7 Side Quests You Should NEVER Finish: Commenter Edition

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recently on this very youtube channel we pondered the video game side quests that like a dangerously spicy eating challenge are better left unfinished the comments on that video were full of viewers speaking from hard-won experience sharing their own suggestions for side quests that if completed will again much like a dangerously spicy eating challenge leave you full of sadness and regret sometimes you just gotta learn to walk away and sometimes you can learn from the mistakes of others by watching what would happen if you finish these seven more side quests that you should never finish enjoy and beware spoilers ahead for the following games [Music] [Applause] [Music] the world is on the brink this is our most desperate hour unless we make a stand here and now we're gonna die now roll for initiative tony tina's assault on dragon keep is the borderlands 2 expansion set inside the world of that beloved quintessential fantasy tabletop role-playing game bunkers and badasses any resemblance to dungeons and dragons is pure coincidence and frankly we don't see it the power of fantasy in the world of bnb claptrap has become a wizard but lacks the defining wizard characteristic of having a massive beard robots are incapable of growing beards turbo fact if you could get me some dwarven beard hair i would look swank as heck this beardlessness gives rise to the side quest that judging by the deafening call from the comment section in our previous video gave the most people the most regret upon finishing it in just about any game ever in the side quest known as the beard makes the man claptrap drafts you to construct him a wizard beard out of dwarf beards to achieve this claptrap gives you miss moxie's grug nozzle which is a gun you shoot dwarves with to make them drunk which i'm pretty sure is a scene in the new jackass movie there are a few dwarves into some mining gear and watch what happens you came to the wrong seeing as how gandalf only ever gave out sage advice and teeny swords this gun is a fun wizard gift so thanks claptrap even if the end goal is to lead those drunk dwarves into their own mining gear and smashed them flat at least they died doing what they loved being drunk with that unspeakable brutality behind you you take the presumably flattened beards reforge them into a magnificent new wizard beard and slap it on claptrap's hairless robo-visage to complete the quest i feel the power jobs are good except in a tragic and irritating lack of gratitude claptrap also takes back the grog nozzle at which point you realize it wasn't just a boozy novelty gun no the grug nozzle was actually the best self-healing slagging enemy debuffing gun in the whole game [Music] [Applause] not only that but this gun had a unique special effect whereby holding it would sometimes make you drunk whereupon your weapon would fire five shots for every time you fired one shot because i don't know booze magic all that power and you irretrievably threw it away by finishing the quest right now well claptrap that makes one of us it just so happens a position opened up recently we currently need another body to guard the entrance outside think you can handle that there is a main storyline in fallout new vegas it involved a platinum poker chip and julius caesar chandler from friends was there pretty sure i'm remembering that right the point is in fallout new vegas it's easy to forget what you're supposed to be doing because of the huge variety of side missions companion quests and odd jobs you can pick up as you ramble aimlessly around the nevada wasteland like a sort of violent littlest hobo one such odd job sets in motion the side quests suggested by commenters south park kenny 2 and pika and pai this sidequest known as birds of a feather starts with you being hired to guard the front door of the van graf family's weapon shop the silver rush aw crap don't tell me you're my new guard straight away there's a good reason not to finish this side quest which is that they loan you the kit you need for this new job namely a kick-ass set of combat armor and your choice of plasma or laser rifle both of which you can keep if you simply don't turn in the first part of the quest and the work itself is easy you just turn away drunks fine i'm going i'm going i'll take my business elsewhere and search people so that no one goes in with a bomb or anything damn i knew this wasn't gonna work right like that managed to not get the shop detonated by an explosive malcontent getting paid up to 300 caps for your trouble and the side quest continues with the request from the van graffs to find a specific woman called rose of sharon cassidy so they can kill her to finalize this deal i need to tie up a loose end to do that there's a girl i need you to find the problem with this request is that cass as she prefers to be called is a companion character that you can choose to have beside you through the rest of the game jean baptiste sounds like someone got knocked out of the good book so hard his name broke cass also totally rules in that she's a whiskey quaffing cowgirl who's handy with a rifle full of sage advice for surviving the wasteland and gives you the whiskey rose companion perk which actually makes you much more durable and intelligent when drinking whiskey rather than just thinking you are walking the mojave with you can't be any worse than here that's for sure all right i'm in if you do turn in this birds of a feather quest cass will be disintegrated in front of your very eyes and you'll lose her as a companion for good i'm john baptiste and you're about to stop being a pain in my ass in return you get 350 caps which is to say just slightly more than they paid you earlier to guard the front door for three minutes maybe i'll let that guy in with the bomb next time much better marvelous you and i are gonna wake this city up like a cold splash of wine to the face not every quest in an rpg needs to be a grim life or death struggle with world-changing consequences sometimes they can just be a bit of light-hearted fun like the mission in the outer worlds called make space suits won't travel as suggested by commenter isaiah d what i need is a survey of the outside world what does the common laborer wear how do the wild-eyed man men of monarch dress themselves i've heard rumors but i require samples you get this mission from one celeste julie kerr a fashion designer who runs julie kerr's haberdashery in byzantium a clothing store for the discerning space murderer but celeste is keen to expand her horizons and she wants to know what the real people out there