Let God Choose Your Spouse!

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God is a matchmaker let God choose your spouse if you are interested in watching more on this topic then definitely stay tuned [Music] hey everyone Caroline Roberts here and welcome back to my youtube channel in today's video I'm gonna be sharing 5 reasons why you should let God choose your spouse if you've read my book the one revealed then you know that I share how God revealed to me who my husband was so let's get started with the first reason why I think you should allow God to choose your spouse so the first reason why you should let God choose your spouse is that God is our Creator he created you and he created your future spouse he knows exactly what you need sometimes we think we know what we need or we know what we want but a lot of times we just if we could just be honest we just don't know what is good for us that is why many people end up in toxic relationships but if God has called you to be married and if he's placed that desire on your heart he wants to give you a relationship where you are safe where you are encouraged where you're able to bring him glory and where your relationship can flourish the best way to do that is by trusting God to choose your spouse and trust that he knows exactly what you need there's someone in this world that is compatible for you and God knows who that would be now the second reason why you should let God not only choose your spouse but you should let God be a part of your relationship let God be the center of your relationship because God is a relationship expert he created relationships and he gives the best advice I remember when my husband and I were engaged sometimes when we would get in disagreements I wouldn't know what to do but I would go in prayer and I would pour out my heart to God and God would give me advice on how to deal with my husband when you have God on your side when you have God at the center of your relationship he can give you advice so that you guys can get stronger and stick together so that conflict does not break you up or come in between you it's so important another reason why I believe you should trust God with your love life even though we have free will you can do whatever you want to do you can choose to be with whoever you want to be with but why not care about God's opinion why not care about his preference why not come to him and ask him what is his idea for you what does he think is best what is his will what is his desire for your life God does give us free will but I believe that in that he has a desire for us to trust him he has a desire for us to come to him in relationship and care about what he thinks and that leads me to my third point is you should trust God with your love life because God has the largest database two profiles of potential suitors and potential mates he has the world he has access to every man and woman in this world he has a profile on them he knows their true date of birth he knows their struggles he knows their weaknesses he knows their strengths a lot of times and I have nothing against online dating but a lot of times we our first resort is to run to online dating or run to a dating app and to hope we find the perfect profile of someone that will meet our desires and be compatible with us and meet everything off of our checklist but many times what these online dating websites are even just being friends with people on social media that you don't know many times it's not truthful many times people put filters on their picture it's not a true depiction of who they are and you don't get a true idea of who someone is all the time if you only are able to judge them from their online profile when you do go on a dating website you know someone might say they're Christian in their profile but the next thing you know they're sliding in your DMS asking if they can come over to do whatever but God knows every single person on this earth intimately and intricately because he is our Creator so that is the third reason why why not trust God with your love life we put more trust in dating apps and websites when God has the number one database in this world the third reason why you should trust God with your love life in your relationships is that God will reveal to you things that are hidden and a lot of times people when you are dating them they're able to keep secrets or they're able to put on a persona to make you feel happy to make you feel good maybe they act different around you than how they act around other people but when you have God as the one who is guiding you and leading you in everything that you do he will protect you and in his protection he will expose hidden things he will expose secrets he will expose the motives of people he will send people to warn you I have so many videos on my channel about signs that God is warning you to not be in a relationship with someone so if you haven't ever seen those and definitely check out those videos but when you allow God to lead you he will send you those signs and those warnings and those red flags you will feel the conviction of the Holy Spirit when something is not right so that is another reason why it is super important to involve God in your love life and to trust him to help you choose the right spouse and the fifth reason why you should allow God to choose your spouse is that only God sees the heart of man the Bible says that man looks at the outward appearance but God looks at the heart and God will give you someone who has a heart after him a heart for him a heart for you someone who truly loves you God is able to see when someone's heart is not right when someone's heart is not pure and he would never put you in a relationship with someone who did not have the right heart because we are God's princes and princesses and he only wants the best for us he is a good good father and he gives good gifts to his children God sees the heart and a lot of times when we are dating at the beginning we tend to just look at the outward appearance tend to see oh does he have a six-pack or you know is he tall does he have a good smile does he have good teeth nothing is wrong with those things physical attraction is important and it does play a role but the heart is so important because if you look good on the outside but you have a nasty heart eventually you will start to look ugly eventually you'll find yourself in an ugly situation with that person so those are my five reasons why you should let God choose your spouse you should allow God invite him in to your love life many of us say you know God you can be in this area of my life but this area is off-limits this area I don't trust you in and I really want to challenge you to trust God in every area of your life not just in your finances not just on the job not just with your friendships but in your relationships as well I hope that you found this video helpful if you did leave it a thumbs up and I decided that I'm gonna do a little giveaway today and I don't think I've done a giveaway in a while on my channel so I'm gonna give away a copy of my new book this is the eighth book that I've written it is the one reveals volume two and it's the book that I referenced earlier in this video when I talked about how God revealed to me who my husband was so if you're interested in reading this book then in the comment section let me know why you would like to read the book and make sure that you're subscribed to my channel in order to win it and I will be reaching out to the winner next week for your address and contact information and I will be sending you a copy of my book but that is it for today I love you guys so much and I'll see you in my next YouTube video until next time bye [Music]
Channel: Karolyne Roberts
Views: 116,924
Rating: 4.9752164 out of 5
Keywords: God is a matchmaker, Let God choose your spouse, Does God choose your spouse?, God is the best matchmaker, matchmaker, Ultimate matchmaker, christian dating, the one, Does God choose your mate?, Does God tell you who to marry, Is there such thing as the one?, relationships, marriage, the man God has for you, the mate God has for you, God's best, dating, Godly dating, christ-centered relationship, relationship advice
Id: BMQzIv5WVp8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 22sec (562 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 06 2020
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