7 One-Hit Bosses Who Went Out Like a Punk: Commenter Edition

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a while back on this channel we highlighted the boss enemies who despite all their posturing were defeated with just a single attack whoa that was sick dude you rocked so hard spidey then you the youtube commenters piled in with even more hilarious suggestions of bosses who went down in one hit which presented us with two delicious opportunities one to play that clip you just saw of mysterio getting his butt kicked one more time and two to round up even more bosses you barely had to breathe on before they fell down defeated here are your picks of the one-hit bosses who went down like punks but wear spoilers for the following games [Music] [Applause] [Music] if there's one thing video games have taught us it's that it's hard to kill a dragon also that you should be careful saving your game in the middle of a fight with one in case you get caught in one of those death loops see mum these games are educational after all so when you factor in that it's very hard to kill just about anything in the dark souls games or do anything or go anywhere well then you'd think an actual showdown against a dragon would always be a world of hurt beyond the regular levels of hurt the series inflicts on you simply for trying to play it hmm so sorry if we're skeptical commenter robert sutton about this comment you left that reads ancient wyvern from dark souls 3 you just fell on him game over it's hard to imagine a dark souls 3 boss called the ancient wyvern going down like a one-hit no-good punk especially when you see the ancient wyvern because no good punk isn't how weird choose to describe it we'd prefer to use descriptors like house-sized or pant-wettingly horrible nevertheless the wyvern's massive health bar can indeed be reduced by 100 in a single hit but only for players who are courageous enough to attempt a strategy the dark souls community calls running the [ __ ] away as brave heroes johnny anderfor over at euro game approved when they face down the wyvern if you leg it away from the scaly menace you'll eventually find your way to a ladder follow the path even further avoiding being grilled to death in your own armor and you'll find a platform just above the wyvern's head at which point well wow that was great per drag damn i don't think anyone saw that coming i mean certainly not the wyvern you dare bring light to my lair you must die imagine being a huge fan of the zelda franchise now imagine hearing that princess zelda from the title will be a playable character for the first time ever in an exclusive game for a fancy new console now imagine starting up that game and seeing this come on let's go fight ganon's evil legions i'll show you how ah stop imagining stop imagining yes sadly zelda the wand of gamelan for the phillips cdi was a terrible nightmare both in how it played and in how its cut scenes look like they were made by someone who ate all their halloween candy in one go isn't it lovely bring some fairy dust and i'll make it a magic cloak no please stop but if you were worried about the final boss fight being added to your list of things from this game that you need to talk to your therapist about commentary vj pierce puts those fears to rest where zelda the faces of evil or zelda the wand of gamelan you just need to throw either a book or a wand at ganon and you win yes both in gamelan and its fellow phillips cdi game zelda the faces of evil the boss fight consists of nothing more than throwing the right object at the big bad so not as horribly mentally scarring as we thought it might be okay i take that back it's much worse who wants to play video games what's on the menu [ __ ] [Music] anyone familiar with adventure time should know to stop being surprised when something in that show or its spin-off video games is weird i mean this is what happens if you enter the infamous konami code on the title screen of adventure time hey ice king why'd you steal our garbage for the nintendo 3ds secret screen this is the secret secret screen another secret screen meaning folks i think this might be some kind of secret screen commenter gabriel horn is only too happy to point us in the direction of a boss encounter in the very same game that really brings some of that same energy when they suggest the cutest warrior from adventure time hey ice king why'd you steal our garbage the cutest warrior is blibblob a minor character who appears briefly in episode 53 of the show explodes without warning and is never heard from again but is somehow promoted to boss fight status in the 3ds game head to marauder village and this tough customer will ask you to get his ball back the aforementioned toy having been taken by what they describe as a really powerful jerk and i mean this coming from a person with a terrifying and powerful looking robot claw hand so dutifully you head up to find said powerful jerk and oh it's blue blob i guess we're fighting them now let's see how this g ah [Music] um everyone else can see this game too right come back for another go have you batman good luck batman has a lot of big scary enemies built to take a lot of hits but he also has enemies like penguin who hope you get eaten by a shark before you get within punching distance yes some classic batman villains rely on their goons to do all the heavy lifting and will only face him if they're armed to the teeth and well defended penguin is a prime example here holding mr freeze's gun in his very own velvet-lined panopticon finally grown up here but he's not impossible to get as pointed out by commenter yamaguchi who very succinctly put penguin in arkham city yes despite penguin being seemingly impossible to reach at first batman is able to get his hands on the right gadgetry this means you can jam up that freeze gun to get up close and personal for a nice simple one-punch finisher what the hell is wrong with this thing stay back [Music] you'd think being beaten by batman in a single hit would be enough to dissuade penguin from ever antagonizing batman again but instead penguin drops you into another boss fight with someone who can actually take a punch