3 Dark Web Horror Stories Animated

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I stared at my bright computer screen my eyes felt heavy and my fingers trembled nervously with each key press we had already been awake for more than five days during which time 28 players had died I don't want to die though it's typed into the chat I'm not so sure you will there's only the two of us left I can't keep this up much longer [Music] the game had seemed so simple a competition to see who could stay awake the longest and the winner would receive enough money to last a lifetime for someone like myself without a social life nor a job to attend it was the perfect opportunity 30 Clues had received an invitation all active participants of an international dark web forum we were just required to fill in some necessary information including a Bitcoin wallet to where the money would be sent after clicking submit I was given a time and a list of simple rules to follow number 1 both your web camera and microphone must be activated for the entire duration of the competition number 2 there won't be any bathroom breaks plan accordingly number 3 you're not allowed to seek out the physical location of the other contestants number 4 there can only be one winner as I eagerly awaited for the first bit of excitement I've seen in months I stocked up on the necessary supplies mostly energy drinks snacks and a bucket once the time of the competition started I click the provided link I was faced with a blank screen consisting of 30 names and a chat box I could gain access to each of the competitors camera feeds by clicking on the user name but the chat itself was global I guess no one here speaks English insomnia ninety said a few of the participants responded with broken sentences it seemed that out of the thirty members of the chat only myself and insomnia nine were native speakers two days went by in the blink of an eye and seven players had already left the game in silence I spent most of my time watching movies and chatting to insomnia ninety who had come to know as Luis he was a Canadian University student on break bored out of his mind hey check out the German guy he's about to pass out Luis said I clicked on his username it would be the first participant we'd actually see falling asleep his eyes were already half closed and his body shifted towards the edge of his chair we chuckled at the guy as we got one step closer to victory not long after his consciousness wandered off the edge and he fell into a deep pit of sleep only a second passed before his eyes shot back open in a horrified panic as he clutched his ears and screamed in agony his body started twitching uncontrollably in all the wrong directions and blood and poured from his nose and ears it looked as if his brain had been scrambled to pieces inside his own head within a minute he fell over dead his face softly resting on the keyboard what cuff was that I asked is he dead Luis replied check the Swedish one I said sure enough he drifted off no more than a minute earlier suddenly his eyes shot open and he sees just like the German had before him another minute and he just added to the rapidly growing pile of the corpses we warned the others as best we could only a few of them seem to get the message each getting out from their chairs in an attempt at fleeing alas no sooner had they decided to run before they drop dead on the floor Oh Oh God we're gonna die homie Lewis said I guess only the winner survives I typed back three days past during that time we made numerous attempts at contacting the outside world phone calls emails messages they were all blocked Lewis and I were the only players left keeping each other awake as we searched and despair for a way out I already ran out of supplies so if sleep deprivation didn't get me dehydration would then I noticed that Lewis hadn't spoken in a few minutes Lewis no I called out to no avail he had already died as he left the game I was declared the winner twenty nine people had to hide and I was gifted an unfathomable amount of cash since then I've been searching for Lewis's family even if they were close I want them to know that he was a good person up until the end I'm so sorry I wish it had been me you my dad was the greatest man I ever knew he never shied away from helping others and always offered an ear when people needed to talk when he was taken away from us at the young age of 41 it destroyed my family last week I spoke to him again and you know how I wish I hadn't I'll be the first to admit the deep web always scared me I expected some illegal set of websites for drugs weapons and human trafficking in reality it's little more than a bunch of obscure forums sprinkled with the occasional leaked email password every now and then you might be lucky enough to find a gold nugget in the stream of useless shit if you're anything like me you might even enjoy the futile search the one time I actually stumbled across something worthwhile it scarred me for life it was a page called more Tex a forum with thousands of active users all seeming to search for specific people looking for Jack Glover 1956 to 2003 passed from pancreatic cancer the top thread said it was an odd task searching for someone that had died so long ago I presumed they were distant relatives looking for a gravestone but once I browsed through the comments it piqued my curiosity it was odd searching for someone that had died so long ago I figured they were trying to find a lost family members grave or something another thread read oh my god Hannah I can't believe you found me at that moment I figured it was some sort of roleplay for him each thread followed the same formula