Prayer for Future Husband or Wife - Pray Along With Me

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hey everyone caroline roberts here and welcome back to my youtube channel in this video i am going to be doing a prayer for your future husband or wife and a lot of feedback on my last video on how to pray for your future spouse and a lot of you guys suggested that i do a follow-up video that is a pretty long video so that i can lead you guys and praying for your future spouse so the first thing that i want to say is this is not a formula this is not a template this is not like the ultimate prayer for your future spouse it just includes some important topics that i think you should touch on when praying for your future spouse pray is you feel like tweak it if you need to tweak it you don't have to say everything word-for-word like i say it if you want to add to it you can add to it it's just what god is leading you to pray in that moment but before we get started i think that it's important before we go to God in prayer and ask him for something I think that we should go in prayer and just take the time to thank him for who he is take the time to recognize that before any other promise in life he is the ultimate promise he is the ultimate goal pause this video and take out every long you need whether you need 3 minutes 5 minutes 30 minutes to just pray to just worship to get your heart in position to get your heart right just thank you thank God for who he is and then after you finished doing that you can press play again and then we can get started on the prayer so we are gonna get started with this printer and you can repeat after me father I approach your throne with praise and thanksgiving thank you for all you've done for me and all that you continue to do [Music] if you never do anything again you have done enough father your word says [Music] that I can approach your throne of grace with boldness you have declared in your word that he who asks shall receive you have declared in your word that the one who seeks shall find that the door will be opened - the one that knocks father I am praying according to your word and your will [Music] let your will be done in my life [Music] father I am praying this prayer in faith [Music] knowing that you hear me and you will respond [Music] father today I come to you praying on behalf of my future spouse wherever they are right now I cover them under your blood Lord I cancel any attack of the enemy if they do not know you Father I pray they will encounter you remove the taste of sin from their mouth and give them a taste of you let them see that you are good father and move the veil from their eyes Lord lead them to repentance by your love I pray they build a strong and steady relationship with you cause them not to waver cause them not to question or doubt may baby planted as a tree by the streams of water may their roots be grounded may their leaves never wither reveal to them their calling and purpose prepare them for what's to come and prepare them for our marriage God remove every distraction or hindrance remove every snare of the enemy Lord break every generational curse Lord eradicate any witchcraft over their lives [Music] cancel any soul ty stronghold or demonic oppression [Music] God delivered them from bondage [Music] deliver them in every area spiritually financially mentally psychologically and emotionally Lord I declare that they are free from demonic possession I declare that they are free from debt Lord I declare they are free in their mind may they have your perfect peace may they be healed from all emotional wounds break any addiction free them from bitterness unforgiveness low self-esteem shame fear guilt and regret Lord make them free in you helped them to resist temptation may they go through the door of escape may they reach for the light and cling to the truth surround them with godly community and good influences give them godly role models leaders and mentors bring them out of every toxic or unhealthy relationship children from jealous and manipulative people cause them to know your voice [Music] God give them your wisdom speak to them as you have spoken to me [Music] caused us to be on one Accord give us the same mind give us the mind of Christ Lord prepare me for my future spouse [Music] help me to be a better lover and friend help me to grow in the fruits of the spirit teach me love patience kindness goodness joy gentleness and self-control teach me peace give us strength to wait until you bring us together give us peace to know your will when we finally meet Lord we lay down confusion for peace we lay down fear for faith we lay down anxiety for praise God may you have your way in Jesus name Amen amen so I hope that you found this video helpful if you ever feel that need to pray for your future selves and you want to use this video as a resource and you guys can always come back and watch it if you enjoyed this video then definitely leave it a thumbs up and if it's your first time on my channel and don't forget to subscribe thank you so much for watching until next time bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Karolyne Roberts
Views: 295,641
Rating: 4.976696 out of 5
Keywords: prayer for future husband, prayer for husband, declarations for future husband, prayer for a husband to be, future husband to be, don't know how to pray for your future husband, don't know how to pray for my future husband, how to pray for future husband, prayers for future spouse, prayers for future husband, prayer for your future husband, future husband, pray for future, future spouse, how to pray for, husband prayer, wife prayer, spouse prayer, pray for your husband
Id: p1Qkk-ZODK8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 15sec (675 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 10 2019
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