3 More UNSOLVED Mysteries that will Lead You Down Rabbit Holes

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today's video is sponsored by hunter keller so if  you couldn't already guess i'm kind of a big fan   of thriller movies and shows but like most people  i've been stuck at home staring at screens way too   much recently if like me you've been searching for  a more analog way to get your mystery fix look no   further than hunter killer the ultimate murder  mystery subscription game for fans of true crime   unlike watching a homicide investigation unfold  on tv hunter killer makes you part of the action   placing you in the shoes of a detective and  tasking you with catching an elusive murderer   each box which comes conveniently delivered  to your door is part of an ongoing story   they all come jam-packed with high quality  documents evidence audio recordings case files and   ciphers which you'll use to eliminate suspects  and progress through the narrative as you do   you'll slowly get closer and closer to identifying  the killer and completing the mystery you can play   it by yourself with a partner by your side or  like i do with friends and family i found it to   be a really great way to stay social since there's  nothing my circle of friends and i love more than   playing detective and actually being able to feel  all the clues and share our findings with each   other is much more interesting sitting around in  silence staring at a screen so if cracking open a   cold case with the boy sounds as good to you as it  does to me head over to hunterkiller.com forward   slash lazy masquerade and use promo code lazy to  get 20 off your first box again take advantage   of that criminally good 20 discount by going to  hunterkiller.com forward slash lazy masquerade   and using promo code lazy and find out if you  have what it takes to solve the mystery inside okay so quick warning don't google this case  unless you're okay with seeing some really   really messed up photos i mean seriously if you're  squeamish don't do it i won't be showing them here   obviously but if you decide to do your own  research don't come back here blaming papa   lazy disclaimer over let's get into it so it's  kind of difficult to cover solved and unsold   crimes from certain countries due to language  barriers and reporting biases for instance   over the course of my life i've lived in hong kong  taiwan and japan traveled around most of asia and   watched the news and made friends with the locals  there are some really interesting and honestly   messed up cases from all of those countries  that we just never hear about in the west   that's because they're not reported since all  the media surrounding them are in their native   languages even if you had heard about one without  a bilingual translator you'll never be able to get   an accurate picture of what happened and only ever  have a surface level understanding of the events   as such the vast majority of these  mysteries remain region locked so to speak   well here's one from china that slipped through  the net and let me tell you this is one messy   rabbit hole to delve into nanda aka the nanjing  university dismemberment case is one of the most   infamous and disturbing pull cases in chinese  history though the story surrounding it has   gained urban legend status in the country over the  years the events that took place are all too real   the year was 1996. nanjing university was and  still is considered one of the best schools   in all of the people's republic with a student  body made up of the nation's best and brightest   a place where everything is orderly  on the morning of january 19th however   the campus will wake up to a very  unexpected very unwelcome surprise   an employee cleaning the school's roads came  across a bag of mystery meat in a disposable   food waste bag in a dumpster there were about  500 cooked pieces of meat inside being poor and   assuming that the meat had just been thrown out by  the cafeteria staff she took it home with her to   eat when she got home she started washing the  meat she had found it in a dumpster after all   it's then that she noticed something at the  bottom of the bag three severed human fingers   this wasn't a bag of meat at all it was a bag of  human remains and what's more this wasn't the only   bag found the police were already investigating  other reports from people who had made the same   grisly discovery scattered around the  university campus were eight more bags   each filled with human remains which had been  diced up and cooked in a bed sheet near the   main gate investigators found the head of a human  female in another by a canal they found some of   her torso nearby were the girls neatly folded  clothes only her underwear was missing aside   from being stained red with blood they were  in perfect condition not torn up or anything   it was determined that all of her body parts had  been dumped in the early hours of the morning   that they were found nobody had noticed the verb  altogether the authorities found more than two   thousand separate pieces of whoever this woman  was yeah two thousand pieces the coroners did   their best to piece her back together so that they  could get a better idea of who the victim might be   in doing so they realized