5 Shocking & Disturbing Unsolved Mysteries

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number one Anaheim, California 1980 For several months a single mother named dorothy Scott had been receiving threatening calls from an obsessive stalker She had confided in friends and family stating that the voice sounded [familiar], but that she could never quite place it Having a stalker can be a terrifying ordeal Especially one that constantly calls you up telling you that they're going to cut you into pieces so that your body will never be found [McCullough] would routinely describe what dorothy was wearing or doing at any given moment? Just to prove [that] he was keeping a close and constant eye on her Dorothy coped as best as she could and even took up karate lessons as a means of self-Protection She also considered buying a handgun for the most part life continued as [normal] until The identity of her stalker was uncovered there was little oh, she could do to stop the constant abuse She continued to go to work since she needed the money to support her son Shawn It was at work on may 28th that one of her co-workers Conrad [Boström] fell sick with a large red mark appearing on his arm Dorothy and another Employee Pam head took him to the hospital It was in the emergency room that doctors came to a surprising conclusion Conrad had been bitten by a spider and his arm had become infected This seemed odd since he couldn't place a time when this could have happened Supposing that certain things like this can go unnoticed [he] was treated by the doctors [well] into the night with dorothy and Pam waiting for him the entire time There wasn't any rush since dorothy knew that her son was being well looked after by her parents while she was at work Finally after hours of examination and treatment [Conrad] was discharged in the three readied themselves to leave It was then that dorothy told her two associates to wait for her inside while she went to get the car and pull it around a decision that would prove to have horrific consequences After an unusually long wait Conrad and Pam were relieved to see Dorothy's car fast approaching the entrance Actually it was going a little too fast and showed no intention of stopping The high Beams flicked on temporarily blinding them both and the car sped past them and out onto the main Road Dorothy would never be seen again Her car was found abandoned [ten] miles away in a Santa ana alleyway. It was on fire No trace of dorothy could be found inside Now this case is disturbing in its own, right? But what makes it particularly chilling is the abductors twisted in sadistic dedication to causing grief? almost every Wednesday for the next four years Dorothy's mother would receive a daytime call when she was home alone Each time it was the same low gruff male voice saying things like Historically there I've got her [I] killed [her] Whoever the caller was he wasn't stupid. He never stayed on the line long enough to be traced Even though many of the calls were recorded he had been using an obviously disguised voice Such nobody could identify him in mid 1984 just over four years after dorothy had disappeared her construction worker happened upon a set of dog bones in some brush of Santa Ana Canyon Road Just underneath these dog bones covered only [by] Light soil [were] a human pelvis and arm to thighs and a skull these bones were later identified to be dorothea Scott's a Watch found along [with] the body had stopped at 12:30 a.m.. May 29 1980 On the day that the newspapers announced that dorothy's body had been found in the Scott [family] received two final calls It was the same familiar voice historically there Whoever killed Dorothy was sick enough to have tormented her parents for the best part of four years Never allowing them to find closure or come to terms with their loss Such sadistic dedication suggests that the killer was totally psychopathic With such a disregard for human life. It's completely possible that she wasn't this man's only victim Both of Dorothy's parents have since passed away never knowing [the] [identity] of the man that murdered their daughter in 1980 As time ticks by it seems more and more unlikely that anyone else ever [will] either rather than him of course number two encePhalitis, Lethargica Also known as [Phillippi] sickness was a mysterious plague that suddenly appeared in 1916 and affected millions of people He had attacked the nervous system of the victims killing a third of those who became infected Another third recovered, but were mostly left with severe neurological damage What makes this disease particularly disturbing however is what it did [to] the remaining third? They were left in a state somewhere between life and death Plunged into a slumber that lasted for [months] years in some cases decades In 1928 it had completely vanished and nobody knows why? He has some old footage from 1925 that shows a woman suffering from the sleeping plague Some of you might be familiar with the disease Yes, it was the subject of the movie awakenings with Robin Williams and Robert De Niro Which in turn was [based] on a book by the same name It was written by a british neurologist called oliver sacks who help survivors of the sleepy sickness outbreak But who remained alive only as living statues? One