5 Disturbing Stories of TRULY EVIL Criminals

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number one I grew up in Detroit Michigan when I was in the fifth grade I started going to a middle school named Dorothy Fisher magnet middle school it was there that I met patrick selepak we became really good friends very quickly he was smart funny charming good-looking and kind-hearted or so I thought we were best friends until I moved out of the city of Detroit and attended a different high school we lost touch when we were about 15 or 16 years old I always wondered what happened to him and I thought of him often over the years in February 2006 I heard about the murder of Melissa barrels and her husband Scott they lived a few miles down the road from me Melissa was 10 weeks pregnant Patrick befriended Melissa after shopping at the grocery store where she worked he wanted more than just friendship he followed her home one day and convinced Melissa to let him and his girlfriend Samantha come in and hang out for a while Patrick had guns with him he hit Melissa in the head with the gun and knocked her to the ground he proceeded to strangle her with a belt he convinced his girlfriend to help him because it was taking too long for her to die during this Melissa's husband came home he was hit in the head with a gun and then locked in the bathroom while pat and his girlfriend finished killing Melissa once she was dead they turned their attention to Scott Samantha went to CVS and got duct tape syringes and a few other things they tried injecting bleach into Scotts veins to kill him that didn't work Scott was tortured for about four hours before he finally succumbed to his injuries Pat and Samantha moved the bodies to the back room they wrapped them in painters plastic and duct-taped it they covered the bodies with a tarp and then they left Melissa's parents called the police to do a welfare check when she didn't show up for work police found the bodies under the tarp in a room the barrels were decorating for the baby they were going to have Patrick and Samantha fled the Beryl's house in their car they also had stolen the couple's personal documents so they could assume their identities somehow path' and Samantha ended up in Flint Michigan they met a man at a gay club that offered to give them a place to stay they stayed with him for three days before the man saw the news and tried to convince Pat to turn himself in the man walked outside saying he was going to get the police himself Patrick flipped out and shot the man in the back Pat then walked up to the man and shot him in the head Pat and Samantha wrapped this man up in the same way they did the barrels and they put his body in the back of the man's pickup truck and covered it with a tarp the next day a friend of Samantha's called and our Sam if she was going to give her a ride to a job interview Samantha said she would before Pat and Samantha got to the girls house she saw on the TV that they were wanted for murder she still let them pick her up for the interview they drove the girl to the hotel where her interview was she asked them to wait for her outside because she wouldn't be long as soon as she got inside the hotel she called the police when the police arrived they restrained Patrick and Samantha and found the body in the bed of the truck Patrick and Samantha are now both serving life sentences with no possibility of parole they were featured on the i d-- channels show wicked attraction the title of the episode is single white male which aired in 2009 if anyone would like to verify the story there are millions of links on google their full names are patrick selepak and Samantha Bachynski number two my best friend lived in the country part of my town it was a small neighborhood and everyone knew each other there was a man there that we all referred to as creepy Phil because he would lurk around make with comments to people he was old and skinny we never thought anything of it though he was just the weird neighbor I remember one time we had a neighborhood barbecue and we invited all our highschool friends over which were both guys and girls I remember creepy Phil standing at the gate not being a part of the barbecue and asking the girls if they needed rides home we just laughed and thought it was just plain old creepy Phil one day creepy Phil asked us the bigger retaining wall for his house and he said he'd pay us we agreed for we were always doing small jobs like that to make money I remember doing the job and noticing his backyard the backyard was extremely cluttered with tons of garbage and sheds in the back creepy Phil would just sit there and watch us work we finished the job and went home a few months passed by and I'm watching the news there was a picture of a skinny old man and his wife being displayed on the breaking news it was creepy Phil and his wife it turns out creepy Phil had kidnapped a ten-year-old girl 18 years ago and moved into the house and raped her for 18 years right next door to where my best friend and I were growing up the girl that he kidnapped ended up having two children and secrecy and creepy Phil raped the daughters as