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all right good evening good evening i am having wi-fi issues in this hotel that i'm in so i'm actually i actually had to come off of the wi-fi and um on my data plan hopefully this is coming through um i'm not going to really get started until i can figure out if it's really working or not if you're coming in let me know if if my signal is good um hello hello nicole hello hello uh as you come in let me know if my signal is good uh you're good hello all good all right because i'm actually on my data plan the internet would not work it's wi-fi they say okay all right so i'm doing good i'm good clarity perfect okay great they said i'm good lee well i'm glad to be with you all tonight i'm i'm a little tired i've been working very hard um yeah i've been working very hard i have this private mentoring group that i've been working with for the last eight weeks since our first queenology cyber event and that's been working me and i'm also getting all of the the content for the second part of the training for reigning queenology 2.0 part 2 which is happening december 5th and 6th if you've not registered for that you need to do so and so this is why i've been a little scarce it's because i've really been working behind the scenes doing all of these other things but i had this this particular subject matter on my heart tonight and however you can share this i need you to share it because i believe that the spirit of god really just dropped this in my heart for those of you who um may be struggling with you know just finally breaking free from a person that you've been clearly so tied to you know um it's like it's like you've you've tried to move on you said it's over or they said it's over or they left you but you know your heart is still there or you tried to leave them but somehow um you're still caught up and you're still hung up emotionally and you're still tired and it's been months maybe even a year or more and you're still you're still tied up and you're trying to figure out how do i move forward you know you're still having all of these emotional issues behind this relationship that didn't work and i was really thinking about i was really thinking and i guess you could say i was even praying about those of you who are in that state because i i hear from a lot of you and um the spirit of god just really and i want you to hear me the spirit of god really just kind of brought me to this place where he made it very plain for me um that the only way you can really break through this and come out of this is that for some of you for the first time in your life you are really going to have to shift your life in a spiritual direction now i did not say religious direction there's a big big difference and those of you that know me know that i'm a pastor and i'm the son of a pastor grew up in church around religion all of my life and the one thing i've learned is that there is a vast difference between religion what is religion and what is spiritual what is spiritual ushers into our lives the life of god when you tap into things that are spiritual it brings the life of god it brings the peace of god it brings the rest that only god can provide it brings the peace it brings the balance to your life religion quite often you know brings a lot of confusion and judgments and all of these other things but you're gonna have to for the first time in your life really shift your life into a spiritual direction and i want you to stay with me as i unpack what the holy spirit has given me for you tonight now i know a lot of you attention deficit disorder and i i kind of struggle with that myself but i would admonish you to stay with me tonight don't just chime in and then you know jump over there to see somebody doing whatever i need you to stay with me tonight if you if you have your bibles um in second corinthians chapter number 10 there's a powerful powerful text that i want us to look at in second corinthians chapter number 10 and this is going to help you to begin to understand why listen to me this is going to begin to help you to understand why you have these unhealthy toxic ties to a person that in your right mind you know did no good for you meant no good towards you and you do not need in your life but yet there's a part of you that is addicted to this person and is longing for this person in second corinthians chapter 10. verses four and five it says for the weapons are we all rightly okay for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through god i don't see any comments on him wondering if okay i'm good but mighty through god to the pulling down of strongholds and if you have your bibles underline that word or that term strongholds and then verse 5 goes on to say casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of god and bringing into captivity every thought and obedience of christ when i when i look at this text i see a reference to soul ties and i'll tell you why when he says for the weapons of our warfare not carnal but mighty through god to the pulling down of strongholds that term is a reference to um a fortress stronghold was a fortress that you know one army could stay in in rather but to keep an advancing army out and it was a fortress that kept the advancing army from getting in it locked one army in it locked the opposing army out so when we look at this in terms of the psychology and the spiritual makeup of a person what is a stronghold a stronghold is a a mint it's a it's a mindset that builds up walls around a certain way of thinking a habit