someone's seeking to speak with lost loved ones despite my instinct saying it was all make-believe I decided to post my own search looking for Clark Henderson 1969 to 2010 passed from cardiac arrest that was the name of my dad he was the one person I'd give anything to see again after he unexpectedly died from a heart attack to my surprise I only had to wait a couple of minutes before someone left a comment Henry it said along with a voice chat invitation my hands shook so much that I could barely navigate the menu before long I was connected and an all-too-familiar voice called my name Henry it's really you isn't it it was bullshit it had to be yet the voice I heard clearly belonged to my dead father dad how was this I stopped dead in my tracks I love you so much Henry and I'm sorry for leaving you I should have gotten my heart checked but I just didn't know I felt fine up till the moment I died it's not your fault but but how do I know this is real how do I know it's really you when you were three you attempted to make dinner you didn't know about the concept of pots and pans so you just threw the vegetables directly on the stove he chuckled cutting this story short right just as I had forgotten about that I said you almost burned the house down he continued I've tried to tell people this story before but you made me swear an oath of secrecy I felt myself tearing up just by the sound of his voice unfortunately curiosity overwhelmed my sense of nostalgia I have so many questions I don't even know where to begin I said as a thousand thoughts ran through my mind then it hit me the situation didn't just entail my personal quarrels with life no it was so much bigger I could ask any question about what came after death after much contemplation I finally landed on a simple yet horrifying question dad where are you I asked Henry please don't he trailed off don't what I've replied they don't like it when you ask I can't tell he froze I should have stopped that and there but I couldn't I just need to know what comes after please I said my dad paused Henry I'm sorry sorry about what I asked heaven hell it's not real this place whatever it is it's not what I thought we're just spare parts waiting to be our voice channel cut out and my dad's voice vanished I tried to call him back I tried to message I even attempted to make a new thread but he was just gone before I spoke to him I was never afraid of death now that I've heard the fear in the voice of my dead father I am terrified when people want digital footprints to be scoured away clean and then replaced by other preferable images that's when I get the call I was once hired by an oil Sheik to replace several faces on an embassy security feed to hide their involvement in the assassination of a journalist remember the two women who contaminated and killed the North Korean mad man's half-brother in the airport those women were originally a pair of North Korean goons but I removed them and set off that pair of lady Stooges to take the fall my ethics are porous and my greed is insatiable in October of last year I was hired to deep fake some footage a black ops team had infiltrated a top-secret lab in China and stolen some highly virulent bioweapon the lab itself wasn't the problem the team consisted of professional ghosts entering and exiting like invisible ninjas not a trace left behind in the labs hardwired net but then the team leader did something so stupid so outside his mission scope that I was brought in for damage control before any possible leaks caused a tsunami of geopolitical fallout he mention hi the following day at the ritz-carlton with somebody well-known in the world of presidential politics this figure traveling under the name Randa Marianne II is a former NYC mayor who now pursues shadow diplomacy for the current administration anyway this guy was caught on security cameras in the lobby exchanging envelopes with the leader of the infiltration team I was hired that night by a shell company operating out of the Cayman Islands that goes by the name of deluxe deep fake dot-com they wanted every piece of digital evidence tying these two people together to be deep faked replacing the former NYC mayor with the son of the president's political opponent in the upcoming election it left a bad taste in my mouth but the money being thrown at me was enough to buy mouthwash in industrial sized rums however that money never came through because the moment I finished my deep fake my computer suddenly fried from motherboard to monitor dead then the power to my house was cut then the guys in black those same invisible ninjas that hit the Chinese lab came busting through my windows I'm alive because I work in a basement with an escape hatch I snuck away now I live day by day constantly looking over my shoulder corona virus is spreading throughout the world someday I'll get back online and reverse my deep faked the world needs to know thanks for watching you can watch a similar video here and don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification bell - stay tuned for more videos
Channel: Dr. NoSleep
Views: 626,300
Rating: 4.8871837 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. NoSleep, dr nosleep, doctor nosleep, dr nosleep animations, scary stories animated, horror stories animated, dr no sleep, 3 dark web horror stories animated, dark web horror stories, dark web horror stories animated, dark web horror story, deep web horror stories, deep web horror stories animated, deep web horror story, animated horror stories, dark web animation
Id: TIZ2i8CYLmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 15 2020
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