3 Disturbing Mysteries that have FINALLY BEEN SOLVED… Or Have They?

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today's video is sponsored by raycon audio hor  is a great way to unwind after a long day but   to maximize those spine shells it's important to  be listening through a quality pair of earbuds   and speaking from experience you really can't  go wrong with a pair of rakons with 6 hours   of play time seamless bluetooth pairing and  extra bass rekon earbuds have a lot to offer   their compact design give you that comfortable  noise isolating fit which makes them perfect   for work and play so whether you're relaxing in a  cafe or listening to a podcast working from home   commuting or just chilling with some true crime  and mystery videos reikon earbuds are a great   tool to keep out all other distractions and stop  you from bothering the people around you as well   personally i find them to be amazing whenever  i'm out jogging since i've been stuck at home a   lot these days for obvious reasons i try to go out  running every night to keep fit and get some fresh   air raycon's everyday e25 earbuds have that great  sound clarity and bass which really helps keep me   immersed in whatever music i'm sweating to and  helps me push myself that extra mile plus i love   not having any annoying wires flopping around  and snagging on things while i'm exercising   you all know the struggle in my experience you  get a lot of bang for your buck with these earbuds   and those bucks aren't even as big as you'd  expect recon earbuds started about half the   price of any other premium wireless earbuds  on the market and sound just as amazing as any   other top audio brands you know between work and  relaxation i find myself using my pair every day   which is why they'd make a really thoughtful  and useful present this holiday season   speaking of which this is the time of year  to get the best prices on raikon products   head over to buyrakon.com forward slash masquerade  and right now you'll get a festive twenty percent   of your order you gotta hurry though as this  offers only available for a limited time only   click that link in the description box  take advantage of that spine chilling 20   discount and be a part of the next  wave of premium wireless audio so here's a strange little case that's  pretty obscure that of the barbell   the barbell was the name of a large transport ship  and back in 1993 when this incident happened was a   very modern vessel on august 15th of that year  the ship and its six-man crew were delivering   a shipment from london to rostock in northern  germany manning the ship on that fateful voyage   were machinist mikhail mikhailov sailor vladislav  bogdan helmsman victor varenko cook anatoly and most notably for this case 28 year old  ration andre lappin more on him in a moment   that morning just after the ship departed from  london captain teltman telephoned his wife   he told her everything was going smoothly  that the crew didn't have any troubles   loading the ship and that they should  arrive in germany in the early evening   on the next day when there was still no sign of  the ship or her crew captain tulman's wife and   others tried tirelessly to contact the barbell  worried about the safety of the men on board   there was no response for three days the barbell  was missing then at 10 45 a.m on august 18th   it was sighted aimlessly floating in  the north sea far off its actual course   soon after two lifeboats were also found by  danish fishermen one of them was empty the other   contained andre lapin who despite being adrift  at sea for at least two days was extraordinarily   calm he was conspicuously holding a suitcase  filled with sixty thousand deutsche marks   around 54 000 us dollars in today's market there  was no sign of any of the other crew members   when investigators from denmark got aboard  the barbell they came upon a gruesome scene   there had obviously been a violent confrontation  on board with evidence of fierce fighting having   taken place they found a huge amount of blood  in various quarters which someone had futilely   attempted to wash away disturbingly they also  found small chunks of human scalps and skin   captain tiltman's cabin had been trashed as if  someone had been frantically looking for something   the ship's cash machine had been emptied there  had also been several noticeable attempts to   start a fire in certain parts of the ship and  several cans of gasoline were found strewn around   now we didn't take sherlock holmes  to work out what had happened here   someone had murdered the crew dumped their  bodies overboard with weights attached   taken all the money on board and tried to  destroy the ship along with all the evidence   all fingers were pointing firmly at the  sole survivor andre lapin needless to say   the detectives had a few questions for him  originally andre had said that a fire had   broken out on the barbell and that the other  crew members drowned in the chaos he said that   he was able to save himself by getting into a  lifeboat and that he took all of the money he   could find on board from his colleagues and plan  to give it to their families the investigators   then informed andre that although they had found  evidence of someone attempting to start a fire   those fires didn't actually go off and the  barbell was still in perfect working condition   andre then changed his story and said that  this was all just a huge misunderstanding   before going into a convoluted story about  how there had actually been a mutiny on board   he said that two crew members who were angry  about unpaid wages suddenly picked up axes and   started attacking the rest of the crew  the men began fighting for their lives   but unfortunately the captain and his two  innocent colleagues were killed in the combat   