5 Signs God Is Testing You!

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hey everyone Caroline Roberts here and welcome back to my youtube channel in this video I'm going to be sharing 5 signs that God is testing you so if you're interested in watching more then definitely stay tuned [Music] so in this video I want to talk about being tested by God or facing different trials and tribulations in your life when you come against testings when you come against trials this is a part of your Christian walk this is a part of your spiritual journey and it is to refine you elevate you and make you stronger if you are a subscriber on my channel you know that a few videos back I posted a video answering the question does God tests us now if you're a little iffy about this topic and you don't believe that God actually tests us and definitely I recommend that you check out that video where I go a little deeper explaining why God does test us and the difference between getting tested by God and getting tempted by the devil there is a difference so on your free time if you haven't checked out that video check out that video before you watch this video but for those of you guys who've seen my video and you know and understand that god can sometimes test us and sometimes in our Christian walk we face different trials and tribulations in this video I want to share five different types of tests that we go through during our spiritual journey now first of all I want to define the word trial we talked about testing but testing is a vague word you can talk about a test in school you can talk about a driving test but since we're talking about spiritual means today I want to specifically talk about going through trials a trial is a test but it is a spiritual test with the purpose of building your faith so I want to go deeper and share the definition of the word trial so in the Hebrew the transliteration of the word trial is massive the definition is a test a trial approving so a lot of times when we go through a trial it is to test this it is to prove something in us it is to refine us so I'm gonna you guys five different areas where God tries to prove in us where God tests us so that we can be refined in these areas and in these characteristics that are essential to our Christian law so number one one of the first tests that we face as Christians and as believers on our spiritual journey is the test of sacrifice raise your hand if you ever came across this test of sacrifice where God wanted you to give up something that you cared about give up something that meant a lot to you maybe you know you left your job to step out in faith and do what God called you to do but it was a big sacrifice because you had a steady paycheck that you were able to rely on you had that comfort ability you had that stability but now God is calling you to a place to step out of faith and you have to sacrifice the comfort you have to sacrifice you know the steady check you have to sacrifice some of those funds you have to sacrifice certain things that you could afford maybe you used to get your nails done and you can't get your nails done anymore or maybe you used to eat out all the time but now you're in this place of faith because God has called you to something new he is stretching you he is stretching your faith this is the test of sacrifice and I'm reminded of two instances in the Bible where God tested men through and by their sacrifice there was one instance when it came to Abraham and Isaac Abraham was promised a son Isaac and God gave him God fulfilled this promise to him but then when Isaac was older God asked Abraham to sacrifice him to kill his one and only son that he had been waiting for all these years that was promised in him and this was a test of sacrifice and Abraham went to Mount Moriah in obedience and he was prepared to sacrifice his one and only son Isaac when an angel of the Lord stopped him and said stop do not lay a hand on that boy because now I know that you fear the Lord and was more important to Abraham than the promise that Abraham had received maybe God gave you a promise maybe God gave you a prophetic word but are you idolizing the promise are you idolizing that prophetic word over God is that more important to you than to God are you willing to sacrifice it are you willing to lay it out on the altar if God asks you today give me that house give me that car give me that relationship would you be willing to do it this is the test of sacrifice there is another instance in the Bible where the test of sacrifice took place and in this instance it was the rich young ruler the rich young ruler came to Jesus and he said what can I do in order to inherit eternal life and he was listing all these Commandments he said I've done this I've done that Jesus said well one thing you haven't done you haven't sold all your possessions and giving it to the poor and the rich young ruler went away sad because he was a very rich man with a lot of possessions so maybe you feel like you have all the works maybe you feel like you're the nicest person but do your possessions have your heart it wasn't that he was rich it wasn't that he had things because God can bless us to be rich that can bless us to prosper but his things had him his riches had his heart and God wants your heart and he wants you to sacrifice anything on the altar that you were trying to place beforehand and these are not in any order but one of the tests that a lot of us go through is the test of sacrifice so another test that many of us go through is the test of the heart and mind and as you will see a lot of these tests are intertwined because the test of sacrifice has a lot to do with the test of the heart and mind because if your heart and mind is idolizing something then it's gonna be harder for you to sacrifice that thing but I want to go to a few scriptures where God says he tests the heart and minds of his people so who has your heart thing has your heart does money have your heart does a person have your heart above God does your your gifts and talents have your heart does your career does your job does your busyness have your heart are you too busy to spend time with God what has your mind what are you thinking of day in and day out are you only thinking of your marketing plan are you only thinking of your future husband or are your thoughts on God are you worshiping God throughout the day and your thoughts and in your mind or are you worshipping fear is everything you think of filled with fear and anxiety and worry about tomorrow worry about how you're gonna eat worry about how things are gonna