well the clutter and sheds that I saw whilst working at his house was where he kept the girls when the police raided his backyard there was an elaborate maze of tents where the girl who was now an adult lived with her daughters for 18 years the daughters were so pale because they'd never even seen sunlight and their skin was as white as ghosts this gave me chills and to this day I still have nightmares of those girls being raped and me having barbecues playing basketball and enjoying my life no more than a hundred feet away the girl's name is Jaycee Dugard she's now a motivational speaker and a best-selling author check out her story it's very interesting but also be wary of your neighbors the submitter of this story also attached this image of creepy Phil his wife and the area where the girls were kept number three my name is Ned I'm 33 soon to be 34 and I'm the only child of Ted Bundy survivor Carol the ranch her story takes place on November 8th 1974 in a Sears parking lot in Salt Lake City she was out shopping when a man claiming to be a police officer approached her saying that her car was stolen he asked her to go with him in his car down to the police station for questioning whilst they were driving the man handcuffed her and tried to kidnap her the problem was that the man now known as Ted Bundy had accidentally only cuffed one hand leaving her free to escape by jumping out of the car Ted frantically drove off unfortunately later that night another young woman named Deborah Kent the same age as my mother at the time a teen was raped and murdered by Bundy my mother was present at his 1979 trial and became a damning piece of evidence against Bundy Bundy was sentenced to death and executed in 1989 at the age of 42 my mother has never forgotten the experience and was always adamant about keeping me safe as a kid as she knew of the dangers in the world she finally told me when I was 16 after I'd seen a documentary on TV about Ted Bundy my mother has moved on from the experience but it always has it in the back of her mind that you shouldn't trust anyone based on who they say they are for those curious about the legitimacy of this post the original poster has left a link to a news article you can find a link in the description below number 4 when I was young about 12 years old I had a best friend named Sonya we did everything together she'd stay over at my house every weekend she lived right down the street in a house that looked condemned I was never allowed to go to her house my mum always said that her family was a bit off I only met her dad a few times her mum died years ago when I did meet her dad he smelled terrible almost sour come to think of it Sonya never smelled that great either I didn't care much though I remember one night when she was staying over at my house it was really late and the doorbell rang Sonya was asleep and I went downstairs to see my mum looking to see who it was my mum opened the door and I heard a man asking for Sonya hey is Sonya here her daddy said she wasn't home tonight I'd really like to see her my mum asked if he was a relative of hers he danced around the question until giving up and leaving my mum was really weirded out and called Sonya's dad he answered but was so drunk that my mum couldn't decipher and I think he was saying the next morning my mum asked Sonia if she knew the guy that stopped by my mum described how he looked and what he asked Sonia looked up from her breakfast really fast with wide eyes she asked if he was here my mum told her no Sonia looked relieved Sonia stopped showing up to school after this I never knew why I was sad for the rest of the school year she wasn't in school and her house was empty it's like she vanished I actually remembered her last year and asked my mom if she remembered Sonia as well my mum nodded her head and said oh man that whole thing was so sad I asked what happened why didn't she tell me before she told me that the man at the door that night looked like a big drug user he kept messing with his junk and looking around nervously my mum got worried for Sonia and called the police the next day the police did their job and apparently Sonya's dad was prostituting her out to his friends they would bring alcohol and some cash and they take turns with Sonia when they investigated further Sonia told the police that her dad had raped her too Sonia was actually pregnant with her father's child my mum found all this out because she was a big help and friends with some of the police Sonia went on to go and live with family somewhere else we don't know what else happened so Sonia it would be nice to meet you again number five I grew up in a suburb of Rayleigh North Carolina that has a virtually non-existent crime rate my father and I moved there when I was six he was always busy so I pretty much had to raise myself so naturally I attended school there made all of my lifelong relationships there so on so forth in 2008 I was a senior in high school I had a very close-knit group of friends primarily composed of people I'd known since middle school one such friend had just recently come back from Holly Hill which was our local mental