Update On Exposed Fraud - Owner Called Me

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well how are you guys doing I know we're going some crazy times down here I'm actually starting this video I'm actually at Sara's store in front of our store but everything around her store across the street everything's closed everything school they pretty much closed down this entire square so I'm asking you guys right now if you guys she's gonna be in kind of a tough spot over the next couple months because their stores I'm gonna be open I'm not asking everybody I'm asking some people if you guys have extra spare cash or if you're looking for a new t-shirt if we're gonna go ahead and do a deal cuz we need to generate some revenue for store to keep this son-of-a-gun open because she still has to pay employees they're talking like up to ten weeks they have to pay employees or something crazy I don't really know exactly what's going on but I thought I'd let you guys know if you guys are looking for anything for your wife your your your anybody but if you don't have any extra cash do not do this I'm just asking anybody who has some spare change laying around that may want a new t-shirt I will link it her store at the very top of description use the code lunker's all caps will save you 15% this is not to like make us as an me and Sarah of any money whatsoever it's just to make sure her store stays open and she can pay her employees pretty much it if you guys could support her in that way I would greatly appreciate a link at the top of the scription remember to use code lunker's that check out it doesn't matter what you buy just anything legitimately will help I wanted her to do this entire store thing by herself that's why I have not promoted it but times have kind of changed just a little bit and I think it's very necessary for me to have you know the mean jelly bean there's that I love you guys makes your click link table file and use clunkers I do love you whoever whoever does do it now enjoy today's video is it's nice succulent and I've got a hole in my pocket I also end up with no pants so enjoy [Music] today she's trying to contact you well she can contact me all she would like I mean it's fine I mean I didn't I didn't put anybody out on blast because I wasn't what I was my intention was when in fact you guys should have been put on blast for stealing and cheating as many people as you did if your owners want to give me a call they can but I didn't I didn't put their business on blast at all I didn't put the title I didn't put where it was the thing is when you reach as many people as I do you may have screwed over a lot of people so those people may have already known hey listen a phone call I know you just spoke to yes ma'am okay I'm sorry that should never have happened never we know operate like that we we ran a clean ship and I've already talked about it we had I had no knowledge until this morning obviously you know that that does I have anything to you know you guys were the ones who were damaged and I apologize from the bottom of my heart because I don't I'm not like that person we're not like that his company no that's fine what I told her and I'd stay true to my word I didn't say who who was where it was I didn't I didn't want to destroy a business as much during this time it is and my dad and I have this he's 78 years old we work every day every single day and I know you guys too I mean you get this for just what you go to buy units and just get good stuff so that you can resell it and I get it your your this is for all in this together oh I I don't know how I can make it right to you um I do know we didn't get a penny of anything because it did wasn't ours it was not anything to do with us but what I will do is I will go into my pocketbook we aren't even have a status we didn't do we have pocket any of any of yours well um and she should've looked in as manager abandoned that's what it is Wow they're a little more than abandoned they were pretty they're pretty stashed that's a little bit little different than abandoned babies yeah abandoned means that which is left it was propped up and put in that place she's my line yeah so I agree 100% with you 100% it was obviously she was working with someone else I'm not one to point fingers because with the way we operate the clean ship we really do I'm like I told her I'm not there to destroy your business that's not my job that's not what I'm trying to do in as you can tell I had a lot of I read in the comments there's a lot of people already knew of it because it's been happening to them well the way I know what was happening I mean I know the entire scheme that was happening that's why it's kind of hard to say that the people on top didn't know what was happening because someone that your place was going to the auctions buying the auctions and then they were taking all the good it out putting it in a trash unit like unit 231 at your place and then reselling all the junk that they didn't want online it's exact so someone at your place is going to your live auctions and or somebody else's live auctions and just dumping trash on people and I don't think you realize there's a lot of people that literally take their savings by these damn units and then resell them and y'all been seeing those people in my job as a normal person like the 500 hours isn't going to kill me but you know it's gonna kill a lot of other people and they're putting their family so percent right you were a hundred percent entire time I've been very calm but I can kind of have a little bit of an elevated blood pressure well I I sincerely appreciate it I don't since I don't really I'm not asking for my money back I do believe you need to pay grounds back is 1,600 in some change and it be honestly if you want to take it as far it should actually you should pay back every person that you guys have screwed over the last who knows how long years my defense please um we are we are huge you see what happens to and so by all means yes I will be looking to everything which I I wish I thank you on and basically you're it's so awesome people came through everything as well but I'm not offense we do worse each and every day with hard workers so and I do get it it shouldn't happen period and so I'll be shirts also as far as monies and everything to you profess just the right thing to do and then all take it up with the other party who actually received the money so because that I need I need to make that right for sure with all the other people you guys are screwed over over the last that's an accusation that you know it's really crazy you know that we can actually as a pub like publicly I can go on soldiers and I can look at every auction and you guys have done since you guys have came onto that side so you guys you do sound really some serious and it's in a sense but your employees shouldn't have been heads you should you should have then you should have taken care of it we are now we are now all right well I'll let you get a hold of grounds he did just text me so okay thank you so much for me appreciate your time mmm-hmm she hasn't not seen that video first you go watch it I posted it two days ago thing yesterday I did keep my word I told the lady there that I would not expose at all but is making more sense now the owner Grimes just talked and he doesn't think that the owner had anything to do with and she was being truthful that she didn't know what she seemed like she was generally she didn't know and I think it was that lady that I spoke to plus another little part of hers but I know a lot