an addiction a toxic relationship and this this this mindset this stronghold builds a wall around this particular um [Music] way of thinking or addiction and what it does is it locks the dysfunctional thinking in to your mind into your soul while it keeps anything that might oppose it and destroy it out so this is how you can have built up in somewhere in your mind an addiction to a person that another part of you knows very well is is not good and has never been good for your life this is how you can be a christian and you can know the bible and you can pray in all these other things and many times you can't seem to get to the root of this attachment this bond that is between you and this individual it's because it's a stronghold and then if you look in verse 5 of second corinthians 10 he goes on to say casting down imaginations and this is how stronghold works it creates imaginations in you know in your mind that these imaginations then create the pursuit of the thing you're imagining and then it goes on to say and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of god what does that mean there's you know the word of god you know the knowledge of god you know what god has for you but this stronghold that's in your locked in your soul it causes you it it it challenges the things that you know are in alignment with god and then it says in bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of christ so i wanted to just kind of unpack that for you so now let me jump in because i think i have one two three i have six points that i want to give you tonight if you're writing a good time to get your your pad or whatever you're going to use number one how do we begin to dismantle how do we begin to [Music] disrupt let go of people that we've been tied to number one listen to this very carefully you must discover maybe a better word is discern you must discern what level the bond or the tie is on you must discern what level the tie or the bond is on i'm going to break it down for you in other words you must figure out what level you are tied to this person on now this means that you will need a divine perspective of your heart right here what we what we're in need of is a a divine ultrasound of our own souls so that i can discern where where is this tie because soul ties many times are kind of like have you ever had an itch in your body and you couldn't figure out where it's at and you just you just trying to scratch this hitch but you can't figure out where it's at or where it's coming from soul ties many times are like that you have this bond you have this tie but you can't necessarily figure out you don't know exactly where it's coming from you don't know why the attachment is there why the bond is so strong you don't you you know you don't even like the way this person looks if you had sex with them they probably wouldn't even very good in bed you know they don't have money they probably don't even have good hygiene but yet there's something that okay now watch this if if you look in in psalms 139 23 and 24 point number one you must discern what level the bond is on this is going to require what the participation of god this is why i'm saying to you for some of you for the first time in your life you're gonna have to take your life in a spiritual direction now i already hear you you know i hear the religion that has been programmed into you well you know i i haven't been to church in 15 20 years so i know god is god doesn't want to hear me bay god loves you god loves you god loves you god loves you i've never been a religious person so i know i god is not going to deal with me you know i did i committed this and i committed that's and i slept with this many people you know i stole i did this man god doesn't care anything about that god has just been waiting on you to recognize that you need and so now you're gonna have to take your life in a spiritual direction if you're going to discern what level the bond is on because god is the only one that can reveal this to you god is the only one that can reveal to you the hidden things of your heart listen to what psalms 139 23 and 24 says says search me o god and know my heart try me and know my thoughts and see if there be any wicked way in me and lead me in the way everlasting now when he says search me he's not he's not he's not insinuating that god is unaware of what's there what he's really asking god to do is to scan my own heart for me and allow me to know my own heart there are things in me father that only you can see and only you can reveal and i need a divine ultrasound of my own soul so he says search my heart god hallelujah and know my thoughts and and show me if show me all of the wicked ways in me and then lead me in in the everlasting path now under point number one you must discern what level the bond is on there few a few uh things that i've jotted down here relative to potential ties and i want you to just pray about this and ponder it this is not exhausted of course there are other things that could be the case but when we start talking about discerning what level the the bond or the tie is on i put letter a sometimes you're tied by deferred hope sometimes you are tied to toxic people narcissist sometimes your soul tied because of deferred hope and what is deferred hope deferred hope is that it simply means that this individual painted a picture for you that life was going to be this way and your hopes were this person let you on to believe that you all were going to have a fantasy life and you invested your heart and you you invested your hope