ELDEN RING PS5 LIVESTREAM: Network Test Version Live - Praise the Servers! FOUR EARLY BOSSES

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello everyone hello mikey hey just pushed a glass off my table that's a great start good good indication you're okay good sign i'm fine the glass is your equipment okay i don't know should it be smoking no i think it's fine hello everyone and welcome we're playing elden ring or at least we hope we are uh the network test for the game starts in three minutes and is open for three hours so as long as the servers survive and to be fair it's a network test we can't even be mad if they collapse yeah yeah as long as that holds up as long as my home internet holds up and i just got an email before we started from my isp saying that there are dropouts in my area so that's also great cool cool and good cool and good cool cool hip and groovy hip and groovy meanwhile liquid pools around my ankles but yeah hope uh hope you are all doing well um mike you've played the most you well you you're the one who's playing the ring so far all what can we look forward to well it's a lot like dark souls um but there are a few key differences um that we'll discover along the way um but there's a lot in this network test um certainly a lot more than you'll be able to see in three hours uh so there are multiple sessions across the weekend but we will do as much as we can in the three hours uh but the gist of it is it's the large starting area of the game yeah which is a reasonably big open area but not the biggest open area in the game as i understand it oh i think i think it might be working hooray [Music] yeah get in there get in there quick um and it it finishes with a big old boss called margaret the fell omen and he is let me tell you a colossal jerk oh character selection yeah so this is enchanted knight profit these are the presets for the uh closed network test but in the full game you'll have that classic dark souls character yeah right which well show status oh yeah here we go all right now okay now we're talking highest strength is probably bloody bloody wolf yeah so bloody wolf's kind of a lay focus kind of classic dark souls style malay build i mean i hate to be basic but that's what i if that's what you play as that's what you can play the enchanted knight is a good alternative option i think with for a bit of magic um but main you know but underlayability too late too late i'm in now bloody wolf as i said as i said in the video that i put out on outside exports yesterday why would you choose any class other than bloody well it's called bloody wolf quite oh [Music] all right here we go we're testing just testing it just testing so it was a test and you only found you failed um so margaret the fellowman is a sort of you know gatekeeper progression block kind of boss and then there's a bit of castle you can explore after that called stormville castle which is kind of cool and very it feels the most dark soulsy of the entire thing to be honest oh bloody hell you're in it you're in it you're in the game all right i moved the camera that's it like spike lights gameplay we're in the game hit that like button it does get bright are you drinking your you're drinking you yeah you've got a drink you've got drinking early doors right just to right now you've done what you've done here is fallen into the cave of knowledge which is the tutorial section but that's fine oh no we can do the tutorial it's short and it's okay and it might help you oh hang on i'm getting some frame rate issues yes lag that is i can tell you that is in the game not in my internet i'm not in yeah wow it's really oh i mean this is a test they're throwing everything at it see how it all goes so you just go to the site of grace which is a bonfire oh basically title screen there we go and there you go that was it that's ring test success oh well that's all right back in yeah continue um do you like how i immediately rolled off a cliff yeah well that's it's fine you're allowed to you're allowed to and it was dark to be fair yeah i'm gonna see how uh our friends at your game are getting on as well oh yeah they're streaming co-op they are awesome yeah so i spent a lot of time um chatting to ether uh oh they're in the game they're already fighting something it looks like what the heck what unbelievable they're already yeah they're loving it i mean do you tell me this mike i know it's fine i think no i don't know everyone's gonna go watch actually have both i think i think they're watching a uh a compilation of footage that's fine but they are in the game they've probably done something clever where they set up some sort of entertaining content for for a while you can't look at things well mike you're the entertaining content so i am yeah all you have to think is the thing with mike all you have to do is say go and he can fill as much time he can fill up to three hours yeah with eldon ring chat without chat and here he goes so uh that cave knowledge is your your sort of tutorial section a lot of it is stuff you will know you know from our source combat things like that and there is a little a little mini boss he's not even really a boss all right he's just a kind of a guy with a slightly bigger health bar um but he exists um in the cave knowledge thing technically boss i guess you could call him but again as i said uh oh so here we go we're in again all right um i really what i really want to do is um oh hello hello mate i'm gonna give him a little stab say oh lovely lovely backstab luke you played a fair bit of sakiro so you're uh you'll be quite good at stealth presumably because no wrong stealth is on the left stick if you click that in you do a little crouch jumping it's quite useful to get that first enemy jumping in and from yeah right what do you got then a shield well laughable well well well look at my epoxy tiny shield yeah that's rubbish you can get your better one do you want to get a better shield how do i two hand uh you have to press y and rb and lb at the same time yeah it's not just using what trying to say it again triangle and then the two sorry triangle in the it's not oh my god rather than just triangle the state of that yeah just want to see if i can yeah good stuff yeah nicely done smash through his poise all right who's next you what's your gimmick um yeah so it's teaching you how to lock on um oh it's an archer thought it was a night yeah nice try mate you made a fool you'll notice on the left uh it says parry right uh yeah oh yeah that's that's because your your shield's skill is parry right oh okay basic the basics oh yeah there we go um for a shield but uh you can get shields that have different skills built in and you can actually modify them as well by these things called ashes of war but that's quite cool because it means if you're rubbish at parrying you can just sack off parody and get a shield with a different skill instead lovely you're nearly at the end now i've got one flask of crimson tears left right crouching are your estus oh crouching catching crouch and grudging crouching crouching crowd watch just have it yet go okay stealth thing so you don't get a red dot like sakiro but oh is this no look i'm here you can crouch for foliage yeah near back turned enemy all right yeah look at this poor chump it's a backstab like darren stance breaking oh cool uh charge attack r2 okay yeah well let's do uh let's do a jump attack a power attack thing good okay well let's just let's try it while jumping up bonk oh yeah oh my god and then so so once the stance is broken they're there they're visceral visceral-able yeah a bubble okay so like little sort of like dracula or no if just if you're in the area if you're near one and you die you can respawn at it so even if there isn't a site of grace near like for example a boss fight yeah you're about to go into um you know you can still you can choose to respond there or at your last sight of grace all right you can just speed up you can speed up those boss runs basically you can attack immediately after blocking an enemy attack all right which is a bit like sakiro right oh wow oh my god it's all right this guy is quite weak that's um redonkulous yeah like spike first it wasn't easy yeah it wasn't easy i had to dig deep yeah i tell you what i'm glad i'm doing 320 souls for that which is a peddling amount for something with a health bar but that's souls mic runes they're basically songs you know how it goes right let's get out of here let's get out of this stupid tutorial tunnel and yeah good luck let me appreciate darren samuels in the uh chat it was very confused so what did i do you know what you did darren you know what you did darren knows how's the stream looking and sounding is it broadly okay um it's not my internet is being slow my download's being slow my upload's fine but my download's being slow so is it is it chocolate people saying it's okay in the chat everything seems to be fine good good long may it continue yeah you teach those pots yeah um all right so let's get up that list um welcome eleanor you're watching luke playing um and lovely mike is guiding us through yeah because mike has played the bunch nine hours over the weekend nine hours very tiring i'll tell you what here's what i'd say your network for your network tests network's okay at the moment he's all right it seems all right isn't it you're going to go back down the lift no no i'm just i'm just popping it down so that next time i uh right all right here you go for the dramatic reveal hey ah lovely that is that big glowing tree a big lovely tree that is just good tell you what it's quite nice not just basically not having to play this game on stream i'm i'm i'm bad i'm bad at these games but i'm not quite as bad as i appear when i'm trying to talk and play them at the same time so i'm glad that all i have to do at the moment is talk yeah i mean what's up that eagle that's what you're gonna do is that really what you're gonna do damn it got away from wildlife that's just wildlife i took down the first boss what's it what's it got pillaged that corpse while tearing the feathers out flight patch flight pinion was on the island mike is that where i should be going or should i just wander freely well you could head uh sort of towards the castle so if you look up yeah yeah a big castle oh yeah oh yeah yeah on the end there and then you see there's a bit of a ruin to the right of it uh that kind of like looks like a kind of car yeah ruined monasteries sort of thing yeah to the right of your screen right now you see those arches oh yeah yeah yeah where those trees are so there's a sight of grace over there in order to get your horse you have to hit three side sights of grace i believe it is so damn why are you trying to kill the goats the goat evaded me oh it's wrong brilliant brilliant and you punished it it paid with its life being animal bone oh hello right this guy found another ghost he's uh he's a real bastard he's about to get messed up he's certainly not hold on i hope you're good at parrying uh why do you ask oh my goodness bloody hell yeah all right okay god luke gone luke you might be able to do this it's looking good so far you haven't been hit yet oh oh now you have and it's taking half your health and it's anybody got one class that was your life that's it that was my last healing item where the where's the grenade launcher yeah right i wanna know come on come on mate all right come on have a tickle you come on you big you're big and angry you big i'm oh i'm rolling way too much come on oh that was like connected that's right across the face all right i admire it i admire your platform i just got the measure of him as well all right let's get some sights of grace because i feel like this is a fight i could be doing on horseback yes yeah you could yeah you could it'd probably be easier as well there's a big dragon in this in this closed network test and as i understand it uh it's easier to fight that dragon on horseback as well i'm saying so see look isn't it good i sent the uh elevator down it is good it would have been better if you just go to another quest but you know yeah it was right there and you know i mean eurogamer are already at that monastery and have just activated the sight of grace what oh man it's not a race but in a very real way but they're they're winning get as much done in the three hours as possible multiplayer oh look here's a there's a side grace go on reach out and touch grace just rest to that yeah because you might as well uh pass time is that like rest i guess now you've rested if it's a bit dark you can you know hello oh this is uh so andy and i were playing this and um this guy basically just rags on you for not having a girlfriend [Laughter] sorry sorry he's not got really got anything important to say he's just he's just letting me know that i've got to become not maidenless okay uh you could go and grab your runes if you want uh but i would avoid going that that jerk are they are they is that what's on the map that's that thing that was marked yeah so there's a map in this game and the compass they're really spoiling you i feel i would uh yeah uh there's a crafting system but i didn't really bother because i find crafting systems really boring he's looking at me who what just go about your business mate all right here we go yeah this is this is the church of l.a um so yeah rest at this travel santa santa what secrets have you got secret santa has santa has uh the so he has uh he sells things obviously and one of the things he sells is summons so you can now uh not like a court summons but like uh a sort of you cannot you have these like portable summons like npc summons oh yeah you can take with you into a boss fight see those little ghostly characters at the top there one of them's like a sorcerer who looks kind of old and rubbish and then the other one is some wolves don't buy the telescope it's rubbish but there you go three lone wolf spirits are they consumable or can you use them over and over again use them over and over again but once during a fight and only one of them during a fight and also not during multiplayer you can't have like a summoned player and also summoned wolves i just like the fact that it says three lone wolf spirits which they're not they're not alone there are three of them yeah oh okay consumes all right well that's pretty i mean that's pretty cheap for something i get to use over and over yep on a cookbook they draw aggro the problem is that they tend to attack at the same time so if a boss does a big sweeping attack yeah you can basically just take all of them out at once but there's there's an even better one there's one i like even better okay which again if you watched my excellent feature on outside xbox yesterday you'd know about it you'd know about it yeah hang on if i can uh i'm gonna say i'm gonna save some runes um for that sure because i feel like i should be saving up for some more summons and maybe the bow okay um but so how do i equip let's equip it go to your equipment and just pop the pop your wolves in your quick item things you can also decide i could oh i could okay so i can immediately have more healing my sacrifice if you want more healing you can sacrifice one of your cerulean tear uh flasks but you might want to at this stage i don't i don't think you need it's already done mike yeah i don't know i don't think you have anything at the moment you need to use focus points for other than the wolves so you might as well just yeah well that's why i'm thinking where are the wolves wait did you just unequip your serene i only equipped the unequipped the fp one all right well because it's got no charges says yeah but it will soon and you might forget oh yeah okay so this is a smithing stone so you can uh reinforce your weapons in that very dark souls way make your sword plus one or plus two or whatever but spitting stones are quite thin on the ground yeah i'm okay well well if we find another one yep we can come back um uh all right i'm going to re-equip my uh flask of cerulean tears just in case you forget yeah uh right what do you fancy doing do you fancy uh cheeky little cat games and a cheeky little yellow cat boss that sounds great cheeky cat games cheeky cheeky cat boss is this my horse no you don't have your horse yet is it possible to have this horse if only it looks like miserable horse doesn't it it looks well undernourished this horse is the is the is this true what's that santa maybe that's like this is rudolph yeah yeah i always imagined rudolph to be more majestic in real life yeah he's a little bit well there you go lesson nourished and head north and there's some catacombs up up here to the left look okay uh so all right so head north yes north ish actually yeah more north north west ish towards the castle basically i think it's okay corner um so quick hello to emma byrne who's playing lots of animal crossing because of us cool nick jeffrey says hope the servers serve you well what the heck