Creepy Stalker & Scary Phone calls - 3 Horror Stories Animated

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this all started about a year ago I a 23 year old female live on the second floor of an apartment complex and have lived here my entire life the building is mostly comprised of families with young children and married couples a lot of the families have lived here as long as my family has so everyone knows each other pretty well there was only one apartment unit that isn't occupied by a family but rather by a pair of brothers who keep to themselves one day one of their sons around my age appeared out of the blue he was strange off the bat he would always wear a sweatshirt with the hood up and would run through the apartment complex to get to his apartment I'm not sure what his face looks like because he always had the hood over his face he lived on the first floor on the backside of the complex and would often go in to his place by jumping through the window he basically did everything in his power to avoid any interaction I didn't mind him because I never saw him due to my busy schedule however one day he started sitting on the top of the staircase that leads to my apartment this was strange because his apartment unit was on the other side of the complex and on the first floor I brushed it off at first but it started happening everyday when I would come home from school he was there when my boyfriend at the time would drop me off at night typically at around 10:30 to 11:00 he would be there sometimes when I would leave and come back hours later it would still be in the exact same spot as if he didn't move through the five plus hours I was gone at this point I told my parents and my boyfriend about it and they became very vigilant my boyfriend would park his car and walk me to my door every night he dropped me off once he saw my boyfriend he stopped sitting on the staircase and I thought it was over but it wasn't he started waiting for me at the bus stop the bus I take home from school stops right across from the street from my home so it's a short walk one day when I was getting off I saw him waiting at the bus stop once he saw me get off he followed me into the complex and sat on the staircase he also started following me when I would walk my dog at this point my parents were upset my dog started letting the neighbors know he was following me around my neighbors started making sure he wasn't bothering me if I was alone they would start a conversation with me until I got into my door one day I got a friend request on facebook from the sky mine deal he had never spoken a word to me so how did he know my name let alone find me on Facebook my mom tried talking to his father but they would never answer the door when my mom knocked on their door so I'm thinking they can't possibly get any worse right they seem harmless so I wasn't too worried and I was wrong one day when I returned for my boyfriend's house my mom told me she had something to tell me but she didn't want me to get spooked she proceeded to tell me that when she was walking towards the kitchen to get a glass of water she saw something in the tree move our kitchen has a huge window that takes up most of the wall in front of the window there's a huge tree if someone were to climb the tree you could see into our apartment well guess what when my mom took a closer look she realized my neighbor was sitting in the tree looking straight into the apartment my mom called my dad over and when my neighbors saw my dad he jumped off the tree at that moment I felt my piece stolen from me we filed a police report but when the police went looking for him he was gone it turned out that there were snack wrappers and a blanket hidden in between the leaves of the tree the police think that wasn't the first time he was up in that J tree I couldn't help but wonder how many times he saw me walking around and I had no idea it's been about six months and I haven't seen him since his father still lives in the complex but there's been no sight of him the police haven't been able to find him so I have no idea what happened to him but I just hope we never meet again when I was 22 I moved a thousand miles away from my Midwest home to the beautiful foothills of Tennessee I had a new job new car and a nice apartment but didn't know a soul outside of work if my phone rang I expected to hear a faraway family member or my long-distance boyfriend who was still in college this is a landline no cell phones yet despite being very alone I was managing well with the excitement of all the new things in my life I'd only lived there about two weeks when the unwanted calls started the first call a man's friendly voice asked what I was doing I couldn't place him and thought maybe it was one of my cousins or uncle's I have a huge extended family I asked him his name he laughs a little and his tone gets dark a bit angry and he says I pause deciding of this guy simply called the wrong number or as a creep I choose the former laugh and politely tell him he has the wrong number he then recites my brand-new unlisted unpublished phone number and my name what the [ __ ] I thought an intense chill races through me I've only give him a new number to my parents sister boyfriend apartment manager and