are wearing my dear fashion is a performance art an outfit without a body is like an instrument without a player as such celeste asks you to find bring back and then model for her three sets of clothes from three groups of people iconoclasts marauders and spacers you can purchase these or just take them from the bodies of enemies after you kill them celeste doesn't mind a few bullet holes it gives the closed character like pre-ripped distressed jeans after this the enjoyable quest continues with celeste declaring that she will create the ultimate outfit by combining style tips from all three modes of fashion fun the saucy confidence of a spacer the raw contempt of an iconoclast the brutish musk of a marauder and the fiesta resistance monster leather celeste then tasks you with going off to collect all the raw materials she needs and she sends you to pick up the custom lapel she's had made which takes the form of a rye little jaunt around town with a few silly gags about post office bureaucracy i must respectfully ask that you calm down please parcels must be picked up at window a eventually you get the lapel and return to your fun and stylish friend celeste to discover hey careful don't go running around in the middle of a crime scene that she's been brutally murdered by the byzantium guard for the crime of being too fashionable or something oh what we found her in her office working on something perverse she didn't cooperate so we had to put her down what happened to my light-hearted fun plus now i'm not gonna be welcome on byzantium anymore because i'm gonna have to kill all these guards honestly it's one thing after another today you approached the shrine of clavicus vile you should not be here unless you have business with lord clavicus daedric princes eh what are they like always hatching schemes to harvest people's souls or trying to get you to do their dark bidding or magicking everyone's clothes off at a party [Music] [Applause] what's going on absolute mad lads one example of the dark bidding category of side quest is the one proposed by commenter christopher lewis in which clavich is vile daedric prince of power and bargains packs you off with a talking dog statuette to fetch him a sword called umbra bring the sword to me and i'll reward you with my mask you'll not find a better bargain mortal you find out the sword contains the soul of someone who crossed clavicus vial so you're already thinking this might be a quest worth skipping and that's before the dog statuette tells you not to bother clavicus has always been a little blind to that and it'll end badly this time too so just leave things be walk away it's your best bet really still stick with the quest and you'll discover that umbra is currently in the possession of a woman named lenwyn who became a bloodthirsty killer after she found it and who can be found nearby can't say for sure some say they've seen her nearby near the vendasol ruins near the vin diesel ruins i guess all those fast and furious movies catch up to you eventually follow directions and eventually you'll meet this lenwen who it must be said has gone a bit sword crazy men women and children all have bled for me seems chill kill lenwen and you receive umbra one of the best swords in the whole game it has the highest level of base damage for any one-handed weapon in the game and also trap souls which is super handy if you keep some empty soul gems around [Music] best of all though if you never head back to clavicus vials shrine and turn in this quest umbra remains classified as a quest item for the rest of the game what this means is that umbra is weightless so you never have to worry about it adding to your encumbrance which if you're anything like us and hoover up every item that isn't nailed down is a massive bonus there is an option to keep the sword when you head back to the shrine and also actually finish the quest but if you do that it becomes a regular item with a hefty weight value of 45. oh well been good knowing your kid back to being his hound for me hand it in and you get clavicus vials mask a spooky bit of headwear that makes you better at talking and bartering but isn't great for protecting you from glows to the head considering how we play oblivion and how often people hit us in the head i'll be wearing some decent head protection and hanging onto the ultra powerful weightless murder sword thanks i never thought our empire it won't we will sleep here until the reapers return to dark space then we will rise a million strong for the empire for the empire get to your stacy spot the mass effect 3 companion character javik is a complicated figure with a lot of tragic backstory and a lot of eyes [Music] having escaped the reapers annihilating his whole civilization 50 000 years ago by being stuck in a stasis pod ever since javik is the last survivor of the ancient prothean race and personally invested in putting an end to the reaper threat will you join us you fight the reapers yes once you recruit javik by finding his stasis pod and ending his 50 millennia-long snooze you're presented with a side activity for this companion as suggested by commenter casey wonder99 this side activity entails deciding whether or not to encourage javik to activate a relic called the echo shard which looks like an exclusive luxury credit card but is more like a hard drive that contains the collected memories of the long dead prothean race how far back does it go to a time before the reapers it is all that is left of my people if you are a nostalgic sort of commander shepard or if you just think the shard might contain javik's bitcoin wallet you might have told javik to shard it up if i had something like this seeing earth again all with everyone still alive that would be worth the pain javik using the shard goes about as well as vividly reawakening a civilization's worth of traumatic painful memories would go the reapers came planted by we extinguished we fought back oops you thought but at least that's over and done with and it's definitely going to light a fire under javik's butt to keep on fighting and avenge his people it was the day i understood war is atrocity committed in the name of survival close enough only no that's not over and done with because near the end of the game when you say goodbye to javik if you did tell him to touch the memory shard his plan for celebrating a galaxy free of reapers is now to go and join his dead people i will go to the cronia nebula and i will find their graves i will put their ghosts to rest and then i will join them heavy stuff so you save the galaxy but doom the solitary surviving member of an ancient alien race i want to say you can't win them