is that it's a big egg it's just a large egg but it's got like this yeah it releases horrible spores it's simply a large egg well it gave me absolutely nothing for uh yeah yeah i think this game in general is like 14 14. stingy with it's its runes and things but oh yeah but i've got a crafting i've got a crafting of white flesh the blood rose that's cool all right cool right you're sort of heading up towards the castle i think basically oh mosquitoes all right swampy area bound to get them aren't you yeah um yeah if you head up there to the sort of leftish and then up and like this kind of this sort of direction through there past them poppidy hop hoppity hop pop oh oh okay see those guys with torches they're sort of the route towards this there's like a little catacomb straight ahead of you should i summon my wolves uh i don't know if you can some of them at this point oh why not for for reasons yeah for reasons i'm still sneaky stabby gone luke you could just leave him i mean oh yeah they are they do actually now you mentioned it mike they do seem pretty they're just doing their job yeah but would i be doing my job if i didn't do this over and over okay well you might as well i mean you can't leave that guy over there just to to deal with all the bodies so no i'll spare him that whoa whoa whoa what what was that it's somewhat oh vanquishing enemy groups yeah so if you kill an entire group of enemies out in the open world you will that's like a possum it's a bouncy it's an australian it's an australian bounce mammal well it's a dead australian bounce mammal now it looks so bad worth the six runes that you just extricated from this looks so sad all right um yeah so so i can't get i can't get up this because it's not like i hope you know that like we've got more australians watching right now because because it's the timing is good down to the down to the right i think there's a category left left there's a little yeah like little ridge down there i think that goes down to it so down this way where that guy with the torch was walking left oh right oh sorry sorry sorry yeah so he was heading down there i think there's a drop down brilliant area yeah just behind that rock i think very satisfying to harvest harvest stuff as you walk past yeah uh right now oh there you go secret door oh brilliant um thanks mike no worries so uh yeah in order to encourage you to like properly explore the open world like if you kill groups of enemies you get your get your flask back so it stops you having to stop at all these sights of grace all the time brilliant uh rest that one see if you get your horse i don't know this feels like oh maybe not yeah no horse no horse yet it feels like what frame rate just chugged had a moment good point we just yeah enemy ahead yeah so there's a couple of nasty little gargoyles up here i will be wearing a nasty little gargoyle [Music] well there was a seat on its own in the middle of a room i was like something's going on there oh they're quick yeah they are yeah they're real little jerks oh oh my quick they've got oh you know it's heartening to see you get absolutely murked by these things absolutely mike i've completely got the measure of them sure you're dancing rings around him oh god all right there we go all right we did little throwy swords yeah you think you're all that okay well done well done you survived and it only took two flasks that's good yeah um so i'll tell you what now i've got that item just have a quick replenish and then i just won't bother them again yeah just leave that room so one of the things i will say about elton ring is that the dungeons tend to be smaller these little dungeons that you find around the world tend to be quite small okay like compared to sort of a dark you know a vast twisted dark souls dungeon um so so your cat boss is behind that door okay uh activate that little so that's your little uh multiplayer thing so this is an area where my multiplayer summon signs can appear right right um but you have to use a special item in order to see them so rather than like i think it may be a bit more like the sort of dark souls 3 embers system uh than kind of a humanity thing like the original dark souls but yeah if you go into your do you have them maybe you don't i'm just going to take off some stuff that's fine just want to know how much i have to take off to get me down to light load oh a lot okay okay so you can't go through that door yet you have to fight a few more of those horrible little gargoyles first okay so maybe you put your trousers onto that it's a trousers you're saying it's you're saying it this is trousers it's a trousers on situation even just popping the trousers on puts me on medium load oh i know it's casual friday it's good looking oh good looking fella yeah oh my goodness it's sir it's timothy what i was gonna say is um adam adam driver oh okay it's uh star wars it's that bit worried oh right yeah we're all projecting our favorite fancy man onto it so um i like that the hair is comes off with the helmet it's lucky yeah right watch out because there's more of those goblin things goggles up on the up on the i wonder if i don't have enough uh fp to be using the uh you're not you're not burning fp at the moment i don't know but like to use the wolves even that's enough that's definitely enough fp it's just they're they only work in certain scenarios oh okay right uh there's another gargoyle that may may or may not drop down you may or may not want to deal with he's he's like throwing something in your but you could just go through that tunnel now have you seen the uh let's just point out in the comments have you seen the um movie judge dredd the 90s yes yes there's a bit where judge joe dredd and whatever rob schneider's character are called have to run to a tunnel with a load of flames oh yeah there's that guy was on the wall sorry i should have mentioned that bad bad dark souls guide man heavy attack so slow um right so you just gotta time this perfectly that's all and turn to your to your right there's a little alcove there i see it i see it i see it [Applause] okay now it's okay is there anything i want to get like over there there's an item behind it there is i mean you could risk it if you want but you'd have a lot of right oh god messages the thing came down oh the fire thing maybe you've deactivated it yay oh flame what is it what is old flame i guess it's a spell of some sort or um is this something you put in your item thing right here are your multiplayer items by the way um [Music] all right yeah okay so get out to your quick thing so those fingers are all the different multiplayer items the one on the left that you've got like loads of is the one that allows you to see other players summon signs outside bosses and things so we can try a bit of that yeah okay at some point if you fancy please and then the other ones are about invading other people or asking for help when you're being invaded oh yeah cooperative multiplayer used to write messages attempts invasion of other players so it's nicely arranged and quite sort of straightforward basically um lures in invaders that's cool yeah and then um there you go and that's like you're you're canceling multiplayer finger slicer thing that you've got there um but let's not worry about that because we've not even met the wolves yet so i wonder what that thing i got was oh well some sort of sorcery some sort of some sort of thing of some kind or maybe it's something you can apply to a weapon i don't know but have you so you've deactivated the flame yeah i guess so i guess like by going behind it or whatever all right so i'll try and make it behind this one as well all right so i think you have to go up to the oh right here oh little early but go [Music] [Music] was that like a switch i i don't know or touch plate i don't know oh oh on the wall on the wall okay there's a guy to your right guys there's like three of them three of them oh three of the blighters right you're right as well yeah there's that they're probably just waiting for you to pick up that item yeah oh god there's four of them no one no two three four five three right four five in the darkness okay that's well well then here's the plan i'm gonna time it perfectly so i grab the item yeah and they chase me and then i barbecue them yeah sounds perfect get it now run run run run go go go i think it mostly worked that plan like unbelievably i think that was pretty much bang on yeah well i mean i've got to get that item that presumably i'll lose forever at the end of the network test or whatever yeah uh okay there's a couple there's one to your left as you come up here oh yeah see that ghost guys like be wary of left yeah i i was trying to close the message i was like i see it it's two now two for one there we go nice it's the worst buy one get one free deal ever oh yeah oh yeah well you've still got one flask and you're very near believe it or not the end of this dungeon don't get him get him yeah ah he's outwitted me they're really quick these things i was surprised by how much of a pain in the butt they were yeah it's a it's a um it's a show of intent isn't it yeah little scamps but the thing is that because it's an open world i feel like a lot of this stuff is like not necessarily balanced i mean i know in dark souls you could you could end up going the wrong way and end up in the graveyard and fighting a bunch of stuff that's just impossibly hard this is even more this is even more of an open world so i i think stuff has to be balanced like slightly differently yeah yeah slightly harder because you might only arrive at it like after you've leveled up massively you know i keep trying my heavy attacks on these these lot and it's always a bad idea you are out of flask but also nearly out of enemies so it's fine all right anyone else anymore for any more might be one more maybe not just grab the item and get out of there rejection oh yeah that's why you're made in this i guess yeah uh all right so back here if you look down to the right yeah yeah on the right hand side see that little mezzanine level yes that's where you need to go yeah just spotted gym in time to get there don't follow him off and there's a switch up here oh there's some there's another one yeah is that where is he see down the end oh there he is he's probably gonna pop up once i they start uh statues so if you like i'll tell you what i'm going to do the switch first because that's permanent progress yeah so then i'm just leaving just leave him leave it mike or fight him i guess i don't know how it may i remind you cowardice is always a valid option nice backstab oh beautiful pure footwork gorgeous right what's this heavy meteorite fragment cool very nice very nice okay good so i opened the shortcut yep it's not really the shortcut you've just opened the boss room all right so shall i hop back to the bonfire yeah if you just roll down that's the starting room that you're in um and yeah head up those stairs oh yeah have a cheeky tickle on the bonfire i mean the sight of grace wait hang on which way was it up there up there up the stairs get your get your flasks back or whatever big no other way other way yeah there you go three gargoyles in that room or two at least anyway i'm skyrim lost yeah you'll get used to it but you see what i mean that's a small dungeon yeah yeah yeah yeah that's good though i i feel like it it feels like a deliberate attempt to kind of be the size of a breath of the wild shrine right maybe okay right uh ready to fight a horrible cat yeah yeah yeah yeah i am all right so this is the cat door store okay okay there you go all right now i have faith that you'll beat this cat a lot quicker than i did particularly because you can summon your walls now once you're in here i can there it is oh yeah tinkle your little bow and get the walls in bringing the walls all right dogs versus cats who will win but it's called a watchdog yeah i know it's stupid it's got a stupid name all right hit it hit it in a big silly butt oh it's got a big sword yeah it does wow it does do quite a lot of damage to walls i'm noticing yeah and as well because these amateur wolves aren't spacing themselves out properly you got hit hard there my friend all right no worries no worries it's fine it's down to half health it's a it's gonna be a cinch you want to roll out the way of that it's big it does it three times usually one more oh all right well i took that on the shield yeah smash smash smash and there's a little sweeping one yeah oh it's all good i'm rolling the wrong direction oh come on mate it's it's so yeah nope only three of those that's all right you got it yeah you got him ah that will last one knife connected connected big as did the one what you were drinking oh all right man i missed my dogs yeah oh okay this is that's a 360 that's a 360. it's all right it's all right it's all good now you've got a taste for it now yeah well i'm definitely going to deploy the dogs later yeah that's fine some in the hounds of war um yeah it doesn't it's not like a multi-stage boss so it doesn't have like two stages that you need to go to sort of balance but um oh yeah just a big horrible cat that calls itself a dog you've got to throw out you're wearing a brown ellen what's the matter it's okay youtube was like we're not getting enough stuff at the moment but everyone in chat seems to be okay okay you're getting some f's and already dead good f's in chat thank you very much all you can carry this cat i have done it once so i'll give it i'll give it oh that's a horrible face look at his horrible horrible face unacceptable so i think those big smashes are ones you can you can carry okay the sweepy one's not so sure yeah oh sorry it's all right it's all right luke you got this you got this it's very in my head there all right parrying can wait stance breaking no thanks it's all good it's all good plus you know it's just great game play of this cat exactly that's what people want me like as soon as i kill it what they want soon as i kill it people viewers are going to be like oh was that it no more cat no more cat no more of the world's worst cat oh lovely short run to the boss what a treat that's so good isn't it hello mate i wear his tail lights up yeah it's out every time like a charmander okay here's what here's what i'm liking sweet so i'll tell you what i'm liking yeah not that not getting what i'm liking is a is a dodge roll to the left yeah and then and then after a roll ow all right well i misjudged that quite terribly oh my god cats all right i love the way it goes back to oh no it's still hunting me i thought it had like resettled into statue position afterwards done now is finally able to catch a stream hello thanks welcome oh wait i didn't get my runes that time did i do your work no oh no daisy never mind all right it's all right not the end of the world there's my these are all key learnings all key learnings right it just means to quote you talking to me don't you just feel quite free now i do i feel like isn't it freeing you feel lighter feel lighter another couple of flats as well yes that's not a helpful comment there we go all right so that we i yeah nice oh that was good though had shield up okay so coming off the roll the light attack is real quick so that's what i'm trying to sort of there you go see that sort of overhead you've got the rhythm oh that's he'll do his flying thing in a moment probably kind of weird the way he holds his sword up i know oh jumbo zaba i hope i'm saying that right hooray if you guys finally streaming at a decent time for us down under i'm really excited to play this the only other from software game i've played is shaqiro where i'm up to the final boss oh wow brilliant i mean the fine joy you're going to love this yeah the final boss is the hardest bit of sakiro unfair yeah i think i don't like it when the final boss is so hard you know you've done it so yeah final boss yeah yes nice but i'm out of healing so you've got this you've got this oh no yeah got greedy you're good oh no that's fine i know i didn't it was good to get greedy okay it's good to get sometimes when they've got that tiny little bit of health you can get you can get a big greedy what is the ash of water perfectly done wait if you like oh cool okay oh and look throw on ground to emit gravitational shock wave really cool but that looks like a single-use job yeah it does but it's a gravitational shock wave mike and presumably argue with that i'm not gonna get to keep any of this stuff no it's true so you might as well just deploy it all yeah in one go that's just a little thing that takes you back to the entrance again like if you finish the boss and you are deep in a sort of yeah dungeon you can thought thoughtful quality of life yeah okay well let's go get this let's go get put this thing on my sword yep everyone's very happy in chat luke oh yay thanks i would have taken the entire stream just to kill it lots of applause in there hell yeah uh okay go um ashes of war