$6000 SCAM! (Not Clickbait) Did He Give Me My Money Back?  @Walmart  Storage Wars

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[Music] alright guys so we are less than a half a mile out and we are about to see if I get my money back here's new I don't want to sell you guys anything that's illegal look there I've seen bootleg stuff there's actually a big market for bootleg action figures things like that we are not gonna be tied up in anything illegal well I did do some research thanks to some of your comments I did do some specific research and here's the deal I could probably sell the stuff and nothing would come about is bigger fish to fry in the world right now I would still know right I would still know in here and the Lord was still anyway I'm gonna attempt to get my thousand dollars back I'm gonna be very tactful very calm very peaceful I'll try to be a reflection of Christ especially right it's real easy to act like Jesus when people are being nice to you right or give you great things but the challenge is is I think we're really Christ calls us to be the best reflection of him is in situations like this so anyway I'm pulling up look he's right there my team's right here so let's see what happens if we do here's what I promise stay tuned because I am going to do something phenomenal with the money if I get it back hey maybe that might be a sign from from God it's okay I'm not making big make a big deal about it but it's to get my money back I don't I just I can't do anything illegal for the low sugar jet bake sale no I'm just I'm telling you yeah so I just yeah I'd rather just get my deposit back and if there's even a small chance of something being illegal I just I can't let my heart rest on that yeah well hey I wish you luck just be careful no front okay okay well people went wrong got my money back baby so anyway check it out what okay as you saw he could not get his door open he's been there for years and he was telling me this is the first time this has ever done this then he was like hey do you want to give it a try so I gave it a try and starless maybe that might be a sign from God look I've fucking used a lot of keys in my life right and that was not the key to that door so when I got in the car Gina did bring up a good point and when I was talking to him yesterday I put all those things together real quick registers spit out what we think happened is that his landlord actually locked him out because that key was not the key and I think that's why he was saying yesterday you needed to get everything out we were gonna go above and beyond I told him I'd even sweep it out for him so his landlord was happy so check it out that might have just been God protecting us right that might have been like God you know or it could have just been a landlord look he said a lot of people were about hey man shoot I was on my way to church and the devil didn't want me there man freaks got a nail on my card on my or it was just an Ellen your daughter right not everything is some anyway all right so that's how anyway so on the way over there I was actually praying and I told well I didn't tell them but I knew in my heart when I was praying I knew that I wasn't gonna have any problem dude he was the aim of my money back and that's why I had made the plan that we were gonna take this thousand dollars and people hey man just the crowd was going oh man you ain't got no business spending thousand dollars well that's my thousand dollars and I'll spend it the way I want to and you can take your thousand dollars it's been to the way you want to it guess what I won't even come to your house and tell you how you should have spent it or criticize you for the way you do how about that fair deal all right so the team is heading to Plano Texas to the city we live in I would go by the house and pick up the kids cuz they're gonna be super excited about what we're about to do so anyway hey I'm gonna take this full thousand dollars we're gonna go to the store right now we're gonna fill up buggies full of stuff right you gotta stay tuned to see what we're gonna do let's go help some people in need alright ladies and gentlemen we are here at the great Walmart so we have $1,000 right the team is inside we're gonna grab buggies we're gonna use social distance to them we've got our protection on you know like three months ago if you two walked into a store like this you probably would've got tackled right so anyway check it out we are heading into Walmart we are going to buy a thousand dollars worth of toys to give away and less fortunate neighborhoods two kids who are probably driving their parents nuts about right now we are 5 bucks we're on the clearance aisle first cuz I figure we could get a lot of good stuff so anyway we'll get a bunch of these we're gonna spend $1,000 I don't know yo check this out so we are gonna go to less fortunate neighborhoods so I am going to get this just because I'm not making jokes there's probably we're gonna go to actually neighborhoods I grew up in and around so there's gonna be a lot more african-american children there so I am gonna buy stuff that would probably it's been recording okay so we're gonna get some of these these are little things for little girls maybe or boys I guess so these are 250 all of them alright guys so this do kaboom alright use eleven bucks so we're gonna get two of these bad boys but it's 450 so we're definitely gonna get this bad boy see clearance now looks like there's some more dude kaboom but we got the big massive one because we might be one kid per toy I don't know what we're gonna do is is you're gonna need to stay tuned over the next few videos cuz we're gonna actually have to go through this and try to figure out how we're actually gonna hand this out to the kids but a thousand dollars in toys guys we're gonna do all right guys for the ladies it's easy for me to want to buy old boy toys actually these are three bucks all right so we'll get some little Lego tax take a Lego pack and put it with the bigger to work all right guys look there's I don't know what these are splash match but it's frozen too so I've got a couple little girls or boys would love to have so we're gonna get two of these alright guys I'm gonna get a few of these just for some infants right here these little teething ring bracelets they're only 350 so we'll get three of these alright guys so we're gonna go to the regular 20th section now and usually have a lot of clearance up there but I want to definitely go down to action figure out system favorite aisle and remember we're gonna try to get a mixture of things for boys and girls - okay - you're in charge do not let me fill it up for the action figures gotcha alright guys so hey let's just go down the side let's see what we find seven dollars yeah alright so check this out these are like seven and eight people will recognize these right so I think we get a couple of these horses helmet didn't come with a helmet it's crappy so I'm gonna get one of the dogs what do you think heck I get a buzz but advisers are woody no all right guys the Ninja Turtle section is like dead and like ninja turtles are my favorite but check this out these are five bucks so we'll get one of each maybe want