I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit And Found Illegal Drugs!! (Not Clickbait)

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] all right guys it is June 1st 2020 just what are you doing right now 2020 I am a small business owner getting ready to go to work 2020s a little different why because everybody's lost their frickin minds and now people like me are being forced to defend I am going to pack a few extra things for work today why and they're blocking highways guys what if somebody had cancer what if some little kid is like needing his treatment what if some old man having a heart attack and you idiots are blocking the roads now look I've stated it I watch the video it's horrible a guy who's done MMA Jitsu I did it for over eight years was active and participating in competing having that on your neck is just crazy I mean that was wrong nobody denies that that was wrong but what you idiots are doing with the rioting and looting and stuff like that you're putting guys like me in a really bad position and here's the deal I'm gonna predict something right now if the government doesn't get to sender control people like me who work their whole life veterans things like that are gonna pull together and then what you're gonna do is this it's just not gonna be good for you guys and the most important things got the Word of God didn't get any better than that right that's a good sign guys to show up to work and the dumpster people are here did they look at that dumpster the dumpster I'm full hold on tilted it that was not full dumpster was it no I tell you they freaking waste space that cost me money hey where's the new duster did we pay for it that makes sense alright guys so we have a lot to do today and you are coming along for the ride so we have to finish to an oxygen setup there is an auction live right now there's 360 slots live right now but look we are adding a few hundred more Lots today so recheck it even if you've done you're like I don't see anything that was gross even if you don't see anything we're gonna add more so tonight let me show you few items alright guys so all of this stuff came out of the unit's I bought last week I spent a grand total so and that's including the shelfs guys the shelfs came in there but look so look there's big stacks of Records the postcard books can't look these hand-done rugs kind of cool so all of this stuff like here's all the stuff you saw some box we're gonna unbox some more in this video so you'll be able to see anything we unbox today will be in tonight's video too to look all the vintage thermoses that were in phenomenal shape look at this stuff all this stuff was like in really good shape alright so we haven't finished with the $850 unit but today we're focusing in on the hundred and fifty dollar unit which had a ton of boxes the clothes over here which they've started separating so we're gonna pick out the good stuff from Akari I don't say all the good stuff the stuff that we want like the vintage II Jersey stuff like that so they'll still be a lot of other name-brand stuff in these Lots but we're basically just gonna stack all these up and one lot is gonna start at one dollar per stack and you can bid on it so remember if you're out of state we do offer shipping but hey don't be shocked when you order a hundred and eighty pounds of clothes and it's not three bucks to ship so here's some more the clothes that we still haven't gone through that's the ones they've separated but if you look jewelry so I mean you're actually gonna high minutes event is true so look yeah look there's stuff in the bottom of these and look so hey let's unbox these but are you can you help me firm it look vintage dr. pepper that's kind of cool so anyway Katie just show us something I'll go off on a rant maybe later so I pay these guys to go through boxes and find cool stuff right and put it in the auction to make us money right so then we can in exchange what we do is is we take that money and we're just so we're just cleaning this area up and there was a tub over there this was in it in that signed by Emmitt Smith that was in it in a book flat and then this was in it these clearly looks silver to me but look at all these other coins in here all these old coins there's actually a 1955 D in there I haven't pulled it out to see if it's the air the double D that'd be a used coin but I was just gonna scan it through there's a Lincoln Cent 1955 D so one of the rare since you're gonna find like that is gonna be the 55 but it's gonna be a double stamp so it's gonna look like a BB on there if you know what I mean but it's gonna stay and so it's an error coin but that's actually one of the most highly sought after coins I don't have my glasses on I have my contacts in but so if this were I can see it I'll look at it closely but you'll be it you'll be able to see two fives basically with a double stamped it so I'll look at that my eyes are look maybe young said can I say no all right so look hey I'll go through all these coins to see if there's any other key dates cuz this is absolutely a key date alright guys so this looks like it's gonna be a fun fun bag to go through or fun tub but look this is old printer tray so we'll get all of this plastic and tape up but hey member this is what people used to hang on the wall you know back in the day they put little numbers or letters and stuff in it for like presses and stuff I'm not gonna show you all this but look this bag is full of stuff heavy this bag is full of stuff so let me dump all of this stuff out so you don't have to watch me sort through the junk alright guys so here's the one that had the wires in it uh uh I say smoke crack that actually looks like it might