apophis prominence says bolt paper watch it watch it you can go right off people can't you okay yeah uh click that and yeah you can change your change your ash awards so it did have a thunderbolt uh thing yes well you sort of sort of um but if you see you see where it says thunderbolt uh and then it says step in upward cut oh you're like that's your like r2 right i think but this one is um this one's doing way more sword arch so more physical plus magic yeah they're worse scaling though i think i think just yeah they're oh affinity granted yeah oh i guess magic on it yeah okay now you you should have um some increased options in terms of like what your l2 thing is and stuff oh sorry did we go two-handed oh yeah yeah yeah there we go you can fire them at him see and he's immediately dead so anything you get some cool stuff that is very cool with your ashes of war um can i can you fire them off when you want yeah maybe i can't remember i don't think i used this one myself oh yeah cool nice your friends are dead i mean now this is just horrible isn't it i don't feel good about that right uh okay a horse okay right fine uh so if you look at your so if you follow this um oh i can't see any of it okay you see that little glowing thing is that will unlock them so go up up up oh this thing a t-junction and then glowing this thing that's where your map fragment is so you might as well go and get that and get get your map unlocked and there's also a site of grace near there okay which um which will probably get you a horse look at the waypoint you've added look at these conceptions the casuals you've added away that is visible in the uh i know it's very um can i see it like shoot yeah you will be able to i can't really see it because the thing's in the way but like no it's so so so botw isn't it yeah yeah yep eggs gonna fire you so the these ashes of war powers are using your focus power so this is the point where probably you want to when you get to your next bonfire pop a little more in your cerulean flask you know maybe just one charge of cerulean because your wolf summon and your specials are gonna be using those up so what does um what does immortan joe say about water that's how i feel about magic do not become addicted to water or you will begin to resent its absence yeah exactly that's how i feel about magic you've murdered that now you're stealing its net yeah look nothing goes to waste i mean apart from everything apart everything apart from the neck yeah let's press on there's a big there's a big stone arch in this wall to your left look at him you're just gonna stab him right in the back i assume he was a bad guy probably look he had a torch a torch that i might want um okay oh there's a cave should i go in the cave why not should i go in the cave sure why not why not i've not been in this cave so well be wary of death yeah it's ahead well done uh okay i mean there's a slight grace though you could just go and rest at the sight of grace yeah but they're gonna be a wolf's gonna pop around the corner or something such all right it's not gonna be not at the sight of grace surely not you can't do that i mean there are certain rules there's certain rules yeah hmm sit at that and see if that the lady comes with your horse horse lady oh no she's not going to maybe because you're underground maybe it has to be that allows you to see something signs are you really going to go for this boss well i mean i don't need a torch for that you need a torch for this cave and you need to buy one uh so we can come back to it i'll just poke my nose in just because there's a bonfire right there so like it's pretty low risk right if i something bad happens yeah it's just whether you can actually see the bad thing happening to you oh there he is there they are there's a couple of wolves down here i mean walls aren't a problem really these wolves are not ready for this okay that wolf was slightly ready yes what a powerful wolf big old dire direwolf like team raider these are the baby ones well it's not really doing much now good you fire your cloud of daggers at it or whatever because i'd have to hand my weapon yeah it's true twin blade that's cool thin animal bones armament oh [Music] it's got better small sticks is that what it is got a better deck scaling double-edged sword um it doesn't i mean it doesn't look so great compared to my magic my magic bastard bastard but we can have a little um oh oh my god it is a darth maul situation oh wow oh my god [Music] give me some electric power or something oh [ __ ] didn't mean to do that nearly swear okay oh there's a lonely wolf dead oh you're like javelined him yeah acquire materials cave moss it was worth it all right the slaughter was justified and glowstone and fire grease and silver fireflies by the by the score so that's where i i'm so confused yeah can anyone at home even see what's happening uh i can't really see what's happening much so is this dark if you go down there i'm definitely not gonna be able to oh look at his messages that is a boss there's a boss well do you wanna do you wanna have a crack at him yeah thinking about i'm feeling i'm feeling like i want to see it all right you know uh [Music] that's the beast man of pharah missoula hey beast man barramuzikaboo probably should have equipped my i'm going to get my good sword back he really is a beast man isn't he he really is wow really really chunky health bar yeah on this beast man oh that's a bit orphaned of course isn't it it is a bit yeah oh he defended well oh such such odd tempo oh yeah how they get you mix how they get you do your big special what are your big special wars uh oh with the um with the fire with the fire darts and stuff no i was was it i thought it was like rocks coming out the ground well i'll tell you what let's see how they're oh oh you're turning his balls against him well wolves really oh i've got i'm out looking too badly one of them's dead two of them are dead okay i've run out of everything i've run out of everything and my wolves are dead [Laughter] the luke west away story oh yeah my brothers are doing okay they're surviving longer than i thought they were and and they're getting these great great likes staggering hits yeah that's it come on luke you might actually have this because of the help of your amazing wall only if i can keep the wolves alive yeah yeah [Applause] and i got the item i wanted the most the viridian amber medallion so refreshing to be looking at this game being played capably you are far too kind mike what so what is this medallion then huh oh one i never lashes when did i get that zombie ham asks are you winning sons uh you must have picked that the ashes up somewhere i don't know welcome to jason uh look here's the bolt paper yeah yeah yeah you do not need do not want uh oh a chest ah we're keeping uh tim moss uh company uh while they eat curry and drink a beer in quarantine in hong kong so hello hello that side of the world too rich hey there slightly better timing for today you can find crystal tears at the basis of minor herd trees at sights of grace you can mix two crystal tears in the flask of wondrous physic this one's a great name wondrous physic um so apparently so many it's like a potion crafting system and apparently you can accidentally blow yourself up with it which i think is brilliant and very very from software yeah yeah oh great we can return to the entrance without having to walk through that dark cave again i got everything right i think so very good oh well done luke yeah it was good effort i mean it was the wolves mostly uh with their incredible staggering power but it was tactical it's you using tactics who was the brave the brave man who deployed you've got to find an opening to deploy the walls because it takes a while to ring the little bell and some of them yeah so i think in that opening i got hit [Laughter] maybe uh have you how much have you yeah distribute your have you got you have you've got a flask of cereal no no i would have one all right here's the combination i was running with um right memorize spell oh no flames one or whatever it was oh yeah there are there it is and then rejections the other ones oh flame um but some loving flame on your hands that sounds bad for you yeah right um should we see if i can see if that can be used somehow uh okay well it's now you'd have to have it in your oh it's up to the top isn't it yeah i need to i'd need to have a you need a staff don't you from yeah or if it's pyromancy like the other games i need an item that is like basically an on fire hand that's my hand anyway okay anyway the main thing is oh i'm two handing my shield now just and it looks like you're just holding it over where it is see if i can backstab him with my shield yes how embarrassing for that man you imagine if that's the way you went out funk funk nice now believe it or not there are certain shields in the game where two handing them is probably a really good idea like i i don't know how i did that though is the thing but it's fine i'm sure all will become apparent after i snipe this pig with magic again wait for the shot if you have a shot take it oh no i didn't mean to recast come on send it send send them at the ping i think it's are they just automatic them oh yeah maybe they're automatic when i'm in range of an enemy but of course this being a non-combative enemy it doesn't know what to make of them i'm at war with this pig game it's getting away it's making a mockery of you rebirth monuments okay it went in once it went once it started attacking yeah okay this is an enemy encampment your map fragment is on a little sort of totem thing in the middle column um oh right okay that blue thing yeah well that that blue thing is your waypoint oh oh oh it should be roughly where the map forgot i pop that down you'll spot it it's fairly straightforward the spot oh no my magic it's expiring try to get the guy in it no i'm trying to get the guy and it went through the wall oh [Music] right right bear in mind there are quite a lot of guys here and if you haven't killed the trumpet then the how do i um how do i shoot the cage to release the tiger plus would you ever want to do that in a from software game no would releasing the tiger ever be a good idea for you um so that is the trumpet is that the trumpetsman i don't see a trumpet you might be to the right trumpetsman sounds like an ombudsman yeah exactly trumpets um no i've got my shield again okay so oh okay right it's not both buttons so i hold down y and then if i tap l1 that one hands that my right hand and l1 double right okay that is going to take some muscle memory that's fine all right mate how do you like magic spears he doesn't love not much you don't love it do you you don't love it i think your trumpets one's down to the right by the way they're just walking in the middle that one okay okay uh well maybe i can like get your daggers out maybe i can snipe him sniping with magic from yeah from clear across the map hide in that bush and have you hovering daggers out and as he walks past oh that's brilliant yes just although they might expire i'm worried they'll expire no i don't know the other one didn't expire it tried to shoot his way he tried to shoot a guy through a wall yeah so when that guy comes turns around hopefully all four of your daggers will go straight into his throat mini mucho wants to see a dragon you want to see a dragon oh i'm sure i'm sure we'll see a dragon would luke get to see a dragon i can find your dragon that's not a problem come on no problem he's walking he's walking straight into the trap delicious delicious any moment now my magical blades it's gonna be quite funny we'll slice you up and all of a sudden out of the bush or slice your butt yeah yeah that could not reinvest that's for you oh that was great okay uh did i see a trumpet on him but i think it's on his like waist or something all right okay so now who have we got left uh there's a commander guy coming up on the oh yeah oh my god he's got a feathery is it is it more of a i was in a trumpet ensemble which i think is a great murder oh my god it sounds like an insult doesn't it look at this trumpet ensemble there's wolves over there right now over there that little glowing thing all right well let's try and let's try and nab that so that we've made permanent progress shall we yeah absolutely yeah is that he's good he's not that tough he's not like he's not like black knight from darth vader is tough or anything that's not oh [Laughter] [Music] this is a big canvas print please yeah lovely so this is the area looking around while you're looking at it yeah wow it's huge it's big yeah but the area beyond the castle is even bigger right well now that that's accomplished let's get going right let's get to scrapping well you can if you like i want uh oh he's seen me oh we see what he has and my magical daggers uh-oh he's seen them now he doesn't seem that bothered but this guy's not this guy's not so tough honestly if i don't think he's tough then he's clearly not look hey he's giving him the win giving him the windscreen wipers yeah mm-hmm [Music] oh wait no button meant to pull oh no all right all right they they they connected while he's while his shield wasn't up so they did more damage as well yeah yeah yes done oh he's still he's still alive now he's doing okay okay if you turn left and walk up the hill a bit there's a little oh the back of this caravan and then there's a site of grace over there you can see wait yeah the cat the caravan get oh oh sorry oh the camera get the thing carrying because you killed the guy standing in front of it so yeah i did you might as well jumping yeah just jump wow jumping worked huh the message was true what have you got armor is called cookbook don't know what it is don't know what it does but you want to have it don't you yeah probably cooks me up something tasty all right i think you're gonna get your horse now by the way your beloved horse that you love your heart i better sit down at that bonfire and meet a nice lady this feels like cutscene time yeah yes finally horse me up it's quite funny because you're a gamer in roughly the same spot as we are basically and have been you know like they did the cat boss they're at the oh i thought i was having such a such a unique free roaming experience little did i know from software was well they're definitely not going to go and try and fight the dragon straight away so we could go and find the dragon yeah let's go find the dragon see if we can beat eurogamer to the dragon don't tell you're a gamer that it's a race because i don't want to do it and they'll win and then i'll feel bad okay look at her anime haircut oh yeah gaze upon your cosplay goals [Music] you have to glue your eyes shut but fine the sacrifices we make for cosplay oh hello have you heard of the finger maidens my good day it'd be good for um the two fingers offering guidance mikey mike sorry mike i'm going to hide mike's camera [Laughter] into strength oh yeah record that last hour record that last hour yeah i won't yeah i will do once uh once she's chatting sometimes i'm horsed up until you're fully horsed up take me with you yeah all right yes yes yes yes yes yes yes talk faster then it's settled oh oh i have to do something no you don't oh she's about to give me your horse to turn runes into strength ah she's like i can level you up i because it's like like the ghosts of other players in the background just like right now you're having this like decent meaningful chat [Music] has torrent chosen me or are you just telling me tauren's chasing me with respect yeah yeah sure sure okay uh great so you want to pop that on your um on your quick item thing also level up now yeah you can uh you can level up so yeah if you've got any you must have some rooms right oh yeah we've got you've got runes out the wazoo um of course you would follow fine lovely lovely stuff lovely stuff right how did how does one horse uh so put it in your go to your equipment oh there you go oh okay yes it's an item fine that makes sense uh gosh i've got too many things equipped uh you don't need that that sort of uh furling finger things yeah worth having any quick stuff because you're never going to need to activate it quickly uh so that yeah that one is the spectral steam whistle here we go pp to me oh my god thank you the controls are actually really nice i was yeah generally awful in games i was really worried that it was going to be like you know most games where you're like now i'm going forwards and like to turn around you have to sort of do this but actually i just pull back on the left stick and the horse reverses that's so good oh my gosh look there's some drake things [Music] can the horse [Music] so you can see how this horse stands up to a dragon yeah please on four legs presumably i'll let you finish off these bats um yes i would hope so although if it smashes us to bits so you can't you can't always end up in the neck as you guess makes sense uh so if you get look