Killed In Prison! We Bought An Abandoned Storage Unit And Found Tons Of Valuables! #GrimesFinds

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[Music] um [Music] all right guys so there is one minute 12 seconds six seconds congrats you are the high bidder actually let's go take a look at this unit i think we're gonna find vintage collectibles in that unit these boxes look like they've been repackaged because there was like right the trash bags in the boxes had been torn open like somebody tore them open but it's like it almost stopped at this point i get here i come to the first boxes tape shutting its bubble wrap german stuff germany dishware right yeah and then look now from this point on look how nice everything's getting yeah i just found this look masters of the universe care bears that's my jam y'all look pac-man look so i just popped this bin open and now look how nice it's getting comic books vintage star star wars uh die-cast micro machine he could have just put his good stuff in the back and put the trash in front to throw people off who knows there could be a million dollar comic book in there but we won't know look so i just popped this bin open and now look how nice it's getting comic books look comics i i got down and i look vintage star uh star wars uh die cast micro machines look books look there's another tub down here and there's two blue tubs over here so these are the first tubs and like it's weird everything's getting nice right here you notice that i have noticed that i'm not saying it or the guy who had the unit could have just put his good stuff in the back and filled put the trash in front to throw people off who knows there could be a million dollar comic book in there but we won't know until we get it out so let me get these out and then we're going to put this stuff back in here me and gina decide we're going to come back monday we have not had a day off in about two weeks yeah it's halfway through saturday but we wanted to get you guys a good video and let me get these comic things out y'all i'm i'm so pumped right now i love comics and right when you want give up don't give up guys push to the back of the unit all right guys so i'm going through these nasty little boxes that were on top are these resellable it's a retainer container i need a little uh daily with the meal a little naproxen i really am shocked that we didn't find a gun already so look this looks like stuff out of the dresser or something but i bet you will find something a little collectible but guys when you find boxes like this go through it don't yeah go through it all you never we found golden boxes like that before oh yeah just like this found a one ounce coin just proved my point were you rolling that whole time rolling check it out we got a one ounce uh buffalo round 99 uh silver oh that's what i didn't show them huh i found other coins so this isn't shocking yeah look we'll go through this when we get home but look lots of coins i haven't gone through this yet lots of coins uh we'll put that in there this has like paper currency in it i haven't pulled this stuff out i wish it was like u.s stuff but it's probably gonna be foreign yeah for foreign currency sell too it's like i just saw saddam hussein uh dang look at this yeah foreign currency look it's gandhi huh so anyway we'll go through this when we get back but i'm not shocked that we found all that uh in here and look just down here there's watches that's kind of a cool adidas watch that's sellable for sure oh that is cool this thing is freaking heavy happy heavy but look just because i'm telling y'all sometimes it's easy especially at the end of the day you quit pushing you know what happens when you quit pushing you miss things you don't find the comic books in the back of the unit when you go home and you're all discouraged but anyway so look let me go through this i want to take all the stuff out because there could be like just one single uh gold ring down here there could be look jewelry there could be another buffalo one silver ounce rain uh oh that might be gold maybe these typically look like gold well they're hollow these light ones there is something stamped on i can see it from here yeah maybe you can see it but i'm pretty sure that's gold right there yeah yeah look at that badookie ring we'll clean that off what is it hold on it is it's 14 karat gold 14 karat gold look there's a 14 karat gold chain 925 so that's a 925 ring on a 14 karat gold chain uh so we'll put that in the coin thing uh this looks same it looks like they had some kind of a special little ring or something on here let's see what this is 925 italy okay so that's kind of cool all right so hey right there i guarantee you we have a lot of people would have just thrown that thing away oh i'm telling you i see it all the time i see people wanting to just toss talk stuff and i'm telling even people like i've taught they still don't get it and they've seen it and they'll still just like not go through the boxes but i'm like i'm telling you yo oh did we check this this thing was heavy ah yeah all right let me take that out so look it's just a transfer tub that's what i'm doing perfume cell but that's not perfume of it so be careful guys you i'm seriously look in here look that straight up look like a junk box i found a 14 karat gold necklace i guarantee you these are gold i guarantee these are gold look we got adidas watch we got silver we got coins we found a one ounce coin silver is like ridiculous right now that coin right there's 30 bucks right now probably yeah don't forget we got the guitars we got the fender we spent 410 on this unit guys and i'm telling you right now but you think we made our money all right