have been like this and units seriously if we found this will find more bags of electronics broken ones and stuff and then you'll find crack pipes everytime 110% alright guys so look down this bag old salt shaker cosmetics we're looking for jewelry yes you really have gloves on for this these are like the old teacher glasses like what you would see on a cartoon right yeah dogs are so cool hey we'll put those in the auction a little Maggie bag [Applause] it's stuck in the set alright let's just look at some of the stuff guys made in Japan there's a little angel what is this dude oh this is a instrument oh no look it's a snake oh it is oh look there's the artist named 2005 so this is look that's a spoon so that's a little piece of art I don't know hey not in the chitchat down the comments below would you bid on that $1 oh look a Cheerios one of the 10 million first minted year 2000 coins that's pretty cool so I will put that with the other coins the bull stuff so you know I think we're gonna do it think we're gonna put all this little collectible stuff in a lot look at that he's stuff like that like a little crystal bear polar bear oh oh yeah fan alright guys so I just found this was in this bag and these are all looks like Madame Alexander dolls may be dumping this stuff this is a very very this definitely says I think we're gonna find a crack pipe in here get a winch I'm sad pork supposed to be on there yeah we had a string on it I think this might have been the rendition of a wind chime huh look at this guy so this is probably you know what this is you know what we're gonna do all right guys so the vintage printers tray that we found and look all of this stuff I'm gonna sell this as one lot so I'm gonna keep this stuff in the bag but look down in here this will be all one little scope of some kind so this little trinket so we'll make this all one crystal why'd they put that separate [Music] pretty gross hey stamps near I'll let her know alright guys so we're finishing up this little bucket right here we're gonna sweep this crap back in here but look I found this it's from 2002 it's got a killer graphic on it but it's a free-will Oh free willy get it go we found this little drum or the drum 1959 Casper the Friendly Ghost so we'll throw this in the auction - alright guys look I just I gave up on life I came down here alright guys I found these two things right here this feels like jewelry show them down in here I just dumped a new bag out little Louie Vuitton coin purse that I'm sure is oh oh it's got a stampton there's got to be out there great that's right alright guys so we're gonna I'm going to show you what I found and what I found in there that's plated for sure this is craps all plated and that's stainless steel so all kinds of little charms and stuff like that yeah these are usually like 1/10 the gold filled what else we find I found this little fur coin pouch this is kind of cool look this is a Ford Motor Company and it's a fifteen-year lapel pin this little beeps case that's not hey man what is that I'm always afraid to grab this cuz I'm like me I don't know there's a nipple ring belly but I think it's bellybutton ring I changed it are you ready I was like already open and a couple more little coins in there yeah no this is precious metal trust me it like people hooked on meth like trust me if they had precious metal here it's probably either forgot about it or if you don't find it it's just clogged up so we're going through this this is all trash now but check it out this is why do you go through your freakin stuff so I just remember these from the 90s yeah well I have to dust these off these are gonna go on Macari but these are vintage Rocky Mountain jeans look these up guys they're actually sell for anywhere between on average 30 to 80 bucks apiece but look we've got like four sets of those we got these vintage Rough Rider jeans there's we found one pair these exact ones are used and they're asking $60 on ebay but check it out these are true vintage look Rough Rider tags still on it and look here's the tag on it originally it Cavender is probably back in the 80s or 90s these were $57 friend I thought this was a really cool shirt - this is definitely vintage Boston Police it says finest gang in town that's going on the car alright guys so I paid 150 bucks for this unit and one of the reasons I bought is because I saw all of the freaking clothes and the furniture so I was hoping for 80s and 90s clothes and look like that's what I got like killer wind jackets old sweaters like Barbour cowboy thing cowboy same cowboy Jersey found a journey shirt and so we still have all these bags to go through but I'm finding some killer stuff for McCarty so anyway make sure to check out the course tour alright guys so hey we're gonna go do some speed unboxing so here is the first box yeah I am he a bunch of sterling silver pieces in it I don't care if you bid on it you might find next we had Danny's well that ain't nothing here that's probably just a little marijuana I bet that's THC oh I bet that's what that is what do y'all think now the chit chat down the yo if that's tu see you will we're throwing this in the trash you know wanna why here in Texas you know how big of a fella look at these real D baby out alright guys so look here's a whole box oh those are nerf glasses so what we'll do is we'll just do a big ol stinking lot of beautiful case rings or anything I don't even know if honest one thing in this box like a southwestern-style cookie door there's a little Nicky Nick right there and it's just dirty but I've been at this thing what's cleaned up that go well stall right we're gonna lock this by itself so look we got new folders hey man that's like the