22 Horror Stories Animated (Compilation Of August 2020)

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it all started when i was seven years old i used to live in a small neighborhood with a large amount of woods next to our town one day my parents left me at home with my brother while they dropped my other brother off at football practice that was the starting point they had to stop abruptly in the middle of the road in the woods when they were driving back home and that memory has been bothering my dad even now he said he said that he definitely saw something that day and remembered what it looked like it was an extremely thin figure around seven to eight feet tall he was sure that it wasn't a bear because when it saw their car the thing stood up on two legs and ran away with a strange form it had lots of blotches on certain parts of its body while other parts were losing hair or had none at all and its back looked broken and poorly arched when it ran back into the woods when my parents had warned me about it even then i never knew what it was after i turned 10 years old one day i had to stay home alone while my parents went to visit my uncle so i invited seven of my friends over who i'll call bella riley max john kayla shannon and penelope we had fun playing video games watching movies and things like that until midnight then i suddenly remembered that thing my dad had seen a few years ago hey why don't we go searching for that creature looking at each other we thought it would be a fun idea to try so we grabbed our flashlights and headed out into the woods once we walked in everything mysteriously got way creepier and the weird sounds got louder the whole area was totally dark and the fear of getting lost was affecting all of us suddenly we heard a loud crunching noise we shined the flashlight in the direction of the sound and finally we saw it there were some dead carcasses of deer and i could see that there was some other big animal at first i thought it might be a bear that was eating off of those carcasses however that's not what it was the thin hairy and almost eight foot tall creature was there it looked at us with its blood-stained sharp teeth and bloodshot eyes then it slowly got up and let out a penetrating howl not caring if branches hit us or if we got cut or bruised we all screamed and ran away through the woods we didn't know whether it was chasing after us or not but we didn't care we just needed to get back home as soon as possible finally we jumped over the creek that was right in front of my house ran up the hill into my house and then locked the door everybody all right breathing hard i looked at my friends and then i realized something penelope was gone we must have lost her in the woods somewhere as we ran away being terrified i pulled out my cell phone with trembling hands called 9-1-1 and told them about our situation within 15 minutes paramedics police and our parents arrived we explained again what we had seen and what happened to penelope the police searched the entire forest but never found the thing or penelope either the only thing that had been discovered was some blood stains of hers i'm 12 years old now and none of us speak about what happened that day the search for penelope has been going on but i'm positive that she's dead not just me we all do i recently did research on the thing and noticed that many other people had gone missing in my woods mostly kids and penelope's disappearance made her the eighth child to go missing in those woods i now no longer go into my woods because i'm afraid that if i do that thing will find me one day and i will end up like penelope my name is caitlin this incident happened when i was 14 years old and i will never forget this memory one day i was at home alone at my house my mom was still at the office late at night and my two siblings were at my grandparents house which was kind of far away from my home at first i was just enjoying my time alone watching netflix and doing some fun stuff however after a while i got pretty bored so i decided to invite some of my friends over i asked my mom for permission and then called my friends to invite them over a few moments later while i was waiting for them i heard a loud bang upstairs i was sure that there was no one else upstairs so i stood up and looked up the stairs with an anxious look on my face when i was near the stairs i could see that one of my dolls had fallen i picked it up and when i straightened my back something caught my attention a little girl was standing upstairs well i could feel that she was staring at me even though i couldn't see her face clearly due to the darkness i was terrified and then someone rang the doorbell i ran to see who it was and luckily my friends had arrived thank god it was a moment of relief that my friends came over at the right time soon i got my mind off of the girl i saw we sat down in the living room and had fun talking with each other an hour later one of my friends suggested that we should take some pictures together so we gathered around one another we took several selfies while laughing and chatting later as we scrolled through the pictures we found something there was a little girl standing behind our couch what made us even more terrified was the fact that she had no face i mean her face was just an empty darkness no eyes no nose and no mouth being terrified i told cassie to delete that picture right away however she said that something was wrong with her cell phone i snatched the phone out of her hands and tried to delete it but no matter what we tried we couldn't delete the picture then we heard loud thumps it sounded like someone's footsteps were coming from upstairs and our light was flickering on and off at the same time we thought that we couldn't stay inside anymore so we rushed outside in a hurry one of my friends christina suddenly pointed at my bedroom window and said that there was someone in there i raised my eyes up and followed her finger and there she was it was the same faceless girl we had seen in the picture my friends and i screamed i called my mom and