7 Bosses That Were Immediately Killed by a Much Scarier Boss

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your first sight of a video game Boss is always a special moment as you and your opponent size each other up two Noble Warriors about to lock horns in respectful combat that is unless a much bigger scarier boss comes in and easily kills the boss you thought you were going to face then you're screwed regrettably this happens all too often in video games as you'll see for yourself with these seven video game bosses we thought we'd be fighting right up until the point they got smashed flat by something much scarier so enjoy those but also beware of spoilers for these following games [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] ax Castle Crashes is a side-scrolling beat em up set in a cartoony Medieval World full of chaos Mayhem and eating contest [Music] so it's not all bad the game starts with one of your rectangular-headed comrades being killed and you setting out in Hot Pursuit of their Killers running into a castle Town being overrun by masked Barbarian enemies press on further and you'll discover more barbarians kidnapping bewimpled women following the example of what is presumably their leader a much larger version of the smaller Barbarian enemies you've been fighting up to this point [Music] eventually you make it to a fighting arena which point your Nemesis jumps down to finally face you then the door behind him is kicked in and he's smashed flat by an even bigger Barbarian who is seriously five times his size and lives only for murder [Music] this battle ax felt a lot bigger a minute ago that's all I'm saying [Music] the Castlevania games are well known for their terrifying and rock hard bosses a significant proportion of whom are Dracula or Dracula adjacent is a man a miserable little pile of secrets oh come on red wine is a nightmare to get out of carpets that's even worse Dracula you truly are a monster Castlevania Arya of Sorrow is no exception when it comes to bosses and by the time you get to the point of the game we're talking about you will already have bested a floating ball of naked people and literally death [Music] so you might be pleasantly surprised to find that the next boss you have to face is a swarm of bats that comes together to form one large bat that I reckon I can take foreign [Music] don't celebrate for too long because almost immediately a giant hand appears out of the background and crushes the bat to death in its giant oversized fist before revealing the actual boss you'll be facing here Balor a terrifying demon whose gaze can induce Madness [Music] who is it must be said a lot more difficult than a large bat made up of smaller bats still you've got to admire that bat's confidence saw an opportunity and went for it shame it didn't work out thank you and bison your final fight in Super Street Fighter 2 turbo is no slouch in the boss fight Stakes he hits hard moves fast and converts into magic fire and Corkscrew across the entire length of the screen which you know isn't ideal [Music] as such he's a fitting challenge for most Super Street Fighter 2 turbo characters to face before finishing the game for really really good players however bison just isn't going to cut the mustard and there's an extra surprise in store if you make it to bison without using a continue in under 25 minutes and set a high score in the process you don't end up fighting bison at all instead as the two of you square off suddenly Akuma making his Street Fighter debut will Dash in hit bison with the Raging demon and leave him for dead foreign now instead of bison and his psycho Crushers you've got to fight Akuma who is like Ryu and Ken on steroids well you know extra steroids Akuma fires off diagonal Fireballs teleporting around the place and setting you on fire he doesn't even have the courtesy to show up and taunt you in the you lose screen so what you like about bison at least he gave you a proper roasting when he beat you a true gentleman [Music] [Music] in the 1993 Punisher arcade game from Capcom you play as Frank Castle vigilante bumper sticker inspiration for the world's worst people and fan of loud in coherent screaming apparently when the game starts your goal is to chase down and deliver Justice to Bruno Coster a mafia enforcer who is Keen to not get battered to death by a man in a Halloween morph suit brandishing a pot plant [Music] what follows is you chasing Bruno through the streets of New York fighting your way past the hordes of hired muscle he sends after you finally catching up to him a second time before being foiled by the arrival of his henchman Scully [Music] beat Scully and you're informed that Bruno is now in Florida despite him being here in New York right before the fight started 90 seconds ago before Scully starts begging you the Punisher not to kill him so of course you the hero of this game choose to let Justice play out the right way and oh no wait you've shot him anyway you travel to Florida and this time there'll be no escape from Justice for Bruno as The Punisher Karate kicks his windows in frees all his imprisoned ladies and rats and finally comes face to face with Bruno for the satisfying Showdown the game has been building up since the very beginning [Music] well this is unexpected yeah turns out Bruno just gets lasered to death by a big murder robot called the guardroid that the Kingpin programmed to kill the Punisher so now you're fighting that instead of the Cowardly mafia guy you've been looking forward to putting a beating on for the last 15 minutes sorry about it that was for Bruno oh wait I was gonna kill him as well wasn't I this vigilante business is complicated send out the gold rock but my Lord the Arenas restraints they haven't been properly tested no in Star Wars rancors are The Reptilian murder monsters that Jabba the Hutt keeps under his Palace to dispose of his enemies and then later in the continuity Boba Fett right around on and makes kissy faces at because we can't have anything nice the point is up until the book of Boba Fett rancors were considered pretty badass beasts that you'd certainly be wary about taking on in a one-on-one fight however just such an opportunity appears to present itself in Star Wars the Force Unleashed 2 when you playing as a clone of the original Starkiller from the Force Unleashed one land on the Imperial controlled planet of Kato nemoidia to rescue General Ram