7 Times Fans Had to Fix the Game

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👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/UrdnotChivay 📅︎︎ May 12 2022 🗫︎ replies
before the ease and convenience of console gaming made a soft yeah i said it we were neck deep in fan made mods and patches that tinkered with the game's original code to improve it some of these mods were designed to put thomas the tank engine in the game but some were even more important than that if you can believe it sometimes hard-working and unpaid volunteers were the ones who rescued a broken unfinished or otherwise lacking video game by fixing it so players could enjoy it better or at all kudos to them and good news for you you're about to see seven games that had to be fixed by the fans and were enjoy [Music] now i know what you're thinking super mario 64 is generally considered to be one of the greatest games of all time how are you supposed to fix it would you paint a fancy hat on the mona lisa would you add a double garage to the taj mahal would you add a second nose to brad pitt's face exactly but while super mario 64 is pretty close to the platonic ideal of a 3d platformer it turns out it's not the game it could have been that's because there was originally going to be a cooperative multiplayer mode in the game starring everyone's favorite lanky anxious mario brother luigi mario [Applause] to be fair to him that is absolutely not in a plumber's job description according to contemporary interviews in the game's japanese strategy guide super mario 64 which released in june of 1996 had luigi in the game as late as february of that year before he was mercilessly cut because of the performance demands of having two characters running around the game's complex environments in a 2013 nintendo interview conducted with yoshiaki koizumi who worked on the game as assistant director koizumi explained that it was his biggest regret that they'd had to remove luigi from the game saying in tears we had to ask luigi to leave they had to ask him to leave games are definitely not made how i thought they were made since then more evidence has materialized decompiled source code from the game contained remnants of the axed co-op mode and the 2020 leak of nintendo assets included the original character model for luigi fortunately modders had already been working on restoring that functionality to the game creating hacked versions of the n64 game that reintroduced luigi as a playable character in all his green glory [Music] what's more while you'd have needed to use a pc emulator to play some of the earlier multiplayer mods recent versions have included optimizations that mean this multiplayer mode is even playable on original n64 hardware finally solving the performance issues that all those years ago caused luigi to be cut from the game sorry asked to leave what if he'd said no [Music] [Music] [Music] if you've never heard of a little game called vampire the masquerade bloodlines you must be new around here we more or less never stop going on about it but this is a particularly good opportunity because the unofficial fan patch for vampire the masquerade bloodlines may be quote unofficial but it's also more essential to the bloodlines experience than trying to seduce every mortal that crosses your sexy vampiric path i tell you what i'll let you in if on your way out you want to work out a little fair trade for future purchases you come see me i'm brian that's what you get when you put all your points in sexterity not a real stat not without attitude this 2004 cult classic role-playing game definitively captures the experience of being initiated into the world of darkness as a fledgling lackey vamping it up amidst the scheming kindred of los angeles working your way from a skeevy flat with a filthy mattress to a bougie downtown apartment with a personal servant your place is um nice yeah it is heather you didn't see the filthy mattress the very fact we get to enjoy flailing our preternatural limbs in la's gothist clubs is thanks of course to the game developer troika games but also to the aforementioned unofficial fan patch the project of fan modder verna spall aka west 5. what do we have here another scrumptious young play thing straight out of life and into my club when the game was rushed out in november 2004 at the behest of publisher activision it was less finished than this sentence which [Music] that would have been bad enough if it hadn't also launched on the exact same day as half-life 2 now that you will have definitely heard of after disappointing sales most of the development team were laid off and troika was shut down shortly after leaving bloodlines substantially wonky and not with fun glitches we can show you here but with stacks of unfun stuff like broken quests missing options and horrible crashes the work of mending the game fell to moder verna spol who in the years since the game's launch has been squashing bugs and salvaging unfinished material in some cases adding entire new quests i see you've begun to embrace the beast within you sparle took up the task so resolutely that the most recent version of the fan patch version 11.1 came out this year 18 years after the original game came out and so essential is the so-called unofficial fan patch these days it's way harder to make the game work at all without the patch than with it and this has been your weekly update from outside xbox on 18 year old game vampire the masquerade bloodlines join us next week for more bitter complaining about how bloodlines 2 still isn't out usagi threw the daikatana into the heart of the raging volcano so you want me to create another daikatana no that's not necessary i am one of inshiro's direct descendants hard as it may be for you to believe i was once a very wealthy man imagine you're john romero one of the celebrated minds behind classic video games doom doom 2 and quake imagine you then lifted software and set up your own studio ion storm to create revolutionary new video games imagine the pressure for your next game dai katana to be just as groundbreaking and brilliant as doom and quake were then imagine you accidentally made a game where you spent the first hour being savaged by annoying robot frogs and dragonflies this is like the godfather three times a thousand so the godfather three