironically lightened the tone of an otherwise oppressively creepy game in other words all good fun but someone always has to take the joke too far don't they you had best leave young fool or you will find yourself as food for the dead god we're talking of course about a sanity effect that pranks the player into thinking they've accidentally deleted all their save games save your game with a depleted meter and you might be unlucky enough to see this screen that asks for confirmation that you want to delete every single one of your saves warning all your progress in the game so far will be lost no matter what you press in response you'll get a progress bar that shows all your data being erased at a speed scientifically calculated to induce maximum panic no no no no no no no no no oh it's a prank isn't it you owe me one gamecube controller eternal darkness and a tv [Music] banjo-kazooie not only has two protagonists but also threatens to delete your save in two ways the first comes when you bump into your pal bottles right at the start of the game you can decline his tutorials when he offers them but if you change your mind and go back to him he gets very snippy keep asking him and he gets mad and if you pester him enough he finally snaps and vows to delete your save [Music] banjo saving the day there he should become a spy he knows how to deal with moles the second threat to your precious progress is gruntilda the witch see to get through her letter and save banjo's sister tutti you have to make it past special doors that are locked by musical notes [Laughter] one way to get the notes you need to open these doors is to play the game properly and the other way is to cheat once you get to treasure trove cove and make your way into this sandcastle you can use the great big letters on the floor to enter a bunch of cheat codes including cheats for opening note doors type in one sheet for example cheat note door 3 get in for free and yes the third note door will open but also bottles pops up to warn you that you cannot save your game if you use cheats like these but no one is talking about deleting any saved data so why not try one more cheat such as cheat take a tour through note door four grand tilde herself appears to warn you that any more and boom your actual save game will be deleted [Music] call gruntilda's bluff though and use a third note door cheat for instance painstakingly typing out cheat use this cheat note door 5 is beat and bottles warns you that no for real your game will be erased if you use this code [Music] sure bottles you said that last time and nothing happened i'm gonna say yes [Laughter] yup the game was not lying astonishingly it really does erase your save at least on the n64 and xbox 360 arcade versions fortunately for those playing via rare replay on xbox one their saves are spared ah the great leap into modern gaming now can you also change the part where entering all those cheat codes meant i had to do kazooie's beakbuster move 98 times my thumbs are killing me and kazooie's beak busted [Music] animal crossing is a game you play to relax assuming you find it relaxing to have a furious mole wave of pickaxe at you and call you a thumb-sucking twerp to your face [Music] [Music] meet mr rossetti probably the only character in the first animal crossing on the gamecube who openly despises you as opposed to despising you in secrets like tom nook does and we've never claimed to have read all the dialogue in this chill house moving sim in which you decorate plant flowers and get to know your neighbours but we'd wager assetti is the only town resident who will actually call you an idiot mr rossetti pops his snout out of the ground to read you the riot act whenever you commit what is in his mind a cardinal sin namely resetting the game without saving first which you could do in the first animal crossing by pressing the chunky reset button on the gamecube this was back when it was common to have a reset button on consoles instead of like today or you just have one button that never quite turns the thing on and never quite turns it off either in days of yore you might hit the reset button for all sorts of reasons for instance if the game froze if you made a mistake and wanted to kill the game without saving or if you just got stuck in a conversation with billy the world's most boring goat but resetting isn't how animal crossing wants to be played instead it prefers you to manually save at your house before quitting to ensure progress is logged as such if a player resets the next time they fire up the game rossetti is there to tell you politely but firmly not to reset your game [Music] that's the first time after that well [Music] the subsequent resets see rossetti deliver increasingly furious bollockings these are probably supposed to instill a sense of rigor and discipline about saving your game properly but nintendo unfortunately made them too hilarious and so sending rossetti off the deep end becomes a whole game in itself [Music] continue to abuse the reset button and resetti will by turns rage then become eerily calm waxing philosophical about reset culture and confessing that showing up to tell you off is ruining his health [Music] then at some point he's gone and his brother shows up instead to apologize [Music] sometimes rossetti won't let you end the conversation with him until you type out a wordperfect confession which again is fine because winding him up is about a million times more fun than whatever else there is to do in the game [Music] keep this up however and rossetti takes the joke too far because after a while he'll start to make threats about resetting the game himself using his influence as the master of resetting to delete all your progress is rossetti merely bluffing well reset enough times and you'll find out oh my god he really did it my furniture my inventory i had so many bugs i hadn't handed in [Music] oh thank oh yes thank heavens