explained everything my mom couldn't believe what i told her so she made me calm down and said that she would be home in five minutes after she arrived home she searched the entire house but she couldn't find any trace of the girl i hoped that it was just our imaginations however we soon decided to move out of the house because i kept seeing the girl after that incident we finally moved and from then on my mom never wanted me to be home alone so i always stayed with my siblings i still have no clue why the girl haunted me but i think it was because she wanted us to get out of the house well i'm just glad that i don't see that girl in my new house this happened to me while i was on my way home one night i was living in an apartment at the time when i arrived on the first floor of my building there was a piece of paper hanging on the wall that said that the elevator was out of service no not again i said to myself i lived on a pretty high floor so without any other choice i had to walk up the stairs i was walking up the stairs out of sheer desperation and all of a sudden i heard something then i began to feel uneasy i knew that crimes often occurred around my neighborhood especially targeting people who were alone when i listened closely i could hear a pair of men's shoes and a pair of women's high heels walking at the same time i assumed that it was a couple you guys are having a hard time like me i'm struggling to walk up the stairs especially this late at night i thought to myself i sighed with relief and turned my head around however i will never forget what i saw at that moment there was a man who was crawling with a pair of men's shoes on his feet and a pair of high heels on his hands he was crawling towards me this happened a few years ago in the neighborhood i grew up in when i was around six years old there was an incident where an old man who lived right in front of my house was murdered by a robber not only did the robber steal all his money but he also stabbed him brutally with a knife and then ran away according to the police the crime scene was as horrible as it sounds and unfortunately to this day the robber still hasn't been caught when they moved the old man's dead body and passed by my house my mom covered my eyes with her hands so that i wouldn't see it nevertheless i could see my neighbor's face through the gap between my mom's fingers after that even after a few months had passed the old man's house wasn't sold it was because there were a few strange rumors spreading around the neighborhood about his house some said that people would always hear the old man's coughing and sobbing coming from inside whenever it rained ten years later all of the people who moved into his house had to leave and now his house is being used as a warehouse when i was in high school i was crazy about a boy band and used to stay up late at night watching their videos because of this i used to fall asleep at around three or four am the town i lived in was sort of a new city under construction so it was really quiet and there was no one outside during that time one night it was around three am i suddenly heard a woman singing outside it was an old song and the strange thing was that the woman was singing just one part of the song over and over again she didn't move on to the next section she would just start singing pause for a minute and then continued singing again out of curiosity i opened the window and was about to sing the next verse of the song to surprise her however before that i sent a text message to my friend hey someone is singing outside and keeps repeating the same part lol should i sing along with her not long after my friend responded and then i had to shut the window quietly because i was terrified the text said don't do that that's a ghost when ghosts find someone to harm they first sing and then wait for the person to sing along there's a building that has a parking garage with a bicycle parking area on the lowest level that me and a group of my friends like to hang out at and skateboard i called up my friends jordan dorian jalen and aditya one sunday to ask if they wanted to go skateboarding with me at the garage they all agreed so we met up at my house and rode our skateboards and longboards through the unkept paths between the apartment buildings and arrived at the garage we waited for a car to drive in and set off the sensor to open the garage door then we tailgated in when we got inside we rode our boards around just practicing some skills eventually we rode down to the lower level and sat in the bicycle parking area to have a break and drink some soda all of a sudden a car pulled up and parked in a spot that was visible from the bicycle parking area the car sat in the spot with its engine running and the driver still sitting inside then another van pulled up and shut off its engine in the middle of the road both drivers got out and met each other halfway they were both tall and intimidating with their hoods up one driver passed the other driver money but then they suddenly began to argue we all watched in awe as they flung their hands around dramatically and started to shout we couldn't make out what they were saying since the loud echo distorted their voices we all froze as the van driver pulled out a gun and shot the other driver in the throat the driver collapsed blood pooling around him the van's driver yelled something and then we saw two other guys get out of the van one tossing the body into the back seat and the other began wiping up the blood something was going on here and i could tell we were in danger dorian whispered that we had to leave now we all began to quietly grab our skateboards and started hiding behind a wall but the blood cleaning guy spotted jalen as he was making his way over and yelled to the driver the van started up and right then aditya screamed we all threw down our skateboards and began pushing away as fast as possible i could hear so many noises in my ears like skateboards moving voices shouting and screaming and the roaring van behind us dorian was on an electric skateboard and was taking