employer I'm new to the city in this lovely southern state he does not like it that I tell him he called the wrong number and starts yelling at me then tells me in a much calmer voice the many vulgar things he's going to do to me I hang up and brush it off he calls again around 1:00 a.m. I tell him to screw himself and hang up he keeps calling so I unplugged the phone and returned to sleep however as days go by the calls continue and escalate he starts in mentioning personal things about me said he liked the white quilt on my bed knew what was in my fridge that he's allergic to cats I had one and then asked me if I was in love with Mary as I listen to his words I was standing in my kitchen looking at the calendar taped to the fridge it hadn't Mary written and pink on the 17th with a heart around it because Mary is my sister in the 17th is her birthday I started shaking and crying because suddenly I realized this creep has been in my apartment I was alone with no friends or family to run to for the night it was me versus a creepy mystery man I didn't sleep much that night early the next morning I talked to the apartment complex manager before heading to work telling her what had happened and that I want the locks changed that day she gets a weird look on her face and after a long pause says she knows who's been in my apartment and that it won't happen again what I thought to myself it turns out she had a creepy rapey maintenance guy who noticed a young woman moving into an apartment alone and that I was his new pet she had the locks changed immediately and promised that she would personally keep the other key although the call stopped I was paranoid for a year as I came and went from my apartment because I never even knew what this guy looked like I moved at the moment my lease was up only after thinking about it years later that I realized that her weird expression likely meant that it had happened before plus she didn't even fire him I regret not calling the cops I was young and naive this happened to myself and a friend of mine were both 23 year old males we decided to go on a two night backpacking camping trip to the Adirondack Mountains of New York we are both very comfortable with nature and spend a lot of time outside hunting camping and fishing we hiked about five miles to get to a small lake so we could set up camp on the beach we didn't really expect to run into anyone else our first night there as we were sitting around the fire we saw flashlights moving on the other side of the lake around 10:30 this was fairly unusual however we did not think much of it but as time went on this flashlight kept moving around the lake getting closer to our campsite we kept discussing who could possibly be wandering around the woods in the middle of the night we did not want to deal with any unwelcome to guests once it was clear that the person or people were heading for our campsite we moved off into the nearby woods to see who wandered up I took a small axe with me and my friend had a 22 cun now we weren't expecting any trouble and we certainly didn't want to make any but we figured we might as well cover our bases now the moment of truth the flashlight comes near the light of our fire and it's one man he has a beard and was probably in his mid-40s the scary part was that he was carrying what turned out to be a pump-action shotgun he walked around her campsite a few times and then proceeded to enter our tent after rummaging around for about a minute he came out and started yelling oh no too rocky oh why don't you come and sleep alone my friend and I remained emotionless under a hemlock tree about 50 yards away that's when a man proceeded to fire his shotgun into the woods not too far from where we were he also swung his flashlight around several times after what felt like hours he grabbed my friend's backpack and a few articles of clothing that we had drawing near the fire and threw them into burn my friend had the 22 gun trained at the man he asked me if he should shoot I told him absolutely not unless he spots us and starts pointing the gun in our direction thankfully the man moved off after a while we waited until his flashlight was on the other side of the lake then we ran out and grabbed everything we could fit in my pack and took off it was now 2 or 3 a.m. we ran out the trail with our flashlights and made it back to my car as the Sun was coming up we immediately went to the police department and reported it where we also spoke with some forest rangers and that was it I still haven't heard anything back from the police and this experience creeped the hell out of both of us [Music]
Channel: IMR Scary Tales
Views: 181,844
Rating: 4.8823256 out of 5
Keywords: CReepy Stalker, Scary Phone call's, Lake side Camping, Camping Horror stories, Quarantine Horror Stories, Quarantine Scary Stories, IMR Scary Stories, IMR scary tales, IMR Scary compilation, Scary animted videos, Horror Animations, Horror Animation vieo, Creepy Animations, Horror Compilation Video, Horror stories, Horror Movie, Scary stories, Ghost stories, Haunted Video, Scary Video
Id: gTi2vnNcBS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 30sec (690 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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