7 Ludicrous Cameos That Must be Immediately Declared Non-Canon

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cameos give us a chance to enjoy a character thing or person in a place where we don't normally expect to see them like what's rob from playstation access doing here thanks Rob which is fine most of the time and when we do it but not when those cameos make absolutely no sense exploding the internal logic of our favorite games like a wedding cake full of firecrackers seriously Soulcalibur how are we supposed to take your rich backstory seriously now that this is part of your fictional universe a here are the cameos in games that must be declared immediately non-canon for the sake of our sanity along the way beware spoilers for the following [Music] [Applause] [Music] by all the gods have they sent a message from the sky it's as if rah has descended upon us with Assassin's Creed origins focusing on the amazing gods of ancient Egypt you might be forgiven for thinking that the quest a gift from the gods was about some animal-headed deity but no if you stumble across this free add-on quest you'll find that an apparent fallen star has unearthed a tomb next to a rather unique sundial use the mysterious markings on the tune door solve the sundials puzzle and the curious stones within will go into overdrive this freaks byuk out just a little bit [Music] keep it together by it I mean you're gonna have to as things are about to get a lot stranger see those lights have unlocked the tomb and should you go in there you'll set off one of the weirdest cameos of all time Final Fantasy 15 baddie odd in a zoo Nia appears and then gets carried off boy has summoned Bahamut [Music] I mean sure it's a super short cameo but long enough to completely challenge everything we thought we knew about the Assassin's Creed universe plus before sweeping our din away Bahamut leaves you a gift or two in his Ultima sword attack noctis's engine blade Ozzy Drake shield and the option of a brand new mount friend called croco camel thing look it's so cute I'm not even mad that it completely destroys assassin's creed Canon and Plus quiz Q enough that really adds to my senior selfies [Music] I see your luck just ran out the dinner alive series has a roster of weird and wonderful characters but they're alive for has a halo cameo that is literally out of this world she's from Mars yes Dead or Alive for added spartan four five eight also known as Nicole according to backstory Nicole finds herself stuck on the 21st century version of the NASA station thanks to a slipstream space anomaly she's in a unique position as a Spartan being completely unable to kill anyone for fear of changing the future instead she must hang around hoping that she'll eventually get back to 25:52 and non-lethal incapacitate anyone in her way Wow Wow Wow okay well incapacitate not break every limb not covered in metal like you Nicole see the colors fighting in her full Spartan gear complete with all its abilities and extras like plasma grenades bus while it covers and protects her from head to toe it doesn't hide the fact that she is 6 foot 8 inches standing at 7 foot 2 in her half-ton armor so she's hugely tall like all Spartans this gives Spartans a natural advantage in combat basketball and seeing over the tops of other people's heads at gigs wouldn't that be nice hey Ellen however Nicole was not a character originally in the Halo series instead being designed by Bungie especially for this game and being referenced in Halo after her Dead or Alive appearance this makes has a unique cameo in the fact that it's a retroactive one just like how all my old family home videos feature my family but also a cameo from supercool youtuber Jane Douglas [Music] Mario's never shied away from a sporting challenge and has in his time turned his not inconsiderable skills to football golf and he's even pretty handy with the jump rope [Music] tell that to my year four classmates those fools got taken to school literally but Nintendo's mascot isn't content with starring only in his own games enter NBA Street v3 a three-on-three basketball game from 2005 for Xbox ps2 and GameCube on ps2 and Xbox everything was relatively normal in this bball sim but as part of a tie-up between EA and Nintendo the GameCube version boasted significantly more moustaches and overalls courtesy of the Nintendo all-stars team a cameo appearance for Mario his brother Luigi and divinely appointed ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom Princess Peach well I guess she is used to holding court whoa to Smurf the room basketball seems like a natural choice for characters who routinely jumped more than twice their own body length but sadly there was nothing natural about the proportions of team Mario in the game with a long-limbed peach scaled to be roughly the height of her human opponents while Mario and Luigi resembled swollen beasting victims still can't ignore those sweet moves sure it's all mad buckets now but where were those sweet jumping skills in world eight one of New Super Mario Brothers a hey I so clock has a pretty stressful life constantly nearly dying at the claws of horrible monsters do you think after all that he'd want a nice sit-down however if this next cameo is a reflection of what he likes to do in his spare time apparently Isaac prefers to kickflip rather than kick back in skate three if you head over into free play and enter in the cheat code Dead Space 2 you can unlock the legendary Isaac Clark as a character this means that you could take this ship systems engineer and do some badass tricks which is pretty impressive considering the getup he's in a nice weasel and knows tread kick yeah kick flip nope weasel I know skate stuff still it's interesting to see Isaac just enjoy himself for once only seeing him in pain because he failed to stick the landing rather than getting swiped at by nightmarish skeleton monsters and it does beg the question did his girlfriend Nicole know about his love of ollieing he was a skater boy she said see you later boy