5 Horror Stories Animated Compilation

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wasn't at a haunted house or anything but it happened while i was delivering pizzas i have no belief in the paranormal nor any spirituality for that matter anyways i was delivering pizzas because i work for a pizza chain it was about nine at night with almost a full moon out it was dark but i could still see a good 20 feet in any direction so i bring the pizza to the door everything goes normally and i start to head back to my car at about that time i hear a noise like the plastic wheels of a big wheel or something of that nature going down the road a good 50 feet from me my first thought was why would a parent let their child play outside this late as i look over all i see is a faint orange light above where i hear this noise not thinking too much of it i get in my car and back out of the driveway as my headlights reach where the light is i see the scariest thing i have ever seen in my life there's like this [ __ ] thing just staring off into the woods the best way i can describe it is it was like it was made of scribbles like a moving drawing of sorts but the lines were really jumpy and weren't contained i had my headlights on this thing for about five seconds before it noticed me as soon as it notices my car it makes an all-out sprint to where i'm sitting i sat there frozen as of this thing sprinted at me it got about a foot to my car and then disappeared as soon as it disappeared my car died and my headlights cut out i sat there for a good 30 seconds with my heart racing just waiting for something to happen my headlights came on after about a minute and i didn't see anything there i turned my car back on and got the hell out of there this is the first time i've told this story and still have absolutely no idea what it was i am a firm skeptic but this baffles me [Music] my childhood home was haunted i grew up in an emotional place my mom had narcissistic personality disorder and my sister had been diagnosed with bipolar and meth induced psychosis i was abused neglected and stressed out so maybe negative energy draws demons or maybe i was crazy at the time my dog would often bark at the ouija board i'd often wake up hearing music and conversation in the living room only to find that there wasn't anyone there very often i would hear a baby cry and be too terrified to investigate one day i had some friends over i told them the place was haunted and one of them said let's call the devil before i even had a chance to respond an unbelievably loud and guttural growl came from my television set the girl who wanted to call the devil pissed herself and never came back to my house again other friends would often see large birds flying over my house at night i only had one friend brave enough to stay with me even after having witnessed some of this well the most terrifying part of this story happened when i was home alone very late one night i was talking on the phone with my brave friend when i suddenly felt sick i saw my recently deceased grandma's reflection in the glass of the back door i was very scared and frankly upset it looked like her but it wasn't i went to my bedroom and began to hear scraping like knuckles dragging on the walls it was circling the entire bedroom going round and round faster and faster my friend offered to come over and i said yes please by this point i was crying just as he got to the front yard he described hearing footsteps and seeing rocks moving in the front yard but no one was there as i went to grab the door to open it my hairbrush flew directly at my face everything went silent after that i tried to go to my friend's house as much as possible after that incident as i got older things did calm down but i still had a terrible sense of dread anger and sadness my life didn't really start until i got into a happier home and stopped talking to my mom and sister so maybe i was crazy but my friends saw things too i was 15 and i thought i was old enough for war the law didn't matter to me not when it came to fighting for a country so i lied i lied my pretty little face off until they let me get on that dirty bus and go to the camp i remember chuckling to myself in my head i was as ready as any of the other man for what was to come i had my first panic attack in the trenches i didn't even know what was happening to me but i knew that i couldn't breathe or hear the gunfire anymore i thought maybe i had died and i froze when we got back to our base i was screamed at for so long my commander nearly lost his voice all i could do was stand there trying not to instinctively wipe the blood and spit from my face i was ashamed and it was the first time i wondered if i had made a mistake a few days before my 16th birthday they brought a few prisoners into our camp one stood out from the group a little boy who looked to be just a bit younger than me but much frailer the look on his face gave me second hand terror and i shuddered he looked like he could be my brother then on my 16th birthday the interrogations began each of the soldiers in our camp took turns questioning and beating the prisoners when it was my turn i felt the feelings of panic rise in me again i didn't want to hurt those people especially not the young boy when i entered the tent my eyes met with his almost immediately his face was bruised and bloody and his eyes were hysterical when he saw the gun on my belt he began to panic and i felt my heart sink he reminded me so much of myself i paused for too long and my commander came in to see what was wrong before i knew what to say he had pressed his gun to the child's head and silenced him the boy's blood got in my mouth and i gagged hard after that i knew i shouldn't have come to fight i couldn't shake how easily i could have been in his position and i couldn't shake the look in his eyes i was never one for the drugs or violence on the dark web i had a different interest one which started innocently enough i'd heard that there were millions of unsecured cameras online all the time and that one could watch their feeds if they knew how to access them i was no hacker so i relied on a dark website that listed links provided by the hackers every click brought a new sense of anticipation i never knew what the next link would reveal i found live weather feeds atop tall comms towers nanny cams inside people's houses and sometimes even the actual in-studio cameras for television shows being filmed but then a new update added new feeds late one night and i found myself watching a dark shaky and grainy feet it was quite odd cameras didn't usually bounce around like that it was only when its owner lifted it out of her pocket that i realized i was looking out from someone's phone camera even worse she didn't know it was on she placed it on her nightstand facing the ceiling and i listened while she had a conversation with someone else in the room i don't know why i didn't turn it off part of me simply couldn't believe that a dark web hacker could connect and activate the cameras on people's mobile phones other commentators quickly explained how easy it was and that shady government agencies did that kind of thing all the time all of a sudden loud noises began emanating from the live feed my attention was drawn back to the live camera the woman was having some sort of argument with what i now understood to be her husband and it was getting pretty heated heart pounding i listened as their fight reached a crescendo and a gunshot went off the feed went glitchy