at your map uh yes so yeah there we go yeah there you go so you see that like zoom back in this big lake thing yeah lake looking thing that's where the dragon tends to show up yeah that exactly that area so all right well i'm facing the right if you want to go meet the dragon yes please use these [Music] tommy there's a big drop here and there's actually a cave just below can my horse survive i don't think so damage i think it still suffers full damage but you can get a bit lower but yeah just where you below where you're standing there's a cave in there with the big stone skin troll thing oh cool okay well you just killed that bird's name i left one alive didn't i yeah and it's gonna be alone forever tell the other eagles what you saw oh yeah don't worry aladdin ellen i'm about to get my comeuppance in a fairly massive way i think yeah i was seeing these eggs and we were like um uh paul barrett in the chat was like it it's simply a large egg look how that thinking turned out for john hurt ruined his dinner didn't it yeah breakfast or whatever uh yeah there's you run around here a bit the dragon's gonna show up there's a large turtle there's big crabs as well there's dark souls street crabs another horse oh yeah oh it's a crab yeah who's look at that person on a horse oh yeah yeah he's just a regular guy okay you can you can get him if you want okay oh not sure this feels like it might be easier not on the horse but yeah i think i killed this guy not on a horse it was fine oh no he's still he's still going i'll try and hurt my horse will you your horse can die and then you have to rest at a sight of grace or sacrifice one of your flasks of cerulean tears okay oh oh hello now is he coming to attack you or eat the horse eat the horse would have been a real win uh yeah the dragon dragon's not showing up for some reason but he's supposed to he's supposed to pop up in this area maybe he doesn't come out at night again oh my god oh that's a little bonus oh it's a like a crystal yeah yeah it's a dung beetle rolling a load of dung i think i got it too slowly and now it's like crab central yeah welcome to crabtown oh i love that they properly run at you sideways yeah crabsville usa over there ellen this is a brief like uh i guess exercise of the stuff that's gonna happen in dark souls 3 yeah specifically the thing is a crab oh no it's definitely going to eat you surely oh it's just like vomiting on you there i find these things particularly the thing here's the thing about um crabs and lobsters it's all well and good until you realize they're basically insects yeah huge insects that live in the sea yeah it's horrible and also like when you eat a lobster yeah there's an alarming amount of it that is the edible bit and i'm just like where's what is all this stuff doing it's it's just muscle i suppose look at this invisible wall horrible don't like it yeah this is okay the bounds of the playable area so do we think maybe the dragon only comes out at uh in the daytime yeah if we go find uh um well head back over that way head back over have a rest make it daytime yeah maybe um there's all the stuff we can do we will see a dragon though this stuff must be uh public knowledge by now yeah how to i keep seeing the dragonfly and thinking it's a dragon dragon normally the dragon like sweeps in the round [Music] [Laughter] yeah this sort of smashed up area with all these trees where it like flies in and ruins your day obliterates all those eggs as well it's quite funny if i damage an egg yeah i don't think they're dragging eggs well dragon is this okay with you would look a little more eggs maybe yeah maybe the crabs lay eggs i don't know enough about crabs yeah i guess that makes sense uh i believe so there's the ones that there's the ones that live on land and they live in they go to the sea and then they go shake all their eggs off they go they go into the oh there it is there's you there's your boy there he's here he is your dragon it's your man the flying dragon dragon again wow that's a lot of your health bar just disappeared in one go there and you're doing a tiny tiny amount of damage this feels really like the kind of thing you want to fight when you've leveled up to like level 20 or something yeah maybe maybe not even then maybe never maybe never is an acceptable time to fight flying dragon a deal that said let's just let's just i i bet it i bet i'll do way more damage if i can land a hit on the head so no no roughly the same tail tail it's a dark souls game it's a from soft tail i mean this looks cool at night i must admit with all the flames yeah absolutely [Music] big media energy from mcgill and just like mid-air okay right right in the flame pouches oh that's a yeah that's an impact sickening that's a big impact sickening and you think that's all right do you a deal i keep hitting roll oh okay this might be bonkers but i kind of want to try it not on the horse yeah i think it's one that you want to be on the hor on and off the horse a little bit oh that's a good idea no damage sorry didn't mean to drink then the horse is amazing for um closing the distance yeah and avoiding the flames as well yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah get your walls out i should get my wolves out good call okay uh right horse hello seahorse mr juice watching from down under luke try not to murder any more australian wildlife i will try no promises mike you're a legend and oh hey ellen it was like you're a legend then hey ellen thanks absolutely brutal that's a dead horse and a dead use [Laughter] whoops i almost managed to reverse out of that didn't i i'm imagining the hooves on the side of the cliff right well let's try that again now it's raining now it'll be a more more dramatic fight i'll put the dragon out maybe yeah um yeah dragon will have water in its eyes won't know what's going on won't stand a chance uh given that we've been going an hour yeah you've made a lot of progress so well done thank you [Music] recording your footage thing oh god let's do yeah do another one oh i can't i can't my normal my normal methods for um my normal methods for for capture that means well that means we can use this footage but it'll have our heads in it hello future viewers of outside extra well well well look who's come down to land to play with the mortals okay go for the go for the butt go for the butt i'm gonna go for the head sneak sneak to at least get that first hit in make yourself feel better well i think the game met i think possibly gears up oh he angry oh that's all that's a calamity move oh i'm getting flashbacks okay we do 17 17 damage to the oh okay that's more than 17 damage he's done to you ah what about the distracting power of wolves it's true wolves are nothing against i mean a dragon is nothing against walls ring the bell quick oh god okay wolves it's all on you now you've got this right we see what happens to them presumably no i mean they're doing tiny amounts of damage a little bite at the knees so i was near a stake yeah so seriously wow that's good and convenient but does it does it replenish your flask though yeah it does yes i mean or i mean or did i i don't think i don't think it does i'm not sure i even managed to drink is the thing was a nice day now nice sunny day a nice sunny day beautiful beautiful day for it got a lot of people were joining us from america watching early in the morning welcome breakfast early morning you've got some delicious pancakes or waffles or something 31 black 3am in bc canada british columbia i'm guessing i'm super excited to see three uh keep being awesome late night treat already dead i think this back foot is where it's at yeah getting in the legs working the back foot it can do a yeah that looked freaking good that looked really cool and did no damage to you whatsoever he got a little bit of i think that was you know he landed on something i think that was like a nearby mob yeah oh i keep trying to jump the horse to i've got me it would be cool if you could the horse cannot dodge watch out that tail yeah it's got tail work stop trying to make the horse dodge it's not fair on the horse it can't uh oh the tree knocked down the trees yeah it knocks down everything i would suggest after this attempt we are going to fight something a little smaller yes yeah because the dragon's dead what do you mean right yeah of course oh yeah nice try yeah nice nice nice try nice telegraphing oh where's it going where's it going straight down the middle you jump i'm heading for your haunches have that in your haunch have that he had it and he's got something for you now uh oh i want a video i want to deploy i want to send in my wolves oh i can't do it from horseback i think no i mean that seems fair how can you possibly ring a bell for me ah that was game over that's spectacular all right all right okay head back to the site of grace and let's explore some more of the world hey okay fine i think i nearly had him we can come back we can come back right where now then um so through that stone arch this is a big old truck oh yeah i know you from the trailers oh and there's some guys who will fire arrows at you at the same time right look what do you think he's gonna do exactly as you predicted right now these arches obviously are a problem oh i can lock onto both of its knees these things are big these are big boys oh gosh yeah he's huge will he consent to come and fight me out here where the archers can't yeah he will oh i really want there to be like a thing where you can bring down that gate on it that would be very cool it'd be extremely useful anything that ends the fight instantly in your favor would be brilliant also probably not an option right did you see how much health that's it got not even got a um i can't believe i don't even get any music or like a boss name and health bar for this situation he respawns as well oh what yeah he uh he's a respawning there's a whole gang of them i thought oh wonder if he's maybe a two-hand situation uh ellen you are so right i just need to remember the buttons that's fine that's fine y and yeah work that knee work that knee and that oh no oh [Applause] yes please i'll tell you what i'm going to have a tickle even though it's not very efficient that's just used just because it's so hard yeah yeah oh my book my wolves are walkable go on then walk him up go oh he's got a bit oh he's angry now he's got an anti-wolf measures wow you can get that sword out earlier didn't he that's a dead wolf that's that's three dead walls that's three dead three wolves that are not my wolves anymore they belong bloody hell that's that's probably not because i brought my wolves out is it that must be because i i think because you've got to halfway yeah this this is bloody brilliant he's a bit ap he's a bit great ape isn't he or a little bit squish strong attack on titan vibes in the yeah right i was already committed yeah i saw i saw right right in his weird bag thing that's dangling from his butt that was weird i mean i could take a guess at what that weird bag thing is oh no oh no wow damn damn damn damn damn okay that was that was harsh that was very harsh i think you were very good in that oh wait i didn't want to be at the stake did i no you wanted to be at the dope side of grace it's all right it's a steak nearby i'll just fast-track it's only ever yeah i mean your your own you're walking distance from it oh was it where was it was it this one yes oh yeah yeah yeah oh yeah okay oh yes okay fine oh no i do have all my flasks back cool come on what's the problem there's no problem at all um all right well i'm definitely going to use my wolves early doors because i think when he doesn't have the sword out the wolves are going to be much more effective is my is my sincere hope do you want to know what the most effective strategy is run directly past him and go to the next bit of the level what does he do does he die in that scenario no i wanna i wanna i wanna i'm gonna try and kill him yeah that's fine you're allowed all right someone summoned someone yeah he's while he's coming summon wall-e is coming i know but i'm exposed here to the to the up to the arches i also don't want my wolves to wander off and start like having living having a rich life yeah exactly that would be the worst case scenario where have they gone what if they find another home where they're getting fed better where have my wolves gone that's more of a cat thing isn't it really my wolves have gone i i think it's because you wander back out of here you might not be able to get your you might have some of them again i've not got enough fp oh man it's fine it's fine you got this luke fair we're the friends i know where i stand now so it's good actually wolves indeed all their lone wolves all three of them will own walls a little squish but you could you got this you got i'm a little bit flattened sure that's fine spine is a little compacted now a few inches shorter than you were previously but that's fine oh i should have noticed the sword on its back really shouldn't i that was obviously going to come into play inside it fits you not a pleasant view what do you got what do you got mate nice rolls gosh yeah you gotta measure this guy oh work in the groin area oh he's he's he's down come on come on quick quick quick quick yeah yes right in his stupid skull face okay he's not dead though no he's gonna have to get his sword out yeah that's going to take cause there's some devastating aoe while he does that i'm gonna have a no but i'm gonna have a little dagger zone gonna have a slightly unnecessary heal oh yeah get your old why didn't i think of that i don't want the daggers to get the killing blow though take what you can get go on yeah you are so right now watch yourself that was close right to the end wasn't it oh i got a smithing stone shard i can um well let's do that now so yeah rest at the sight of grace i can't i can't level up can i oh we can actually you can yeah wait will it cost runes to let's do the sword first yeah i can't recall whether it cost roons or just uh because you're doing the smithing yourself aren't you but it might still cost cost rooms oh wait hang on this isn't what i want i need to go to the yeah so exit here and look at your map now i was trying to travel from the bonfire wrong you don't need to victory everywhere everyone's excited yeah traveling to the church of l.a i made a church and i put a typo in it they thought the end with an it was an h right yeah that's the smithing stone over there so i will strengthen my armament thank you what are you gonna do your magic bastard sword yeah i like the twin blade plus plus one but it's not it's not a magic bastard though yeah it's just the fact that it's called a magic master i know it's a fair whack weaker and this one's called magic bastard sword so it could be magic but the sword of a magic bastard plus two plus two well no it'll be i guess it'll be plus one won't it unfortunately oh i see yeah sorry so now i'll be taking it to plus two but i don't think that took any no i don't think that cost me any uh you can level up but there's a little sight grace here as well um the problem is that oh no it did cost me something okay that's fine okay right where should we go now mike back to where we were i think we should run past that troll now having beaten him once yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so if you go to that side of grace there and if you get on your horse and ride getting your horse right out into the dawn i can't believe i can't believe this respawning yeah yeah wait until you see the entire field of them all mooching around themselves oh wow yeah you can sprint on the horse remember on the circle grab this item that's why i go it's a pickle turtleneck ah now now now yeah there's a guy who's going to trump it but it doesn't matter you can do it look at this jump um the guy in front of you oh yeah trumpetman everyone watch out for the oh no he's on a horse he's easily got away all right so long suckers nice now cool look at this it's like stormville that little shack on the top right has a slightly bracelet so i would well i hear what walls fell from the sky wolves do fall from the sky wolves literally fell from the sky mike yeah what am i supposed to do about this it's raining cats and wolves yeah i made almost exactly that joke in my video that you can watch outside uh yeah that shack has a slight grace in it good stuff yeah either that's the if you want to see mike giving you lots of cool tips and little hints about what elden ring is going to be like that is the pinned comment oh thank you for being here yeah i popped it there obviously after this stream but yeah go over there and watch it because not many people watched it overnight if you would like to help me out by watching that yeah what the hell folks i thought you liked and now this oh my what yeah yeah yeah uh you can go down to the left can i not uh oh is the way is there oh i don't think you can no you can get that guy oh but i badly want