such patient remained in a statue-like state for over 70 years Dr.. Sacks discovered that administering L-Dopa to those affected [by] the sickness brought them back to a state [of] Conscious lucidity yes, only for a short while from The fact that we still have no [idea] Why the sickness appeared and disappeared so suddenly? He is somewhat unsettling, but accounts from the lucky ones who recovered revealed the creepy thoughts that swirled in the heads of the dreamers One patient known only as miss all said that she dreams She was imprisoned in an inescapable castle, but the castle had the form and shape of herself She dreamed that she had become a living sentient statue of stone She dreamed that the world had come to a stop She dreamed that she had fallen into a sleep. So deep nothing could wake her She dreamed of a death that was different from death Imagine how it must feel to be lost in an inescapable nightmare locked in a body frozen and sleep Yes, Dr.. Sachs observed while treating his patients Many were forgotten about and left to live out the rest of their statute existence in hospitals nursing homes and asylums hundreds of thousands of them passing away one by one During their lucid moments on L-Dopa. He stated that many accepted their hopeless situation with a mournful dignity Others were as [empal] angry about the years that were stolen from them As sacks wrote they yearned incessantly for a two-fold miracle not only for a cure for their sickness but an indemnification for the loss of their lives They wanted to be given back the time he had lost We can only hope that something similar never returns to plague our species number three 19:48, Somerton Beach Adelaide Australia The setting to what has been described as the world's most perplexing cold case It was the first day of summer in Southern Australia and jeweler John bain. [Leon's] was taking an evening stroll with his wife They noticed an immaculately dressed man lying asleep on the beach his head propped up against the Seawall His legs were stretched out and his feet crossed Now first they assumed. He was just some sort of drunk that had passed out on the beach Watching him from a distance the man seemed to lift his right arm upwards and then back down to his side And they thought nothing more of it and continued on their way Half an hour later another couple noticed the man in the same position He was motionless [now] with his left arm splayed [out] in a weird fashion Stranger they thought was his attire Not many people would choose to wear a full suit with pristinely polished shoes to the beach His face was covered in Mosquitoes Her gain, they assumed he had passed out after drinking one too many days The next morning the first passerby John Banelings returned to the beach for an early Swim He noticed the man was still there propped up against the Seawall and he hadn't moved an inch Leon's went over to check on him the man was cold to the touch [and] had been dead for some hours Looking at these pictures. There's something unsettling about his pose perhaps because it looks so casual Investigators searched the body for some form of id, but came up with nothing There was no wallet, or cash and the name tags of all of his clothes had been carefully snipped away One of his trouser pockets had been repaired with an unusual type of orange thread The immediate investigation revealed a few facts The Body had not been in the water Death appeared to have taken place whilst he was sleeping There were no marks on his body no signs of any violence or a struggle What there were signs of however was poisoning? The Post-Mortem revealed blood in a regular areas of the body such as the stomach his liver was defended his pupils Unusually small and his spleen was about three times larger than it should be Strangely the toxicology report showed. There was no [poison] in his [system] despite all signs pointing towards it In fact no cause of death could be decided upon Some hypothesized that a rare type of poison may have been used one where all traces of it died away quickly Another irregularity was the man's cough muscles They were extremely pronounced more so than the coroner had ever seen They were like that of a professional athletes The shape of his feet suggested that he had been in the habit of wearing high-heeled and pointed shoes One expert suggested he may have been a ballet dancer So who was the somerton beach man to this day nobody knows? Sets of his fingerprints were analyzed the world over and people from all across the area came to try and identify the body Some thought they recognized his face from the newspaper though nothing ever came of this and nobody knew who he [was] What was discovered though was the dead man's suitcase which had been left at the train station? Inside it was a table knife a stencil kit a reel of the same unusual orange thread and some clothes Three items of clothing or the name t Keane though it was later revealed that this wasn't the man's true Identity and that somebody had purposely left these tags inside to fool the police All other traces of the man's real identity had been removed The police were stumped at this point, and it wouldn't be until four months later that a surprise discovery would be made this discovery however only added [to] the confusion