thousand i would actually watch that daikatana was a dreadful game with the nonsensical time travelling storyline confusing level layouts and most irritating of all a pair of spectacularly dense ai companions you picked up early in the game mikiko abihara and superfly johnson were not only vulnerable to death but also extremely keen to seek it out it's like babysitting a pair of three-year-olds in a chainsaw factory it didn't help that daikatana was arguably the most hyped video game release of all time complete with aggressive advertising that informed you that john romero was going to and i quote make you his well if you mean that he would fool me into buying a massively disappointing game then yeah i guess he did do that while at the time of release back in the year 2000 there were a couple of official patches 1.1 and 1.2 they did absolutely nothing to fix the boneheaded ai that turned three quarters of the game into the world's longest and most frustrating escort mission then 14 years later there was a surprise patch 1.3 was released a surprise for two reasons one ion storm had been closed for nine years at that point and two holy sh someone was still actually playing this game did they get past the robot frogs in spite of the official sounding version number the 1.3 patch was the work of fans and fixed issues that romero and his team had failed to most notably with the ai companions it added new and improved ai pathfinding and if you still found makiko and superfly annoying you can either make them invincible or better yet switch them off finally so does it make daikitano a good game no but it is better we have all but destroyed the jedi knights the old republic is crippled they can do nothing to stop us now but there is one thing standing in our way one last jedi who has yet to choose his true role in the galaxy we've all made plans that turned out to be over ambitious like getting up early tomorrow morning and going for a run or cleaning the whole house one weekend or thinking of a funny third thing that makes this a joke you never quite get it done but however ambitious you are you'll never be so ambitious that you think you can develop and launch an entire star wars video game in 14 to 16 months unless you happen to be obsidian entertainment the game development studio behind 2004's star wars knights of the old republic 2 the sith lords in which case hello obsidian big fan of fallout new vegas the highly anticipated sequel to the 2003 game of the year star wars knights of the old republic too the time pressure on obsidian to produce the sequel to acclaimed role-playing game knights of the old republic in just over one year came from publisher lucasarts r.i.p obsidian gave it the old college try but when knights of the old republic 2 launched on xbox in december 2004 the rush to get the game out in time left it more plagued with bugs than a picnic in july nice outfit what you miners change regulation uniforms while i've been in here not only that but when the pc version of the game came out three months later it transpired there was a shed load of cut content locked away in the game files and unused in the game itself a testament to obsidian's grand ambition that ultimately there hadn't been time to fulfill like my morning run this is when the fan volunteer community stepped in to salvage the hidden content and that's how we eventually got the sith lord's restored content mod a project founded by modders zibil2 and dar stoney that went on to squash hundreds of bugs and excavate masses of unused game stuff [Music] the sith lords restored content mod expanded the game with myriad plot points voice lines playable sections and cutscenes many of which involved your sarcastic pilot pal at and rand being dissed by other party members trust me we're not gonna go anywhere near the place unless we want to be watching the stink out of her clothes for the next few years it might take longer than that truly the restored content mod was a gift to fans who dreamed of one playing obsidian's original vision for the game and two seeing aton getting properly dragged what's that supposed to mean i'm not boring no you're more like a shifty lying idiot with the tendency to complain about every little thing and offer only small bits of helpful advice if pressured there was another substantial fan-made mod known as the m478 enhancement project that added a whole new planet to the game upon which your murderous robot friend hk47 wrecks up a droid factory this mod was somewhat different to the restored content mod in that to fill out the story arc in this area a bunch of original content also had to be created you cannot do that that is against everything we have been programmed for but thanks to these fan mods knights of the old republic 2 came considerably closer to a complete bug-free star wars video game experience the restored content mod even fleshed out the bare bones original ending of the game with additional details and closure and made it so attend could die horribly like so you saved me jokes on me hurts when i laugh everyone's a winner accept that guy [Music] today [Music] best known for creating the metal gear solid series of games but those aren't the only ones he's worked on although it's not widely known outside of kojima's native japan in 1994 he released a game called police north which was a sci-fi graphic adventure with an intriguing murder mystery plot in the game you play as buddy cops jonathan ingram and ed brown who let me just assure you they're absolutely no similarity to riggs and murtaugh from lethal weapon next you'll be telling me that solid snake is a ripoff of snake pliskin from escape from new york or that kojima's game snatcher is almost exactly blade runner moving on regardless of his let's say liberal approach to borrowing themes from hollywood kojima is one of the most beloved and respected game designers around and he has a global fan base so it's sort of surprising that more people haven't heard of or played police north which is a genuinely good game and a key part of kojima's game design journey [Music] the reason for that is that publisher konami never translated the game into english i mean or because we never bothered to learn japanese but for the purposes of this video let's blame konami fortunately a group of passionate dedicated fans