Kota the former mentor of the guy you were cloned from you can sit this one out General Kota is being forced to fight in a gladiatorial Arena I guess because Cato nemoidia doesn't have a Cantina and people need entertainment but you tag in ready to face whatever it is that these dastardly Imperials were going to throw at him [Music] and so the arena door raises ominously and what should stamp out but a terrifying Rancor although to be fair Starkiller doesn't look super impressed I guess that's what happens when you have a lightsaber and can electrocute things with your mind but hold up because before we can even start trying to eat you a giant monster pore appears from nowhere and flattens the rancor so I guess that fight is off turns out the rancor was just a pre-fight snack for the actual boss you'll be fighting the gorog who was about 10 times its size what are you gonna do now Starkiller produce a second lightsaber oh okay yeah that seems sensible needless to say the gorog is a might trickier than we imagine the rancor fight would have been with you having to shock it manicle it and jump onto its face with your lightsabers knock it down a big hole [Music] and then fight it while free falling through the sky tame one of those and ride it around Boba Fett and then I'll be impressed the God of War games do a great job of making you feel powerful because you spend about 70 of your time kicking your God's head in there's nothing quite like the feeling of facing off against a dreaded monster of Greek legend and giving it a spectacular shoeing and what looks like a prime opportunity to do so arises early in God of War chains of Olympus when Kratos is sent to the city of Attica to protect it from the invading Persian army here on the outskirts of the city you're attacked by a cyclops a fearsome monster of Legend to be sure this tussle takes the form of a quick time event which we presume you'll need to pass in order to kick off the fight proper or not because as soon as you knock the Cyclops back it is savagely normed by the much larger much deadlier much more terrifying basilisk who wow is really going to town on him hey now it's Kratos versus basilisk first to one fall luckily for you the Basilisk is so massive that it can't actually fit in the room and can only poke its head in and chomp at you hang on why is the game telling me how to evade ah as if that weren't bad enough damage the Basilisk enough and it will slink off only to confront you again Outdoors where it has free reign to kick your butt up and down the city walls why couldn't I just afford the Cyclops he was scary too he had fewer than the regular number of eyes all right fine welcome to my castle I heartily receive you my son last but by no means least we have no more Heroes a game in which bosses are offed by other bosses so often that we probably could have filled this list with just examples from that series alone No More Heroes tells the story of Travis Touchdown a nerd who wins an internet auction for a beam Katana an awesome weapon with only one slight drawback its charge up animation Travis's goal in the game is to use the beam Katana to rise through the ranks of the United assassins Association by killing those assassins ranked higher than he is eventually you'll knock off the rest of the top 10 and all that stands between you and the coveted number one spot is the Assassin currently occupying it dark star a sort of Dark Souls Matador who wields the horse saber a weapon that projects a dragon-like tendril of energy as if this fight wasn't already momentous enough Darkstar also reveals that he is Travis's Father which makes the stakes even higher truly this will be a momentous battle for you're still as gullible as ever Travis oh okay he was stabbed in the back by this woman who is called Gene sink why would he be your father [Music] I guess you're right oh and also he wasn't Travis's father okay cool so I guess we're fighting Gene now well yes you do get to fight Gene and it might seem like it's going well until she lands a devastating punch on you in the closing seconds but don't worry if there's one thing no more Heroes bosses lack it's an awareness of their surroundings because here's a third character to cut Gene's arm off to give you the chance to deliver the coup de gras foreign do it this is where you might be expecting to see the ending of the game unless you'd actually played No More Heroes in which case it would have come as no surprise for this to be immediately followed up with a scene of Travis on the toilet before yet another assassin kicks in the door looking for a fight can I get some privacy at least when he's taking a dump these fights don't work like that here's where the credits roll unless you've collected all the beam katanas in the game in which case you get the true ending in which you actually get to fight this boss foreign hurry up with that nah just kidding someone else Cuts him in half from behind and then you have to fight that guy instead who could have seen that coming well everyone except to No More Heroes boss I guess they're not great at situational awareness we promised and we delivered seven video game bosses that were immediately murdered by a much bigger scarier boss that you then had to murder and by the transitive property you are therefore bigger and scarier than either of them congratulations uh why not treat yourself as a reward to this video from outside Xbox which is all about the violentist shopkeepers so continuing the theme of ultra violence today or if you'd like something a little more peaceful ish there's this video from our sister Channel outside extra which is about the easy easy Platinum games that you can platinum in like 30 minutes so if you really want to rack up some trophies I guess that's a PlayStation thing that's a PlayStation go and check that out also go to patreon.com Ox Club if you'd like to check out the ox supporters Club where we gratefully receive your support if that's something you feel like doing otherwise we'll see you next time next Thursday for another list like this one on outside Xbox
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 1,397,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, 7 things, bosses, funny, boss fight, rancor, gorog, force unleashed 2, castlevania, bat, balor
Id: 06yF03hf76w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 28 2022
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