the lead as we wound around the ramps rising to the next level jordan was next to me and aditya was close behind us on his scooter jalen who had been the last to leave was falling behind and we could see the van speeding up behind him i yelled for him to run to the side and he popped his skateboard into his hands and took a sharp turn to the left running up a fire escape the van screeched around the corner as dorian began approaching the garage door and that's when i realized something we had to wait for a car to trigger the sensor and open the door i yelled at dorian to take the staircase to the right and he did jordan and i hopped off our skateboards and ushered aditya into the staircase we burst out into some dirty apartment floor and i quickly called jalen he picked up and told us he was outside the apartment building by the main road we held our skateboards and ran through the apartment floor until we found the fire escape then we managed to run outside and met jalen where we called the cops after the cops arrived they started to search the parking garage they couldn't find any traces nor the cars there so they decided to check the security footage the footage revealed the van's license plate was covered with duct tape but they did catch the license plate of the car of the driver who'd been shot they said they'd keep us updated and gave us a lift home since then we've never seen the van again or gotten any important information from the cops my friends and i have recently resorted to the much safer and public skate park nearby and never visited that garage again this is a story that happened to me not too long ago it was halloween there was a big two-story house in our town which was rumored to be haunted out of curiosity one of my best friends carlos and i decided it would be a good idea to test out this rumor so we went to that house for trick-or-treat it was about 11 45 pm and it took us a while to get to the house as it was a bit far away from the other houses when we arrived at the house we rang the doorbell a man who looked as if he was in his mid-30s suddenly came out he opened the door almost right away he had a cigarette in his hand i could see that he was dressed in a hoodie and ripped jeans and he looked kind of tired my friend mentioned the rumor about his house being haunted we laughed out loud but he didn't reply to anything we said he just stared at us and then he said you kids are almost a little late for halloween it's gonna end in two minutes well he was right it was almost 12 a.m he then told us the candy was in his room and offered for us to come in we sat on the living room couch waiting for the man who had gone upstairs however when he came back he insisted on us going upstairs because he had reese's chocolate which was my favorite at the time so being a pretty mindless teenager we took him up on the offer we went upstairs following behind him and went into one of the dimly lit rooms right at that instant i could see that there were a lot of different kinds of knives in the room it looked as if the man were collecting knives we thought it was a pretty cool hobby the man approached this and gave us each two pieces of chocolate although he still didn't say anything we thanked him and turned around to go downstairs all of a sudden carlos screamed in pain and fell down the stairs i turned around and saw the man was holding what appeared to be a red knife which was probably one from his collection with mixed emotions my adrenaline immediately kicked in i tried to punch the man in the face but he turned back and then stabbed my leg i barely managed to hold back the pain and literally knocked him out with five punches the man collapsed i took the knife out of my leg and started limping holding carlos in one arm we finally escaped from that house i could see that there was blood all over carlos's back with shaking hands i called the police as soon as they arrived they arrested the man after he had regained consciousness the ambulance took me and carlos to the hospital i wasn't hurt too bad but carlos was apparently stabbed twice in the back and bled out a lot he was in the hospital for two weeks to recover sometime after i got out of the hospital the police officer reported to my parents that the man had apparently been a registered sex offender and had raped a few children before luckily he was sent to jail right after they arrested him after all of that i never went inside a stranger's house again and to this day i'm still afraid of what would have happened if i wasn't able to hold back the pain of being stabbed and had failed to escape from that man [Music] this happened not long after we moved into our house in 2003 it was a nice and big house which was made in the 1950s one day i was in my backyard watering the grass and then out of the corner of my eye i saw something that made me pause there was a man standing next to the shrubs near our backyard's wall he was dressed like a carpenter his head looked like it was tilted sideways and his body was slightly facing our fences sideways then he saw me and smiled kindly at me at first i thought he was fixing someone's house and that it was his job however only after he faced me i realized that wasn't the case when i looked at him with narrowed eyes i noticed that his neck was visibly broken causing his head to awkwardly tilt to the side i then saw that he waved at me once but i was too shocked to scream at the time after i regained consciousness i looked around but he had vanished and had literally faded away two nights later i woke up at three am noise was coming from my ceiling it sounded like someone wearing construction boots was walking very slowly i started to freak out thinking that it might be a thief however i suddenly realized that that part of the roof was so thin which meant nobody could walk on it the steps abruptly stopped after a while and when i felt at ease i heard another horrible sound i heard a sharp scream that sounded like a man then a loud thud as if someone had dropped on my ceiling followed after i covered my head with a blanket my hands and whole