that four of her organs  were missing her heart liver spleen and a section   of her intestines the rest of her remains had  been boiled even the head whoever had sliced   her up had done so with surgical precision and  had used multiple tools to get the job done   the detectives clearly weren't dealing  with a run-of-the-mill psycho with this one   they reached out to the parents of all of  the students who hadn't been seen on the   school grounds for the past few days the mother  of the victim was able to identify her daughter   thanks to a distinguishing mole on her boiled  face these were the remains of diao i ching   a 19 year old freshman at the university  she was shy solitary and academically gifted   she didn't have any friends on campus but  then again she didn't have any enemies either   she'd been missing for the past nine days  but because she was always so quiet nobody   had noticed her absence it's not clear at what  point during those nine days her life was taken   some of her classmates reported seeing her on a  busy market street on the night she disappeared news of the case got out and it quickly became  a huge headline the detectives knew they had to   catch the burp they took blood samples from all  of the students who knew or had classes with yao   from anyone with a history in the nearby area  from everyone in our hometown more than 10   000 people were questioned the market where  dial was last seen was searched thoroughly   this all resulted in diddly  squad nothing the case went cold   so what happened to dial who was responsible for  literally butchering her and why did they do it   well like i said because of its morbidity  in this case is quite infamous in china   and when the internet became widespread in the  bigger cities a lot of theories started popping   up online some interesting some just downright  bizarre reddit user love to clarkson recently   detailed some of the more popular ones and  i highly recommend checking out their post   link in the bio but i'll briefly  go over some of those theories here   theory one jia was captured and killed by the  university itself the met department there was   preparing for china's first intestinal transplant  and they chose jiao as an unwilling donor   theory 2 zhao went to the market stores that  fateful night to purchase heavy metal cds   only to be ritualistically slain by the  store's owner so that he could absorb her soul   theory 3 jiao was simply killed by one  cannibalistic serial killer or another   there were several that  operated in the area at the time   theory 4 zhao was slain for her four missing  organs which were then sold on the black market   theory 5 somebody killed yao using the method  of 1000 cards so that according to confucianism   her soul would never be complete in the afterlife  this may have been a roommate who had an argument   with jiao shortly before she died so yeah like  i said some plausible theories some crazy ones   but those are all just theories after more than  two decades you're probably thinking that this   case must at least have a main suspect right well  according to one local news source jio's case was   actually solved apparently the perpetrator  was a man named lee ji shaw jishua was a   well-respected medical professor at the  university was considered to be one of   the top scientific professionals in all of china  and was the son of a high up government official   the article written in mandarin even states  that he confessed to taking zhao's life and   slicing her up but that he was subsequently  released due to insufficient material evidence   the report ends by saying that he and his wife  fled to the u.s immediately after he was released   if that reports to be believed then  this case has indeed been solved   but since that's the only article online  about this case actually having a resolution   well it's kind of hard whether  to say it's true or not   given how corrupt the chinese system is i have to  say it's pretty believable and you sure certainly   would have had the medical skill to slice her  up so methodically still with no other sources   to back up the article's claim and no supporting  evidence interviews or details to speak of were   kind of left in a bizarre limbo at the bottom of  this rabbit hole this case was solved or was it   if you google jiao's name in chinese the next  suggested search result that comes up is li ji sho   searching his name leads to various  discussion boards and conspiracy websites   some claiming that he killed jiao as part of a  medical experiment because of her rare rh blood   type other saying that the pair were former lovers  again all of those online rumors are just that   rumors there's little in the way of real  evidence to substantiate any of those posts   so it could be that lee ji sho was responsible for  jiao's death or he could just be a scapegoat in a   case that still doesn't have an answer people do  like to speculate and reach conclusions after all   it's hard to find information about this case  written in english but it's been discussed a lot   on the unresolved mystery subreddit so if you're  interested in reading more or sharing your own   theories about what happened i'd recommend heading  over there and checking out some of the posts   i've left links in the