whole set a bit blue sticks post-it notes so here's what we're gonna do we're gonna put all of this stuff back in here and what I'm doing while I'm going through this I'm pulling out things I want to be single lots and then everything else is gonna go in a box like that starts at $1 and so up next we have police officers no delivers that's cool I love old 60s photos so you know we're gonna do backside look I would rather sell these and throw them away cuz they don't obviously aren't gonna get back and get them but look at these Jesus you can't even put a price on Jesus you get Jesus in this box all right guys that night looks like with a little kids what all right guys so look here's a whole box of DVDs there's a couple video games in there so we will spot check these make sure they're in there but we're gonna do the same thing it starts at everything - all of this is wine glasses that's what we'll do is we're gonna make one large lot of kids book starting in window chord jewelry box I'm new with this unit all right guys check it out so we found this box right here and hopefully so we've got some Bavaria China from Germany it's pretty that's a really pretty pattern so hopefully all of the pieces so hey Jimmy hey we're not gonna chitchat down the comments below let me know what this kind of stuff is going for all rebates sold Liston's look it looks like we have put the creamer bow or the gravy bowls will put this all in one one water source one darling all right check out down here guys like this is such a cool one look you usually find old medicine bottles right yeah look this is cough remedy it's like an old-school blue glass these are in really good shape but look at some of these central luzon I'm still for the teeth in breath for the teeth in breath you know old people say that diabetes yeah that's where it came from they always put everything check this out guys I'm gonna put all of these as one lot some of these could be super valuable do you think there's any chloroform in there to smell it find out what's a these are oh it says a chill tonic preferable by Paris I don't know you know these are really cool so we'll make one big lot of these old medical bottles I said look we got two more we have old some kind of old road atlas we might need that with all the technological stuff going down right all the weird you said do you want shows that do you once here I thought it was gonna be a box of corns but it's some kind of weird neck vibrator goodness [Laughter] let's go it's totally real look out look at the quality stitching such a Batman over there like everything else there's a lot of stuff do I have insane and it's gonna go on the $1 auction it's actually open right now you can go on the right now and bid but don't do that wait until the videos over think of it basically by the end of the day what we're trying to have accomplished is all the trash we have a new trash bin should be here in a minute look we put all the furniture up against the wall so everything in here is either gonna be lauded or trash all right let's see what he was mailing out first right has to be that's pretty it is very pretty alright guys so hey clearly on the ball right there nine to five I don't know can they see it okay so hey this is nine to five it's in there hey look here's a samsung galaxy oh oh battery told you man I'm not I'm just saying look whenever you find a meth unit where the person struggled with meth you always found wires and batteries alright guys so what I'm gonna do is alright so look in here Geneva's oh yeah we have so look we'll check this make sure look that might be stainless well make sure there's no silver anything like that but let's do some coins we'll get all the little trash out of here and then whatever is in there even this dirty knife Dalmatian fever LED remote alright so hey what we'll do is we're gonna put all of this fun little stuff together and you get to go through it alright guys so we have this big old tub down here don't you like big oh hey you let us know when I'm gonna chitchat or you can do the chitchat down the comments below so don't go back and check if we put like massive lots of like pins look Stan stuff like that would you guys be interested in purchasing Lots like that Jews looks like the Doc Martin thing I used to rock timberlands y'all check these out this is kind of a cool lot right here so look at these like decel so that's hulk hogan DVD set looks like looks like they're in there but look down here there's one on the rock yeah there's look clash of Champions how Ric Flair and sting yeah look at this these are great so oh look at that so hey we'll put all actually I might think I'm gonna do all that look UFC stuff like this oh hey this is gonna be a fantastic a lot somebody's might sell for I don't know how much they sell for 30 40 bucks apiece but anyway look this whole box right here whole spot check it for you but that's all gonna be one lot starting at UNO dollars [Music] you
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 20,360
Rating: 4.8604965 out of 5
Keywords: Storage Wars, Storage Wars Fights, Storage auction, How To Make Money, Reselling Business, Thrifting haul, Safe Cracking, Storage Unit Finds, Funny Videos, Ebay resale, Luggage Auction, Unboxing, Mystery Box, Dude Perfect, What the Hales, Steve and Steph Resale, Resale Rabbit, Curiosity incorporated, Whats inside, unboxing, mystery box, storage wars fight, Abandoned Storage, storage stalker, self storage, storage unit, Storage Unit Auction, grimes finds, grimes, drugs
Id: q-t_CDqeKAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 24sec (1764 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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