7 Achievements You Got For Doing Literally Nothing

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I usually do LITERALLY nothing, but still get the achievement of "You're still breathing!" and also "You just watched the latest video that Jane was kinda a part of!"

Both got me +5 arbitrary-points, and I'm curious why I'm wasting my life in this fashion. (Please send halp.)

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Drumboardist 📅︎︎ Sep 05 2019 🗫︎ replies
achievements and trophies exist as a record of your most impressive gaming feats and so that the 100 hours you spent trying to collect perfect rabbit pelts in Red Dead Redemption 2 wasn't in vain but rather a worthwhile and smart use of a significant portion of the only life you'll ever have excuse me I just need to take this for a second some achievements however don't require anywhere near this level of commitment in fact there are achievements you can get by doing literally nothing at all which is an achievement in itself I suppose here are seven games the degree enjoy ample spoilers ahead for the following games [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] me and Paulie never did agree about the way things were being done Paulie took the business into selling drugs working side-by-side with the cops when I was growing up the family had codes we did business we looked out for the people I believe we were honor those codes now Paulie he's just a parasite wants to bleed me dry the darkness presents an intriguing alternate reality what-if scenario what if Goss could become Mafia dons thanks Frankie sadly the answer to that question doesn't involve leather trench coats replacing pinstripe suits and Godfather films where Marlon Brando listens to ministry but it does involve hellish tentacles voiced by the lead singer of Faith No More they eat people's hearts so on the whole I'm gonna say an improvement anyway in the darkness you play as said goth Mafia Don Jacki Estacado who goes on a roaring rampage of revenge after his girlfriend's Jenny is killed by his organized crime rivals a rampage that is definitely helped by the aforementioned tentacles before that know you as Jackie get to spend a quiet evening in with Jenny at her apartment where you snuggle up on the couch and watch a movie 1962 is To Kill a Mockingbird starring Gregory Peck to be specific come on Cydia for a while Jackie watch some TV with me good choice although you might have wanted to pick something with explosions because before long jenny has fallen asleep on your shoulder which I mean it's your decision lady but I'm pretty sure that's where the tentacles come out [Music] all in all this takes a couple of minutes of sitting still and doing absolutely nothing at which point you're awarded with the 10 point romantic achievement for being a good boyfriend and not loudly moaning about how your arms gone to sleep and you want to watch Hobbes and Shaw instead [Music] ah that's sweet and only slightly undermines seconds later when you get up leave and murder 1000 people with hell tentacles but still nice while it lasted hey buddy you mentioned something about research for a story that's right got a tip that something bigs happening in a nowhere little town like that they sure didn't mention anything about it on TV yeah well I'm freelance pal I don't make my living waiting for the TV to tell me what to cover every sensible person has a plan for surviving the zombie apocalypse mine for example well let's just say I don't need to be fast I just need to be faster than Mike yeah nothing if you're in the zombie apocalypse of Capcom's Dead Rising however there's an even easier survival plan available to you and one that Nets you and achievements into the bargain when Frank West arrives via a helicopter at the start of the game he tells the pilot to come back for him in 72 hours don't forget to come back for me as long as you're not dead Fred usually the way you play a Dead Rising game is by sprinting around the mall or wherever changing into stupid outfits and smashing zombies heads in with a variety of improvised weaponry along the way you'll realize that maybe man is the real monster because it sure does seem like a lot of people were just waiting for the apocalypse to become evil clowns very funny fun if all that sounds like too much hassle you can just sit around on the helipad for 72 in-game hours six hours in real time and do absolutely nothing after three days of a lap steel get picked up by the returning helicopter as promised and earn yourself the 20g three-day survivor achievement for surviving three days in a zombie infested shopping mall despite having never seen or encountered any undead outside of the opening cutscene oh wait there's one oh that was close so you're gonna test and I'm gonna watch everything is gonna be just nuclear during the events of portal 2 for reasons that are too complicated to get into here the villain of the first game ends up in a potato and Stephen Merchant from the office starts trying to kill you it's at this point in the game that dim personality called Wheatley is in charge of the Aperture Science testing facility and compelled by his new power to test constantly despite the available test subject being less than optimal walking on - but how can you not do the one thing you design for so when you turn up he's delighted to have someone to test out his new chamber this is a big mostly empty room with the word test written on the wall an empty moat and a button which when pushed does something I expect impossible as it is to imagine there actually is a solution devolution if you prefer however you can just sit here and do absolutely nothing ignoring all the useful hints from Wheatley until you get an achievement called you made your point for refusing to solve Wheatley's test yeah refusing that's right could I have another hen no I'll give you a button you button it Wheatley I'm trying to solve a puzzle here think Jane think loose you can hear me can't you nearly need to step into the light your father and I are waiting we missed you so much hey did you know Batman's parents are dead I know he keeps it pretty quiet that being said Batman's loss is your game because you can get a 5g achievement in Batman Arkham City for doing absolutely nothing for a minute right next to where Thomas and Martha Wayne had the worst night of the theater since the opening night of spider-man turn off the dark Crime Alley the ironically named streets where the Wayne murders took place is included in the parts of old Gotham that have been converted into these supermax prison known as Arkham City which is going to make popping in to drop off some flowers a bit tricky going forward luckily for Batman