description below from china we now move across to japan now  this case isn't one about a missing person   or an unsold murder or anything like that this  one isn't so much sinister as it is strange   the mystery of kenji umura on july 24th  1989 two mountaineers went missing in the   remote wilderness of hokkaido as they made  their way towards the asahidake mountain   search and rescue helicopters were of course  dispatched to the area and while circling around   the cibetsakawa river they spotted an sos sign  below made from tree locks they focused their   search efforts around there and found the two  missing adventurists only two kilometers away   their self-made sos sign had worked only they  hadn't made it the two men told the rescuers   they hadn't constructed any such sign and the  fact that it was there had just simply been a   massive coincidence understandably confused the  rescuers decided to check the area immediately   around the sign someone had made it after all  nearby they discovered something shocking the   skeletal remains of an unknown man his sos  sign had saved two people but had failed to   save him seeing how he was just bones bones  which had been lawed on by wild animals it   was clear he'd perished a long time before his  remains were examined and it was concluded that   he had broken several bones shortly before he  died he'd likely had an accident while hiking   alone and unable to get back to  civilization he either starved   or froze a driver's license under the sign  identified him as 25 year old kenji iwamura   an outdoorsman and train enthusiast from aichi  prefecture genji had been missing for five years aside from the coincidental finding of two men  thanks to his own unsuccessful sos sign there are   several things that make kenji's case so unusual  and noteworthy firstly there was a tape recorder   found inside a backpack next to kenji's body  along with several tapes most of these were just   anime soundtracks but when the authorities played  one of them in particular they heard a recording   of kenji's frightened voice yelling for help  sounding out every syllable extremely slowly and unnaturally translated this is what kenji said in the tape   i can't move from atop this cliff sos please  help i'm near where the helicopter was originally   and i can't move further due to bamboo brush  being in the way please help me out of here my   kenji recorded this into his tape recorder when  there was no way of transmitting it as unknown   though some people have speculated that he might  have been trying to save his voice and so recorded   the message so he could play it constantly  just in case someone happened to pass by   he likely knew that he would eventually  grow too weak to talk on his own   the real question however is this what  helicopter was he talking about in the tape   kenji had been staying at a log cabin and told the  owner that he was just going on a quick hike along   the relatively short asahidake mountain trail  he certainly hadn't got there by helicopter   also in the recording kenji said  that he was stuck atop a cliff   but his remains were found in the aforementioned  jibetsugawa river far away from the only cliff   in the area how did he come to be there if he  couldn't walk and was trapped by the bamboo brush   most strange of all is this the sos sign itself  was made from very large logs the sign was stacked   three logs high and at its tallest point reached  five meters given his injured and weakened state   it's hard to believe he would have had the  strength to create such a sign especially since   he was apparently too hurt to even walk he would  have had to collect all the heavy logs carry them   stack them if he could do all that why  couldn't he get back to the nearby village   when kenji was originally reported  missing by the lodge's host a search   and rescue team went to go and find him but  failed to spot his sos sign for some reason   that's despite the later rescuers looking  for the two men spotting it very easily   perhaps he made the sign too late to save  himself at least it eventually served his   purpose and who knows kenji's efforts may  have just saved the lives of two strangers   so what do you make of this one how did kenji  make the sos sign why was he found so far   away from where he said he was in the tape what  helicopter was he talking about and why weren't   any rescuers able to find him when he first  went missing let me know your thoughts in the comments last stop in this video london england this final  mystery centers on 42 year old patricia parsons   better known as lee she worked at the new  experience sauna in camden london as a   masseuse yeah and that kind of masseuse rather  than giving out relaxing back rubs her work   actually involved having men come to her apartment  so that they could receive discreet services   her clientele was made up of prominent judges tv  presenters lawyers and accountants this made lee   a lot of money and she gave her boyfriend aussie  a large amount so that he could open a restaurant   in essex called leos on the 23rd of june 1990 lee  and aussie were hosting a party at that restaurant   they arrived there at lunch time to set up   at around 3 30 p.m lee left the  restaurant to buy supplies and get ready   at 6 pm aussie called her to ask when she'd be  back the party was scheduled to start at 7 30.   