from some sort of thump against the nightstand the ceiling took on a new splatter of red oh god had i just witnessed a murder had her husband no she was whimpering softly somewhere unseen she had killed him shaking in my chair i clicked to another feed immediately my brain was on fire with thoughts of investigations cops the site being tracked down my house being raided but then i heard two men starting to argue on this new feat the phone fell and slid across the floor giving me a view of what looked like a father and son suddenly bursting into rage at one another in the middle of a family gathering the sun grabbed a large knife and swung just as i clicked away what the hell was happening how would i just witness two violent assaults in such few links in this third feed a girl was filming herself in her car apparently making 10 second long videos with her friends there were four of them in the car and they'd all been laughing and having a good time when i first started watching but i saw the laughter fade as the girl filming herself began to grow red-faced with sudden emotion she jerked the steering wheel without warning i watched in horror as the four girls started screaming and flailing about their long hair flailing around as the vehicle flipped aghast i clicked to the next feed as it loaded a sudden light shine from my phone next to me on my desk but i was too distracted by the notification dings of dozens of commentators on the site a stream of posts full of all caps and exclamation points rolled out below the feed all screaming some variation of stop and what are you doing and somebody banned this guy but what had i done it was their fault those monstrous people on that site i hated them i wanted to kill them in fact i owned a gun and diverting that impulse i took my phone and smashed it against my desk breaking it in half then i kicked my computer over and stomped on it only then standing in darkness alone with my own terror did the anger fade into tears nobody in my actual life would ever know what i'd done on the dark web but i will never be able to forget thank you for calling my name is kevin how can i help you today i answered the call as i had thousands of others yes i have some issues regarding my account the caller said of course we take your concerns very seriously tell me what i can do i let my mind wonder as it often did on these kind of calls thinking about how i ended up at this dead end job in the first place maybe i could take a sick day tomorrow anything to take a break from the constant stream of calls i saw the light that indicated the call coming in start to blink when had i ended the call i was on thank you for calling my name is kevin how can i help you today hello kevin the male caller said then after a moment's pause he continued today is the last day of your life as you know it today is the day you burn the voice sounded like a young man i chuckled only a little disconcerted uh okay is there something i can help you with the caller repeated today is the day you burn and you will never know why then the line clicked dead confused and a little disturbed i pulled up the program that would allow me to review the call there was nothing as if the call hadn't come in at all i knew i needed to take another call before my manager came over so i decided i would look into it later i took a few more calls helping clients as usual after a while a call came through with the same strange voice i had heard before today is the day it all ends for you the voice said everything you know and love will be taken away i narrowed my eyes usually prank collars like this didn't get under my skin but there was something about the caller's tone that got to me all right listen i'm reporting this call to security what call the voice asked in a mocking tone then disconnected i again searched the database but found no trace of the call concern was starting to creep into my mind did this person somehow have access to delete calls what do they want from me i decided i needed to go report this to my manager but before i could even stand for my chair i noticed that the cursor on my computer screen had started moving i wield the mouse but the cursor was moving as if it had a mind of its own it dropped down to the toolbar and opened up a document where to my astonishment words started appearing the document read you're starting to get a little nervous by now aren't you i stood in shock still staring at the screen not knowing how to react a ringing chimed in my headset causing me to jump then another call came through is it you i asked my voice coming out a whisper are you starting to get an idea of the kind of control i have over you yet the now familiar voice said in a tone that almost sounded excited what do you want from me i asked my anxiety growing i told you i want to watch you burn why what the hell did i ever do to you absolutely nothing the voice said then why damn it several people in the cubicles next to me looked over as i raised my voice without meaning to the man ignored my question instead saying check the draft folder in your email i hesitated not sure if i should obey the voice but i found that my curiosity got the better of me i pulled up the email application and saw an indicator that showed me i had a single unsent draft i was confused not remembering having typed up an email to send anyone i pulled up the draft to find a long manifesto my eyes grew wider with every sentence i read the email which was signed with my name rambled on about how unhappy i was with my life and how terribly i felt everyone at work had treated me it said that i blamed those around me for my unhappiness it was the last line however that caused a sinking dread to fill the pit of my stomach it read i will kill every last one of you i looked up at the top of the email to see it was addressed to everyone in the company i jerked my hand trying to move them out to delete the email before it could be sent but the mouse had stopped obeying my command not so fast said the voice on the phone i still need that as i watched the mouse moved and selected the send button i sat there frozen for a few moments not looking away from the computer after about 30 seconds startled yells could be heard from the cubicles around me bodies began shuffling away from me the voice in my ear sounded giddy now spoiler alert they'll also find a duffel bag filled with weapons and ammo in your trunk the voice was quiet for a moment but i could still hear the person breathing in my headset at least tell me why my voice was calm now i can't tell you why the voice said thoughtfully the truth is i don't even know why but don't worry i'll keep in touch i'm pretty sure you'll have internet access in prison thanks for watching you can watch a similar video here and don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification bell to stay tuned for more videos
Channel: Dr. NoSleep
Views: 345,396
Rating: 4.8723164 out of 5
Keywords: 5 horror stories animated, 5 horror stories animated compilation, scary stories animated, horror stories animated, animated horror stories, scary animated stories, horror stories, scary stories, horror story animated, scary story animated, dr. nosleep, doctor nosleep, dr. nosleep animations, dr nosleep, horror stories animated compilation, horror stories compilation, scary stories animated compilation, scary stories compilation, animated horror stories compilation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 05 2020
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