4 Real Life Skinwalker Encounters

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[Music] number one when I was 14 our family dog a German shepherd named Benny went missing my older brother and I had taken him out for a walk in the arizonan woods that surround our house the dog disappeared out of eyeshot and didn't return when we called for him must have looked for a solid three hours before the Sun started to set and we had to jog back to our house we told our dad that Benny had disappeared on our usual walking trail well old Benny was part of the family so my dad and uncle went out with a couple of flashlights in search of him reassuring my brother and I that they'd find him despite their reassurances I honestly didn't hold out much hope we live in the middle of nowhere with vast woodland almost surrounding the house even though Benny knew this area like the back of his paw if you'd wandered too far out in those woods he could have easily lost his bearings it's possible he caught sight of a critter and chased it to deep end I was distressed of course because I love that dog like a brother and so did well my brother we waited alone in the house for a couple more hours anxiously awaiting our elders return it was a fair track down to where we'd lost sight of him but every minute we had to wait was disheartening if you can imagine my jubilation when I heard a dog's bark coming from the surrounding woods my first assumption was that our uncle and dad had found him but when I peered out of my bedroom window overlooking the front I saw nothing our family members weren't anywhere to be seen had Benny found his way back by himself did I just imagine that barking I called my brother over telling him I just heard what must have been Benning out by the trees yes he stared out of the window beside me a second bark rang out much louder than the first naturally a little too loud being a German Shepherd Benny had a strong bark but this seemed almost unnatural and almost seemed to reverberate the tree line where it was coming from was a fair distance from the house but it sounded like he was just outside the window after an interval of a few seconds another identical bunk he it might sound odd to say this since dog barks sound pretty alike but it was almost too similar to the last one there was a static quality to it almost like an old recording then came a whimpering like an injured dog would make I knew that my brother thought this was strange as well yes he shot me an unnerved look and told me to stay put whilst he went out with my dad's rifle to investigate yes Benny was hurt out there we'd have to help him pronto I kept a watchful eye in here from my bedroom you know my brother ventured outside cautiously approaching the tree line about 10 meters away I saw him freeze on the spot shining his flashlight at a specific point in the woods he lowered it and deigned his rifle at the same spot all this time I'm hollering at him from my bedroom window asking what the hell's going on he doesn't answer me just stands there for the longest moment then he pulls a 180 in hightails it back inside I asked him what the hell that was all about he says that as he got close to the treeline he saw all Benny all right tail wagging and everything gave him a little come here boy the dog wouldn't budge he wanted my brother to go to him when my brother Sean his flashlight on Benny he knew something wasn't right with the big guy aside from his moving tail he was standing stiff and rigid and looked more like a taxidermy statue his sides didn't even expand or contract a breeze and his eyes they weren't doglike he said it was more like looking into the eyes of a human stranger they were large white and full of white well that might be difficult to picture but he said you wouldn't have to know what Benny looked like to know this was unnatural for a dog that's when he raised his rifle and the damn thing stood up on its back legs and sprinted off deep into the woods running just like a man since it looked like Benny he couldn't take the shot he claims to this day that the thing was trying to lure us out into those woods projecting its voice and trying to catch us off-guard that it hadn't yet learned the little nuances of acting like an authentic dog our dad and uncle returned home about 15 minutes later they'd found Benny's more body by a lake a couple of miles out they said he must have been there for hours number two not much is known about skinwalkers other than the obvious since the Navajo generally don't like to talk about them it said that even discussing the creatures attracts their attention though I think there'll Upton's has more to do with not letting Outsiders in on their native law well that being said a part Navajo friend of mine has filled me in on some of the stories he's heard about the creatures and quite frankly they're pretty chilling he's mostly apathetic when it comes to the whole native secrecy deal he told us a story that happened to his uncle when he was only 21 and out on a camping trip with a few buddies of his it was an annual trip they made to honor a friend of theirs who died young a couple of years prior for the sake of this story we will say the friend's name was Jeremy the rest of the guys had ventured out to those woods every year even with Jeremy having