4 Signs God is Warning You Not to Date Someone

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hey everybody Caroline Roberts here and welcome back to my youtube channel so in today's video we're going to be talking about four signs that God is telling you not to date someone so if you are interested in watching more and definitely stay tuned [Music] so the first sign that God may be telling you not to date someone is when they start revealing their true colors to you so maybe when you first started dating this person they were nice they were like Prince Charming they were like the best thing that you have ever encountered on this earth and everything was going good it seemed like they dropped out of a fairy tale it almost seems as if it was too good to be true and then all of a sudden things start to change and you start seeing the true colors of that person their true colors begin to come to light and God begins to show you some red flags that he wants you to look out for in that relationship do not ignore those red flags do not ignore when you start to see the true colors of that person come to light a lot of times when everything is going good you know we're on our best behavior but when push comes to shove and when you come against some hard and rocky times in your relationship then people get angry a lot of times the things that people say when they're angry though it may not be the things that we want to hear many times there is a root of truth in that or many times that expression is actually how the person feels so when you get to a point in your relationship then there's an argument or a disagreement and that person gets angry look and see how they handle conflicts look and see how they treat you after they're angry with you are they forgiving are they loving are they communicative or is that person manipulative do they change are they abusive definitely look out for the red flags in your relationship if their colors change and their true colors come to light then it could be a sign that God is warning you to stay away from that relationship another sign that God may be telling you this is not the relationship for you is the Lord may lead you to ask this person specific questions about what they and if you see that you're always asking questions and the person is always in disagreement you guys can never agree on anything you guys have two different mentalities you guys have two different belief systems then that is a signal that you are unequally yoked and God does not want you to be in an unequal - yoked relationship aim is three and three and I quote this scripture all the time it says how can two walk together unless they be agreed you cannot have a successful relationship with someone that you are unequally yoked with if you are unequally yoked with someone if they don't have your same faith system if they don't believe in the God that you believe in they don't believe in Jesus then that is a red flag that relationship is not gonna work in a lot of times that will prompt you he'll lead you to ask certain questions that you may not regularly ask but these questions are conversation starters because God wants you to see the red flags and he wants you to be with someone who will push you towards him not pull you away from him so the third sign that God may be telling you that this is not a relationship that you want to be in is that the person has a bad reputation okay so now let me make this clear just because one person tells you something about this person doesn't mean that you know you can't be with them because certain people they'll bring up someone else's past just because they don't want to see you happy just because they don't want to see you in a relationship so that is not what I'm talking about I'm talking about everybody is saying that this person sleeps around they don't even have a good reputation with their family with their mother what does this person's mother have to say about them what does this person's sisters have to say about them if your mother can't even vote for you if your mother is like I hope that he's serious about this relationship or if his sister is like I hope he's finally ready to settle down and you know there's reputable sources maybe your best friend you know heard something or you know a leader at the church is trying to warn you do not ignore those warning signs like that is setting those signs to four if there are multiple sources and especially reputable sources people who are close to you god a lot of times he'll use someone that you respect someone that you honor to tell you and to show you know honey he is not it he may be acting like he's perfect around you he made you may think he is the one but he had two different with you from the way he acts with everybody else you want to be in a relationship with someone who is consistent across the board the same way they treat you is the same way they treat their neighbor is the same way they treat a homeless person is the same way they treat kings and queens that is somewhat of true godly character they don't change depending on their environment they don't change depending on who's around them or what they think they can get out of you if the person you're with changes and acts different just because they're around you then more than likely they want something from you so that is why they give you special treatment so how do they treat other people how do they love and care for other people their family you really want to look at those things and if there is an overwhelming consensus and people are saying this person does not have a good reputation they do not have the right character that's not someone you want to be with and if you are proverbs 31 woman the book of Proverbs says that her husband is respected at the city gate you want a husband who is respected amongst the elders not someone who puts a bad name for your family so that is the third sign that God may be saying maybe this is not the right person for you and maybe this is not a relationship that you want to be in and then the last sign the fourth sign that maybe this is a relationship that God does not want you to be in is you have a check in your spirit remember as a believers we have the Holy Spirit living inside of us the world they like to refer to this as your conscience there's a small voice there's a still small voice inside of you that is telling you when something is not right and you can feel it so you may not understand why you may not feel like you have all the signs and confirmation but that is the sign the fact that you don't have peace the fact that you have a check about it the fact that something is uneasy on the inside of you that your unconquered that means that something is wrong even if everything looks good on the outside if it doesn't feel right on the inside then it is not right for you in a lot of times we don't see what God can see but God sees everything he knows that person's heart he knows their intentions and their motives towards you so trust God when he is revealing these red flags and trust the Holy Spirit trust that instinct inside of you so I hope that you found this video helpful if you did leave it a thumbs up and also I just want to let you guys know that I've been more active on Instagram lately and posting more on there so I want to make sure that I connect with all my subscribers on all platforms so if you are on Instagram do not forget to follow me at Caroline Roberts so I love you guys so much and I'll see you in my next YouTube video until next time bye [Music]
Channel: Karolyne Roberts
Views: 607,044
Rating: 4.943552 out of 5
Keywords: signs god is saving you from a bad relationship, signs god is protecting you from a bad relationship, signs God is telling you something, signs God is trying to tell you something, signs God is keeping you single, signs God is preparing you for marriage, signs God is telling you not to date someone, signs God relationships, signs God singleness, signs God Christian, signs God marriage, Does God want me to date this person, should I date him, should I date her
Id: fD5arkfheeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 16sec (496 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 04 2020
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