rossetti is just joking about erasing all your progress which frankly tells you everything you need to know about this malicious mole and his warped sense of humor there are some things you don't joke about rossetti and this is one of them always have to take it that little bit too far don't you resetti no wonder your brother hates you i take that back uh please don't delete anything it's i'm sure he likes you in his own way it's f it's family it's not my business [Applause] all of her suffering will have been for nothing it's just a matter of time how do you get ahead in life well we have no idea but we do know where you can get ahead in the afterlife hellblade senua's sacrifice sees titular character senua making her way through the norse underworld with her dead boyfriend's head in a bag in the hopes of reviving him it being the norse underworld her journey isn't made easy especially thanks to the taunting voices senua hears as she walks around and the horrible stag-headed monsters all trying to murder her [Applause] yeah having sword fights with nightmare fuel will slow you down somewhat however at one point in the game after one of these creatures kills her it's revealed that they might not just slow her down but end her journey together a rock grows up senua's arm before consuming her entirely and let's just say it doesn't look like a pleasant way to go fortunately this is just a vision unfortunately this vision serves as a warning to players that every time senua dies the rock that has started growing on her arm will spread a bit further and should the rot reach her head senua's quest will be over and quote all progress will be lost cool no pressure then cue you the player fretting massively while playing through that every death brings you closer to a perilous and permanent deletion of all your progress in the game so far for god's sake hellblade we can't do that bit with the naked bridge giant again okay however as people played the game they discovered that there really was no pressure indeed you could die over and over and over and it wouldn't matter yes the rot would grow but it wouldn't actually take over completely you didn't lose your save if you died too many times this message was but a clever ruse see it never says your save will be erased if the rock reaches senua's head just that her quest is over this menacing message therefore actually foreshadows the ending of the game in which the rot does reach senua's head but is also the point where she willingly abandons her unhealthy quest to resurrect her dead boyfriend thus her quest is over without any threat to your save data even in darkness the wonder and the beauty of this world never leaves us it is always there in interviews the developers said they made the wording of the threat ambiguous so players would have a small taste of the fears and anxieties that senua herself was dealing with which worked like a charm now if you don't mind me i'm just going to sit here and do some breathing exercises [Music] the term pirates has been used to describe many wicked people over history but surely none of them were so evil as the sinister fiends who played illegal copies of the video game earthbound i mean what else are we to assume bearing in mind that earthbound developers ape inc and hal labs programmed in a practical joke aimed at anyone playing a pirated copy of the game that is so cruel it may be cause for an update to the geneva convention [Music] this quirky snares rpg was released in japan and north america in the mid-90s but nowhere else until 2013 which meant the only way to play it outside those regions for a long time was through illicit means to clamp down on this the game had several layers of copy protection built in to ruin the fun of anyone playing the game on a pirated cartridge [Music] the game would show you scary messages like this one and even filled the game with increased numbers of enemies which is a serious problem in a game where you have to fight enemies that are either distractingly weird or downright creepy [Music] but the cruelest trick is saved for last completing earthbound means bringing your team of heroes through the grey and moody gauntlet that is the cave of the past with everyone dressed as robots for reasons not worth getting into here [Music] make it through the cave and the creepy extremely powerful enemies ambushing you at every turn and you'll eventually make it to the flesh-like walkway that signals an upcoming climactic final boss showdown with cosmic horror guy gas and guy gus's right-hand man your long-time rival poki [Music] battle pokey and guy gas for long enough and eventually you'll enter the battle's final phase where gigas terrifying true form is revealed of hours of adventuring all leading to this epic confrontation let's freaking go [Music] uh that's not good no it's not good see a pirated copy of earthbound had one final line of defense against anyone trying to have fun playing it right at the cusp of the very final battle the game would freeze show some graphical weirdness and stop functioning [Music] at this point your only option is to reset the game and find to your horror the punch line to the earthbound anti-piracy joke all of your save games have been deleted an especially cruel blow to the player who made it almost almost all the way through the pirated game only to have the rug pulled from under them at the last moment harsh but you have to remember it was the only way to stop earthbound piracy battle not waiting 19 years to release the game worldwide i guess we'll never know it's very possible that you've never played or heard of gun star heroes for the sega genesis it's also possible that you've never heard of the sega genesis it was kind of a black box with a sonic in it gun star heroes though was an acclaimed run-and-gun shooter that was lauded in its time for its frantic run and gun action beautiful graphics and screen-filling boss battles [Music] it also never ever joked about erasing your save game because guess what saving your game didn't really exist back then and we had all the faith in the world that even if game saving did exist developer treasure would never joke about erasing those saves they were good times good times super heroes on the other hand is the 2005 follow-up released on the nintendo game boy advance handheld which is a small purple box with a mario in it gunstar superheroes was a game made solely to shatter our faith in treasures good judgment regarding save game deletion jokes because this game features you guessed it a save game deletion joke as if the erasing of a precious save file is anything to laugh about the gag in question comes a little way into the japanese version of the game as part of a group of stages that are lightly casino-themed in that you roll dice to see which stage you'll be sent to next for instance a stage in which you fight a giant teddy bear by jumping out the road before it gets run over hey we did say lightly casino themed one of the stages that ideally you will never see is an encounter against an enemy called file crusher if the dice roll doesn't go your way you'll be teleported to this ominous stage but not before the game shows you a huge warning sign on your way in that failure to perform here will result in your save game getting erased the screen offers one way to avoid the encounter and that's to reset the game boy advance yourself by pressing select star a and b proceed however and you're thrust into a stage where you must tunnel furiously down avoiding and we can't quite believe we're saying this your own safe game in tombstone form this level is very tough to survive and is made endlessly tougher by huge damage dealing i guess arms attached to the save file and by the huge amounts of adrenaline pumping through your body having just been told that if you screw up here that's it for all your progress in the game so far and if you do actually die here the game simply takes you back to the level select screen with no harm done hooray it was just a horrible joke thanks for not actually deleting the save file treasure or maybe don't thank treasure because in a gunstar superhero's retrospective in games mag retro gamer studio founder masato mayagawa reminisces about things cut from the game including a file crusher that deleted your save according to this snippet mayagawa really regretted that feature not being present but it had to come out because it was quote against game production standards which maybe means nintendo by then had a rule about games not actually deleting player data on purpose a rule presumably referred to internally as the banjo-kazooie protocol like i said you can't run from me now when i've got the great sacred treasure you mean you can't keep up with me on your own we're suckers for a charismatic villain and they don't get much more charismatic than hades the main villain and final boss of kid icarus uprising add a pinch of leverage to a ton of souls put them in a blender and hit frappe a flame-wreathed would-be world ender who is nevertheless very charming i mean sure he wants to break out of hell and dominate humankind but you get the impression he might take you to venice first i mean deal always wanted to see venice hades is not a verse to a little joke heck this mischievous machiavelli is first introduced to you the player by smashing up what you thought were the end credits of the game having defeated who you thought was the final boss medusa sorry to keep you waiting but now that i'm here let's get this party started welcome to my underworld pretty fast hades has several weaknesses though one his voice is if anything distractingly silky it makes it hard to pay attention and two getting shot with a massive laser that's exactly what you do at the end of kid icarus uprising having acquired the great sacred treasure needed to defeat hades and brought to a satisfying end your long struggle against the forces of evil a struggle you'd probably quite like to keep a record of and yet that record is exactly what hades threatens to demolish when he shows up after the end credits as a disembodied voice for those patients or bored enough to hang around on the end screen for a few minutes well i must say i am impressed such a teeny little angel defeating such a big bad god of the underworld why pity that must make you the most powerful nintendo character of all time that would be kirby but do continue or rather don't continue hades because the rambling defeated god of the underworld has one trick left up his sleeve it seems i'm not going to tear up the credits again the game really is over which is why i'm here to delete your save data one two three gone no i'm just messing with you buddy settle down your saves are they're safe damn it hades you had us going there for a second no more jokes about saves please but if you wanted to keep talking dude go ahead i mean as we say you do have a very nice voice oh well i'll figure something out i have what 25 years until the next sequel 25 years we'll wait for you hades thanks for playing hades out so those are some games that gave us the terrifying prospect of maybe losing all of our progress please don't do that it was so hard doing all of that stuff and i don't lose it please i'm nothing else to show in my life let me keep my same data but can you think of any others let us know in the comments any others give us a thumbs up if you enjoyed the video and if you want to see more uh existential crises from us uh you can watch many more of our lists and subscribe here so do check those out bye
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 463,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra
Id: ZgfaWhb3bjw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 50sec (1550 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 02 2021
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