she told him that she was just dolling herself  up and that she'd definitely be there on time   it wasn't until 7 30 pm that lee left her 500  000 pound home and went to an unknown location   by 8 pm aussie had grown concerned and called his  girlfriend to ask where she was she answered and   told him that she was on her way and that she had  some very good news to tell him when she arrived   aussie would never learn what that news  was around 30 minutes later lee's neighbor   reportedly heard an argument coming from next door  this argument was between lee and an unknown man   this neighbor then heard a door slam and from his  window saw lee get into her own car through the   passenger side door an unknown man with light hair  got into the driver's side and the pair of them   drove off aussie tried calling lee one final  time at 9 15 pm this time there was no answer   the next day lee's car was found abandoned  in epping forest her lifeless body was inside   she had been beaten and shot three times  in the head and neck with a crossbow for   obvious reasons detectives believe her  death was a premeditated executioner   the most interesting piece of information  that scotland yards released is the fact   that lee's little black book the book  that contained the names and numbers of   all of her high-profile clients had been taken  from her home that book has never been found   this has led many people to conclude that her  death was in some way linked to a client perhaps   the good news that she was planning on telling  aussie at the party was some kind of large payoff   maybe she was blackmailing a client threatening to  go public or tell his wife what he'd been up to if   that's true then it's now clear that this unknown  client had no interest in paying for her silence   still that's just speculation another interesting  detail is this on the afternoon of her murder   a resident who lived next to epping forest  reported seeing two men waiting by their   cars on opposite sides of the road right where  lee's body was later discovered this resident   remembered this because when she passed by again  five hours later the men were still there waiting   this could be unrelated to the case of  course but it's super suspicious either way   what were they waiting for the year before  in 1989 terry goodarum and maxine arnold   were found dead in a car in epping forest  only two miles away from where lee was found   they had both been killed with a shotgun gudrum  had been an accountant and auditor for a number   of london pubs and their deaths have been  linked to various organized crime groups   this has led many to speculate that lee's  demise was in some way linked to organized crime   a connection not unusual for someone in her  line of work there are obviously many unanswered   questions in this case what was the good news  that lee was planning on telling ozzy at the party   who was the man she was arguing with in her  apartment and why did she willingly let this man   drive her away was her case linked with that of  the two other people killed in epping forest only   a year prior if so who were the two guys waiting  by the side of the road the day she was killed   with the authorities releasing so little  information about the case even at the   time that it happened we'll probably  never know exactly who took lee's life   not to mention since all of her clients were  from the upper echelons of politics and the   entertainment industry even if the truth ever is  discovered it'll likely be swept under the rug the   only gem of wisdom we can mine from lee's rabbit  hole is this be careful who you do business with hey guys lazy here and thank  you very much for listening   before this video ends i'd just like to say a  huge thank you to all of my supporters on patreon   especially my biggest supporters kiwi  grenadier expand on the leki leonardo martinez   hungry and hammered or a dragon one  rikiko and junior the only dorita lord 210   azrael warakai alba adrano infamous sampappi zig  carla the connor lothan nadine sloane crawford   sarah ramirez anime wimp charlie lackey gina  valera procupadineta philip westra alex greenzor   tom king monica mendoza crawford k mcdonald  phantom knight hamish k and amanda handsome   thank you guys so much for your continued support  it really helps the channel out that wraps things   up for this one guys be sure to smash that  like button or i'll smash you and i'll see   you guys in the next one until then stay spooky  and remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 781,002
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unsolved mysteries, lazy masquerade unsolved mysteries, solved mysteries, rabbit hole mysteries, mysterious, true scary stories, horror stories, creepy, creepy pasta, scariest video ever, lazy masquerade, lazy maskarade, compilation, reddit stories, 2chan, Japan, yandere stories, skin walkers, mr nightmare, corpse husband, lets read, nexpo, top 10, Asmr, British accent, audiobook, reignbot, folklore, new, best, most, deeply disturbing, chilling, caught on camera, photos with backstories
Id: qUGip_uryv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 21 2020
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