andre said that he was able to kill the two  mutineers in self-defense using their own axes   fearing that no one would believe a story he threw  all of the bodies into the ocean started several   fires to destroy the ship and then jumped into  a life raft he now claimed all the money in the   suitcase was actually his and that it made it from  selling traditional russian religious artifacts   the danish authorities weren't buying what andre  was selling they arrested him for the murder   of his five crewmates on december 13th of that  year they handed him over to the german police   at his trial the prosecutors alleged that andre  motivated by greed killed his colleagues in cold   blood and concocted his unbelievable story  in order to literally get away with murder   the captain's wife who was a witness at  the trial said that when andre was rescued   he was wearing her husband's watch all of the  evidence suggested andre was a ruthless killer   and everyone believed this to be an open and  shut case well sadly no justice system is perfect   because all of the evidence was quote  unquote circumstantial the prosecutors   couldn't prove beyond reasonable  doubt that andre had committed murder   the jury believed it was possible his story  was true that he had acted in self-defense   such on february 3rd 1995 he  walked out of court a free man   however he was given a one-year suspended sentence  for attempting to burn down the ship though most   agree that this case was actually solved and that  andre was the obvious killer others aren't so   sure firstly they point out that if andre's  main goal was a simple robbery why would he   go as far as to kill five men that's a pretty  huge leap to make not to mention the logistics   of him butchering five grown men with an axe  without being taken down himself is questionable   sure maybe you picked him off one by one but being  stealthy in the claustrophobic confines of a ship   isn't as easy as some people imagine maybe you  really did act in self defense after all it's much   more believable that he was able to kill two men  with the support of his comrades rather than five   alone also if he truly was responsible the timing  of his rampage seemed strange he was miles from   dry land so when he killed everyone and escaped  in his life raft there was no guarantee that he'd   ever be found and rescued wouldn't he have waited  until the ship was closer to its destination   better yet why not just steal the money and  valuables while the ship was docked in london   he could have gone on the run from there  the risks would have been much lower   whatever the case the exact events of those  grisly august days remain unknown to everyone   everyone that is except for andre so what do  you think has this little known european mystery   actually been solved or do you two hold doubts  about andre's guilt let me know in the comments   as a funny side note after the  trial andre applied for another job   on the barbell which was now owned by  the captain's widow he didn't get the job sticking with the year of 1993 now but let's  rewind the clock back to february first   and take a trip to yakima county washington   on route 24 near moxie a man was spotted  lying down dead in the middle of the road he   was middle-aged wearing glasses and dressed  in a military-style outfit with work boots   there were no substances in his system he  was believed to be the victim of a hidden   run and a chevrolet camaro was seen speeding  away from the scene around the time he died   since he wasn't carrying any form of id  on him his identity remained a mystery   he would stay at john doe for another 10 years but  that's not even the crazy part let's get into it   the day before the john doe's body  was discovered in yukima county   sixteen hundred miles away in amarillo texas karen  glenn lewis and her daughter were returning home   from a shopping weekend in dallas they opened the  front door to their home expecting to find their   husband and father david glenn lewis waiting for  them inside but they didn't the house was empty   strange stranger still was that david's wedding  ring and watch had been left on the kitchen   counter it was super bowl weekend and a tape  which had been manually set to record the match   was still recording despite the fact that the game  was long over there were two freshly made turkey   sandwiches in the fridge there was no note or  anything to indicate where david might have gone   it seemed as if he had left suddenly and in a  hurry but why had he left his ring and watched   behind in plain view the following day when  david still hadn't returned home on that same   morning the jondo's body was discovered karen  filed a missing persons report for her husband   the investigators examined the house and found no  signs of a struggle or forced entry it appeared   as if david had left on his own volition  that didn't make sense though david was   a devoted family man with a good job and as  far as everyone knew a stable state of mind   their search for david quickly turned up a vital  clue his car was found in amarillo's downtown area   under the driver's mat where  david's house and car keys   in the glove box were his  credit cards and driving license   all of david's personal items were now accounted  for the only thing missing was the man himself   this is when karen his wife told the  detectives a vital piece of information   just before he disappeared david had confided  in her that his life was in danger but refused   to go into details about it only telling  her that someone had been threatening him   this is where his job comes into play david  was an attorney and even the most amicable of   attorneys have enemies though we don't know  exactly who was threatening david or why it   could easily have been one of his former clients  who