y'all look here's what was down in here um i'll take all this trash out the makeup out looks like there's a watch band tweezers oh look that's broke but i can tell you right now that's silver oh look there's more chains in here look i got this box out that's kind of cool already bart or did that come from mcdonald's or something oh it's a watch y'all what [Music] that's so cool y'all cool your jets man i thought i already pulled these out yeah okay guys so that's cool look at this jurassic park the gift edition is it signed oh the gift edition huh what does that mean i don't know it was 35 oh wow michael crichton what that's cool that's a live signature too i can tell where the ball point see where it bled right there where you started that we just found at jurassic park gift edition autographed by the freaking person alright guys so look over here these are all old tv guides some of those are collected yeah dude i remember these though man my granny always had the tv guide but y'all look spider-man what are we gonna get in here y'all but look these are covered look down here boy yeah but you know i love me some comments all right look at all these old books these are all western books these actually really sell well let's see what kind of comics we got here's more western books more comics okay i don't like image image is starting to make movies now but images just kind of never they never sold that one they never took off but now they're about to start releasing look ninja turtles 1991. that's the movie secret of the ooze oh is it edition uh oh look more ninja turtles yo from the 90s okay so we got sabertooth in there spawn uh nomad number one oh look star trek number one we've actually sold that one before star trek number one robocop uh batman okay look archie and meets the turtles oh look it's drumsticks sorry squirrel seeing if they were signed all right look uh sludge got the card on it sabretooth number one i've got that one transformers what if we had number one in here oh gee oh that's gi job transformers oh sorry look gi joe 3d gi joe 3d number one with sergeant slaughter on the cover more nomads uh and i'll go through all of these look alien t2 number one terminator the burning earth so that is awesome all right guys so on the bottom there's stuff like this harry potter some kind of like film thing michael jordan it's a lot of loose stuff cracked with jurassic park mad tv star trek book star trek book look star wars found this uh sidekicks have from the sidekicks looks like just old posters maybe oh look at this 1991 comet is that a comic con or marvel comics bags from 1991 that's awesome that's how you get your comics look at this star trek jeffrey dahmer the death of dahmer he got shanked in the freaking prison you know that yeah it smells like a broom handle up his butt it just happened look spawn number one we've got a poster of some sorts y'all i'm hoping there's more comics and good toys in those tubs because there was it oh yeah yeah boy the bass brothers y'all this is going in my house i'm telling you right now i said it in a hundred videos these two played for the oakland a's jose casako mark maguire when i was a kid you know how every guy picked his player i was always hooking jose canseco or mark maguire this is a killer poster i might have to keep this all right guys check it out i'm gonna pull this tub out but look what we got down here looks like sealed baseball cards i'm not super pumped right now because that says 90 flier and everybody knows 80s and 90s stuff is mass-produced but let me get this out this is making me excited about maybe these boxes yeah i don't know let's see should we get excited about what's in here that looks like a new license plate is that a sega yeah if i just spotted the sega through that little hole that would be awesome that's some kind of something oh is that a box all right guys let me get this box of baseball cards out and we'll be right back all right guys i got the blue tubs out there's blue there's top one step two oh they didn't see the second clear tub okay so look this is the clear tub that the uh comics were on look i haven't gone through this stuff yet but look there's cards in here nolan ryan like pins all kinds of known run pins this was the two blue tubs down below entourage okay so i'm gonna throw these away um i knew it didn't i tell you yeah dang all right let's see what else we got i'm hoping for some 50s and 60s cars oh autographs what willie stargill autograph what brooks robinson autograph that's really good yeah are those all autographs i don't know about the look girl you just seen me open it look coa in the back too so look we got a willy starjo autograph a brooks robinson autograph there's a little shack a little ken griffey action that's why he kept paying for the unit when he went delinquent yeah they said he's been here for three years and he's gone delinquent so we got some rookie action look this is uh ken garfi's rookie card what that's good isn't it look at that todd rich autograph yes this is the one thing i've never found in a unit what is it garbage pal kids and that's so nostalgic look there's jack-o'-lantern hey oh maybe he's the one some of these are worth a lot [Music] funny eyes feeling the name so i say some of these are actually worth a lot oh frank thomas that's okay so the one we want there's there's an error card of this where frank thomas they left his name off of the card and it's it's probably like back in the day was like fifteen hundred dollar card oh look i ivan rodriguez pudge uh another rookie wine action steve young reggie jackson uh jeff fry just trying to sit noel and ryan what if he had no rise rookie that'd be the bomb ah what is that