3 Signs God is Telling You To Move

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hey everyone Caroline Roberts here and welcome back to my youtube channel in this video we're going to be talking about three signs that God is telling you to move so if you're interested in watching more than definitely stay tuned [Music] so a lot of times in the Bible God sent men and women to move to different places so that they can come to their new season in life Ruth and Naomi moved to a different place when the season in their life came that Naomi lost all her sons and then after his move she came into a new season where she met Boaz there was also a point in the Bible when God told Abraham to move to a land that he would shove him and he promised that Abraham's descendants would be as the stars in the sky and I want to go to that passage of Scripture today it says in Genesis 12 verses 1 through 2 the Lord said to Abraham go from your country your people and your father's household to the land that I will show you I will make you into a great nation and I will bless you I will make your name great and you will be a blessing I personally have done a lot of moving in the recent past two years my family and I just moved from Atlanta Georgia down to Florida last year and I recognized there specific things that showed me it's time to move it's time to go God is sending you to a new place and I found it so interesting that God told Abraham separate from your people separate from your family and the people and the relationships that you are used to and that brings me to my first point one of the first signs that God is telling you to move is that some of the relationships that you originally had with the people at the place you're at you may not have those relationships anymore he may be ending some relationships and even if you do have certain strong relationships God is still telling you to move he's not just separating you from that place he's not just telling you to move from a place or a land but he's telling you to move away from those relationships some of you guys you still live at home with your parents but you finish school you finish college you're at home you're working you're in your career and God is saying now I want you to spread your wings now I want you to step in faith now it is to move but you love Mama's cooking you love staying rent-free and all that is great for a season it's the right thing for a season it's okay as much as you can save as much as you can stay with family but Jesus says in your own City in your own town those are the people who won't respect you those are the people who won't recognize you and sometimes it's the people close to you who won't recognize the new thing that God is doing in your life and sometimes you need to separate from certain relationships you need to separate from some people who are close to you because God is bringing you to a new place and in order for him to bring you to that new place you can't stay in the comfort of your past relationships you can't stay in a comfort of being babied you can't keep running back to mommy and daddy or running back to those old friends or running back to those little co-workers and asking for their opinion about everything God told me to do this what do you think about it do you think I should do this or do you think it's a dumb idea and instead of being obedient to God and instead of doing what he tells you to do you place more value and more emphasis off of people's opinions and when you come to that place where you're kind of stagnant in your paralyzed because you have the fear of man you're afraid of what people will think you're afraid of separating from people a lot of times it's in those seasons where God will call you to move he's like okay you are too tied to people I need to move you to a place where you will be by yourself I need a movie to a place where there's no distractions there's not all these voices but you can hear me clearly I need to move you to a place where you can trust me I need to isolate you some of you guys feel like you moved and now you're in a season of isolation you may say god I do not have any friends God I do not not know anybody but in this season you're drawing closer to him in this season you're learning to hear his voice there will be a season where he sends the right community where he sends people who will help you build help your vision will push you closer to him but in this season for some of you God just wants you to be separate he doesn't want you to rely on the relationships he doesn't want you rely on the opinions of others it is time to move beloved so that's confirmation for some of you guys who you know God has called you to move but you're like but what about my best friend or but what about you know my family I'm the one who helps them you know pay their bills I'm going to ask to take care of them I know that call me to move here but they need me they need me honey they need God and God will take care of them you are not responsible over them unless they're your kids don't leave your kids behind now but some of us we like to take on this persona of superhero we like to be everyone's Savior and we like to take on a lot of responsibilities of everyone else and we're so busy trying to please everyone else and serve everyone else that we never get busy about God's business we never get busy about doing what He has called us to do so honey God is calling you to a different place and it might just be time to move so that is the first sign that it is time to move when God wants to separate you from certain relationships in your life the second sign that it might be time to move is that you're running out of space that is he wants to enlarge your territory everything is too small you're just running out of space you're growing you're getting to the next level and this is one of the recent signs that it was time for me and my family to move and find a home you know we've enjoyed our time here is staying with my in-laws I love them so much they are Jamaican so they'd be throwing down like that curry chickens or chicken like they they are amazing I love them so much but just we were just running out of space we're growing family my daughter is getting bigger my son is getting bigger we're a family of four and I don't have enough space to put like some of my clothes like we're literally like tight it's really tight you know when the first came it was okay but over time we're starting to run out of space we can feel the space getting tighter and God is sending us to a new place now he's sending us to a new space that we'll be able to fit in and we'll be to grow our family in and some of you guys got is saying that last season there's no space anymore you're in a place where there's no space anymore I'm bringing you to a new place I'm expanding your territory there's new things coming and I'm not just speaking naturally but spiritually there's new things happening in the spirit I'm bringing you to a new place in me I'm bringing you to a new territory it's time to move it's time to expand I feel God saying some of you are in churches where you've run out of space you've learned everything that you needed to learn but now he wants to expand he wants you to go to another level he's sending you to a different ministry he's sending you to a different church because right now you've reached your max you're not gonna grow you're not gonna grow outside of this you need to go to a different place he send you to a different place and he's enlarging your territory because right now you feel so big you're in this small space and you're getting hungry you're hungry for spiritual revelation you're hungry to learn more and you're not getting what you need because you're growing big you're growing big in this small space and he's sending you to another ministry he's sending you to another Church so I just felt that word for someone in particular but one of the signs that it's probably time to move is you are growing out of space honey like it's time to expand your territory expand your mind expand it on to greater and bigger things and the third sign that God may be saying is time to move is he'll open that door in the right season God may be telling you it's time to move eventually but you have to know the right season in the right time if God is speaking to you about moving eventually at some point but he doesn't open a door don't try to push down the door or make it happen yourself and he really wants someone to move he'll orchestrate everything I've heard him give jobs last-minute jobs that have twice the pay you know open up living situations he'll just open up the door you'll happen he'll take care of it he'll orchestrate your path he'll set away in a path before you he will make away it says in Isaiah chapter 43 verse 19 see I am doing a new thing now it springs up do you not perceive it I am making away in the wilderness and streams in the waist where and when it's time to move when God is doing that new thing in your life he will make a way in the wilderness you may be like how is it gonna work out god he is gonna make away he is gonna bring the streams in the wasteland he's gonna bring the streams of income he's gonna bring the open doors so you don't have to open up that door to yourself so I hope that this gave you confirmation to take that leap of faith if God has been speaking to you about moving I hope that you found this video helpful if you did leave it a thumbs up and if it's your first time on my channel do not forget to subscribe I love you guys so much and I'll see you in my next YouTube video until next time bye [Music]
Channel: Karolyne Roberts
Views: 261,832
Rating: 4.945106 out of 5
Keywords: Signs God is telling you to move, signs God is moving you, signs God is saying to move on, how to move on, God told me, to move, time to move, how to know when it's time to move, moving on, 3 signs, God is telling you, christian, christian youtuber, jesus, christian youtubers, karolyne roberts, karolyn roberts, women preachers, woman preachers, black preachers
Id: -xbbOAAAR48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 27sec (627 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 13 2019
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