felt that david had failed them in some way   on top of that david was a man with strong  principles his law firm were fighting their   own case against a wealthy client and david  was scheduled to speak against his own company   he told his own father that at the deposition  he planned to tell the truth whoever it heard   with the law firm standing to lose a lot  of money if david refused to lie and it's   possible that they were involved in his  disappearance somehow digging a little   deeper the investigators learned that david  had booked a plane ticket on january 31st   the same day he vanished this  ticket was from dallas to amarillo   wait a second david's wife and daughter had just  come from dallas back to amarillo on that same day   david wasn't in dallas with them that suggests  that he had secretly followed his family to dallas   although how he got there remains unknown  and then booked a plane ticket so he could   get home before them and make it appear  as if he had been at home the entire time   it's unknown whether he made that flight or  not the plot thickened even further when they   also learned that he had booked a ticket on  february 1st the day he was reported missing   the day the john doe was found this ticket was  from los angeles international airport to dallas   this extremely strange and seemingly nonsensical  twist in the investigation took the detectives   down a rabbit hole which led to a dead end  the only other thing they learned was that on   february 1st a man matching david's description  got a taxi from a hotel in dallas to fort worth   international airport the taxi driver said that  the man was extremely nervous and fumbled to pay   him with a wad of a hundred dollar bills with no  other information to go off the case went cool   ten years would pass then in 2003  a patrol detective named pat didder   made a connection between david's case and  that of the unknown john doe in washington   if you hadn't guessed already the two men were one  and the same this was confirmed after a dna test   david was the john doe who died in a supposed  hidden run sixteen hundred miles from his home   this was a huge discovery the mystery surrounding  the whereabouts of david glenn lewis had been   solved but even though that mystery now had an  answer we can't really classify david's case   as being complete there are still a whole bunch  of unanswered questions pertaining to his death   why was he in washington in the first place  how did he get there why was he wearing a   military uniform when he died why had he  secretly booked these bizarre plane tickets   what business did he have in los angeles did  he really book the tickets on his own accord   or was he taken against his will did any of this  have to do with the threats made to david's life   was the hidden ram really an accident no one has  ever been able to answer any of these questions   still the police have discounted foul play and  the investigation into david's case has officially   ceased so there we have it the two mysteries of  the akima county john doe and the whereabouts of   david glenn lewis turned out to be one big mystery  after all still the puzzle remains incomplete the   unanswered questions being the missing pieces it's  an intriguing case one that continues to baffle   professional investigators and internet sleuths  alike even all these years later hopefully one   day we'll have some answers and david's family  can have the closure they so desperately crave   let's send things with a relatively  infamous british case that of jeremy   bamba the man who murdered five members of  his own family or did he the year was 1985   the setting tulsa and darcy essex at some time  on the night of august 6 or the early morning   of august 7th most of the bamber family were  wiped out with a rifle in their own farmhouse   this included neville and june bamber both  age 61 their adopted daughter sheila 28   and sheila's twin sons daniel and nicholas  both six in total 25 shots have been fired   when the police broke into the locked farmhouse  they saw obvious signs of a struggle the telephone   hanging off its receiver and of course the  remains of the family the only bamber to have   survived the whole ordeal was neville and june's  other adopted child jeremy bamba then aged 24.   jeremy claimed to have been a few miles away  in the family home when the killings took place   at first the investigators assumed sheila  the adopted daughter was the one responsible   she had a history of schizophrenia and was  going through a delusional episode at the   time of the slayings saying that the people  around her were being influenced by evil   they theorized that almost in the midst  of this particularly horrific episode   she took out her loved ones and  then turned the gun on herself   someone had carved the words i hate this place  into some cupboard drawers in the farmhouse   so it appeared as if she had simply snapped  case closed stray well not exactly one month   after the incident their suspicion switched over  to the only surviving bamba jeremy jeremy's then   girlfriend came forward and told the police  that her boyfriend had been planning to kill   his entire family for a long time and that  he knew he could make sheila the scapegoat   his motivation was apparently a hefty  inheritance his parents often refused   to help him out with money and jeremy resented  this he was going to take what was rightfully his   she even claimed he had spent time strangling  rats to see if he was capable of killing   on the back of her confession jeremy was arrested   told the detectives that his girlfriend was  lying because he had just broken up with   her and that he had no interest in his family's  fortune still they went ahead and prosecuted him during the trial the prosecutors alleged that  jeremy had cycled