We Found Butch Cassidy's Secret Cabin & Gravesite (And Then Recovered A HUGE Old Tractor)

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[Music] [Music] hey you're scared of the dark okay so we're sleeping outside well see what's going on here it's chaos it's like the the calm before the storm that's the only way to describe what's gonna happen now he won't even share with me the location where we're going which is a scary part but it is what it is just come with me and love it well well i guess time to go all right let's load up [Music] so [Music] what's up guys we are here in payton utah and we are about to throw down a taco review at street tacos i'm so excited i'm so hungry i'm probably going to be very generous on those reviews just because of how hungry i am also have you met a new camera guy that's davis davis says this is his first trial his first day to see if we get along see if he likes our crazinesses see how his footage looks so you guys be the judge i'm not going to judge him let you guys and you guys on davis's camera too hear that no pressure you guys going after today i watch you guys all the time tacos tacos yeah dave's finest tacos yeah yeah it's tacos for everybody well i mean obviously they gotta be good because go straight to prison for false advertising it's not because it says the best tacos in town can't just put that you can't just say that can you you're wearing a legion shirt so you tell me whoa guys wait too soon for comments about one of our failing businesses okay one of our struggling businesses like i was saying first uh kind of first thoughts here trailers a little bit nice the nicer the trailer does not mean the nicer the tacos usually the older the more worn out the trailer like the longer it's been in a parking lot the better the tacos because they've established a name for themselves oh i'm hungry i'm quite hungry which means these tacos are probably going to get a slightly higher score than maybe they deserve i don't know maybe maybe i'll be fair but after i get a couple of my belly i might start changing my scores i'm going to throw out a score real quick on the uh on the vip taco i'm gonna give it like a solid 8.3 [Music] so we were driving down the highway nice trucker blocked us down said hey what are your straps blues pull over sure enough it had to be lewis hands recording me for some reason i feel weird now [Music] there's cooling everywhere but there's literally no indication of where it's coming from there's a heater on these semi trucks in the back uh sleeper i usually slip them to the bed i'm pretty sure that got removed but the cooling lines must still be going somewhere but i don't see the coolant lines anywhere but i see cooling door kind of weird where's this leaking from hunter here find the feed line and pinch it off yeah unless for some reason that's a cooling loop it goes to the engine too it could be very well cooked part of it the f-450 kill in the game that 450 is the greatest thing to ever happen to us now it's time to fill up the transfer tank for the second time and no one's going to see the cashier nola's gonna go do that cancel um i only have three breaks um that's about it jim wants me to pinch off a coolant line with the vice grips i don't have but the ranger's still in the game oh yeah brains will always be in the game it's a ford ranger oh wow brakes only slow you down what's your excuse then what do you tell should run both um all right found the problem you see when we converted this truck from a sleeper cab to a crew cab there was an old heater back in the sleeper where's the flathead that uh got pulled out and the lines got basically spliced together somewhere under the floor back there that line is leaking so we're just gonna shortcut it right here and get rid of the connection put your arm on that toasty turbo he already has a couple times i feel bad black baby any gloves i have some gloves in my pocket if you want them out the radiator cap so it's not pressure in the system oh i don't think there's a lot of pressure we're gonna need some sort of i might need to cut up these gloves are normally an absolute just hit with everything that i do front side completely waterproof backside not waterproof the hot coolant went straight through them and there's a good chance i got blistered hands in the morning you know what though it's all just part of life on the road all you can do is grab a cold coke and just enjoy the night i'm pumped man i'm pumped to find butch cassidy i hope you get i hope you don't there's one thing about me i hope you get touched there's one thing inappropriately by a ghost you're scared of the dark don't get scared really i don't get scared like i'm i'm a i'm a pansy towards a lot of things but i don't really get scared good the spot for you then 13 miles into the belly of dog valley where butch cassidy was buried everybody thinks butch cassidy died in bolivia how wrong they are my friend we're about to show the world where butch cassidy was really buried where he actually died this is actually pretty exciting stuff not a lot of people know this there's like some obscure documentary about butch cassidy's life after bolivia so bush casting the sundance kid after they were on the run in the states forever they went down to bolivia okay the story has it that they were killed by the bolivian military there uh for being criminals that's not the case my friends we received an email from a guy on the way down here he's like hey check out this documentary check out this location here's a pin drop there's an old cabin here this was busch cassidy's favorite place in dog valley utah dog valley utah also happens to be one of the eeriest places i've ever been in fact we just passed through part of it it's like one of the darkest places i've ever been at night super quiet no civilization there well there's a little cabin out in the middle of nowhere where they say butch cassidy uh when he died his family buried him below this cabin like 10 feet below the ground and they used cadaver dogs a few years ago to go in and verify that his body was actually there so this whole story the whole world believes that