3 Scary TRUE Deep Web Exploration Stories

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number one lots of people are afraid of accessing the Deep Web for themselves be that because they don't want to see some of the messed up things they've heard about or because one wrong step can in theory land you in a whole heap of trouble accidentally clicking on a disguised child porn site which automatically downloads some illegal images onto your computer for example I guess that's why so many people are interested in hearing about the Deep Web we had still a pretty big mystery to most Internet users but a pretty interesting one at the same time I however was never too worried about accessing it myself it's mostly a pretty boring place and most of the crazy things you hear about her either massive exaggerations or just downright myths that's not to say there aren't some seriously messed-up things out there though here's an example of a real site on the Deep Web which I came across a while ago now the site in question was called acid splash followed by a seemingly random assortment of numbers so something like acid underscore splash seven six four three nine zero you get the picture when following the link to the site you arrived at a cover page that simply had the site's crude little logo and the slug line because ugly on the inside should mean ugly on the outside clicking on the logo brought you to the main site across the top bar were a few links to follow such as about services members videos pictures and all the like despite the crappy logo on the cover page this site was pretty well laid out fairly professional looking for Deep Web standards in the About section it explained that the site was for those with a burning desire for revenge basically it was a site that angry users to get revenge on anyone they liked in a very particular way for a price there be able to pick a target to be the victim of an acid attack ruining their lives forever they kept on using the word justice I assumed to try and convince users to use their services and to rationalize their sick business the attacks would be recorded and the videos would then be uploaded to the site where other users who paid a Bitcoin membership fee would be able to view them at the bottom of the page were several sample videos each video was titled a person's name followed by the word splash Sindy splash for instance and had a short description underneath thanking a user name for making use of their service all the short sample videos would follow the same formula they would record themselves stalking the victims filming them from hidden spots so that the people being taped weren't aware they were being watched the footage was just of the people going about their everyday lives and just doing normal things shopping hanging out with friends walking to work etc after a few minutes of this the video would cut to the inside of an empty apartment all you could see were a person's gloved hands preparing a beaker of what I assumed to be hydrochloric or sulfuric acid the end of each video would be of the victim filmed from a distance as the cameraman slowly approaches them when they are alone and vulnerable the camera gets uncomfortably close and you can see the shock on the person's face as the cameraman shouts something at them always in a language I didn't understand the acid would then be thrown in the victims face their screams clearly audible as the guy holding the camera ran from the scene even if treated immediately such an attack would completely destroy a person's face leaving them with horrific facial burns and scars for the rest of their lives and potentially even blinding them just before fleeing the camera would linger slightly on the victims face as they clutched it in agony the it's slowly burning away at their skin according to the site's About section the members videos put a much larger focus on the stalking aspect with some of the videos being over an hour long so that the viewer could get really into the lives of the victims before they were ruined forever the videos appeared to be from a variety of countries suggesting that this was either a semi global organization or that the people behind the scenes were willing to do a lot of traveling to carry out the attacks they may have also paid freelance criminals to do the jobs for them and film the attacks the outcomes all the same all of the victims in the videos I watched bar one were female I don't know if it's some sort of weird sexual fetish that leads people to support the site or just a love of watching people suffer more likely it's a combination of the two some sort of sadistic fantasy admittedly I watched all of the free sample clips out of morbid curiosity I suppose I'd say there are plenty of normal well-adjusted people who had watched this stuff and still condemned it look at the amount of people who actively search car crash videos on YouTube it's hard to look at but sometimes even harder to look away I still use the Deep Web on occasion it's useful for a few things provided you know where to look and you quickly learn what links to avoid but if you go looking for [ __ ] like this site you're bound to stumble across some pretty eye-opening stuff eventually that much I can tell you number two there's a site on the Deep Web called the waiting room all it is is a constant live feed of a table the live stream is in black and white grainy and from an elevated angle similar to CCTV footage because of the way that the camera is focused on the table it's difficult to tell what kind of room it is it could be anywhere from a basement to an abandoned hospital I found the site about a year ago and the first time I went on it there was a man tightly bound to the table with straps he was gagged and blindfolded as crappy as the feed was I could just about make out his chest rising and falling as he breathed and his head wiggling around he was hooked up to an intravenous drip in the top right corner of the screen was a number 104 I figured this whole thing was just a prank for deep web newbies and that it was just some pre film footage playing on a loop I came back to the site two days later and the first thing I noticed was that the number had changed it now said 106 the position of the intravenous drip had shifted a little and the guy was shifting his head and feet the longer I watched the more it became obvious that this was not pre-recorded footage this was a hundred percent live at some point between the last time I was on the site and this time somebody must have come in and changed the drip they were keeping this guy alive just tied to a table unable to move unable to see unable to even scream for help I checked back again at a later point something like three months later the site was still up and the