body shivered and after ten minutes of nothing i peeked outside it was completely quiet i saw and heard nothing but i couldn't fall back asleep that night the next morning i started to look up the history of the house to my surprise it turned out that there was a report about the carpenter i met a few days before in the backyard in 1958 he had been hired to fix the roof while the owners were on vacation however the carpenter had fallen abruptly through the weak spot on the roof while he was working and had broken his neck he couldn't scream for help and no one ever knew what happened to him as the owners were gone for two weeks he was finally found when they came back but had already died this happened right above my bedroom suddenly i felt bad for the poor guy and i guess he's still looking after things since then i've seen him sometimes but i'm no longer afraid of him [Music] this story is about when i first moved to the city and joined the company our company was running a dormitory at the time and i was the one from the countryside so i decided to stay in the dormitory one day after work i came back to the dormitory and was eating my dinner with the tv on it was almost midnight after working overtime i was laughing and watching some comedy shows and then i felt a sudden strangeness you know like it feels like someone is staring at you feeling weird i turned my head toward the window and i couldn't move as my whole body stiffened with a tremendous chill i couldn't even scream the woman's face was stuck in the window as i turned casually to look and she was staring at me without any movement now let's think about it the windows in the dorm were not even small it was just the size of a normal person's upper body but look a face big enough to fill that size of a window can you imagine what it was and what was scarier was i was on the fifth floor at the time how could she even stand over there staring at me i was frozen i couldn't run away i could only just watch her glaring eyes it was lucky that i could move as the ghost disappeared the moment someone knocked on my door one of my co-workers in the next room came to my room saying that he had something urgent to do and when he looked at my pale face he asked me if i was okay so i explained to him what i had just saw and then his face looked a little stiff well he didn't say anything anymore but i knew it i was sure i'm not the only one who saw her here anyway something strange has happened to me since then sometimes when people get together and talk about ghost stories i suddenly start to feel nauseous like ghosts are coming to see me for example one day i was with my friends in a restaurant and as soon as they started talking about ghosts my skin turned pale and i started sweating all over my body at first they thought i was lying or trying to prank them but when i looked at the door with a serious look on my face and told my friends not to keep telling those stories they all had to shut up i think something's wrong with me so anyone who's watching the story i hope you guys always check out the window especially when you're alone in your house always i used to live with my grandmother who died a few years ago my grandmother had suffered a cerebral infarction during her lifetime so she couldn't use her arms or legs at all and she couldn't even speak she could only mumble and grunt because i spent a lot of time with my grandmother i felt sorry for her whenever i saw her one day my family gathered together at my house to celebrate a big holiday while we were eating delicious food and chatting with each other my grandmother was sitting alone in her room a few hours had passed and it was time for everyone to go home so my relatives said their goodbyes however my grandmother was still in her room at that time so i stayed with her i sat next to her you know just in case grandma do you want to go outside and say goodbye to everyone i asked looking at her face then grandma slowly turned her head towards me and opened her mouth i'm embarrassed at that instant i couldn't believe that she spoke with such clear and accurate pronunciation a few years later after my grandma had died i told my family what happened that day when i was at the funeral hall but no one believed me today i'm going to talk about a story that i read somewhere a few years ago a body was found in the countryside it was especially difficult to identify the victim or the perpetrator of that incident because the body had been dead for quite a long time and to make matters worse the bones had changed and were bleached however the police found one strange thing in this difficult situation only one finger from its body remained completely intact they asked the national forensic service and they finally completed the identification on the body's finger furthermore they succeeded to arrest the criminal as a result of the investigation it turned out that the assailant was her roommate they said that he beat her to death on a rainy day and buried her in the mountain behind their house after that the detective who was in charge said in his interview when you're in charge of a case there are often things that occur that can't be explained however i can tell you that ghosts really exist i'll admit that what i'm about to tell you is not that creepy my grandmother passed away not too long ago after staying three days in the funeral home we were supposed to go to the cemetery following her cremation they said it would take about an hour so my mom told me to take a nap in the car until the cremation was done since i was the one who had to drive later i went back to my car alone and fell asleep however not long after someone started shaking me i heard my name so i slowly opened my eyes and my grandmother was sitting next to me grandma i asked rubbing my eyes and she smiled at me yes it's me your grandpa is calling me i'll go first so stop sleeping and get up i really missed her crying in my dream i suddenly woke up with a surge of longing for her i kept crying and then came out of the car at that moment i saw my family walking towards me carrying a