passed away they kept the tradition very much alive he it was early one morning during the trip me and my friends uncle had woken up before his buddies he got out of the tent to take a little stroll around the area stretch his legs and appreciate the beautiful nature that surrounded him he walks for about five minutes and other than his friends he's miles away from the closest human beings around he's hearing nothing but birdsong and the breeze but the calm atmosphere suddenly shifts and the air around him started to feel heavy the sound of the birds around him seemed to dissipate and things became eerily and unusually silent a strange sense of dread overcame him and compelled him to turn around they're standing on a raised area was Jeremy more accurately it was Jeremy's face seemingly superimposed on a weird crooked body he just stood there waving at him looking at Jeremy's face closely his jaw was slack and his eyes were colorless and glazed over like there was a thin translucent film covering them his expression never changed his limbs were torn and bloody my friends uncle sprinted back to the tent and alerted the others they knew the stories of skinwalkers and wasted no time in packing up and cutting their trip short now some people might be compelled to think that this was Jeremy spirit coming to hang out with his old camping buddies one last time my friend's uncle knows otherwise he says this was a malevolent entity it was likely native to the area and had seen the boys on a previous trip that's how it knew to take Jeremy's face number three I don't belong to any UFO groups or anything like that but this actually happened to me I've told a few trusted friends about it but never bothered writing it down or try to relate it as accurately as memory allows in 1990 while I was working as a paramedic in Anchorage we got called out on an alarm for a man having a heart attack at the state jail in Eagle River he was a native man in his 70s and after I got him stabilized with IVs o2 and cardiac drugs My partner and I began to transport him to the native hospital in Anchorage enroute to the hospital I had time to talk to this gentleman who was an a lead from the native village of Port Graham a remote village on the lower end of Cook Inlet well as usual with me the topic eventually drifted to hunting and fishing and I casually mentioned to him that I was once weathered in at the upper lagoon of dogfish bay only a few miles from his home in Port Graham the lagoon was about as beautiful and wild a place as I had ever seen in my 35 years in Alaska well when I said that I'd spend some time in dogfish this old man sat up on the gurney and grabbed me by the front of my shirt he got right up to my face and said did it bother you with that question the hair stood up on the back of my head yes see I knew exactly what he was talking about I said yes did you see it was his next question no I replied did you see it no but my brother's seen it he had chased him this old Aleut and i were talking about the same thing but we never used the word skinwalker or bigfoot or legend or anything like that we just both knew what we were talking about allow me to explain in August of 73 three of us were bow hunting for goats and Blackie's in what was then the remote wilderness of lower Cook Inlet a sudden storm forced us to take shelter and dogfish Bay Lagoon we beached our scarce and let the tide run a dry after a dinner of broiled salmon we turned in to our tent back in those days the best tent I had was a dark green canvas job with a centre pole and no windows or floor we left the fire burning and cleared the pots and pans so not to attract bears during the night and the sky was clear but the wind was howling through the old-growth timber that lined the shawl sometime around 2:00 a.m. my friend Dennis woke me up by squeezing my leg I could dimly see his face in the tent his finger was across his lips I listened then I heard it a step a man was quietly walking outside our tent taking very deliberate steps when you spend as much time in the great outdoors as we all had you become intimately familiar with the sounds of the wilderness this wasn't a natural sound it definitely wasn't a bear or any other kind of animal for that matter scenes from the movie deliverance flashed in my mind we woke Joe the third member of our party with the same leg grab and finger to the lips the walking or rather sneaking continued until it had half circled our tent and then all was quiet except for the wind we had our bows and the oh-6 leaning against the tree outside our tent so somehow we talked Joe into belly crawling out of the tent to get the rifle we were scared shitless I tell you the next day and night the storm continued to blow we saw several black bears on the salmon stream at the head of the lagoon during the evening hunt but had no chance for a shot we didn't talk about what happened the previous night too embarrassed I guess to be scared by a black bear that sounded like a man we got back to camp early built a big fire sat around it and ate dinner until about midnight in August there's still some light in the sky at about 10:00 or 11:00 I recall we were all embarrassed about being afraid of the coming night we had a flashlight and the rifle in the tent between us locked and loaded I finally