stream was still going only this time it was a completely different person strapped to the table a female who according to the number on the screen had been in there a couple of weeks she was wriggling around more than the male I had seen still putting up a fight after that I'd seen enough one thing to note though is that in text at the top of the site the Creator had said that they were hoping to expand and have multiple streams running at the same time they weren't even charging people to view the footage it's horrific to think that somewhere in the world right now there are people being trapped against their will suffering in such a terrible way unable to see anything say anything even move it's difficult due to the quality of the stream to see if they had earbuds in but for their sake I hope they weren't forced to wear them complete sensory deprivation can drive a person insane never forget to be grateful for your freedom and count yourself as one of the lucky ones number three I'm from the Netherlands and last year my friends and I were having a party I used the word party very loosely it was just a few stupid 18 year old dudes getting drunk at one of our friends places his family's rich lived in the rice bike and had a house with a good-sized garden so when we were hanging at this guy's place we always had a blast Eric the guy whose place we were hanging at suggested that we explore the Deep Web together he had downloaded tall and have been looking around on it for the past couple of days and figured it would be fun just for laughs most of us hadn't even heard of the Deep Web before so when he explained to us what it was our drunken asses were totally in so he shows us all of the common sites that you've probably heard of after a while we started going off road and looking for some obscure crazy things we found people selling drugs a bunch of those hitmen services which look pretty fake even a site where you could have a box full of actual [ __ ] mailed to someone that one was particularly funny at the time still sort of is we came across a site in Dutch that was selling animals not crazy exotic animals but like cats and dogs okay and that's pretty weird why would you need to be selling such normal pets on the Deep Web we were about to click off and find something more interesting when a chat box popped up on the screen asking us what sort of animal we were looking for and if we needed any help drunk off our asses we decided to play along with this random guy who must have run the site and since he sold dogs we typed to him in English can you send a bunch of [ __ ] around to my place ASAP our country is highly proficient in English so he definitely understood our innuendo he told us to stop wasting his time and to get off the site we decided to ask a legitimate question why are you selling cats and dogs on the Deep Web and the guys response really surprised us as we didn't see it coming he told us that all of the pets for sale on the site were stolen from their previous owners and then sold on for profit the guys behind the site would go around to people's houses wait for their dogs to be let out into the yard steal their designer pets and then sell them at a major discount we asked him why he did it and he said it was surprisingly lucrative since some breeds can be really expensive and sought-after there was a lot of demand they also stole cats in which he said were much easier to get ahold of since owners kept much less of an eye on them what was our response to this well we were drunk so we started calling him an [ __ ] he didn't respond well to this calling us [ __ ] and saying we'd never say such a thing to his face he wasn't eloquent or anything he just typed like some sort of thug at one point Eric who was typing was saying that if the guy had any pets of his own he would realize how messed up what he was doing was and that he had [ __ ] up anyone he caught trying to steal his cat there was a slight pause before the guy imp Lear applied ok I'm coming to get it and you won't catch me [ __ ] we all thought firstly what are the frigging odds that this jerk-off would ever do anything on top of that what are the odds that he even lives close by enough for it to be worth his while so we figured screw it we kept berating him and calling him an [ __ ] in a variety of ways after a while he stopped responding with his empty threats and just went silent we kept typing but since he wasn't responding anymore we got bored quickly a week or so passed and I get a call from Eric that chilled me to the damn bone turns out that the guys threats weren't so empty after all his mum had gone to let the family cat cubis into the house the night before but it was nowhere to be seen she figured that it just wanted to stay out for the night so the family went to bed and thought no more about it the next morning when she opened the front door right there on the doorstep was Kubis almost totally skinned he it may have taken them a while longer to realize that the bloody mess was there cat had the skin and fur of the tail not being left on has to help them identify it the guy must have traced their excited ress located his house waited to find out which cat was his and then caught it when no one else was watching maybe he was planning on stealing it but figured that the breed wasn't worth taking so he'd just send a message instead we also don't know whether he really did live close by or got someone else to do his dirty work and the thought of him living close by is pretty horrifying as is the thought that he was watching Eric's house or at least someone was we didn't fully realize who we were messing with sorry cubis hi guys are lazy here and thank you very much for listening well these ones took a while to find that Chile it's a it's really difficult to track down new Deep Web stories nowadays but uh either way I hope you enjoyed these ones and if you did then hey super smash that like button for me I'll have another video coming for you guys very soon but until then guys stay spooky and remember the best things happen in the doll
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 1,084,246
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, scary videos, scary 2016 movies, horror movies, disturbing, horror, creepy, real, true, dead, death, deep web, deep web exploration, dark net, creepypasta, lazy masquerade, top 5, top 10, scary music, ghost, ghosts, haunted, caught on tape, relaxing, long, mr nightmare, 911 calls, of all time, from hell, search and rescue, love, romance, craigslist, 2chan, 4chan, reddit, blood, crazy, most, best, new, long video, Halloween, horror stories, documentary, red room, shadow web
Id: KC-2sNew0cc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 26 2016
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