box of grandmother's ashes and her picture i immediately told my mom about my dream and then she patted me on the back and said this i guess grandma wanted to say goodbye before she left maybe you were the only one who was sleeping so she wanted to say goodbye to you [Music] one evening i was looking for an internet cafe because i needed to send a few emails i spotted one in the old building the sign said it was on the sixth floor when i walked through the entrance there was a dark hallway that led to a small elevator i pressed the call button and when the doors open i stepped inside in a lot of asian countries many buildings do not have a fourth floor the number four is considered bad luck because the word four sounds almost the same as the word for death when it stopped and the doors open i was about to step out when i realized that something was wrong the hallway was in total darkness by the lightning mounting from the elevator i could make out a random piece of furniture cover it with white cloth it looked like it hadn't been touched in years i thought i might have gotten off on the wrong floor so i checked the buttons but none of them were lit up there was nothing to indicate which floor i was on just then i noticed something moving at the end of the darkened hallway i couldn't quite make out what it was but it looked like a person dressed in some type of gown the figure was moving slowly down the hallway towards the elevator they creeped me out and in a panic i started pressing the closed door button all of a sudden the light in the elevator flickered and turned up i was plunging to the pitch darkness i was so freaked out i almost wet myself just as i was about to lose it completely the lights flickered back on the doors closed the elevator jolted back to life and began to ascend again i breathed a sigh of relief when the doors opened this time i was at the internet cafe i went over to the counter and told the girl who worked there and what had happened as she listened her face grew pale she said that some of the customers and a few of her co-workers had experienced the same thing she had never experienced anything herself but she told me about the history of the building apparently the fourth floor had been a hair salon at one time it was prospering and doing pretty good until one of the women who worked there killed herself in the salon nobody knew the reason why the salon continued to operate but they were plagued by weird and inexplainable events sometimes when customers were having their hair washed the water were turned as red as blood other people claimed that when they looked in the mirror they would catch glimpses of a ghostly figure standing behind them when they turned around there would be no one there because of these events the salon developed a bad reputation and began to lose customers eventually they were forced to close down the building's owner tried to rent the fourth floor out to other businesses but when they found out what had happened nobody would take it finally the owner reduced the price to nearly nothing and it was rented by a businessman who planned to open a stationary supply store however when they tried to do some renovations on the floor there was a series of mysterious accidents the workman's tools would sometimes disappear only to be found in strange places a large mirror suddenly shattered when nobody was near it and the workman had his hand crushed when the elevator closed unexpectedly eventually the workmen were so spooked that they refused to continue the building's owner gave up trying to rent the fourth floor out and just shut it down he had the buttons and the elevator replaced and it was reprogrammed that nobody could go on the fourth floor at least that's what's supposed to happen for some reason when people took the elevator it would sometimes stop on the fourth floor and when the doors open some people would see a figure coming toward them in the darkness i honestly still don't know what that was [Music] when i was a little girl i had the same dream several times in these dreams i used to see an old lady who kept running after me she was wearing korean traditional clothes called a handbook and put her white hair up whenever it happened she was kind of far away from me so i tried to run away from her at full speed but then when i turned my head around in less than three seconds she had already reached me and was right behind me with an angry look on her face and stretching out her hand so i always woke up crying when i felt like i was going to get caught by her that horrible situation repeated over and over again whenever i had a dream however the interesting thing was that i never got caught by her in my dream because i was so young at the time it was really scary to see that old lady in my dream so i tried to not fall asleep but eventually i couldn't win and sleep took over my body and the same thing happened again in one dream i was playing at the playground with my older brother we were playing with some dirt and i could see the old lady watching us as usual to be more specific she was staring at me run hurry as soon as i told him that she ran towards us but this time she looked even more angry than usual i was in a hurry so i yelled at my brother to go up on the slide and we both ran towards it i was going to go up the slide but suddenly i stumbled and fell down as she was approaching i was about to scream but to my surprise she just passed me and then she angrily grabbed my brother's leg with one hand and pulled him downwards being terrified i cried and yelled at her to let go of him and then i suddenly woke up when i woke up i realized that my whole body was drenched in cold sweat a few days later an unforgettable and unbelievable incident happened to me my brother was in a car accident not to mention his teeth cheekbones ribs right leg and shoulders were all smashed it was just horrible but since the accident i couldn't stop thinking of the old lady who i'd met in my dream well it's been a long time now but i still remember her face so vividly since my brother's accident the old