happen who has your heart and who has your mind so I want to go to scripture it says in Psalm 26 verse to test me Lord and try me examine my heart in my mind proverbs 17 3 says fire tests the purity of silver and gold but the Lord tests the heart Jeremiah 17 10 I the LORD search the heart and examine the mind to reward each person according to their conduct according to what their deeds deserve Psalm 139 verse 23 search me O God and know my heart test me and know my anxious thoughts so I just gave you four different scriptures that express that God tests the heart and minds of men God knows our thoughts and he sees our hearts and those with pure hearts will be rewarded that is why david was chosen to be king that is why david was elevated because god said man looks at the outward appearance but i look at the heart god looked at David's heart and that is what promoted him that is what elevated him so what test is God giving you right now as it pertains to your heart and as it pertains to your mind and are you passing those tests today third test that I want to talk about is the test of patience now I know this test all too well and I'm sure a lot of you guys can relate to the test of patience this is probably one of the hardest tests especially in our society from those of you guys who are from America or maybe a European Society everything is fast fast fast we have deadlines we have meetings we have fast-food restaurants where we can just drive through we have extra fast shipping on Amazon two-day one-day shipping everything is fast fast fast so being tested with the test of patience in this society is really going to help to refine us in our godly character revelation 3 verse 10 says since you have kept my command to endure patiently I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth didn't I say that these tests were intertwined so in this scripture God says if you pass this test of patience then I'll keep you from the trial that is to come so when you pass certain tests you pass other tests but if you fail certain tests then you have to keep retaking those tests and go through other tests so start passing those tests in your life so that you can be elevated to the next level number four the fourth test that a lot of us go through is the test of the word knowing God's Word and knowing God's truth I reminded of Jesus in the Bible when he went too fast in the wilderness for 40 days and 40 nights and the devil came to him and tried to tempt him and he said if you are truly the Son of God then jump from this mountain the angels will carry you and he said I'll give you everything you see I'll give you power the enemy was trying to tempt him but jesus said that man does not live by bread alone but by every word that comes from the mouth of God and he also said the word says do not test the Lord your God so jesus knew his word Jesus had the Word of God in him so when that test in that trial came up against him he was able to endure and stand firm God wants to make sure that we know our word especially if we are sharing the gospel especially if we are leaders and our teachers in the body of Christ pastors we are going to be held and tribe and judge at a higher standard because we need to handle God's Word with great responsibility and care be diligent to present yourself approved to God a worker who does not need to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth so we have the Bible and a lot of times we're going to be tested in different situations in life to see if God's Word is in us when you face spiritual warfare you need to know that God's Word is the sword of the Spirit that is what you're going to use to be able to fight back the enemy when he comes at you but if you don't have any word in you then you are not armed up with the right spiritual armor to protect yourself in spiritual warfare so are you passing the test of having God's Word inside of you and the last test is the test of faith the test of faith going back to the story of Abraham Abraham was not only tested with sacrifice he was not only tested through his heart and mind but his faith was tested God promised him that through Isaac he would have descendants greater than the stars in the sky so if he sacrificed Isaac how would that promise possibly come to pass abraham believed that even if he sacrificed Isaac the one whom he believed the promise was going to come through that God would still make away so do you have the test of faith today do you have faith to believe that when you are willing to sacrifice something that God will still make a way do you have faith to believe that when everything is falling apart in your life that God is still in control that all things will work out for your good that is the to faith so I want to share two scriptures today about the test of faith it says in 2nd Corinthians 13 verse 5 test yourselves to see if you are in the faith examine yourselves or do you not recognize this about yourselves that Jesus Christ is in you unless you fail the test Hebrews 11 17 through 19 by faith Abraham when God tested him offered Isaac as a sacrifice he who had embraced the promises was about to sacrifice his one and only son even though God had said to him it is through Isaac that your offering will be reckoned Abraham reasoned that God could even raise the dead and so in a manner of speaking he did receive Isaac back from death Abraham was willing to sacrifice Isaac because he had so much faith that he knew if I had to raise back Isaac from the dead in order to fulfill his promise he could do it so I hope that this video encouraged you and gave you more information about the five different ways that God tests us so that he can refine us improve us in this spiritual walk if you did enjoy it definitely leave this video a thumbs up and if it's your first time on my channel do not forget to subscribe I love you guys so much and I'll see you in my next video until next time bye [Music]
Channel: Karolyne Roberts
Views: 128,161
Rating: 4.9635143 out of 5
Keywords: Does God test people, is God testing me, is God testing you, signs God is testing you, bible tests, God test bible, bible verses about God testing people, what does the bible say about God testing, how to know if God is testing you, testing christian, Gods test, why does God test people, how does God test people, is God tempting me, can God tempt people, does God tempt people, tests from God, tests by God
Id: 5VACoS_v3NY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 29sec (929 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 04 2020
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