all and it is javik's decision sure but on the other hand if you hadn't told him to touch the shard instead of planning his own death javik is planning on having a nice time co-writing a book with liara perhaps i will write a book with the assad with dr destoni she suggests journeys with the prophet i think i'll wait for the movie still have fun a general rule for survival in bloodborne is to never display any kindness or help anyone ever i don't care how innocuous they look thanks bloodborne but surely we can make an exception for the little girl in this bloodborne side story suggested by commenter harris hoyne who is sad because she misses her parents i don't know your voice but i know that smell are you a hunter i mean it's very look for my mom daddy never came back from the hunt and she went to find him but now she's gone too i'm all alone and scared wrong sucker it's definitely a bad idea though maybe not for the reasons you're thinking this girl is the daughter of a woman named viola and father gascoigne who you might remember as the guy you first encounter hacking away at a bunch of corpses in a cemetery and who when you fight him turns into a massive hulking beast that tears you apart with its powerful claws hard to forget something like that really anyway if you do manage to kill gascoigne he will drop a red jeweled brooch that you can either use yourself to fortify your weapons or if you fancy completing this side story you can return to the sad little girl now you can either show her the brooch or choose to keep it to yourself but bear in mind if you show it to her she'll know her parents are dead so only a real monster would mrs [Music] damn luke that's cold anyway whichever option you choose the girl will then leave the safety of her house and try to make it to safety elsewhere which seems like a bad idea and is as you'll discover if you kill this giant pig down in the sewers that's right it seems very likely this ribbon you picked up belonged to the little girl which means it's highly probable that she was killed and eaten by a massive angry pig still at least that's an end to it oh wait i'm just reading here if you give the girl's sister the ribbon she loses her mind and kills herself no more bloodborne today [Music] inside man i don't know who you are but your time is impeccable preston garvin commonwealth minutemen if you played fallout 4 you'll almost certainly recall preston garvey the leader of the minutemen so called because a minute is the maximum they're prepared to wait before bothering you about some boring nonsense i've heard of another settlement that's in trouble here's where they are i hope you can help them we've got to show people they can count on the men and men again uh i'm a pretty busy guy preston extremely busy what these red menace high scores aren't going to set themselves your first encounter with the minutemen occurs shortly after you emerge from the vault as you wander into the historic town of concord where garvey and his pals are holed up and under attack in the museum of freedom sort of ironic given that they literally can't leave the building the raiders are all going through the door grab that laser mask clearing out the raiders by the door kicks off a quest called when freedom calls help garvey by fighting your way up through the museum and you'll receive a set of power armor and a perception bobblehead for your trouble but this sweet reward comes at a terrible cost for the longest time mama murphy's had a vision of a place called sanctuary some old neighborhood but one we can make new again why don't you come with us complete the when freedom calls quest and you'll be ambushed into joining the minutemen faction and helping them establish a settlement called sanctuary this kicks off a randomized never-ending series of quests that ensure that every time you the sole survivor wants to head home and put your feet up after a hard day's soul surviving preston garvey is there to bother you with some more tedious busy work i cleared out that spot you sent me to and set up a radio beacon there that's great news once folks have some place to call their own they'll be willing to help defend it as usual i have something else for you to look into as usual so you recognize that this is happening constantly then this endless stream of mini quests lasts for the whole game and as if that wasn't bad enough when the minutemen move into sanctuary their main contribution appears to be constantly hitting things with hammers night and day i've been playing this game for 40 hours how have you not built a hot tub yet what most people don't realize is that when freedom calls isn't a main story quest at all it's a side quest you can still grab the useful power armor and the bobble head but as long as you don't return indoors after clearing out the second wave of enemies outside the museum preston will never invite you to join the minutemen and thus can't load you up with pointless odd jobs for the rest of the playthrough instead you can then make your way directly to diamond city where the main plot carries on regardless even if you ignore garvey's plate entirely you want into diamond city right i just got here but yeah so remember when freedom calls you can't just let it go to voicemail that was a pretty amazing display i'm just glad you are on our side so those were seven more side quests that you definitely shouldn't finish thank you so much for making time in your busy schedule to watch it i know you're a high powered city lawyer you've got lots of cases to get through so in exchange i'll give you a little tip for your next case look into the business partner his trip to hawaii suspicious why didn't he have a tan that's all i'm saying anyway bear that in mind and also if you've got more time why not check out one of these videos up here is one from us down here there's one from outside extra hope you enjoy and also yeah check out the i'm saying the business partner did it for money
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 1,150,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, side quests, sidequests, never, finish, bad, worst, borderlands 2, Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep, grog nozzle, weapon, best, lose, how, get, back, claptrap, beard, birds of a feather, fallout, new vegas, rose, the outer worlds, Make Space Suits, Celeste Jolicoeur, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, clavicus vile, umbra, sword, javik, memory shard, mass effect 3, prothean, fallout 4, preston garvey, minutemen, gascoigne, bloodborne, daughter
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 10 2022
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