lady was no longer in my dreams however to this day i'm still really curious why did the old lady appear in my dream and what did she want to say to me i'm someone who goes on a deep and dark web constantly it's not what people think where it's evil and overpopulated with crazy people that's only a small percentage of the dark web years ago my girlfriend broke up with me and i put her personal information on the forum and soon after that she disappeared it's been a while since that happened and i've ran into people that have disrespected me since i'm not an intimidating guy nor do i look intimidating nor do i ever have physical or verbal conflicts i always think to myself that these people don't know what could happen to them i work at a fast food restaurant and at the time of this story my manager was really on my case about everything i would be late mess up orders have an attitude with customers and some other stuff i could name but it's so much i understood that i was messing up but the tone that this guy would talk to me embarrassed me in front of my co-workers and sometimes in front of customers one day though that was the last draw so one day i walked into work five minutes before i was due to clock in and my manager out loud said that the window liquor is finally on time in front of customers and my co-workers everyone laughed at me during my whole shift at night he would direct smart comments toward me while still yelling at me for everything that i did wrong i made up my mind i was going to find that forum and give his information on my walk home i was going back and forth with myself about whether to do it or not by the time i made it home i made up my mind i didn't shower nor did i change clothes i went straight to my laptop and i searched i possibly clicked maybe a hundred links because on the dark web there are links that will take you down any rabbit hole a link named porkchop piqued my interest when i clicked it i was directed to an about page it only says six words we find it we chop it and another link that said here's an example of what we do i clicked it of course as soon as i clicked on it the picture went to the point of view from an old school camera with the date and time in the corner of the screen the person behind the camera approached the man and followed him a few minutes go by and the man noticed what was happening he turned around and approached the camera while yelling and screaming at the person for following him then all of a sudden you see five huge guys dressed in black wearing a pig mask running from behind a man and drag him into the dark the person holding the camera turns the camera to his or hers face and leaves it there for about five to ten minutes that person also wore a pig mask but all you could hear was the man screaming and sounds that i don't want to describe in the background the camera was then turned back around and the sight that i saw was disturbing it was something that no one would ever want to see some people say that they wouldn't wish it on their worst enemy but i did after their video was over there were links one said pork and the other said chop i clicked on the pork and it prompted me to put in a cold i didn't have one so i backed out so i clicked on shop there was information that needed to be filled out like name height description and place i filled out all the info for my manager in a place it was my job i submitted the form at the end of the screen it said see you soon four days later while at work my manager approached me and decided to apologize for the way he treated me and offered to give me more hours and said that he will work with me more often because he sees potential in me a few hours later it was close to the end of the night my manager helped me with the trash and took it out for me as i were putting chairs on top of the table getting ready to mop i looked outside and saw my manager looking over at something but he looked worried i moved to get a better look and i saw what he was looking at he was surrounded by six people in a pig mask with weapons in her hands i ran outside as they swarmed him except for one person he had a camera i forgot all about these guys and then i put his information on the website i ran outside as they approached him he looked at me for help but i ran back inside and called the police it took them 10 minutes to get there when i looked back outside what i saw was the most disgusting thing i've ever seen i wish i could get the image out of my head between the time of me initially seeing them calling the cops and running back outside these guys were gone but my manager was still there i went to his funeral the next week the next day i received an anonymous email that had the whole video they were watching him this whole time he was on shift i don't know how they got my email i never provided any of my information till this day i still feel sick because my manager was starting to be nice to me that day i can't go back on the dark way this happened over 25 years ago but the memories are still fresh on my mind i moved in with my boyfriend who was a musician and i wasn't working at the time our budget was small so when we were offered super cheap rent for our house we jumped at the opportunity it should have been a red flag at the time but we were in no position to refuse it was far from the city center we had almost no furniture and lived quite the frugal life but we were happy to have our own space the house was simple but cozy and nice and there was another room in the backyard with no windows but only a chair right in the middle of it needless to say it was super creepy so i avoided that part of the house while my boyfriend was working all day in a music school i took care of the house in the beginning everything was fine i felt happy there but after a few weeks weird things started happening one day i put some of the cans and ingredients on the kitchen table while i was cooking however when i turned around to grab them they weren't there at first i just thought that i had forgotten to pick them up from the shelves but when cans and knives