5 Grand Champions vs. 1 Secret Diamond (Rocket League Odd Man Out)

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yo guys so today we have a special show match for you if you've heard of a channel called jubilee they have a series called odd man out well this is the rocket league addition to that so to make this possible i found five grand champions and one fake grand champion who is actually diamond 3. these participants will go through a series of rounds and at the end of this video if the remaining grand champions have voted out the fake grand champion they will split the prize but if the fake grand champion the diamond 3 is still in the game by the end he will take the entire prize for himself oh you want to know what the prize is the prize will be 6 500 let's get right into the fun to make this a little easier to know who is who i had each player change their in-game name so we have blue bazooka green gumdrop purple panda pink pulled up what's wrong listen i know you're trying to get this video started but did you know that 86.5 percent of people who watch your videos unsubscribed wait that many people yes sibo and until that improves i don't think i can do this video purple panda ain't cheap all right it looks like in order for me to afford a purple panda i'm gonna need more of you to subscribe and unlike this expensive purple panda pressing the subscribe button is free but as i was saying we also have pink pretzel orange orange and yellow yuckers for this round the players will be split into two teams and play a standard two and a half minute game let's pay close attention and see if we can get some intel on who our fake player is purple panda wastes no time and gets right up into the air ooh okay so green gum drop with the first questionable play of the match oh yeah the players are muted in discord so they have to coordinate without any voice communication this will force them to pay close attention to the other participants yellow yiker is looking pretty good that's going to be a grand champ type steel right looks like he couldn't get it past purple panda though nope and yellow yikers played protective with that cop out on the wall and now green gumdrop gets some time in the spotlight wow pink pretzels with a pretty flashy awkward save there orange orange jumping around in goal but ooh gets a really nice half flip only grand champs can do that right green gumdrop gets a powerful hit against the backboard and it looks like purple panda secures the goal i wonder if you could tell the difference between a grand champ quick chat and a diamond 3 quick chat i'll give you an overhead view too so you can maybe look at the way the players are rotating or maneuvering around the pitch to see if you can spot the diamond [Music] foreign remember this observation round will only last two and a half minutes you have any guesses on who the fake gc is yet let's check in with our participants to see if they have any early suspicions so actually my two biggest suspects are my teammates you may think this is because your teammates are trash but orange orange was whiffing some stuff bro that's my guess for now i am suspicious of gumdrop he doesn't seem to have much mechanical skill and although he does have the game sense as he made a few passes it's hard to judge off of you know just a half game i definitely think that he is high on the suspicions right now uh can i just can i say myself so myself my 70 points was not it um green grum job rotations were a little bit suspect you know i want to see i didn't see much of orange but i was too focused on not messing up my own gameplay that i hadn't really i didn't really see what the others were doing uh triple musti reset flick off i do those in my sleep to be honest can we like can we can we dribble on other people is that something we can do like one do you want maybe what if we set up like 1v1 oh powershot we will do powershots shots that's a good idea [Music] oh i missed take gt boys we're trying to take used look at that beautiful man in the profile picture that actually you it is me oh man got some googly eyes oh he's going for the ground pitch okay oh my god i'm bad fine it's fine if i'm not breezy flicking this then what's the point bro [Music] free pre-jumping off ceiling [Music] okay that's for less oh okay far downstairs [Music] each voting round the players dm either picks to keep things anonymous so we had our two and a half minute observation round and that power shot challenge was that enough to make a good guess i wonder how the fake gc is feeling right now well by the looks of it it seems green gumdrop is the first player out so yeah so about the power shots uh i couldn't set myself up because normally when i've when i'm playing with my friends it's usually them past me and i just bang the ball but i can't do it myself you're best off while play off wall yeah you just dribble it off the wall and you do something with it yeah we could do that all right i'm done we all in agreeance hell yeah agreeing noise [Music] and the first round i was like stressing because i did not do well off the wall looks like purple panda is the first player to score in this round these are grand champs right i'm off ceiling research triple mustang oh oh oh oh no i'm crying oh okay king i don't know bro i can't even tell for real who's that who's the non-gc it's crazy we haven't done dribbling yet flick yeah we can do it yeah from the mid or from the other net left to right right gang all right okay upper right click i'm gonna do like a breezy wait i'm going to take it back [Music] indecisive yellow or pink oh [ __ ] okay gotta be i gotta