FOUND MONEY HIDDEN FOR YEARS I Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Opening Mystery Boxes

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money is in the lighthouse box under under the socks and pistachio nuts what did you see what did you see ever since we got these two units the $1,800 and the $1,700 unit we've been on the hunt for treasure money we found antiques brand-new tools tens of thousands of dollars and then this note this note that says John there's money in the lighthouse box under the socks and pistachio nuts or undies not quite sure could be underwear if it is vintage underwear are worth a ton of money stick around make sure you subscribe hit the bell so you always get notifications cuz you never know what the Hales were gonna find [Music] I think there's got to be something here like that one I don't even know how to say that most a caller Elio something like that Henry got the most caveat e oh that is not what we're looking for Sam's Club maybe this one says glass that could be let's get some jingle jangle look here's an Amazon box what do you think which one I don't see anything labeled lighthouse sir box with the lighthouse no there's a Vaughn Jeter Sam's Club array country curtains maybe it's in the tote maybe the lighthouse box is in one of the totes all right fine where you want to start today ah let's go with this row this one right here yeah why because I beat you last time with this row right here you remember that last week yeah you're all that Thunder and the lightning struck now you won't let me forget all right here we go here we go taupe number oh look at that we got a pretty sweater and we got some motorcycle dude outside okay we got if you want to destroy my sweater or were you what's this shadow boxes look at this okay dogs apples that Apple is even got some of whatever this thing it that might be like apple core dried apple core teddy bears a dog I just know if it moves oh that one does move but I don't think well that's what I was looking for it's trying to see is anything could be back there but these are made down all right let's set that aside I suppose there could be something hidden but there is a beautiful sweater if you want to destroy my sweater the cardigan well hello my friend so mr. Rogers sweater them to the hails neighborhood won't you be my neighbor jinx all right jinx I think this is probably a there's a purse right there and cedar room maple room something down here already yeah that was a postcard and that's okay nothing in there but look at this already look at this oh and look at this look at this there's jewelry boxes man okay here we go here is a little Indian girl dowel now yeah OOP there's a baby there's a Native American baby looks more like a potato I was gonna say potato sack but I mean there you have it me no that's pretty cool oh let's see come on come on come on come on oh you remember what these are right this is what wedding rings used to come in we found some of these already in this unit this is what wedding rings used to come in so we found a couple of these and let's see here's another one here is another one instead of a ring bot oh that was a heart you see that there okay so if you wanted to give somebody your heart you could do that and put it in that little box Hey 1980s is calling you George oh my gosh if you ask my niece and nephew right now what a landline is they'd be like huh um hey do you guys know what a landline is no not a landmine I said a land line it is no no a line why not online no it's just a land line no okay all right we've got got got stuff we've got lots and lots of this here's another one under here there's another dowel dowel or doll down here's another is the ring underneath no we didn't open this tone yet you got all the totes aside from whoa we definitely didn't open this tote yet I was gonna say because I remember another ring thing here I was starting to think and we found these before and I was like did we did we actually open this before but we didn't look at this look at this we've got Apollo look at that Apollo Apollo Apollo 2 or Apollo 11 depending on first lunar landing look at and then oh my goodness here's more postcards yeah there's a leather it looks like a bowling pin okay so that'll go on the postcard lot look at oh my goodness look at this there is a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush how crazy oh I bet you there's look at that Wow well well listen we found the stamp we found this obsession our stamps yesterday there you go right there one Center holy cow it's got feathers on it wow are these cool or what steamboats okay so we haven't been in this tote before we've just found stuff like it before oh look at this look at this geez geez okay we need to set this aside in case we find any more lock boxes lock boxes or anything like that there's a perfume bottle there's a shoehorn and some hankies alright there is another Indian gal so well two Indian gals and a baby potato according to you know baby peanut a queen on up9 let's go to make-believe land now and get another tote it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood that one was heavy who won't you be won't you be pop it up pop that top pop that top this doesn't sound anything like the song I was thinking it's the remix apparently we're doing remixes now on what the Hales yeah yes we've got a blank you just sold the boy Eddie Afghan homemade Afghans there was one homemade rug or hand mades like and then there were a couple of brand new Lincoln so that looks brand-new doesn't it mmm that looks pretty brand-new okay let's see we got brand new here oh there we go season's greetings although it does look brand new Oh George look down here look down here that's why it was heavy can you see it can you see it are you ready are you ready here we go okay you can say whatever you want to here we go is it silver is it silver okay let's look that we found in the safe oh we found that we found all the bags of quarters oh my goodness by the years I have no idea oh [Music] holy cow okay easiest way to tell we have silver well you can do it by the sound or you can do it by I mean just sound with your ears or you hold it sideways so you can see where point it to me rate which one point it alright so you could be but let's find out so you see the difference see the difference on the edge this one's two-toned you got silver and then you got copper and then she's saying this one's all silver so we know that one's not real silver this is what do we have it is not silver 2017 just this probably just didn't actually wear off yet but that doesn't mean oh wait I just saw I'm even look at that I just dug through there I just saw dime is that silver can you tell us that silver I can't see the date so there's a diamond here I thought it was all closed no no no I see some more diamond look there's another dying there was a dime okay so maybe it's all court well this one looks silver and the hots of 66 so a percentage we got a little tiny percentage we'll