seven no that's a repop oh this is chris eddie that's autographed jay novacek autograph you know jay chittenden overcheck is um i've heard of him before one of the best dallas cowboys ever so check it out so we got uh that's autographed we got a j nova check autograph which is awesome there's an old ryan card uh look in here okay look more star uh star wars die cast stuff uh let me put this stuff up guys we'll be right back i'm gonna pour this out let's just get it done okay here's a little knife make sure it ain't a little frost cutlery it's china but it's all right hey i'll put that in my pocket hey yeah we always i'll lose it by tomorrow all right nuts oh did i show them those gobots no they're down here i think they're going to be more but these were loose in the bottom of a box but look these are 84's bandy these were just down in the bottom of the box so i think there's going to be more of the gobots um let's see what we got in here the thing is is i hope he has like his grands dad's collection or something because like this year of cards you know that okay well look he's got these separated knots these are actually oh gi joe oh cool okay so those are gi joe oh ninja turtle that's the year from when i was a kid so look these are all ninja turtle and then oh you got teenage mutant ninja turtle the movie uh and then the stickers a batman look there's look who's that who's that vicki vale so you feel good about this unit i do feel good about this unit all right see if i hadn't quit digging then we would have been like we would have gone very discouraged all weekend all right look we got ranger cards there's one man i'm telling if he's got a nolan ron rookie card that would be awesome what is an all-rounder 67 i don't know all right guys look we got some top loaders in this box more top loaders [Music] those are the old ones right that's a honest wagner that's like the most valuable baseball card there is beside it it's debatable with like the 52 uh tops mantle rookie okay so that's what these are hot bowling dang look at them look at that stance yeah okay so down in here looks like i've got more weird police officers that's kind of cool that's cool basketball football football um i don't know if he had any rhyme or reason to these redskins look more football i'm not going to take these out because maybe i can figure out what kind of order he had these in and for what but it does i mean i don't see anything mvps okay postcards all right so that's all that box whoa what's that say hmm all the ryan cars yep do you think his rookies in there oh i hope so golly you've had some weird discernment the last couple days i'm serious it's weird it is weird it's weird i don't like it because then i'm always trying to convince myself like that ain't true that ain't true yeah then it turns out it is true all right look so we're looking i think it's i think it's a 67 it kind of looks like that it's a double deal we still sell this uh uh this whole nolan little set these these cards were so common every every kid my age had this set um there's some holograms come on where's his rookie we need his rookie oh that ain't going right all right so we'll go through that in better detail when we get home this looks like it may just be a one year series set yeah that's what it looks like okay so there's that hitachi something another yeah desert storm cards oh those are oh that's gonna be the whole set in there yeah that's cool so that's awesome hey look it's bush signer all right guys let me put this up and we'll look in the other blue tub because it also has collectibles it says box too let's go ahead and crack it open done all right so look we got more collectibles super bowl super bowl uh the thing is with these guys make sure you check these inside free trading card inside scout report plus jaylen all uh so okay so look it's still got the cards the insert in it that's pretty cool oh look that's pretty cool that's cool oh look man freaking my bro man shoot man all right what else we got a nolan ryan book is that signed by him because that would be awesome it is that's a live signature becoming the proud owner of my authorized picture history i hope you enjoy this sort of limited edition uh look on july 29 1986 signed nolan ryan oh yeah look hey man what's up princess leia all right one time justin calm down all right look so we got some nascar stuff we'll go through these make sure nothing in here is autographed stuff like that what's this oh look so actually i might browse over his list right here and see if maybe he had some rookie or something listed that i don't know about and i'll see if i can track it down that way all right guys check this out i had these when i was a kid yo you don't remember when they like let you go around to like the when the book fair would come around oh yeah yo but look i had these and we played pencil break did you play pennsylvania no pencil break do you know what pensionburg is i'm not sure if they do what chit chat comments let me know am i the only one y'all know what pencil break is remember though but anyway that looks like it might be the full set and i know these are actually collectible so look lots of tins lots of these are the newer star trek one but hey there's the princess leia we know she passed away this year so look just action figures uh i wish these were signed these are limited though okay let's see what we got what are these oh these are cool little mvp pins for baseball look at all set of them [Music] those are cool what year are these from 1990 1990 all right let's see if this is in here it is the collections in here the embos nolan ryan card set look we got some kind of posters here star wars it says question