to know you can go around a bit further around and and there are there's a load of giants over there um sonia brennan says hi all late to the stream how are you all enjoying eldon souls i mean dark ring i mean dark ring um i'm in i'm enjoying it very much i think do you know what i'm really enjoying about playing it here is like the kind of lack of consequences like i'd like i would have been really reluctant to upgrade the sword just then it like if this was my proper game saved you know what i mean yeah well well well oh these guys like these guys they've got real like catwalk walks they were like really like oh that did a lot of damage to that one guy yeah but in a crowd you sometimes want to do you take them out one at a time like it's good good to get like crowd control a lot of crowd control to major tomorrow have your guts out oh that that would have replenished your flasks as well had you used any i think because it was a group now nice can nearly level up what would you like to do now uh well what are my options what would you like to see uh we could put that to the chat um okay yeah let us know we could go and get another summon that's quite straightforward quite a short job okay this weighs up to the castle and to the sort of final ish boss of this area okay um so we can go and take a look at him but you might want to dedicate a bit of time towards the end of the stream to properly try why don't we yeah let's do that it's the dung beetle with some treats okay a new ash war that might be better than my last dash of water well we can go go to the site of grace and and switch it in like just have to shoot this guy with my magic spears yeah thanks for playing though did you target the throat directly yeah yeah amazing uh yeah there's a bunch of guys here actually oh my god where the hell did that come from oh there's a they've got a more explosive yeah they've got the top of the that's fine i can see it now is seeing it gonna help or yeah yeah yeah because i can see when it's firing and ah you've shot your own defenses and your own flight wow absolutely domed right in the weak spot this guy's like uh maybe don't fire the maybe don't fire the big thing for a second and it hit you as well it hit me as well it hit me as well he was just collateral damage but acceptable losses guys are little jokes as well yeah we might as well clean these guys out and we've got a side brace in the in the little castle oh okay i'm sort of i'm sort of enjoying it so oh no oh oh oh heavens heavens to betsy heavens dear betsy it's the heavens nice and that's go that is useful i think it is it might be really important i think there might have been a trumpet's been somewhere but he got obliterated there's the trumpet oh no he's the guy you wanted to kill probably right uh how many tears have you got two i must have got another one for uh right head around the side or something or other still another guy another couple guys actually yeah i can't believe i've leveled up this sword and that's still three hits to take one down yeah nice oh draw we'll call that one all right head up the left hand side here and sneak round use the couch way stealth i mean i think i've killed everyone else well the mo isn't there a guy on the water there's this yeah it should be on there you just thought to be a guy manny it's not presumably automatically firing maybe it is yeah there is look at this guy about to have a terrible time yeah you killed all your friends offer something incredible you can smash that water as well but oh yeah well there's must be something underneath it maybe or big explosives in it when you kill it there you go collapsed anything beautiful oh no oh no it's okay so okay it's okay we'll be back in uh i assume it's been auto saving me all the time right sure um yeah angry that you didn't shut it down properly yeah uh mr logan clad said it's almost 4 am as i get up to start see slinging coffee this is the perfect thing to watch as i sit my tea uh since ellen's last souls academy i have um platinumed every souls born except demon souls because i cannot get a ps5 is it well done i think you know what that tells me that they need to make some more damn ps5 yeah because like imagine i bet you wouldn't have thought that the greatest challenge in platinuming all of them was being able to get a hold of a ps5 that's yeah ludicrous uh they apparently they're slowing production again because of supply issues also i mean the ps5 is a phenomenally popular console like i think yeah each time one of these generation troll information yeah uh each of these generations gets more and more popular more people pick them up yeah yeah so what my ps5 purchase was sort of on a whip really like it was when they they were first on sale in this country and they all went on sale on like the thursday but then on the friday like argos were putting their stuff live i happened to be awake at 5am and i was like i'll just see if argos was selling these and it went on and exactly where i was immediately snagged one so yeah amazing right i'm in the castle yeah there's a there's nothing in here other than a bonfire but you know what it means when there's nothing and there's a lovely bonfire means that whatever's up there is a bad time right it's a real bad time yeah okay you can have a look at him if you want um you might feel you might feel committed to then spend all your time like fighting uh you know what my goal here i would love to um what i want to do is show the viewers a lot of different things right yeah so i hope people won't mind if we go look at a boss don't commit to playing until definitely beating it and then have a look at some other things there is there is some cool stuff after the boss there's a little bit of cool stuff after the boss so it'd be nice to beat them but i don't think you should feel ashamed about uh summoning someone to help you out with boss um because there will be people around who are happy too yeah that's true and that would be and that would be pretty fun seeing as that's the thing that's happening well let's have a look that's the multiple activate that multiplayer summoning pool thing oh wait that was the message there you go all right um [Music] let's go meet margaret the fellow man oh that's such a look at that freaking car look at how rad that looks like the art direction on these games is just great it is such we were saying this just before the stream i think it is tarnished playing as a lord i know this uh fellows dialogue so well um from editing so freaking good dude's got an awful skin condition going on yeah strong exertion for jump yeah get in touch with the dermatologists yeah you would animate that wouldn't you and be like we gotta put that in the trailer [Music] all right yeah yeah yeah this old stuff oh is he he's got like a scorpion tail yeah he doesn't really use it much to be honest it's just an affectation it's just something to cut off for a sword trying to think of useful information i can give you so there's a um yeah if you get too close for too long he whips out this like glowing dagger you want to dodge those uh he'll tend to do them when you're trying to heal uh cool that jumper it hits him for a bit so yeah get some good hits in there and then there's one where he like winds up and then runs towards you okay um and then you need to like roll the first sweeping attack wait for a beat as he lands on his feet and then roll again to avoid it okay so i'll tell you when it's happening it's quite obvious it's quite an obvious big wind-up it's all a big wind-up tell you what no right here it is so he's going to run towards you roll and then as his as his foot lands the second time that's your that's the point for your second roll okay gotcha look he really messes up the walls oh no and the third one is so this is like the time to i guess heal up or i mean yeah i did get one healing so well done me yeah so they draw aggro so they at least distract him briefly but he's uh he's a toughy yeah right okay okay that's that uppercut is bad news if you can get connected if it connects with you it's not going to um no um okay big sweep he's going to roll and then oh sorry if he runs it's only if he runs i think yeah don't get too close with that there you go you got it i imagine if you just really yeah you would do that right okay so yeah you can get a couple of hits in when he does those ones with james should have been a bit but there's a standing one where he jams at the ground where he he can pull out with the dagger and it's tempting to go in right and try and try and stab him oh hello all right second stage stay out of the way of that he's got a big glowing sword as well okay he's running one i don't know i think if you close the distance to him when he's about to see the running one he will he will just do a sweep oh see that's the short one where he can damn down so it feels like it feels like he's gonna be staggered by jamming his thing in the ground but then he with his other hand pulls out the glowing mm-hmm oh he's tasty should i try and summon someone should we see what you can see if we can do it that's yeah i'm i'm frustrated by that because that didn't that didn't go too badly yeah it was fine you know it was doable yeah it feels doable yeah but i don't i really don't want to like burn network test time sure yeah so the thing you've got 99 of down there which presumably you won't have 99 of in the game is uh is the thing that allows you to see the things so if you use that so now i can see if anyone's popped down or something yeah oh look here's some yeah loads loads so just touch one of those bloody wolf two bloody wolves yeah come on mate but you're you're a lone wolf no you're no longer gonna be [Music] unable how about this warrior unable how about this warrior i know they'll all have been kicked out since putting these down probably yeah yeah if i get look at look a bit further up towards the fog gate than probably a few more there's loads yeah oh no they've all gone oh there they are profit no network testing this is why we test this is what we test all right i mean okay the network the netcode is working because you can see the ghost yeah but um i think it's probably just it's pretty a lot of people summoning as well to get past this boss so probably as soon as a summon sign goes down someone probably bags it yeah yeah yeah oh red summon sign why not do it for last there's gonna be loads of people at this point right now trying to trying to get summons to um yeah yeah they'll be like a huge everyone's doing the same thing as me well i tell you what why don't i try and get summoned maybe i could be one of those people how do i what's my um it's the it's one of the other fingers the gold one maybe do you list yeah this one finger you should do it right put one of those down does anyone want me in your game i'm not very good oh luke do not put yourself down like that uh where'd it go danny who's watching hello to raymond carl what shame hello oh cat from the kong says omg need this so much now just had a root canal treatment and i have more to come and my nerves afraid so this is bomb for my soul hopefully literally not nerves afraid because if so they've done a really bad job oh and sarah burke says hey uh i hope you're having an absolute blast can i get a birthday shout out it was yesterday i had a lot of fun happy birthday happy birthday i only just woke up so happy birthday sarah burke i feel like my sign isn't going down hmm yeah you should be able to see it nick watching alone with oh nick watching along with his eight-month-old daughter annabelle hello they are they watched you watch the ellen soul academy i'm looking forward to a playthrough of this go ellen and the dads um jacob martin aussie watcher here finally catching a live stream live just finished watching the latest songs academy nice to see luke in the hot seat and ellen having a break also kangaroo is actually quite tasty okay good good couple of hits in there yep two-handed now okay this is the running one unless you get too close in which case i'll just smash you in the face i get clobbered right so you can when he's doing that big wind-up you can stay away because he will come to you and then he does these really nicely telegraphed like easy to avoid uh things and he'll be right next to you when you're finished that's how it sounds see that's all we get you can crack see his hand went up there when you jammed it thing if you're standing in front of him you'll get the golden dagger out and do a cheeky little quick slice okay that was the it's the dark souls curse where sometimes your first run is really good yeah and then the second one that you're like well the first one you're so adrenalized and you're yeah yeah delicious and then after that you start to get a bit more like you're like oh i know what i'm doing yeah yeah yeah yeah oh just fell from the sky there um now that i've died i just want to try let's just try once more with the here you need to deactivate it if you want to use your walls is the other thing i should have mentioned oh yeah oh something oh there was that was the first time we got yeah more than a second of the thing yeah you can see all the same people like but all the ghosts are doing the same thing it was difficult i had the opposite problem when i was playing it because it was quite limited couldn't get anyone people can get anyone yeah like couldn't find a summon sign to save my life all right no worries i'll tell you what deactivate it first you can use nah all right i don't need them okay sometimes does two throne daggers and then does a jump in right here we go stay back yeah so you can dodge that one and then as his foot lands for the second bit that's when to roll for the second one right okey-dokey okey-dokey come on then what do you got keeping you arranged mate he does have flying going tell you what though this magic spell is uh it's not do it it's not doing nothing and once like once you cast it that's kind of an order that it's pretty actually actually pretty tasty that's helpful yeah that's the reason to have a flask of the blue stuff oh no oh for goodness sakes right right right trying again [Laughter] we're into it now no no no i won't i won't i won't you're doing well you're doing good damage like i think you can get it wrapped up and how long have we got another hour and fifteen we've got an hour and fifteen but like there must be more bosses and more like stuff to see and there is loads the open world is so fun and uh you know okay wow he's really going nice nice fundamentals luke good fundamentals oh that's still that's the yeah oh my god he's got his own daggers i've got my own glowing dagger i was like shall i dagger or heal i thought you were healing and then i saw you in choice okay yeah but that one didn't you know that one didn't count i didn't count i didn't count didn't count i'll tell you what i wanted i want to do one i want to do one that we deem significant do you know what i mean okay meaningful i want to have a meaningful take a deep deep breath in through the nose out through the mouth get your nose out why not that's it you got this that uppercut is so bad oh okay running one so well nice um you roll as as this foot lands but yeah i didn't i didn't avoid it anyway just about nice it's got some nice timing to it that's filled i wonder if i could charge up a heavy attack in that window maybe yeah this is going to bring out his projectiles maybe how about this can't get me now because i'm hidden it does help with his with those daggers okay running one there you go that's the timing oh okay second stage watch out the hammer is really it's got a lot of areas hammer is a bad time [Music] all right you know what is there a third stage mike you've done this boss no just two seconds well we've seen we've seen the stages seen as stages so probably we've seen the stages so i'll probably just do one more and then call it there yeah for real though this is the last one well we can go look at some other stuff and then come back to it exactly that could this can be if we come back for a reward yeah this is the this is the last one for real yeah for real this time there is a reason to beat him because the stuff in the castle is quite cool is the thing um that was the running one that yeah i realized too late that i was sort of into it but you kind of want to you kind of want to bait out the right don't you no oh okay all right god's sake yeah the running is just it's an easier move to avoid than almost any of his other attacks yeah that all right that uppercut quicker than i think quicker than i fall out yeah okay nicely done could you get out the way of my spears there or not yeah i think he jumped over them there you go you've got more of a hit on them there watch out get some healing in tickle tickle tickle all right okay running one here we go nice and again there you go lovely nice dude oh it's all right sorry you got this deep breath where his hand goes up there for that one