of comments you guys are telling me to turn them in a lot kind of in my eyes I was trying to do something right maybe that person scared to scare him straight you know like maybe they stopped doing it and I don't know where I was going hold on this is what I got I got what I was trying to say so this is this is this is why this is my process so it says that the Bible says God will forgive us the same measure in which we forgive others think about that for a second there's a lot a lot of stuff in my life that I need to be forgiven for so stuffing something like that hey maybe they'll maybe a little straighten up their life and they'll change that's the only way that I can look at it I got one that said what I said easy easy easy throw in so it's kind of hard for me to tell you guys how how fast this may look or on camera to be kind of tough but anyway I wanted to show you guys look at this this is all gonna be underwater look at all this wrong that's all gonna be underwater at some point this I'm sure they're gonna carve some of this out what have you turn around all the way to where that tree line is way over there that's where the dams gonna be nuts the back side of the dam six acres that way I think maybe maybe a little more of water like these big trees you see there all these big trees will be on the shoreline and then all the way over to pretty much those Cedars you see way over there wide it's I don't know how they judge water if it's just length and I don't have no idea what also no I'm telling you guys I'm gonna plan on building one of the biggest bass factories I could possibly build and then hopefully I have some of y'all come out here will be it'll take a little while but it's Lewis rocks that's gonna be amazing all natural that's what she said yeah that actually didn't work there did it haha that's what he said we're like we're definitely does like I'm they said that one the all the rankings doing busted the damn they said it just it's pretty much what we got left they said they were still fish up there I mean I'm trying to figure out exactly where I'm at right now my time I'm telling you that's I left that so it's the original dam is like right here somewhere matter of fact it's got to be right oh okay I see I actually see it that one true right there a big one was on the backside of dam so that hill right there is actually so we need to go up in a smoke just save a fish it's still breathing [Music] I can actually still see fish swimming right there look is that turtle turtle so only good I really haven't seen any uh any like dead fish anywhere I've seen a couple like smaller ones but I haven't seen any dead bass anywhere whatsoever they actually might be they'll be really great if those little screens and stuff actually stop them there's some fish are just caught looking for is he oh I see him oh this is working out oh oh God but what I'm talking about is in I don't know this is a bass you know the best hey I'm gonna jump the song hit there they're sufficiently scooped the big old bass up look at that thing scoop the bass up okay oh it's locked little virus is scooped him up out of the mud look at him he's like I'm confused as he'll turn around put your head in the water I thought I had touched something earlier when I came back cool yeah well that was yeah has he got to be the one I just scooped the bass out of a puddle with a net never done that before you ever seen that done before nope [Music] I would like for that to happen this content with the one fish very contempt with just the one paying a little bit of feeder fish but after eating its my visit is it pretty bad in the back I know good looks a little turd stain yeah I like pooping myself but we got one we got it Jerry we got a Jerry no is there is it Gary now we got a Jerry a Gary and now we got a Larry we got Larry Jerry and Gary just got him scoop that Sun lookin over the net that's the first time I've ever done that that actually might be the first I've ever seen somebody do that who scoops fish up with a net bass who's ever scooped a bass up with a net someone's probably done it I mean what am I talking about yeah someone's definitely done it before anyway I saved his life I feel good ih I'm kind of cold not gonna lie it's kind of cold you know what's actually real cold this area right here I know what's going on right here is it pretty dark yeah it's pretty wet like it's right there is real wet don't really know what's going on down in there might look like I might have had some bad tacos but it's real wet is this normally if it wasn't some soap got out hidden with a hammer time you know I don't have any pants on we're gonna undo this thing oh I can't wait to do that video later on this week when I get on complete lockdown I'm just gonna do a video of me drinking like 40 beers just doing karaoke dude what the hell is going on oh yeah look at this janky I mean I pulled him out of a mud pit good look he's still got a little bit of mud on your good I'm trying to save your life here they say he's still got a little bit of mud on not actually why should we clean them officer oh yeah you're you're active we clean them off real quick one of the weirdest things I've ever done in my entire life I just cleaned off the bass just clean up okay you're free you don't even yep he's biting my finger okay am i slightly worried you won't make it yeah I'm gonna come back tomorrow and bring them all a bunch of food I got some food out there that I caught but these fish don't always make it I put some fish in here that has not made it I put a crappie in here one time they didn't make it but this one this one is doing just fine that one's actually doing really good so but he also wasn't in a like a legit mud pit I mean I pulled him out of like this much water probably this much water we just it's pretty unhealthy to him huh hey will you go get the net for me that is nasty see this is this what is that that's what I'm saying I didn't know what was inside that oh there's a hole in the net okay just grab me my good evening good evening I'm dead serious when I say oh well I'm gonna probably swing back through here tomorrow I know I'm gonna get some more food for these guys I'm really kind of skeptical I know that I saved them from that little mud pit but that one me I mean that may not make it but uh I know we threw a little like that's a little minnow I don't know what kind of might be a Fathead middle not exactly a little little gills Oh old Gerry back here Gary's about the month I know he'll eat him your day one and he is exceptionally healthy that's a damn healthy fish this one over here is no God imagine that that would that fish in the last I'll say 24 hours and went for 48 hours went from being in a big pond to a tiny pond and then shoved down a creek and now is he's sitting in the cleanest water he's ever seen in his life with a camera well I hope you guys enjoyed yourself over here on lunker's TV yes this is actually kind of closed right now but that's no big deal we'll be back open up here soon oh look its manager Matt look at those pretty good fancy fans together okay well hope you guys enjoy this video ki love you guys - thanks Frank I will catch you guys on the episode Lankesh to you make sure you check the link it's health about I love you guys that I'm out I'm out peace [Music] you [Music]
Channel: LunkersTV
Views: 1,082,282
Rating: 4.9086385 out of 5
Id: bAxrr0GoN-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 5sec (1145 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2020
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