into this and now even though they are gone and you know at least on the surface the relationship is is broken your heart is still tied because your hope is still planted and listen to what the bible says in proverbs 13 and 12 hope deferred maketh the heart sick i love this text hope deferred maketh the heart sick in other words i can i can soul tie you if i can sell you um a dream and then never fulfill it there there will unless there isn't a divine a supernatural spiritual intervention in your life where somebody awakens you to the trap you've fallen into i can sell you a dream withhold the dream and i can live i can create a stronghold in your mind and i can live in your soul for the rest of your life unless somebody intervenes and shows you that this is bondage that's all unforgiveness is it's a it's a stronghold in the mind when you when you refuse to forgive a person it means that that person has is occupying space in your soul so sometimes you're tied because you had such hopes and those hopes were never fulfilled and then what has happened as a consequence of the hope being deferred put off put off put off i'm constantly waiting on it to happen it never happened now the relationship ends but now what what what happens as a consequence of the hope being deferred now you you've destroyed my capacity to trust and so though i try to move on and i try to advance my life relationally i don't know why my relationships don't work it's because all of the the broken hope or the deferred hope has destroyed my capacity to trust anybody i can't move forward until i can get free from this stronghold so sometimes you're tired by deferred hopes you know somebody said i'm gonna marry they never marry you you know i got you i'ma hold you down leave your job i'ma hold you down and they take the occasion uh to to manage and manipulate you and control you and when they have the resources and it never turns out the way you intend it and then you become cynical now you don't believe that you know all men are dogs there's no such thing as a happy relationship there are no men out here that are really faithful and all of this kind of thing well that's that's your brokenness talking because your hope has been dashed so many times and you don't realize it you may be 10 15 years up the road but you're still tied to to harrow who destroyed your hopes back in 2005. okay letter b sometimes you're tied by perversion sometimes you're tied by perversion all of this is under number one you must discern what level the bond is on sometimes you're tied by deferred hope let it be sometimes you're tied by perversion this is when a man listen to this very well now listen to me very carefully this is when a man has brought you sometimes even a woman does it to a man this is when a person has brought you to sexual levels that you subconsciously watch this believe because of where they've brought you usually it's in the case of a man on a woman brought you to sexual levels that you subconsciously believe that no one no one can fulfill you or you believe that you are no longer good enough for another person this is why i say to women all of the time if you consent to sex before marriage at least be wise enough not to let a man push your sexual limits beyond your personal um limits because when a man insists on pushing your sexual limits beyond what you're comfortable with what that man is doing demonically and intentionally is he is soul tying you because a man can a man can plant himself in a woman's soul if he pushes her beyond the limits that she's sexually comfortable with and then he'll push that limit and and then and then you say okay i'll settle for that but then he'll push you again and the further he pushes you what he's doing is he's anchoring himself in your soul through perversion see the thing you have to understand about about lust lust will lust will play itself off as love but love fulfills lust is never fulfilled love has limits lust never has there are no limits to lust it goes further and further and further and further and deeper and deep and deep and once you go beyond the limits that you were comfortable with there is then subconsciously the the degeneration of your own value in your own mind in other words you begin to see yourself as worth as being worth less and so this this creates a toxic and demonic bond or tie because now subconsciously you don't believe that you know you're worthy of of a decent man you feel like in your mind you feel like you're um used you feel like you are abused goods and you know none of this is true of course but it's the way you it it's the way you now perceive yourself as a consequence of this perversion that has tied you and so you try to move on but you're tied by perversion let us see sometimes you're tied by personal insecurities bishop i just don't know why i don't know why i can't let this man go i don't know why it's that is that deferred hope it's that it's that spirit of perversion that he intentionally introduced into your life and then sometimes it's just you're tired by your personal insecurities you have subconsciously found your identity and your sense of value in your um [Music] relationship with this individual you know you you found okay let me show you how this works practically you you found um your social circle with this individual um all your social medias this individual people know you by being attached to this individual and what really happened is that you kind of lost yourself in the process of pursuing this individual and so now that this person now that this