started showing up in random places in the house like the bedroom i started paying more attention my boyfriend also experienced the same things and whenever he found the missing items he just laughed about it however things started to change and took a turn for the worse when we decided to clean the backyard we cut the grass threw away the trash and decided to move the chair in the middle of the room so my boyfriend picked it up and left it in front of the house to be collected he told me that he felt sick the moment he entered that room i thought he was overreacting but when i entered it i immediately felt a heavy weight on my chest and a piercing headache however everything would be fine again once we left that area it was scary so we went to a local church got some holy water and salt from the priest and cleaned the room we thought that everything would be okay now my boyfriend had to leave for work and i continued cleaning inside the house but i didn't feel calm and perky as i usually did because i constantly had the feeling that someone was watching me i even checked the doors and windows to see if there was anyone around but no one was there and i still felt uncomfortable and was paranoid all day when my boyfriend returned home in the evening we started hearing noises coming from outside this area was kind of dangerous especially at night so my boyfriend was super careful when going outside he thought that it could be a robbery everything was alright except for the fact that the chair was back inside the room it was in the same place as before so he got really mad when he saw it thinking that some punk was playing a trick on us he went outside and decided to grab the chair break it and throw it away but i could see the panic on his face when he couldn't move the chair for whatever reason it was completely fixed to the ground not like it was glued to the floor but more like it weighed 10 tons no matter how hard he tried it wouldn't move because he had to come up with another plan he ran inside grabbed holy water and salt made a circle around the chair and started praying suddenly we heard a loud bang thousands maybe millions of cockroaches started coming out of every sewer hole outside of the house i am terribly terrified of cockroaches so i guess this was my worst nightmare he left the chair and we rushed inside the house and after we checked everywhere in the house we locked all the doors and windows and then ran away to my mom's house as the incident happened on a friday evening we decided to stay at her house until sunday to calm down on sunday afternoon we returned home and everything fell to normal there were no traces of insects around and the chair was still in its place but the house seemed quiet we started relaxing a bit and as i had just refilled the fridge on friday with groceries i decided to start cooking something nice for dinner however when i opened the fridge i saw an image i will never forget all the food was full of maggots and it was almost completely decomposed the smell was horrible inside i have never seen anything like it before i mean the fridge was still on and seemed to be working but the food was not frozen and this level of decomposition could not be reached in less than 48 hours it was the most disgusting thing i've ever seen i screamed and showed it to my boyfriend who also couldn't understand what happened but there was nothing we could do with the food or the fridge later we finally decided to give the house back and we moved out to another city and fortunately i've never experienced anything like that again but that incident still gives me the [Music] chills this happened to me recently i was on my way home from the bank when someone suddenly called when i looked back i could see a man in his late 40s on the road and he had pretty long shaggy hair that almost reached his shoulders besides that there were so many small scars on his face which made me feel really uncomfortable i asked him if he needed any help and he asked me for some food because he had a five-year-old girl who was starving however it was somehow odd the way he spoke didn't sound pitiful to me at all and he was saying it quickly as if he had memorized the lines i stared blankly at him for a minute and then felt anxious i'm sorry i have to go now i laughed abruptly hey hey he kept calling from behind me and then started yelling at me because i didn't turn my head around i was so scared that i eventually passed my house and ran straight into another alleyway because it was especially hot that day my town was pretty quiet and that only made things scarier now that i think about it this situation was really creepy i don't even know where he came from i didn't hear any footsteps but when i looked back the man walked right in front of me asking for food again one of my friends got married not too long ago she was living with her husband and mother-in-law who was the type to nag a lot to her for your information my friend used to be a little chubby and because of it her mother-in-law scolded her frequently and prevented her from eating food it was ridiculous when i heard that i met her at a cafe and i could see that she didn't look well so i asked her what happened and then she said something really creepy my friend couldn't hold back her hunger after midnight so she snuck into the kitchen quietly when she heard her mother-in-law snoring in her sleep she started eating some of the food in the refrigerator suddenly she felt something was wrong she felt like someone was watching her so she turned around and her mother-in-law was staring at my friend her eyes were raised while she made a snoring sound with her mouth on purpose a few days ago my dad lost his shoes at a restaurant when he checked the cctv he saw that an old man went outside wearing his shoes at first my dad decided to just think that he made a donation but the next day a package arrived at his company office as he opened the box he saw a new pair of the exact same shoes that he had lost the day before and the sender was unknown let's think about it my dad lost his shoes just