butch cassidy was killed and buried in bolivia i think again my friends butch cassidy lived to come back here to his home state of utah he was actually born here in beaver utah which is where we're at right now he was born mormon like us and then he became one of the wildest outlaws to ever roam the west in fact you know his gang was called the wild bunch this is probably a direct descendant keaton is probably a direct descendant of this guy so anyways this cabin literally is in the middle of nowhere i'm talking like smack dab in the middle of nowhere so we're gonna go uh check it out and sleep there we should probably go get some food in the ducks but nothing else we're going camping over there oh i mean oh hence me hey did you did you bring camping stuff yeah were we supposed to bring camping stuff no i wasn't told anything oh wow so how did you know to bring canvas sir because jim told me [Music] i'll be right back fight no that's not on the way here it's always the hardest part for me to decide right now is what are we going to eat they got baskets [Music] i say we can't use any of that no we have to so we're going camping about 25 prepared we got some random snacks i got a lighter we have a welder we have a welder we got some sleeping bags um not a lot of supplies but enough to maybe make it through the night and uh we'll see how it goes at butch cassidy's cabin so did we lose more on the road or here at the gas station we definitely lost more at the gas station we were about a gallon on the road and four gallons at the gas station but we caught it all none of it's still on the ground so that's good news all right on the road again here we go all right so here's where we're at we are right in the middle of state road 20 which is a cut-off between i-15 the main freeway that goes north and south and then old highway 89 which is kind of like what needs to seem like beautiful central utah price canyon that area which is where we're gonna be in the morning on this road we go north that takes us into basically the back side of dog valley 13 miles up this road literally in the middle of nowhere no phone service i think the nearest services of the gas station we were just at which is easily 40 50 miles away um we're about 8 000 feet elevation so we're pretty high pit mountains but 13 miles of that road is where which cassidy was buried that's where he died that was his little cabin that was apparently the house that he loved so we're gonna go spend the night there so right now we're gonna basically unload the ranger throw all of our camping gear in it and we're gonna split the guys in the gear between buds ford ranger and my polaris rangers so load up and get out of here in here oh some buds in there here oh buddy okay so we're good we're ready to roll we got the boys loaded up he died that's gonna be interesting first impression i was totally prepared to bring the kenworth up here yeah no i'm sure glad to get it oh not even a bumper trash bone valley just that that red line oh security's here call it on and on around we've uh we've gone 11 miles so far and it has taken us an hour and 13 minutes and uh from here we're just gonna freewheel just off-road it [Music] are you circumcised but i got re-attached back no two you are like a clean job all right see the cabin with his teeth ladies and gentlemen butch cassidy's final resting place allegedly this is i'm not gonna lie the road that we just came in on was 13 miles of really really rough terrain like like i'm talking five miles an hour in on a utv so um this cabin supposedly he's been here since the late 1800s mid 1800s and uh we're gonna start digging around to see oh dibs on the bed is there a bed in there butch cassidy's cabin okay who's sleeping on that i am that's so the story that we heard um we're still trying to confirm was he was buried in the basically the footings of this cabin um right yeah they said it was 10 feet below here i don't know how true or false that is uh these boards have all definitely been pulled up at some point so they very well could have excavated down there who knows um somebody told me that there was cadaver dogs in here confirming that there was actually a body in there what's that say yeah there's october 25th 1965. see if we can find the oldest carvings [Music] i'm so curious about what's down there you can tell they've been digging down there's like soft dirt doesn't it oh yeah 100 that's all been tore up it's a lot of work to put that floor back in it is but most of the nails are missing dude i would have this thing in my backyard so fast this is cool i wish i wish you guys could feel what we're feeling right now like this cool crisp night air we're up here at like 8 000 feet elevation and we are in the middle of nowhere like i'm telling you we couldn't see a light from anything anywhere if we tried and uh got a decent moon so i was kind of well lit but this was this was like see look at all this this has all been dug out see this look at that jim that's all been dug out yeah it's excavated for sure that's probably where he's buried they say he was buried here it's so wild because everybody i'm saying i'm seeing things everybody in the world thinks that butch cassidy was killed and buried in bolivia i just it's so surprising to me that this is such like unknown information but this is his cabin and like his family lived only 20 30 miles from here so this is definitely it and now we're going to set up camp spend the night we sleep inside or outside unless we want to see the stars i think they sleep inside much cassie's cabin she brought my hammer to tighten up his nails a little bit he's a fixer-upper right yeah it's up real good a security guide get here with my sleeping bag you made it everybody got any food [Music] my name right there like real don't know [Music] like i just i don't know how much more there can be about this you get all quieter what the hell are you marrying right now oh man like like i can sleep on the hood of a vehicle or a bed of the ranger huh yeah i can see the feathering yeah there's no rules you can support you know we all sit in here awakening yeah i'm taking this bed home i know