to be tried that seemed like a good plan that was my favorite episode we're going to the girl yeah a flashback you all right so chicken huh we'll get these cuz either sugar keep all right okay so we'll go ahead and get the mask in the middle put the mask with the call alright guys so we're gonna get these right here Toy Story these are 5 bucks apiece a little dish to dirt right here and actually so add that beer and look the little dog is 9 bucks the actual slinky so get one of these - yeah play one of the funniest character do but these are creativity sets for key from toy sources you get to make four key to make your own there was four of them but once leaking blue so we're gonna get all three so picking it operate alright alright guys so these are ten bucks apiece let's make sure 24 see trucks yes so we are gonna go with these little remote-control cars oh it's attached but hey some little kid like that sucks 20 bucks alright guys so these are chomping crunch like races and they are ten bucks so we're gonna get to these I get this most splurge a little and go fifteen on this it's a wood box look at the wood Lion King game that'll be a great gift for some little kid alright guys to check these out these are little die-cast toys fast and furious ghostbusters spider-man so these are 697 so I'd be getting this for myself and I would be getting this one for myself so aren't working at these three so and when I want blame on their five bucks each or with their different prices but we'll just get a few variations on the other side there's labels all right so let's get these so that's $20 we got Barbies four four and seven bucks so we're gonna get four of each we're gonna get four of the four or five dollar ones and four of the eight dollar ones so let's just get a mixture you should get a boy to Ken let's go with the dream oh okay all right guys so I used to collect trolls when I was little actually are there better right shall I just recognize it but check out these are eight bucks apiece so let's add two yeah one eight wanted each of the trolls since that's pretty hot right now [Music] I don't know should we go with the $10 ones should we go I got all this okay uh-huh so we're getting two so that 20 bucks that's it we're gonna need a bigger boat we're gonna need a bigger boat huh all right guys so I think I'm gonna splurge choose a deal I know there's gonna be a couple of those kids out and the thing that are going to make just captivate my heart so I'm gonna get a few bigger items and I'm gonna keep these in my truck cuz I'm telling you every time I do something like this there's just one specific person for some reason they'll just get a hold of my heart and then I'm gonna whip the big the big toys out for them so anyway alright everybody loves Legos but the little kids right they need the bigger Legos so they don't like hmm I still like this but check it out these are 10 bucks apiece let's get a policeman and a John Deere no let's get one let's get one for a girl and we'll get these to ten bucks each comes with a car and little leg anything fun alright guys so check it out these are five bucks each I'm not sure what you make with these just different things so let's get two of these what those are each let's see we've got some hacks I think it's bad thank you okay so we'll get it okay so this will be ten dollars plus 20 this is 20 bucks is that right yeah come here what are these these are ten bucks apiece that'll be fine uh-huh okay four little kids all right man this is a good deal for the little kids [Music] yeah that's how's baby doctor yeah you get the one with the tiger that's fifty five that's another 20 that's another 20 I'm senator oh yeah so we're gonna get two of these these are 15 bucks apiece these are bigger toys like I said we'll take some of the smaller stuff and group it together but these like one kid will get like a nice big so we'll get one of these and all right so some big toys for girls we got their dolls and the 15 all right for all you Harry Potter people like these two dorks yeah we're gonna get some mystery wands okay $21 29a one all right guys I'm really I'm out of room I don't have any more room warm bargain too baggy this is for little kids and now their parents are gonna love me or hate me for bringing this to their house when they check with their kids at least go two of these this is 20 uh-huh 30 how about puzzles yeah yeah yep our aim will go 40 40 bucks so Robert is giving us another buggy I'm gonna set this here tell you that chaos 747 one alright guys let's check it out look this is 11 but these are 688 so I'm gonna get two girls okay so 688 times - dear are times for Jan 28 or that's a girl yeah I want two girls oh you're right I got you these are Batman and they're cheaper but let's get a few of these okay so let's do 580 else get one of each cuz that could be for somebody alright $12 baby shucks doo doo doo doo doo all right check it out ten bucks oh yeah I say we get two mm-hmm of these cash registers does that be a great little toy they taught me into these these are ten bucks each but they're nice the Disney clutch we've got a stitch we've got a Simba and we got thinking one of these one special little kid with oh yeah you think a little kid would like that okay yeah I might go a few bucks over and get two of those or I'll put a actually views March the minute thousand dollars so we're definitely gonna get with us alright guys to finish off the shopping spree movies 374 piece shirt two is five good deals so are hate to pay for the Sega you have to pay for back here but I'm gonna take all these buggies [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the Grimes family is sitting around and we are plotting on how we're gonna get rid of all these wonderful toys - wonderful I need to stop saying wonderful kids because I'm sure some of them are probably little hellions and don't deserve a toy but I'll let God separate that out later so hey anyway guys make sure to be back here tomorrow night to figure out how and when we're gonna give these toys out we want you to be a part of it so make sure to be back tomorrow night at 7 p.m. central for an all new clown spine video make sure to LIKE subscribe hit that bells like all wise we do do premieres dude dude premieres why cuz we love you guys we'd love to hang out with you is chitchat with you with the release of every single video so make sure you back tomorrow night 7 p.m. Central [Music]
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 43,837
Rating: 4.9086585 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Wars, Storage auction, How To Make Money, Reselling Business, Thrifting haul, Storage Unit Finds, Funny Videos, Ebay resale, Mystery Box, Dude Perfect, What the Hales, Steve and Steph Resale, Curiosity incorporated, Whats inside, mystery box, Abandoned Storage, storage unit, Storage Unit Auction, grimes finds, scam, live pd, cops, caught on video, scam artest, lunkers Tv, scammer caught, scammed, craigslist scammer, i got scammed, i got robbed, robbed on live, ae
Id: NG-mL9pXLZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 47sec (1427 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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