person is gone physically emotionally you are still trapped in the closet because you invested you know that's subconsciously you find your identity and you find your sense of value in your connection to that individual and then sometimes let a d you you're just bound by trauma you know it's it's the trauma bond it's that you know person brings you through so much that they just get locked in your soul and now but once you understand how you're tied it's it's um then that you can begin to dig up the the root of the connection but see now i just brought you through a few things that just can't kind of ran over you know the tops of my head but i need you to really pray and ponder pray and panda pray and ponder what did i tell you beginning out in the beginning of this rather for the first time some of you are going to have to take your lives in a spiritual direction and i want you to really ask the holy spirit reveal to me where this tie is reveal to me where this bond is made you see and allow the holy spirit to give you clarity you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free all right so number one was you must discern what level the bond is on so we pray tonight that the holy spirit will give you clarity and discernment relative to [Music] where this particular bond or tie that you have to this individual where does it um [Music] stem from now number two begin to ask the holy spirit once once you feel like you have an idea where where the tie stems from or originates from number two begin to ask the holy spirit to uproot everything in you that is not righteous begin to ask the holy spirit to uproot everything in you that is not righteous now few things you got to consider here when when you get to point number two first thing you got to do is you you got to repent you got to repent for your part in the process you got to repent for the sin you got to repent for having made a a god out of a person you have to repent for allowing an individual to have so much control over your life that you put god and everything and everybody else to to the back you have to repent so that you can what clear the way for the holy spirit to be able to move in your life and then you have to invite the holy spirit to come into your life and to take out everything that god did not put in your life once you've gotten the revelation of your heart and you've gotten a revelation of the areas that were compromised to create this soul tie you must now turn your attack spiritual and solicit the power of god to break this bondage now soliciting the power of god is a lot different than they taught us in in in church you know in church they almost you got to have a certain tone of voice and you got to holler and scream and sweat and fall out on the floor and all of this kind of thing no no no you don't no you don't all you got to do you're sitting here watching me tonight all you have to do sitting right there in your bedroom sitting right there on your job on the plane train wherever you are all you have to do in the quietness of your own spirit just say to god i need you it's simple as that religion has made it so complicated when it's really so simple god i need you i need you to i need you to manifest yourself this is beyond me i need you i need you holy spirit to take out everything from my life that you did not plant here those things that i allowed and those things that i went and created on my own that are creating a bondage in my soul i need you now i need you now to help me wow boy i can feel god here i promise you i can feel god in psalms 51 and 10 it says create in me a clean heart o god and renew a right spirit within me show me my ways and now father i need you to create in me are you starting to see something here this is beyond you you you it's amazing how we have the capacity to create our own bondage but we do not have the power to break it we have the capacity when we move away from god to create our own bondage but we do not have the capacity apart from god to break it and all i'm endeavoring to do tonight is to bring you back to god you've been you've been told and you've been trying to figure out how do i break this soul ty how do i break this bond ask the holy spirit to show you where is the origination of this tie and then number two begin to ask the holy spirit to uproot everything that is unrighteous take it out of me god going back to um going back to second corinthians 10 3 and 4 he says for though we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through god to the pulling down of strongholds i'm introducing you to spiritual weapons that you did not even know you had and what is your greatest spiritual weapon the access to the father's presence when you get into the presence of god anything that did not come from god is made subject why why why okay why do you think this tied to this individual is so strong babe though he says though we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh you you're looking at life through carnal lenses when the reality is this stuff that you're dealing with is demonic it is spiritual it's on a spiritual level you thought you was just having sex you thought you was just having a relationship a man with a woman you didn't realize that you were opening and opening spiritual doors and entertaining spirits and the only way out of this is to turn your life spiritual and to invite the holy spirit to come into your life and to uproot everything and anything that did not come from him though we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh you got to change you