i'm gonna have the best night's sleep probably in the year old new guy davis what you got going on my burrito that maybe d offered me is not bad actually he's pretty good it's a little it's not informative i'd like it to be but better than nothing for sure oh yeah what's your camping setup for the night i got camping bag meant for being 10 degree weather in a cot so if they advertise it correctly and truthfully i should be okay if not i'll have hypothermia question hey he's got a question did you buy your bag at walmart today i did for less than 60 bucks if you're asking me here we go the same one that we bought two weeks ago yeah yeah this is my first barrier here i'll be honest it doesn't uh doesn't do as good as label says same thing with the coyote they're uh they cackle like kids i know you want me too now dave hold on let me help all right guys we did it we officially have the coziest setup in the world it's a cot it's a tent it's shelter it's fantastic it's bedtime so shut up this is the first time oh man this pocket dangling on my head anyways guys this thing is sweet well worth packing around a little bit of extra weight because it's super comfortable it's uh it's actually definitely got room for probably two people it's good to know so here we go we'll see in the morning oh sleeping's so good and then all gym though just gonna all right guys we slept at butch cassidy's little hideout cabin i'm not gonna lie it was probably one of the coolest places i've ever camped um sunrise just happened about 30 minutes ago it was incredible guys like not gonna lie look at this like this is insanely beautiful country which there's no wonder why butch cassie and his family loved it so much up here this cabin has got a lot of cool history um definitely wasn't as spooky as i think maybe we were expecting it to be which is cool because it makes a great camping spot this seems like a much more fitting place for butch cassie to die up here at 8 000 feet in the mountains right above his hometown in a place that he absolutely loves so guys if you ever get a chance come check out bush cassie's cabin i would strongly suggest you do it because this is cool drink water dry yeah we came out a much different way than we went in bud left before us in an effort to be able to maybe get here sooner because he had to move real slow in the old quarter ranger we have no idea where he's at we should have passed him on the way out but we didn't gone like a freight train guys this is logan logan is uh somebody who responded to one of my instagram messages i said hey we're looking for equipment your family has a big ranch here about an hour and a half that way kind of in the middle of nowhere utah in fact one of the most beautiful areas right kind of the bryce canyon area and they've got this old crawler right yeah it's old crawler loader dozer and it's been sitting there for 10 15 years 15 years 2006 was last time so we're going to see what it needs supposedly the track has got some issues go fix it load it up and take it home right okay that's the plan so where do we go from here so go down and then we'll go down past the coal mine got another 20 miles and we'll head back north to back north tropic brass canyon [Music] this uh this trailer has adjustable height on the neck and we want to go to the highest setting because we're getting ready to go through that wash and we need as much clearance as we can get go check out the wash see if it's passable or not [Music] guys we're here not gonna lie um i was expecting much more aggressive terrain um i'm not mad about the fact that it was much easier to get into honestly when we planned this trip we were thinking we were going to be maybe within two or three miles of the truck getting close to the tractor we're literally right here i mean this is great i appreciate him you know being cautious with us and not telling us how we can get in and then we get here and all of a sudden it's tricky so we planned for the worst and prepared for the worst and now this should be i'm not gonna say it yet but it appears to be a little more simple than we originally anticipated and i am in love with this machine already like in love [Music] you know about this tractor all i know is i was 10 years old when it stopped working i remember i was out here watching my dad clean this pond and it stopped and i walked over and i probably had other things on my mind like coming over here and catching pollywogs but like i said i wasn't very old when this thing stopped working and i probably rode up there a couple times with my dad while he was cleaning ponds but other than that it i don't know a whole lot about it what i know about this tract was my father purchased it in about 1996 97 somewhere along in there and brought it out here he purchased it from a guy over an escalant that used it as a a piece of equipment to skid his logs to his sawmill and he purchased it then brought out here to clear trees and dig ponds and stuff like that my father died in 2006. i was out here cleaning this pond right here with it that that summer and the track came off of it um i jacked it up and got the track back on i pulled it up out and parked it right here and this is where it's set since then so it was running when you stopped it last right just that right track would come off and wouldn't stay on so you know i guess was a little maybe it's the left track it was this track that stayed that come off well that's good news for us i'm getting started again yeah and it was parked and so we just put that can over and hopefully hoping that someday in the future we get it going again all right this side was a broken one but i was able to jack this side pretty easily so it's in uh it's tight enough to where it's not gonna hop off so i have a plate in place that's holding it all in position this side should be good to go yeah um so while they're welding we're gonna go start a cooking show see we're out here in the middle of nowhere we don't have an oven we have a stove a microwave we don't have a fire going but that's not true because we got a massive six cylinder fire going right here right there that right there is basically