hospital after a suicide attempt Matt had been gone for a couple of weeks I saw him in the courtyard before heading to class unfortunately I didn't really have time to talk so all I had times I say to him was welcome back I missed you I would have rest being late to class if I'd have known that that would be the last thing I would say to him Matt had suffered from depression and dementia for years but he kept a pretty good rap on the details so none of his friends really had a big in claim on how severe it was until the aforementioned suicide attempt we got out of school for Thanksgiving break and one of our mutual friends messaged me on Facebook and asked if I'd like to go paintballing with them on the night of the 30th I had to turn them down because I had to go and see my grandparents the next morning for a late Thanksgiving celebration it wasn't a big deal just kind of a disappointment break came and went we went back to school Matt was absent again there had been a rumor floating around that he had run away from home and gone to Washington DC to look for his birth mother but I wasn't sure I believe that especially that he would go off on this long term trip without at least mentioning it to me first in between switching classes I called his cell phone to find it off I didn't think anything of it a few days later during lunch time there was a buzz around the school that allegra our mutual friend from earlier and a dill someone else who I was more of acquaintances with them friends had been taken out of class and arrested we had no idea what had happened but I had a strange feeling that it had something to do with Matt's absence after that all I could really think about was when that was and the fact that allegra sat right behind me during Shakespeare class and that she was really tired and she slept through the whole class on the day that we came back from the break the school tried to keep everything quiet in regards to the students theorizing and talking to one another but it was high school and word travels fast when we weren't talking we were texting each other about it our local news website reported in an article that or of Matt's friends had been arrested in connection with a body found in Allegra's parents summer home you guessed it it was Matt's two years afterwards Allegra Adil and two other people from Matt circle of friends went on trial Allegra received two consecutive 20-year terms for conspiracy to commit murder and murder in the second degree Adil received the same the two others in the trial received a life sentence for first-degree murder and accessory after the fact to first-degree murder I watched the trial unfold all of the trial is available online as well if anyone wanted to learn about it there's a lot more details than I can post here without boring everyone but you should be able to type in some of the details in a Google search and find the story they killed him on the night of November 30th the night they asked me to come paintballing with them there was a period of time where I kicked myself for not going that night I like to think that if I had gone I would have had some if a little influence in stopping them they didn't really seem to have a huge reason for killing him a guy called Ryan was the mastermind behind it all it was all his thing I guess he was just super manipulative Allegra said in the trial I just wanted Ryan to love and trust me again so people who I thought I knew and thought were friends of myself and Matt [ __ ] you note links to videos of the trial can be found in the description below hi guys lazy masquerader subscribe and join the lazy legion where 70,000 strong now and that's truly unbelievable i really appreciate all the ways in which you guys interact with the channel either through your comments on youtube or your interactions on twitter and facebook by sending me emails with your own experiences or you know however so props to all of you for that thank you very much also a major thank you to Anthony who created the thumbnail for this video and so many others in the parts that I've done as well he does some great stuff guys so follow the links in the description to support him if you like his style he's a really great guy as well so a major thank you to him I'll have some paranormal stories coming out on Sunday so keep an eye out for that as well until then watch your back and remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 1,121,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 5 Horrifying TRUE Stories: Twisted Criminals Edition, scary, creepy, lazy m, scariest, creepiest, scariest video, on youtube, creepiest video, banned, disturbing, illegal, creepypasta, creepsmcpasta, mr nightmare, Reddit (Website), craigslist, stories, narration, Audiobook (Industry), real death, ted bundy, murder, top 5, top 10, top 15, weird, Crime (TV Genre), Survival Horror (Media Genre), ghost, haunted, demons, Best, Ghosts, Halloween (Holiday), letsnotmeet, real, lets not meet
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 21sec (1221 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2015
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