got to shift your thought from carnality this is why in many of these cases we can even go to psychologists and therapists and even pastors for counseling and nothing happens it's because there are some things that you just can't counsel out the holy spirit has to be invited in come on now come on now don't let me bring you to church tonight some of y'all haven't gone in a while but i feel like i'm about to bring you there tonight there's some things you just can't counsel out some things you can't medicate out there's some things you've got to have the power of the holy spirit and this thing that you're dealing with you know it's not natural it's not natural for you to long for somebody that abuse you you have better sense than that you're not out of your mind it's not natural for you to to be almost like you're addicted to this person and this person absolutely has nothing no thing to offer spiritual so you gotta invite the holy spirit to come in and to uproot all of the stuff that did not come from him anything that's not anything that's not righteous god take it out of my life take it out of my life okay now watch this number three let me hurry up because i'm talking too long number three now you got a quarantine we know a little bit about quarantine and now don't we we know about quarantine america didn't know too much about quarantine but we know about we know we know what a quarantine is now and that's the same thing as um no contact you while while the holy spirit is doing his work revealing to you the source of this and then you in you inviting the holy spirit to take all of this stuff up out of you now your job is to quarantine you can't you cannot continue to go into the the infected area and think that you're gonna ever get better you you keep reinfecting yourself every time you every time you pick up your phone to go and look at what this person is doing on snapchat instagram facebook youtube you you what you're doing is you're reinfecting yourself you have to quarantine how do you get control of a virus dr fauci you got to quarantine you got you must quarantine this is where watch this this is where personal initiative comes in after you have done all of the spiritual work of asking the holy spirit to show you on what level is this tie this bond after you've invited the holy spirit number two to come in and to uproot anything that is not righteous from your life now you must set yourself atta set yourself aside quarantine the bible calls it sanctification what is what is sanctification it simply means to set yourself apart it thank you lisa it's social distancing you can't sit here and watch me for four 45 minutes or an hour tonight and say amen and type a man and then you know you still got this individual in your inbox you still watching every move they make every time they make a post you got the bell ringing and all no no you got a quarantine if you're serious about getting better if you want to get healthy you got a quarantine you have to make the decision to separate yourself from this person holy spirit's not going to do that for you holy spirit will show you the the origination the holy spirit will begin to pull that stuff up out of your life but the holy spirit is not going to quarantine you this is where you have to play a part you have to make a choice that i desire health and wholeness and the only way i can get this is that i have to pull away and i have to sanctify and set myself apart from this toxic individual powerful powerful text found in second corinthians second corinthians 6 and 17 if you all can share this i need you to share this really there's so many people that need to hear this second corinthians 6 and 17 says wherefore come out from among them now who's understood due to coming out you it's understood that you have to come out god ain't going to pull you out he says wherefore come out from among them and be ye separate saith the lord and touch not the unclean thing and i will receive you now watch this god says if you want me to embrace you with all of my power and with all of the liberty that i bring all of the peace and the joy that i bring he says you got to leave that alone you got to leave that alone you got to come on out of that and then i'm going to receive you he says but you're not going to try you're not going to try to hold on to me grab a hold of me and then still reaching back trying to hold on to that it's going it's going to be either me or me or them you you got to choose so as long as you still vacillating and you don't make the decision see you got to choose your pain i tell you all the time you have to choose your pain you got to choose the you got to choose your pain you have to choose either you're going to experience the lifelong pain of having wasted your life on something god never gave you and something that you always deserved better than or you're going to go through the pain of cutting ties with this individual hurting for a little while and healing very soon and getting healthier and better choose your pain choose your pain you're going to either experience the pain of wasting year after year decade after decade and wake up at the end of your life and realize you've wasted your life on something that never gave anything back or you're going to experience the pain of quarantining that's the problem with america right now we don't go through the pain of of pulling away from our normal lives you're going to either go through the pain of pulling away from this individual now hurting a little bit healing very soon and getting healthier than