dozed off but woke right up when Denis squeezed my leg the illuminated hands on my watch showed it was 2:30 a.m. Joe was already sitting up and had the rifle in his hands I heard the first step no more than 10 feet away from the back of the tent it was moving slowly then we heard another and another whatever this was yet sounded like it was walking on two feet he had made the same semicircle around the tent when we finally mustered enough courage we crawled out of the tent and turned the flashlight on we saw nothing no tracks nothing the third night we decided if it bothered us again we'd come out of the ten shooting we were actually scared he had never came back on the third night and the following day we had a break in the weather and got the heck out of there never told anybody about the experience for several years until about 1979 when I happened to be reading an old Alaskan sportsman magazine published in 1935 in the letters to the editor a woman wrote that she recently found a letter written by some distant relative of hers who was a schoolteacher at the cannery in Portlock Bay a rugged fjord adjacent to Dogfish Bay the year was 1905 she quoted from the letter it said that the cannery employed a small group of aliens from a small village in Portland Bay during salmon season their camp was about a mile from the cannery buildings one day all of the aliens moved out of the village and paddled their bitter casts back to Port Graham the letter said that the Aleuts claimed a hairy man was bothering them and frightened them to the point where they had to leave I have since done some research into the subject and found written histories of natives from Seldovia - for Graham being frightened and bothered by something may even have a native name for it it doesn't translate into English very well these accounts mostly take place during the first half of the 1900s and are Native related not all of them oh I talked to one white guy who in 1968 got the bejeebers scared out of him while coming down an alder choke gulley while on a goat hunt import Locke most of these accounts precede the Bigfoot hype that appeared in the 60s and 70s in the northwest me and my buddies will never know what was circling our tent those nights but it sure as hell wasn't an animal we can tell you that much anyway and that's my story and I'm sticking to it number halt my roommates told me the story a few times and I want to see if anyone else has had similar experiences as he tells it he was driving home super late at night maybe 3 or 4 a.m. in a suburb of Phoenix Arizona both times death occurred the first time he was driving alone on a road that has an open field to the left of it when out of nowhere a black figure on all fours bounced up out of the field and across the road in front of his car who as soon as the figure got to the other side of the road it stops with inhuman quickness turns around and looks directly at my roommate he described the figure as looking simian completely black except for the face the creatures face was a stark white human face not white as in Caucasian but white as snow this happened again a few weeks later at this time the creature was sitting in a tree as his car approached it it climbed down the tree again with inhuman quickness bounded across the road stopped on a dime turned around and made eye contact with him this time he had a friend in the car who also saw it and began freaking out it was the same exact thing as the first time a simian black body with a snow white expressionless human face my roommate however the curious one turned the car around and began searching for the creature but it was nowhere to be seen could this be skinwalker related hey guys are lazy here and thank you very much for listening thank you to everyone who voted on my Twitter poll for the next video and coming up next will be some kind of unsolved mysteries type things I'll see what I can find I'll do some digging I don't really like to reuse stuff that's already been talked about a bunch in the past so I'm hopefully I can find some interesting and news material and if not well you'll get some more stories or something I don't it anyway I'm going to try and get that out in the next few days and I always say this but it's always later for them if some I'm going to try to do my best if you like this video then be sure to smash that like button or I'll smash you and subscribe and join the lazy Legion if you haven't already and till the next one guys you will stay spooky and remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 664,659
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Keywords: scary true stories, scariest video ever, on youtube, skinwalkers, skinwalker stories, true, real, lazy masquerade, horror movies, scary 2017 movies, creepypasta, reddit, 2chan, 4chan, new, best, most, long video, relaxing, study music, learn english, british accent, asmr, audiobook, disturbing, horror 2017, mr nightmare, corpse husband, ghost, ghosts, wendigos, haunted, dead, death, crazy, who, how to, horrific, native american, of all time, top 10, Halloween, internet, deep web, yandere
Id: TuRvtq6-xFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 21sec (1161 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 08 2017
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