7 Deleted Game Endings You Need to See

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the ending of a video game is designed to bring together all the plot threads and characters into a satisfying conclusion that's why the ending of a game has been the most important part of the story since the dawn of video games okay since about the dawn of 1995. sometimes however video games have endings planned that end up on the cutting room floor endings that had they made it into the final version would have changed some of our favorite games in wild ways here are some of the wildest enjoy and beware some pretty massive spoilers ahead for the following [Music] [Applause] [Music] games [Music] [Applause] [Music] the story of the development of metal gear solid 5 the phantom pain is long and riddled with acrimony but basically boils down to this hideo kojima wanted unlimited time and money to make the perfect video game konami on the other hand wanted him to release the video game so that people could give them money for it so a solution was reached in which konami fired kojima released the game in the state it was in on the day kojima was boxing up his desk and then released another game using the same engine that everyone hated i didn't say it was a good solution welcome to dt the world beyond the wormholes it exists in a dimension separate from your own demands and all hope from here on metal gear solid 5 is still a phenomenal game but eagle-eyed players will notice that it ends somewhat abruptly after mission 50. [Music] it's particularly jarring as towards the end of the game a juvenile liquid snake going by the name eli and baby psychomantis steal a metal gear and escape with the strong implication that this isn't the last we'll see of them this is in fact the last we see of them but that wasn't always going to be the case there was a cut mission 51 of the game called kingdom of the flies in which venom snake travels to the central african jungle to chase down eli and his big deadly robot yeah they're calling us out they want to settle this while the mission never made it into the finished game concept art and unfinished cutscenes were included on the collector's edition bonus blu-ray disc and give us a pretty good idea of what this deleted ending for metal gear solid 5 actually would have been like okay boss the objective is to recover eli included once you're in the air we'll hit the island with napalm can't let those things spread given the title kingdom of the flies you can probably imagine the setup here as the jungle setting for the mission has been taken over by eli and his army of child soldiers and the environment would have been littered with the corpses of soldiers who had fallen victim to their booby traps [Music] what it was all building up to was what would have been the game's true final boss fight snake vs eli who would have been piloting metal gear salanthropus you don't get the last word father i'll break the curse of my heritage and to do that first i will kill you oh you are so grounded when we get home young man snake wouldn't have been fighting alone however but alongside the diamond dogs pmc that you spent the game recruiting equipping and raising the morale of so there would have been an actual in-game reason for you to spend your time building up your forces and not say hurling them into the ocean for the lols perhaps most shocking of all however is the final sequence in which a nearby explosion exacerbates snake's head injury making him unable to differentiate between friend and foe and as a result he shoots eli so this ending had it made it into the final game would have given us a proper final boss as well as setting up liquid snakes hatred of big boss in the later games deepening big boss's guilt and giving us a no worthy of darth vader himself and honestly what price that konami 80 million dollars okay yeah that is that is actually a lot that's probably fair [Music] the eighth installment in the tomb raider series tomb raider underworld has absolutely zero chill as evidenced by the fact that the very first thing that happens after you press start is lara's house explodes doesn't really let up from there including as it does lara traveling to the north underworld fighting her evil clone and lamping people with thor's hammer what the game does have however is a surprisingly upbeat and hopeful ending in which lara has to work with her longtime enemy and rival amanda to escape helheim using teamwork despite some obvious tension they part company with the hope of these two old friends reconciling at some point in the future would killing me make us eat so that's the ending we got in the actual game that hit shop shelves there was however an extra ending scene left in the game files that was never used but that would have appeared after that cutscene in it following that touching moment of lara and amanda trying to come to terms with their complex relationship amanda tries to kill lara with a rock amazingly lara then leaves amanda horribly wounded and unable to stand alone in the middle of a blizzard to her certain death striding away while amanda pleads for help before being swallowed by the storm that would certainly have put a different spin on both amanda's character arc and indeed that of lara croft the woman who shoots people and leaves them to die on mountainsides it definitely doesn't look as good on a movie poster that's for sure i underestimated i warned you control is the means to survival control of the reapers and of you if necessary now as we all know mass effect 3's ending was perfect and no one had any issues with it whatsoever [Music] i'm getting a no okay so maybe there were a few issues as evidenced by the fact that bioware put out a post release update that added extra options to the choice you have to make at the end of the game as well as a bit more explanation as to what happens after your choice that fixed it right but i've only told you a few of the stories still no i'm hearing well perhaps people would have been more satisfied with the original way that it was going to end that ended up on the cutting room floor currently the game has no real final boss fight you confront siri's puppet master the elusive man and have a conversation with him which either ends with him being shot or shooting himself and then you get into the business of making a decision about the fate of the universe with a creepy star child based on what color you like best i think that's what was happening the defining characteristic of organic life is that we think for ourselves make our own choices