ever or you're gonna go through the pain of wasting your life and then get to the end of your days and realize you've wasted your life on something that you always deserved better than and then number four number four now we start off with um we start off number one with getting we must discern what level the bond is on the holy spirit must show us that that's through prayer and pondering number two begin to ask the holy spirit to uproot everything that is that is not righteous number three quarantine now this brings me to number four this brings me to number four um [Music] which is now you must center your soul see you cannot center your soul until you are quarantined in other words you can't bring balance to your soul until you are quarantined until you have put distance between you and the virus ah you have to now number four you must center your soul you see because soul ties soul ties are the product of spiritual imbalance now listen to that very carefully soul ties are always the product of spiritual imbalance in other words you're out of you're out of balance spiritually you see we're three parts we're spirit soul and body and we are three parts in that order we are spirit soul and body we should be we should lead spiritually the soul should follow the spirit and then the body should be servant to both but in a lot of cases our you know our balance is or our order is body soul and spirit we got the spiritual part of us at the end of the train and we're leading with our flesh and our flesh is dictating to our minds our soul that's what it is your mind your will your emotions your flesh is dictating to you your mind your will and your emotions this is why you run behind every little sexual impulse you have is because your order is body soul spirit and then watch this then you have others who are soul body and spirit which is still out of order you leading with your intellect and your thoughts and you know then your flesh and in your spirit is still last the divine order of god is spirit soul body i told you in the beginning you're gonna have to begin to take your life in a spiritual direction just because you go to church and you own us you're bored and you in there every week doesn't mean you spiritual doesn't mean it there are preachers that are preaching and pastoring churches who are not spiritual you are spiritual when your life has been sensitized to the spirit of god and your life is directed by the will of god the divine order is spirit soul body spirit mind intellect will emotions body when i'm spirit soul body now what happens i begin to overcome all of these so-called weaknesses all of these so-called addictions habits because i'm leading with my spirit i center my soul because my soul needs to be where be it needs to follow the spirit it needs to be between the spirit and the body my soul needs to take orders from my spirit who is sensitive to the spirit of god i'm spirit my soul is centered and now my body follows this is why when a person um this is why when a person comes alive spiritually you can see it on their countenance you know people people often say that there's something about you just looking at you there's something well you know what it is is that i'm i'm authentic from the inside out there's no there's no hint of hypocrisy i am on the outside who i am on the inside because i'm a man whose soul is centered i am spirit i'm sensitive to the holy spirit i live my life based on the dictations of the holy spirit my mind my will and emotions feed off of the health of my spirit and my body is the servant to my spirit and my soul so there's no there's no um contradiction within my members so you have to now begin to center your soul listen to what galatians 5 and 16 says this i say then walk in the spirit and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh your flesh is constantly pulling you he says but now if i can get you to just get in the spirit and center your soul you will not fulfill the lust of your flesh and listen to what romans 12 and 2 says and be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that ye may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of god he says don't be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind the renewing of your soul your mind your will and your emotions and when you renew your soul your soul falls in alignment behind your spirit and you'll not fulfill the lust of the flesh then number five i only have six number five point number five return to your vision you you so you're so preoccupied with um this little clown you got that's all you think about is just this little clown you know i don't mean to just talk like that but sometimes my nerves get bad you just consume with this clown you you soak you so consumed with this little bum that you have forgotten completely about your vision you you've forgotten who you are you've forgotten why you're here you've forgotten what you're supposed to be doing you're sitting up here oh my my you sitting up here looking at me tonight and you consume with a bum a bum you consumed with a bum you've forgotten your vision you you've forgotten your independent purpose for being here and you consume with this and you you you mean to tell me you've given up on why the creator made you you're not even using your gifts you don't even have any more ambition you not reaching for nothing else you so broken because god kicked the bomb out of your life i hear a lot of women broken women to my door way to get over one man is to get under another one that's that's that's that's some of the most