mark yo these look old they do look older these look older these might be something original all right look we got our c3po let's save this something heavy in here yo cross pins oh huh we just found some of those we did yep look they're in there yeah nice there's this one congratulations on your graduation we wish you wait what is this i've never heard of that kind of pen lotus we'll look this up these pins actually might be worth a lot [Music] yeah what's this look it says i dare you that's kind of cool uh oh baseball it's a nolan ryan he'd really like to know him right is that a live signature though i think that is live signature let's see we got tens okay what's that say oh that's cute i'm not sure what that is but it's cute it's cute so star wars posters yeah that's a repop yeah look here's another ball down in here another nolan ryan one remember these pinnacle things look there's that nolan ryan card set probably that's kind of cool all metal cards i thought it's cool down here okay so there's a big tub here with something we'll look in there in just a second see what else is down here in the bottom there's a lot of good individual cell phones like the cross pins hologram collection okay so there's the hologram collection star wars things well hold on all right duck stuffed is good yeah is it signed yes sure is all right look so we've got some yeah we've got some signed wildlife prints i don't know we'll check these make sure they're live signatures let's see what's in this we gotta get oh it's not a crossbond oh across pins oh good so that's pretty cool yeah boy i love autographs we're gonna have some autographs look shania twain oh that's cool look at that shania twain young country i remember young country so we got a shania twain kennedy specialty advertising okay looks like a little puzzle i don't know why he had these in here so there's those two anyway i'll check these one back all right so hey check it out let me get all of this packed up we've got to get out of here there's one more box i'm going to sneak in there look at but we're going to get this put back in here get the sellables in the back seat that way we can get you guys a great hybrid but we're already off to a great start so let me know 410. what do you think about this unit so real quick i wanted to show you these so in that that folder thing right here it was a juan gonzalez autographed uh magazine dean palmer i know that's from the early 90s because i actually i went to one of his signings when i was a kid i think dean palmer is the first autograph i ever got like in person so there's that one and then there's whatever is in here i'm going to assume it's another autograph tony dorsett yo look see hockey no uh do you know how to nevermind i don't even tell you why all right guys so look we're packed up this is a lot of the sellable stuff uh so again we've got we're gonna come back monday actually because we really do we need a day off we've been up here for a few hours filming uh for you guys so anyway look that's like comics the collectibles the toys i mean geez the autographs look i didn't show you this we found this whole military uh helmet um the guitars and this was the last thing that we didn't do so i'm gonna go ahead and pop this open now let's just go ahead and kind of see what's in it yeah i know some of you all like dolls there's something in this okay that's weird why that would be yeah unless they're trying to protect the talk yes so so okay look okay let's see what this is [Music] i mean i don't know does the top come off maybe or does this slide off all right guys look at this there's something under her dress back there i don't know if this oh that's the stand but i'm not going to do any more to this because look she does have porcelain hands obviously that's a porcelain hand painted face this might be a really expensive dog guy so i'm not going to try to attempt to open this case here but once we get home i will film it and i'll do an update we'll research it some of you people already may know what it is if you do let me know down in the chit chat in the comments hopefully by the time i release this episode that we will know but hey who knows maybe this doll paid for the unit typically what we do is like the sellable stuff that we know we can make money on uh we put it in the back seat just because uh well you don't definitely don't want to leave it in a unit because if the owner comes back or something like that telling you at the beginning of that unit didn't look like much but look that's not even all the sellables but i mean and that's all comics baseballs the cross pins the autographs the action figures i mean i'm telling you guys look it was looking discouraging but i i knew there was going to be collectible stuff in there from the like i said in the first video that you could just tell there's older stuff from like the 70s 80s the furniture and stuff so i knew there was going to be collectibles in here [Music] you
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 24,328
Rating: 4.9123287 out of 5
Keywords: Grimes Finds, Storage Wars, Reseller Channel, how to make money, Extreme Unboxing, unboxing, what's in the box, how to resell, Storage Wars episodes, family vlog, vlog, best vloggers, lunkers tv, rob lunkers, Googan squad, Googan baits, YouTube auction, auctions, abandoned storage units, I bought an abandoned storage unit, I found this, estate sales, garage sales, sourcing, eBay seller, amazon seller, funny videos, duck dynasty, family videos, challenge video
Id: MbCFdIOxj-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 14sec (1694 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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