where he's just standing drive into the ground going up is that nice oh and in the face cheeky one in the face right you're up to the second stage watch out for that the aoe on that hammer attack is bad but you've got nice staggers i would health up if you can oh yeah we're out okay all right well let's have a look over there and then come back here i think if we try and come back here at like in about 40 minutes another little kick my instincts are telling me that i am very close an hour from defeating that boss yeah so if we come back i wanna i wanna do some more stuff i will be in even if we beat that boss i'll be annoyed at myself later yeah like yeah if all i've done is i mean like we can see that we can see that you've got it we can see that you've got it all right uh so right let's go see something else i want to see i want to go to this island if anything else okay wait where else where else should we go mike well i can't go here presumably because this is like that's the big castle yeah so that's behind the the thing if you zoom back in though you see these forests just below where you are yeah you can get up to there yeah along the coastline see that little gap yeah and there's a kind of another fun summon up there oh okay so like shall i pop a marker down yeah why not so like just here yeah that's the i think that's the kind of entrance you have to climb up the rocks and stuff so um yeah and look who's in the way but you can fast travel to the area that's more convenient oh yeah that's true or i can ride my horse if i need to ride the walls [Music] yeah and there is my mark oh it's over here yeah but it's you have to go down a level to um it's sort of below you but quite far below you oh yeah and you do have fall damage as we established earlier if i do the jump at the second jump at the last minute though it doesn't make yeah it doesn't make a difference apparently what i don't think it's like there's people who think you could you know if you're in a falling elevator you could just jump right at the end and you'd be fine well i could uh so follow this along to the right up here i think cool i think it's along here how is that how is the chat doing ellen is everyone uh satisfied with my decision to stop fighting that boss i think no don't stop no they're fine then someone says that map is juicy it does look amazing there's so much to look at and eat delicious delicious um yeah keep following this round and then you'll be able to be a point where you can yeah sort of tuck around to the right it's windy get windy oh dear oh cool what's that what's that glory chloe can you get a third jump if you dismount in midair like a yoshi there's still time for them to add that to the game though yeah they've got till february oh jelly fishing oh no oh he angry now [Laughter] very cross jellyfish oh that's cool wow so majestic all right so if you go to sort of i think to the right is it right yes not down but if you stay you stay up on this they say on this level but like along that's the left oh right yep okay so i'll just wander around yeah yeah yeah yeah just follow the cliffs i'm assuming i will warn you that there are also skelly's here okay normal skelly rules apply sweet okay okay there's a little standy thing what's that yeah sort of more leftwards a little graveyard ah yeah over there there's some cool stuff up here basically nice including a new summon and i'll let you guess as you're surrounded by ghost jellyfish what that summon might be trying to metroid me oh no they're all annoyed now oh hello it's cool that um you can they're really difficult to spot these guys you're distracted by all the glory yeah the glory jellies okay oh hello yeah they do sort of come back as well like i said normal skelly rules apply oh yeah there they are so i won't so i won't waste too much time but it's always worth going into a graveyard because there's always something good in a graveyard in these games yeah if you head up there oh did i miss it i spied it did i run past oh yeah there we go catch me catch me cheers midges they fire poison there you go spirit jellyfish so you can summon a ghostly jelly amazing i don't know if there's anything else interesting in this area should we go fight a boss called pumpkinhead yes please yes [Laughter] all right oh sorry i opened the map thinking it would generously pause the game but what a fool i was right where are we headed uh if you go back over to the gate one i think that's your closest that's your closest uh oh this one any of those really are fine yeah go for that i fairly touched my diet coke all right i didn't get myself a drink before you started the stream epically longstreet so you're going left ish so round you might as well go around the side so like up here no no no so you're not going through the gate you're staying on on this side of the gate okay but going left along it go to the left of this so sneak around the back of the caravan and then just carry on along this little bluff right rock gotcha oh so pretty me chuck said just had to break into my own job because everyone else has the day off so thank you for being on first thing in my morning to brighten my day here's an idea if everyone else has got the day off yeah you won't just don't come in who's gonna know i mean i assume you're not a surgeon or something oh look what i could see up there thought what are you looking for oh is it a dragon there was lightning yeah oh who's doing the lightning i no it's a goat not a donkey former goat now yeah leave the horse alive too lately i look i don't all right i'll try not to fire them it's probably gonna get hit by a lightning first oh my god then it really would be breath of the wild if you could if a horse can just be struck by lightning oh come on lightning strike that horse do it this is a 9 out of a 10 game or a 10 out of a 10 game and it depends on whether this horse can be struck by lightning frankly i think it's wandered out of the lightning field so you're gonna have to put out this misery just try and prod it back in no it's coming out it's a single one unless it's not unless i attack it because but i wouldn't have got that sliver of meat so think on oh that's one of those things i can put my horse in and it'll jump yeah and fly around come on let's do that let's do that this is the field of the jerk joke so it is uh wow cool oh we angry oh visible that's the end of where we're allowed to be okay so we need to we we sort of although we're up now and that is cool we actually you see that whether the road like splits into a y uh fall down a bit down down down all right here follow the road down yeah past the little telescope yeah there so the there's a pumpkin head boss ah right so that's where we want to be cool i'm just going to launch your horse at the cliff now yeah i've got a really good feeling about that here we go and i'll just do the little jump at the end go on then oh come on wow immediately [Laughter] i do think that's harsh though because because look the horse clearly did not fall from a great height right that's true and yet right well it's that thing as well like when like superman catches people out the air in the comics like they're still going at very high velocity yeah but maybe you get terrible down and then it accelerates no but sometimes when you watch it he's just like catches them like a right angle and it's like they would please yeah [Laughter] don't make another little sight of grace why not treat yourself reach out and touch grace hey folks maybe you should try discovering your lost grace they feel good they never had any grace in the first place pumpkin head we're coming for you pumpkin head's quite easy oh someone just shouted oi could you help us out kelly got to help him where are they where are you mate i'm i'm here to help you gotta he's around i think you're leaving you're leaving the area if you go that way i think it's around helping zone this little thicket yeah yeah stop pretending you can't you're right i can hear him he's not pretending you can't see me is he invisible i bet he's seen that yeah look at those things look at that oh he's the tree why won't anyone look me in the eye are you i'm not that ugly am i military what what do the messages say behold friendship uh attacking try rolling hey hey thank you helpful person oh look at this little goblins oh no the dobby the house elf some cloth what the heck is going on there you were just breaking the spell weren't you yeah we were just breaking the spell there's a monkey in a bowl i was pushed out of the cave told not to come it's a monkey wicked it's a monkey in a bowl of a tree then he ended up as a tree lucky this is all peak george r.r martin is that in wicked a monkey that's a tree in wicked bach turns into uh the oh i don't want to spoil it but he turns into one of the characters from the world the flying monkey monkey no all right you can forgive me i can forgive you bock i love you forever thanks for the glow stone cheers i could sneak back into the cave interesting something of actual value yes please bock if you wouldn't mind be of some real use to you i reckon yep then that'd be real nice of you thanks bock have we exhausted your dialogue okay so bach is terrified but we're sending him in anyway maybe actually what you need to do is go into the cave and clear it out oh yeah for bach cave on the shore cool all right uh yeah follow the road didn't mean to do that remove beacon view control right we are yeah at this late stage yeah across that little bridge there are some guards but they're weak source there's also like a traveling caravan pulled by two giant trolls that will be knocking around somewhere another another meteorite fragment you never used your meteoric fragments before i used one by accident should we use one now on this on this one let's see what happens yeah do it wow cool oh i thought that was your special on your um no this is just the special yeah not starting um your twin blade oh twin blades yeah yeah special ones but actually firing a meteorite what's the um what's the you know that bit in gladiator i've never seen gladiator what get let's get off the stream right now mike i think i watched the first 20 minutes and i had something else to do go on this is huge no i don't want to play any later on um well anyway for everyone else in the world there's a bit in the early on in gladiator where um they try and get him out in the ice and it reminded me of that because he is not on horseback he's the caravan oh you can grab the stuff out the back of the camera if you like there's a weapon in there oh cool okay but you have to kill everyone including the trolls but the trolls are easy the trolls are easy yeah because they're like attached to the caravan they can't really do anything oh all right cool that sounds harsh so there's a big party big band of people hanging out behind the caravan and you can like mess them up big styles just sculpt [Music] oh gosh the spit they just go through them oh yeah right through them and then all right little gang your little party are following yeah but here's what they're not expecting they need to pop out right meaty write them all oh yeah oh yeah come on all the little bouncy boys are you gonna oh yeah there you go that's pretty good that's all my meteorites though all right i think i'm better luck you just mess them up with a big sword there are a lot of them there are lots but they're really oh that was a waste of mine because it would target multiple people rather than just absolutely only yeah it does yeah uh good for boss fights but maybe less sofa what you need here is a grenade as usual yeah he's easy most of they'll all look pretty tired to be honest they look knackered i think there's one of those captains maybe he's a bit of a pain oh i've run out of get the buga boy get the buga boy there you go he's the boogie woogie bugle boy whose head got sliced off yeah yeah you'll need to kill all the guys behind i think do i can i not maybe you don't let it go maybe you don't go far enough ahead trolls take ages to kill so they'll probably catch it because the trolls will stop when you start attacking them you can't just steal it uh okay not be moving but yeah they will stomp on you but they're pretty strange camera angle is not super straightforward all right maybe it's not a lock situation what do you reckon no you can go away avoid the stomps that's all you need to do they can't do much all they can really do is stomp you can go behind them and they have to the back step and stomp when you get behind them what i don't want to do is get stomped unnecessarily but i mean obviously rules for life yeah don't get stumped which i appreciate of course right let's let's stab one stab one leg there you go yeah between the two okay that's what we want yeah beautiful dance until i ran out of stamina oh my god he's got so much right well he's toast is me so just stab him in the face oh his sad face didn't feel great about that well if it's the one driving now it's not moving anymore so you might be able to get it you've only killed one yeah i mean but you might maybe give it a go might as well try i think you need to kill both there you go i kill both of them like an absolute mug so whoa oh this is great sword i already broke what the hell collapsed with pleasure okay fine uh maybe they knew them and they're really sad and this is like the funeral that looks like it could be a coffin uh so the the thing about ordovician case sword is it it's a good sword but you can't apply any of the ashes of water it's somewhat limited looks cool yeah i think it's already weaker than my yeah my uh old one all right oh my god no mike did you see that yeah it's cool did you see what that just happened you're like twirling it like a baton ah this is the greatest weapon in video game history go and use it on this poor schmuck hey it worked oh he died well there you go okay good now a pumpkin head yes so if you head up i think you can head up this side of the rock actually to your left they're running off they run enough so yeah yeah pop up these bits i think maybe yeah carry around yeah some items over there oh no it's birds uh leonbrook says oh gosh how long have you been streaming i just watched ellen souls academy from yesterday anyway hello from 1 53 am and hope everyone as well can you get up can you scare him off this little bit 11 a.m yeah all right okay so what the heck yeah purple flower yeah they're big bad purple flowers okay we'll poison you and they're not that they're not that bad and i think you can get if you head in that little area you can get a smithing room or something maybe nothing stone sorry but this big this big plant will poison me whoa oh wow three smithing stone shards yeah there you go right okay if you turn faster so you're gonna get even more magic bastard what you're gonna do right is head up to the left you see this big bit of stone arch to your left left yeah yeah this one yeah you need to climb up there and drop down and that's how you get to pumpkin head okay wow climb up on like yeah on that one yeah the big the big bit at the top that's sticking up you can get to it around the other side okay basically yeah oh yeah underneath another underneath look it's a little you might be able to get on the side here just popping back for the mushroom oh rainbow no it's like oh what's up oh that's the quant oh right all the plants are doing it yeah so head up this bit to your left now you've got to clamber up this rocky bit can do yeah uh yeah there's bits the trees shine on different bits map and i don't know what the significance of it is but it's kind of cool right okay careful at the top obviously if you look down from the from the edge oh there's messages yeah visions of clear sky wonder would be like try jumping yeah there it is try jumping exactly so see where those see where those spikey bits are down turn around oh yeah yeah you can see that the torch there is where you're trying to get to okay you just do a cheeky roll and you'll be fine that will that not kill me if i fall down there no you'll be okay all right wow nice neat strong foe ahead also is there a sight of grace anywhere there is i think just in front yeah okay is that it oh maybe not oh it's just a candle what's good with this guy so easy uh okay there's some of you oh no pumpkin head don't do it oh it literally called pumpkin head yeah yeah but if it if it motivates you when you beat him you get it oh my goodness i mean what stronger motivation could there be exactly i'll tell you what he's not he's not very strong but he does hit quite hard you can pop your walls at any point it's a good idea i've got no i've got no you've got no more fp i've been out in the world too long not rested in ages taking these on the shields is that ah oh my god oh no oh he's going to kick my ass all right i think there's a um it might be one of those states of whatever nearby as well stakes of stakes or something or other yeah all right still got a little bit of