you take that away and we might as well be machines just like you as revealed in the book the art of the mass effect universe however the game was originally supposed to have a final boss fight and that final boss was going to be a reaper fied version of the elusive man as seen here in this concept art eventually this part of the ending was scrapped in favor of the conversational boss fight we ended up with but we can definitely see the appeal of a big proper boss fight to finish off the trilogy and to join other classic mass effect boss fights such as the one against sarin on a hoverboard or the time you fight that big space terminator yeah on second thoughts let's count ourselves lucky [Music] you can't save her even if you get her out of here then what how long before she's torn to pieces by a pack of clickers set in a brutal and desperate world the last of us has more shades of grey than a paint chart and anyone expecting a happy ending must have missed the fact that the main characters in the game spend more time shivving mushroom zombies in the throat than they do smiling the plot of the game revolves around a fungus that's creating said mushroom zombies and a mutated version of that fungus inside playable character ellie's brain that's the only way to develop a vaccine and save all of humanity whatever happened to me is the key to finding a vaccine oh jesus that's what she said at the end of the game scientists have taken ellie and come to the realization that they can't operate to remove what they need to create a vaccine without killing her what are you doing in here i won't let you take her this is our future think of all the lives we'll save at which point the other playable character joel shoots the scientists rescues ellie and by extension dooms mankind we said it wasn't going to be cheery come on baby for those optimists who'd prefer something a bit more hopeful there does exist an epilogue to the game but the catch is that it only ever happened once live in front of an audience and no record of it exists allow me to explain in 2014 a live theatrical performance called the last of us one night live brought the cast and crew together to present a behind the scenes look at the game's development play selections from the score and perform scenes from the game well here let's make you all nostalgic you know that is actually even before my time that is a winner though isn't it oh man well it's better than nothing all right let's see what else we got in addition to this the main actors from the game performed a never before seen last of us epilogue that isn't in the released version of the game with the caveat that it was just for the audience in attendance and that they would never release it publicly so uh that's going to conclude our program for those of you watching the stream those of you in the house we've got neil has prepared an amazing surprise for you guys that uh will certainly be talked about on the internet shortly after it happens so stay tuned for that as a result we can't show you the epilogue here but we do know its contents it features joel and ellie as performed by troy baker and ashley johnson having settled down at the dam where joel's brother tommy lives in it joel pulls out a guitar and plays a song for ellie about the time they've spent together we get to see ellie overcome her distrust of joel that stems from his actions in the game's original ending and joel then hands ellie the guitar and promises to teach her how to play something that we now know is setting up ellie's guitar skills in the last of us part two [Music] while it's still not a happy ending it sounds like this epilogue would have shown our characters enjoying some semblance of a normal life after the horrific events of the main story while still keeping the tone of the original game after all this is the last of us you can't have characters dancing or breaking into song or anything like that what am i feeling so much confusion i've got a man in my arms and a girl with a gun to my head but there she is on the table i stand corrected i plunged into the depths of the abyss unspeakable pain relentless agony time ceased to exist only this torture and a deepening hatred of the hypocrisy that damned me to this hell in legacy of kane you play as raziel a vampire turned wraith who is on a mission to kill kane mostly in retaliation for him ruining your kick-ass new wings at the start of the game rude for my transgression i earned a new kind of reward there is a nobler aim as well though since killing kane will restore the world of nozgoth where the game is set turning it from a cataclysmic nightmare world dominated by warring vampire factions into somewhere quite nice where you could probably walk the dog as it stands legacy of kane ends with raziel finally confronting kane in an epic boss fight where you prove once and for all that you are the stronger warrior all right raziel time to finish him off you nearly had me raziel but this is not where or how it ends anytime raz it'll be extra easy while he's giving this long speech be warned raziel once you cross this threshold you are beyond my influence nope instead kane remembers he has a time machine and jumps into a time portal leaving us on a cliffhanger ending and somewhat anticlimactically setting up legacy of kane soul reaver too welcome to your destiny but that wasn't always going to be the case development troubles meant that loads of content had to be cut from soul reaver in order for it to meet its release date although no footage exists the audio had already been recorded for this lost content and it gives us some insight into the many things cut from the game including you actually killing kane do you have the will to do it raziel could it be after all your posturing you do not possess the resolve for this final act the audio also contains the original much longer ending in which razial activates the long dormant pipes of the silenced cathedral which kills every vampire in the whole world with a sonic blast but time was ripe indeed past you for me to exploit my newborn talents and send a hymn of death across this land enough to banish sanity enough to set the children of the night plucking at their eyes tearing open their own throats enough to destroy every vampiric creature on the face of this bruised and bleeding land to be fair every vampire in the world dying would have made it a bit harder to do a sequel and there were three more legacy of kane games after this one so maybe this change was for the best certainly it was for the vampires anyway [Music] die monster