stupid stuff i've ever heard in my life the way to get over one man you the reason you got to get over the one you're getting overnight because you got up unto him outside of the will of god you don't need to get you don't need to get up under no other man you need to return to yourself you don't need another man you don't need another man until you have healed until you got your mind right and your soul is centered you need to return to your vision bae why are you here go get up get a legal pad and write down tonight why you exist and stop going around you know ruining everybody's evening talking about this bum don't nobody won't hear nothing about this bum god kick this bum out of your life you need to thank god that he did for you what you couldn't do for yourself now you gotta ah return to your vision return to your vision see because what the holy spirit is going to do is he's going to be once once you center your soul and you begin to open your life up to the holy spirit again he's going to begin to remind you who you are how valuable you are why he created you you've lost all of that you always lose yourself when you run behind someone else you've lost all of that because soul ties divorce you from yourself and your future one of my favorite texts proverbs 29 and 18 where there is no vision the people perish in other words if you don't have a vision if you don't have a glimpse of a preferred future what it's saying is you will have no limits no boundaries no restraints your life can just go full steam off the rails to the right full steam off the rails to the left because you don't have a vision there are no boundaries around you there no there are no defenses but when you when you return to your vision you're gonna have limits when a person begins to cross the line you're going to know they're crossing the line because your vision is going to say no no no you deserve better than that no no no no this this is unacceptable that's not acceptable in fact about it when you get back to your vision and you center your soul and you no longer leading with your flesh you're gonna even know who you should entertain based on your vision your vision is gonna say no he doesn't qualify no no she doesn't qualify no no you gotta get back you gotta return to your vision you're spending all of this time moaning and groaning over this person that is you know just lord help me to say the right stuff i'm trying not to speak like i want to speak you're spending all of this time you know travailing over this this this this little bum this little clown in the crown and you've given no attention to your why you're losing you've lost all of these months in all these years crying and pleading for a bum and you have given no attention to your why do you not understand when you die your legacy is not going to be in who who you slept with or who you are married to your legacy is not going to be in that your legacy is going to be in how much fulfillment how much that you fulfill your why bae you got to get back to your vision if you get back to your vision you're going to have too much to do to be sitting around here depressed over this bum see it's important that you hear this that you really hear what i'm saying because you don't have forever man i'm sitting here tonight i'm talking to y'all i'm 56 years old you know some say hey old that's old enough that's all enough i i know i got more years behind me than i got in front of me that's old enough and it was it was yesterday i was 36 yesterday man time is flying like that you don't have time to waste you don't have time to waste that's why y'all you know i i don't have a whole lot of tolerance for all this foolishness you just keep talking about the same old stuff going over the same old stuff about a man and the little bum you know he won't return the calls and all man please listen to what the bible says in rebekah 2 2-3 says and the lord answered me and said write the vision and make it plain upon tables that he may run that readeth it back to the vision for the vision is yet for an appointed time your vision has an appointed time you do not have time to waste the time you should be spending on pursuing the vision in your heart you're spending worrying if you get back to your vision your vision will begin to heal your heart from the pain of the disconnect and then number six and finally you gotta accept accountability that's all this is you know indirectly this is a form of accountability this is why you know i try my best to be i try my best to be as gentle as possible but i have to say certain things a certain way because some of you have nobody else to hold you accountable and you need to hear it just like this you you don't need me just stroking you and and just coddling your dysfunction no no no you need your dysfunction just shaken up you need the foundation of your dysfunction just broken up and you need somebody to just come in like king kong and hold you accountable for this foolishness that you carrying on because if you don't get a handle on this foolishness if you just keep on living your life in the direction of this foolishness you're going to experience the pain that i don't want anybody to experience and that is the pain that you you will experience when you have wasted your life on a [ __ ] on a bum on a clown in a crown on a hobo when you could have very well just accepted this thing for what it is allowed allow the pain feel the pain experience the pain let the holy spirit heal the pain get whole get better get stronger and do better so somebody got to hold you