fixed that problem with an extensive and surprisingly character translation of the game that could be applied as a patch to your definitely legitimately acquired copy of the original japanese playstation game the translation project was no small task in addition to translating all the text in this two-disc text-based adventure any graphical elements that the player would have been expected to be able to read had to be modified too according to the patch's readme file there isn't a single piece of japanese text left in the game [Music] which is a relief because frankly i am far too lazy to learn japanese in fact they should translate me into japanese so i can be enjoyed over there greetings my japanese friends what a privilege it is for you to be able to watch me all good good the difficulty with making a video about bugs in a video game is that in order to show people those bugs which are unpredictable by nature you're gonna have to play the game and capture it and hope that those bugs happen and if they don't then what are you gonna do this was not a problem in open world fantasy rpg gothic 3 in which i started the game and was immediately unable to move or draw my sword in the tutorial about how to draw your sword [Music] all i could do was helplessly stand there as my more mobile friends defended the town from the bad orcs eventually i did find that although i could not use my sword or walk around i could do a punch and each punch did make me take one step forward so i could basically attack someone by punching my way towards them if they were standing directly in front of me this is my elden ring if i wanted to change direction i could lower my fists rotate on the spot by turning the camera and then resume punching [Music] then though i did get my feet stuck in a bucket and an orc came over and murdered me in an infinite death loop pour one out for orc puncher steve is what i'm calling the canonically nameless hero of gothic 3. this seemed like a good opportunity to quit the game and try installing the renowned gothic 3 community patch you see when gothic 3 came out on pc in 2006 it had what expert programmers call bugs out the wazoo after some initial official patches the game developer piranha bytes and publisher joe wood separated over a dispute leaving gothic 3 still rougher than a sandpaper massage another fine mess we've got ourselves into it subsequently took years for volunteer developers from the gothic game community to cook up the gothic 3 community patch now in version 1.75 released in 2012. the community patch which at 1.5 gig is about half as large as the game itself is packed with thousands of fixes and enhancements which together knock gothic 3 into decent playable shape as we see here in the patched game where orc puncher steve has the awesome power of sword holding he's orc stabber steve now i'm gonna have to change my tattoo [Music] if you are playing a japanese rpg in 1997 let's be honest it was probably the beloved sprawling epic final fantasy vii [Applause] ah yes the pinnacle of video game storytelling there was another option though called grandia and what it lacked in comedy slap fights it made up for in just about everything else the game boasted a blend of 2d characters and a 3d world a heartfelt and emotionally engaging storyline and a unique take on the time-honoured turn-based battle mechanic where you can interrupt enemy attacks and push them further back in the initiative queue add that to a positioning system where you can move your characters around the battlefield in order to best place them to be most effective and multiple leveling systems and you have all the makings of a deep strategic rpg there's just one problem grandia was easier than accidentally tearing off just the corner of the clear plastic film on your microwavable lasagna why do i feel like i'm telling on myself yes barring a couple of boss fights some of which are entirely optional it's possible to breeze through gandia's battles without ever really engaging properly with the combat system what's more in addition characters level so rapidly that they become overpowered without you really trying and you'll be racking up new skills and spells with no need to go off and grind that was pretty [Music] remembering how many tens of hours it took me to get a golden chocobo i'm not bitter you're bitter to remedy this the fan patch called grandia 3.1 redux designed for the original playstation version of grandia focused on making things more difficult which makes it the only patch on this list that makes the game less easy to play it reworked every single enemy and boss in the game specifically to make them harder to beat also the rate at which you learn new skills and abilities and collect items is changed to make the more powerful stuff harder to get hold of now you needed to be near the level cap to even stand a chance against the final bosses in the game as a result this classic rpg finally had a challenge to match the high quality of its game mechanics and storyline ensuring you'd be scraping through big boss fights by the skin of your teeth ah dragon king's life [Music] like master like man i don't know though super difficult rpgs i'll never catch to on all right point taken directly to the chest there you have it friends editorial promise delivered as always on outside xbox we hope you enjoyed that video if you would care to enjoy another one why not check out this video from last week on outside xbox which is about the seven times you doomed yourself without even realizing it or perhaps for something a little different our friends at outside extra have made a video about she said pausing remembering oh it's about the multiplayer modes that you will never get to play because they got pulled from these seven different games so enjoy that and we'll see you next thursday for another video like this on outside xbox
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 606,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, 7 things, gothic 3, vampire the masquerade, daikatana, super mario 64, grandia, funny, funny moments, mods, best mods, kotor 2, restored content mod, restored content, cut content
Id: a-zjuCk2jN4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 55sec (1375 seconds)
Published: Thu May 12 2022
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