Sewn into the waistband of the man's trousers was a small hidden pocket Inside was a crumpled up piece of paper which contained only two words Tamam should a persian phrase meaning it is ended The Phrase had been torn from a rare poetry book the rubaiyat of omar, [Khayyam] the flawed second Eight months after the man's death the copy of the book had been found Two men who had [been] in the [area] at [the] time the man died had found the book lying in the [backseat] [of] their car Silently they just assumed it belonged to the other and it had remained in the glove box ever since They forgot all about it When they heard about the case they reexamined it and found that the phrase had been torn out [from] the last page of their copy They came to the police immediately Examining the book under ultraviolet light [a] secret code was found on one of the pages Nobody has ever been able to break it And that's as far as anyone's ever come to cracking the case [mainly] not very far at all We still don't know who this man was who left the book in the men's car or even what the code means? Nor do we know for certain how he died? The alleged use of poison along with the fact that all Identification had been removed from the body have led many to speculate that the gentleman was some form of spy or a government agent As such he could have been assassinated Others suggest this was an elaborate suicide The man's body was embalmed to preserve one of the few pieces of evidence the police had at the time It was then buried and sealed beneath concrete ready to be exhumed if ever needed for the next 30 years at Odd intervals Flowers would appear at the unknown Man's grave Nobody knows who kept leaving them there number Halt in 1948 [their] gigantic tornado Swept through the town of Woodward, Oklahoma causing massive destruction and claiming the lives of 185 residents Four-Year-Old [joan] [gaye] craft lost her mother that day. We and her stepfather was critically injured She managed to survive the ordeal with minor injuries [as] did her half-sister [Jerry] They were taken to a nearby hospital And there was in the hospital's basement that both joan and Jerry were sheltered along with a number of other Refugees who had lost everything during the carnage of that day? At some point during the night two men dressed in army uniforms entered the basement and ostrich owned by name Claiming that they needed to rush her to another hospital where her stepfather was being treated Joan protested desperate not to leave her sister's side But the men assured her everything was going to be okay and grabbed a hold of her They stated that there'd be back for Jerry shortly then that the two wouldn't be [separated] for long Of course members of staff confronted the men when they heard Joan's cries, but they managed [to] convince them that they were both officials And this did seem reasonable many of the victims were being whisked away to other treatment centers to help Solve the capacity issues without further resistance Joan was escorted out by the two men they never returned for Jerry [and] Joan was never seen again as If it hadn't lost enough that day the town also lost joan What's odd? Is that even these days woodward is an extremely small community far from any other towns or cities? Here in 48 it was the kind of place where everyone knew everyone It seems strange that these two men you too oscar joan by name and yet. Nobody else recognized either of them they knew who they were coming for Despite the case receiving Nationwide attention Joan was never found number five You're probably not intimately familiar with the work of the singer [cue] lazarus or her [band] the resurrection She's best known as the one-hit wonder musician behind. Goodbye horses a song made famous in the horror movie silence of the lambs It's actually a really awesome. If slightly eerie track, but fitting of the scene that made it famous If you don't know it then pause the video here and go and check it out by the link in the description it might help you appreciate the mystery behind the singer a few months ago Reddit user muna asked if anyone had [any] information about cue lazarus after 1996 Like many others, they had searched and searched but came up with nothing it seemed unusual, but after that point there was no information about her online the trail just goes cold a Few other users joined in on the search and came up with some interesting leads Here's what they found out? [Hugh] Lazarus his real name was [Creon] [alaki] She moved to the uk to start a heavy metal band Her Ex-manager last saw her looking unwell she became close to a swedish hustler and cokehead who apparently cut her off from the rest of the world and filtered everyone away from her Her Songwriter William Goffe said that he was certain. She was dead Garvey Himself died in 2009 Perhaps most Odd is that she has unclaimed royalties just waiting to be collected Seeing how her music has featured in some prominent movies. This could be a significant amount of money Why wouldn't she have claimed it by now? Even [her] old bandmate Gloriana [Galicia] says that she doesn't know whether cue is alive or Dead Now don't get me wrong. I'd say this mystery is more odd than sinister She became somewhat well known while the internet was still finding its