an oven now like i said placement of these guys is going to be critical so we'll start now we've got the throttle turned up we're just going to set those let those bad boys sit there and bake for about 20 minutes on high crack that fuel filter put the wrap wrap the ragger in it crack it hold on crack it all the way you gotta do it until fuel comes out there before it snaps off in there oh i just wanted to come off again see your safety glasses there son how safe are these safety this might be the rated lenses that feels better about minor in the kenworth but oh they're they're cool they're green so and our travels down here on several bumpy roads for several hundred miles at several times exceeding what we should be going on bumpy road and um what happened is inside of here this mechanism sunk sucks the diesel fuel out of the tank and there's a pipe that threads up inside of this pipe and as we bounce down the road over the past eight years that we've been carrying this around that pipe has come unthreaded and now it is living in the bottom of this tank for the rest of its life i think there's two of them two of them in there i believe it so we didn't have a pipe and uh what was your name again lane went over to his pack rat pile which we appreciate and uh he found a piece of galvanize that happened to be exactly one inch what we needed threaded on one side exactly like we needed we cut off the excess two and a half feet and uh threaded it on back in business i mean don't don't don't speak yet i'm not there yet but we're getting the mouth out of this and we're close that's ready to weld this is pushed out i have just this plate in place so we'll weld that plate in there and i'll hold this whole side in place too hot turn down the dive hey fire fire so what they did is they just moved it inside that's like the perfect exciting thing to have there we go try it so yeah let's grab the other one [Music] let me uh i'll crack right here by the ejector where's that [Music] i don't think she's making any vacuum the fuel pump the fuel pump is not sucking because it's probably just junk in there from sitting for 15 years it's hit or miss i mean these things don't ask for much but just got to get fuel to it somehow the other day [Music] baby [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is i got a lot of respect for the older operators like a loader is already kind of complicated they got you got to know what you're doing to be able to run a loader on that you got to worry about stomping the pedals stomping the clutch steering making sure the loader arm like there's no precision controls in that thing so when i watch the old timers run those things and be like super smooth with them got a lot of respect for them because i uh if i were grading with that thing or if i was trying to like cut a cut a road or something i would be cutting massive holes until i spent a lot of time i think getting used to it but it runs really well it's strong it's only had 3 000 hours for 1960 something that thing is like still brand new i mean the paint is still almost factory this track loader is like a mid 60s let's call it a 1965 alice chalmers 12g this is like this is one of like their nicer machines that they made back in the day this is like as they were getting out of dozers and starting not getting out of dozers but they were like expanding their dozer line into loaders that's a very nice loader it's very powerful too i love it that's going to be a fun machine and now i'm torn do i take it back and just sell it real quick or do i restore it in fact i want i want to know i want you guys to tell me do you want us to see us restore some of these old uh pieces of equipment that we're getting like the dozer and the loader or like would you watch a series on that maybe one or two three four more episodes on each machine getting restored or would you rather we just sell them and move on to the next one let me know all right guys there you have it another successful equipment recovery for us hunter i don't want to say it but i kind of want to say it we're getting good at this that one wasn't that complicated however what it lacked in excitement of like having to drag that thing out it made up for and that thing was a pain to start normally they're much easier that thing really took a little bit of convincing got loaded up though and uh here's the deal it's a way nicer machine than i was expecting this is going to be a pretty good money run for us i was originally anticipating doing this just come down pick up cool machine maybe sell for a few thousand bucks that's probably a 15 20 000 machine by the time we get back to shop and get it dialed in so this could be a good money maker for us and it was a good opportunity to test out the kenworth off-road we've uh this this truck was designed for off-road logging off-road trucking but we never did a ton of that with it it's mostly been over the road stuff so got to test out lockers all that stuff worked perfectly hope you guys enjoyed also if you could give me a like comment and let me know what you thought of this video and what you think we should cover next and if you want to win one of my vehicles subscribe it's that easy right that's why yeah yeah i watched you give one of your favorite vehicles away i did i shipped it right out shipped it right to them [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: HeavyDSparks
Views: 991,129
Rating: 4.9489536 out of 5
Keywords: helicopter, heli, flying, flight, asmr, vlog, heavy d, diesel, diesel dave, dave sparks, adventure, zion, utah, moab, go pro, travel vlog, diesel trucks, trucks, giveaway, ASMR, adventure vlog, vlogger, plane, Heavy D Sparks, diesel brothers, diesel truck, how to, Polaris, Rzr, Utv, Atv, Offroad, Fun, Crazy, Heavy d, Heavydsparks, Diesel, silver, gold, battle, tank, 6x6, logan paul, ripsaw, duramax, whistlindiesel, freedom500, freedomfactory, racing, cleetusmcfarland, dozer, tractor, caterpillar, heavy equipment
Id: kagMJTBNy4E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 40sec (2560 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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