however Hugo Strange has already been here and done just that as well as redrawing the chalk outlines at the Wayne's bodies so you don't accidentally pay your respects further down the street where someone poor died at least they hope they've been redrawn and it's not that no one's cleaned this street in 30 years now in Gotham it could be either anyway make time to stop by the alley and you're given the option to pay respect something that involves kneeling down and doing literally nothing for a full minute the most respectful amount of time there is once a minute is passed you'll get the achievement paying respects and can get back to your busy schedule of killing other people's parents that's a problem for 30 years time Batman wouldn't want to be that guy [Music] in real life meditating gets you literally nothing except improved mental well-being guinness in the transcendentally lovely journey on ps3 and later ps4 however meditating gets you a shiny bronze trophy for your virtual trophy cabinet and where real-world meditation requires stuff like mindful breathing and not thinking about Doritos in the dreamy desert world of journey you simply have to bop the select button to sit down and wait without any of the pins needles and shooting pains in your needs that come of sitting cross-legged as an adult for any amount of time to get the journey trophy known as a reflection you merely have to encounter another player through journey spontaneous online matchmaking and hope that they are like you a meditative soul and that they know the button for sitting down sit down sit down sit down friend my friend please friend please no no that's jumping friend once they get the message and find the right button though you simply need to take a sandy seat together and wait doing absolutely nothing like so and you continue in that vein for just 20 seconds until you are awarded the trophy called reflection for your co-op meditation [Music] 20 seconds if that's all it took to find my sense of illness stillness I'd be calmer than a Dalai Lama let's try it now was that 20 seconds No the original Prince of Persia was in my experience a game in which a guy in pyjamas impaled himself on spikes every 45 seconds for some reason needless to say it was a concept in need of freshening up a freshman up that arrived with series reboots Prince of Persia in 2008 that gave the prince a host of new acrobatic moves and a sidekick called Ella Kerr who does a great job of stopping you killing yourself every 45 seconds [Music] and we'll play iSpy with you if you get bored well I see something and you have to guess what it is how can I guess that you just guess grass no rock you this is a stupid game in fact you'll grow to become pretty fond of ellika on accounts of how she's useful capable and unlike the Prince not an annoying dude bro whose head is too small for his body bet you wish you'd opted for conversation now don't you yeah you can run too which is why it's such a shame when she spoilers dies [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's okay though for two reasons one because she comes back to life a bit later and two because there's an achievement in it for you if you do precisely nothing after it happens the achievement called precious time is awarded for taking quote one minute to think what this means for you is to stand completely still holding Eliquis corpse and do nothing for a full minutes the most respectful amount of time there is do nothing in the game that is you can probably use this time to go to the bathroom or make some toast or something as long as you do it respectfully once the minute is up your achievement will pop and you'll be up 10g and down 1l occur but like I say she comes back to life so win-win right ellika I guess this doesn't mean she has to spend more time with the prince so that's fair [Laughter] final fantasy 5 was the fifth game in a series that demonstrated pretty early on that it has no idea what the word final means what are they up to now 26 feels like 26 final fantasy 5 was at least a bit of a departure for the series introducing a unique job class system that allowed each of the four main characters to switch freely between 22 different jobs which in 1992 probably seemed like a far-fetched fantasy concept rather than just a grim portent of the gig economy alongside such a useful jobs as blue mage and Samurai however there are also a handful of secret jobs including mine this sadly doesn't place a pain of pretend glass between you and your enemies for the amusement of a gathered crowd but instead allows you to copy incoming attacks at no cost to yourself I guess mimes are having to branch out to compete with all the street magicians contact jugglers and floating Yoda's you've seen those guys incredible in order to unlock the mime job in Final Fantasy 5 you'll need to defeat a formidable boss called gogo the mastermind attack gogo and he'll attack you right back with powerful abilities mimicking your hostility what you're supposed to do instead is just leave the controller alone at which point gogo compliments you on your mimicry skills yes if anyone asks that was intentional and not just because I got distracted looking at Instagram stories eventually he gets bored gives you his blessing and then banishes himself to the void grant a new victory and allowing you to pick up the crystal that unlocks the mime job more importantly it also earns you the Steve achievement master mimic also credit where it's due go go does quite well to balance on one foot while he waits this mime thing isn't paying the bills you can always try ballet [Music] [Applause] so those were some achievements you can get for doing absolutely nothing but if you do feel like doing something and how about watching another video from us so up here is the one about things that happen in every single dungeon that you go into and down here is our most recent ox venture our Dungeons & Dragons campaign that involved the talking cow gods and also a lot of stuff blew up I expect so check that out as well thanks for watching
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 899,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, 7 things, list, funny, funny moments, achievements, trophies, achievement, trophy, romantic, the darkness, 3 day survivor, dead rising, you made your point, portal 2, pay your respects, batman arkham city, reflection, journey, precious time, prince of persia, master mimic, final fantasy 5, ffv, mime, gogo the master mimic, gogo the master mime, journey reflection, funny achievements, funny trophies, doing nothing
Id: _vdipCXyrFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 05 2019
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