set that one aside okay let's see oh my goodness how how much do you think I have you're better in this I have no idea there's quarters and there's dimes that's why it was so stinking heavy that's what we had in stamps yesterday if you haven't seen our stamp line yet oh man go back and look at that eighty-three I'm just doing a quick glance this is this is gonna be Cruz McDuck right there I have no you think maybe there's an Ohio quarter in there 2019 that's Massachusetts silver is that silver now 79 all right this is a good find not bad at all hey what are you doing okay you're steering off the top grade can't tell me that you don't want to know what in the world number one this thing even means but number two what's in the box it's probably it means penny regatta in a different language which stands for what type of pasta if you say so that doesn't sound like a lighthouse to you are you getting hungry how about just me and handling it did it put the try me on there I did just so everybody is aware I did try the ratchet and it worked yeah your favorite and oh maybe I should've asked Melanie Melanie she's a little Southern Belles Melanie is okay [Applause] Clarissa what is her name that movie hello Clarice I have the movie hasn't come out yet no all right one of the things we always tell you people can price anything any price they want to actually put a price on it doesn't mean anybody will pay so where we find out what the growing rate for things are eBay and so you can see right there there's one that's sold on three eighteen twenty one dollars and forty cents plus twelve oh five shipping so our hearts beating at 135 for this realistically when we look at eBay that's where we find out what they're actually going for what people are really paying them so and again we always encourage sell around the world would you would you agree [Music] got a mint that box was still pretty good I mean even if we average $25 per that's $75 and we've been one to average a hundred dollars per box per toe let's see what we can have it George George what is that see what I think it says light house is this say what I think it says there's no light house on the box it's it says light house I'm looking for a Rubbermaid light house and that one's kind of heavy too okay glass glass okay okay all right which one first I don't know I mean we got excited about that doll being sold for 135 and then it was sold for like 25 bucks all right I'm not gonna get too excited until we can't believe it all right Rubbermaid [Applause] I just go to this one instead no are you sure yeah we probably should've went to this one instead look at this more cleaning supplies let's see what we have at least okay we got ye Sol Sol okay so even though orange glow that's really good stuff for breeze so there's top job basic glass cleaner there's something we definitely don't have enough of right how many how many of these do we have in the basement right now pray like fifty yeah these people units these people loved their cleaning supplies okay all right supplies wait wait wait wait wait Priya socks we have socks the note said socks we have some are you excited about because the note said socks do you remember the note no oh it said undies I thought it said undies doo doo doo doo doo doo doo John that's a dollar sign money in the house lighthouse box undies socks pistachio nuts doesn't say anything by soap I misinterpreted that yeah well ii hold a second we got we definitely have soap okay here here's the soap got ivory we got dial that's going for my love doll something i can wear or going can use babe those are socks okay babe alright breathe breathe breathe Moussa Koussa how many days has it taken us to find this whoa whoa well first of all look you have coca-cola no I think this is like Pepco boy I think this is the cola boy maybe a Mac oh no look there's Ali it's a it's a coke man no stinking way it's a coke delivery driver no way oh man the note didn't say anything about this either how cool how cool man for the coca-cola collectors man look at that the Hat is hurtin but that the actual face it just needs a bath the joints that's good yeah the arm joints are what move the arm joints are good oh wow wow wow wow wow okay I I don't let me wrap him back up this is probably worth a lot we'll have to look them up but that's probably worth quite a bit put him by the soap okay okay here's your reminder and used by the soup oh you know what you're right it's right back there by this over okay we've got a pillow we've got another oh my goodness that is the creepiest thing I think I've ever seen no no we found creepier we have definitely found creepier this is a Royal another dolphin Dolton I don't think their spelling doll right oh if soldat Higbee's remember Higbee's huh you do i do remember more creepy dolls George Church there are socks in here there's one two two three four five six seven eight yeah I'm rid of these taking the gloves off I'll allow it hold a second what are you doing I'm seeing if there's anything in them people do hide stuff in weird please yeah usually usually there's pews and stuff like there's a well-worn I don't feel anything I'm not feeling anything okay I don't feel anything okay uh-oh I just found what is that master mini lock okay the plot is thickening no what I wanted to set that right there right there right what is this is this some some magnifying glass look it's like you put it in your pocket why okay all right we've got some other kind of dial here it's a creepy doll doll or doll what exactly what I said down I don't know anything about that one here is a probably worth a lot of money sale oh look there's a hat for the other one that one is probably worth something there okay and one of these things isn't like the other one of these things just isn't the same what do you think look these ones are sealed sealed sealed what's that open what did you see what did you see oh my goodness look look 20s wait wait there's hundreds okay all right what do we got what do we got you gotta be freaking kidding me oh my gosh one six sixteen I lost count already this is why we go through everything with a fine-tooth comb there's a fifty one two three four five six seven one [Laughter] two three four five six eight one two three four okay I thought there were seven there six six fifty this is ninety seven ten seven thirty seven fifty seven ninety eight ten eight fifty eight ninety nine ten and I'm fifty the 91 110 150 190 where am I at I don't knew it okay it's over a thousand dollars freaking way found it I just I can't believe it these two units I just can't believe it and as if that's not all enough the plot thickens there's got to be something else in here [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 396,611
Rating: 4.8082108 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: IrtobFYSKoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 39sec (1659 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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