or 50. solomon grundy oh don't look so sad i've got a little surprise for you down here it's a tough fight but despite him being roughly four times the size of our bat-themed hero and more importantly a horrific undead monster grundy is not impossible to defeat what have you done you know but despite this reminder of batman's immense punching power loser penguin decides to kick off yet another fight penguin don't you remember what happened last time or was that punch a little too hard just you and me left the bat versus the bird he might seem cocky as he fires off his rocket-powered grenade launcher but a quick scan of him reveals that he has a massively high heart rate as he is massively terrified maybe go easy on him this time batman wow well to be fair he has a no kill rule he doesn't have a no excessive jaw damage rule [Music] there was a time when we didn't know exactly how terrifyingly strong kirby was back before the super smash brothers games made it canon that kirby is the only nintendo character powerful enough to evade the disintegration rays of the godlike galem for instance or that kirby has the strength and speed to pass cleanly through a metal airship they were simpler happier times flashbacks to the year 2000 however before kirby became the world killer and we didn't know how this little pink bubble ball would fare against the legions of baddies in kirby 64 the crystal shards [Music] commenter board victini knows there's one particular boss battle that players never needed to have feared however adeline from kirby 64 you don't even need an ability to finish her off just sliding into her or breathing on her is enough to put her down adeline might not seem like the most fearsome foe being as she is a little girl who loves painting things do get a bit more sinister however when this pint-sized picasso is possessed by the sinister entity dark matter yikes which means it's time for a boss battle although at first the only threat comes from the doodles that adeline brings to life with her talented painting doodles of enemies for instance or a spider or well i guess we don't know what that's a drawing of hmm probably not something you want to inhale though kirby adlin soon escalates things by conjuring up even bigger baddies each of which has their own health bar along the bottom of the screen and will require more nimble maneuvering to defeat which leads to adeline finally getting bored of this artistic charade and entering the fray herself and wouldn't you know it's like any respectable boss she's got her own health bar or at least she does for about two seconds because any amount of damage including from kirby breathing on her is enough to knock her for six which would have been a pretty surprising ending to this boss encounter back in the day not now of course not with what we know going up against kirby adeline is damn lucky to be alive [Music] mario and bowser have had many fights over the years in their great battle for the heart of princess peach culminating with mario beating up bowser in super mario odyssey with bowser's own wedding attire video games are really weird but their fights were not always like this in fact the traditional three hits and their out style of boss battle was completely missing from the first game as noted by commenter alex finch who said bowser the original one-hit wonder you didn't even need to touch him just drop him in lava indeed alex hits the nail on the head or more accurately the axe at the end of the bridge see once you finally reach bowser in his castle for the big fight all you have to do is dodge his attacks get behind him and easily remove the bridge from right under his feet guess it was a load-bearing axe that's right the king of the coopers burned in lava by just one simple maneuver from mario [Music] bowser more like owser no wait sorry i'm having trouble applying sick burns after already dropping him into lava i apologize for nothing doing the right thing is tough sometimes like playing through undertale and sparing every single one of your enemies even the ones that seem like their world views are incompatible with yours like mettaton ex a robot programmed for human eradication [Music] which as a human is not a philosophy i'm on board with [Music] yet this disco dancing leg twirling glamourbot or at least a version of this disco dancing leg twirling glamobot earns a place on this list as commenter hannah overholtzer recalls what about my boy metatan neo mettaton ex is one of the trickiest encounters in the game's violence-free pacifist route forging a permanent mental link between his disco theme music and intense feelings of stress so it is with a sense of extreme trepidation that players in the so-called genocide route where you kill everything will have entered the battle against mettaton neo because this metatan has more fearsome armor a gun arm and oh yes metatan neo goes down in only one hit heartbreakingly it seems this would be murderbot was only playing for time trying to stand in the way of your unstoppable kill rampage to shield the people it wants to protect of course if you thought metatan neo was a pushover you should see the final boss of the game who at this point doesn't even want to fight being rightly terrified of you the real monster yeesh never thought i'd say this but i'd take the disco music over this any day so those are some of your suggestions for one hit bosses who went out like a total punk if you can think of any others let us know in the comments below and if you enjoyed this video don't forget to give it a little thumbs up it's always appreciated if you want to see any more stuff from us we've got a bunch of cool live streams and more list videos like this and hey if you subscribe you'll be told about all the new stuff that we upload isn't that useful yeah anyway take care of yourselves thanks for watching bye
Channel: Outside Xtra
Views: 720,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ellen Rose, Luke Westaway, Outside Xtra
Id: APzgfqnNHKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 27sec (867 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 01 2020
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