help so do you really [Laughter] oh pumpkin head you don't get to half health with like barely any resources that's good oh yeah steak of good america or whatever lovely back up the thing i tell you what as well let's de-equip this less good oh yeah that's what's yeah not as good as your bastard this has made my driving to work far more pleasant than it is i think there's a cyclist around this area though as well maybe near the plants or something there's gotta be one there's one near everything in this game so maybe yeah reach around a bit and have a look for the although i guess if if i do get everything back help like items wise doesn't matter which difference is there it just means you could fast travel away and use your smithing stones i suppose oh yeah that would be good too the sequel uh yeah i just ride the horse off it why not of course loved it horse was into it loves it all right you're not allowed to ride the horse into the boss fight what comes the rules only a 9 out of 10 now all right have you got wolves yeah wolf him up oh i've got wolves all right nice right here i'm gonna i'm yeah you know what i think the wolves may have this i feel like i'd just be in the way yeah they are right they are wrecking the place he don't he doesn't like the walls at all that's it get those big hits in go on yeah get right on the butt because i don't think it's yes wow good job wolves yeah good hustle well i want to use the jellyfish as well yeah pumpkin helm yep waste no time oh i also got this one oh my god it's heavy yeah it's not i mean it's just it's gonna make it puts me at fashion puts me up to heavy load glonk uh i think we should go and have another crack at margaret the fellowman okay and maybe try and summon if we can yeah let's see what can be done oh there's a sorceress through here oh hi cool face cool big face good giant face [Music] or whatever it is but you can open this chest don't leave faith for that hey lovely right let's head back to um let's pumpkin head back to church of l.a get get smith get dismissed yeah get your smith on and um assuming it was only three shards i needed to upgrade again i can't remember exactly but we'll find out find out momentarily if you're curious you're you're a gamer all three of them having to go and margaret the fellow and they look like they're properly owning him saying no all three of them oh man okay well clearly they're managing to co-op then aren't they yeah oh i need four but i do have four great brilliant magic bastard sword plus two let's go love it right now equipment wise take that and have to lose the particular but let's have a look at the 4.3 of the night night helms although this one's lighter it's not going to get me down to like light load though is it no realistically but this one is heavier and this one has better versus physical so um i'm just gonna switch to this set okay or maybe not the greaves no the arm is way better oh whoa hello [Music] look at that handsome man outrageous right let's uh go back up to the castlewood tunnel yeah yeah yeah yeah wow let's go let's go let's go let's go yeah yeah should i go to your gamer chat and say can you help us do it i mean yes but also like they're busy doing it themselves so shall i try shall i see about summoning shall we see if it yeah should we see if the game's feeling any healthier yeah oh come on come on give me an ally all right it's not having it is it there's one left there's one there go for it this is the one you ready you reckon yep this is the one no no it wasn't the one these two are the one you ready yeah oh that's weird um okay well how do i dispel this so that i can fire off my wolves no wait the wolves with no use at all i don't want the wolves i'm better off using the arrows over and over again saving my fp i think you could bring the jellyfish in if you want the jellyfish yeah let's i mean the jellyfish deserve a go yeah i think the jellyfish lasts longer than the walls okay well let's de-equip some of this stuff that is just going to be in the way um okay i'm here there's too many people trying to summon for it to work yeah basically everyone's in the same part of the game and yeah but that's you know like my summons i just put a summon sign down and like it's not even appearing yeah no i mean assuming i'm using the right item which i think i am creates cooperative multiplayer summon sign yeah yeah that's what you're after that's the right one uh right let's let's try the jellyfish oh you've also got the wandering noble ashes not a jellyfish it's got to be the jellyfish the jellyfish for me uh and no no no no no come on um i'll tell you what if i'm not one idea equip the shield you could do yeah still need still medium load come on game give me a break what if i take my trousers off that wasn't like will you let me if i take my trousers off all right well if i'm still going to be medium i may as well pop one of these sweet hats on for this even sicker hat all right cool i'm feeling like i'm look i look like uh um what's his name in demon souls let's try it um [Music] that's really pretty all right save your jellyfish for stage two i would say it won't let me uh oh it's cause oh it's because you haven't deactivated your fingers oh oh yeah all right well after this go we'll yeah yeah fingers it's not that we're gonna need another go you understand no i mean look how much damage i'm doing now how could i fail yeah nicely timed he does use his tail from time to time but oh nice that yeah that that was good but it's not much there we go right now now the mad damage can begin oh god it began it did begin to be fair damage to him that's a bit better that's that's a bit more chunky okay nice nice nice that's it that is good okay he's a bit stunned there good time to heal what do you got mate don't make me do don't make me summon some magic nonsense look out oh that's that glowing that you know it said yeah if you're close when he finishes that move yeah punches the dagger but you're doing well like you've got him down to two-thirds this is a great opening that could have that could have been two hits definitely okay second stage that it's the fact that he didn't think he needed to be second stage i know nice oh nice nice rolls hammer nice oh tell you what that was a bit that was spicy but good oh no down down down down that's all right it's all right that's good well well yeah but things are going to change now the jellyfish are going to tip the scales he's like wow i just about beat him thank god he didn't have the jellyfish so so can i use the jellyfish now do i need to no you go in and then once you're in the arena yeah because i can't i can't see the summons yeah yeah yeah but dislike the finger thing oh i briefly lost you from there yeah there you go my back i can't see any summon signs so oh yeah here we go hey mate dear magnus says the game just changed it's ridiculous it is right get in there and work work that guy's booty he's not you know what's better about this though is that is that he's still aggroed on me yeah so the jellyfish presumably will do something any minute no no yeah he he is attacking him and he does have a poison thing well if i can what i want i was for him to focus on me yeah i would tend to save it till the second what do you got mate yeah nice try now back to his jellyfish yeah all right that's fine yeah and i lost oh really really bad use of it's all right it's practicing it yeah it's all good it's all good learning so it's all a process nice nice nice for that one to draw yeah it was pretty good okay second stage [Music] all right get out there oh that's all right we that's about to say we like the jumping attack because we we well you got this you've got this though next you got this you could have gotten him down to the second stage and then popped the jellyfish yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah the jellyfish could have been more helpful then the jellyfish jellyfish is susceptible to big hammer attacks as well i wonder as well should i would the wolves be more useful in the second stage because he's a little bit less whirling down you know i mean they get smacked they get smashed up the first time he does the big hammer attack basically because they're quite weak yeah that's true well look i basically need to make it through the first stage without taking hardly any damage that's what we need to be doing so until we're doing that okay yeah you can stand him up that that driven that standing driven into the ground is fine uh as long as you're not directly in front of him if you're directly in front of him he'll get the dagger out but um just jump off the edge why don't you yeah do me a favor all right it's all right all right luke do a little stretch do a little bit of a stretch i'm not i'm not feeling i'm not feeling tense or pressured good i even i find that even even though i'm not feeling tense or pressured it just just helps it just helps it's all and then a deep deep breath in through the mouth yeah do it mike i've also just because it's a long stream as well we've been sitting here yeah it's nice yeah good i'm tired okay right uh well look is that are there other network tests coming up uh yeah they're all really weird times though i think i mean this one's at quite a weird time come on then and again no thank you sir yeah and i'm out of there no damage run yeah any percent yeah i would settle for any percent oh okay just one hit unless it's an attack i know that is that is jumping one way he drives in is a is your best bet i think for two bits yeah well i dodged one of them yep and that one lovely beautifully done yeah they're so tired i should call him margin the fellow well uh liam brooks says coordinating at work is stressful but coming home and finding an oxbox to stream i didn't expect it's a fantastic way to cap the evening thanks for being awesome this is what i this is what i like though this is when i enjoy these games the most a short yeah a short run most people hate them oh you read the short run a short a short run to the boss and a boss that i need that takes me ages and ages and ages it's like this is the bit where you can like switch your brain off a little you know don't get too close to that one i mean you avoided it well the tail the tail come on then come on in less of this backing off i think this time maybe immediately punished watch out for his knives his knives don't trust his knife oh you just smashed the tree good yeah opening two of them yeah thank you very much nice i'm out of there oh no oh come on that was fair many times roll through roll again beautiful treat myself second stage right time time for the jellyfish oh no watch out oh dear no no no no no oh the jellyfish thanks for nothing spirit jellyfish ashes you know watch you die as well what is second stage isn't it even at half health it's just above yeah yeah it's like about 60 percent that's all right that's all right we you know it's a process once more please should probably de-equip that summon things things it's not any use right now he should kill me really quickly this time if like uh you know that's the thing isn't it it's two steps forward 15 steps back yeah many steps dare i hit him twice yeah yeah twice is fine for that one twice if you're behind him definitely oh that just shouldn't be on the button i should uh pop the pop the daggers really because i don't want to pop him now because he'll he'll hit me with something yeah he will yeah or maybe he won't let's find out yeah there we go but that's okay do you want to go as well dagger yeah thank you oh god i can't get this you can do such good damage you're right and but you need to you'll need to pop your cerulean tears at some point yes running yes that should be enough for phase two stage yeah you can immediately see the point where you get to the phase where like i haven't bought him as much do you know what i mean yeah yeah it's just getting used to that timing okay what i would like to do no no no the exact same thing nearly happened again god oh uh health obviously and also cerulean tears probably so you can keep doing your daggers i don't have the cerulean tears oh do you not equip them i traded it all for more health oh no oh no but but as i'm also all out of health so it wasn't a bad idea i suppose no yes what do you got mate what do you got this is the furthest we got this is the first thing oh he's got a sword now yeah yeah yeah he's not used it for a while yeah oh oh i was well done no it was wrong to go in i should have got i think most of the damage he did to you was when you were trying to summon things yeah i tell you what no more jellyfish no more wolves i think the thing is just to find the moments where i can pop the daggers dude rolling and daggers because i can do loads of daggers i can do the damage yeah there's no point in the jellyfish drawing a load of aggro when you're you've also taken a bunch of damage to get the quite fish to appear quite it's just got to keep a clean line of sightings i don't want the daggers to hit some scenery but you may you may still find run out of the cerulean tears um yeah you know just using the daggers it's possible but but like i can probably get in like i'm looking at it now maybe nearly 10. oh that's good yeah which like going by the damage they do is you know i mean look at that nice pretty good i've just got to find the openings to to send him it's shorter than the summon obviously yeah and he's got the yeah what's in the post that takes absolutely loads off it's in the nail nothing lovely nice okay all ready nice just one just just one but still good it's just one stop calling me tarnish you're tarnished [Laughter] so you could see you can see what happened you got this next time you're gonna have it right you're gonna have him next time you know what i feel i'm feeling really and this is good this is gonna jinx it totally but like i'm feeling real good about phase one now so you know it's we're making permanent progress with the cloud saves in my brain could go in immediately the thing is i haven't figured out the phase two openings for my magic kill everything daggers he still does um like the running the running things he does you could pop the daggers after the running thing it feels weird because it feels like something you should do when you're not when you don't have an opening but it does so much damage yeah that actually at any point you've got time to get them out you might as well yeah you haven't come close to running out of fp have you no i run out of life much much much quicker so good though good though you dodged most of that okay is it second stage already so roll up okay yeah lovely all right yes you managed to dodge that dagger as well that was gorgeous okay oh no nearly can i make it around him yeah yes oh no no oh those daggers oh that was unfair forgotten it's all right it's okay it's okay it's all right you got this you got this you got him to second stage in about 30 seconds so yeah you're fine which means now he'll kill me no no it's fine it's fine you just go in with the focus i know i sound really pessimistic but i'm having a wonderful time and i feel it is yeah like concentrating like all right what do you got me it wasn't till i played it that i understood like that hitting a brick wall with these things oh you could be having such a good time and a bad time yeah like how you can just die over and over and over and it not feel like it is a pain thank you very much i just find the timing on that running move really satisfying yeah it is you know because it's got such a it's so beautifully telegraphed when his foot lands you're like you know exactly when to hit the button yeah all right big jump this one as well big opening yeah should i be hitting him twice there yeah i think twice there yeah it's your biggest opening if his hand isn't up twice or just pop popping the daggers you know again you're not you're running out of health before you're running out of daggers right you know use those openings and again please thank you very much don't mind if i do oh come on oh dear oh no oh lucky it's just the wind up on the miz yeah it's like here i go no just kidding right all right i assume we're not like hemorrhaging viewers people must know what they signed up for right oh no we're at the highest views at the moment oh great hello everyone welcome welcome thanks for joining us if this is i think if this is your kind of thing yeah this is what this is what we got these are all good strategies for people who will eventually play this game why am i crouching that's not a good stretch i do that a lot yeah yeah so that's one of the really annoying things about having stealth on uh um on the on the stick is that yeah you can end up accidentally clicking it because you're just dark souls in so hard yeah shut the ham no yeah there we go good that's a good time to do the from a distance to the daggers yeah right now he's probably gonna send out this no no okay all right good we'll go take the two hits then