feet It was online nowadays where there's a plethora of information on every one-hit wonder that's ever graced the airways or a big movie soundtrack Perhaps she just faded away into a security and is living a quiet life somewhere Still as someone who sang a song with such a cult following [it] seems strange that she could just [disappear] from all public consciousness without there even being a scrap of information on her well-being, or what she's up to now as The lyrics to her hit say all things pass into the night Here's a bonus entry. I thought it was interesting but not really the same vibe as the other ones It's an unsolved mystery [7,000] years in the making in 1996 a group of German construction workers unearth the prehistoric remains of a ritual site in herxheimer The site was absolutely surrounded by mass graves with at least 500 human bodies being discovered The bones belong to men women and children from Newborns to the elderly Some of the site was destroyed by construction, but it's estimated that at least 1,500 bodies were buried there Examination of the bones revealed the people had been butchered and eaten In addition bones from at least 200 dogs were unearthed as well This begs the question what happened in herk [science] 7,000 years ago The condition of the human bones indicates that they were healthy at the point of death Prior to being buried the Bones had been stripped of all flesh There also seems to be no visible signs that the people died violent death is a lie [of] stabbing war bludgeoning The reason that it's thought [the] people were eaten is because ancient Livestock butchering techniques seem to have been used to remove the human meat and the bones had been cracked apart and crushed to drain them of marrow Nor marks are prominent on some of the bones and the skulls of many had been carefully split likely to remove the brains inside Trinkets Talismans, and other knickknacks were buried along with the bodies some from cultures as far as 500 kilometers away from the site They had all been smashed or destroyed before being tossed into the burial pits Since there seem [to] [be] about 1,500 bodies buried there. It's impossible for it to have been a simple local graveyard That number far exceeds the amount of [people] who had live in a single settlement at that point in history This discovery gives us an incredible insight into our ancient ancestors what it tells us precisely is of course a mystery This could have been some sort of religious human sacrifice will perhaps something more akin to an elephant graveyard Where the sick and dying from hundreds of miles away would travel to rest forever? That might explain why people from so far away could be bound there buried with their cultural artifacts Maybe cannibalism was part of their ancient burial process Why would their possessions have been destroyed though was this part of the ritual was there a more sinister reasoning behind it? Maybe they believe that one's own personal possessions were theirs and theirs alone and that by smashing them they could deter grave robbers Ultimately, we'll never know for certain Regardless, it's a truly interesting thing to think [about] Speculating about what happened all those years ago really conjures up some disturbing images in the mind any theories of your own Hey guys are lazy here, and thank you very much for listening [I] hope you like the video a little change of pace I suppose this was voted for by all my followers on Twitter so thank you guys for [voting] [for] this and if you like to tell consider making something similar in the future I Want to say a big thank you to anthony sallowness for the thumbnail for this one? Be sure to check out his artwork through the links down below. He's an amazing talent and trust me if you're into horror You're bound to find something over there that you're going to enjoy he has done some amazing [beasts] I learned about a lot of these cases from a subreddit called unsolved mysteries I've linked it down in the description And I really urge all of you to go and check it out If you're interested in hearing about more cases like this or reading about ones that I've talked about here How about you guys? Is there anything else you would have included let me know down in the comments? and if I do make a follow-up video, I'll consider your suggestions as Always be sure to smash that like button, or I'll smash you and I'll be back with [another] video very very soon until then Lazy legion, you will stay spooky and remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 2,096,106
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, scariest video ever, unsolved mysteries, mysterious and creepy unsolved mysteries, horror movies, scary 2017 movies, creepypasta, lazy masquerade, mr nightmare, top 5, top 10, sleepy sickness, real, true, new, best, most, long video, deeply disturbing, relaxing, study music, learn english, british accent, somerton beach man, ghosts, haunted, caught on tape, freaky, reddit, 2chan, 4chan, crazy, how to, who, internet, Halloween, love, audiobook, countdown, shocking, of all time
Id: xoAEwHL-3H4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 27sec (1467 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 15 2017
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