make the clip [Music] clean i hope you guys are ready because like the youtube comments are the most toxic thing in the world and prepare yourselves for them to say those guys are grand champ whoa i'm proud this may just make the rank first i think [Music] and the dribble he didn't really attempt anything he wasn't really attempting to he's trying to play it safe um i'm thinking you know propane was kind of fuss that click was uh not exactly very strong around there but the flick one i was the only one that got it top right so hopefully i'm chilling oh dude i was i was still thinking purple panda like the whole time i'm not gonna lie that was a rough round the first shot was all right the second shot i just completely whiffed it so i mean uh the only person that did worse than me was orange so but before the voting round started it looks like our participants had a little bit of fun [Music] round two is definitely a little bit closer sometimes all it takes is one little mistake or weak shot to be named the fake grand champion it's as if grand champions aren't supposed to make any mistakes ever but for round two purple panda is the one who's voted off man i messed up that one flick and they didn't like that at all i'm disappointed that's not all it takes to get gc that's that's all i got to say i think honestly where we should we should probably have like a talk about our rocket league like our honest journey all right boys what rank was the hardest few to get out of uh diamond in ones that's not what i'm talking about i think champ three just because everyone thinks that they're better than they are it was definitely diamond three i was diamond three champ one for so long dude so from one season i just went from flat 3 to champ two and i think definitely the coaching helps but at the same time flat pilates flat and champ three are hard to get out of orange what about you uh probably d3 for me because i feel like everybody's just so inc that was inconsistent down there oh my god that's like some kid it's when double flippers and the next guy can't get a basic clear like what are you doing you get the most toxic people in that rank too i swear yeah well what about you what was your hardest rank dude like diamond diamond two diamond three it's such a weird mix of skill level how long have you been playing this game i have been i okay i'll go i guess yeah i guess you can go i guess because i just made myself gc double committing um i started playing around season 10. well i'm not gonna lie to you guys i started in season one but like i should definitely be a high rank considering how much i've played dude i've played on ps4 and i played on xbox before i got on pc how would like the 1v1 situations go now even your damn 1v1s bro with less people i swear every gt i talk to his diamond two at once okay okay neutral goes right to him so neutral dude what this is actually just a champ three oh god dude oh god dude tell me i'm not a gc after that miss [Laughter] i guess rotate back with infinite boosts that's a little unneutral i won't go i'm faking oh okay they just look a little close to me but not like the head i do have low camera settings yes all right check orange oh no oh i got you don't use if you don't use camera shaker did you guys see the tournament 100 boost kickoff i can't even speed i just realized you got an actual logo for your name i was praying someone would notice that all the that's hilarious dude as round three ended i was receiving the votes and i had to get some clarification from yellow yeker's on his vote and while i was tabbed out of the game it seemed something weird was going on too just let it happen just let it happen just sleep my sweet okay it's okay my we're here we're here for you we're here for you baby that third round was awesome we definitely got to know those guys better at this point the participants were not sure if they had already voted the grand champion off but the votes still went through and the player who will be leaving us is orange orange i don't know dude i got shake and baked in that 1v1 so if the flags around the pitch turn green you have voted off the fake grand champion but if the flags turn red the diamond 3 is still among us [Music] get it let's get it there we go easy who was it could the non-gc please drive forward and disclose your name oh dude uh so my name is club lee actually and uh i'm the fake gc go to diamond three diamond three did we give him like an honorary champ title he beat that he beat out two gt's right he beat out two gc's yeah yeah let's knight him [Music] [Applause] all right there you have it if you enjoyed the video please let me know by pressing that like button i had a ton of fun making this and if you want to see more click that little red box below the right side of the video the participants have their socials linked in the description so please go check out that and uh yeah other than that we'll see you next week later
Channel: CBell
Views: 3,142,674
Rating: 4.9455342 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket League Odd Man Out, Rocket league vs, Rocket league diamond, rocket league showmatch, Rocket League 5 grand champions vs 1 diamond, rocket league ranks, rocket league rank challenges, rocket league video, Cbell, rocket league, Rocket League Diamond vs. grand Champion, Rocket league rank differences, rocket league fun, cbell rocket league, rocket league rank wars, rocket league guess the rank, rocket league moment, Rocket League Among Us, Rocket League Tasks
Id: zl-tqcmdTE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 01 2020
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