yesterday but when he checked the delivery date it was dated a few days ago dad was just satisfied with the new pair of shoes that he received but my mom and i are still feeling uncomfortable and weird about it i mean who would send shoes to you for free and for no purpose at all what a weird situation this happened a few days ago i found a cell phone in the corner of my bed while cleaning my room of course it was not mine and it didn't belong to any of my friends either so i turned on the cell phone to check what was in it and i was left speechless well i've never seen that cell phone while living in this house for several years i found it just today but when i checked the phone's recent call history one was made just yesterday if someone knows the answer to this please let me know what should i do with this cell phone now it seems like growing a terrarium is in fashion now but i threw out my terrarium a few days ago one day i bought a terrarium at a store while heading home i put it next to my bed and fell asleep the next morning i saw a girl lying next to me on my bed [Music] and the scariest part was that her neck was halfway turned but as soon as i jumped up screaming she was already gone at first i thought it was just a nightmare or some kind of sleep paralysis a few days later i had a dream this time and i was inside of the terrarium i was on something like a big hill and dolls made of bones were digging through the soil of the garden as soon as i stepped closer i could see the bones on the ground then i woke up from my dream in fright because i felt uncomfortable thinking about the woman i saw a few days ago i went into the bathroom with a terrarium i started taking all the plants and moss out of the glass you know moss is usually very easy to peel off however this one didn't come off easily it was as if the roots of the plant grew so deep that it felt like they were stuck to the soil i was about to turn on the water and wash the roots and at that moment little white pieces rattled and were drained down the sink what was that suddenly i was struck with fear i couldn't even think of washing it anymore eventually i had to throw the plants outside what were those white pieces i saw what if they were real bone fragments it happened when i was in middle school one day two of my classmates committed suicide together on the roof of an apartment complex everyone in the class wondered why they did that and felt sorry for them and a few days later we received a group photo from our school trip the moment we looked closely we found something unbelievable some of the students were screaming and some were crying it was insane when i looked at it it was really really weird the two friends who committed suicide together were standing next to each other and their eyes were looking upwards the same exact way it was strange enough to make the viewer feel unpleasant well eventually our teacher ended up burning the picture what was up with that picture i have no clue at all this happened a week before my 19th birthday i had invited three of my closest friends over to my place since my parents were out of town for a few days and my sister had recently moved to the dorm well anyway 15 minutes later my friends keith jay and marcus showed up at my door with a handful of beer for the perfect boys night we watched movies chugged on some drinks and even had an epic pillow fight until 10 45 pm that's when keith suggested that we play an extreme truth or dare game to make this night a blast the boys mostly preferred truth which was hilarious as they were compelled to answer embarrassing questions but when it was my turn i chose to do a dare they all discussed among themselves for a solid minute until jay finally dared me to dress up as a girl and walk outside at first i hesitated but accepted it regardless i found a blonde wig in the storage box which was from last year's halloween and wore one of my sister's fancy dresses that she saved for special occasions then we went outside looking for some fellows to prank and that's when the sight of a few guys smoking on their motorbikes caught my eye they all looked like they were around in their mid-20s i walked past them while my friends hid behind the bushes waiting for a reaction soon i could tell that they were gazing at me and when i glanced over to get a peek of them i realized that they were all coming towards me as they moved closer one of them asked if i came here often and if he could get my phone number too bad i'm a boy loser i started laughing frantically as i removed my wig however they didn't seem to like this prank and i figured that was a huge mistake i had made suddenly he pulled out a pocket knife and said that i was gonna pay for that awful prank panicked i instinctively kicked his left leg making a run for it as i heard the others starting their bikes up to chase me all of my friends who witnessed that moment immediately headed back to the house to call 9-1-1 meanwhile i was shaking with fear as i further advanced toward the main road unfortunately those punks ganged up on me blocking my path and i was thrown to the rough surface by a strong push the guy i had kicked in the leg earlier got off his bike and pulled out his knife once again with the creepiest grin i've ever seen on his face do not ever prank on me you bastard when he was about to stab me while i was screaming i noticed that he abruptly stopped midway there was a loud police siren near us the volume of the sirens got louder and finally they ditched me and ran away i was laying on the road in pure shock luckily i was rescued by my friends who would inform the police right on time we never encountered those guys anymore around our town nor did we ever play that stupid game after that i cannot imagine what would have happened to me if the cops were even just a minute later
Channel: Wansee Entertainment
Views: 1,255,719
Rating: 4.8907418 out of 5
Id: tUzubIh6d30
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 59sec (3719 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 31 2020
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