accountable because if not you've already proven to yourself that you will tolerate this foolishness too long you need somebody that's going to tell you the whole truth and nothing but the truth and some of y'all running from your mamas you running from your daddies you're running from your friends you're because they telling you the truth and you don't want to hear it when are you going to open the door for accountability you're gonna have to have all of us have to have accountability it's hard to see the picture when you're in the frame it's you got to have somebody that's on the outside of the frame looking back into the frame to tell you if you're looking good or not it's hard to see the picture when you're in the frame all of us need what accountability that means you got to find that one or two persons that you tell the whole story to not the dressed up story the real nitty-gritty raw truth so that they can have all of the details they need to know all of your tendencies that after three full days you tend to go back and beg they need to know all of that they need to know all of that they need to know you know that that you that you you stalking this individual all on so you need you need an accountability partner an accountability circle that's going to hold you to the task because listen to what the bible says in romans 15 and 1 we then that are strong i got to go i've been on here hour lisa we then that are strong are to bear the infirmities of the weak all of us have seasons and areas in our lives where we need someone who's stronger than we are all of us all of us all of us you need it i need it we all need it and when you are breaking the grips of a soul tie you're gonna need somebody that's gonna hold you accountable until you're able to hold yourself up because i i'm just i'm i'm i'm completely and totally in faith that this is going to be your last few months in 2020 of running around begging and and uh pleading and crying and and uh stalking and all of this kind of crazy stuff somebody that doesn't even deserve a conversation with you these your last few weeks of that 2021 you're gonna be free you're gonna you're gonna be free and i mean you're gonna be completely free in jesus name i speak and i declare that in jesus name your head gonna be clear your soul's gonna be centered and and you're gonna be on on track to being the strongest and the healthiest you've ever been in your life and your relationships moving forward you will have a greater wisdom a greater discernment and you will never again go through this not not one more time in your life will you go through this again in jesus name i declare that i speak that over your life in jesus name that's my prayer for you tonight that you will never go through this again in jesus name and and the devil is a liar if he thinks that you're going to lose your entire life to a bomb a [ __ ] a hobo a clown in a crown a bottom feeder it's not going to happen the holy spirit is going to show you the holy spirit is going to uproot that stuff out of your life and you're going to center your soul you're going to get back to your vision come on now and freedom is your portion in jesus name that's what i s that's what i supernaturally declare over your life tonight that's what i supernaturally declare over your life tonight in jesus name and i call it done i've been on here for a complete hour which is absolutely ridiculous but i had to get it out and i want you all to know that i love you now listen i need you to go and register y'all moving real slow on my queenology i need you to go to and i need you to register for queenology 2.0 the second part don't forget to stop by amazon pick up the book soul ties those of you that don't have it i have an actual book uh on soul ties breaking or the you know breaking the ties that bind i want you to go to amazon and pick it up and i also have an online program uh titled the same thing soul ties breaking the ties that bind i think i think the program is just 39 i think and i i think it's just 39 look under my online programs and pick it up don't forget those of you that may need counseling of any kind better help is a counseling agency that we have partnered with and when you use the link that's going to be in the description it'll afford you 10 off and then they in turn sow back into the ministry so if you need counseling we recommend better help anything i'm missing lee think that's it uh just know that lisa and i know that we love you know that we love you and know that we're always praying for you and i need you to share this on all of your platforms thank all of you that have sown into our lives tonight i appreciate you i love you i love you for loving lisa and i i think i'm done i i i hopefully will get back and talk to you before the week is out now look i got 891 aydah what'd you say lisa 896 likes and i got 1700 people in here right now can i get can i get uh over a thousand before i get off of here can i get over a thousand before i get off of here my wife said please hit those likes yeah so i love you all i really really do and um i think that's it i'll talk to you i'll talk to you real soon and uh share this everywhere you possibly can god bless you i love you now bye-bye you
Channel: RC Blakes, Jr
Views: 268,450
Rating: 4.9579058 out of 5
Keywords: Dating Advice, Relationships, Christian, Narcissist, R.C. BLAKES
Id: LqKLJbbjaOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 37sec (3757 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 02 2020
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