to the farmhouse in the early   hours of august 7th and undercover of darkness  entered through the downstairs bathroom window   he took the rifle which the family kept in the  farmhouse attached a silencer and began to pick   off his relatives one by one he shot his father  six times in the face and twice in the chest   his mother seven times his nephews  five and three times respectively   and his sister twice the shots have been made  from both long and close range suggesting   he finished his victims off up close and then  took pop shots at their bodies from a distance   he then arranged the scene to make it appear as if  sheila was the killer remove the silencer from the   rifle and placed it in the drawer it was usually  kept in the drawer in which the police found it   the prosecutor stated that if sheila had  really been the killer she wouldn't have   bothered putting the silencer back the  reason they believed the silencer had   been used in the first place was because  of scratch marks found on the walls which   had likely been made by the silencer  scraping against it during a struggle   at one point a truly damning piece of evidence  was presented to the court jeremy claimed that   his father recalled him during that fateful night  and told him that sheila had a gun and was going   berserk this call was his main defense it proved  he wasn't at the farmhouse and that sheila had   been using the gun however it was determined that  no such call had ever been made why would jeremy   have lied about receiving such a call if he wasn't  in fact the one responsible for the whole ordeal on top of this jeremy just presented  himself in a negative light   he'd gone on holiday to america shortly after his  family then wiped out and during the trial when   a prosecutor accused him of lying he coldly  replied that is what you have to establish ultimately he was found guilty of all five counts  of murder the judge described him as warped and   evil beyond belief and told him he'd spend the  rest of his life behind bars well that's the thing   a lot of people aren't sure that jeremy actually  did it including forensic experts let's quickly   go over why a large number of people believe the  conviction was a massive miscarriage of justice   firstly the testimony of jeremy's  girlfriend is questionable to say the least   she claimed that jeremy had long been planning  the murder of his family but it's very possible   she was lying the pair had just broken up because  she caught jeremy cheating on her only then did   she come forward to the authorities telling them  he was guilty not to mention she quickly sold   her story to a newspaper but 25 000 pounds the  equivalent of more than 74 000 pounds in today's   money a hundred thousand in american dollars she  certainly had a monetary incentive to lie add on   to that a history of lying in the past as well and  her story starts to become a lot less believable   secondly there are inconsistencies with  the photographic evidence in the case   the crime scene itself was terribly secure by  the police with plenty of the evidence being   tampered with or destroyed outright remember  the scratches on the wall made by the silencer   well these scratches were later proven not to  have been made during that fateful night but as   much as a month later those scratches were vital  in proving the silencer had actually been used   if it hadn't then it becomes more plausible  that sheila may have been the killer after all   despite many people professing his innocence  jeremy bamba remains in prison to this day   he still denies his gold this was a very  condensed telling of the white house farm murders   if this case beat your interest i highly  recommend doing some research on your own   as there's a whole bunch of details i  had to leave out for the sake of time   luckily there's plenty of  information about this one online   it's certainly a case that you can spend hours  getting lost in happy sleuthing lazy legion   hey guys lazy here and thank  you very much for listening   i hope you enjoyed this video and if you did be  sure to smash that like button or i'll smash you   a huge thank you to robin mickelson for making  the thumbnail for this video links to his stuff   down in the bio and also a huge thank you to  all my supporters on patreon and here on youtube   especially my biggest supporters monica mendoza  crawford k mcdonald stephen cherylakin tom king   alex greensaul philip westra procupadineta gina  valera charlie lackey anime wimp sarah ramirez   sloane crawford nadine connor lothan decaying girl  sieg kyle r infamous empappy album adrano azrael   warakai lord 210 the only dorita ricky cohen jr or  a dragon one hungry and hammered leonardo martinez   the lekki expand on kiwi grenadier phantom  knight hamish k and alicia l thank you guys   so much for your continued support it really  helps the channel out that wraps things up for   this one guys keep your eyes peeled for the next  video and i'll see you all again very very soon   until then stay spooky and remember  the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 920,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: unsolved mysteries, solved mysteries, lazy masquerade, scary true stories, true horror stories, scariest video ever, deeply disturbing, creepy photos with backstories, mr nightmare, corpse husband, lets read, nexpo, reignbot, top 10, Asmr, audiobook, maskarade, skin walkers, yandere, creepy mysteries, mysterious, caught on camera, ghosts, true crime, new, best, most, long video, 2chan, reddit stories, horror 2021, British accent, halloween, study music, scary true mysteries, misteries
Id: WqCTGwS7yrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 55sec (1435 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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