I'll be in space after the show stamping or Necromorphs killed by electric bills it is quite bad I'll have you know the curtain has been raised those chosen by history begin their final we know that Master Yoda from Star Wars likes to keep secrets like the fact that Lair is Luke's sister or that the force is all done with levers and pulleys but even for Yoda the fact that he's discovered a parallel universe is a pretty massive thing to keep under his hat let alone the fact that he's traveled from his home on Dagobah into that parallel universe to take part in a magical fighting tournament stage start and yet in Soul Calibur for that's exactly what's supposed to have happened at least according to the explanation for why the diminutive former Jedi Grandmaster is suddenly in a 16th century castle waving a lightsaber at a man armed only with a wooden pole strange being who are you more important to illusion an unsatisfying answer that is to be fair the Soul Calibur series has never been shy about freaky cameos which is why Zelda fans must accept that link at some point left hyrule to destroy the evil soul edge while Assassin's Creed enthusiasts tried to fit this on fire night into the timeline of Ezio Auditore but nothing beats yo disappearance in terms of pure fiction breaking nonsense even if there is some pleasure to be taken in seeing Kermit's less fun muppet cousin dealing out lightsaber justice taking advantage of the fact that he's often too small for his enemies to even hit ain't no Jedi code in the Soul Calibur universe gone Yoda kill kill eventually Yodas thirst for smacking Reformation era youngsters with a laser sword is sated and he concludes his otherworldly jaunt by sucking all the energy out of the soul series is to curse swords then blast off back to Dagobah in an escape pod safe in the knowledge that he's accidentally placed the events of Star Wars firmly in the 16th century thanks for that pointy ears still it's better this than Darth Vader Soul Calibur ending which sees the heavy breathing Sith Lord returning to a galaxy far far away with a sword that has an eye in it which is tough to square with the events of Return of the Jedi I shall release you unless Vader put those swords in storage on the Death Star then forgot about them and then they get blown up and that's why we never see them and that makes sense so yes I can sleep again [Music] the fictional continent of Tamriel has a history as rich as an over honeyed sweet roll everywhere you look in Skyrim which is merely one region of the sprawling Tamriel you'll find evidence of the hours upon hours of thought that have been poured into the law of the game every aspect of life in Tamriel has not only been considered but charted in books or songs that can be found throughout the land if you have the time or inclination to read them that is so it's almost heroic that game maker Bethesda worked with valve to jeopardize all that by introducing to Skyrim a talking robot from space right but that is what happened in a promotional move to celebrate the launch of mod discovery tools for Skyrim but unlike most mods which unofficially and therefore harmlessly add Thomas the Tank engines this officially sanctioned tweak once installed calls the gobbling space Corps that got sucked into space at the end of Portal 2 to crash back down to Terra Firma in Skyrim you can get game space right you're going space caps once picked up the space core can be examined in your inventory where it will Yammer insistently about space like a drunk friend trying to explain a moon landing conspiracy they found online oh I know I know I know wait wait wait I know wait I know I know wait space annoying but hey if that a I Corps is really doing your head in you can always hollow it out and turn it into a war helmet yeah try landing an animal crossing next time motormouth [Music] you could call the Mario Kart series a lot of things colorful exciting friendship ruining Li unfair but the one word you'd never apply to this long-running racer is realistic because a no engine can handle a full mid-race underwater section be its inadvisable to hold a tournament in a functioning airport and see no governing body would let an ape compete in a serious racing league although we live in hope come on fédération Internationale de l'Automobile do the right thing the comfortable weirdness of mario kart was shattered however back in 2014 when mercedes drove what was presumably a truckload of money up to nintendo HQ in exchange for having its cars including a mario kart 8 [Music] the vehicles in this car flavored cameo comprised the w25 Silver Arrow racer the 300sl roadster and the Mercedes GLA which off the top of our head we would probably describe as a front-engine rear-drive 5-door subcompact luxury crossover SUV automobile so those are some of the cameos and games that had us just going why do you hate the Canon so much games why you just shot shattering it breaking it like an egg like the egg of our minds into the omelet of despair why just just you never want to stay in their own game still make sense that's [Laughter] okay can you think of any others that were bad all good let us know the comments is another stuff that's good and oh I mean I mean you're definitely gonna now
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 1,784,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: assassin's creed origins, final fantasy xv, Ardyn Izunia, chocobo, dead or alive 4, SPARTAN-458, nicole, NBA Street V3, Mario, Luigi, Peach, Isaac Clarke, Dead Space, Skate 3, Soul Calibur 4, Yoda, Darth Vader, Skyrim, Portal, Space Core, Portal Space Core, Mario Kart 8, Mercedes, cameos, funny, video games, list, outsidextra, outside xtra, outsidexbox, outside xbox, ellen rose, luke westaway, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, gameplay, ps4, xbox, playstation access, rob
Id: 7VPYk_UFqcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 59sec (899 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2018
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