there back up yeah here we go already on second stage he's gonna do a big jump all the swords the swords beautiful rolling that was brilliant thank you okay wait for yeah oh yeah my favorite sonic the hedgehog over here yep oh no okay backwards yeah all right oh unlucky yeah so okay the second second second stage getting two hits in at that point is risky because yeah second stage we were just one we just do one or we do nothing and we use the opening to conjure the spears because yeah but you can back up and and have those happening at once can't you yeah yeah all right all right it's uh it's quite the mental gymnastics iteration it's just iteration the other thing is i have to decide whether or not to get two hits on based on whether or not i'm like oh done ah nuts the thing is like here we go and again no thank you sir you stole busy lifting drinks you lose cheating yeah you still end up having to do the estus like after you know he's done that just a moment before you know cheating margaret right that should bring out that's that's round two isn't it yeah there we go oh he's staggered yes get him get him get oh amazing sick beautiful oh my goodness can we get if you've not liked already please hit that like button okay that was beautiful no no come on yeah all right perfect perfect perfect that's a gift thank you for the one hit in and out it's all right watch yourself that's the these are the last tigers i think yes just the one just the one all right what do you got what do you got okay now my heart's going just be patient yeah we got him folks folks well done well done luke yes losing it in the chat over the stagger we did it amazing job well done luke you did it well done no nonsense no must no fuss oh that was great that was great i think you have 15 minutes to explore stormville castle ah sick all right all right all right ah that was just about everything i want from this game so yeah yeah i am ah my pulse is going from that last one where you're like this is the furthest i've got it's the furthest i've got you get exponentially less likely to succeed yeah the more panicked you are level up a bit you've got something yeah yeah well you would hope right don't mind delicious oh yes oh my god screw it let's let's bang up this i think what uh hopefully it's come across in the stream but i just love the rhythm of that running attack yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah wait for the beat and then again it's really really pleasing i think as well like in terms of just you go in you can't do it you don't feel like you'll ever be able to do it yeah and then it's in a surprisingly short span of time yeah even if like you know if it's hours or days if it's me an hour and a half you're just like oh okay and then it's the the point where you realize you can do it is the point where you're like at the first the first phase is like yeah okay yeah no no no no oh good times right okay another great race discovered good well let's hop off let's jump off here then yeah there's a yeah there's a cheeky little item there's not much down here but there is a knife oh i de-equipped my sh i might pop my shield back yeah you'll probably want that fire grease who's watching um don't think so mate yeah no thanks i love shadows just the flapping um sort of banners but it looks like a freaking dragon's coming to get you or something isn't it yeah actually that just collapsed would be very dark souls thing to happen sorry it's just a root under the bridge it comes off the other side well done try ahead oh the other side yeah yeah okay right i think there might be some stuff around here right there's some items and uh trina oh i got trina's lily oh lovely so cheers trina high road ahead isn't trina like an r b or rap artist in the 90s uh i feel like that is the case i don't know where to now uh just up those there's a way up those rocks like oh hang on there's a hole in the wall yeah you end up coming up the side of the in 1998 late 90s good knowledge mike thanks look at that big ocean oh that's a vista yeah yes please all right okay good right that was a nice little loop but it's not it didn't have any enemies or glory there's a guy to the left here he's gonna offer you the chance to either nice okay go through the side or open the gate you just want to go through the side really soon come over here we can try the big gate at the end for moles i'm skipping the dialogue just because that's fine just because the game is going to kick us off in that yeah say okay you've got 12 minutes left yeah all right head to the left through that gap let me just wreck this guy's stuff first i've got 12 minutes wait i'm just gonna break it's important i think you're about to meet one of miyazaki's most uh beautiful and tormented creations uh oh great well heartbreaking fallen dignity yeah you know yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah i am so excited for this now the um the the painful and possibly endless descent into ruin is yeah exactly something like that something just really captures the the you know the rot in this world it's an eagle with knives on its feet it's a knife eagle damn yep there you go oh such a tragic beast with its knifey feet that was so funny an equal with knives for feet yeah the things miyazaki can imagine they're just beyond us i know that eagles like bloody hell i think it's the fact that every creature in this world has certain dignity to it come on oh my god right it might be they are a bit of a pain in the ass no oh i thought that was it i thought that was game over it will be it it will be it another type of flying knives yeah exactly yeah it's flying knife versus flying knife all right press on all right 10 minutes left oh god hello i'd let you have a cheeky extra 10 minutes at the end oh for god's sake i don't know why i'm surprised that there's more of them yeah well they you know i just want to know who's attaching knives to all these eagles who's sitting there in a knife work making it's andre's side gig yeah exactly yeah wow the camera is really struggling isn't it it's not yeah i mean well there we go that was a weird one like that felt okay i won't blunder into that next time look a good good view over there i'm amusing myself the quiet dignity yeah of the knife quiet dignity and this so this was the this was the easy back way was it yeah go up to the right yeah and then you don't have to that you only need to fight that first knife eagle i think and then you can head to the castle it depends if you want that item or not how badly you want that item i mean oh there it is yeah so just keep an eye out on that yeah just be nice hello yeah there you go stupid knife that gap is this sort of way you need to go is that another site of grace i think it is yes perfect oh look at that wow that it's like the duke's archives all over again yes you know you can just see something in the distance you're like gotta get there yeah no gotta get there all right up into the castle eight minutes left [Music] oh damn okay to be fair quite a few folks who are gonna rush you now all right [Music] so french folks rune is like a small collection of souls okay it's that sort of vibe gotcha gotcha portable souls easy easy look at that oh that was unnecessary allowed himself to be backstabbed for a jump what uh big explosions ahead massive oh yeah should have well hmm just run up and then run back again basically yeah that that sort of vibe that sort of vibe oh hey i know it's technically a spoiler chat but never we're under we've only got the problem is soulsborne doesn't include sakiro in the word and now it has another series that it has to so this is locked would you like to know where you find the key yeah go on it's like in a bug's guts great that's what i was hoping he would say it's a carry-on up here another couple of chumps oh no okay well that's on me that's on me folks you've got more yeah well i've got more as well i like it vindictive petty i love it all right carry on yeah yeah yeah off the thing a little dark upstairs that guy is easy peasy yeah and then i look an inviting door a warm and inviting door wonder what's behind it good it's a horror it's a screeching horror interesting insects did i certainly skip a cutscene there i no you didn't i think there will be a cutscene in the final game but oh right whatever reason so this is you're getting towards the end of the network test now so it's sort of like more bits are being closed off right look at this look at this horrifying amalgam wow that tell you what maybe now's the time for the jellyfish yeah if you get moment yeah right and actually i mean i'm not on health at the moment i'm gonna have i'm gonna have to die because i can't i don't have them equipped this is the warm-up come on bug show me your guts i will confess i did not manage to beat this but you're doing well you're doing a good job we'll see what we'll see what can be done hmm with the resources we have at our disposal he's very hovering mighty can you not oh sorry oh no sorry i was talking did you think he's referring to the bug yeah yeah yeah your pun could you not can you not ellen can you not punch could you not pun while i'm trying to fight a very serious boss trying to get a key out of a bug's guts this is less of a an efficient run to the to the boss not even really a boss it's just a big horrible bug what if i do this what gets down yeah get stabbed get get easily killed by everyone make tracks in the chat says if i ever play this game uh the boss fight is gonna be super awkward as my girlfriend's mom is called market really obviously he's blowing himself up now yeah okay all right i think he's made blue in my face yeah if i hang around with you though someone firebombed me now there we go this is uh it would have worked would have paid off all right bye everyone i'll always treasure this been real together it's been real oh no enemies the one thing i didn't expect oh no no come on let me out let me out let me out okay this is this is the this is the truest dark soul [Music] well well well well it's just uh it's absolute chaos oh what watch out you got one flask left it's fine i hear one flask okay you're ill-equipped for this so as it turned out as it turns out i also forgot to equip the jellyfish but well you probably don't have time okay quickly into the room is there a summoning pool around here you could try and summon someone else yeah i can't tell if there is one or not hang on no i've got like a proper crocodile of death bring him in with you yeah i've got a feeling you're not going to be on this little face come in then lads we've got two minutes left according to the official timer oh i don't i mean i don't think they're going to let us run over are they no probably not so what kind of damage they're saying like sonic damage yeah is that sonic or psychic logic it's a screaming bug who are now trying to fight the dragon with one minute to go on the on the network test well look at the timings i mean we could we could there is more of this game that could be streamed we never went to luke's island we there's a boss down on the beach apparently and we could have another go at the bug but it just depends on the timing because it's only over this weekend and it's some really weird points many of which normal people will be assuming we'll look at it but no problem we'll look at it but also like i'm i'm pretty happy with you you made an astonishing pretty happy moment basically you got as far as i got in nine hours in three so yeah but you were i didn't have you didn't have that you didn't have a mic to gps that's true that is true hello do your trick oh god not like cartoon style blasted into the camera there yeah oh he hit himself then yeah stop hitting yourself what's up here uh it's just a little outdoor there's a bad guy out there but it take it does take you off it's a route it's a valid route probably easier just drop on him uh yeah there's a couple there's a guy at the ladder as well but you really want that backstab huh i really want to not fall off that's true that's very easy ah okay oh my god oh here he is hey hello mate to you got a big stick as well it's really annoying there's lots of pushing which i don't think is fair on on this sort of rickety walkway definitely nearly i think that would be really good when you're duel wielding a shield can you slide down can you slide down the ladders with both hands it's important that we find this out yes good good good needless to say i didn't mean to use that yeah oh god we should we should try and actually deploy the jellyfish in a tactical way shouldn't we shall i just is this your head yeah all right this is the whole no damn it you just like resting on the square button yeah oh yeah okay yeah all right okay fine not the entire way but it's fine out of the way all right here we go jellyfish here we go just got the jellyfish to start with not letting me pop it maybe it's not allowed all right nice it's not allowed it's fine well wow just use daggers forever it's got so many different arms [Music] well that's just what i want it though i don't want it i mean that they i well we're already two minutes over so they haven't kicked us out yet if you want to have a crack at it yeah all right i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna have a i'll take a crack at it and i'll and i'll i'll take it seriously this time this time for real this time it's time for realsies let me take these guys seriously yep all right difficult on these little walkways and stuff isn't it yeah i take it if i like move go progress a bit further there isn't like a sort of uh well it had to happen once yeah that's true yeah yeah yeah it would have been a shame i don't have a you can't have a stream where you don't fall on it to your doom i know you didn't do it like once during the margaret the fellowman fight i thought the i thought the eagle fight for sure is gonna get um what were you saying you were saying you presume if you i assume i assume yeah that i can't like cheat a bit by going forward finding a place of grace and then go backtracking to the bug there's no as far as i know there's no more um sights of grace in the demo uh around this area this can be done look you know get out get outside it's easier oh yeah although it might not be now that i've backed around literally hello don't mind me right gotta get up before before matey goes down yeah okay well this is awkward watch out they really want you off that thing don't they that was quite funny swinging behind the ladder behind the ladder go that's it okay ladder is your protection have a sit sippy sit i thought there was another enemy for a moment oh my god this has strong um boletarian castle yeah yeah energy well i'm getting up with uh three healing flasks you wanna have a look running get right in there just just get right in there all up in his business oh it's like a stagger i feel like i could twist it i feel like i could do more if i could see what the heck even ah even a little all right you want to see what happens if you open the main gate if you've got time it's quite funny what should we do should we keep should we keep keep trying this let's try the gate let's try the gate if you just fast travel to the site of grace just outside the gate and then you can go and ask the guy to open it so fast travel oh yeah oh sorry yeah i forgot i was uh yeah see this one yeah yeah if we've got time oh there it is that's all she wrote ah well i'm kind of i'm kind of glad because my fingers are seizing up yep yeah a little done thanks very much gg it's the correct phrase thank you so much for it yeah joining mike happy to help for showing it yeah like if you weren't here mike we would have spent three hours just wandering around in that opening area you saw you genuinely saw most of well you saw everything that i i saw plus a bit extra because i never found that grove side cave with the beast guy in it so nicely done i don't remember that you know the the beast man in the wolf cave oh yeah yeah yeah the one who the wolves um i know it was three it was nearly [Laughter] well thanks everyone for watching uh this has been great um elden ring is good turns out so that's good uh look forward to it in in four actual months a staggering show of confidence to have shown the game off late fair isn't it basically it's late february yeah yeah um and yeah it feels man it feels great it feels great all right take each folks thank you again mike and ellen go watch mike's list it's pinned disappeared oh yeah please do please go watch it thank you bye bye [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 197,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra, outsidexbox, elden ring, elden ring cnt, elden ring beta, network test, elden ring gameplay, elden ring bosses, boss
Id: KGum4k1WdTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 191min 25sec (11485 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 12 2021
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