you don't belong in this world it was not by my hand that i'm once again given flesh i was called here by humans who wish to pay me tribute tribute you steal men's souls and make them your slaves perhaps the same could be said of all religions your words are as empty as your soul mankind ill needs a savior such as you castlevania symphony of the night casts you as dracula's son allu card which is dracula spelled backwards he's a dump here which looks like it should be something spelled backwards but is actually a half vampire half human with few of the weaknesses of a vampire such as being vulnerable to sunlight but all of the strengths such as having incredible hair ah what is your business here i've come to put an end to this your job as alucard is to track down vampire hunter and hero of the previous game rifter belmont who has been brainwashed by one of count dracula's disciples a dark priest called shaft who to be fair is a cat who won't cop out when there's danger all about no you claim to love the darkness go then and dwell there for all eternity but but my goal is achieved count dracula has come to purify this corrupt world with the searing flames of chaos along the way you're aided by maria renard who is also searching for richter and when the two of you finally confront him alucard breaks the spell controlling richter and everything is fine except that you then have to redo the entire game only upside down but that's a different story i'm sorry it is my fault you had to fight your own father however sound files discovered on the game disc reveal there was a planned different ending to this encounter in which maria would intervene during the fight with richter saving him but in return getting possessed herself wait don't hurt victor anymore maria victor you saved me if not for you i would have lost to this fool four demons i hold you to your oath defend your master who commands you ah such power in such a little girl there would have followed a boss fight with this transformed maria before leading to a bad ending in which both maria and richter are killed as the castle collapses around them [Music] it won't end like this you should be destroyed along with this castle this deleted ending was confirmed by castlevania boss koji igarashi in an interview in which he said he planned for the ending to be a downbeat one with alucard left alone having won but at two greater cost it's over but the sacrifice was great maria richter i did not wish for you to die such is the fate of mortals i'm certain that some dark force was behind maria's transformation but it doesn't matter now hey cheer upon your card you've still got that amazing hair he'll be fine your appointment to fema should be finalized within the week i've already discussed the matter with the senator i take it he was agreeable he didn't really have a choice the original deus ex released for the pc back in the year 2000 told the story of jc denton a counter-terrorism agent who's augmented with nanotechnology to give him incredible new powers like a perfectly square head and the ability to not feel self-conscious about wearing sunglasses at night you better step away from the jet your boss is my next objective as you navigate your way through the world of deus ex you uncover a conspiracy related to a virus known as the grey death and its vaccine and have to take actions and make decisions that bring you into conflict with several factions who generally you wouldn't want to get on the bad side of these include chinese gangsters the triads a secret committee of scientists and military leaders known as majestic 12 and the actual illuminati who i guess are just going around in public calling themselves that now cool the illuminati and mj-12 believe that the most intelligent or enlightened human being will inevitably gain power ultimately seizing the eye in the pyramid and creating the world for everyone else kind of secularized version of natural law one thing all three factions can agree on is that bob page former illuminati and founder of majestic 12 is bad news particularly as by the end of the game he's gone totally rogue and is trying to fuse with an ai construct called helios so that he will have control over all global communications and nanotechnology which i mean sounds bad sure soon i will be pure light pure energy helios and i well the illuminati cower in the shadows as it stands your final choice in deus ex is whether to side with the triads and destroy the global communications hub let's start again side with the illuminati by killing page and letting them use area 51 technology to secretly rule the world the world must know by now everett what we've done or side with helios yourself and become a benevolent computer overlord because of what a nice guy you are all right [Music] however there was originally going to be a fourth option in which you would have just let bob page carry out his villainous plan presumably because the other options all sound too much like hard work in a let's play on deus ex's youtube channel of the original deus ex with series creator warren spector spector revealed that this fourth ending was planned but ultimately deleted and would have involved jc denton getting a sweet gig as paige's second in command and also ruling europe into the bargain there was actually supposed to be a fourth ending where you could actually do what bob page wanted you to do i can't remember why why did we cut that but uh it was you were gonna be able to uh he offered you uh the opportunity to to rule europe or something at some point to be his second commander sadly it never made it to the final version of the game but if you ask us more game endings where we can just side with the final boss please would make everything a lot easier [Music] thank you so much for watching this video all the way to the end no deleted endings here but what we do have for you is a couple of videos on screen right now one from us and one from our sister channel that are perfect to watch at the end of this video also you look like a very helpful person and what really helps us out is if you click the like button hit subscribe and also crucially hit that bell icon to be notified whenever we produce a video thanks so much and we'll see you next time
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 272,409
Rating: 4.9592247 out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell
Id: fpyeO7s4hX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 32sec (1352 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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